History Chapter 9: The New Imperialism

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1818-1828, waged relentless wars and conquered nearby peoples. Absorbed their young peoples into Zulu regiments. Encouraged rival groups to forget differences which cemented a pride in the Zulu kingdom

What is a "little brother"?

A country that was looked at by another and pitied due to the fact they were not as developed as the other

Armenian people

Christian people in the eastern mountains of the Ottoman Empire

What did anti-imperialists from the Western countries argue?

Colonialism was a tool of the rich and the destruction of other countries and cultures was immoral (hypocritical because there was democracy at home but not in imperialized countries)

What did colonies offer?

Colonies were important because they helped with Europe's growing population

Indian National Congress

Congress Party. Peaceful protest to gain their desires. Called for greater democracy and wanted self-rule joined with Western ideas

Threats from western imperialists to the Muslim empires

Diplomacy, military threats, treaties giving them favorable trading terms, special rights for Europeans residing in Muslim lands

What did Missionaries do (positively) in Africa?

Built schools and medical clinics alongside churches

Opium's effects on China

Chinese got addicted to opium and disrupted the Chinese economy. Resulted in outlaw of opium and executions of many Chinese drug dealers

Horrors in the Congo

Leopold and other wealthy Belgians forced the villagers to work for almost nothing and beat and brutalized workers. They also exploited their resources

Muhammad Ali

an ambitious soldier appointed governor of Egypt by the Ottomans

Sun Yixian

also known as Sun Yat-sen; named first president of new Chinese republic in 1911.


ancient Christian kingdom in East Africa that resisted European colonization and maintained its independence. Was divided up amongst rival princes the ruled over domains. In the late 1800s, reforming ruler Menelik II begain modernizing

Muhammad Ahmad

announced that he was the Mahdi in the Sudan, fiercely fought British expansion

Sphere of influence

area in which an outside power claimed exclusive investment or trading privileges (prevented conflicts among different countries)


special rights given to foreign powers


the long-awaited savior of the faith

British Raj

System of colonial rule in India. British viceroy governed for the queen and British officials held top positions in civil service and army

Treaty of Nanjing

"unequal treaty" to end Opium War in which China had to accept British terms for peace (indemnity for British and Hong Kong, had to open 5 trading ports to foreign trade and Grant British citizens extraterritoriality)

Armenian Genocide

1.5 million armenians died slaughtered by the ottoman empire blamed for the loss of WW1

Self strengthening movement

A period of reforms started during the Qing dynasty. Imported Western technology and ideas to modernize. Not very influential because the government was not behind it

Suez Canal

A ship canal in northeastern Egypt linking the Red Sea with the Mediterranean Sea

What allowed Western countries to imperialize others?

Advances in science, technology, transportation, communication, and weaponry gave them economic and political power

Why did the Chinese avoid westernizing?

Afraid it would undermine the Confucian ways they were accustomed to

What is the "new imperialism"?

After Europeans were encouraged by their economic and military success, they decided to push forward in aggressive expansion

Open Door Policy

American statement that the government did not want colonies in China, but favored free trade there. Nobody consulted the Chinese

Boxer uprising

Anti-foreign movement in China from 1898-1900. Group of Chinese formed a secret society (Righteous Harmonious Fists) with a goal of driving out foreign powers. Defeated by multinational forces of the foreigners

Yaa Asantewaa

Asante queen that was put on the throne after the king was exiled after battles with the British. Led the Asante in the last war against Britain

What did steam-powered merchant ships and naval vessels need?

Bases to take on coal and supplies

Ethiopia vs Italy

Battle of Adowa, Ethiopians smashed the Italians and kept its independence

Why did they believe European races were superior?

Because they were more developed and had the ability to imperialize other countries

How did their efforts to westernize hurt the empire?

Better healthcare resulted in a population explosion that increased competition and increased tension with officials

Indian famine

British medical improvements created a massive population boom that lead to famine

Western powers come for China

British took Chang River valley. French acquired territory near Indochina. Germany + Russia took territory in Northern China.

Causes of the declines for each of the Muslim Empires

Central governments had lost control over powerful groups such as landowning nobles, military elites, and urban craft guilds. Widespread corruption. Some Muslim scholars also helped stir discontent against the government

Britain vs Boers (Boer war)

Clashed with the Boers, Britain won & united the Cape Colony and the former Boer republics into the Union of South Africa

Why did Britain use a protectorate instead of direct rule?

Cost less than a colony and didn't require a large commitment of military force

Usman dan Fodio

Denounced corruption of local Hausa rulers. Called for social and religious reforms based on the sharia (Islamic law). Inspired Fulani herders and Hausa townspeople to rise up against Europeans

What were the causes of the New Imperialism?

Economic interests, political and military motives, and humanitarian and religious goals

Belgian Congo

Ended Leopold's reign over the Congo and although most of the torture had ended, the Africans still had no say in what was going on with them

What did Britain do as a major change in India?

Ended the rule of the EIC and put India under the British crown. Sent more troops and taxed the Indians for it

Two developments that changed Chinas relations with the west

Entered a period of decline and the Industrial revolution

Berlin Conference

European powers met to avoid conflict with one another and decide who would take which parts of Africa. African representatives were of course not invited. Claimed a European power could not claim land unless they had set up a government office on that land.

Mungo Park and Richard Burton

Explorers that set out to map the African rivers (Niger, Nile, and Congo). Fascinated by African Geography but knew nothing about the peoples

How did european owners gain power over the ottomans?

Extended loans at high interest rates that Egypt was unable to pay back, so they replayed with shares in the canal

Western attitude toward India

Few admired India for theology and philosophy. Most dismissed India and saw them as inferior

Samori Touré

Fought French forces in West Africa where he was building his own empire

Germany vs East Africans

Fought the Yao and Henero. Especially hard in the Maji-maji rebellion

European pressure for the Ottomans

France seized Algeria, Russia wanted the Bosporus and Dardanelles, Britain wanted power in the Mediterranean and India, and the New German Empire wanted to increase influence in the region by building a Berlin-to-Baghdad railway

Britain in Africa

Gained control of land in West and East africa along with Egypt and parts of Sudan

Ram Mohun Roy

He started the first nationalistic and modernization movement of India.

King Leopold II

Hired Stanley to explore the Congo River and arrange trade treaties publicly with African leaders

Egypt's protectorate from Britain

In theory the gov of Egypt was still an Ottomab official and in fact he followed British policies and modernized

Exploiting Indian diversity

India became fragmented after Mughal power declined. British took advantage in the division within India by encouraging competition within Indian people

East Africa

Influenced by Islam, port cities like Mombasa and Kilwa carried profitable trade (mostly slaves but also ivory and copper from Central Africa exchanged for cloth and weapons from India)

Beginnings of Westernization from the BEIC

Introduced Western education, legal procedures, Christianity, worked to end slavery and the caste system, improve the position of women (banned sati)

Muhammad Ali's reforms

Introduced a number of political and economic reforms, improvised tax collection, reorganized the landholding system, and backing large irrigation projects to increase farm output. Also introduced a modern army


Islam reform movement in Arabia that rejected the schools of theology and law that emerged in the Ottoman Empire. They wanted to replace it with the purity and simplicity of Muhammad's original teachings

West Africa

Islamic revival began among the Fulani people in northern Nigeria and spread throughout all of West Africa. (continued in Usman dan Fodio)

Why didn't the United States take part in Westernizing China?

It feared it would negatively impact their relationships with European merchants.

Sino-Japanese War

Japan gained Taiwan

Western-educated Indians

Lead the nationalist movement against the British.

Hundred days of Reform

Launched by Guang Xu that set out new laws to modernize the civil service exams, streamline government, and encourage new industries. Affected schools, the military, and the bureaucracy. Ended with the imprisonment of the emperor and destruction of the reformer body

What happened under the rule of Usman and his successors?

Literacy increased, local wars quieted, and trade improved.


Local rulers were left in power but were expected to follow advice of European advisors on trade and missionary issues

What were the desires that sparked overseas expansion?

Manufacturers wanted access to natural resources, new markets of consumers to sell their goods, and bankers wanted to invest their profits


Military leader of the Shona in Zimbabue (captured and executed)

Menelik II

Modernized Ethiopia by hiring european experts to plan modern roads and bridges and set up a western school system. Imported the latest weapons and officers to train his army.

Muslim League

Muslims and Hindus wanted self rule, but Muslims began to resent the Hindus and feared oppression in a Hindu-run government so they formed the Muslim league to pursue their own goals

Three principles of the people

Nationalism, democracy, livelihood

Ferdinand de Lesseps

Organized a company to build the Suez canal

Three Muslim empires in decline

Ottomans in the Middle east, Safavids in Persia, and the Mughals in India

What did the British do regarding the slave trade in Africa?

Outlawed the transatlantic slave trade and organized the Sierra Leone in West Africa as a colony for former slaves

Decline of the Qing dynasty

Poorly maintained irrigation systems and canals, population explosion, extravagant imperial court, tax evasion from the rich, and widespread official corruption

Other nations in the scramble

Portuguese colonies in Angola and Mozambique, Italy took Libya and some of the Red Sea, German empire took lands in east and southwestern Africa, (cameroons and togo).


Provincial ruler in the Ottoman Empire

Ottoman Empires efforts to Westernize

Reorganized the bureaucracy and system for tax collection, built railroads, improved education, and hired Europeans to train a modern military, improbables medical care and revitalized farming.

Unpopular moves of the East India Company

Required sepoys to serve anywhere (offense against high-caste Hindu religion), Hindu widows could remarry, and cartridges greased with animal fat

What kept europeans from moving into the interior regions of Africa?

Resistance by Africans. difficult geography, and disease

Benefits of British in India

Revised legal system in favor of Justice regardless of class, improved transportation and communication, And Western educations + military

What happened when France moved into West Africa?

Rival nations (Britain and Germany) seized the nearby lands


Rulers of the Ottoman Turkish Empire that rejected reform and tried to rebuild the autocratic power of earlier rulers

Imperialism of Persia

Russia and Britain wanted control over Persian oil fields. Persuaded them to give them concessions and sent troops into Persia

North Africa

Sahara and land among the Mediterranean, remained under the Ottoman empire in the EARLY 1800s

How did industrial powers satisfy the need for bases around the world?

Seized islands or harbors around the world

Sepoy Rebellion in India

Sepoy regiments marched to Delhi and hailed the Mughal ruler as their leader. Some brutally massacred British people. British took revenge and killed many indians

China had a trade surplus with European merchants

Sold silk, porcelain, and tea for gold and silver

How did those being invaded fight back against the Western countries?

Some fought invaders (never succeeded), strengthening their cultures (religion, nationalism), and nationalist movements (western-educated Africans)

What were some advantages the Westerners had against them?

Strong economies, well-organized governments, military power, superior technology, and improved medical knowledge


Strong state in the forest regions that traded with Europeans and Muslims, also controlled several smaller states (small states willing to turn to Europeans for help overthrowing Asante rulers)

What happened that gave Europe the ability to imperialize in the 1800s?

Strong, centrally governed nation-states and the Industrial Revolution

Internal revolts in the Ottoman Empire

Subject peoples in North Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East threatened to break away. The people in the Balkans gained independence, and Egypt slipped out of the Ottomans' control

What did western leaders claim about colonies?

That they were needed for national security and that ruling a global empire would elevate their nation's prestige

What was a new force the Zulus had to face in the 1830s?

The Boers, descendants of the Dutch farmers from the Cape Colony. Moved in the "Great Trek" due to their resentment for the British laws against slavery (interfered with their way of life)

British East India Company gained power when

The Mughal power declined

What did Missionaries, doctors, and colonial officials believe they had a duty to spread?

The blessings of Western civilization


The domination of one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region

How did western people apply Social Darwinism?

They believed that natural selection and survival of the fittest could be applied to human societies, and that European races were superior to others

What did Britain encourage the local ruling class of countries they imperialized to do?

To get a British education in order to groom a new westernized generation of leaders that would continue indirect rule and spread British civilization

How did missionaries view the Africans?

Took a paternalistic view of them and believed they were degraded. They encouraged Africans to forget their cultures and Westernize

France in Africa

Took over Algeria in North Africa & the Mediterranean into Tusania along with other smaller areas in West and Central Africa

Henry Stanley

Trekked into Central Africa to find Livingstone

Indirect rule

Used the rulers already in power but imposed greatly on all decisions so they were beneficial for the Imperialist country (Britain, could still resort to military action if absolutely necessary)

Views on Culture

Upper class Indians favored Western ideas and some lower class reverted into their religions

Unequal partnership

Used India as market and area for resources. Used westernized technology (railroads, other forms of communication) for trade that ultimately benefited the British more than the Indians (ruined hand-weaving industry, cash crops, deforestation)

How did nationalism play an important role in political and military motives?

When a country would move into a country, their rival nation would seize nearby lands to stop the other country's expansion

Dr. David Livingstone

Wrote about the people he encountered in Africa for roughly 30 years. Opposed the slave trade and believed the only way to lessen or even stop it was to open up the interior of Africa to Christianity and trade.

Young Turks

Young rebellious people in the Ottoman Empire who forced the Sultan to reform

South Africa

Zulus were a major force, led by Shaka. (continued in shaka)

Taiping Rebellion

a mid-19th century rebellion against the Qing Dynasty in China, led by Hong Xiuquan. Taiping rebels won control of large parts of China and held out for 14 years. Killed 20-30 million Chinese

What did the Congo set off?

a scramble by other regions and european countries to claim the region

Rush of Reforms

admitted women to schools, stressed science and mathematics, expanded in mining, shipping, etc. Chinese business class emerged and working class wanted rights

Opium Wars

conflict between Britain and China in 1839 over the Opium trade. Ended in a British victory

What changed that allowed the europeans to move into the interior regions of Africa?

medical advances and river steamships

What were the 'blessings' of Western civilization?

medicine, law, and the Christian religion

What was the result of Social Darwinism?

millions of non-Westerners lost their cultural heritage

Qajar shahs

rulers of Persia from 1794-1925, had absolute power but still moved to make some minor reforms

British East India Company

set up trading posts in India in the 1600s, beginning the British economic interest there

What civilizations were in decline in the 1800s?

the Ottoman Middle East, Mughal India, and Qing China

Balance of trade

the relationship between the value of a country's exports and the value of its imports

Direct rule

the sending of officials and soldiers to imperialized countries to administer and keep strict watch over their colonies (French, wanted to impose French culture and turn colonies into French provinces)

African Elite

upper class of Africans that Westernized. Caused a divide between African people due to the difference in opinions on westernizing

What was wrong in West Africa?

wars among the African people and the slave trade undermined established powers and newer African states were not strong enough

Trade defecit

when a nation imports more goods and services than it exports

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