History 101 Final Exam

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the first crusade

10,000 soldiers went through Constantinople and into Jerusalem and through violent and relentless combat, liberated Jerusalem from the Muslims

Joan of Arc

18 year old french peasant that visited the intended French king, Charles VII. She said God told her that she would help Charles regain the throne of France

The Carolingian Renaissance

Charlemagne desired a rebirth of education. He wanted to have an educated clergy that preserved the Roman heritage.


Could senators make laws

Sargon I

First world Conqueror (king of Akkad)

Emperor of the Romans

He was given this title by the Pope because he was the first king to seek the blessing of the Pope who hoped he would revive the Roman Empire

Between his 3 sons

How did Charlemagne divide his empire

she was burned at the stake for witchcraft

How did Joan of Arc die

through human interaction and exposure to fleas and infected vermin

How did the plague spread

stabbed him to death

How did the senate kill Caesar

The Siege of Caffa

Italians traded heavily with Asia through the Black Sea. Yet, they did not get along well with the Mongols that maintained many of trade posts.

Carolus Magnus

Latin for Charles the Great


Spartan slaves captured in warfare and forced to harvest crops for the Spartans


Western Christians wanted to travel in large groups to see the Holy Land


What ages were boys put in military school


What city did Joan of Arc liberate


What did Augustus call himself

gave them water supply is they lived far away, indoor plumbing, public bathing, and fountains

What did the aqueducts and irrigation systems do for the people of Rome


What didi Octavian become

revered one

What does Augustus mean

"first among equals"

What does princeps mean

the lineage of the Pharaohs

What is the Egyptian Kingdoms based on


What lands did Charlemagne create an empire


What language is Hammurabi's code written in

His 3 sons fought and tore the empire apart

What made Charlemagne's empire to fall?

the land became dominated by Islamic forces

What made pilgrimage difficult for western Christians


What was the first recorded civilization?

flogged themselves (flagellants)

What would people do to themselves because they thought the plague was sent by God?

at the feet of pompey's statue

Where did Caesar die

Sparta and Athens

Who fought in the Peloponnesian war

England after they captured her.

Who killed Joan of Arc


Who killed caesar


Who united the Franks

Julius Caesar

Who wanted to restore peace and prosperity to Rome and regulated the distribution of grain, land and created jobs through public works


Who was the first emperor of the Roman Empire

because Harold II claimed he was the new king of England

Why did William the Duke of Normandy invade England in 1066?

They thought God was punishing them

Why did people flog themselves over the plague?

so the king can have them in the afterlife

Why did people place food, wine, clothes, and other valuables in the pyramids

because he improved the standard of living and reduced the influence of the Senate

Why did the people love Julius Caesar?

because he threatened their power

Why did the senate kill Caesar

because Edward 3rd's sons had symbols, red and white roses, that represented them in battles

Why was it called the " Wars of Roses "


_____ was the source of almost all Greek tragedies


a collection of stories that explain the origin of life , the forces of nature, spiritual events or deities

Bubonic plague

a disastrous disease that killed 25 million Europeans, one-third of the population, and shattered any growth achieved during the medieval period.


a group of philosophers that questioned human behavior and moral codes

William Duke of Normandy

a powerful noble in France and his fiefdom was Normandy. His cousin was the king of England

The holy roman empire

a really loose connection of Germanic kingdoms. The numerous kings from this area fought each other and offered their highly trained soldiers as mercenaries for other European nations to gain allies

Julius Caesar

a strong leader the conquered Gaul and the barbaric lands, he supported the populares and the rights of the people


a system in which the people can rule themselves based on their location instead of their family line

dark ages

a time when there is no education or cultural growth. The death of Rome killed prosperity and with it education and technology

the peloponnesian war

a war between Athens and Sparta over Superiority in Greece


advisors of Rome


after the collapse of the Roman Empire the western lands fell under constant barbarian attacks and suffered violent political riots as war-lords struggled for control

socratic method

all knowledge you need is within you and you have to seek it out; answer is within you

The war of the Roses

another aspect of the 100 years war and confusion over who was the true king developed into numerous battles between the descendants of Edward III

The Hundred Years War

between England and France over English claimed lands in France and who sat on the French throne


built as tombs/temples for god kings (pharaohs)


earliest known civilization in Rome ruled by aristocratic kings.


excessive pride

Hammurabi's code

first recorded legal code

Carolus Magnus (Charles the Great)

he was a strong warrior and conquered Italy, the German lands, and most of Eastern Europe.

for life

how long did senators in rome serve


how many people were in the senate

Egyptian Kingdoms

how the Egyptian history is divided


increased violence towards Jews as a result of the plague because people believed God was punishing Europe for accepting the murders of Christ


means the love of wisdom; it encourages critical thinking about the physical world instead of the prior mythological beliefs


military city-state in greece


moved the capitol from Rome to Constantinople to improve trade and save Rome from collapsing under its own weight


sacked Rome and brought and end to the empire


stone walls used gravity to transport water from the Tiber River or mountain springs to the people

the spread of the plague

the bacteria spread quickly from Black Sea ports to Italy and France. It also spread through human interaction and exposure to fleas and infected vermin.


the buying or selling of church privileges, pardons, or offices.

Simony and Indulgences

the church grew in economic power through these two acts. People would give the church money or land for personal gain.


the decedents of these people became the ruling class of Rome and they ended up owning most of the land

Council of Clermont 1095

the decree of Pope Urban II which challenged Christians to take up arms and push the Muslims out of Jerusalem.


the earliest known written language created by the people of Mesopotamia

the Lancasters

the family of the 3rd son of Edward III and used the Red Rose as their symbol

the York's

the family of the 4th son of Edward VII and used a White rose as their symbol


the god-king; came to earth to rule the people


the high social class of Rome; they were the land owners and the ruling class

Knights Templar

the knights of the temple, were highly trained warriors that protected pilgrims and other soldiers as they traveled to Jerusalem. -Merchants sought them out to defend their trade and transport of gold, an endeavor that made them exceptionally wealthy


the land between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers


the largest city-state in Greece.


the offering or money or land for the forgiveness of sin


the poor working class of Rome; they could not vote, hold office or even marry into the Patricians

Five good emperors

the rulers of Rome that lead based on moral philosophy and humility

Yersinia Pestis

the scientific name for the bacteria that caused the illness. It caused high fever and dark boils caused by bleeding under the skin.


the social and political system of Medieval Europe in which the king gave land to nobles in exchange for military service and loyalty


the soldier that served the nobleman and defend the villagers. In exchange for this service the vassal received food, shelter and a social position

The holy roman empire

the title of this empire was an attempt by the Roman Catholic church, which had strong ties to the land.


the victorious Muslim ruler said he would allow Christians to visit Jerusalem and prevent Islamic attacks on visitors


was the first to restore stability to the region. He united the Franks and created an empire in the land of Gaul.

moral philosophy and humility

what did the five good emperors of Rome rule based in

they offered wisdom and great influence

what did the senate do in rome


what was Athens rival city-state


when men try to become god-like and ultimately fail; pride


who was the first Christian Emperor of Rome


writing rooms for monks to re-write the works of the early Romans and Christians.


wrote down or engraved the first legal code. He was the greatest king of Babylon

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