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What did Mansa Sundiata use to take care of Mali's finances and defense?

Special Administrators

Name two important Muslim rulers in Sanghai Empire?

Sunni Ali and Askia Muhammed

What kind of weapons did the Songhai Army use?

Swords and Spears

What was the dominant power of West Africa from 1200-1400?

The Empire of Mali

In what the 16th century who defeated the Songhai with gunpowder and canons?

The Morrocons.

Why were camels significant to establishing trade?

They established successful trade route through Sahara.

What was the Army of Sunni Ali & Askia Muhammed like?

They had a professional army with a fleet of WAR CANOES and a CALVARY.

What was the government of Sunni Ali & Aksia Muhammed like?

They had an good TAX system and good OFFICIALS.

What did the members of the population who were not converted to Islam (muslim) do instead?

They kept their traditional beliefs and practiced it along with Islam.

Where did the Mali Live? Name one major City in Mali (it was also the capital of the City)

They lived in the South of Ghana Goa.

What discovery first allowed the successful trade routes through the Sahara Desert?

traders took salt from the sahara, crossed the desert by CAMELS and traded ...

How did Ghana's gold-salt trade work?

traders took salt from the sahara, crossed the desert by camel, and traded gold in market towns

Who founded the Empire of Mali?

"Mande" speaking people

When was gunpowder invented?

In the 9th Century (800's)

How did the King's control of the gold supply affect the price of gold?

**Kept the price of gold high

What two key areas did Mansa Sundiata developed?

1. He promoted agriculture 2. He re-established the gold-salt trade

In what century did the Moroccans use gunpowder and canons to invade Songhai and defeat them?

16th Century

How many years did Mansa Musa reign for?

25 years

What was the role of Ghana's King?

>Controlled TRADE >Commanded Large ARMY >Acted as RELIGIOUS LEADER >Acted as CHIEF JUDGE

What trade was only the King allowed to control?

>Gold nuggets

What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Songhai Empire?

>It was prosperous $ >Did not have modern weapons >they used weapons like a wooden sword

What was the transportation of choice in W. Africa & Why?

Camels because: >Better than donkeys & horses because could travel long distances in a day and also up to 10 days without water

What was the justice system in Mali like?

Crime was very low and robbery was unheard of.

What does the word MANSA mean in Mali?


What were the two most important trade items in W. Africa?

Gold & Salt

What regions were gold and salt found in?

Gold > found in forest region Salt > found in sahara region

When was the first gun that shot arrows invented and by whom?

In the 14th Century by the Arabs

How did Mali develop under the rule of Mansa Musa?

It expanded to twice the size of Ghana.

Why was the end of the Songhai period significant?

It was significant as it represented the end of a 1,000 year period of powerful empires that ruled West Africa.

How did limiting the supply of gold nuggets prevent the price from falling in Ghana?

It would enable small landowners to succeed

Which leader expanded Mali and also became the richest man ever to live?

Mansa Musa

Under the rule of what leader did Mali Conquer Ghana?

Mansa Sundiata

Which leader was known to UNITE Mali?

Mansa Sundiata

What did Mansa Musa build in Timbuktu and Gao?

Mosques & Trading Cities

What religion was Mansa Musa?


How did Muslims religion arrive in West Africa?

Muslim traders settled there & introduced their faith.

Did Ghana's Gold help the Mali people to Unite?

No. It did not help, so they remained at war

What does the word Ghana mean?


West African Map

See picture

After the Mali empire's demise which Empire began?

Songhai Empire

What were the people of West Africa (Ghana) called?


What changes did the Songhai Empire make to Mali?

They used Gao as the capital and took over important trade routes.

Which city became one of the most famous cities in Mali and why?

Timbuktu, because its universities were well sought out by scholars.

Until 1300's where did 2/3rds of the world's gold come from?

West Africa

What does the word MALI mean?

Where the King Lives

Did the muslim religion influence rulers and the population?

Yes, the rulers eventually converted. But not the population.

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