Nutrition Chapter 8 -13

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Inactivity is the ___ lifestyle factor that contributes to the risk to the hypertension.

# 2

Which of the following are food sources of Vitamin E?

- Avocado - Almonds - Chunky Peanut Butter Overall, the richest sources of vitamin E are nuts, seeds, plant oils, and fortified breakfast cereal

What are secondary functions of iron within the human body?

- Brain function - Part of many enzymes - Immune function

Which of the following statements about metabolic water are true?

- It is a by-product of chemical reactions in the body - It contributes to fluid balance

Which of the following are functions of calcium?

- bone building - blood clotting - muscle function

A T-score compares observed bone mineral density to the bone mineral density of a person at peak bone mass. Osteoporosis is characterized be a T-score of

-2.5 or lower

Place the following steps in the transmission of a nerve impulse in the correct sequence, from nervous stimulation to return to the resting state

1 - A stimulus triggers the influx of sodium ions into the nerve cell 2 - The inside of the nerve cell membrane becomes slightly positive 3 - Depolarization of one section of the nerve cell membrane stimulates depoloarization of an adjacent section of the nerve cell membrane 4 - Positive ions are actively pumped out of the cell 5 - The inside of the nerve cell membrane becomes slightly negative

Select the Upper Level for iodine

1.1 mg/day

Match the RDA, Daily Value, and Tolerable Upper Level intake for vitamin D

10 micrograms - DV (daily Value) 100 micrograms - UL (Upper Level for Vitamin D) 15 micrograms - RDA

About how much sun exposure is needed per day to ensure a full day's supply of vitamin D?

10 minutes

The UL for vitamin D is ___ micrograms daily


The Recommended Dietary Allowance for calcium for adults between the ages of 19 to 50 is ___mg.


The Adequate intake for total water intaker per day is 2.7 liters (about___ cups) for adult women and 3.7 liters (about___cups) for adult men.

11, 15

When considering a multivitamin and mineral supplement, which of the following should you select?

A supplement less than the Upper Level for any nutrients

Influence hydration status

Altitude, ambient temperature, humidity, physical activity, and intake of caffeine and alcohol will influence water loss

Which type of calcium supplement can be taken without regard to meals?

Calcium citrate

Our bodies are able to synthesize vitamin ___ from exposure to sunlight


Free radicals can damage the ___ inside cells, which directs how cells grow and develop. This damage is particularly influential in the development of cancer.


Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D. However if you cannot spend enough time in the sun to synthesize adequate vitamin D, which of the following is the best dietary strategy to obtain vitamin D?

Eat a serving of fatty fish twice per week

Which exerts the greatest risk for cancer development?


Dairy products, such as milk and cheese, provide about 25% of calcium in North American diets


It is a good idea to take a multivitamin and mineral supplement because it is not possible to obtain adequate nutrition from food sources.


Which method of preservation best protects the vitamin content of a food?


Considering what you know about minerals so far, which of the following represents safe advice for use of iron supplements?

Iron supplements should be taken to correct iron-deficiency anemia

Excessive intake of Vitamin E can interfere with which vitamin?


___ is water that arises as a byproduct of chemical reactions that release energy from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Metabolic water

Rank the following lifestyle factors in order of their contribution to the development of hypertension (most influential at the top of the list)

Obesity Inactivity Excessive alcohol intake Excessive salt intake

Match the Dietary Reference intake for iton with its reccomendation

RDA for men - 8 milligrams Daily Value - 18 milligrams UL - 45 milligrams

Choose the statements that are TRUE about prebiotics

Serve as fuel for bacteria in the gut (not living microorganisms)

Which are items that can influence the color of urine?

Supplements Medication Food

Which vitamin aids in the absorption of iron?

Vitamin C

Which of the following population groups is most susceptible to iron toxicity from dietary supplements?

Young children

Secretions of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, and urogenital tract best exemplify the role of water as

a lubricant

The best environment for a healthy immune system is

a variety of gut microbiota

The B vitamins play a role in metabolism by

acting as coenzymes

The primary function of iron is to

aid in oxygen transportation

Coenzymes play an important role in metabolism because they

aid in the function of activating enzymes

People experiencing which condition would be most at risk of a vitamin B deficiency?


The body increases fluid conservation by producing hormones. The ___ hormone forces the kidneys to conserve water. The kidneys respond by reducing urine flow.


Increases in allergies and autoimmune diseases may be attributed to

alterations to the microbiota

When children have fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and increased perspiration, they are at increased risk for


The term bioavailability refers to how well a nutrient is

digested and absorbed by the body

The nutrient most likely to be deficient in the diets of people worldwide is


What is the only nutrient for which the RDA is higher for women than for men?


Name a mineral that influences the health of blood cells

iron iron, copper, folate, vitamin B-6, and vitamin B-12

Myoglobin is the ___ protein that binds oxygen in muscle tissue


Vitamin B-12 is important for neurological health because it

is required for formation of myelin

Of the dairy-free milk substitutes, ___ has the highest protein content and protein quality

soy milk

The most important determinant of iron absorption is

the body's needs for iron

The UL for folate refers only to folic acid because

the folate that occurs in foods has limited absorption

Water aids in the removal of waste products from the body

through the production of urine

The chemical name for the four forms of Vitamin E is


50% to 70% of a person's body weight comes from water


Drinking too much water is just as dangerous as drinking too little water


The concentration of calcium in nondairy foods is significantly less than found in dairy products



type 1 - porus trabecular bone in women that occurs following menopause type 2 - porus trabecular and cortical bone in men and women that occurs after age 60

Which of the following MyPlate food groups has the highest nutrient density for folate?


Exposure to light, heat, oxygen can reduce a food's __ content


Activation of folate coenzymes requires

vitamin B-12

Which B vitamins are important in DNA synthesis?

vitamin B-12 and folate

Which is the current recommendation for Vitamin E supplementation from the American Heart Association?

The AHA does not recommend vitamin E supplementation because research has not demonstrated a benefit

When selecting a dietary supplement, the ___ on the package label is an indication that the product has been tested for strength, quality, and purity

USP Symbol

Which of the fat-soluble vitamins is most often associated with toxicity?

Vitamin A

Which vitamin plays a major role in maintaining the health of the epithelial cells?

Vitamin A

The stomach produces the intrinsic factor that is necessary in order to absorb which vitamin?

Vitamin B-12

___ enhances iron absorption

Vitamin C

Vitamin B-12 is found naturally in foods of ___ origin


Carotenoids may aid in the prevention of cardiovascular disease because of their ___ properties


Beta-carotene supplements___ recommended for lung cancer prevention among smokers.

are not

Consuming large amounts of fat-soluble vitamins is a problem because they

are stored by the body

Arrange the following foods in order from highest (top) to lowest (bottom) vitamin D content

baked salmon, 3 oz nonfat skim milk, 1 cup egg, 1 each butter, 1 teaspoon

Where is most of the magnesium in the body stored?


Name a mineral that is mostly stored in bones and teeth


Name one mineral that may help to lower blood pressure

calcium calcium, potassium, and magnesium and low in salt

The vitamin content of fresh fruit and vegetables

can be lost through improper handling

___ as found in fruits and vegetables lessen the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts


Which of the following minerals does not play a role in bone strength


Vitamin C is needed for the production of which protein


Stunted physical growth and impaired intellectual development in babies born to iodine-deficient mothers is called

congenital hypothyroidism

A very high fiber diet may have what impact on mineral absorption?

decrease mineral absorption

A person with iodine deficiency may experience

decreased thyroid function

Incorporation of fluoride into the tooth structure during tooth development limits

demineralization by acid-producing bacteria

Low levels of the female reproductive hormone ___ are detrimental to bone health because of this hormone stimulates osteoblast activity.


In North America, intake of B vitamins generally

exceeds recommendations

What is the main diet-cancer risk factor?

excess calories

Milk alternatives are now widely available and decreasing in popularity


Consuming vitamin D with meals that contain iron is the best way to increase your absorption of iron

false - vitamin C

The B vitamins are absorbed into the lymph system


Most water-soluble vitamins are not stored to any great extent because they are

filtered and excreted by the kidneys

Sodium, potassium, chloride, and phosphorus work together to maintain

fluid balance in the body (water balance)

Exceeding the UL for ___ can lead to hip fractures, still joints, and stomach inflammation among adults


Many areas North America add ___ to municipal tap water to prevent dental caries; bottled water typically does not include this mineral.


With an AI of 3.1 to 3.28 mg/day, ___ is a trace mineral that contributes to bone health


Excessive consumption of ___ can mask the megaloblastic anemia characteristic of vitamin B-12 deficiency


Someone with a ___ deficiency might experience impaired red blood cells syntheses leading to megablastic anemia


neural tube defects may result from a deficiency of ___ during pregnancy


The neural tube of the developing fetus closes within the first 28 days after conception. Meeting dietary needs for ___ reduces the risk for nerual tube defects

folic acid

To lessen the risk of neural tube defects, all grain products must be fortified with

folic acid

Which of the following foods provides the highest concentration of bioavailable calcium for a vegetarian?

fortified orange juice

When a person experiences oxidative stress, production of ___ in the body is high

free radicals

the highest folate content may be obtained from eating

fresh fruit and vegetables

Which of the following are good sources of Vitamin C?

fruits and vegetables - peppers - strawberries - citrus fruits

Compared to natural sources of folate, such as leafy vegetables and orange juice, the synthetic form of the vitamin

has higher bioavailability

Controlling high blood pressure is important as it helps to prevent

heart disease

A person with ___ may suffer organ damage as a result of excessive iron absorption


Most adults in the United States have sodium intakes that are

higher than recommendation

Osteoporotic fractures of the ___ lead to the worst outcomes, including long hospital stays, permanent disability, and even death


Along with vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12, folate participates in the metabolism of


Vitamin D is unique in that it has a site of synthesis that is different from the location of action, so it is considered to be a


Choose the true statement about iodine

in the US you can purchase iodized or plain salt

The thyroid gland uses ___ to synthesize thyroid hormones


What is the best food source for iodine?

iodized salt, 1/2 tsp

Adequate hydration is important for many reasons. One reason is that the high ion content of concentrated urine increases the risk of ___ among susceptible people.

kidney stones

Individuals in North America may have iron deficiency without anemia, which leads to

low body stores

Synthetic vitamin E has ___ biological activity than the same quality of natural vitamin E


Older adults who overuse laxatives or antacids may develop diarrhea from ___ toxicity


What is the main source of heme iron?


Hard water contains more ___ than soft water


Much of the calcium in many leafy green vegetables, notably spinach is not absorbed because of the presence of ___ acid


Spinach contains plenty of calcium, but only about 5% of it can be absorbed because of the vegetable's high concentration of what calcium binder?

oxalic acid

About half of all chemical reactions in the body involve the exchange of electrons. When a compound in a reaction loses an electron, that compound has been


___ may develop when vitamin B12 cannot be absorbed from the GI tract

pernicious anemia

Active vitamin D enhances absorption of calcium and


A constituent of plant fibers that binds some minerals and inhibits their absorption is called ___ acid.


Which of the following MyPlate food groups provides the richest sources of absorbable iron?


Hematocrit is the portion of blood comprised of

red blood cells

Choose popular dairy-free ice cream options or alternatives

rice-based ice cream soy-based ice cream

Possible side effects of high intake levels of Vitamin A-yielding carotenoids include

skin that becomes yellow-orange in color

Who is at the greatest risk for developing osteoporosis?

slender, inactive women who smoke

Smokers need more Vitamin C daily than non-smokers because

smoking increased exposure of the lungs to free radicals

During nerve impulse transmission, the cell membrane becomes depolarized when

sodium ions rush into the cell

Lack of intrinsic factor of stomach acid may lead to a deficiency of ___ despite adequate dietary intakes of this nutrient

vitamin B-12

Match the following nutrients to their roles in bone health

vitamin C - Participates in collagen synthesis; may protect bone from oxidative damage potassium - Maintains alkaline blood pH, which prevents withdrawal of bone minerals for use as buffers boron - Influences osteoblast and osteoclast activity; participates in calcium transport; involved in synthesis of vitamin D vitamin K - Imparts calcium-binding ability to bone proteins

Rank the following food sources from lowest to highest magnesium content

whole-wheat bread, 1 slice banana, 1 medium plain yogurt, 1 cup spinach, 1 cup

Certain population groups may benefit from a vitamin or mineral supplement. Match each population group with an appropriate supplement.

women of childbearing age - Folic Acid newborn babies - Vitamin K adults with lactose intolerance - Vitamin D and calcium women with heavy menstrual periods - Iron

The primary consequence of hypercarotenemia is

yellowing of the skin

Give an example of a mineral that serves as a cofactor in chemical reactions that neutralize free radicals in the body

zinc, copper

Choose the statements that are true about the gut microbiota

- A person's dietary pattern can influence the community of microorganisms that populate the GI tract - The composition of the gut microbiota varies from person to person - Human are born with a sterile gut, which becomes colonized with microorganisms after birth

Individuals of ___ descent are at increased risk for developing osteoporosis

- Caucasian - Asian

Where is the most Vitamin E found within the body?

- Cell membrane - Adipose tissue

Why would an average meat eating person have a low risk for vitamin B-12 deficiency?

- Consumption of vitamin B-12 tends to be twice the RDA - Vitamin B-12 is stored in the liver

Which of the following contribute to the environmental impact of widespread use of bottled water?

- Disposal of plastic packaging - Energy use associated with storage of bottled water - Use of fuel to transport bottled water

Exposure to ___ can cause a loss of certain vitamins.

- Heat - Light - Oxygen Heat, UV light, exposure to oxygen, cooking submersed in water, and alkalinity are factors that can destroy vitamins

The FDA now requires supplement markers to test for which of the following?

- Identity - Strength - Composition - Purity

Which of the following lifestyle modifications are recommended to reduce blood pressure?

- Lose excess body weight - Choose fresh rather than processed foods

Which of the following are functions of water?

- Lubricates joints - Maintains body temperature - Medium for chemical reactions

Choose the true statements about iodine intake

- Most Americans meet the RDA for iodine - A half teaspoon of iodine-fortified salt supplies the RDA for iodine

Foods that are good sources of Vitamin E include

- Plant Oils - Nuts - Wheat Germ

What are two main sources of sodium in typical American diets?

- Preparation of foods in restaurants - Processed foods

To avoid exposure to harmful chemicals and microorganisms, which of the following should you look for when choosing a reusable water bottle?

- Recycling codes 2 or 4 - Absence of cracks and scratches - A wide mouth

Place the steps of nerve impulse transmission in the proper sequence beginning with the resting state

- Resting state - Stimulus - Depolarization - Repolarization

Select all of the MyPlate food groups that are rich sources of antioxidants

- Vegetables - Fruits - Grains

Choose the statements that are true about zinc

- Vital for white blood cell formation and function - Excess intakes do not provide additional benefit for immune function

Along with protein and essential fatty acids, which of the following micronutrients are implicated in optimal immune function?

- Vitamin C - Vitamin A - Zinc (Vitamin E, caroteniods, and selenium)

Which of the following micronutrients participate in the body's antioxidant defenses?

- Vitamin C - Vitamin E - Selenium These include vitamins E and C, carotenoids, and selenium.

High intakes of ___ can alter the effectiveness of anti-clotting medications, such as coumadin.

- Vitamin K - Vitamin E

Which of the following products are considered to be supplements in the United States?

- Vitamins - Minerals - Amino Acids

The most common side effects of probiotics are

- abdominal bleeding - gas

Choose symptoms of zinc deficiency

- acne-like rash - metallic like taste and smell - lack of appetite Symptoms of adult zinc deficiency include an acne-like rash, diarrhea, lack of appetite, delayed wound healing, impaired immunity, reduced sense of taste (metallic like) and smell, and hair loss. In children and adolescents with zinc deficiency, growth, sexual development, and learning ability may also be hampered.

Select the carotenoids that can be converted into vitamin A in the body

- alpha carotene - beta-carotene - beta-cryptoxanthin

What are some reasons an individual may choose to avoid dairy products?

- avoid antibiotics and hormones - lactose intolerance - milk protein allergy - vegan diet

B vitamins are required for

- chemical breakdown of carbohydrates - transamination of amino acids - synthesis of lipids

Protective health benefits of phytochemicals include___

- decreasing the formation of blood clots - preventing DNA damage and aiding in DNA repair - mimicking or inhibiting hormones and enzymes

The areas of the body most affected by deficiencies of B vitamins include the

- digestive system - brain and nervous system

To meet the daily requirements for folate, a person might include which foods in his or her diet?

- enriched cereals - green leafy vegetables

For a person who cannot consume cow's milk due to an allergy or intolerance, alternative sources of calcium include

- fortified orange juice - fortified tofu - fortified soy milk

Absorption of calcium is increased during

- infancy - pregnancy

Which of the following are good sources of iron?

- kidney beans - pot roast

Children are at increased risk for iron deficiency because of their

- low meat intake - high milk consumption

Compared to refined or processed grains, whole grains contain

- more magnesium - more fiber - more vitamin E

Federal regulations require the enrichment of refined grain products with

- niacin - thiamin - iron

Which of the following are good plant sources of iron

- oat bran cereal - baked potato - kidney beans

Which of the following population groups are at risk for folate deficiency?

- older adults - alcoholics

The consequences of osteoporosis are

- pain and deformity - bone fractures - decreased physical ability

*With the goal of preventing osteoporosis, a young woman should

- perform weight-bearing physical activity - meet dietary needs for protein - meet dietary needs for calcium

What are the early symptoms of scurvy?

- pinpoint hemorrhages - joint pain - bleeding gums

Older adults are at greater risk for vitamin B-12 deficiency due to

- reduced output of intrinsic factor - lowered production of stomach acid

Potassium performs many of the same functions as sodium, such as

- regulating fluid balance (water balance) - nerve impulse transmission

For a person with iron-deficiency anemia, short term (4-6 weeks) supplementation with iron

- relieves symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue and cold hands and feet - may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, such as constipation - restores hemoglobin levels

Which of the following are biological factors that influence bone status?

- sex - frame size - ethnicity - age

Factors that affect the ability of the skin to synthesize vitamin D include

- skin color - age

Provitamin A carotenoids function as antioxidants and help to prevent

- some cancers - cardiovascular disease in high-risk people

To prevent tooth damage from excessive fluoride exposure in young children, parents should

- supervise toothbrushing for young children - limit toothpaste to a pea-sized amount

sources of provitamin A carotenoids include

- sweet potatoes - carrots - broccoli dark-green and yellow-orange vegetables and some fruits. Carrots, spinach and other greens, winter squash, sweet potatoes, broccoli, mangoes, cantaloupe, peaches, and apricots

Sources of vitamin D include

- synthesis in the skin from sun exposure - fortified foods - fatty fish

Choose the good plant sources of potassium

- tomatoes - sweet potatoes - beet greens

Fluoride content of foods is limited, so in areas where fluoridation of the water supply is not feasible, this mineral can be supplied by

- topical fluoride treatments - toothpaste - fluoride tablets

Adequate dietary intake of magnesium is associated with decreased risk of

- type 2 diabetes - cardiovascular disease

Supplementation may be required to meet the RDA for vitamin D for individuals with

- vegan diets - milk allergies - inadequate sun exposure

Vitamin A is needed for

- vision - reproductive functions - immune functions

Optimal systolic pressure is less than

120 mm Hg.

To balance the risk of skin cancer from too much sun exposure with the sun exposure we need to produce vitamin D, children and adults should expose hands, face, and arms to sunlight for ___ minutes daily


What was the first treatment for scurvy in 1740?

2 oranges and 1 lemon a day

A sensible alcohol intake to prevent or control hypertension is no more than ___ drink(s) per day for men and no more than ___ drink(s) per day for women and all older adults.

2, 1

The RDA for vitamin B-12 for adults is ___ micrograms per day


The only reliable way to correct iron-deficiency anemia is

3-6 months or longer of iron supplementation

The DASH diet recommends ___ servings of fruit per day


The Recommended Dietary Allowance for folate for adult men and nonpregnant women is ___ micrograms per day


Evaporation of 1 quart of perspiration release about ___ kilocalories of heat energy from the body.


Because of ample storage of this vitamin, it can take up to 20 years on a diet free of ___ to develop signs of deficiency


Which of the following are early warning signs of cancer and are included in the acronym CAUTION?

Change in bowel or bladder habits A sore that does not heal Unusual bleeding or discharge Thickening or lump in the breast or elsewhere Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing Obvious change in a wart or mole Nagging cough or hoarseness

Place the steps of vitamin B-12 absorption in the correct order

Cleavage of food-bound vitamin B-12 Secretion of intrinsic factor by stomach cells Formation of intrinsic factor/B-12 Complex Absorption of vitamin B-12

Vitamins can be destroyed by

- heating - exposure to light - exposure to oxygen

Points to consider when choosing a multivitamin and mineral supplement include

- how the supplement balances with other sources of nutrients (e.g. highly fortified foods) - cost and availability - full list of ingredients - % Daily Value of each nutrient

What accounts for the huge variation in cancer rates from country to country

- modifiable lifestyle - environmental exposures

Match the recommendation for cancer prevention with its best definition.

Avoid sugary drinks - Limit consumption of energy-dense foods Limit consumption of salty foods - Increases risk of stomach cancer and hypertension Don't use supplements to prevent cancer - Best to choose a balanced diet rich in variety and whole foods By physically active - 30 minutes every day

Match each type of water with the agency responsible for its safety

EPA - tap water FDA - bottled water

Early detection of cancer is critical to help prevent the spread of the disease


Which of the following are ultratrace minerals?

arsenic, boron, nickel, silicon, and vanadium

Forming and maintaining ___ are calcium's major roles in the body


___ represents abnormal and uncontrollable division of cells that results from mutations in DNA


Minerals function as ___ by aiding a protein such as an enzyme, to do its job.


Jenny would like to increase her iron intake, but doesn't want to take a supplement. Jenny could

eat a fortified, ready to eat breakfast cereal

For optimal health, get your phytochemicals from


Water resists changes in temperature because

it is a polar molecule (great ability to hold heat)

Water is an ideal medium for chemical reactions because

it is the universal solvent

The organ responsible for excreting excess amounts of the water-soluble vitamins is the


Of all lifestyle modifications, ___ has the greatest potential to lower blood pressure.

loss of excess body weight

Match each blood pressure classification with its definition

normal blood pressure - less than 120/80 pre-hypertension - between 120/80 and 139/89 hypertension - 140/90 or higher

An example of a fortified food is

orange juice

During repolarization

positive ions are pumped out of the neuron

When a nerve cell is stimulated, the cell membrane depolarizes because

positive ions rush into the nerve cell, disrupting the slightly negative charge inside the cell membrane

High blood pressure with no clear-cut cause is called

primary hypertension

Live microorganisms that have positive effects on human health are called


The most extensively studied benefit of ___ is on the reduction of diarrhea


After an electrical signal has been transmitted from one part of the neuron to the next, ___ is the phase when positive ions are actively pumped out of the neuron to restore the slightly negative charge inside the cell membrane.


Smokers should increase their intake of ___ by 35 milligrams per day above the RDA

vitamin C

Although requirements for ___ are small, depriving the body of any one of these important dietary components can be debilitating or even deayly.

vitamins and minerals

Most of the chemical reactions of human metabolism take place in


One function of the urinary system is to remove excess _________-soluble vitamins.


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