Government Unit 3 Answers PHS

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(L5) The executive branch checks the legislative branch by ____.

(all of these) sharing power with other branches vetoing congressional bills serving as Commander in Chief

(Q1) Choose which congressional office is being described by the chart.(horizontal)

(president pro tempore)

(L1) How many senators are currently in the Senate?


(L1) How many senators does each state send to the Senate?


(L6) How many electoral votes must a candidate receive to declare victory?


(L1) How many representatives are in the House of Representatives?


(L1) How did the Constitution originally apportion House seats in Congress?

A state received one representative for every 30,000 citizens.

(L1) Describe how gerrymandering can be used to influence the election of representatives to Congress.

AMV // My Answer: The term gerrymandering describes the deliberate rearrangement of a district's boundaries to influence the outcome of elections. By redistricting, a majority party can scatter the strength of minority parties over many districts, or it can concentrate votes into a few districts to gain more House seats.

(L5) Could a President pardon a convicted murderer under Texas state law?

AMV/My Answer: The president can only pardon federal crimes not crimes of the state. The state of Texas can only have Gregg Abbott pardon crimes.

(L7) Why is agency capture a problem for regulatory commissions?

An industry business might be able to influence agency employees to rule in its interest.

(L7) Whose Presidency established the spoils system to reward supporters with government jobs?

Andrew Jackson

(L3) Arrange the events for how a bill becomes a law through the House of Representatives in chronological order using the numbers 1-9. 6 X3 1 7 X5 X2 X4 X8 X9

Arrange the events for how a bill becomes a law through the House of Representatives in chronological order using the numbers 1-9. The House Rules Committee determines whether the bill will be debated and for how long the debate will last. The bill is referred to a subcommittee to be marked up. The bill is proposed by a member of the House of Representatives. The House debates the bill. When the House and Senate disagree, the bill is sent to a conference committee. The bill is first referred to a full standing committee. The bill is returned back to a full standing committee. The bill is sent to the President for his signature. The bill is assigned a number by the clerk.

(Q1) Arrange the events of passing a bill in chronological order using the numbers 1-6. 5 4 3 2 6 1

Arrange the events of passing a bill in chronological order using the numbers 1-6. The bill is referred to a subcommittee to be marked up. The bill is sent to a conference committee to work out differences between the Senate and House. The House Rules Committee allows the bill to be debated on the House floor. The bill is referred to a full standing committee. The bill is sent to the President for his signature. The bill is proposed by a member of the House of Representatives and assigned a number by the clerk.

(L5) Arrange the order of presidential succession using the numbers 1-5. 5 4 3 2 1

Arrange the order of presidential succession using the numbers 1-5. other Cabinet heads secretary of state president pro tempore Speaker of the House vice president

(Q2) Arrange the order of presidential succession using the numbers 1-5. 5 4 3 2 1

Arrange the order of presidential succession using the numbers 1-5. other Cabinet heads secretary of state president pro tempore Speaker of the House vice president

(L2) ______ of the Constitution enumerates 27 congressional powers.

Article I, Section 8

(L7) Which bureaucratic group has the most political prestige?

Cabinet departments

(L1) Choose whether each is a qualification for a member of the House of Representatives, a Senator, or for both. House of Representatives Senator Both Senator House of Representatives Senator House of Representatives

Choose whether each is a qualification for a member of the House of Representatives, a Senator, or for both. must be at least 25 years old must have been a U.S. citizen for at least nine years must live in the state from which he or she is elected must be at least 30 years old must have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years serve six-year terms serve two-year terms

(L2) Choose whether the Constitution grants the House of Representatives the power, the Senate the power, or if the Constitution grants the power to Both. Both House of Representatives Senate Senate House of Representatives Both Senate Both House of Representatives

Choose whether the Constitution grants the House of Representatives the power, the Senate the power, or if the Constitution grants the power to Both. power to change the size of the Supreme Court power to impeach power to approve treaties power to try impeachments power to elect the president when there is no majority power to override presidential vetoes power to approve executive appointments power to pass bills into law power to originate bills to raise revenue and levy taxes

(Q1) Choose which congressional office is being described by the chart. (in a position)

Choose which congressional office is being described by the chart.

(L2) Select THREE limitations placed on Congress related to the Commerce Clause.

Congress may not show favoritism for ports in one state over ports in other states. Congress is prohibited from placing taxes on exports. Congress may not require duties from vessels leaving one state and entering another.

(L2) Bills must be passed only by the House of Representatives to become law.


(Q2) The _____ eliminated patronage by prohibiting civil employees from participating in partisan politics and soliciting public contributions.

Hatch Act of 1939

(Q1) Choose which congressional office is being described by the chart. (horizontal w/ question on top)

House minority leader

(L4) How is the President's relationship with Congress influenced by which party is in power?

If the President is of the majority party, then he can usually count on party loyalty to advance his agenda.

(L6) How is the number of electors determined for each state?

It equals the number of the state's representatives and senators in Congress.

(L2) How did the court case Juilliard v. Greenman affect the Legal Tender Act of 1862?

It established that notes issued under congressional authority were legal tender for payment of any debt.

(Q1) What is the purpose of cloture?

It provides a way for the Senate to work around a filibuster.

(L2) Why was paper money not valued by the states after the American Revolution?

It was not backed by gold or silver and was considered worthless.

(Q1) The _____ Supreme Court decision established that notes issued under congressional authority were legal tender for payment of any debt.

Juilliard v. Greenman

(L7) Match the areas. Independent agency Government corporation Regulatory commission Cabinet-level executive department Government corporation Regulatory commission

Match the areas. Central Intelligence Agency United States Postal Service Federal Communications Commission Department of Defense AMTRAK Nuclear Regulatory Commission

(L7) Match the areas. Cabinet-level department Cabinet-level department Government corporation Independent agency Regulatory commission Regulatory commission

Match the areas. Department of Commerce attorney general Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation National Aeronautics and Space Administration Occupational Safety and Health Administration Food and Drug Administration

(L2) Match the descriptions with the words. impeachment legal tender exorbitant defunct

Match the descriptions with the words. formal charges brought against a public official for high crimes and misdemeanors anything backed by the government as money excessive no longer operating

(L3) Match the descriptions with the words. a filibuster a rider the mark-up session the cloture rule a bill

Match the descriptions with the words. talking a bill to death amendment attached to a popular bill that does not necessarily relate to the bill procedure by which a subcommittee revises a bill into a form of which the majority approves passed to limit the length of time debate can occur on a bill a proposal that may eventually become a law

(Q1) Match the descriptions with the words.

Match the descriptions with the words. talking a bill to death formal charges brought against a public official for high crimes and misdemeanors amendment attached to a bill likely to pass that does not necessarily relate to the bill anything that the government backs as money ensures that one branch is not more powerful than another

(L4) Match the presidential roles with the responsibilities. Chief Legislator Chief of State Chief Diplomat Commander in Chief Chief Executive Popular Leader Chief of the Party

Match the presidential roles with the responsibilities. The President influences the creation of legislation. The President serves as the ceremonial head that represents the United States at public events. The President makes foreign policy and receives foreign ambassadors. The President is responsible for national security. The President oversees the administration of the executive branch and enforcement of U.S. laws. The President speaks on behalf of the people. The President is the leader of the political party of which he is a member.

(Q2) Match the presidential roles with the responsibilities. Chief Executive Chief Diplomat Chief of the Party Chief of State Commander in Chief

Match the presidential roles with the responsibilities. implements and enforces the country's laws represents the United States when meeting foreign ambassadors and heads of state leader of his political party represents the United States as its ceremonial head civilian leader of the military

(L3) Match the statements with the congressional officers. Answers may be used more than once. president pro tempore X president of the Senate House majority whip X Speaker of the House Senate minority leader House minority leader Senate majority/minority whips vice president of the United States Senate minority leader Speaker of the House vice president of the United States X

Match the statements with the congressional officers. Answers may be used more than once. appointment based on seniority; serves when vice president is unable to serve works with the Speaker and majority leader to schedule debates on important issues is also the vice president of the United States third-ranking member in the House informs the Speaker how members will vote presiding officer of the Senate from day to day most powerful office in the House; refers legislation; represents the majority leading member of the minority party in the Senate leading member of the minority party in the House; attempts to block majority legislation assists the majority/minority leaders of the Senate becomes President if President dies leading member of the majority party in the Senate succeeds vice president in line of succession to the Presidency ceremonial head of the Senate who votes only when needed to break a tie speaks for the majority party on the floor of the House

(Q1) Match the statements with the houses of the U.S. Congress. Answers may be used more than once.

Match the statements with the houses of the U.S. Congress. Answers may be used more than once. has equal representation in all states, with two representatives from each state serving staggered terms has constitutional power to approve treaties has constitutional power to raise revenue through taxation has six-year terms for elected members has 435 members must be a citizen for at least nine years to become a member

(Q1) Match the statements with the houses of the U.S. Congress. Answers may be used more than once.

Match the statements with the houses of the U.S. Congress. Answers may be used more than once. must be 25 years old to become a member has two-year terms for elected members must live in state in which elected has number of representatives for each state determined by population has staggered terms to ensure stability and continuity

(L5) Match the statements with the presidential powers granted by the Constitution. power to receive ambassadors power to convene sessions of Congress power as Commander in Chief power to make appointments

Match the statements with the presidential powers granted by the Constitution. This constitutional power was intended to be a mere formality but evolved over time into a presidential foreign policy tool. This constitutional power gives the President the ability to assemble Congress at times he feels are necessary in the conducting of the nation's business. The responsibility for the military is shared between the executive and legislative branches. This constitutional power allows the President to seek assistance in administering his duties as the Chief Executive.

(L6) Match the statements with the words. (DA = Disadvantage, ADV = Advantage) disadvantages of a congressional caucus advantages of the Electoral College advantages of a closed primary disadvantages of the Electoral College advantages of an open primary advantages of the convention system of nomination

Match the statements with the words. (DA = Disadvantage, ADV = Advantage) This nominating process became corrupted by party leaders who closed the process to the public. This election process allows indirect representation of all voters. This nominating process reduces the chance of one political party voting for a weaker candidate of another party, and also encourages party loyalty. This election process may not represent all of the people in its winner-take-all method of voting. This nominating tool allows more people to participate in the election process at the local level regardless of party affiliation. This nominating tool enabled representation from the local grassroots level to the national convention.

(L5) Match the words with the descriptions. executive privilege executive orders advice and consent Myers v. United States recess appointments pocket veto pardon or reprieve

Match the words with the descriptions. tradition giving the President the right to withhold information from others President's role ensuring that the law is faithfully executed practice where President consults with Congress before making appointments authorized President to remove others from office without congressional approval nomination of a position without congressional approval while Congress is not in session failure to sign a bill within ten days after Congress has adjourned power to forgive or postpone a sentence presidential directive that is legally binding

(L6) Select TWO ways political parties now influence the election process.

Nominations are made by the political parties. Electors are pledged according to party lines.

(L6) Select THREE ways the electoral process had changed by 1800.

Political parties had assumed the nomination process. Presidential electors pledged to vote along party lines rather than for their personal choice of candidate. Electors automatically cast votes as they had pledged to their political parties.

(L4) Which of the following would be the best title for the above diagram?

Presidential Influence Over Federal Bureaucracy

(L4) Why does the popularity of Presidents tend to decline over time?

Presidents are inevitably unable to keep promises and eventually make decisions that do not meet some voters' expectations.

(L7) ____ are much smaller than executive departments in size.

Regulatory commissions

(L1) Why did the Framers create one body with members serving two-year terms while the other body features six-year terms?

Shorter terms give the populace the opportunity to change elected officials who fail to meet their expectations; longer terms allow for continuity in policymaking.

(L3) Why is a House bill sent to the Rules Committee?

The Committee sifts through thousands of bills to determine which ones will be presented on the House floor.

(L6) Select THREE reasons why the Framers felt that a direct popular vote would not work.

The Framers feared the people would only vote for the candidate of their particular region. The Framers feared it would be too disorderly for the new nation. Travel and communication were limited, making it difficult for people to learn about the candidates and vote for them.

(L7) The best title for the diagram would be ______.

The Hatch Act of 1939

(L6) What happens if there is no majority winner in a presidential election?

The House of Representatives elects the President, the Senate the vice president.

(L6) Select TWO ways the Twelfth Amendment changed the way the President is selected.

The House will elect the President, and the Senate will elect the vice president, should there be no majority candidate. It separated the balloting of the President and vice president.

(L5) Select FOUR ways that the President's power is limited by the will of Congress.

The President works with Congress in sharing responsibility for the military. Congress must confirm executive appointments. A two-thirds majority of the Senate must approve treaties signed by the President. Congress may override a veto by a two-thirds vote.

(L3) Select THREE advantages for the majority party in selecting the Speaker of the House.

The Speaker appoints all members of the Rules Committee. The Speaker refers legislation to various committees and can schedule legislative debates. The Speaker can make appointments to committees that determine the fate of bills.

(L4) Select TWO facts about the Constitution and the military.

The legislative branch has the power to decide when the United States will go to war. The Constitution places the President over the military, making him the Commander in Chief.

(L1) Select FOUR reasons Congress has been called the People's Branch.

The people have direct access to the lawmakers making the policies. The Framers wanted a republic accountable to the people. Public policy is created by elected officials who represent the will of the people. Lawmakers are elected by the people to represent their views.

(L3) Why is a bill sent to a subcommittee?

The subcommittees hold hearings and gather information.

(L4) Select the TWO presidents who expanded the power of the executive office, turning it into a more activist role in the early 20th century.

Theodore Roosevelt Woodrow Wilson

(L7) How do independent agencies differ from the Cabinet in authority?

They report directly to the President, not an executive department.

(L2) Evaluate the diagram and answer the question below.

War Powers Resolution

(L7) Select the THREE key tasks of all government agencies.

adjudication of rules administration of policy creation of regulations

(L5) The executive branch checks the judicial branch by ___.

appointing judges and granting reprieves and pardons

(L3) Select TWO ways the seniority rule is used in committee appointments.

assigns members who have long records of service to special posts rewards high-ranking members with important appointments

(Q2) The Twelfth Amendment separated the ______ of the President and vice president.


(L3) A ____ is a temporary committee that works out a compromise when the House and the Senate disagree on a bill.

conference committee

(L1) How many representatives does each state send to the House of Representatives?

determined by population

(L4) Select THREE ways the President might persuade other groups.

influence public perceptions by developing a positive public image veto power executive orders

(L3) This study committee has no authority and is composed of members from both houses of Congress.

joint committee

(L7) The Constitution ____.

makes no mention at all of the ways in which the President is to disperse his power among others

(L5) The executive branch checks itself by ___.

none of these

(L5) A(n) ____ is legal forgiveness of a crime.


(L1) Select TWO facts about a bicameral system of government.

provides for equal representation among states and equal representation of its citizens divides legislative duties between upper and lower houses

(L5) A postponement of the carrying out of a sentence is a(n) ____.


(L7) Select the FOUR executive positions created in 1789 to form the first Cabinet.

secretary of state attorney general secretary of war secretary of the treasury

(L1) The principle of ____ ensures that one branch of government does not become more powerful than the others.

separation of powers

(L3) What is the maximum amount of time a bill can be debated in the House?

several hours

(L3) A ____ is a temporary committee that oversees the implementation of congressional policies.

special committee

(L3) A ____ is one of 27 permanent committees that conducts hearings and investigations.

standing committee

(L3) The House Rules Committee, an example of a ____, is the most influential committee.

standing committee

(L3) To which type of committee is a newly introduced bill sent?

standing committee

(L7) Which four groups form the federal bureaucracy?

the Cabinet, the regulatory commissions, independent agencies, and government corporations

(Q2) If the Electoral College does not determine a winner, then ______.

the House of Representatives elects the President and the Senate selects the vice president

(L3) What is the maximum amount of time a bill can be debated in the Senate?


(L4) Select TWO ways the President might exert pressure on Congress based on his relationship with the public.

use diplomacy and persuasion to form coalitions to advance his agenda works to gain approval from the same public that elects members of Congress

(L6) When is the outcome of the presidential election actually determined?

when the Electoral College meets in December

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