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It is appropriate to ask others if they are giving you a gift for your birthday.


When your boss is busy or unhappy, it is a good time to ask questions.


If the smell of someone's body odor, perfume, cologne, or aftershave is offensive to you, it is rude to tell the person.


While it is usually a good idea not to exceed the posted speed limit, you may do so on certain situations to keep up with the flow of traffic because it lessens the likelihood of causing an accident.


"Rule of thumb" means a rule that is not generally good to follow.


Discussing personal problems is best done with acquaintances at your workplace.


If a friend shares a problem with you, you should talk about your own problems to make them feel better.


If a phone solicitor calls you to sell items, it's okay to purchase items that you like over the phone.


If a stranger says hello to you in a public place, it is okay to ignore them.


If an acquaintance has bad breath, it is polite to tell them.


If someone says you are "making a mountain out of a molehill", she means that you should worry.


If you call somebody and the person does not answer, you should keep calling back until the person answers.


If you cause damage to someone else's clothing or property, it was probably an accident, so you do not need to pay for the repairs or apologize.


If you develop a headache while at the home of friends, it is acceptable to help yourself to a pain reliever in their medicine cabinet.


If you have younger siblings, you and your parents should correct them when they misbehave.


It is perfectly fine to enjoy something that may be considered childish such as dolls or Legos and most adults will be interested in discussing this with you.


Sometimes you will see people hugging and kissing in public. It is okay to voice your opinion about this.


When a person doesn't talk, it means they have nothing to say


When items of clothing are marked "one size fits all", it is meant to be literally true and fits everyone.


When people are laughing around you, it means they are laughing at you.


When somebody asks if you like her new outfit, it is polite to tell her the truth even if you say "no".


You may put your feet up on the coffee table in your own home or someone else's home if you wish.


You should honk, shake your fist, or in any way express your displeasure to other drivers when they act irresponsibly.


"By the way" is what people say when they are about to tell you something they just remembered. It may not be related to the present conversation.


A due date on a bill is the date by which payment must be received, not the date you are due to send it in. Therefore, if you wait until the due date to send in your payment, it will arrive late and counted as a late payment.


A gift of roses or candy on Valentine's Day is most often interpreted as an expression of romantic interest.


Each day you leave your house, you need to bathe and use deodorant so you won't smell bad to others.


Even though it is sometimes considered socially appropriate to cuss, it is best not to do so unless you are absolutely sure you won't offend anybody.


Even though pedestrian crossing signs are meant for pedestrians and designated places pedestrians are to cross the road, deer crossing signs are not meant for deer to cross at designated places.


Even though you are expected to be on time to your doctor's appointment, the doctor rarely sees you at that time. The expectation is that you will wait for the doctor to see you.


Funny sayings you hear from a TV show or movie are only funny in the context of the TV show or movie...randomly repeating them to others will probably not be funny or make sense.


If people roll their eyes when you are speaking, it likely means that they think something is not quite right with what you are talking about or howe you are expressing yourself. Also, it could mean they think what you are saying is boring. If that happens, it's a good idea to finish your sentence and stop talking.


If someone tells you to "roll with the punches", it means that they are letting you know they expect that you will deal with back-to-back changes or difficulties without becoming overly upset.


If you are unsure of what to do a good strategy is to look at what other people are doing.


If you boss asks if you have any questions, his intent is that you ask questions pertaining to the topic or project he is discussing. You are not to ask about something totally irrelevant to his intent or to the topic.


If you cover a cough or sneeze with your hand, you should wash your hands as soon as possible.


If you have a dog, it is your responsibility to pick up all of the dog's poop even if you do not own the property on which the dog poops.


If you see that your friend or coworker has food between his teeth or on his face, you should not announce it in front of others. You should tell them quietly so they aren't embarrassed.


It is a courtesy rule that you should not use a leaf blower or other noisy tool early in the morning, especially on weekends.


It is considered impolite to monopolize a conversation. To avoid monopolizing a conversation, keep in mind that your turn should take approximately as long as other people's turns.


It is considered rude to start talking to someone who is on the phone.


It is considered rude to start talking with someone who is on the phone. If you start talking to someone and then realize she is on the phone, simply say "sorry" and stop talking.


It's wise to be nice to your coworkers, especially your boss, whether you like them or not.


Only borrow money from friends and only do so when absolutely necessary. You should pay your friend back as soon as possible.


Sometimes workers like to play jokes on each other. If the joke you want to play would cause embarrassment, or in any way be hurtful, it is not a good joke. If you are in doubt, then you shouldn't play the joke.


There are usually big crowds at outdoor festivals. When someone bumps into you, they will likely apologize. It is a social courtesy rule to accept the apology by saying "it's okay" or "no problem", even if you would rather scold or yell at the person.


Though you may find Internet friends to chat with, never arrange to meet them for the first time in person by yourself.


When clerks in a store answer your question or provide any assistance to you, a thank you is appreciated, even if it is their job to help you.


When getting a haircut, you are expected to tip the hairdresser.


When inviting people to your home for a meal or a party, know that it is socially acceptable for guests to arrive later than the time you tell them. In fact, this happens more often than not.


When visiting a relative or friend, they will expect you to say goodbye when you leave. It is considered rude to simply walk out of their house and go home without saying goodbye or thanking them for having you over.


When walking in public places, such as a hallway or staircase, you should walk on the right side


When working in groups, it is better to offer your own ideas than to cut down someone else's ideas. No matter how stupid you think somebody's ideas are, it is better not to say so.


When you go into your boss.'s or coworker's offices, you should not read what is on their computer screen


When you invite a friend over to play video games, try to play two-player games or at least to take turns playing a single-player game.


When your boss makes a suggestion to another worker, if that same suggestion applies to you, you should act on it rather than waiting for your boss to tell you the same thing


While it is fine to notice how white one person's teeth are compared to somebody else's, it is a rule of social p politeness not to talk about it.


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