HISTORY TEST-has unit 8 ap questions

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Which of the following best explains how a supporter of free trade and market deregulation would counter Soros' critiques of free markets in the passage?

Soros ignores the fact that the adoption of free-market policies by states around the world in the late twentieth century increased standards of living for many people.

The policy position of the Manitoba Liberal Party quoted in the appeal is best seen as a continuation of which of the following broader trends in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

Political parties embracing mass politics and broader popular participation in the democratic process

The passage can best be used to explain the role of which of the following in bringing about the First World War?

Rival great power alliances

Which of the following events that preceded the outbreak of the First World War best explains why Russian troops were being mobilized against Austria-Hungary, as stated in the first paragraph?

Russia was acting in support of Serbia, which was facing an imminent Austro-Hungarian attack following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

The makeup of the force shown in the image is best explained by the fact that by 1917

Russia's army morale and home-front effort were collapsing because of the strains of total war

Based on the graph, which technology was developed most recently?

Satellite television

All of the following statements are factually accurate. Which could be most directly used to modify Schama's argument that the war provided "overwhelming evidence of a new-found British social cohesiveness and mutual loyalty"?

After a brief period of supporting the war effort, the Indian National Congress continued its anti-imperialist agitation, with Gandhi launching a Quit India campaign in 1942.

Which of the following best explains why the passage is likely NOT a reliable source of information regarding the level of popular support and enthusiasm for the Chinese government's push for iron and steel in 1958?

As a government official, the author would have felt compelled to overstate the success of communist policies of resource redistribution to demonstrate his loyalty to the party.

Which of the following could be most effectively used to challenge the objectivity of Vandana Shiva's arguments in her book The Violence of the Green Revolution?

As an environmentalist and anti-globalization activist, Shiva may have been selective in presenting the scientific data regarding the effects of the Green Revolution.

Which of the following best explains the similarity between Hutu views of the Tutsi in the "Hutu Ten Commandments" and the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany?

Both the Tutsi and Jews were persecuted based on ethnic prejudice.

Which of the following best explains Niebuhr's likely purpose in recounting Soviet actions in postwar Europe?

By pointing out the hypocrisy of Soviet policies, he hoped to encourage a more confrontational stance on the part of the United States government.

The changes in life expectancy in China described in the second paragraph are most likely attributable to which of the following?

By the mid-twentieth century China was still plagued by infectious diseases associated with poverty, while by the end of the twentieth century it had overcome those diseases.

All of the following statements about Canada in the early twentieth century are factually accurate. Which would most likely help to explain why Yanaihara thought that his claims regarding Korea might be well received by a Canadian audience?

Canada's economy grew during most of the early twentieth century under British rule, and Canadian troops willingly helped the British Empire defend its colonial territories in Asia and Africa.

Which of the following aspects of the immediate historical situation in China in 1958 best explains the author's perspective in the passage?

Chinese leaders had made it clear that meeting the goals of the Great Leap Forward was the highest priority facing the country.

Which of the flowing best explains how the immediate historical situation of the proclamation of Biafran independence from Nigeria informed the author's statements in the third paragraph?

Claiming to uphold the rule of law and oppose government corruption had become the norm for those seeking political power, even for military leaders seeking to challenge elected governments.

Which of the following could best be used to counter Vandana Shiva's criticism of the effects of globalization on the world's agricultural practices, as outlined in the passage?

Developing countries are free to join or not join in globalized trade practices and international trade organizations.

Which of the following does the author of Source 1 cite as evidence of cultural exchange between East and West Africa during the First World War?

Experiments in architecture and the gathering of souvenirs

The "Hutu Ten Commandments" is best explained as being part of which of the following continuities in twentieth-century history?

Extremist groups using propaganda to target specific minority populations

Which of the following does the author of Source 1 NOT cite as evidence of European science and technology contributing to cultural change in Nigeria?

Gift gathering for women back home

As expressed in the passage, Havel's vision of effecting change in the communist bloc was most consistent with which of the following developments?

Grassroots citizens' organizations forming to protest the economic and social injustices in the Communist bloc, such as the Solidarity labor union in Poland

The political activism embodied in the petition is best seen in the context of which of the following broader twentieth-century developments?

Groups and individuals using universal principles to challenge established social norms

Which of the following best explains the significance of the intended audience of Yin Zeming's pamphlet in shaping the author's narrative?

Since it targets an international audience across the Cold War divide, the pamphlet presents an idealized, propaganda-tinged vision of Chinese accomplishments.

Which of the following best explains Lt. Colonel Ojukwu's purpose in including the information in the first paragraph in his independence proclamation?

He wanted to outline a list of East Nigerian grievances in order to justify the political action he was about to take.

Which of the following best explains why Schama uses the claim that the British government did not have to apply any "undue pressure" on either factory owners or factory workers during the war?

He wanted to support his argument that Britons were completely mobilized for the war effort.

Which of the following best explains Niebuhr's sense of alarm about Soviet intentions in occupied Eastern Europe?

He was concerned that Americans would be reluctant to see their recent allies in the Second World War as a threat.

Wilhelm II's assurances in the second paragraph that "nobody is threatening the honor or power of Russia" and that the tsar can "well afford" to await the results of attempts to defuse the crisis best testify to the importance of which of the following factors in the outbreak of the First World War?

Intense nationalism, fueled by mass media, often forced the hand of military and political leaders.

Which of the following best explains how this photograph from the Second World War can be connected to the Cold War that began shortly afterward?

It shows the technological advances made by one of the victors of the Second World War that solidified its position as a postwar superpower.

The changes reflected in which of the following lines in the table are most directly associated with the emergence of debates about the nature and causes of climate change in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century?

Lines 4 and 9

The changes reflected in which of the following lines in the table are most directly associated with international conflicts over scarce natural resources in the late twentieth century?

Lines 5 and 6

Which of the following arguments could be most effectively used to undermine Vandana Shiva's implicit criticism of free trade and globalization in the passage?

Many developing countries could never become self-sufficient food producers because of limitations of size, climate, and available cropland.

Which of the following would most likely be cited to explain a weakness in Soros' arguments in the passage about the power granted to free-market forces in the global economy?

Market forces are constrained to a large extent by regulations imposed by governments, international economic institutions, and regional trade agreements.

As portrayed by Ho Chi Minh in the passage, the Vietnamese independence movement appears most similar to which of the following types of nineteenth-century and early-twentieth-century movements?

Nationalist movements

Which of the following would best support Schama's argument in the first paragraph about the role of Churchill's speeches in Great Britain's war effort?

New mass media such as radio greatly expanded the reach of governments' mobilization efforts.

Based on the graph, which of the following best describes the development of transportation and communication in the twentieth century?

New methods of transportation and communication became more affordable over time.

In the context of the late 1930s, the arguments that Hitler makes in the last paragraph are most significant in explaining how

imperialist aspirations contributed to motivating the policies of fascist states

In the late twentieth century, members of conservationist and environmentalist movements would most likely have cited the data in all of the following lines of the table as support for their concerns EXCEPT

lines 1 and 2

Based on the author's point of view, it is most likely that the information presented in the passage

overstates the extent to which Northern Nigerians were responsible for undermining the united Nigerian state

Based on the historical situation in which the speech was given, Hitler's most significant motivation for giving the speech was likely to continue to

reinforce the idea to the German people that past injustices required Germany to continue its military buildup and engage in future territorial expansion

The argument in the third paragraph regarding the connection between the Partition of India in 1947 and Punjabi migrations to Britain in the 1950s is most directly supported by the author's claim that

resettling Partition refugees led to an economic crisis in rural Punjab, leading to further population movements

Compared to the position of anticolonial movements earlier in the twentieth century, the prospects for movements such as Ho Chi Minh's in the mid-twentieth century could most accurately be described as

stronger because the Second World War weakened imperialist powers

The letter's significance as a source of information on popular attitudes to Bolshevik revolutionary policies lies in the fact that it suggests that some Soviet citizens

supported the Bolsheviks in their nationalization of industrial property but urged them to seize the upper classes' private property as well

The authors' argument in the third paragraph concerning the effect of "social factors" on the effectiveness of a country's healthcare system likely refers to all of the following general trends in the twentieth century EXCEPT

the high likelihood that increasing longevity would lead to an increase in overall healthcare costs

Contrary to the author's implicit argument in the second paragraph regarding South Asian migrants' determination to integrate into British society, the migration of former colonial subjects to imperial metropoles typically resulted in

the preservation of cultural and economic ties between former colonies and metropoles, as immigrant communities maintained some connections to their countries of origin

In addition to the factors exemplified by the passage, the end of the Cold War was also directly hastened by all of the following EXCEPT

the signing of nuclear arms control treaties between the United States and the Soviet Union

The ideas behind the establishment of the council referred to in Source 1 and the ideas behind the establishment of the bank referred to in Source 2 are most similar in that

while the council and the bank were intended to provide benefits to all members, a small group of states were allowed to retain permanent decision-making power

The confrontation illustrated in the two photographs can be seen as a specific example of the global rivalries in the period after 1945 that also directly produced which of the following?

The NATO and Warsaw Pact military alliances

The unrest reflected in the image is best explained by which of the following features of the Russian government at the time of the photograph?

The Russian Empire was composed of many different ethnic groups that had varying degrees of autonomy.

Which of the following developments in the late twentieth century would most likely be cited to explain a flaw in Soros' arguments regarding "social needs" and "collective decision making" in the first paragraph?

The Soviet Union and other communist states in Eastern Europe collapsed largely because of economic inefficiencies created by centralized economic planning and attempts to eliminate all economic and social inequalities.

Which of the following aspects of the immediate historical situation in which the letter was written best explains the author's demands toward the end of the second paragraph?

The Soviet government used the pretext of the ongoing civil war to engage in repressive policies against entire sections of its population.

All of the following statements about the Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups in Rwanda are factually accurate. Which would best explain how the attitudes expressed in the "Hutu Ten Commandments" were a reaction to past developments in Rwandan history?

The Tutsi were heavily favored and promoted to positions of power under European colonial rule, while the Hutu were not.

A historian studying the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s would most likely use the letter above to illustrate which of the following?

The alienation of Soviet citizens from their government's official rhetoric of class struggle and anti-capitalism

Which of the following does the author of Source 2 most directly cite as evidence of a higher casualty rate among Senegalese soldiers in combat than among French soldiers in combat?

The casualty rate after July 1916

The authors' discussion in the third paragraph of "the marked acceleration in health care improvements" in China after 1950 refers most directly to which of the following historical developments?

The communist victory in China's civil war

The image is best understood in which of the following contexts of both the Second World War and the Cold War?

The continued importance of industry in improving military capacity

Which of the following is best supported by the information shown on the graph?

The cost of technologies that rely on the use of petroleum declined less rapidly than the cost of technologies that do not rely on the use of petroleum.

Considering the purpose of the letter, it most likely overstates which of the following?

The extent to which wealthy Russians continued to live exactly as they did before the revolution (second paragraph).

The letter above could best be used to illustrate which of the following aspects of the historical context of the late twentieth century?

The globalization of consumer culture despite the rivalries of the Cold War

Which of the following best describes a difference between the purpose of the institution established in Source 1 and the purpose of the institutions established in Source 2 ?

The institution established in Source 1 was intended to prevent war, while the institutions established in Source 2 were intended to promote economic development and international trade.

Which of the following best describes a main idea common to both passages?

The new organizations should facilitate greater international cooperation.

Which of the following developments or processes in the late twentieth century best explains the participation of foreign troops in the Angolan Civil War, as shown in the two photographs?

The proliferation of Cold War proxy conflicts

The point of view that Hitler expresses in the first three paragraphs is most directly significant in helping to explain how which of the following contributed to starting the Second World War?

The provisions of the Treaty of Versailles that ended the First World War

The image could best be understood as evidence for which of the following developments?

The shift in the global balance of power associated with the Second World War

Which of the following developments in the period after 1945 most directly prevented localized conflicts such as the one illustrated in the two photographs from escalating into global wars?

The threat of the use of nuclear weapons

The passage can best be used to illustrate which of the following developments in the 1970s and 1980s?

The way in which government efforts to suppress criticism and restrict freedom of speech proved ineffective in stemming public discontent within communist regimes

Which of the following best explains the long-term historical significance of the views expressed by Yanaihara in the passage?

They show that some members of the Japanese elite sought to justify aggressive Japanese colonial efforts in China and the Pacific region.

Which of the following best characterizes the significance of the events in Russia in the winter of 1917, as shown in the image?

They started a process that eventually led to a communist revolution.

Which of the following most likely explains why Niebuhr chose to publish his article in a popular publication like Life magazine?

To change government policies in a democratic country like the United States, it was first necessary to change public opinion.

Which of the following best explains why the author brings up the example of the Sikh migrant cutting his hair before coming to England as a way of supporting his argument that the experiences of South Asian and European immigrants to Britain were "poles apart"?

Unlike European immigrants, South Asian immigrants had to suppress parts of their culture and remove important religious symbols to fit into British society.

As indicated by the passage, Vietnam's achievement of independence differed in what way from the achievement of independence by many other former colonies?

Vietnam gained its independence through a violent uprising rather than a negotiated settlement.

Which of the following aspects of the international context in which the petition was produced most likely strengthened the petitioners' demands?

Women's critical contributions to the home front effort during The First World War

Which of the following best explains a likely significant purpose behind Yanaihara publishing his article in a Canadian journal?

Yanaihara wished to justify continued Japanese colonial rule of Korea to potentially hostile Western states.

Considering the global context of the 1970s, which of the following would have been the most significant difference between young people living outside the Communist bloc and the two young men in the source?

Young people outside the Communist bloc would have been unlikely to need to buy Western goods on the black market.

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