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Vapors and gases with molecular weight greater than ——— tend to sink in air


High pressure tube car

40 foot box type open frame cars, inside the frame is a visible cluster Of 30 seamless non-insulated 40 foot steel cylinders arranged horizontally and permanently attached to the car. They most frequently transport helium gas. Each end of a high-pressure tube car is enclosed in a steel case

specific gravity

A concept used to measure the weight of solids and liquids in comparison to an equal volume of water

What is a head shield on a rail car

A feature that is added to pressure tank cars transporting hazardous materials as well as to non pressure tank cars transporting ethylene oxide. Head shields protect the heads of tank cars from puncture by the coupling mechanism

Non-pressure tank containers

Also called intermodal portable tanks IM portable tanks). They comprise over 90% of the total number of tank containers they generally transport liquid and solid materials at maximum allowable working pressure up to 100 psi G. These tanks usually transport material such as whiskey and other alcohols some corrosives pesticides resin and flammable liquids

Ton containers

Are cylindrical in shape with a rounded heads welded to the cylinder. they are shipped on special flat cars and box cars or gondola cars. fittings are located in the heads, safety relief devices are prohibited for certain poisonous or noxious materials these containers transport gases like Sulfur dioxide and anhydrous ammonia

The ———- boarded pages are an index list of the names of hazardous materials and dangerous goods in alphabetical order


The UN hazard class number must appear in the ————— of the diamond on both placard's in labels


The four digit identification number may replace the class name in the center of the placard for —————- shipments of materials in most classes


shipping papers by water

Called the dangerous cargo manifest Location of papers is wheel house or pipe like container on barge responsible party is the captain or master

Covered hopper cars

Carries dry commodities, they are unloaded by applying air or an inert gas, they are identified by two or more cone shaped structures at the bottom of the car connected by a pipe that is approximately 4 inches in diameter. Dry caustic soda is one material frequently transported in this type of car

The DOT four digit identification number must appear in the —————— of the placard or ————-the placard

Center, beside

The NIOSH pocket guide to chemical hazards list materials by their ———— and provides descriptions of the chemical exposure limits along with first eight procedures in the event of exposure

Chemical name

Corrosive liquid cargo tanks (MC 312 or DOT 412)

Circular cross-section with flat heads usually smaller in diameter than other cargo tanks has visible stiffening rings running vertically around the tank for added strength they usually transport corrosive such as sodium hydroxide Hydro chloric acid and sulfuric acid. these tanks have rollover protection around the manhole and fittings may be equipped with splash protection around the manhole assembly because they carry corrosives. they are often discolored from splashed product around the loading unloading area

Low pressure cargo tank (MC307 or DOT407)

Circular in cross section, low pressure w flat head. (Ie flammable or combustible liquids mild corrosive poisons and all the types of liquid chemicals)

A single word must appear on the front label of agricultural chemicals and pesticides what are the three words

Danger - Required for highly toxic materials, the word poison may also appear at the pesticide is easily absorbed into the body Warning - Required for moderately toxic materials Caution - required for materials with relatively low toxicity

DOT placards

Diamond shaped SIGNS, 10 3/4inch that generally must be affixed on each side And each end of the vehicle Caring hazardous material. Placard's generally indicate the primary hazard and most dangerous property associated with the material being transported

Directions for using emergency response guidebook are provided on the ——— page


The guide title identifies the ———- ———- covered

General hazards

Disadvantages of the DOT emergency response guidebook

Information is very general evacuation table is good for only 30 minutes recommended actions may be inappropriate in some cases

The 4 clues to help recognize hazardous materials

Occupancy and location of a fixed facility Placards lables and markings Shape and desgin of the containers Shipping papers or facility documents

When is the dangerous placard used

On shipments that contain non-bulk packages of two or more table 2 materials if the total amount of each class of material is less than 5000 pounds loaded at one location

DOT placards generally indicate the ————- Which is the most dangerous property

Primary hazard

The four digit identification number cannot replace the class name for the —————— class or classes of explosives or on a dangerous placard


Although there are some exceptions most tank cars carry only a ————- commodity


You in class and division numbers are not found on ——— placard


Certain categories of materials must always be placard with there primary hazard placard regardless of the amount being transported these are referred to as what?

Table 1 materials

As ————— increases the vapor pressure of the liquid increases


The rate at which a chemical reaction occurs depends on a number of factors what are they

Temperature -increasing temperatures usually speed up reactions concentration - increasing the concentration of the reactive materials usually increases the rate of reaction pressure - increasing pressure especially on reacting gases and vapors may speed reactions but this is not always true catalyst present - the catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of chemical reactions, but is not changed by the reaction

Boiling point

Temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas


The ability of a substance to dissolve


The ability of a substance to mix together without limit


The emission electromagnetic energy in either non-ionizing or ionizing form


The inability for substances to be mixed together


The length of time a chemical agent will remain effective in the environment after it has been disbursed

Dry bulk commodity carriers

The vehicle has large sloping V shaped unloading compartments located at the bottom of the trailer and it's rear mounted air compressor. These vehicles carry dry material such as fertilizer oxidizers and plastics

Non-pressure cargo tanks (MC 306 DOT 406)

These cargo tanks have elipticle cross sections and flat heads these things are usually compartmented. with each compartment having its own manhole assembly. These tanks also have rollover protection a cat walk running the length of the tank. in many cases non-pressure tanks are prematurely marked with the owners name and type of material be transported. These tanks were primarily designated to carry petroleum products such as gasoline and fuel oil

Tank containers

These consist of a single metal tank mounted inside a sturdy metal supporting frame. They can be used in two or more modes of transportation such as rail highway or water the tank is generally built as a cylinder and closed at the ends by heads. 90% or more of tanks are built of stainless steel. The supporting frame of tank containers protects the tank and allows the containers to be stacked lifted and secured more easily. there are two basic types of supporting frames the box type which enclosed the tank in a cage like framework and the beam type which uses framed structures only at the end of the tank

Cryogenic liquid tank cars

These tanks carry low pressure usually 25 PSIG or lower extremely cold refrigerated liquids materials found in these are usually argon refrigerated hydrogen nitrogen oxygen. Cryo-genic liquid tank cars are tanks within a tank style with a steel inner tank support within a strong outer insulation and kept under a vacuum The combination of insulation and vacuum protects the contents from ambient temperatures for only 30 days making the shipments time sensitive You can recognize these cars by the relatively clean lines. Fittings for loading and unloading pressure relief and venting are located in ground level cabinets at diagonal corners of the car or in the center at one end of the car

Pressure tank cars (railroad)

These tanks usually carry flammable and non-flammable compressed gases or poisonous compressed gases however sometimes they're used to carry other hazardous products. Pressure tank cars are top loading with pressures ranging from 100 psi G to 600 psi G Pressure thing cars have a protective housing which is mounted on the manway cover plate at the top center of the tank this housing protects the fittings in the event of a derailment

Low pressure cargo tanks (MC307 DOT407)

They have circular cross sections and flat heads these tanks are usually compartmented with each compartment having its own manhole assembly they normally carry products such as flammable or combustible liquids mild corrosive poisons and almost all other types of liquid chemicals. These tanks have rollover protection around the area of the manhole assembly some tanks have rollover protection extending from the front to the back of the tank this is sometimes called a cat walk. A catwalk usually indicates that the tank has more than one manhole assembly and is compartmented

Ignition temperature

This is the temperature at which a material starts to burn without a flame or other ignition source present

The corresponding DOT four digit identification number

This must appear in the center of the placard or beside the placard. the four digit identification number may replace the class name in the center of the placard for bulk shipments of materials in most classes however it cannot replace the class name for the radioactive classes or classes of exposes her on the dangers placard.

Color and health hazard for NFPA 704

Top - red - flammability Right - yellow - reactivity Bottom - white - special hazards Left - blue - health hazard

The EPA regulates the use and labeling of agricultural chemicals and pesticides including those materials regulated by DOT for interstate transport. EPA labeling requirements are usually incorporated into the manufacturers product labels. The label must include the name of the product, the name and address of the manufacture, the product number registered with EPA, active ingredients and specific ———— statements


Shipping papers for rail

Waybill or consist the location will be with member of train crew conductor or engineer and responsible person is the conductor


When solid changes directly to a gas

Melting point

When solid changes to a liquid


When the solvent can no longer mix with the solute

The ———— pages are an index list of hazardous materials and dangerous goods in a numerical order by UN or NA number

Yellow boarded pages

Pages by color for the emergency response guidebook

Yellow boarded pages - find material by use of identification number Blue boarded pages - find material by name of material Green Boarded pages - contain additional information in the back of the book, they describe protective actions that should be taken immediately Orange Boarded pages - these pages contain information on basic hazards and suggested response actions

Pressure tank containers

less common in transport and designed to with stand pressures ranging from 100 to 500 PSIG generally transport gases liquefied under pressure like petroleum gas

Tube trailer

these carriers contain from from 2 to 20 long thin cylinder or tubes that are permanently mounted on a semi trailer. Designed to carry gases under pressure they do not carry liquefied gases. usually transport gases such as argon carbon dioxide helium and hydrogen nitrogen oxygen and refrigerant gases

Non pressure tank cars

-General service or low pressure -Carries: Flammable/combustable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers, organic peroxides, corrosives, poisons and molten solids - also transport non hazardous materials such as edible and inedible animal oils, fruits, vegetable juices - transport material at vapor pressure below 25psgi - Pressure: 60-100 psi -Capacity 4000-45000 gal -( Non pressure) No dome with visible settings is found in US -(Non pressure) Expansion dome with visible fittings and older models are mainly found in Mexico -each non-pressure tank car has at least one man way that allows access to the interior of the car -generally when fittings are visible on the tank car the car is a non-pressure tank car

Ranking system for NFPA 704 marking system goes from - ?

0-4 with zero indicating no risk and 4 indicating greater risk

All other classes of hazardous materials (table 2 materials) must be placard for bulk shipment of more than ————— pounds of that material


Table 2 materials must be placard for bulk shipment over ——— pounds of that material.


DOT labels

4 inch diamonds affixed to non-bulk packages of hazardous material, required labels are usually affixed to opposite sides of the package. If only one label is required it must be affixed on or near the package closure. If two or more different labels are required they must be positioned next to one another. Labels must be affixed near the shipping name of the material

Identification numbers

All hazardous materials are assigned a four digit identification number this number can be used in conjunction with the DOT emergency response guidebook to determine the name of the material as well as hazard and response information When DOT identification numbers are required on bulk packages of hazardous materials they made it be displayed in the following ways 4 inch black numbers on a 6 x 15 orange panel adjacent to the placard In the center of the placard In the center of a white diamond when no other placard is required

Things to remember about radiation

Alpha particles can travel only a short distance up to 4 inches and can be stopped by thin film of Water or a sheet of paper Beta can travel further than alpha particles about 30 feet from their source. They can penetrate about 1 - 1/2 inches of wood and through 1/10 to 1/2inch of human skin. alpha beta particles cause the most harm if they are inhaled or ingested. beta particles can cause serious skin burns and are particularly hazardous to the eyes Gamma rays carry a higher energy and are more penetrating then alpha or beta. These rays can only be stopped by dense shielding such as several inches of lead

Highway shipping papers are called

Bill of laden or freight bill Located in the cab of the vehicle Driver is the responsible person for the paperwork

The word residue indicates a container has been emptied and harmful residue may still exist. The word residue will appear in a —————— triangle at the bottom of a placard or the bottom of a combustible liquid placard in a white triangle. The residue placard is required only on rail cars


UN hazard class numbers

Class one - explosives Class 2 - gases (compressed liquefied or dissolved in a pressure) class 3 - flammable combustible liquids class four - flammable solid dangerous when wet spontaneously combustible class five -oxidizers organic peroxides class 6 - poisonous infectious materials class seven- radioactive materials class eight - corrosive material Class nine - other regulated materials Every guy ****ing fights our position relentless and continuous. Mother ****ers

Corrosive Liquid Tank car

Corrosive liquids are transported in non-pressure tank cars, they resemble most other non-pressure tank cars with the basic shape and design however sometimes they can be distinguish by characteristic staining or corrosion around the man way area some tank cars are painted with white band of corrosive resistant paint running vertically around the tank car at the man way

Table one materials

Explosives 1.1 explosives 1.2 explosives 1.3 poisonous gas dangerous when. wet poisons radioactive

Tank shape also refers to the tanks ends usually called ———— . These blanks are either round or flat



If A solute mixes completely in a solvent it is said to be ————- with that solvent

Advantages of the DOT emergency response guidebook

Instructions for use in the guidebook are included placard are illustrated phone numbers to call for assistance are included chemicals are listed alphabetically by name UN numbers are listed in numerical order keywords in terms are defined initial evacuation distances are provided

When referring to tanks, head shape is an indication of what

Internal pressure

Specific gravity

Is a concept used to measure the weight of solids and liquids in comparison to an equal volume of water. Water has a specific gravity of one. The specific gravity of a substance indicates whether it will sink or float in water

Vapor pressure

Is a measure of the ability to evaporate that is to change from a liquid to a gas. vapor pressure is often measured in millimeters of mercury the higher the vapor pressure the more likely a liquid is to evaporate

Vapor pressure

Is a measure of the force created when a liquid evaporates

Vapor Density

Is a measure of the weight of gas compared to an equal volume of air

Molecular weight

Is the mass that is assigned to atoms or molecules that make up a chemical

The UN hazard class number must appear in the bottom of the diamond on both placards and blank


Tank cars are sometimes stenciled with the name of the commodity normally carried in the car, these are also known as initials. The reporting marks and numbers are stenciled to the ————— on both sides of the car and on both ends


The guides section is in the ————- boarded pages and is the most important section of the ERG. The guides section provide safety recommendations and emergency response information to protect yourself and the public


What r MSDS used for

Material safety data sheets and related reports are documents for fixed facilities the owner or manager of the facility is required to keep MSDS for all hazardous material above an establish quantity handled or stored at the facility and they should be made available to you during preplanning. They can provide you with information on the physical and chemical properties of the material the hazards associated with it and basic directions for a response actions

Subsidiary placards

Maybe used to indicate the secondary hazards of cargo. they are required for certain shipments for example shipments of material that are dangerous when wet or poisonous by inhalation but that have a different primary hazard

How to distinguish a subsidiary hazard placard from a primary hazard placard

Neither the hazard class number nor the four digit identification number can appear on subsidiary placards

Subsidiary hazard placard's can be distinguished from primary hazard placard in which way?

Neither the hazard class number nor the four digit identification number can appear on subsidiary placards

DOT placard background colors

Oranges explosive red flammable or combustible red with a white band in the center - dangerous green is non-flammable gas white over red spontaneously combustible White poisonous material white with vertical red stripes flammable solid yellow oxidizer or organic peroxide white over yellow radioactive material white over black corrosive material blue dangerous when wet black stripes over white miscellaneous hazardous material

Explosive limit

Refers to the concentration of a flammable vapor or gas in the air * Below the lower explosive limit the mixture is to lean to ignite. ( not enough flammable vapors in the air) above the upper explosive limit the mixture is to Rich to ignite ( there is to little oxygen to support combustion)


Refers to the degree that one substance mixes with another substance

Chemical reactions

Result when two or more substances combine to form new chemicals which caused Angie to be absorbed or released

SPECIFICATION numbers are stenciled on the ————- side of tank cars, opposite the reporting marks and are stamped on the ends of the tank. They identify the specifications to which the tank was built but cannot be used to determine the exact identity of the cargo


Pressure cargo tank (Mc331)

Rounded head - Transport gases that have been liquefied through compression and the contents must remain under pressure to maintain the liquid state (ie propane butane and chlorine) the rounded heads is what allows these tanks to withstand the internal pressure. The rounded hands combined with circular cross sections is what makes pressure cargo tanks easy to distinguish from other tanks, often the top 2/3 of the tank is highly reflective or painted white or the entire tank is highly reflective or painted white.

The guides are presented in a two page format. The left side provides ————- related information and the right side provides —————. ————— guidance and actions for fire situations spill or leak incidents

Safety Emergency response

Shipping papers by air

Shipping papers are called air bills with shipper certification for restricted articles they are found in the cockpit may also be found attached to the outside of packages and the responsible person is the pilot

Cryogenic liquid cargo tanks MC 338

Specifically designed to carry gases that have been liquefied through temperature reduction cryogenic liquids must remain extremely cold to maintain liquid state these tanks are heavily insulated giving them a bulky appearance they have a circular cross-section and rounded heads. Discharge and fill piping, valves and pumps are usually located within a cabinet or station at the center or rear of the tank the cabinet protects the piping valves and pump if carrier overturned. Usually transports liquid oxygen liquid nitrogen liquid hydrogen liquid helium It is common to observe vapor discharge from the relief valve of this container this does not indicate a problem it's due to a small amount of evaporation occurring as material is slowly warmed by the temperature outside the container


The substance in greater amount in the solution is called the ————


The substance present in lesser amounts in the solution is called the ————


The temperature at which a liquid generates enough vapor to create an ignitable mixture near the surface of the liquid

Fire point

The temperature at which a material will continue to burn

NFPA 704 markers

Used at fixed facilities to indicate dangers associated with various hazardous materials handled at that location. This marking system is not used in transportation and is not federally regulated or required. Specific hazard area may contain a special symbol or letter indicating a specific danger for example OX indicates oxidizer

Vapor Density

Used to measure the weight of gas in comparison to an equal volume of air. Air has a vapor density of one. Substances with vapor density less than one are lighter than air and will rise. Substances with with a greater density then one will sink in air

OSHA requires that containers of hazardous chemicals in workplaces be labeled or tagged with the name of the hazardous chemical and appropriate ————— hazard


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