High Rate of Natural Population Growth Case-Study: NIGER (Gabi)

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Harvest Cause?

Harvests fail annually due to the dry climate (no rain//water) then there are no food resources for the population

Development causes?

- Babies are now inoculated against diseases and treated successfully when ill - Improved supply of clean water so less water-borne diseases - Better education therefore knowledge about health and hygiene so people have more balanced and healthy diets and sanitise more frequently - More accessible clinics and hospitals with more trained medics


- International AID imports millions of dollars worth of contraceptives and "schools for husbands" are set up to educate husbands - Contraceptives are promoted, 1 injection can be used which is discrete and efficient - Marriage age raised to lower birth rate - Gender Equality Campaign e.g. 'HeforShe' lead by famous, influential people to raise awareness - Fertilisers are used on crops to lessen harvest fails and to improve diets leading to less infant mortality


- STDs spread because little contraception - Huge proportion of population cannot be fed leading to starvation and malnutrition - Eventually, an ageing population created so low death rates - OVERPOPULATION

Fertility figure? (2)

At the current growth rate by 2050 the population will grow by 3.4% to 55million people

Children cause?

Children are economic benefits especially girls who are sold or do household jobs

Fertility cause?

High fertility rates because there is only a limited access to contraception as country is not developed enough

Harvest figure?

In 2012, there was a food crisis in Sahel region of Niger

Fertility figure? (1)

Only 12% women use contraception in Niger but 50% use in Rwanda and Zimbabwe

Early Marriage cause?

The average marriage age is very young so there is more time a woman is fertile for whilst married

Fertility figure? (3)

There is an average of 7.6 children per woman due to cultural issues when men are polygamous and competitive with wives. They try to beat other men with their no. wives and childbirths

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