HDFS 331 Quiz 5 (Cup. 10-11)

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Parent-Child Discussions About Sex

- More talking leads to delayed sexual activity and greater condom use - Mothers talk more than fathers - Parents talk less about morals or values when they talk with their sons (Don't need to be communicated through words always)

What does the Park article say?

- Parents' religious involvement with their children was positively related to their parenting practices and their child's academic achievement, however, the link between involvement & academic achievement was medicated by the parents' religious affiliation • Family religious involvement had a significant effect on academic achievement for Catholics, but not for the conservative Protestants - Family religious participation was inversely associated with discipline problems of students in schools • The more religious involvement -> The less problems at school

What do parents communicate their values about to their adolescent children?

- Religion - Work ethic - Racial issues - Conventional behavior - Education • Can influence adolescents' career aspirations

What are some of the characteristics of those who volunteer?

- Resilient - Outgoing - Positive - Socially skilled

How are males portrayed?

- Risk Takers - Aggressive Ones - Forceful - Initiates

What are the different sexual styles?

- Sexually Naive - Sexually Unassured - Sexually Competent - Sexually Adventurous - Sexually Driven

Adolescents' Religious Beliefs

- Studies showed that religious identity follows a developmental trend - Children identified members of the same religion through concrete behaviors, such as attendance - Adolescents identified religion through abstract beliefs and commonalities among them - Adolescents start to question religious beliefs

What does the Ballard study say?

- The most common motivators for civic involvement were personal issues or causes, beliefs about the importance of civic involvement, self-oriented goals, & response to an invitation - Youth with higher resources reported more opportunities for involvement - More youth from lower resourced school were motivated frequently by specific issues & less by generalized beliefs about civic involvement, compared to those from higher resourced schools - Personal Barrier: Not a priority for them considering their other commitments • The thought that one's civic involvement was unnecessary - Systematic Barriers: Lack of opportunities, time, knowledge, and power

*Chapter 11: Facing The Future- Values in Transition*

*Chapter 11: Facing The Future- Values in Transition*

*Chapter 10: Sexuality*

*Chapter 10: Sexuality*

________ _________ care more about money, doing good at work, and injustice than __________ _____________ do

*African American* care more about money, doing good at work, and injustice than *European Americans* do

________ _______ education has been found to delay the initiation of sexual activity and to result in safer sex practices once adolescents become sexually active

*Comprehensive sex* education has been found to delay the initiation of sexual activity and to result in safer sex practices once adolescents become sexually active

_________ are more likely than _________ to value marriage and family over money

*Females* are more likely than *males* to value marriage and family over money

Teen Parenting

- Adolescents are less likely to receive regular prenatal care, & they experience more medical complications during pregnancy - Teen moms are less ready for parenting and experiment more stress than older mothers - Most adolescent mothers successfully cope - Many teen dads remain psychologically involved with the mother through the pregnancy

Making Sexual Decisions:

- Adolescents know the risks of sexual behavior - Adolescents who talk to their parents are more likely to delay having sex and practice safe sex later on

Academic Dishonesty

- Adolescents report cheating in school even though they consider it wrong to do so - Facts such as classmate behavior and level of risk influence whether students cheat or not

What did the Bauermeister article say?

- Among males, youth participating in the SSR-SSR trajectory reported increased levels of self-esteem over time • Suggests that prolonged participation in SSR may be necessary in order to increase self-esteem among males - Among females, they found that intermittent participation in SSRs was associated with decreased internalized homophobia over time - Males who reported being in a OSR at time 1 were more likely to report greater internalized homophobia at time 2 - By time 2, they knew who they were

Protective Factors Affecting Age of Sexual Activity

- Biologically-Based • Later maturity, gender, & intelligence - Girls before boys - Higher intelligence are more likely to delay - Psychological • Religious beliefs, values & attitudes, emotional adjustments, & academic interest - Strong religious beliefs are less likely to engage in early activity - Social • Parents & Peers - Parents who are involved have children who are more likely to wait - Peers sometimes will encourage each other to wait

Risk Factors for Becoming a Teen Father

- Coming from a home lacking a father's presence - Family violence - Non-committed to school performance - Being a minor - Having teen parents themselves - History of delinquency - Experiencing adverse childhood condition - Having sex earlier than others - Lack of information - Tends to have liberal or personal attitudes about sex ("It can't happen to me")

Adolescent Volunteering

- Contributing to society is important to adolescents & many do volunteer work - Has increased over the years - Privileged students are less likely to volunteer - Resilient kids who are outgoing, positive, and socially skilled tend to volunteer more

What did the DiClemente article find?

- Conversations about sex with parents help - Conversations between mothers and daughters provides protection against STIs and HIV-related sexual risk behaviors - More conversations -> less sex - More communication -> Condom use self-efficacy -> Fewer episodes of unprotected intercourse - Mother-Daughter sexual risk communication wasn't significantly associated with adolescents' reports of numbers of male sexual parteners - Looked at how talking with parents about sex helps adolescents stay safe when being sexually active

How are females portrayed?

- Dependent - Passive - Childlike

Adolescent choices can be motivated by what?

- Emotion - Self-Interest - Peer Approval

Other Countries?

- Have lower pregnancy, birth, and abortion rates than the U.S. - Teach teens to assume responsibility to sexual activity - European adolescents have better access to contraceptive & low-oat reproductive health care - Other countries tend to hand adolescent sexual behavior better than the U.S.

What does the Tsai article say?

- How do peers affect high school student cheating habits? - Female-female interaction effect was stronger than male-male interaction effect • Implies that girls are more influenced by female peers in relation to academic cheating - The cross-gender interactions were not significant - An increase in the proportion of students of the same gender (boys or girls) in the same class significantly increases the cheating behavior as a result of the peer mechanisms

Oral Sex

- Is a form of sex - More positive attitudes now compared to past generations - Associated with fewer health, emotional, and social consequences than vaginal sex - Tends to be considered more acceptable to adolescents because its lower on their hierarchy of sexual behaviors - Not taught about as much - White females are more likely to engage in oral sex

Kohlberg (Defs.)

- Justice develops in adolescents as they weigh competing claims and decide in favor of one or the other - Forgiveness is the decision to release a person from a claim that justice would honor • Lawful Forgiveness: Adults may forgive if it is required by their religion, or to defer to a higher authority • Restitution Forgivness: Children may only forgive if they first get back what they have lost - Reasoning about forgiveness and justice becomes more mature with age

Condom Use Self-Efficacy

- Knowing how to use a condom - Knowing when to use a condom

Kohlberg vs. Gilligan

- Kohlberg believes his sequence to be universal among individuals, reflecting developments in cognitive maturity - Gilligan says her sequence may not be developmentally necessary, but is in response to the crisis of adolescent • She proposes that leaving childhood, assuming societal conventions, & finding a voice, is more problematic for girls • Interviewed females instead of males • Females think of morality more personally than males did • Females moral decisions were based on compassion as well as reason-an ethic of care-stressing care for others as well as fairness

Why is condom use sporadic among adolescents?

- Lack of info: • Many adolescents are misinformed about their reproductive capabilities, & unaware of STDs - Many have difficulty discussing sexual concerns with parents

What are Kholberg's Stages of Moral Reasoning?

1. *Preconventional Reasoning* - The stage where individuals assume that everyone sees things as they do, not realizing their could be other perspectives - Actions reflect only a need to satisfy their own desire - They judge behavior simply in terms of its consequences - Stage 1: Obedience - Stage 2: Instrumental, or Considering Intentions 2. *Conventional Reasoning* - Where moral thinking is guided by internalized social standards - Moral reasoning is guided by the standards on one's community, in the form of laws and social conventions which have been internalized - Stage 3: Conformist, or "good boy, nice girl" - Stage 4: Social Accord, or "law and order" 3. *Postconventioanl Reasoning* - Moral reasoning at this level is guided by self-derived principles, which enable individuals to perceive the standards of their communities as relative, in light of universal human principals - Stage 5: Social Contract - Stage 6: Universal Principles

The Sexual Response Cycle

1. Excitement - Vasecogestion is responsible for the first signs of excitement, or sexual arousal, in both males and females 2. Plateau - Continued vasocongestion causes the erection in males to get harder - Continued vasocongestion in females causes the walls of the vagina to swell - Lasts longer for females 3. Orgasm - Result from rhythmic muscular contractions and discharge of tensions resulting from vasocongestion and myotonia 4. Resolution - Following ejaculation, the penis becomes placid - Males experience a refractory period - Lasts longer for females

Adolescents tend to talk with their ___________ more about sex than their __________.

Adolescents tend to talk with their *mothers* more about sex than their *fathers*

Sexually Naive

Adolescents that lack confidence in their sexual attractiveness and, with the exception of being able to say no to unwanted sex, feel they have little control over sexual situations - Tend to be younger - Mostly girls - Sexually inexperienced

Sexually Unassured

Adolescents that lack sexual self-esteem and self-efficacy but are interested in exploring their sexuality - Mostly sexually inexperienced - Young boys


Adolescents who are comfortable expressing characteristics of both sexes - More advantageous for females - Generally feel good about themselves - Can be assertive, self-reliant, and sensitive

Sexually Competent

Adolescents who are confident of both their sexual appeal and their ability to control a sexual situation - Either sex - Tend to be older - Most are sexually experienced

Adolescents who talk with their parents about sex are ________ _________ to be influenced by what they believe their peers are doing.

Adolescents who talk with their parents about sex are *more likely* to be influenced by what they believe their peers are doing


An accumulation of blood in the vessels serving the erogenous zones (areas of the body that are particularly sensitive to sexual arousal)

Religious Identity

An awareness of belonging to a religious group


An increase in muscular tension

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)

An infection that is spread through sexual contact - Most serious are HIV infection, syphilis, and gonorrhea - Risk is greater for adolescents since they tend to have more sexual partners and more unprotected sex than adults

Sexual Minority Youth

Anyone who doesn't identity as heterosexual

The Social-Cognitive Approach

Assumes that community standard form the basis of self-regulated behavior - These standards determine which behaviors are considered acceptable and rewardable -What people do is not necessarily what they think is right


Characterized by attitudes and social skills that enable individuals to function in a variety of settings

Sexually Adventurous

Distinguished by high levels of sexual arousal and interest in sexual exploration, in a combination with little anxiety and little relationship commitment - Tend to be older boys - Sexually experienced - Highly confident in themselves

Sexual Identity: Early vs. Late adolescence

Early adolescents are more flexible with gender stereotypes

True or False: Females are more likely to initiate condom use.


True or False: Oral sex is not considered a form of sex


True or False: On average, adolescents have sex for the first time at about age 15

False, they tend to have sex for the first time around age 17

True or False: You can go back and forth between stages in Kohlberg's stages of moral reasoning?

False, you can't go backwards

Sexual identity: Individualistic vs. Collectivist Societies

Individualist societies are easier because you are expected to be your own person and not follow the herd

Internal Homophobia

Having a fear of their own sexual identity because of how society is constructed

Sexual Scripts

Learned expectations derived from cultural roles and gender stereotypes that guide behavior in sexual situations - Example: The guy makes the first move

Male ___________ _________ and ____________ adolescents are more likely to be sexually active than females; however female __________ are more likely to be sexually active than males.

Male *African American and *Hispanic* adolescents are more likely to be sexually active than females; however female *caucasians* are more likely to be sexually active than males.


More commonly called masturbation, self touching of genitals - Adolescents today learn that it is a normal sexual outlet - Can help females & males learn how their bodies respond sexually


Opposite-sex relationship

Ethic of Care

Psychologist Carol Gilligan's description of a morality based on responsiveness to and care for others


Refers to one's sexual character and embraces general aspects of one's sense of self, such as expressions of one's masculinity or feminist, the social roles one has within a family, and how one is seen in society

Sexual Orientation

Refers to the attraction individuals feel for members of the same and/or opposite sex - More rigid rules for males than females

Religion plays a bigger role for ________ adolescents than it does for __________ adolescents.

Religion plays a bigger role for *female* adolescents than it does for *male* adolescents.


Same-sex relationship

Bisexual Orientation

Sexual attraction toward individuals of both sexes

Heterosexual Orientation

Sexual attraction toward individuals of the opposite sex - "Straight"

Homosexual Orientation

Sexual attraction toward individuals of the same sex - Male: "Gay" - Female: "Lesbian"

Sexually Driven

Similar to sexually adventurous with the exception of not being able to say no to sex, whether they consider their partner attractive or not - Highly confident in themselves - Tends to be boys - Sexually active

Comprehensive Sex Education

Teaches abstinence as a preferred method and educated students in effective methods of contraception as well - May include service learning programs, which involves community service - Majority of parents support

Abstinence-Only Education

Teaches that the only way to avoid pregnancy and STDs is to abstain from sex - When contraception is discussed, its more about its failures than its effectiveness - Those who pledge abstinence tend to be less likely to use contraceptives later on when they become sexually active

Gender Stereotypes

The cultural expectations concerning which behaviors are appropriate for each sex - Play an important role in self-definition


The development of standards of right and wrong - Through abstract thinking, adolescents consider intentions of others when evaluating their actions - Moral virtues such as gratitude & forgiveness can be moral reinforces • Individuals are more likely to engage in prosocial behavior when others express gratitude toward them for their actions • Gratitude is a motivator

Though boys are ______ likely to begin sexual activity earlier than girls, this difference is reduced by the _____ grade

Though boys are *more* likely to begin sexual activity earlier than girls, this difference is reduced by the *10th* grade

True or False: When you're older you are more likely to conform to gender stereotypes.


True or False: Adolescents experience conflict when contemplating their own sexuality.


True or False: Freud assumed that children are initially bisexual and only gradually develop heterosexual or homosexual interests though the resolution of the Oedipus or Electra complex in early childhood


True or False: Girls who experience sexual activity later in life benefit from it more than males do.


True or False: Males are more likely to initiate sex or touching of their partners


True or False: Most adolescents hold attitudes that are in substantial agreement with those of their parents.


True or False: Sexual Initiation during adolescence has been associated with negative outcomes.


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