HI 102 - Test 2, Cooper Statt (PCC)

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Which inventor founded National Geographic?

Alexander Graham Bell


British North America Act makes Canada a self-governing commonwealth

Rudolf Diesel

diesel engine

Pierre and Marie Curie

discovered polonium and radium

What were the pros and cons of the "old system" of life where everything was made at home?

high quality, low quantity

Gottlieb Daimler

internal combustion engine

John Dalton

"all matter is made up of atoms"

James Watt

(first practical) steam engine

What are the two pre-requisites for an industrial revolution?

1. Mobile working force 2. Mastery of agriculture and food supply

How old was queen victoria when she took the throne?

18 years old

Where was Jean Calvin based?


Louis Pasteur

Germ Theory and pasteurization process

JP Morgan

Bailed out the government, banking

Who developed the process of turning iron into steel?

Bessemer and Kelly

George Stephenson

Built one of the first steam locomotives


Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species

What were the three non-technological advances of the agricultural revolution?

Crop rotation Selective breeding Enclosure movement


Cyrus McCormick develops the mechanical reaper

Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?

Marie Curie

Who was known as a very strong Christian, but was often dour in mood?

Queen Victoria

Cornelius Vanderbilt

Railroads and shipping


Reform Bill grants suffrage to all middle-class males

John Rockefeller

Richest many ever, oil industry

Who founded the Bobbies in England?

Robert Peel

Which inventor died under mysterious circumstances?

Rudolf Diesel - probably suicide

Jethro Tull

Seed drill

Who died by inhaling too much laughing gas?

Sir Humphrey Davy

Edward Jenner

Vaccination (vaccine against small pox)

Who ended the slave trade in England?

William Pitt the younger

John Deere

steel plow

Before the Reform Act of 1832, what was the ratio of men who could vote to those who couldn't?


After the Reform Act of 1832, what was the ratio of men who could vote to those who couldn't?


How long did queen victoria reign?

63 years

What's the difference between AC and DC?

DC travels up to 1/2 mile straight AC travels in short back and forth motions "resetting" the distance it has traveled in one direction, thus allowing it to move much further

Who supported Direct Current?



Eli Whitney develops the cotton gin


Fabian Society formed

What were the pros and cons of the "new system" of life where everything was made at a factory?

High quantity, low quality

Robert Fulton

Invented the steamboat

Alexander Graham Bell

Invented the telephone

What's special about the diesel engine?

It is the most efficient engine type, and can be run on almost anything

How did the Cotton Gin drastically affect the US?

It revived the cotton industry, and slavery with it

Did Queen Victoria marry after Albert died?

It's not confirmed true or false, but it is possible she had a secret marriage to John Brown, a Scottish military man who had her ear

Who coined the term "horse power"?

James Watt

Who was responsible in part for the onset of the agricultural and industrial revolutions?

Jean Calvin - worldly success is an indicator of God's blessing, and therefore electorship

Who are the four "fat cats" of industry?

John Rockefeller Andrew Carnegie JP Morgan Cornelius Vanderbilt

Lord Kelvin

Kelvin scale of temperature (temperature is based on heat movement)

Which scientist/inventor was a strong christian, as well as homeschooled?

Lord Kelvin (graduated college at 14, 21 honorary doctorates)

What was an important innovation of John Deere (outside his inventions)?

Mass manufacturing of replacement parts

Thomas Edison

Over 1,000 inventions by time of death Light Bulb War with Tesla

Andrew Carnegie

Philanthropist, steel

Who did Queen Victoria marry?

Prince Albert, her cousin


Suez Canal completed

What did the Reform Act of 1832 do?

Suffrage for middle class men, lowered property requirements for voting

Who supported Alternating Current?


What important reform held off revolution in England?

The Reform Act of 1832

Eli Whitney

cotton gin

Michael Faraday

invented the electric motor


invented the radio

Samuel Morris

invented the telegraph

Cyrus McCormick

mechanical reaper

Sir Humphrey Davy

miner's safety lamp

Edmund Cartwright

power loom

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