Health Ch 10

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What are two things to remember when you are deciding to take action?

1) Your primary concern should be health and safety 2) Walking away from a potentially harmful situation is the smart mature thing to do. It does not make you a coward

List four steps for effective negotiation

1) keep an open mind 2) Be flexible 3) Give the other person an, "Out" 4) Work together towards a solution

List four tips to demonstrating empathy

1) maintain eye contact as you listen 2) Rephrase or summarize what the person has said 3) Avoid judging or offering advice 3) Avoid trying to minimize the sense of loss by stating that it is not bad

Define friendship

A significant relationship between two people based on caring trust and consideration

Define Tolerance

Ability to accept others differences

What is conflict?

Any disagreement, struggle, or fight

List three techniques you can use to communicate effectively

1) Talk about what is really troubling you 2) Practice being assertive 3) Avoid keeping your feelings bottled up

The Three Cs of healthy relationships are listed below define each term.

1) Communication- Your ways of sending and receiving messages 2) Cooperation- Working together for the good of all 3) Compromise- Problem solving method that involves each participants giving up something to reach an agreement

Describe two methods used by assertive communicators

1) Defend their attitudes and beliefs but respect the rights of others 2) They attack the problem not the person

Describe two methods used by aggressive communicators

1) Do not consider the rights of others 2) Attack the person not the problem

Describe two methods used by passive communicators

1) Don't stand up for themselves or defend their attitudes and beliefs 2) Often do something they'd prefer rather than say how they feel

List two points to keep in mind when preparing for negotiation

1) Make sure the issue is important to you 2) Rephrase what you will say, even if you have the script out in advance

List three ways you can demonstrate citizenship

1) Obey the laws 2) Volunteer 3) Improve your school and community

List the styles of communication and then describe them

1) Passive- Inability or unwillingness to express thoughts and feelings 2) Aggressive- Try to get their way by bullying and intimidating 3) Assertive- Expressing thoughts and feelings directly and clearly but without hurting others

Describe how healthy family relationships can affect each side of your health triangle.

1) Physical health- Food, clothing, shelter 2) Social health- Teaching you the values that will guide you 3) Mental/Emotional health- Love care and encouragement

List five common causes of conflicts among teens

1) Power Struggles 2) Loyalty 3) Jealous/Envy 4) Property Disputes 5) Territory and space

List four techniques to active listening then describe each

1) Reflective listening- Rephrase or summarize what the other person said 2) Clarifying- Asking the speaker how he/she thinks and feels about a situation 3) Encouraging- Encourage the speaker when you signal you're interested and involved 4) Empathizing- Imagining and understanding how someone feels

In the first column list six traits that demonstrate character in relationships. In the second column explain what each trait involves.

1) Respect- Good manners, being considerate, being tolerant 2) Caring- Kind and compassionate 3) Fairness- Playing by the rules. Don't blame and take advantage 4) Trustworthiness- Honest, reliable, loyal

List six strategies for resolving conflicts

1) Take time to calm down and think over the situation 2) When discussing the conflict, take turns explaining each persons side of the conflict without interruption. Use, "I" messages. 3) Ask for clarification so that each person understands the others position 4) Brainstorm solutions 5) Agree on a solution that benefits both sides 6) Follow up to see if the correct choice was chosen

Define Relationship

Bond or connection you have with other people

How can, "I" messages help you communicate?

Communicating positively, without blame or name calling

What are interpersonal conflicts?

Disagreements between groups of any size

What two choices do you have when responding to a conflict?

Face the conflict or ignore it

What is the result from having respect for yourself?

Having a right to youe own values

List five obstacles to clear communication

Image and identity issues, unrealistic expectations, lack of trust, prejudice, gender stereotyping

What are the two types of conflicts?

Interpersonal conflicts and internal conflicts

What two ways that good friends who share your values can benefit you?

It can help the way you look at yourself and improve your behavior

What is one result of having respect for others?

Listen to them with an open mind

Is a compromise always an appropriate way to resolve a conflict? Explain.

No because sometimes a compromise may go against your values

What is body language?

Non verbal communication through gestures, facial expressions, behaviors and posture

Define Constructive Criticism

Non-hostile comments that point out the problems for the purpose of helping a person improve

Define the term role

Part you play in a relationship

What is active listening?

Paying close attention to what someone is saying and communicating

What is conflict resolution?

Process of solving a disagreement in a manner that satisfies everyone involved

Define confidentiality

Respecting the privacy of both parties and keeping details secret

List three skills needed for effective communication

Speaking, listening, body language

Define Mediation

Specially trained people help others solve their problems peacefully

What is an, "I" message?

Statement in which a person describes how he/she feels by using the pronoun, "I"

Define Peer mediators

Students trained to help other students find fair resolutions

Describe effective communication in terms of the messages you send and receive

The messages you send are clear and you have to correctly interpret the messages you receive and respond correctly

What is citizenship?

The way you conduct yourself as a member of society

Define Prejudice

Unfair judgement or opinion of a particular group of people

What is negotiation?

Use of communication and often compromise to settle a disagreement

Why is tolerance crucial to preventing conflicts?

You're still respectful to the other persons views and beliefs

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