HAP Second Semester

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Less than 1% differential count, releases histamine, promotes inflammation


Only about 2-4% differential count, phagocytic, reduces inflammation due to allergens and parasites


20-40% differential count, immune response to specific pathogens


2-8% differential count, become macrophages to engulfs pathogens or debris


Most abundant (about 60% differential count), phagocytic, engulfs pathogens, releases cytotoxic chemicals


Blood is approximately _______________ percent plasma by volume. a) 46-63 b) 37-54 c) 12-33 d) 25-39 e) 99.9

a) 46-63

What is a benefit of a vascular spasm at the onset of hemostasis? a) a reduction in blood loss b) an increase in peripheral blood flow c) the formation of collagen fibers d) an easier passage for neutrophils to the site of injury e) greater availability of calcium

a) a reduction in blood loss

Plasma proteins that are necessary for blood to maintain osmotic pressure are ... a) albumins b) fibrinogens c) globulins d) fibrin e) platelets

a) albumins

During the recycling of hemoglobin, what is the breakdown product of the globular protein of each hemoglobin molecule? a) amino acids b) stercobilins c) bilirubin d) transferrin e) urobilins

a) amino acids

The function of hemoglobin is to .... a) bind and transport oxygen and carbon dioxide b) protect the body against pathogens c) aid in the process of blood clotting d) carry nutrients from the intestine to the bodyʻs cells e) absorb and neutralize the acids generated by active tissues

a) bind and transport oxygen and carbon dioxide

Red blood cells result from the divisions of cells called .... a) hemocytoblasts b) lymphoblasts c) monoblasts d) myeloblasts e) progenitor cells

a) hemocytoblasts

During red blood cell development, what is the term given to the first anucleate cell? a) reticulocyte b) erythrocyte c) myeloid stem cell d) hemocytoblast e) proerythroblast

a) reticulocyte

Calcium ions and ______________ have an effect on nearly every aspect of the clotting response. a) vitamin K b) vitamin A c) vitamin D d) vitamin E e) thiamin

a) vitamin K

The term _______________ refers to the combination of plasma and the formed elements together. a) whole blood b) hematocrit c) thrombocyte d) hemopoeisis e) packed cell volume

a) whole blood

Type AB blood contains a) A agglutinins on the red blood cells b) agglutinogen A and agglutinogen B c) B agglutinogens on the red blood cells d) B agglutinins in the plasma e) agglutinin A and B

b) agglutinogen A and agglutinogen B

A blood clot attached to the wall of a vessel is called a(n) a) embolus b) thrombus c) plaque d) coagulant e) platelet plug

b) thrombus

Blood normal clots in approximately a) 15 minutes b) 5-10 minutes c) 3-6 minutes d) 90 seconds e) less than 1 minute

c) 3-6 minutes

The average functional lifespan of an RBC is a) 20-30 days b) 1 year c) 60-120 days d) 6 months e) 3-5 days

c) 60-120 days

________________ directly stimulates red blood cell production. a) Intrinsic factor b) Thyroxine c) EPO d) Vitamin B12 e) GH

c) EPo

The percentage of whole blood volume is occupied by formed elements called .... a) normovolemic b) retuculocyte count c) hematocrit d) hemoglobin concentration e) differential count

c) hematocrit

Which organ synthesizes more than 90 percent of plasma proteins? a) kidney b) spleen c) liver d) bone marrow e) thymus

c) liver

Which of the following represents the correct sequence of stages in RBC maturation? a) stem cell, erythroblast, proerythroblast, reticulocyte, RBC b) hemocytoblast, myeloblast, reticulocyte, megakaryocyte, RBC c) myeloid stem cell, proerythrocyte, erythrocyte, reticulocyte, RBC d) monoblast, promonocyte, myelocyte, band cell, RBC e) lymphoblast, proerythroblast, reticulocyte, band cell RBC

c) myeloid stem cell, proerythrocyte, erythrocyte, reticulocyte, RBC

Which one of the following does NOT lead to anemia? a) lack of iron b) hemorrhage c) polycythemia (abnormal increase in RBCs) d) lack of vitamin B12 e) genetic defect such as sickle-shaped RBC

c) polycythemia (abnormal increase in RBCs)

Formed elements that are nucleated and capable of diapedesis are .... a) leukocytes b) chondrocytes c) thrombocytes d) erythrocytes e) melanocytes

c) thrombocytes

As blood flows through peripheral tissues, what occurs regarding the hemoglobin molecules of RBCs? a) Hemoglobin binds oxygen and releases its bound carbon dioxide b) Hemoglobin releases carbon dioxide and oxygen c) Hemoglobin binds oxygen and carbon dioxide d) Hemoglobin binds carbon dioxide and releases its bound oxygen e) Hemoglobin gains an increase in its oxygen-carrying capacity

d) Hemoglobin binds carbon dioxide and releases its bound oxygen

Agglutinins .... a) are surface antigens on RBCs b) prevent blood clotting c) are substances that can trigger a protective defense mechanism called an immune response d) are antibodies that will attack surface antigens on RBCs of a different blood type e) contain abundant stained "granules"

d) are antibodies that will attack surface antigens on RBCs of a different blood type

The inherited condition resulting from the inadequate production of clotting factors is termed .... a) anemia b) thalassemia c) jaundice d) hemophilia e) leukopenia

d) hemophilia

Which condition results from abnormally high levels of bilirubin in the plasma of blood? a) hematuria b) hypoxia c) hemoglobinuria d) jaundice e) proerythroblast

d) jaundice

A personʻs blood type is determined by the ... a) size and shape of red blood cells b) number of antibodies in the plasma c) chemical character of hemoglobin d) presence or absence of specific surface antigens on the plasma membrane e) type of oxygen and carbon dioxide binding sites on the hemoglobin molecules

d) presence or absence of specific surface antigens on the plasma membrane

In adults, the stem cells responsible for the production of red and white blood cells originate primarily in the .... a) liver b) thymus c) spleen d) red bone marrow e) yellow bone marrow

d) red bone marrow

Which one of the following is NOT true of WBCs a) they move by ameboid motion b) they use diapedesis to move in and out of blood vessels c) they account for less than 1 percent of total blood volume d) they initiate the clotting process e) they locate areas of tissue damage through chemotaxis

d) they initiate the clotting process

Bill wants to determine his blood type, so he takes a few drops of blood from a puncture wound in his finger and mixes it with various antisera. His blood cells agglutinate when mixed withe the anti-A serum and anti-Rh serum, but not with the anti-B serum. This means .... a) Bill could receive type B blood in a transfusion b) Bill could donate blood to an individual with type AB blood c) Bill is Rh-negative d) Billʻs plasma would cross-react with type O negative RBCs e) Billʻs plasma contains anti-B antibodies

e) Billʻs plasma contains anti-B antibodies

Which of the following is an agranulocyte? a) erythrocyte b) basophil c) neutrophil d) eosinophil e) monocyte

e) monocyte

The common pathway of coagulation ends with a) the sticking of platelets to damaged tissue b) the activation of a proenzyme exposed to collagen c) the release of tissue factor by damaged endothelium d) the activation of a clotting factor that converts prothrombin to thrombin e) the activation of a clotting factor that converts fibrinogen to fibrin

e) the activation of a clotting factor that converts fibrinogen to fibrin

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