History 147 Quiz 3

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Manifest Destiny

A notion held by nineteenth-century Americans that the United States was destined to rule the continent, from the Atlantic the Pacific. It was an idea that meant the U.S had a clear set destiny, and inevitable future under God's power, to expand the Nation across the world. It was a nationalist argument, but also racial as well. The "we" used was meant for whites in the United States. The movement was targeted towards Anglo-Saxons of America. They wanted to spread Christianity and spread God's ideas across America. Sullivan believed God had given them the right to overspread the Nation. They argued God was giving them this power because Anglo-Saxons were the Superior race, compared to all others. Others were not capable of democracy like themselves. This idea took place under John Tyler when he was president. he created 3 trails as a result of this "manifest" idea. The Oregon Trail, Mormon Trail, and California trail. People start to expand across these trails because they wanted more land. Issues arise in California, as it is owned by Mexico. This, however, does not stop anyone from invading the land of Mexico. They do not see Mexico as owning the land, but instead, they see themselves as the true owners. God had given them a mission, and it was their duty to fulfill it. One of the trails, the California trail, would soon become violent with American invaders. 1849 there was gold discovered in California. This attracted a rush of people all over the country and increased pressure on fed gov. to establish a stable gov. in CA. In Oregon territory, white settlers do not conflict as much with the Native Americas, as they were more so there to settle down with their families rather than create conflict, or search for gold like in California. Populations: 1846 (California) 150,000 N.A's --------------1870 30,000 N.A's As a result of the issues with Native Americans, Issac Stevens gets congress to set aside money in Washington Territory to set up reservations for Native American populations. They start to negotiate with Native American tribes. This was significant because it allowed the U.S. to expand its territory and develop a sense of nationalism, playing a huge role in the annexation of California and Texas.

U.S. -Mexican War

A war fought over the annexation of Texas and a border dispute. Mexico thought the border of Texas was at the Nueces River and the U.S. thought the border of Texas was at the Rio Grande. Polk went to Congress and tried to create an argument for war. He based it on the fact that Mexico had continuously committed wrongs against the United States. Polk had argued that the Mexican army continuously attacked U.S troops. There is opposition on whether or not war should be declared. Whigs want to vote no but are afraid of their party disappearing. It is divided between the Democrats and Whigs. The Whigs know the U.S will win, and if they won the war, the Whigs would be looked down upon. Giddings argued against War. He believed Polk had purposefully aggravated Mexico in order to gain territory. He argued that war was unnecessary. June 1846: Votes: 174-14 House yes-no 40-2 Senate yes-no Starting in 1846, there is a war with Mexico. It is called the U.S Mexican War. The Whigs believed the war was wrong. IT was simply a goal to take as much land as possible. During the War, Britain renews the idea of 54-40. They come to an agreement to split between the North and South. Neither side wanted another war.

Issues of Slavery in New Territories

At the time, New Mexico and California were non-slave territories. Zachary Taylor argued to admit them as non-slave states, as the land was acquired from Mexico where there was no slavery; it was illegal. Buchanan and Webster suggest a compromise similar to the Missouri Compromise. Calhoun argues against a compromise, as slaves are property. Therefore, he believed it was unconstitutional for Congress to legislate slavery. Seward is also against slavery compromise, but because he believes it is wrong and should not exist. Seward believed compromises went against moral and religious reasons. For compromise was Stephen Douglas. He came up with the idea of popular sovereignty. He wanted the states to decide for themselves whether or not they wanted slavery. Zachary Taylor did not want the issue of slavery to expand and get worse. He believed it was not even an issue as cotton could not even be grown in these new Territories. Cotton was the driving industry in the South and was why slavery was so important in that area. Calhoun believed that they had no power to do anything about slavery, not even pass a "popular sovereignty" law. He thinks the North needs to step up in order to solve the problem. They are the ones who can save the Union. The North had the power to do what is right, consistent with the constitution. No matter what, Calhoun argued that no legislation could be done by Congress on the matter of slavery. Congress could not legislate slavery in new territory. This leads to the compromise of 1850. Calhoun dies soon after creating his arguments and has no say in what happens. As a result of the compromise, slavery becomes outlawed in Washington D.C. This was something the North wanted, but the South was opposed to. The North did not want slavery being in the National capital. Also, California is admitted as a free state, and Utah and New Mexico will determine whether or not slavery is allowed through Popular sovereignty. Congress also passes the Fugitive Slave Act. It gave slavery legal protection by the federal government. It became a federal crime to help runaway slaves, and escaped slaves could still be arrested even in a free state. Escaping slavery to go to a free state did not mean that the slaves were then discharged from their labor. It was controversial, as it was pro-slavery.

Election of 1856 - James Buchanan Presidency Dred Scott Case

During the 1850s, the idea of Rising Sectionalism was entrenched even more. In 1856, James Buchanan is nominated as president and wins. He is a democrat. Each passing year there is an even under Buchanan's presidency that entrenches rising sectionalism.

The Compromise of 1850 (After the issues of slavery in new territory)

Henry Clay, a whig, was one trying to work for a compromise. Stephen Douglas, Illinois, was working with him. They wanted to remove the issue of slavery and move on. They wanted to break down slavery into 4 components. The first component was to admit California as a non slave state. Secondly, they wanted to use popular sovereignty for the New Mexico territory. The people could decide for the state, based on their own factors, whether or not they wanted slavery. Calhoun argued this was unconstitutional. Congress could not legislate slavery one way or another. Popular sovereignty gave the possibility of the new territory being slave territory. Secondly, they wanted Texas to come into the Union as a slave state. Anti slavery individuals disagreed with Texas being expanded to the Rio Grande, as that was too much territory for slavery. Besides, people in Mexico bordering the Rio Grande did not have slaves themselves; it was illegal. They also decided to compensate Texas for the debt incurred during the war. Third, they also compromise to allow slavery to continue in D.C. The slave trade would become illegal. Antislavery people wanted to end slavery in D.C and take it out of the National Capital. The Compromise was allowing slavery but making the slave trade illegal. Fourth, People argued that underground railroads were unconstitutional. It went against Article 4 in the Constitution. Congress in return passes the Fugitive Slave Act. If a slave escapes, they are to be returned to their labor when found. Helping slaves escape was now a federal offense. People caught were fined, and possibly even imprisoned. With this, the creation of a new law came into place. Congress or the Federal government could not legislate the interstate slave trade. This was argued to be necessary by the SOuth. The South argued that slaves were property, and property could not be legislated. The North saw the South as having "slave power." The North thought they were giving up too much power to the South. Significance: This compromise did not solve anything. It just entrenched the rising sectionalism. Neither side trusted each other, and tensions were rising. The union was being tenuously held together.

Secession 1860

It was unanimously approved by S.C Legislature. (169-0). South Carolina forms its Declaration of Secession. They created their argument around the basis of slavery. They were also the first state to secede after the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. This occurred for a few reasons. The South argued that the North was not obeying the Constitution and that the Constitution was a compact between States. The North was not abiding by this contract, therefore, the South did not have to either. They claimed that the Union is dissolved for this very reason. It was very similar to the Declaration of Independence and the ideas that were stated within that document; following the ideas of an abusive and tyrannical government, or in this case, states. They do not want Lincoln to take office, and they leave prior to him doing so. This influences the other SOuthern states to follow in their lead, also declaring secession. January 9th- Mississipi January 10th- Florida January 11th- Alabama January 19th- Georgia January 26th- Lousiana February 1st- Texas Buchanan was president during this time, prior to Lincoln taking office in March of 1861. He states that this is illegal, but does nothing to solve it. He leaves the problems up to Lincoln to fix. On March 4th, 1861, Lincoln gives his inaugural address. He addresses the secession. He states that the Constitution is permanent. You cannot break the union up whenever, or whenever there is a disagreement. Perpetuity was implied. The South responds by referencing the colonies leaving Great Britain. The South argues that this was the same thing. If the colonies could leave Britain, then surely they have the right to leave the Union. Why was it okay then, but not okay now? If the South was right in their argument, they were to be considered free, and any military action would be an invasion on which the SOuth could involve other foreign countries. If the North was right in their argument, it would be treason, and they then could send the military to go down to the South in order to make sure they stop with the rebellious act. The South simply asks to be left alone, and Lincoln claims their arguments to be invalid. He sees his right to use military force as his duty as the President of the United States is to protect and preserve the Union. He did not think of the United States as a contract, but as a "universal law" that was keeping the Union together. It is up to the South to decide whether there is a civil war. This is done by either coming back into the Union, which the North never saw the South as actually having left, or the South could continue their argument (thus creating a war). These arguments result in the Civil War. The North called it the Civil War because they claim the South is still apart of the Union. The South calls the war the "War of Northern Aggression." All of the fightings occurs in the South because they want to be left alone.

Panic of 1837

Jackson had created this panic, and economic depression, as a result of removing the national banks. It lasted 1837-1844.

Issues with Texas Colonization

John Tyler, being an expansionist, had started to colonize other areas. His issue during his term was the Texas Colonization. Slavery was not legal in Mexico, and Texas had not been developed. The Mexican government encouraged settlement across the American border in order to develop Texas. This was during the 1820's. By the 1830's, 25,000 Americans were in Texas. These Americans were from the South. Since they are from the South, they started to grow cotton, and brought along slavery as well. The 25,000 in the area had about 2,000 slaves altogether. Also, in the area there were 5,000 hispanic people. The Mexican government wanted the Americans to act as Mexican citizens. Thus creating an issue with slavery, as slavery was illegal in Mexico. With the encroaching of slavery, Mexican citizens had to deal with slavery when in the past it was not an issue. For awhile the Mexican government left the Americans alone because they were developing the economy. They were living in a period of salutary neglect. In 1833, Santa Anna became the president of Mexico. He was unhappy with how Texas was being developed and wanted Americans to adhere to Mexican law. There is tension created between Santa Anna and Texas citizens. November of 1835, they plan on declaring independence from Mexico. In the spring of 1836, they declare themselves as an independent state. Santa Anna believes this is treason; they have no right to do so. IT is Mexican territory. Santa Anna as a result uses force and attacks the Americans. This included an attack in Alamo, which killed thousands of Americans. The Americans eventually capture Santa Anna and force him to sign their independence. Mexico does not acknowledge this as being legitimate. In April of 1836, those in Texas appeal to the U.S and ask for Texas to become annexed. At the time, Jackson was president. He decides not to do it as it might hurt Van Buren's chances of becoming president. Van Buren is elected in 1836. He is not an expansionist like Jackson, and says no as well. By 1840, John Tyler is president. Knowing his views, he is willing to annex Texas. He is an expansionist and wants to colonize new areas. However, people do not believe he is a true president. He was originally the Vice President. Needless to say, congress is all whigs and Tyler was thrown out of the party. Thus, under Tyler's presidency, nothing else is done. In March of 1845, Polk becomes president. Tyler decides to move forward with his annexation plan with Congress because Polk had already won. Congress listened to Tyler because now there were a lot more Democrats in office. In February of 1845, Congress passes a joint resolution to annex Texas. Mexico, no matter what, will not acknowledge this. The Whigs as well believe this process is unconstitutional. Texas claims that the Rio Grande is their border, instead of the Nueces. The U.S sends troops to defend the Rio Grande border. The Mexican troops attack, believing that the U.S is invading Mexicos territory. Polk goes to Congress and uses this as a reason for war. Polk believes that Mexico is the aggressor. The only way for the U.S to truly acquire the land is through war. The idea of war was divided between the Democrats and Whigs. Whigs are also afraid of their party disappearing if they vote no, going against the war. They know the U.S will win the War, and do not want to disappear as the Federalists did after opposing a different war. War starts in 1846. Fall of 1847 the U.S wins the war. The U.S signs a treaty with Mexico in Feb of 1848. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. It assures that Mexico recognizes Texas as being annexed. Polk starts to want more land after the war. People in the government, democrats, argue that they should take more land from Mexico. James Buchanan, Stephan Douglas, and Jefferson Davis. Calhoun argued against taking more land because if they went any more SOuth into Mexico, there would be too many Mexicans in the U.S. THis was majorly based on their racist ideas, believing that whites were superior. This is what yields them from taking more land. As a result, they get New Mexico and California. For New Mexico, they pay Mexico 15 million. Even with winning the war, they paid in order to take the land fairly. With this payment in the treaty, Mexico could not try and claim the land as theirs as a payment verifies an agreement. By 1848, the majority of the U.S was settled. Would they allow slavery in this new Territory?

Issues with Abolition Societies

On the basis of Abolition societies, which dealt with the issue of slavery as well, Webster was against them. They were trying to abolish slavery, but he thought they were going against the constitution in the way they attempted to do so. They were dividing the country even more and causing chaos. He understood that they had good intentions but that they were not doing anything useful. The abolitionist societies (Harriet Tubman) created the Underground Railroad. It was places for escaped slaves to stay while they were being chased. It helped them get to freedom in the North. Webster and others argued against this for constitutional reasons. They believed that these underground railroads were methods of stealing property, therefore illegal. Just because a slave escaped to free land, that does not mean they were discharged from their labor. If you are helping a slave escape into the North, it would be going against the Constitution. These societies were only angering Southerners even more. It may be right morally, but it was wrong constitutionally. Because of these societies, the South started to see a right to leave the Union. If the North is not abiding by the constitution, then neither should the South.

Fugitive Slave Act

People argued that underground railroads were unconstitutional. Southerners were becoming angry at the continuous abuse of the constitution by people in the North. They did not see slaves as being free once they escaped to a free slave state. These underground railroads went against the constitution specifically. It went against Article 4 in the Constitution. Article 4 stated that simply because a slave steps into the non-slavery territory, that does not mean they cease to be a slave. Once found, they had to be returned to their labor. Because of these issues, Congress in return passes the Fugitive Slave Act. If a slave escapes, they are to be returned to their labor when found. With this law, helping slaves escape was now a federal offense. People caught were fined, and possibly even imprisoned. With this, the creation of a new law came into place. Congress or the Federal government could not legislate the interstate slave trade. This was argued to be necessary by the South. The South argued that slaves were property, and property could not be legislated. The North saw the South as having "slave power." The North thought they were giving up too much power to the South. It is ratified in the South in 1850. The North was confused as to why other types of property could be legislated, but slaves could not be. Yet, the political elite and the rich slave owners in the South continued to base their argument on the fact the slaves were property, and that it was specifically mentioned in the constitution. They believed that any person who spoke against slavery and anyone who tried to get rid of it was going against their constitutional rights. This is significant because it helped entrench the rising sectionalism during this time period.

Presidential Election of 1848

Polk decides to step down as president. The Democrats nominate Lewis Cass. The Whigs nominate a war hero, Zachary Taylor. Taylor is from the South, and a Nationalist. He is a slave Owner, but does not want the country to be broken apart by slavery. He promises to not let slavery expand into any more new territory. The Liberty and Free Soil parties also form. The Free Soil party nominates M. Van Buren. He does not want slavery to expand. Zachary Taylor is elected. He creates a movement to admit and grant statehood to both California and New Mexico.

Social Reform Movement

Reformers that were inspired by the Second Great Awakening to improve society. Reform was led by middle class women that pursued temperance, abolition, and women's rights. It was around the time of the Second Great Awakening. Most of the time, women fighting for social reform often lacked rights of their own. Women at the forefront of the Social Reform movements and the pushing for women's rights included Elizabeth Lady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. These two women decided to go to the Anti-Slavery society and fight for more rights, the rights that men had but women did not. Throughout the majority of history, women had been oppressed in the rights they had. Some even started to reject the notions of natural differences between men and women and started to push for full gender equality. For many years, women's role in society was to raise well-mannered children in order to ensure a better republic. They were expected to stay at home and take care of their family and children. Women were not encouraged to obtain a real education or pursue a professional career. After marriage, women did not have the right to own their own property, keep their own wages, or sign a contract. In addition, all women were denied the right to vote. The movement in the 1800s became popular among many women, but not all. Some women agreed with the argued role men thought women should have in society. However, others argued that whatever a man can do, a woman can also do just as good. Moreover, the two women at the forefront of the women's rights movements had attended a conference of the Anti-Slavery Society. They were told they would not be able to vote during this conference, as they were women. This conference which they attended took place in 1848, Seneca Falls NY. Elizabeth wrote a series of resolutions, titled the "Declaration of Sentiments" In this, she discusses how men have asserted their tyrannies over women. It was modeled similar after the Declaration of Independence, in which she acknowledged how women have been oppressed over the years. This argument was convincing and powerful. If the people supported the Declaration of Independence, then they must agree with whatever she is writing. Women were not given the right to vote because men considered themselves as their voice. If women wanted the right to vote, they would have to get it from the men in power. The final decision lied in the hands of men, not women. It would take 70 years for men to give up this power, because of superiority.

The election of 1844

The Candidates were James Polk for the democrats and Henry Clay for the whigs. This election is about expansionism. It is also the issue of "manifest destiny." Polk promised to take all of Oregon territory, New Mexico, Texas, and California. He demanded all Oregon Territory from the British, or he would fight. "54-40 or fight." A third party forms and they are the Liberty party. They are an abolitionist movement. Their candidate is James Birney. James gets 0 electoral college votes, Polk 170, Clay 105. The deciding State was New York, 36 votes. The liberty party split up the vote with the whigs. So, because of that, the democrats were able to win the election. Thus, Polk becomes president. March of 1845 Polk takes the presidency. Tyler moves forward with his annexation plan with Congress because Polk won. This is because there are a lot more Democrats in Congress than before.

Republican Party

The Free Soil believed in no expansion of slavery. The Liberty party was strongly abolitionism The Free soil and Whigs (northern) join together as they have similar ideas. The Northern Democrats also join in with the ex whigs and ex free soil party members. Together they all become the Republican Party.

Dred Scott v. Sanford

The first unpopular event under Buchanan's presidency was the Dred Scott vs Sanford case. Dred Scott was a slave from Missouri territory. As a slave, Emerson, his owner, took him to the non-slave territories. Wisconsin and Illinois. Once Emerson died, he was sold to Sanford. Dred Scott argued he had the right to be free. He thought once he Stepped foot into Wisconsin, he ceased to be a slave. He went back to Missouri willingly. The lower and circuit courts reject his case, so he takes it to the Supreme Court. At the time, Roger Tanney was the Chief Justice. At the time, Roger Tanney was the Chief Justice. He was a former slave owner from the South. He asks this question first and foremost: Can black people be citizens in the United States? Is Dred Scott a Citizen and therefore does he have a standing in the COurt? CItizens had the privilege of suing in the Courts. He argues that black people cannot be citizens. It was never intended for black people to be citizens in the Constitution, Tanney says. Since they are not citizens, they cannot stand in court. Others argued that black people were citizens in other areas, such as New York. Tanney argued against this, that citizenship of the state and country are two different things. Just because someone is a citizen of the State, does not mean they are citizens of the country. The right to have slaves is entrenched in the constitution: they are property. They can never be citizens. Dred Scott is not a citizen, therefore he cannot sue in Court. Tanney continues by saving the right to property, or in other words, slaves, is entrenched in the constitution. Therefore, given this right of property, congress does not have the power to legislate against slavery. US Congress did not have the power to prohibit slavery in federal territories and slaves, as private property, could not be taken away without due process. The constitution is the supreme law of the land. Emerson brought Dred Scott into Illinois, but Illinois could not take away his right to slaves as it was entrenched in the constitution. Any state law in conflict with the constitution was then null and void. All of these arguments considered, Tanney thus declared that the 36th parallel was unconstitutional. And since Congress could not legislate slavery, the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional. Therefore, slavery is allowed to exist in territories that were already considered non-slavery.

Civil War: Emancipation Proclamation

The seven states voted to secede in February and become the confederate states. Lincoln becomes president in 1861. Lincoln believed it was his duty to preserve the union. The Confederates saw themselves as having the right to secede. Lincoln thinks that he can take military action in the SOuth, but the SOuth disagrees as they are a "separate country" after secession. Lincoln and his supporters call it the Civil War, the Confederate states call it the "War of Northern Aggression" Because the South Seceded, they believe they own all the land and federal buildings of the SOuth. South Carolina tells the Northern troops to vacate the federal forts. South Carolina disagreed with Northern Troops being in the federal forts since they were separated from the United States after seceding. They threaten to bomb Fort Sumter if the Northerners do not leave. The Northerners do not leave, and in 1861 the South bombs the fort. Jefferson Davis was the president of the Southern Confederate states. He asked Lincoln to be left alone. Lincoln denies their right to separate once again. The war is fought in the South. The North wanted to make the south submit to their authority. They wanted to use forced submission as their strategy. Thus, the North took an offensive approach in the war; the South took a defensive. The North had a lot of advantages over the South. They had more people and a better economy. The issue of the war was conflicted over slavery and state rights. The North can more effectively produce guns and explosives. They also had railroads; the south did not. More of their advantages were Iron, coal, and food production, firearms, manufactured goods, etc. The only advantage the South had over the North was the cotton production. It was obvious to everyone that the North would eventually win. Their plan was to march into the South and convince them to submit. By 1861, after Fort Sumter, 11 states were in the confederacy. People expected the war to be over quickly. They had their first battle, the Battle of Manassas. It ended up being a confederate victory. As a result, a huge army is created by Lincoln and he appoints Mclellan as general. The Confederate general was Lee. Lee had 80000 soldiers. Mclellan had 120,000. Mclellan was defeated by lee, and Mclellan was then fired. He hires Pope, but that fails as well. He fires Pope and reinstates Mclellan. Once again, Mclellan does badly and gets fired again. Lincoln decides to hire Burnside. Lee recognizes that the North has significantly more resources. Eventually, the South will not be able to replenish their resources. The South goes to D.C in hopes of winning and proving they are their own union. Although, it was a defeat and Lee had to retreat. Lincoln was angered at Burnside because he let the South escape. In September of 1862, Lincoln creates the Emancipation Proclamation. It proclaimed the emancipation of slaves. It did not free all slaves, but only set free SOuthern Slaves, or slaves in States that were in rebellion. (as of Jan 1863). There were 4 states that had not seceded, therefore they got to keep their slaves. Lincoln stated that if you were not a state in rebellion, he could not touch your slaves. The Union saw their right to abolish slavery in rebellious states as they did not recognize their ability to actually leave the union. The South persists. This angers them even more and does not convince them to submit to the authority of the North. If they decide to submit, it will seem like they are okay with whatever the Union wants them to do. This is why they do not stop fighting. The European countries will not support the South because the war issue is based on slavery. The North started to encourage the slaves to escape and offered them refuge within the military. The Battle of Gettysburg occurs and becomes a union victory. Lincoln replaces General Mclellan with General Grant. Each of the previous generals had done badly because they let the South escape from conflict. Grant is not afraid to keep fighting. He plays his numbers advantage. In 1864, he pursues Lee. Lee has to extract himself because Grant uses his numbers to attack the South. Grant keeps fighting back and does not stop. He continues to pursue Lee. By the fall of 1863, the Union was winning. Sherman marches his troops from Atlanta to Georgia, calling it the "Shermans March" They destroy anything they come across. Lincoln is up for re-election during the war in 1864. He gets re-elected as president. It was only the North voting for president. By April 9, 1865, Grant is able to extract Lee from the Richmond area. Lee surrenders his army to Grant during this time in Appomattox. There is no official end date to the war as there was no real beginning. AS word spreads of the war ending, fighting slowly decreases. On the 14th of April, Lincoln is assassinated in Ford Theater by John Wilkes Booth. In April, Jefferson Davis escaped the Richmond area. 10 May 1865, he is captured. My may of this time, the war is basically over.

Election of 1860

There were 4 total candidates. Lincoln (Republican), Breckinridge (Southern Democrat), Douglas (North democrat), Bell (constitutional union). Buchanan decided not to run again, so there was the need for a new Democrat candidate. Stephen Douglas received 12 votes from the North. The Democrats wanted the policy of slavery to be that it is a state right. They wanted to limit Congress and the Federal Government from legislating on slavery. The Northern Democrats, on the other hand, were angry with this idea. They thought that slavery was wrong and that it should not be continued any longer. The Southern Democrats split from the party and became the Southern Rights Democrats. They were the ones to nominate Breckinridge. All of the southern slave owners voted for him. (72). During the Election, all of the democrats referred to the Republicans as being radicals. Pro-slavery saw the Republicans as radicals who wanted to get rid of slavery everywhere, which in their own argument went against their constitutional right which was entrenched. They threaten to leave if the Republicans win the presidency. The Republicans voted for Lincoln as their candidate. He received 180 electoral college votes, all being from the Northern states. The next party to form during this election was the Constitutional Union Party. All of these parties had major tension. The only thing keeping the Union together was a priority. This new party elects John Bell as their candidate, and most border Southern states voted for him (39 electoral college votes). The Constitutional Union Party wanted to focus on keeping the Union together, whereas the other parties made the issue of this election about slavery. The republicans had to constantly reassure that they were not radicals. After the Election, Lincoln becomes president with the most votes. As a result, the South Carolina legislature drafts the South Carolina Declaration of Secession, including the causes. They see their right to leave the union. This election was significant because it was the president that was going to be in office when the civil war breaks out, and the result of the election along with other events lead to the secession of the first 7 southern states.

Senate Election of 1858

This was the second event to happen under Buchanans presidency. In 1858, Stephen Douglas was up for senate reelection. He was a democrat. The Republicans nominate Abraham Lincoln. He challenges Douglas and his views. The two are opposed in their views, although, they were not very different from each other. They argue the ideas of slavery and racial equality. Douglas argues that black people should not be citizens ever within U.S territory. Slavery is a right. he himself did not like slavery, as he was from Illinois. He believed though that legally and constitutionally it was a states right to decide what to do with slavery. it was a states right issue, not a issue for Congress to deal with. Lincoln argued that slavery was completely wrong. HE and the party represented slavery as a wrong. Although, he was against racial equality. He was not in favor of black citizenship. He saw a physical difference between black and white individuals. They should never stand next to each other as political and social equals. He believed there was nothing to do with slavery where it already existed. Slavery was wrong, but it was a states right issue. He did not want slavery to be admitted into any more states. They were debating, but had really similar views. Lincoln argued he was not a radical; he was instead like others. This was significant because it showed that just because whites saw slavery as a wrong, that did not mean they were for racial equality. Douglas wins the election for senate. He had made a name for himself, unlike Lincoln. People believed they knew Douglas more than they knew Lincoln. They whole time Lincoln was trying to prove he was not a radical. Lincoln loses the election, but as a result he rises in ranks in the Republican Party. People like him as he is clearly a moderate. His views of the races not being equal went hand in hand with Republican values.

John Brown's Raid

This was the third event of Buchanan's Presidency. John Brown and his sons went down to Kansas, killing a few pro-slavery individuals. He sees slavery as a moral issue. It is a sin, and the only way to solve the issue of slavery is to shed blood. In 1859, a small group of men attacked the small town of Harper's Ferry in Virginia. They were intent on seizing weapons to give to slaves to start a rebellion. Their plan was to go in and overtake the Federal Arsenal. No slaves would want to do this willingly though. The group gained control of the arms but was surrounded by General Lee's men. 10 of the men were killed and the leader, John Brown, was captured and tried for treason. He was sentenced to death and hanged. The North viewed him as a martyr and approved strongly of his revolt. The South viewed him as a terrorist and was outraged with the North. Northerners make John Brown a martyr and hero. Some claim that he was doing what any good Christian would do. The North thought that more people should be acting against slavery and that he did nothing wrong. He was called an "Angel of Light" Southerners were mad as a result because the Northerners were defending someone who had committed treason. They were once again going after their right to slavery, and obstructing the constitution.

Election of 1840

Van Buren had been president 1836 to the time he was up for re-election, 1840. He decides he wants to run again. Because of economic problems, he is not very popular among Americans. They blame him for the issues rather than Jackson. The Whig party still existing, picks William H Harrison as their presidential candidate. He is consistent with the dominant values of Henry Clay. He can do the work of Henry Clay, which is what they wanted. For the Vice President, they choose John Tyler as their candidate. He has ideas like Calhoun, believes in state rights, etc. They wanted him so they could get votes in the North. Calhoun would not win in the North, but Tyler would have a better chance. Van Buren loses, and William H Harrison receives the overall vote. 30 days after he is inaugurated, William H Harrison contracts pneumonia and dies. They did not have in the constitution what should be done when the president dies. IT did not specifically say that the Vice President takes over as president. People wanted to re-elect, but instead John Tyler becomes president. He claims himself as in charge. As time goes on, John Tyler starts to veto Henry Clays legislations he passed. His cabinet quits as they cannot work with him anymore, as he had somewhat lost control. He makes John Calhoun his Secretary of State. The Whigs end up kicking Tyler out of the party. Tyler continues to be president, and both are now considered independents. John Tyler Views: States Rights / Pro-Slavery / Expansionist

Kansas-Nebraska Act

When the U.S gained unorganized territory, they worked to make it official territory, then would apply for statehood. Stephen Douglas worked to make the Territory into the Nebraska Territory. However, Southerners block the legislation. As a result, he creates another legislation. He ends up suggesting to divide the territory into two. The North will be Nebraska, and the South, Kansas. This becomes known as the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act. Nebraska would be non-slave, Kansas would be popular sovereignty. The North disagreed with this decision as the territory was on the Northern side of the 36th parallel. Thus, Northerners try to encourage as many as possible to move into the territory so they can get more votes towards non-slavery in Kansas. The South does the same, sending people to vote for slavery. This takes place in 1854-1855. This does not go well for either side. There is a lot of violence and injuries, even deaths, caused by the opposition between both sides. Many people die as a result of violence. The press calls this "bleeding Kansas." In 1855, the proslavery side draws up a constitution and applies Kansas for statehood. The anti-slavery senators from the North do not ratify the constitution. It is invalid because most proslavery members are not actual residents of Kansas, but rather moving there temporarily in order to entrench slavery in the territory. The Whigs as a result split with Southern ties. They had mainly Northern Supporters.

Election of 1852

With this rising sectionalism, the North and South were divided. The Democrats elected Stephen Douglas. Other candidates were Lewis Cass, and James Buchanan. They agree to work together with the South, and they see their right to maintain slavery. During this time period as well, Henry Clay dies. As a result, the Whig Party changes. They start to push against slavery and popular sovereignty. They take a Northern perspective. At the end of 1852, Franklin Pierce becomes President. As a result of this election and the division between the Whigs, the party starts to lose its significance.

Reconstruction: Presidential VS Congressional

With war being over, it was unsure what should be done of the Confederate States. People in power did not know whether they should or need to be punished. The South had caused tremendous damage to the U.S, but people in power were unsure of how severely they should respond when readmitting them as states in the Union. Lincoln and other Northerners did not think they needed to be readmitted into the Union, as in their own argument, the South had never even left it. Summer of 1865, these questions are all up to debate. Under the ideas of Presidential Reconstruction... Congress soon passes the 13th amendment. The 13th amendment outlawed slavery completely in the U.S. It was a major debate whether or not the South should be punished after the war. If they punished them, the South would not think any better of the U.S than they already had. They needed to move forward with the Union, and unite it again. This started the debate on how they should be readmitted. With respect to readmission, the North did not know if there should be conditions the South had to meet in order to join the union once again. When Lincoln was assassinated, Andrew Johnson (V.P of Lincoln) took over. He was living in the slave states and was Lincoln's Vice President because Lincoln wanted someone to represent the South. Johnson, representing the South, took an easier approach. He created the idea of reconstruction. His presidential reconstruction ideas were light with readmission and conditions. He stated that all the Southern states had to do was ratify the 13th amendment, acknowledging that slavery was now illegal. He also wanted the South to write him letters apologizing for starting a war. Once they did this, Confederate Officials would be pardoned. With meeting these two conditions, the Southern Confederate states would be readmitted into the Union. IN the South, the people who were in power prior to the Civil War were the same people in power after. The Southern states get rid of their slave codes but replace them with Black Codes. It was found that the Presidential Reconstruction plan was actually not harsh enough on the Southern states. With black codes, any free black without employment and or any free black found wandering public, was to be defined as a vagrant. Being a vagrant meant they were to be fined $50, and jailed 10 days. Free blacks could not carry weapons, congregate in public, or have a standing in court with Black Codes being in place. The final statue of this stated that if convicted, and being unable to pay the fine, the sheriff (at his own digression) could offer any white person to pay the fine. If the white person agreed, the free black individual would become their servant temporarily. It was basically slavery rewritten. Thus, under presidential reconstruction, nothing had really changed. Congressional Reconstruction: When Congress convenes, they come up with Congressional Reconstruction and address these issues. They pass an act in December of 1865: The Civil Rights Act. It is officially ratified in 1866, becoming known as the Civil Rights Act of 1866. In this act, it states that free blacks must be granted full citizenship in each of the states as well within the United States. It grants them all the rights of a citizen. Johnson vetos this. Although, in congress, there were only Northerners and nonslave representation. With a 2/3 majority, congress was able to override the veto. Congress entrenches this act by making it an amendment to the constitution. This becomes the 14th amendment. They did this because they did not want another congress to later remove the act. This amendment defined citizenship. All citizens were people who were born/naturalized in the United States. They also then become citizens of their states. Prior to this, blacks could not be citizens because it was a major argument that the founders of the constitution had never intended them to be. By entrenching this, they were redefining the constitution. As a result, the republicans were called the Radical Republicans. Another part of this was the incorporation clause. IT stated that states could not pass laws that took away a person rights of citizenship. State governments could not take away the rights of the people. It applied all civil rights granted in the constitution to the states. Thus, with Congressional Reconstruction, once states ratified the 13th amendment and the 14th, they would be readmitted into the union. (among other things). Until then, the states would be occupied by the military. Moreover, the South would be divided into 5 military districts and troops would be stationed in each district until confederate states agreed to the conditions.

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