Grimaldi's Quiz

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What temperature do our ovens heat up to?

1200 degrees

How much coal does it take to heat the oven each day?

200 lbs

Ho much does an oven weigh

25 tons

What type of coal do we use


Stocking Process

B. Stocking means to stir up or tend to a fire C. To help maintain the integrity of our pizza, we relight the fire at approximately 4pm everyday.

What is the ideal temperature to cook our pizzas at?

Between 500-600 F

Where was the first grimaldis pizzeria


The history of coal-fired brick oven pizza cooking can be traced to the first pizzeria in American in 1945


The oven is the last thing built in a new restaurant


An R.O water system pumping new york water is installed every grimaldis pizzeria to ensure that the dough tastes as authentically new york as possible


Every grimaldis coal-fired oven is designed and built by hand


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