Hit 201 chapter 4 quiz

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Which statement best describes a flat bone?

A bone that looks like a sheet of modeling clay molded over an object

The right and left pelvic girdle along with the sacrum and coccyx form the what?


All of the following bones are found only in the ankle and foot except which one?


Which of the following bones are located in the hand?


What type of bone marrow is found in the cavity of mature long bones?


What type of joint is formed by fibrous ligaments holding a tooth in its socket?

Gomphoses joint

Which statement about intramembranous ossification is false?

It forms the long bones, vertebrae, ribs, sternum, scapula, pelvis, and limb bones of the developing fetus.

All of the following are abnormal curvatures of the spine except which one?


What is the function of the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus?

Points of attachment for muscles by tendons

Which bones are long bones of the forearm?

Radius and ulna

Which type of synovial joint has concave surfaces of the bones that articulate with one another?


What allows the ribs to attach to the thoracic vertebrae?

Costal facets

All of the following are types of ribs except which one?

Costal ribs

What structure protects the pituitary gland?

The sella turcica

Which type of vertebrae has costal facets?


Which gland secrets calcitonin?

Thyroid gland

Which bone articulates with the femur at the knee?


Which of the following is not a feature of compact bone?


Which of the following combining forms means joint?


The following bones make up the pelvic girdle except which one?


All of the following are prominent features on the scapula except which one?


Which of the following is the function of calcitonin?

Causes osteoblasts to deposit bone, reducing blood calcium levels

What are osteoblasts?

Cells that build bone

What materials make up a soft callus?

Collagen and fibrocartilage

What type of cartilage is found in the pinna of the ear and in the epiglottis of the throat?

Elastic cartilage

Which of the following correctly compares endochondral bone growth and appositional bone growth?

Endochondral bone growth deposits bone at the epiphyseal plate, allowing the bone to grow longer. Appositional bone growth occurs in all types of bone and allows bone to become more massive.

Which statement correctly describes kyphosis?

Exaggerated abnormal curvature of the thoracic vertebrae

All of the following are functions of the mucous membrane lining of the sinuses except which one?

Fill the sinus with air

Which of the following is not a cranial bone?


Which of the following lists the number of each type of vertebrae correctly?

Seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae, five lumbar vertebrae, one sacrum, and one coccyx

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