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Characteristics and capabilities that HR professionals need to succeed in their work assignments.

Stakeholder groups - Employees

Complete tasks to make goods and service Influence ability to achieve objectives. HR departments ensure organizations comply with employment and safety lawsand design work tasks and programs that attract, develop, engage and retain the best talent.

retention rate

Employee retention refers to the ability of an organization to retain its employees. Employee retention can be represented by a simple statistic (for example, a retention rate of 80% usually indicates that an organization kept 80% of its employees in a given period).

Employee and labor relations

Establishing and managing relationships between the company and employees working with labor unions. Plays major role dealing with union contracts, which define not only pay levels but also work rules and procedures.

Risk management

Establishing procedures to provide a safe and secure working environment. -They establish procedures to make sure employees where proper equipment, make safety policies and right of privacy, plans response to natural disasters, and reducing workplace violence

Elaboration stage (Goal and HR contribution)

Final stage in the organizational life cycle; focuses on reinvention and adaptation to change. -organization must change and adapt during this stage. -This change is facilitated by hiring and rewarding people who have new ideas and different ways of doing things. -Goal: Adaptation and renewal -HR resource Contribution: Need to alter practices to meet changing demands; emphasis on new ways of organizing work tasks. This stage is similar to middle age for human beings. Ppl in this stage sometimes go through midlife crisis, perhaps changing occupations and developing new hobbies. Organizations in the elaboration stage like middle-aged people, have existed for some time, but shifting trends and preferences require them to change. Success often depends on redefining objectives and identifying new opportunities.

entrepreneurial stage (Goal and HR contribution)

First stage in the organizational life cycle; focuses on survival. survival equals success. Goal: survival and growth / HR Resource Contribution: Need to hire and maintain employees; emphasis on creating plans for measuring performance and deciding pay. Effective HR is very important for the survival and growth of newly formed organizations. Organizations must find and hire a sufficient number of high-quality employees. They must develop basic plans for measuring performance and paying people. Typical organization employs 1 HR specialist for every 100 employees. (that means they are in the entrepreneurial stage and are too small to have a full-time, dedicated HR staff).

Stakeholder groups - Customers

Good HRM improves customer satisfaction -Employees tend to treat customers the same way they believe managers treat them. -Employees who feel the organization values them and treats them with respect, reproduce these good attitudes and behaviors in their interactions with customers. -Employees who feel management doesn't care about them, are less likely to be positive and helpful to customers.

what are the 6 Core human resource functions

1. Business mgt and strategy 2. Workforce planning and employment 3. HR development 4. Compensation and benefits 5. Employee and labor relations 6. Risk management

4 Human resource specialists roles

1. Functional expert 2. Strategic partner 3. employee advocate 4. human capital developer

3 Current trends and HR

1. Greater workforce diversity -Multi-generations, women, racial and ethnic groups and religions. 2. Job growth in certain fields -technology -health care 3. globalization and regionalization

Chain of success in order

1. HR MGT 2. Effective employees 3. Customer service 4. Financial performance

what are the 6 HR competencies

1. strategic positioning 2. credible activist 3. capability builder 4. change champion 5. HR innovator and Integrator 6. technology proponent.

What are the 2 perspectives of organizational success?

1. success at various cycles of the Life Cycle 2. success from stakeholder viewpoint.

Primary stakeholders

employees, customers, and owners/shareholders

Human Capital developer (long-term / people)

facilitates learning and makes sure that employees in the organization continue to develop new knowledge and skills. -A HR role concerned with facilitating learning and skill development -Can help make individualized plans for the future or work as trainers who teach formal classes - both cases make sure that employees continue to learn and improve.

Workforce planning and employment

identifying jobs that capture employee tasks; recruiting and selecting desirable employees. (designing jobs and successfully placing people in those jobs).

HR development

measuring employee performance; teaching employees new knowledge, skills, and abilities. -Surveys and assessments provide info abt areas where training might be needed.

Employee advocate role (short-term / people)

provides an opportunity for meeting the needs of individual employees. Specialists filling this role listen to employee concerns and try to help them solve problems. -A HR role concerned with looking out for the interests of employees and ensuring that they are treated fairly. -Can help with personal problems like helping them obtain medicare, attend funeral services, and help spouses find work. -Also important to make sure employee interests are recognized when decisions are being made. When layoffs are being made , can help ensure that these actions are carried out in ways that will minimize the hurt for individuals.

Organizational life cycle and the 4 stages

stages through which an organization moves after its founding. 1. Entrepreneurial stage 2. Communal stage 3. Formalization stage 4. elaboration stage

Communal stage (Goal and HR contribution)

success during this stage is marked by expansion and innovation. Organizations that survive entrepreneurial stage go to this stage Second stage in the organizational life cycle; focuses on expansion and innovation Goal: Develop identity and overcome conflict / HR Resource Contribution: Need to develop clear communication channels; emphasis on building strong loyalty among employees Can think of this stage like teenage years for human beings. Learning who you are and improving your skills are the essence of life during these years. Organizational success is measured increasingly by the extent to which employees feel a sense of cohesion or belonging. Important for employees to build strong feelings of attachment towards co-workers and to the mission of the organization Building a sense of belonging and satisfying the needs of employees are critical.

Strategic partner role (long-term / processes)

the HR perspective is integrated into other parts of the organization through this role -A HR role concerned with providing inputs that help an organization put its competitive strategy into action

Functional expert (short-term / processes)

they build systems and practices that help the organization better manage people. -A HR role concerned with providing technical expertise related to functions such as hiring, training, and compensating employees. -Might include creating a testing program to screen potential employees or developing a compensation plan that pays employees more when they produce exceptional results.

Business mgt and strategy (and example)

working with other parts of the organization to establish goals and provide high-quality goods and services. (HR function concerned with strategic planning, change processes, and evaluating organizational effectiveness. -Focuses planning on how the organization will produce and market foods and services. Examples: hotel might initiate a market campaign to attract higher-paying customers. Electronics manufacturer might decide to open a new plant so they can produce parts less expensively. For the plant, HR data can help determine whether employees have the skills needed to carry out the new processes. For hotel, HR data can identify training needs that could help determine training needs that could result from focusing on a different type of customer.

Strategic positioner

Knowledge and skills associated with accurately placing an organization in its business context through understanding finance, strategy, stakeholders, and competitive context. -Being able to know the language of business and be able to converse with other organizational leaders.

Credible activist

Knowledge and skills for influencing others through acting with integrity, sharing information, and building trust -Constantly seek opportunity to influence others. -Taking an interest in others and the greater good rather than pursuing selfish interests.

Change companion

Knowledge and skills necessary to initiate and carry out change.

Capability builder

Knowledge and skills related to understanding what the organization is capable of doing successfully. -Focuses on organizations' strengths and weaknesses. Focus energy on things that really matter.

HR Innovator and Integrator:

Knowledge and skills that ensure HR practices such as work design, staffing, and compensation are aligned in ways to facilitate organizational success. -Closely aligned with functional expert role. -Must know how to properly divide work duties, create reporting relationships, and design motivating jobs. -Need to know staffing procedures that help attract, select, and promote the right people.

Technology Proponent

Knowledge and skills used to help organizations effectively adopt technology to manage information and connect individuals.

Stakeholder groups- Society

Organizations affect society through - environmental practices - hiring practices - global - support of community charities - support of activities like United Way activities Organizations that are better community citizens are generally more profitable than organizations that ignore environmental and social concerns.

Stakeholder groups- Owners

Organizations with employees with better skills, training, are well paid, and feel their jobs are secure have higher individual performance-- translates into growth and sales.

compensation and benefits

Paying employees fairly; administering benefits such as insurance.

Stakeholder perspective

The stakeholder perspective focuses on people who affect and are affected by an organization. Stakeholders: Individuals or groups who are affected by or who affect an organization. (primarily: employees, customers, and owners/shareholders)

Formalization stage (Goal and HR contribution)

Third stage in the organizational life cycle; focuses on establishing clear practices and procedures for carrying out work. -success comes from developing clear and efficient procedures. Goal: efficient production / HR resource Contribution: Need to create formalized practices for hiring, training, and compensation; emphasis on continual improvement of employee skills and motivation. In humans, the formalization stage often begins just after graduation from college, when ppl tend to settle into stable jobs. Organizations in this stage focus on improving and efficiency and finding better ways to accomplish tasks. They develop clear goals for guiding their efforts. Making goods and services as efficiently as possible becomes a key goal and making good profit.

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