HS: For Exam 1

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Air enters the nose through the nostrils Mucous membranes and hairs filter dust/dirt Air passes to naval cavties (above palate in mouth) Air then passes into pharynx (throat) and larynx, then from larynx to lungs via trachea, which bifurcates into two branches These branches are called bronchi, which enter the lungs and branch into small tubes called bronchioles that extend deep into the lungs

When you are designing an exercise program, you need to think about four dimensions of your exercise sessions that affect overload: FITT

Frequency (number of sessions per week). Intensity (level of difficulty of each exercise session). Time (duration of each exercise session). Type (type of exercise in each exercise session). You can remember these dimensions with the acronym FITT.


Like alcohol, tobacco poses a problem of individual rights versus social good. Adults are free to use it, but such use causes an array of health problems, both for users and for those around them. Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States, implicated in a host of diseases and debilitating conditions.

Over the course of the day, your body undergoes rhythmic changes (circadian rhythms) that help you move from waking to sleep and back to waking.

These circadian rhythms are maintained primarily by two tiny structures in the brain, the suprachiasmic nuclei (SCN), which are located in the hypothalamus directly behind the optic nerve

A healthy body weight is defined as

(1) an acceptable body mass index (explained in the following sections) (2) body composition with an acceptable amount of body fat (3) fat distribution that is not a risk factor for illness, and (4) the absence of any medical conditions (such as diabetes or hypertension) that would suggest a need for weight loss.

Overexertion occurs when an exercise session has been too intense. Warning signs of overexertion include

(1) pain or pressure in the left or midchest area, jaw, neck, left shoulder, or left arm during or just after exercise; (2) sudden nausea, dizziness, cold sweat, fainting, or pallor (pale, ashen skin); (3) abnormal heartbeats (such as fluttering), rapid heartbeats, or a rapid pulse rate immediately followed by a very slow pulse rate.

Body Mass Index

(BMI) is a measure of your weight relative to your height; it correlates with total body fat. BMI is used to estimate the health significance of body weight

Anatomy during sleep apnea

(a) Normally, the airway is open during sleep. (b) When the muscles of the soft palate, tongue, and uvula relax, they narrow the airway and cause snoring. (c) If these structures collapse on the back wall of the airway, they close the airway, preventing breathing

Viral STIs: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

-1/3 cases occur in heterosexuals -Casual contact does NOT spread HIV -Anal sex particularly risky -Oral sex CAN spread HIV -Other STIs increase risk of HIV

Less active people are...

-At greater risk for developing high blood pressure than active people -are more likely to develop coronary heart disease than active people -physical inactivity may lead to feelings of anxiety and depression -physical inactivity is associated with certain types of cancers -People who are overweight or obese can significantly reduce their risk for disease by being physically active

How to get a good night's sleep

-Avoid Caffeine, Nicotine, and Alcohol -Get regular exercise but not close to bedtime -Manage Stress and establish relaxing bedtime rituals -Sex can help with sleep bit don't go seeking sex for sleep -Avoid eating Too Close to Bedtime Try not to eat heavy meals within 3 hours of bedtime, particularly meals with high fat content. -Take a Break from Technology The artificial blue light from computers, televisions, and phones blocks the production of melatonin, the hormone that induces sleep.

Barrier contraceptives

-Block the meeting of egg and sperm by means of a physical or chemical barrier

Prescription Barrier Methods

-Can be inserted several hours before sex -Must be left in for 6 hours after -No hormones or side effects -6-16% failure rate

Herpes Treatment

-Cannot be cured -Blisters reappear in times of stress, sun, temperature change -antiviral meds help symptoms (Valtrex, Zovirax, Famvir)

Major Types of Cancer

-Carcinoma - external or internal body linings -Sarcoma - supportive tissue (muscle or bone) -Leukemia - blood or blood-forming tissue -Lymphoma - lymph system


-Carry soluble vitamins -Protect organs -Regulate body temperature -Make up cell membranes and insulate neurons

Viral STIs: Herpes

-Cause blisters on skin or mucous membranes -HSV-1 Cold sores -HSV-2 blisters around genitals Contagious even when no blisters Rates have skyrocketed

Pubic Lice (crabs and scabies)

-Caused by infections of small arthropods -Lice found in hair -Scabies burrows under hair -Both cause intense itching. -Treated with medicated creams/shampoos

Female Sterilization (Tubal ligation or Tubal occlusion)

-Cutting, tying, or blocking fallopian tubes - Outpatient surgery using laproscopy -Can sometimes be reversed

Evaluating (and reducing) risk

-Determine the actual risk involved -Compare risks -Determine how much risk you're willing to accept -concentrate on evaluating lifestyle choices (do I have control over this)

Prescription Barrier Methods

-Diaphragm -rubber bowl that covers cervix and holds spermicide -Cervical cap - smaller & thicker than diaphragm -FemCap- Nonlatex

Modes of transmission of infectious diseases

-Direct contact -Indirect contact -Inhaling pathogens -Contact with a vector (something that carries a pathogen from infected person to new host)

Early human development

-Egg + sperm = zygote (1st cell) -Zygote develops via cleavage into morula After the zygote is formed after first cleavage, the beginning of the ball of cells is formed called morula

Contraceptive Injection

-Ex: Depo-Provera -Progestin only - prevents implantation -Shot given every 3 months -Cannot use for more than 2 years - bone mineral loss -Increased risk of chlamydia and gonorrhea


-Framework for muscles, bones, blood, and hair

Why eat local?

-Fresher - so it tastes better -Better for the soil (small farms = more variety) -Help fight against global warming -Support your local economy

How to eat locally when many areas of IE are "food deserts"?

-GRow your own veggies (RCC community garden) -go to local farmer's markets -support markets that carry local produce -Joine CSA (www.farmfreshtoyou.com)

HPV Vaccine

-Gardasil 1st vaccine to reduce risk of cervical cancer -Given only to females -Effective only if never before exposed

Should you take vitamin & mineral supplements?

-Getting nutrients from food is better -Fat soluble vitamins and insoluble minerals can build up and become toxic -Certain groups may need supplements

Cardiovascular (heart) disease

-Heart attack (Myocardial infarction) -Arrhythmia/Sudden Cardiac death -Congestive heart failure -Coronary artery disease

Mirena Intrauterine System

-IUD + continuous low-dose of progestin (so it's partly a hormonal method) -Effective for 5 years -99% effective


-Inorganic Substances -Helps build bones, teeth, and aids metabolism

Unsaturated Fat

-Liquid at room temperature -Good for cardiovascular health

Patterns associated with eating disorders:

-Low self-esteem -Self-critical attitude -Belief in the importance of thinness -Black and white thinking -feelings of emptiness -Need for power and control -difficulty expressing feelings -lack of coping skills -lack of trust in self or others -perfectionism

Mercury & Mercury poisoning (minamata disease)

-Mercury in environment is toxic -Chemical plant in minamata bay, Japan released mercury 1938 - disease epidemic by 1956

Characteristic of fetal alcohol syndrome

-Microcephaly k -Railroad track ears -Epicanthal folds -Flat midface Smooth philtrum -Underdeveloped jaw -Thin vermilion border -Upturned nose -low nasal bridge -small palpebral fissures

Intrauterine Device (IUD)

-Molded plastic that is inserted into uterus -Interferes with implantation -Old model associatied with serious complications -Last 1-10 years -99.2%-99.9 effective

Most foods people can agree on...

-More fruits, veggies, & whole grains (bright colors) -Less added sugar, salt, and saturated fat -Choose plant oils over animal & avoid hydrogenated -Limit processed foods -Limit soda and alcohol

Growth of the baby

-Morula becomes embryo -Amnion surrounds it -Placenta starts to form -Callad fetus at 9 weeks

Bacterial STIs: Chlamydia

-Most common STI in Riverside County -many have no symptoms -can lead to sterility -condoms decrease risk of infection -Treatment = antibiotic

Viral STI's: Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

-Most common STI in the US -Many show no symptoms -Some develop genital warts -Strong association with cervical cancer -Diagnosis and treatment difficult

Reading Nutrition Labels

-Name and address of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor -The common or usual product name -Approved nutrient claims if the product meets specified criteria -The net contents in weight, measure, or count -Approved health claims stated in terms of the total diet -The serving size and number of servings per container -Calorie information and quantities of nutrients per serving in actual amounts -Quantities of nutrients as % daily values based on a 2,000 Calorie energy intake -Daily values reminder for selected nutrients for a 2,000- and a -2,500 calorie diet -Calories per gram reminder -The ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight.


-Nearly 100% effective when paired with a condom -20-50% failure rate alone -prevent some infections


-Organic substances -Used to regulate growth, manufacture blood cells, and hormones, and much more -Fat soluble: A, D, E, K -All others are water soluble

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

-Pathogen that can be passes from one sexual partner to another -If causes symptoms, becomes STD -Up to 75% of sexually active people will contract STI

What are antioxidants?

-Phytochemicals that remove oxygen free-radicals -Example: Vitamins E, C, and Beta Carotene -Lowers cancer risk

Emergency contraception

-Reactive (rather than proactive) hormonal contraceptive -Ex: Plan B (morning after pill) -Prevents ovulation or implantation -Non-prescription if over 18

Female Reproductive System

-Responsibility: protect and nurture developing offspring from conception to birth -Ovaries (gonads) produce eggs, release sex hormones

Fertility Awareness Method

-Rhythm method -Woman tracks her cycle for at least 8 months -20% failure rate -Complies with Roman Catholic Church


-Ring made of flexible plastic that is inserted into Vagina -Slowly releases estrogen and progestin -Stays in place for 3 weeks, removed for 1

Why is figuring out what is good for you so hard?

-Scientists isolate variables to determine cause - takes nutrients out of context of food and food out of context of diet and lifestyle -People lie -Placebo effect (difficult to correct with food)

Male Sterilization (Vasectomy)

-Severing of vas deferens -Short, in-office procedure to block flow of sperm -Reversal is about 50% effective

Saturated Fat

-Solid at room temperature -Increases risk of heart disease

Patterns of Infectious Disease

-Sporadic: irregular, affects few -Endemic: more or less continuous -Epidemic: disease rate above expected -Pandemic: epidemic in several countries

Indoor pollutants: mold

-Stachybotrys (black mold) is most dangerous - produces toxins -When dry, spores, become airborne -Aggravate or trigger allergies, asthma

Oral Contraceptives

-The pill -28 day packs are most common (21 hormones, 7 without) -Combination (estrogen +progestin) or minipills (progestin only) -Must be taken at same time each day

Ortho Evra Patch

-Transdermal (through the skin) -Continuous low dose of estrogen and progestin -loooks like a band aid but waterproof -Increased risk of heart attack and stroke

Oral Contraceptives

-Up to 99% effective -Reduced risk of some cancer -Side effects: nausea, weight gain, decreased sex drive -Risks for smokers, those with high BP, diabetes, seizure disorders

AIDS Diagnosis

-Very low WBC counts -one or more of: -recurrent pneumonia -Tuberculosis -Invasive cervical or other cancers -Other viral/bacteria infections -antiretroviral drugs can delay or prevent onset of AIDS

How to unclog your arteries

-Very low-fat vegetarian diet -Moderate exercise -Stress counseling -Yoga, mediation, or breathing exercises

How to control blood pressure

-WEight management -Eat heart-healthy foods -Reduce sodium intake -Exercise -Medication may be required

Treatment of Viral infections

-Warm fluids -Rest -No asprin or acetaminophen -Ibuprofen ok -Call doc if it gets more serious

What factors contribute to our health risk for a particular condition?

-age -gender -family history -income -education -geographical location

Reproductive Choices

-avoidance of copulation -the only birth control method that is 100% effective

Main symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis

-central (apetite loss, fatigue) -Lungs: chest pain, coughing up blood, productive, prolonged cough -Skin: night sweats, pallor

This week

-check your BP -check your lipoproteins -reduce stress (yoga, music, meditate) -this semester: learn family history, establish exercise routine -stop smoking for good

What are symptoms of depression?

-depressed mood -feelings of sadness or emptiness or by behaviors such as crying -a loss of interest or pleasure in activities that previously provided pleasure -fatigue -feelings of worthlessness -reduced ability to concentrate

Important info for vegetarians

-eat complementary proteins -be careful to get adequate iron, calcium, and vitamin B12 -health benefits!

Female condom

-external ring, internal ring with polyurethane sheath in between -may be more effective than male condom at preventing pregnancies & infections

Common Bacterial infections: Tuberculosis (TB)

-infection of the lungs -30% of world's population is infected - not all develop disease

What are some examples of mood disorders?

-major depressive disorders -dysthymic disorder -bipolar disorder (formerly called manic depression) (These are among the most common mental disorders around the world)

Hormonal contraceptives

-mimic hormones produced during pregnancy which can: block hormones that stimulate ovulation -make cervix hostile to sperm -prevent implantation of egg -DO NOT protect against STIs


-no synthetic chemicals -no hormones -no antibiotics -no sewage sludge -no irradiation -no genetic engineering

Contraceptive Sponge

-polyurethane foam laced with spermicide -covers entrance to cervix -can be inserted up to 24 hours before sex


-sperm enters egg -zygote is formed after a series of steps

Vaginal Contraceptive Film

-thin, 2" square film laced with spermicide folded and inserted, dissolves into gel

Hydrogenated & Trans Fats

-unsaturated fats that have been hydrogenated -REALLY BAD

Cancer (Chapter 15)

1 in 3 will get cancer, 1 in 4 will die from it

What are the two divisions of the nervous system?

1) Central Nervous System 2) Peripheral Nervous System

Skin contact, dermal, transdermal

1-7 days Oils, ointments Nicotine patch Transdermal LSD Irritation of skin

What a different ways that a gene can mutate (genetic mutation)?

1. A letter may be left out (a series A-T-G becomes A-G) 2. An incorrect letter is inserted ( A series A-T-G becomes A-A-G) 3. An entire series of letter is left out, duplicated, or reversed

The Healthy People Initiative of 2020 envisions a society in which all people live long, healthy lives. What are the broad national health goals that have been established?

1. Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death 2. Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups. 3. Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all. 4. Promote quality of life, healthy development and healthy behaviors across every stage of life.

What are the three types of medical research studies?

1. Basic medical research 2. Epidemiological studies 3. Clinical studies

Cancer is a genetic disease

1. Carcinogenesis: transformation of a normal cell into a cancer cell 2. Carcinogen: any agent involved in the promotion of cancer

G1 checkpoint is important in mammals - if no go-ahead signal, cell enters the G0 phase (and may stay there)

1. Cell receives a go-ahead signal 2. CEll does not receive a go-ahead signal

Steps you can take when you encounter a pattern of illness or disease in your health tree

1. Consult with your physican or a genetic counselor about its meaning and implications. 2. Implement lifestyle changes, have particular screening tests, or watch for early warning signs.

What are the five stages of facing death?

1. Denial and isolation 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance

How to be a good listener?

1. Don't interrupt, give the other person time and space to say what is fully on their mind 2. Conflict is a normal part of a healthy relationship, use good communication skills to resolve conflict 3. Be assertive: speaking up for yourself without violating someone else's rights 4. Negotiate and compromise (don't compromise values)

Effects of Anorexia Nervosa

1. Immune system: increased risk of infection, low white blood cell count, low body temperature; risk of death 2. Blood: electrolyte disturbance (low calcium, potassium); risk of death 3. Skin: Dry, cold, discolored skin, growth of fine, downy hair 4. Muscles: weakness 5. Swollen due to excess fluid, cold feet 6. Brain: decreased size, low energy, depressed mood, loss of coordination, dizziness, fainting, poor sleep, risk of suicide 7. Heart: low blood pressure, slow or irregular heartbeats, cardiac arrest, risk of death 8. Abdomen: bloating, constipation, fullness after eating 9. Kidneys: kidney failure, risk of death 10. Genitals: lack of menstruation in women; infertility, decrease in testosterone levels and decrease in testicular size in men, decline in sex drive in both sexes 11. Bones: loss of calcium, osteoporosis, increased risk of fractures

What are two ways that we inherit our traits (our characteristics)?

1. Most characteristics are determined by the interaction of multiple genes at multiple sites on different chromosomes 2. Some traits are determined by a single gene (whether ear lobes are attached or detached)

There are dozens of neurotransmitters, but four seem to be particularly important in mental disorders. What are the 4?

1. Norepinephrine 2. Dopamine 3. Serotonin 4. Gammaa-aminobutyric acid or GABA

What are the four phases of bereavement?

1. Numbness and shock 2. Separation 3. Disorganization 4. Reorganiztion

Who we are is a result of a complex, ongoing interaction between what three factors?

1. Our genetic inheritance 2. Our lifestyle choices 3. Environmental factors of many kinds

What are the characteristics of hardy people?

1. Perceive the demands of living as a challenge rather than a threat 2. Are committed to meaningful activities 3. Have a sense of control over their lives. Having a sense of control may be especially critical in avoiding illness and responding to stressful situations

According to the health belief model, health behaviors are influenced by four perceptions. What are they?

1. Perceived susceptibility: Do you believe you are at risk for a problem? 2. Perceived seriousness of consequences: Do you perceive the problem as serious if it were to occur? 3. Perceived benefits of specific action: If you change behavior, do you believe it will reduce the threat? 4. Perceived barriers to taking action. What factors will get in the way of your making a change, such as time, money, or beliefs?

What are the 6 stages of change?

1. Precontemplation 2. Contemplation 3. Preparation 4. Action 5. Maintenance 6. Termination

The peripheral nervous system is divided into two systems. What are they?

1. Somatic nervous system (SNS) 2. Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

Risks of sleep deprivation and other sleep behaviors disruption are associated with serious physical and mental health conditions

1. Suppressed immune system. 2. Mental health risks: dementia, alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, parkinson's disease 3. High blood pressure, risk of heart disease, and stroke 4. Risk of diabetes 5. Overweight and obesity 6. Risk of prostate cancer 7. Safety risk: slow reaction time

Describe type A individuals

1. Tend to be impulsive, need to get things done quickly, live their lives on a time schedule Many Type As are achievement oriented and successful and yet remain healthy.

What are two important facts about mutations?

1. They are passed from generation to generation 2. They allow for human diversity

Why are ethnic and racial minorities struggling so much?

1. They live in areas of great poverty (limited opportunities) 2. income inequality 3. Discrimination 4. Limited access to health information

Two main parts of RS

1. Upper respiratory tract: nose, mouth, pharynx, and larynx 2. Lower respiratory tract: trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, pleura, lungs, and alveoli

Scientists believe the association between weight and sleep is caused by four factors:

1. altering of glucose metabolism so that the body does not metabolize food effectively 2. hormone imbalance involving ghrelin (increases appetite) and leptin (suppressed appetite) 3. less time in rapid eye-movement (REM) sleep (burn more calories in REM) and 4. Increased production of cortisol, which encourages food binges for high-calorie, high-fat foods

What are the physical effects of chronic stress?

1. causes heart rate to accelerate and blood pressure to increase 2. gastrointestinal problems might be stress related 3. psychological illness, including anxiety disorders and depression

A person may be thinking about suicide if...

1. comments about death and threats to commit suicide 2. Increasing social withdrawal and isolation 3. Intensified moodiness 4. Increase in risk-taking behaviors

What are the three layers of the meninges?

1. dura mater 2. arachnoid mater 3. pia mater

What are characteristics of mentally healthy people?

1. high self esteem and feel good about themselves 2. are realistic and accept imperfections in themselves and others 3. They are altruistic; they help others 4. They have a sense of control over their lives and feel capable of meeting challenges and solving problems

What are some leading health indicators?

1. nutrition, physical activity, and obesity 2. maternal, infant, and child health 3. tobacco 4. substance abuse 5. reproductive and sexual health 6. mental health 7. injury and violence 8. environmental quality 9. clinical preventative services 10. access to health care 11. oral health 12. social determinants of health

Clinical symptoms of insomnia

1. taking longer than 30 minutes to fall asleep 2. experiencing five or more awakenings per night 3. sleeping less than a total of 61⁄2 hours as a result of these awakenings, and/or 4. experiencing less than 15 minutes of deep/slow- wave sleep.8

What are characteristics of healthy relationships?

1. trusting and being honest with yourself and eachother 2. Expressing and listening to each other's feelings, needs, and desires 3. Doing things with friends and family and having activiites independent of each other 4. Practicing safer sex methods

What are characteristics of an unhealthy relationship?

1. you lie to each other and find yourself making excuses for the other person 2. One of you feels unheard and is unable to communicate what you want 3. One of you has to justify what you do , where you go, and who you see. 4. You feel scared about asking your partner to use protection, or he or she has refused your requests for safer sex. Or you refuse to use safer sex methods after your partner has requested.

Injection Intravenous Intramuscular Subcutaneous

15-30 seconds 3-5 minutes 5-7 minutes HeroinCocaine Methamphetamine Danger of overdose Collapsed veins Infection at injection site Blood infection Transmission of HIV, hepatitis C, and other pathogens

Physical Activity Recommendations for Adults Aerobic (endurance) activity

150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week. 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week. A combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity that meets the recommendation.

Male and female condoms

15=20% failure rate (5% when used with spermicide) no side effects (except latex allergies) Do protect against STI's

Who smokes?

16.5 percent of adult women 21.6 percent of adult men

BMI of healthy weight


Until the _______ , few medications for the symptoms of mental illness existed. Since that time, discoveries and breakthroughs in drug research have revolutionized the treatment of mental disorders.

1950s. Today, the symptoms of many serious drugs can be "treated successfully" with drugs.

How many alleles does an individual inherit per gene?

2 alleles

Oral ingestion Eating, drinking

20-30 minutes Alcohol Pills Vomiting

Most human cells contain a complete set of _____ pairs of chromosomes

23 pairs

Within the nucleus, the DNA is divided into _____________

23 pairs of chromosomes (one set of each pair comes from each parent)

BMI of overweight

25 to 19.9

Are bodies are made up of about ______ different types of cells.

260 These different types of cells all perform different, specific tasks

Mucous membranes Snorting

3-15 minutes Cocaine Methamphetamine Heroin Irritation or destruction of tissueDifficulty controlling dose

Bacterial STI: Syphilis

4 stages -primary: chancre appears -secondary: rash, fever, headaches -Latent: bacteria multiply & invade organs -Tertiary: organ failure, insanity, death -First 3 stages treated with penicillin

Lifetime probability that a couple in their first marriage will divorce


How many chromosomes are in one cell?

46 chromosomes in one cell 23 pairs of chromosomes. 23 come from biologically sexed female, 23 come from biologically sexed male

What percentage of Americans experience depression during their lifetime?


Inhalation, smoking, huffing

7-10 seconds Marijuana Crack cocaine Tobacco Inhalants Irritation of lungs

Physical Activity Recommendations for Adults Muscle-strengthening activity

8 to 10 exercises that stress the major muscle groups on 2 or more nonconsecutive days per week. Do two to four sets of 8 to 12 repetitions for each exercise using sufficient resistance to fatigue the muscles.

As many as ______% of those who commit suicide are suffering from a mental disorder, often depression.


_______% of Americans report having people in their lives whom they trust and can turn to when they need support


What percentage of DNA do we share with everyone else?

99.9%. You share 99.9% of the same DNA with all other humans. Slight differences in the remaining 0.1 percent account for all your genetic variations in appearance, functioning, and health


A blackout is a period of time during which a drinker is conscious but has impaired memory function; later, he or she has amnesia about events that occurred during this time. The impairment is associated with changes in the hippocampus, a brain structure essential for memory and learning.

What is a panic attack?

A clear physiological and psychological experience of apprehension or intense fear in the absence of a real danger

When you identify and pursue your personal goals, you are taking responsiblity for yourself and taking charge of your lfie.

A community can help you reach your goals

What is a terminal disease?

A disease that will end in death (can't be cured)

What is self-efficacy?

A general sense that you have some control over what happens in your life .

What is cystic fibrosis?

A genetic disorder that affects the respiratory and digestive systems

How does genetic inheritance affect your health?

A genetic mutation in one gene can cause a disease or disorder

What is marriage?

A legal union of two people and a contract between the couple and the state.

What is a manic episode?

A manic episode is a distinct period during which the person has an abnormally elevated mood.

What is a mental disorder?

A mental disorder is a pattern of behavior in an individual that is associated with distress (pain) or disability (impairment in an important area of functioning, such as school or work) or with significantly increased risk of suffering, death, pain, disability, or loss of freedom.

Describe bipolar disorder

A person with bipolar disorder experiences one or more manic episodes, often but not always alternating with depressive episodes. A manic episode is a distinct period during which the person has an abnormally elevated mood.

Sleep-related eating disorder

A person with sleep-related eating disorder (SRED) rises from bed during the night and eats and drinks while asleep. The person may consume bizarre concoctions but has no memory of these experiences in the morning. Fifty percent of people suffering from this disorder binge eat without awakening.

What is sexual orientation?

A person's emotional, romantic, and sexual attraction to a member of the same sex, the other sex, or both

When is a recessive allele expressed?

A recessive allele is expressed only if both copies of the gene are the recessive version.

What is gender role?

A set of behaviors and activities a person engages in to conform to society's expectations Today we commonly assume that both genders are capable and can be successful in a variety of roles at home and at work.

What is your personal value system?

A set of guidelines for how you want to live your life.

What are nutritional guidelines?

A set of recommendations designed to promote optimal health and prevent both nutritional deficiencies and chronic diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease. Developed by American and Canadian scientists

What is huntington's disease?

A single gene brain disorder that affects a person's ability to think, talk, and move

Alcohol metabolism

A small amount of alcohol is metabolized in the stomach, but about 90 percent is metabolized in the liver. Between 2 and 10 percent is excreted unchanged in the breath and urine and through the pores of the skin (this is why you can smell alcohol on the breath)

What is WHO's definition of health?

A state of complete social, physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Examples of terminal diseases


Drinking on the College Campus

About 24% of high school students are binge drinkers High school students who plan to go to college drink less than high school students who do not For binge drinking, young college students surpass young adults who do not go to college About 20% of college students who did not drink heavily in high school do so in college

About 71% of American adults drink, at least occasionally.

About 25-30% U.S. adults label themselves abstainers; They do not drink at all, or they do so less often than once a year.

Sleep Aids, sleep medication

About 4 percent of adults aged 20 and older use prescription sleep medications like Lunesta and Ambien. The safest and most effective sleep medications are ones that you can take at various doses, are not addictive, do not produce serious side effects, and wear off quickly so that you are not drowsy the next day. There is disagreement among doctors


About one in four heavy drinkers or at-risk drinkers can be defined as an alcoholic or alcohol abuser. The manifestations of alcoholism include lack of control over drinking, preoccupation with alcohol, use of alcohol despite adverse consequences, and distortions in thinking (most notably denial).

Consequences of Binge Drinking in College

About one in four students reported that their drinking caused them to miss class, turn in mediocre work, fail exams, or earn failing grades. Binge drinkers also cause problems for other students. About 9 out of 10 students reported experiencing at least one adverse consequence of another student's drinking during the school year (secondhand effects, such as damaged property, unwanted sexual advance, caring for a drunk person, sexual assault, etc.)

Population of people with sleep-related eating disorder

About three-quarters of people with this disorder are female.

Who came up with the concept of self-actualization?

Abraham Maslow in his model of human personality development in his "hiearchy of needs" theory

Pleasure reward circuit

Addictive psychoactive drugs activate this same pathway, causing an enormous surge in levels of dopamine and the associated feelings of pleasure. The nucleus accumbens sends the message to repeat the behavior that produced these feelings, and using an addictive drug begins to take on as much importance as normal survival behaviors.

30% of menstruating women may be deficient as well, due to monthly blood loss. Up to 42% of young, pregnant women may also suffer from iron deficiency.

Additionally, vegetarians and vegans have an increased risk of deficiency. They consume only non- heme iron, which is not absorbed as well as heme iron.

However, you should never supplement with iron unless you truly need it. Too much iron can be very harmful.

Additionally, vitamin C can enhance the absorption of iron. Eating vitamin C-rich foods like oranges, kale and bell peppers along with iron-rich foods can help maximize iron absorption.

What are the four bases (nucleotides) of DNA?

Adenine Guanine Thymine Cytosine

How do the nucleotides pair up?

Adenine pairs with Thymine (AT) Guanine pairs with Cytosine (GC)

Water - The unappreciated nutrient

Adults generally need 1 to 1.5 milliliters of water for each calorie spent in the day. If you expend 2,000 calories a day, you require 2 to 3 liters—8 to 12 cups—of fluids

Vitamin D deficiency is not usually visible. The symptoms are subtle and may develop over years or decades.

Adults who are deficient in vitamin D may experience muscle weakness, bone loss and increased risk of fractures. In children, it may cause growth delays and soft bones (rickets). Also, vitamin D deficiency may play a role in reduced immune function and an increased risk of cancer.


After cannabis, cocaine is the most frequently used illegal drug globally

Individual Factors that affect your health.

Age, Sex, Skills, Genetics


Aggression Reduced sensations DepressionStupor LethargyIncreased pain threshold Severe motor impairment Memory blackout

Social problems associated with alcohol use

Alcohol can lead to many kinds of difficulties. Alcohol reduces social inhibitions, and reduced inhibition may lead to high-risk sexual activity and a lowered likelihood of practicing safe sex (such as using a condom).

Factors of alcohol absorption

Alcohol concentration. The more concentrated the alcohol, the more quickly it is absorbed. Hard liquor is absorbed faster than are beer and wine. Carbonation. The carbon dioxide in champagne, cola, and ginger ale speeds the absorption of alcohol. On the other hand, drinks that contain water, juice, or milk are absorbed more slowly.


Alcohol dependence is also known as alcoholism, defined as a chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental causes. Alcoholism is often progressive and fatal.

Alcohol fads

Alcohol ingestion fads are dangerous and should be discouraged vaporizing alcohol with dry ice, carbon dioxide pills, asthma nebulizers, pressurized air pumps, or a device called a Vaportini and inhaling, or "smoking," the alcohol vapor is extremely dangerous because it bypasses the buffering effects of the digestive system and delivers alcohol vapors directly into the lungs, where the chemicals are absorbed into the bloodstream and sent directly to the brain

Alcohol the depressant

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant While your body is absorbing alcohol and alcohol levels in the blood and brain are rising, you experience feelings of relaxation and well-being and a lowering of social inhibitions.

Rates and effects of alcohol metabolism

Alcohol is metabolized more slowly than it is absorbed. This means that the concentration of alcohol builds when additional drinks are consumed before previous drinks have been metabolized. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that driving function can be impaired by BAC levels as low as 0.02 to 0.04 percent.

Health Risks of Alcohol Use

Alcohol is toxic and has effects on virtually all body organs and systems as well as all aspects of a person's functioning The major organs and systems damaged by alcohol use are the cardiovascular system, the liver, the brain, the immune system, and the reproductive system Lung damage is also associated with alcohol abuse

A drug is a substance other than food that affects the structure or the function of the body through its chemical action.

Alcohol, caffeine, aspirin, and nicotine are all drugs, as are amphetamines, cocaine, hallucinogens, sedatives, and inhalants.

Pleasure reward circuit

All or nearly all addictive drugs, whether "uppers" or "downers," operate via the pleasure and reward circuit, but some also operate via additional mechanisms. An example is the opioids (opium and its derivatives, morphine, codeine, and heroin).

Pituitary Gland

Also regulated by the SCN, the pituitary gland releases growth hormone during sleep to help repair damaged body tissues

If you are referred to a sleep clinic or lab, you may be asked to monitor your sleeping habits at home by keeping a sleep diary for a week or more. You will record the times you go to bed, awaken during the night, and wake up in the morning, as well as what and when you eat in the evening, any alcohol, tobacco, or drugs you consume, and so on

Alternatively, you may be evaluated at the lab. You may take a Multiple Sleep Latency Test, in which you lie down in a dark room and are told not to resist sleep. This test, repeated five times during the day, measures sleep latency as an index of daytime sleepiness.

What are alleles?

Alternatives forms of a gene E.g. you can have two alleles of the gene for ear lobe structure (one copy from each parent)

The third phase of liver disease is cirrhosis, scarring of the liver tissue.

Although other diseases can cause cirrhosis (such as viral hepatitis), between 40 and 90 percent of people with cirrhosis have a history of alcohol abuse.

Sleep Structure: Men vs. Women

Although the structure of sleep is essentially the same for men and women, women tend to have more slow- wave sleep (NREM stages 3 and 4) than men do and to experience more insomnia. Men have more REM periods. Men and women also tend to have some differences in habits and behaviors related to sleep.

Sleepwalking and genes

Although there may be a genetic link to sleepwalking, most sufferers do not have a family history of this disorder.

Brain Damage

Although women are more sensitive to alcohol, research suggests that men and women are equally vulnerable to alcohol-induced brain damage. Because the brain continues to grow and mature until the early 20s, heavy alcohol use during the teen years can be harmful to the developing brain. Studies have revealed that the hippocampus (a center for learning and memory) is 10 percent smaller in teenagers who drink heavily than in those who don't.

What is wellness?

An active process through which people become aware of, and make choice toward a more successful existence.

What is community?

An interdependence of people and organizations within a defined region.

External Signals: Anchorage dependence & density-dependent inhibition

Anchorage dependence Density-dependence inhibition Density-dependent inhibition Normal mammalian cells

Cancer cells do not exhibit anchorage dependence or density-dependent inhibition

Anchorage dependence Density-dependent inhibition Density-dependent inhibition a. normal mammalian cells b. cancer cells

The earliest known traces of wine are from:

Ancient China (7000 BC) Ancient Georgia (6000 BC) Ancient Iran (Persia) (5000 BC) Ancient Sicily (4000 BC)

Alcohol fads

Another dangerous fad is the alcohol enema. A beer enema involves inserting a full beer bottle into the anus or pouring beer through a funnel and tube or a drip bag into the anus. Alcohol enemas can make the user very drunk in a very short period of time.

musculoskeletal fitness

Another important component of musculoskeletal fitness is flexibility, the ability of joints to move through their full range of motion.


Antioxidant Meats, seafood, grains

What is transgender?

Anyone whose gender identity differs from the sex of his or her birth

Application for Mucous Membranes

Application of a drug to the mucous membranes results in rapid absorption because the mucous membranes are moist and have a rich blood supply. People who snort cocaine absorb the drug quickly into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes of the nose. People who chew tobacco absorb nicotine through the mucous membranes lining the mouth. Rectal and vaginal suppositories are also absorbed quickly, although these methods are less commonly used.

Application to the skin

Application to the skin is a less common method of drug administration. Most drugs are not well absorbed through the skin. Dermal absorption occurs when an oil or ointment is rubbed on the skin, producing a topical, or local, effect.

What is special about 21,000 of the genes in a chromosome?

Approximately 21,000 of these genes serve as protein coding templates - they are transcribed into RNA. Which carries the template out of the nucleus to the cell sites where proteins are made.

Diseases that are heavily influenced by age.

Arthritis Alzheimers Macular degeneration Osteoperosis Heart Disease

What is intersex?

As a result of genetic factors or prenatal hormonal influences, a baby is born with ambiguous genitals - condition referred to as intersex

Rates and effects of alcohol metabolism

As a rule of thumb, people who have normal liver function metabolize about 0.5 ounce of alcohol (about one drink) per hour. A person with a BAC of 0.08 percent is considered legally drunk in all states.

Liver Disease

As cirrhosis sets in, liver cells are replaced by collagen, which changes the structure of the liver and decreases blood flow to the organ. Liver cells die and liver function is impaired, leading to fluid accumulation in the body, jaundice (yellowing of the skin), and an opportunity for infections or cancers to establish themselves.

Alcohol fads

At a minimum, the inhaled vapors can dry out nasal passages and the mouth, which increases the risk for infections. Of greater concern—because the alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream so quickly and the gag reflex cannot be triggered—inhaling alcohol makes alcohol poisoning more likely. Liver failure, brain damage, and blindness are additional health concerns

Alcohol the depressant

At higher levels, and especially when blood levels are falling, you are more likely to feel depressed and withdrawn and to experience impairments in thinking, balance, and motor coordination. These effects last until all the alcohol is metabolized (broken down into energy and wastes) and released from the body.

Sudden death

At the other extreme, CNS stimulants such as cocaine can cause sudden death by speeding up heart rate, elevating blood pressure, and accelerating other body functions to the point that systems are overwhelmed and collapse.

Carbohydrates—Your Body's Fuel

Athletes in particular need to consume a high- carbohydrate diet to fuel their high-energy activities. Carbohydrates are the foods we think of as sugars and starches. They come almost exclusively from plants (the exception is lactose, the sugar in milk).


Average American adult consumes 3,400 mg a day Applebee's Appetizer Sampler Platter has 11,560 mg Increases risk of hypertension, reduces cognitive function

Daily calorie needs

Average adult = 2000 calories most women: 1800 calories Most men = 2200 calories Michale phelps = 12,000 calories

Blood Alcohol Concentration

BAC is a measure of the amount of alcohol in grams in 100 milliliters of blood, expressed as a percentage. For example, for 100 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood, the BAC is 0.10 percent. BAC is influenced by the amount of alcohol consumed and the rate at which the alcohol is metabolized by the body


BAC provides a good estimate of the alcohol concentration in the brain, which is why it is used as a measure of intoxication by state motor vehicle laws. The alcohol concentration in the blood correlates with alcohol concentration in the breath, so breath samples are accurate indicators of BAC. Breath analyzers are legal in most states for identifying and prosecuting drunk drivers

______ _____ _______ type of research that typically involves working on a cellular level or in animals. It contributes to a baseline of scientific knowledge.

Basic Medical Research

The best dietary sources of non-heme iron include:

Beans: Half a cup of cooked kidney beans (3 ounces or 85 g) provides 33% of the RDI. Seeds, such as pumpkin, sesame and squash seeds: One ounce (28 g) of roasted pumpkin and squash seeds provide 11% of the RDI. Broccoli, kale and spinach: One ounce (28 g) of fresh kale provides 5.5% of the RDI.

health benefits

Because alcohol is a depressant, it may help reduce stress. The high water content in beer and its diuretic effect may also help prevent the forming of kidney stones. Moderate alcohol consumption also appears to be associated with a lowered risk of heart disease because it increases high-density lipoproteins (HDL, also called "good cholesterol"). (Maybe temporary)

Memory impaired when people have impaired sleep time.

Because ideas are filed in long-term storage during REM sleep, memory may be impaired if sleep time is insufficient. As a result of such memory impairment, the ability to learn new skills is also impaired. Performance in learning a new skill does not improve until an individual has had 6 hours of sleep; performance improves even more after 8 hours of sleep.

Pleasure reward circuit

Because the drug produces such huge surges of dopamine, the brain responds by reducing normal dopamine production. Eventually, the person is unable to experience any pleasure, even from the drug, due to the disrupted dopamine system.

REM and memory

Besides giving us time to dream, REM sleep also appears to give the brain the opportunity to "file" important ideas and thoughts in long-term storage, that is, in memory. This reorganization and consolidation may account for the fact that we are able to solve problems in our dreams. Scientists further believe that creative and novel ideas are more likely to flourish during REM sleep because we have easier access to memories and emotions.

Consequences of Binge Drinking in College

Binge drinking can have serious physical, academic, social, and legal consequences. Individuals who have been drinking heavily are more likely to be injured, to commit a crime or fall victim to violence, and to be involved with the law. Extreme drinking is 10-15 drinks a day for men and 8-12 drinks a day for women

Why binge drink?

Binge drinking is also promoted by easy access to alcohol and cheap prices. Social norms and the campus culture contribute to patterns of drinking.

Factors of alcohol absorption

Body fat. The more body fat a person has, the less alcohol is absorbed by body tissues and the more there is to circulate in the bloodstream and reach the brain. In other words, higher body fat results in a quicker intoxication than lower body fat. Drug interaction. Interactions with many prescription and over-the-counter drugs can intensify a drinker's reaction to alcohol, leading to more rapid intoxication.

Blood Alcohol Concentration

Body size alone influences BAC as well A larger, heavier person has more body surface to diffuse the alcohol (as well as a higher body water content to dilute the alcohol).

Dietary Sources of Calcium:

Boned fish: One can of sardines contains 44% of the RDI. Dairy products: One cup of milk contains 35% of the RDI. Dark green vegetables, such as kale, spinach, bok choy and broccoli: One ounce of fresh kale provides 5.6% of the RDI.

Gender differences in alcohol absorption and metabolism

Both body size and body fat percentage play a role in gender differences in the effects of alcohol. Women are generally more susceptible to alcohol's effects and have a higher BAC than men do after drinking the same amount, because women are generally smaller than men and have a higher body fat percentage.

Effects of alcohol

Brain: neurotransmitter function disrupted, slowed reaction time, impaired coordination, balance, judgement, thinking Ears: decreased hearing Skin: Broken capillaries (whiskey nose) Heart: Weakened heart muscle, enlarged heart, irregular heartbeat, elevated blood pressure, increased risk of stroke Breasts: increased risk of cancer Liver: Fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, increased risk of liver cancer Eyes: Decreased acute vision Nose: decreased sense of smell Tongue: decreased sense of taste Bones: bone loss, increased risk of osteoporosis Digestive system: increased risk of cancer of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, pancreas, colon, stomach inflammation, bleeding. Reproductive system: Irregular menstrual cycle, risk of fetal alcohol syndrome, increased sexual dysfunction, testicular atrophy in men, reduced vaginal lubrication in women


Brief Interventions Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment Self-Help Programs Harm Reduction: Approach, Policies, and Laws Controlled drinking: for early-stage problem drinkers, moderation instead of abstinence

Many forms of Cannabis

Broad-leafed Cannabis indica plants in India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan are traditionally cultivated for the production of hashish

What are the organs of the respiratory system?

Bronchus Bronchiole Right and Left Lungs Larynx Trachea

Heavy sweating increases your need for fluids. You obtain fluids not only from the water you drink, but also from the water in foods, particularly fruits such as oranges and apples.

Caffeinated beverages and alcohol are not good sources of your daily fluid intake because of their dehydrating effects

Calcium Deficiency

Calcium is essential for every cell. It mineralizes bone and teeth, especially during times of rapid growth. It is also very important for the maintenance of bone. Additionally, calcium plays a role as a signaling molecule all over the body. Without it, our heart, muscles and nerves would not be able to function. The calcium concentration in the blood is tightly regulated, and any excess is stored in bones. If there is lack of calcium in the diet, calcium is released from the bones.

Some diseases are coded in individual's genomes

Can look at people's genome to see if they're predisposed to certain diseases

Carbohydrates - Your body's fuel

Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy. They fuel most of the body's cells during daily activities; they are used by muscle cells during high- intensity exercise; and they are the only source of energy for brain cells, red blood cells, and some other types of cells.

Heat Stroke

Cause: Excessive body temperature Symptoms: Headache, comiting, flushed skin (dry or cold water; sweaty), elevated temperature, disorientation, unconsciousness Treatment: Cool body with ice or give cool drinks with sugar if conscious; get medical help immediately.

Heat Exhaustion

Cause: Excessive loss of electrolytes in sweat; inadequate salt and/or fluid intake Symptom: Fatigue; nausea; dizziness; cool, pale skin; sweating; elevated temperature Treatment: Rest in cool environment; drink cool fluids; cool body with water; get medical treatment if severe.

Heat Cramps

Cause: Excessive loss of electrolytes in sweat; inadequate salt intake Symptoms: Muscle cramps Treatment: Rest in cool environment; drink fluids; ingest salty food and drinks; get medical treatment if severe.

Call Cycle Regulation

Cell cycle is directed by a control system which is regulated at checkpoints by internal and external signals

All drugs have the potential to be toxic, that is, poisonous, dangerous, or deadly.

Central nervous system depressants, such as alcohol, barbiturates, tranquilizers, and opium-derived drugs such as morphine and heroin can cause death if used in sufficient amounts to suppress vital functions like respiration.

Why are copies of genes different with each individual?

Changes occur in a gene! This change is called a mutation.

Factors influencing the effects of drugs

Characteristics of the person include age, gender, body weight and mass, physical condition, mood, experience with the drug, and expectations. Generally speaking, the same amount of a drug has less effect on a 180-pound man than on a 120-pound woman.

There are unsafe levels of weed killer chemical in oat products. Study found weed killer in 28 cereals.

Cheerios and Quaker oats

What are chromosomes made up of?

Chromosomes are made of tightly coiled molecules of DNA

What are the major health concerns when we look at the overall leading causes of death?

Chronic diseases! (heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases - and lifestyle that contributes to these diseases

Heart disease and stroke

Chronic heavy drinking is a major cause of degenerative disease of the heart muscle, a condition called alcoholic cardiomyopathy, and of heart arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat). Abnormal heart rhythm is a cause of sudden death in alcoholics, whether or not they already had heart disease.

Factors of alcohol absorption

Cigarette smoke. Nicotine extends the time alcohol stays in the stomach, increasing time for absorption into the bloodstream. This means smoking slows the increase in blood alcohol concentration. Mood and physical condition. Fear and anger tend to speed up alcohol absorption. The stomach empties more rapidly than normal, allowing the alcohol to be absorbed more easily. People who are stressed, tired, or ill may also feel alcohol's effects sooner.

Liver Disease

Cirrhosis can also lead to a fatal brain disorder called hepatic encephalopathy. The prognosis for people with alcoholic hepatitis or cirrhosis is poor.

What is the key to successful intimate relationships?

Clear, positive, communication


Cocaine increases alertness, feelings of well- being and euphoria, energy and motor activity, feelings of competence and sexuality. Cocaine's effects are very similar to that of amphetamine, however cocaine's effects tend to be much shorter lasting, but more prominent. in 2013 cocaine use directly resulted in 4,300 deaths, up from 2,400 in 1990.

Birds do it, bees do it

Coitus, copulation Erection - penis stiffens and lengthens due to dilated blood vessels and pooling blood Ejaculatoin - forceful expulsion of semen

Some research has indicated a relationship between impulsive, risk-taking behavior and exposure to movies, television, and video games.

Conclusion on this discussion: more research is needed to sort out the effects of biological versus cultural influences on behavior.

Bed partner

Consider Your Bed Partner Thirty-seven percent of Americans snore regularly. More men snore than women. However, after menopause women snore as much as men. Snoring is a major disrupter of partners' sleep, and body movement during sleep can also be a problem for partners.

What should you do if you encounter a pattern of illness or disease in your health tree?

Consult with your physician or a genetic counselor about its meaning and implications.

Heavy episodic drinking

Consumption of five or more drinks in a row by a man or four or more drinks in a row by a woman. This happens at least once in the previous two-week period. When people have that many drinks in a two-hour period, their blood alcohol content rises to 0.08 percent or more.


Controls emotional responses and instinctual "gut" reactions. Adolescenets appear to rely more heavily on this part of the brain to interpret situations than adults do. As they mature, the center of the brain activity shifts to the frontal cortex.

Frontal Cortex

Controls planning, organizing, rational thinking, working memory, judgement, mood modulation, undergoes rapid growth just before puberty, followed by pruning and consolidation during adolescence.

What is the function of the Central Nervous system?

Coordinates the actions of the voluntary muscles and conscious thought process

What are interpersonal factors that affect our health?

Coworkers Family Friends Neighbors Peers

Anorexia Nervosa

Criteria for anorexia nervosa are as follows: Restriction of energy intake relative to requirements leading to significantly low body weight, which is defined as weight that is less than minimally normal (generally, BMI < 18.5). Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat even though significantly underweight or engaging in persistent behavior that interferes with weight gain. Disturbance in the way in which one's body weight or shape is experienced, undue influence of body weight or shape on self- evaluation, or persistent lack of recognition of the seriousness of the current low body weight.

Enzymes are proteins coded by _______.


0.41 and greater

Death Respiratory arrest

Visible Effects

Deeper wrinkles, red cheeks, and weight gain are just a few of the visible effects of regular heavy drinking. Alcohol's calories are empty, providing almost no nutrients while contributing to weight gain. A regular beer has about 144 calories; a glass of wine, 100 to 105 calories; and a shot of gin or whiskey, 96 calories.

Factors of alcohol absorption

Diet soda. The artificial sugars cause alcohol to empty more rapidly from the stomach into the small intestine and thus speed up absorption in the bloodstream. Health scientists believe that, in contrast, the body may treat the sugar in regular mixers like food, which slows the release of alcohol into the small intestine.

Alcohol consumption as influenced by economic & environmental factors

Differences in alcohol consumption among ethnic groups are strongly influenced by sociocultural or environmental factors, including poverty, discrimination, feelings of powerlessness, immigration status, and degree of acculturation. Economic factors, such as the heavy marketing of alcoholic beverages in minority neighborhoods, play a considerable role.

What are health inequities?

Differences in health outcomes that result from systemic, avoidable, and unjust social and economic practices and policies that create barriers to opportunity

What is the result of a genetic mutation?

Different instructions are sent to cells.

Alcohol dependence

Disorder characterized by a strong craving for alcohol, the development of tolerance for alcohol, and symptoms of withdrawal if alcohol consumption stops abruptly. One indicator of dependence is the development of tolerance, reduced sensitivity to the effects of a drug so that larger and larger amounts are needed to produce the same effects. Another indicator is experiencing withdrawal, a state of acute physical and psychological discomfort when alcohol consumption stops abruptly.

Binge-eating Disorder

Disordered eating patterns can also cause obesity. Binge-eating disorder has increasingly been recognized as a psychological disturbance that is associated with weight fluctuation and obesity. This disorder involves binge-eating behaviors without vomiting or purging. People with binge-eating disorder can be normal weight or overweight, but if the disorder goes unrecognized, they often eventually become obese.

What are multifactorial disorders?

Disorders caused by interactions among one or more genes, the environment, and health behaviors.

What phase of bereavement? You are preoccupied and distracted; you have trouble concentrating and thinking clearly. You may feel lethargic and indifferent. This phase can last much longer than you anticipate.


What is night eating syndrome?

Distinct from sleep-related eating disorder is a newly identified sleep disorder, night eating syndrome, in which affected persons binge eat late at night, have difficulty falling asleep, repeatedly awaken during the night and eat again, and then eat very little the next day. Treatments include medications and behavior management techniques

Public Policies

Drink and driving laws Seatbelt laws Food Safety Building Codes for Safety

Drinking on the college campus

Drinking rates at most colleges are very high; surveys indicate that up to 80 percent of college students drink alcoholic beverages. College students under the age of 21 drink less frequently than older students do, but they are more likely to binge drink during these episodes and to drink simply to get drunk.

Drugs and Sex

Drugs and sex can be intertwined in life People are often attracted to people who are addicted to the same drugs as they are Drug dealers use addiction to get sex and relationships Drugs can control entire households, towns, cities, states and entire countries Never underestimate the power of addiction and what it can do to a loved one (stealing, prostitution, homicide, etc.)

Drugs of abuse

Drugs of abuse are usually classified as: Stimulants Depressants Opioids Hallucinogens Inhalants Cannabinoids

Sleep is strongly associated with overall health and quality of life.

During the deepest stages of sleep, restoration and growth take place.


During this period, you are most likely to experience your first dream of the night. Although dreams may occur in all stages of sleep, they generally happen in REM sleep

In the endocrine system, each gland produces a different hormone

Each hormone has a unique function and these hormones help control various body processes

How to lower cholesterol

Eat a low-fat diet with cholesterol lowering foods Weight management Exercise Medications - statins block cholesterol production in liver so it is pulled from blood


Eat everything Some may limit (ex. no red meat)

Eating disorders

Eating disorders are chronic illnesses that jeopardize physical and mental health; they can be life threatening. The key characteristic of eating disorders is a severe disturbance in eating behavior. A second characteristic is a distorted body image and often associated low self-esteem.

What is the hardiness approach to stress?

Effective style of coping with stress, characterized by a tendency to view life events as challenges rather than threats, a commitment to meaningful activities, and a sense of being in control.


Emotional arousal Mood swings Anger or sadness Boisterousness Slowed reaction time Staggering gait Slurred speech Impaired balance

What can cause sleepwalking?

Episodes may be brought on by excessive sleep deprivation, fatigue, stress, illness, excessive alcohol consumption, and the use of sedatives

Ethnic and racial minorities have higher rates of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, infant mortality, alcoholism, drug abuse, unintentional injury, and premature death than the general population.

Ethnic and racial minorities also have higher lifestyle risk factors such as high-fat diets, lack of exercise, and more exposure to carcinogens and other environmental toxins


Euphoria Blunted feelings Nausea Sleepiness Slower reflexesImpaired reasoning Impaired visual tracking Reduced depth perception

Child Abuse

Every day, more than 2,000 children are abused or neglected, and 5 die at the hands of their abusers

What is generalized anxiety disorder?

Excessive and uncontrollable worrying, usually far out of proportion to the likelihood of the feared event.

Exercising in cold

Exercising in excessive cold also puts a strain on the body. Symptoms of hypothermia (dangerously low body temperature) include shivering, feelings of euphoria, and disorientation. Core body temperature influences how severe these symptoms are and whether the hypothermia is considered mild, moderate, or severe. To stay warm, dress in several thin layers of clothes and wear a hat and mittens. If cold air bothers your throat, breathe through a scarf.


Expecting the best and working to achieve it

What is withdrawal?

Experienced by people with physiological dependence on a substance. Withdrawal is uncomfortable symptoms that occur when substance use stops.

Dating Apps

Experts blame the increases on falling condom use, fewer public health clinics and people hacing more sexual partners linked to dating apps

Effects of bulimia

Face: swollen parotid and salivary glands, puffy cheeks, broken blood vessels under the eyes, sore throat Teeth: Erosion of tooth enamel, pain, sensitivity Esophagus: heartburn, inflammation, tears can cause severe life threatening bleeding Hands: Calluses from self-induced vomiting Large Intestine: bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain caused by laxatives Stomach: Can enlarge dramatically with binge eating and even burst; risk of death Heart: irregular heart rhythms due to low potassium; risk of death Blood: electrolyte imbalances (low potassium, sodium) risk of death Kidneys: Low blood pressure, dehydration caused by diuretics

What are the means of nonverbal communication?

Facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, body position and movement, spatial behavior

True or false? There is a clear distinguishing line between environment an genetics.

False! There is no clear distinctions between the precise roles of environment and genetics

How do you evaluate your sleep?

First, get a sense of your general level of daytime sleepiness by taking the sleep latency test (a measure of how long it takes you to fall asleep) Next, check to see if you have any symptoms of a sleep disorder Of course, the most basic recommendation is to make sure you are getting enough hours of sleep every night.

Viral infections: prevention/treatment of influenza

Flu shots advised (Especially for high risk groups) Antiviral medications can shorten duration (but only effective in first 1-2 days)

Community Resources

Food bank Parks

Factors of alcohol absorption

Food in the stomach. Alcohol consumed on an empty stomach can reach the brain in less than one minute. Food slows down the movement of alcohol into the small intestine. Gender. Women absorb alcohol into the bloodstream more quickly than men do. Age. Older adults do not tolerate alcohol as well as younger people.

Adult Women and Insomnia

For adult women, more than half of whom report symptoms of insomnia during any given month, additional causes may include depression, headaches, effects of pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome, menopausal hot flashes, and overactive bladder. Insomnia causes for men include depression, headaches, and overactive bladder.


Found in bones; needed for making protein, muscle contraction, nerve transmission, immune system health Nuts and seeds, legumes, leafy green vegetables, seafood, chocolate; artichokes, "hard" drinking water


Found in protein molecules Occurs in foods as part of protein: meats, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, legumes, nuts


Found in thyroid hormone, which helps regulate growth, development, and metabolism Seafood, foods grown in iodine-rich soil, iodized salt, bread, dairy products

Risk of antidepressants?

Found to significantly increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in young adults aged 18 to 24, usually during the first one or two months of treatment -FDA proposed that warnings on antidepressants be updated to include young adults

__________ is a reciprocal relationship based on mutual liking and caring, respect and trust, interest, and companionship.


The digestive system works with other organ systems to promote homeostasis

From food and water intake = nutrients, water, salts From oxygen intake = oxygen

________ is a chemical messenger that promotes relaxation and inhibits excitation. It is typically found in high concentrations in areas such as the hypothalamus and hippocampus.


Illicit drugs

Generally viewed as harmful, and it is illegal to possess, manufacture, sell, or use them. Many prescription drugs are legal when obtained through a physician but illicit when manufactured or sold outside of the regulated medical system. Tobacco and alcohol are illegal drugs in the hands of minors, but they are usually not considered illicit because of their widespread availability to adults.

What regulates the activity of differentiation?

Genes - they turn on or off to regulate this activity in a process called differentiation

Genetic and Hormonal Influences for weight

Genetic and Hormonal Influences -If neither of your parents is obese, you have a 10 percent chance of becoming obese. -The risk increases to 80 percent if both of your parents are obese.

What factors influence your weight?

Genetic and hormonal influences Age and gender Other factors: -Food choices -Eating out -Larger portions -Sedentary Lifestyle -Less sleep -Not paying attention to diet

Complete Protein

Gives us all 9 essential amino acids (EAA)

Gluten Free

Gluten is not bad for you unless you have celiac disease A rigorous study recently showed that non-celiac gluten sensitivity doesn't exist


Good flexibility helps you maintain posture and balance, makes movement easier and more fluid, and lowers your risk of injury. It is a key factor in preventing low back pain and injury.

Consequences of Binge Drinking in College

Half to two-thirds of campus homicides and serious assaults are believed to involve drinking by the offender, the victim, or both* Women who binge drink are nearly 150 percent more likely to be victims of date rape, sexual battering, and unplanned or unintended sexual activity than are women who do not drink alcohol* these statistics were removed from the latest edition of the textbook


Hangovers are characterized by headache, stomach upset, thirst, and fatigue. Health experts speculate that alcohol disrupts the body's water balance, causing excessive urination and thirst the day after excessive drinking.


Having coherent beliefs about the higher purpose and meaning of life

Muscular Fitness

Health-related fitness also includes muscular fitness. Benefits of improved muscular fitness are increased lean body mass, which helps prevent obesity; increased bone mineral density, which prevents osteoporosis; improved glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, which prevent diabetes; and decreased anxiety and depression, which improves quality of life.

Heat Related Disorders

Heat Cramps Heat Exhaustion Heat Stroke

Brain Damage

Heavy alcohol consumption causes anatomical changes in the brain and directly damages brain cells. Alcohol can cause a loss of brain tissue, inflammation of the brain, and a widening of fissures in the cortex (covering) of the brain. Heavy drinking, especially binge drinking, has been shown to disrupt short-term memory and the ability to analyze complex problems.

Social problems associated with alcohol use

Heavy drinkers are more likely to have multiple sex partners and to engage in other risky sexual behaviors. These behaviors are associated with increased risk of sexually transmitted disease and unplanned pregnancy. Violence and injury associated with alcohol use.

Sleep deprivation has effects in all domains of functioning.

Heightened irritability, lowered anger threshold, frustration, nervousness, and difficulty handling stress are some of the emotional effects. Reduced motivation may affect school and job performance, and lack of interest in socializing with others may cause relationships to suffer.

More than 75% of people who eat a western diet are getting more than enough vitamin A and do not need to worry about deficiency.

However, vitamin A deficiency is very common in many developing countries. About 44-50% of preschool-aged children in certain regions have vitamin A deficiency. This number is around 30% in Indian women.

Adequate Intake

If there is not enough information about a nutrient to set an RDA, the Food and Nutrition Board provides an Adequate Intake (AI).

How long should a nap be?

If you are a napper, sleep experts recommend naps of only 15 to 45 minutes, which can be refreshing and restorative. If you nap longer than 45 minutes, your body can enter stage 4 deep sleep. It is more difficult to awaken from this stage, and you are likely to feel groggy.

The key to fitness training is the body's ability to adapt to increasing demands by becoming more fit—that is, as a general rule, the more you exercise, the fitter you become.

If you exercise too little, your fitness level won't improve. If you exercise too much, you may be susceptible to injury.

The importance of REM sleep to the brain is demonstrated by what is called the REM rebound effect.

If you get inadequate sleep for several nights, you will have longer and more frequent periods of REM sleep when you have a night in which you can sleep longer

Preventative Nap

If you know you will be going to bed later than usual, you may want to take a "preventive nap" of 2 to 3 hours. Research suggests that people who take preventive naps increase their alertness by about 30 percent over that of people who do not nap.

A large abdominal or waist circumference is associated with high cholesterol levels and higher risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, and some types of cancer.

If your BMI is in the healthy range, a large waist circumference may signify an independent risk for disease.


Important for healthy bones and teeth; found in every cell; part of the system that maintains acid-base balance Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, processed foods (including soda pop)


Important for healthy bones and teeth; helps muscles relax and contract; important in nerve functioning, blood clotting, blood pressure regulation, immune system health Milk and milk products; canned fish with bones (salmon, sardines); fortified tofu and fortified soy milk; greens (broccoli, mustard greens); legumes

Insomnia statistics

In a poll conducted by the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), 30 percent of adult women and 40 percent of adult men reported experiencing one or more symptoms of insomnia at least a few nights a week. Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling or staying asleep

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Machine (CPAP) for Sleep Apnea

In cases of severe sleep apnea, one treatment option is a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. Through a comfortable mask, a CPAP machine gently blows slightly pressurized air into the patient's nose. Other treatment options include surgery to cut away excess tissue at the back of the throat and a newer technique called somnoplasty that involves shrinking tissue in the back of the throat with radio-frequency energy


In its testing, the EWG tested 45 samples of conventionally grown oats and 16 of organically grown oats. In 43 of the 45 conventional cases, it detected glyphosate. In 31 of those cases, glyphosate levels were above the organization's health benchmark of 160 parts per billion. On the organic side, just five products were discovered to have had Glyphosate and none of them reached the 160ppb benchmark.

Brain Damage

In long-term alcohol abuse, loss of brain tissue results in a mental disorder called alcohol-induced persisting dementia, an overall decline in intellect. Some of this loss may be reversible if the person abstains from alcohol use for a few months, but after age 40, improvement is less likely, even with abstinence

Community starts within

In the act of joining a community, you bring your deepest beliefs and intentions into the world. Participation in a community requires that you understand your beliefs and hoy you fit into a particular community.

Alcohol metabolism

In the liver, alcohol is converted to acetaldehyde, an organic chemical compound, by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). The ability to metabolize alcohol depends on the amount and kind of ADH enzymes available in the liver. If more alcohol molecules arrive in the liver cells than the enzymes can process, the extra molecules circulate through the brain, liver, and other organs until enzymes are available to degrade them.

What is our first environment?

In utero

Disordered eating behaviors

Include restrictive dieting, skipping meals, binge eating and purging, laxative abuse, and other behaviors that are unhealthy but not severe enough to reach the level of an eating disorder.

Nicotine addiction

Increases in release of the neurotransmitter dopamine produce feelings of pleasure and a desire to repeat the experience. As noted earlier, nicotine also affects alertness, energy, and mood by increasing levels of endorphins and other neurotransmitters, including serotonin and norepinephrine.

What two factors are at play when it comes to people's decision making and way of life?

Individual Choice and Societal Responsibility

Why Do Some People have Problems with Alcohol?

Individual, psychological, and sociocultural reasons A family history of alcoholism is a risk factor for the development of alcoholism. Some cultures have higher acceptance of alcohol use, more tolerant attitudes toward drinking and drunkenness, and/or higher levels of alcohol consumption than others do.

Soft-tissue and overuse injuries

Injuries to soft tissue (muscles and joints) include tears, sprains, strains, and contusions; they usually result from a specific activity incident, such as a bicycle crash. Some injuries, known as overuse injuries, are caused by the cumulative effects of motions repeated many times. Tendinitis and bursitis are examples of overuse injuries.

Call Cycle

Interphase = growing phase Mitotic Phase = Cell division


Involved in formation of bones and teeth; helps prevent tooth decay Drinking water (either fluoridated or naturally containing fluoride), fish, and most teas

Does huntington's disease improve over time?

It get's worse over time.

Besides the proteins, what is the rest of the genome made up of?

It had been thought to contain "junk" DNA.

Respiratory System

It is a continuous open passage from the mouth and nose through the head, neck and chest to the lungs Breathing allows oxygen to enter the body and carbon dioxide to exit the body Two main parts: upper respiratory tract, lower respiratory tract

Iron deficiency is a common deficiency

It is a main component of red blood cells, where it binds with hemoglobin and transports oxygen to cells.

Health benefits

It is apparently the pattern of drinking, not the type of alcoholic beverage, that confers benefits. People who drink wine, for example, tend to do so in small amounts every day rather than in large amounts. Binge drinking does not serve as a protective factor and can actually increase the risk for heart disease.

How can sleep apnea be fatal?

It is frequently seen in association with high blood pressure, and it can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Oxygen saturation of the blood decreases and levels of carbon dioxide rise when a person stops breathing, increasing the likelihood that heart and blood vessel abnormalities may occur. If sufficient oxygen is not delivered to the brain, death may occur during sleep.

Liver Disease

It makes the liver more vulnerable to inflammation, such as alcoholic hepatitis. Fatty liver can be reversed with abstinence (usually about 30 days or so). If bloodwork is taken at this time, liver enzymes will be reported to be elevated

Where is the pituitary gland?

It's located in the brain. There are two lobes of the pituitary gland.

Can you cure a chronic disease?

It's possible

LSD and shrooms

LSD has been around for almost 100 years Psilocybin has been around since the beginning Both can cause hallucinations and paranoia, LSD lasts longer LSD has been determined to be less toxic than many other drugs, but long term psychological effects are possible Do not drive or engage in public activities under the heavy influence of any drugs or alcohol, it will get you arrested, hurt or worse. If you have a bad trip, just know that eventually the effects will wear off (if you didn't take too much) and go to a quiet, peaceful place until you come down, which will take hours

Cocaine cut that supposedly rots your skin

Levamisole, a common cutting agent in cocaine, made the news recently for its apparent skin-destroying properties - but there's a lot more to the substance than that

What are examples of light, moderate, and vigorous-intensity activities?

Light Slow walking CanoeingGolf with cart Croquet Fishing—sitting Billiards DartsPlaying cards Walking the dog Grocery shopping Laundry Moderate Walking 3.0 mph Cycling leisurelyGolf, no cartTable tennisSlow swimmingBoat sailing Housework/gardening Calisthenics Tennis doublesYogaPlaying with children Vigorous Walking 4.5 mph Cycling moderately Jogging 7 mph Tennis singles Moderate swimming Volleyball Basketball Competitive soccer Rope skipping Martial arts Snowboarding


Liking to laugh and tease; bringing smiles to other people

Lipoprotein Profile

Lipoprotein (Cholesterol) Levels -Total Cholesterol (=HDL +LDL, under 200) -HDLs = "good" cholesterol (over 40) -LDLs = "bad" cholesterol (under 100) -Triglycerides = fat in blood after meals (under 150)


Located in the brain stem, the pons is active during REM sleep, when it signals nerves in the spine to immobilize the body to prevent movement during dreams


Long known to be involved in motor activity and physical coordination.; now understood to coordinate thinking processes, including decision making and social skills. Undergoes dynamic growth and change during adolescence.

Biological view of romantic love?

Love is necessary for the purposes of mating and reproduction.

Magnesium Deficiency

Low intake and blood levels of magnesium have been associated with several diseases, including type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease and osteoporosis. Low levels of magnesium are particularly common among hospitalized patients. Some studies find that 9-65% of them are magnesium deficient. This may be caused by disease, drug use, reduced digestive function or inadequate magnesium intake.

Lungs for gas exchange

Lungs = membranous sacs in chest At tips of bronchioles, there are thin-walled alveolar sacs (alveoli) that are in contact with blood capillaries At this level, red blood cells pick up oxygen to be distributed throughout the body The surfaces of the lungs are lined with a membrane called pleura.

Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is a key mineral in the body. It is essential for bone and teeth structure, and is also involved in more than 300 enzyme reactions. Almost half of the US population (48%) consumed less than the required amount of magnesium in 2005- 2006.

What is the function of the proteins?

Make up structural components of the body and help direct the activities of cells and body processes


Male condom -pre-lubricated, spermicide treated are best -check expiration dates -if lubrication is used, it MUST BE water-based

What is an example of an environment-gene interaction?

Malnourished pregnant mother has a lack of nutrition. This causes developmental effects and children are born with underdeveloped organs. Resulting in increased risk of disease affecting the next generation.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Many of us look at our bodies and see things we'd like to change. For an estimated 1 to 2 percent of the general population (and 2 to 13 percent of college students), however, the pattern of seeing faults becomes an obsession that significantly interferes with their lives A key feature of body dysmorphic disorder is a preoccupation with a defect in appearance. The preoccupation can be about a wholly imagined defect or exaggerated concern about a slight defect.

Antihistamine in sleeping aids

Many over-the-counter sleep products contain antihistamine, a type of drug developed to treat allergies The effects of antihistamines are general throughout the body; besides drowsiness, they cause dehydration, agitation, and constipation. Additionally, you can quickly develop tolerance to antihistamines, and when you stop taking them, you may experience rebound insomnia—insomnia that is worse than what you experienced before you started taking the medication. Rebound insomnia can be avoided by gradually reducing the dose

Illicit drugs

Marijuana (22.226 million) Psychotherapeutics (6.334 million) Cocaine (1.876 million) Hallucinogens (1.240 million) Inhalants (5.27 million) Heroin (3.29 million)

According to Maslow, a self-actualized person is realistic, self-accepting, self-motivated, creative, and capable of intimacy, among other traits

Maslow proposed that once people meet their needs for survival, safety and security, love and belonging, and achievement and self-esteem, they have opportunities for self-exploration and expression that can lead them to reach their fullest human potential.

Elements of getting a good night's sleep

Mattress: your mattress should be hard enough to allow you to get into a comfortable sleep position Pillow: picking the ideal pillow is important so that the pillow is properly aligned with your cervical spine. Quiet: Noise can reduce restful sleep. Nighttime noise isn't just annoying—it's bad for your health.

Menstrual Cycle:

Menstraul phase: mestruation; endometrium breaks down Follicle matures in ovary; endometrium rebuilds Proliferative phase Endometrium begins to thicken, ovulation occurs Progestational phase Lining of endometrium develops to receive a possible embryo

Are mental disorders common or rare?

Mental disorders are fairly common (more than 26% of adults) -most people expereince emotional or psychological difficulties at some point in their lives, but a majority of people are mentally healthy

What is the result of methylation?

Methylation changes how DNA is used within cells. Methylation is like glue between some of the pages, making it more difficult to read some sections.

Visible effects

Mixers add more calories, as do alcopops or malternatives—sugary, fizzy, fruit-flavored drinks popular among younger drinkers These calories have a tendency to be deposited in the abdomen, giving drinkers the characteristic "beer belly"

health benefits

Moderate alcohol consumption—one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men—can be beneficial for middle-aged and older adults, the age groups most susceptible to coronary heart disease. In younger adults, however, alcohol appears to have fewer, if any, health benefits, and it is associated with more deaths from injuries and accidents.

Psychological and emotional benefits of exercise

Moderate to intense levels of physical activity have been shown to influence mood, decrease the risk of depression and anxiety, relieve stress, and improve overall quality of life.

The main symptoms of severe magnesium deficiency include abnormal heart rhythm, muscle cramps, restless leg syndrome, fatigue and migraines.

More subtle, long-term symptoms that you may not notice include insulin resistance and high blood pressure.

Quitting smoking

More than two-thirds of cigarette smokers who attempt to quit relapse within two days, unable to tolerate the period when withdrawal symptoms are at their peak. It takes about two weeks for a person's brain chemistry to return to normal. Withdrawal symptoms decrease and become more subtle with prolonged abstinence, but some smokers continue to experience intermittent cravings for years.


Most drugs are taken orally. Although this is the simplest way to take a drug, it is the most complicated way for the drug to enter the bloodstream. A drug in the digestive tract must be able to withstand stomach acid and digestive enzymes and not be deactivated by food before it is absorbed. Drugs taken orally are absorbed into the bloodstream in the small intestine.

Carbohydrates—Your Body's Fuel

Most of the carbohydrates and other nutrients we need come from grains, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Carbohydrates are divided into simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Nondigestable carbohydrates are called fiber.

Sleep deprivation refers to sleep shorter than what a person actually needs to feel vibrant.

Most of us know what it feels like when we don't get enough sleep—we feel drowsy, our eyes burn, we find it hard to pay attention.

Two main components of muscular fitness:

Muscular fitness has two main components: muscular strength and muscular endurance.

Do people with huntington's disease start to see symptoms early on in life?

NO! Most people who have the disease start to see symptoms between the ages of 30-50.


Nausea and twitching to drowsiness, cholinergic crisis- like effects (low blood pressure, sweating and salivation), auditory and visual distortions, mood changes, euphoria, relaxation, ataxia, and loss of equilibrium. In certain cultures, the shaman would take the mushrooms, and others would drink his urine. This urine, still containing psychoactive elements, may be more potent than the A. muscaria mushrooms with fewer negative effects such as sweating and twitching, suggesting that the initial user may act as a screening filter for other components in the mushroom. Eating the wrong mushroom will probably kill you

Your body needs the essential nutrients—water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals

Needed for fuel (energy), to build, maintain, and repair tissues; regulate body functions; and support the communication among cells that allows you to be a living, sensing human being.


Needed for proper fluid balance, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction Meats, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes


Needed for proper fluid balance, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction Table salt, soy sauce; large amounts in processed foods; small amounts in milk, breads, vegetables, and unprocessed meats


Needed for proper fluid balance, stomach acid Table salt, soy sauce; large amounts in processed foods; small amounts in milk, meats, breads, and vegetables

Pleasure reward circuit

Neurons in the VTA increase production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of pleasure. The VTA neurons pass messages to clusters of neurons in the nucleus accumbens, where the release of dopamine produces intense pleasure, and to the prefrontal cortex, where thinking, motivation, and behavior are affected.

Effects of drugs on the brain

Neurons in these three structures form a pathway Pathway in the brain involving three structures—the ventral tegmental area, the nucleus accumbens, and the prefrontal cortex—associated with drug dependence.


Nicotine causes a cascade of stimulant effects throughout the body by triggering the release of adrenaline, which increases arousal, alertness, and concentration. Nicotine also stimulates the release of endorphins, the body's "natural opiates" that block pain and produce mild sensations of pleasure.

Nicotine addiction

Nicotine is a highly addictive psychoactive drug— some health experts believe it is the most addictive of all the psychoactive drugs—and tobacco products are very efficient delivery devices for this drug. Once in the brain, nicotine follows the same pleasure and reward pathway that other psychoactive drugs follow


Nicotine is the primary addictive ingredient in tobacco. It is carried into the body in the form of thousands of droplets suspended in solid particles of partially burned tobacco. These droplets are so tiny that they penetrate the alveoli (small air sacs in the lungs) and enter the bloodstream, reaching body cells within seconds. Nicotine is both a poison (it is used as a pesticide) and a powerful psychoactive drug. The first time it is used, it usually produces dizziness, light-headedness, and nausea, signs of mild nicotine poisoning. These effects diminish as tolerance grows.

Weight control

Nicotine suppresses appetite and slightly increases basal metabolic rate (rate of metabolic activity at rest). People who start smoking often lose weight, and continuing smokers gain weight less rapidly than nonsmokers. Weight control is one of the major reasons young women give for smoking, and weight gain can be a deterrent to quitting

Smoking Withdrawals

Nicotine withdrawal symptoms include irritability, anxiety, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, decreased heart rate, increased appetite, and increased craving for nicotine

Does your genetic inheritance determine everything about you?

No But it does give you a unique bundle of strengths, vulnerabilities, and physical characteristics

Does mental health automatically mean freedom from adversity?

No! Being mentally healthy means you have the ability to respond to challenges in ways that allow continued growth and forward movement in life.

Are genetic traits inherited in clumps, groups, or races?

No! Genetic traits are inherited individually

Do people think they will be addicted when they start taking a drug?

No, not at all. Then gradually, the substance will take over their lives.

Is indirectness an effective strategy when dating?

No, people who are straightforward and respectful are more likely to get a positive response.

Does every cell contain one nucleus that acts as the control center?

No. All cells BUT THE RED BLOOD CELLS have one nucleus that acts as the control center

Are all mutations bad?

No. Many mutations are neither harmful nor beneficial (blue eyes or brown eyes). Other mutations may be harmful and cause diseases

Can a cell become another type after it's differentiated?

No. Once a cell is differentiated, it can no longer become other cell types.

Systolic Category

Normal: less than 120 Prehypertension: 120-139 or Hypertension: Stage 1 is 140-159 or 160 and above or

Diastolic Category

Normal: less than 80 Prehypertension: 80-89 Hypertension: Stage 1 is 90-99 Stage 2 is 100 and above

Where the body fat distribution is.

Not only the amount but also where you carry your body fat is important in determining your health risk Fat carried around and above the waist is abdominal fat and is considered more "active" than fat carried on the hips and thighs.

Do not inject drugs

Note: Taking drugs by injection, especially common with opioids, can increase the risk of infection through needle contamination with staphylococci, HIV, hepatitis, and other organisms

What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Now included in the DSM-5 as a separate chapter. It is characterized by persistent, intrusive thoughts, impulses, or images that cause intense anxiety or distress.

Essential nutrients

Nutrients that are required but cannot be made by the body -Water -Proteins -Carbs -Fats -Vitamins -Minerals

What is tolerance?

Occurs in people with physiological dependence on a substance. It's reduced sensitivity to effects of a drug - such that increased doses are needed to give the same high.

Babies born with developmental problems because of Syphilis

Officials said they were especially concerned that as the number of women with syphilis has jumped, so has the number of babies born with syphilis passed from their mothers. Congenital syphilis, as it is known, can cause stillbirths or permanent disabilities. Since 2013, the number of babies in California born with congenital syphilis has more than quadrupled — to 278 last year. There were more babies born with congenital syphilis in California in 2017 than there have been since 1995, according to state data. There were 47 babies born with congenital syphilis in Los Angeles County alone last year.

Visible Effects

On the other hand, long-term heavy drinkers who substitute the calories in alcohol for those in food are at risk for weight loss and malnutrition. They are also vulnerable to mental disorders caused by vitamin deficiencies.

Benefits of exercise

One benefit of physical activity is a longer lifespan: people with moderate to high levels of physical activity live longer than people who are sedentary. Physical activity and exercise are associated with improved functioning in just about every body system, from the cardiorespiratory system to the skeletal system to the immune system.

The absorption of vitamin B12 is more complex than the absorption of other vitamins, because it needs help from a protein known as intrinsic factor. Some people are lacking in this protein, and may therefore need B12 injections or higher doses of supplements.

One common symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency is megaloblastic anemia, which is a blood disorder that enlarges the red blood cells Other symptoms include impaired brain function and elevated homocysteine levels, which is a risk factor for several diseases. Large amounts of B12 are not considered harmful, because it is often poorly absorbed and excess amounts are expelled via urine.

Criteria for body dysmorphic disorder are as follows:

One or more perceived defects or flaws in physical appearance that are not observable or appear slight to others. Repetitive behaviors (mirror checking, excessive grooming, skin picking) or mental acts (comparing with others) in response to appearance concerns. The preoccupation causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. The preoccupation is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (such as anorexia).

Calcium Deficiency

One survey found that in the US, less than 15% of teenage girls and less than 10% of women over 50 met the recommended calcium intake. In the same survey, less than 22% of young, teenage boys and men over 50 met the recommended calcium intake from diet alone. Supplement use increased these numbers slightly, but the majority of people were still not getting enough calcium.

Dietary sources of preformed vitamin A include:

Organ meat: One 2-ounce slice (60 g) of beef liver provides more than 800% the RDI. Fish liver oil: One tablespoon contains roughly 500% the RDI.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Other symptoms include difficulty concentrating, depression, irritability, sexual dysfunction, and learning and memory difficulties.

What is the socioecological model of health and wellness?

Our health is shaped both by our unique set of individual characteristics and by environmental factors, also called the social determinants of health

Water pollution

Overall, the US has the safest drinking water in the world (but we still have our problems)

________ is caused by long term stress.


12 year period increase 1993-2005

Pain relievers (e.g., OxyContin, Vicodin, Percocet): use increased by 343 percent. (Molly and percocet)) Stimulants (e.g., Ritalin, Adderall): use increased by 93 percent. Tranquilizers (e.g., Xanax, Valium): use increased by 450 percent. Sedatives (e.g., Nembutal, Seconal): use increased by 225 percent.


Part of a molecule (hemoglobin) found in red blood cells that carries oxygen in the body; needed for energy metabolism Organ meats; red meats; fish; poultry; shellfish (especially clams); egg yolks; legumes; dried fruits; dark, leafy greens; iron-enriched breads and cereals; and fortified cereals


Part of many enzymes Widespread in foods, especially plant foods


Part of many enzymes; needed for iron metabolism Legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, organ meats, drinking water


Part of many enzymes; needed for making protein and genetic material; has a function in taste perception, wound healing, normal fetal development, production of sperm, normal growth and sexual maturation, immune system health Meats, fish, poultry, leavened whole grains, vegetables


Part of some enzymes Legumes; breads and grains; leafy greens; leafy, green vegetables; milk; liver

Pleasure reward circuit

Parts of the brain involved in rational thought and judgment are also disrupted, leading to loss of control and powerlessness over drug use. The very parts of the brain needed to make good life decisions are "hijacked" by addiction.

Are people experiencing manic episodes aware they are ill?

People experiencing a manic episode are typically not aware they are ill - they can be awake for days. Onset is 20 years

What does it mean when people get lovesick?

People find themselves unable to eat, sleep, or think of anything but the object of their desire.

What characteristics appear to make people the happiest?

People who are in good romantic relationships, are physically healthier, and attend some form of religious institution

Acute Alcohol Intoxication

People who drink heavily in a relatively short time are vulnerable to acute alcohol intoxication (acute alcohol shock or alcohol poisoning) Potentially life-threatening BAC level are about 0.35 or greater. Acute alcohol intoxication can produce collapse of vital body functions, notably respiration and heart function, leading to coma and/or death

Behavioral Depedence

People who smoke are not just physiologically dependent on a substance; they also become psychologically dependent on the habit of smoking. Through repeated paired associations, the effects of nicotine on the brain are linked to places, people, and events.

Sleepwalking Disorder

People with sleepwalking disorder rise out of an apparently deep sleep and act as if they are awake. They do not respond to other people while in this state, or, if they do, it is with reduced alertness.

How will someone act under consistently high levels of dopamine?

Person will behave erratically with increases in sexual desire, aggressiveness, and likelihood of risk taking

What are characteristics of schizophrenia?

Persons with schizophrenia typically have disorganized and disordered thinking and perceptions, bizarre ideas, hallucinations (often voices), and impaired functioning

What are symptoms of huntington's disease?

Poor memory, depression, mood swings, lack of coordination, twitching or other uncontrolled movements, difficulty walking, speaking, and/or swallowing. In the late stages of the disease people will need help doing simple tasks 1 in every 30,000 people has huntington's disease

Types of binge drinking

Pre-gaming is the excessive consumption of alcohol prior to attending an event or activity. Thousands of college students descend on spring break locales every year to celebrate. During Spring Break, males average 18 drinks per day and females 10 drinks per day.

Two different types of dietary vitamin A:

Preformed vitamin A: This type of vitamin A is found in animal products like meat, fish, poultry and dairy. Pro-vitamin A: This type of vitamin A is found in plant- based foods like fruits and vegetables. Beta-carotene, which the body turns into vitamin A, is the most common form.

Blood pressure

Pressure blood exerts against vessel walls Systolic pressure = peak of pressure in aorta Diastolic pressure lowest pressure in aorta

Electromagnetic Fields

Produced by household appliances, wiring, power lines, etc. may interfere with funcion of cell membranes linked to cancers and miscarriage Cell phones emit electromagnetic energy Studies on use have had mixed results

What are enzymes?

Proteins that speed up chemical reactions

REM Sleep

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep begins about 70 to 90 minutes after you have fallen asleep. your breathing and heart rate increase, and brain wave activity becomes more like that of a waking state. REM sleep is characterized by noticeable eye movements, usually lasting between 1 and 10 minutes.

What is acromegaly?

Rare condition resulting from excess secretion of growth hormone (GH). Excessive HGH in adulthood, face and hands enlarge/widen, can remove pituitary for treatment (Side fx)

RDA - Recommended Dietary Allowance

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) represents the average daily amount of any one nutrient an individual needs to protect against nutritional deficiency.

How much salt is okay? How much is dangerous?

Recommended: American Heart Association says no more than 1,500 mg/day

Sugar, how much is okay?

Recommended: No more than 6 tsp (~25g) for women, and 9 tsp (40g) for men.

Criteria for binge-eating disorder are as follows:

Recurrent episodes of binge eating, as defined for bulimia. The episodes are associated with (1) eating much more rapidly than usual; (2) eating to the point of feeling uncomfortably full; (3) eating large amounts of food when not feeling physically hungry; (4) eating alone because of being embarrassed by how much one is eating; and (5) feeling disgusted with oneself, depressed, or guilty about overeating. Marked distress about binge eating. The binge eating occurs, on average, at least once a week for three months. The binge eating is not associated with the regular use of inappropriate compensatory behaviors (purging, fasting, excessive exercise) and does not occur exclusively during the course of anorexia or bulimia.

Criteria for bulimia nervosa are as follows:

Recurrent episodes of binge eating, characterized by both (1) eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g., 2 hours), an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat in that period of time and (2) a sense of lack of control during the episode—a feeling of being unable to stop eating or control what or how much one is eating. Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting; misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or other medications; fasting; or excessive exercise. The episodes occur, on average, at least once a week for three months. Self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body shape and weight.

The best dietary sources of heme iron include:

Red meat: 3 ounces (85 g) of ground beef provides almost 30% of the RDI. Organ meat: One slice of liver (81 g) provides more than 50% of the RDI. Shellfish, such as clams, mussels and oysters: 3 ounces (85 g) of cooked oysters provide roughly 50% of the RDI. Canned sardines: One 3.75 ounce can (106 g) provides 34% of the RDI.


Refers to a person's biological status as male or female; it is usually established at birth by the appearance of the external genitals

Another way to think about the guidelines is that moderate drinking is 2 drinks a day for men and 1 for women. (Textbook states size and water as factors)

Regardless of these specific guidelines, alcohol should not be consumed at any level in a situation that would put you or others at risk

Pineal Gland

Regulated by the SCN, the pineal gland releases melatonin, a hormone that elicits drowsiness and sleep

BAC 0.01-0.05

RelaxationSense of well being Loss of inhibition Decreased alertness Impaired concentration Impaired judgment Impaired coordination (especially fine motor skills)

Corpus Callosum

Relays information between the two hemispheres of the brain and is believed to play a role in creativity and problem solving. Grows and changes significantly during adolesence.

How to get a good night's sleep

Remember Air Quality Irritating agents such as allergens in the air disrupt sleep and increase the risk of upper respiratory infections. Get Rid of Dust Mites Dust mites are microscopic insects that feed on dead skin cells

What phase of bereavement? You begin to adjust to the loss. Your life will never be the same without your loved one, but your feelings have less intensity and you can reinvest in life.


Many forms of Cannabis

Sativa Indica Ruderalis Flowering female cannabis plant

Forms of Fat

Saturated, Unsaturated, Hydrogenated, and Trans Fat

How does the body change during a stress response?

Scalp: tightens so that hair appears to stand up Eyes: Pupils dilate to sharpen vision Ears: Hearing becomes sharper Heart: Increases, heart beat becomes stronger Blood: blood pressure increases, vessels clotting time decreases Lungs: breathing rate increases, lungs take in more oxygen Liver: converts glycogen to glucose for instant energy Sweat: perspiration increases glands to cool the body Hands and feet: extremities become cold as blood is directed away from skin and toward large muscles Brain- center: neurotransmitters in the brain activate the amygdala. Triggering an emotional response to the stressor, such as fear or anger. Brain - front: Neurotransmitters suppress activity in the frontal cortex of the brain (concerned with short-term memory, inhibition, and rational thought) allowing quick reactions to take over. mouth: Salivation decreases as fluids are diverted from nonessential functions stomach, intestines: digestion in the stomach shows or stops adrenal glands: release hormones that cause physiological and metabolic changes large muscles, legs: tension in the large muscles increase preparing body for action

Health benefits

Scientists speculate that moderate alcohol consumption can have some health benefits. Alcohol has an anticlotting effect on the blood, and it enhances the body's sensitivity to insulin, which may lower the risk of developing Type-2 diabetes.

What phase of bereavement? As the shock wears off, you start to feel the pain of loss, and you experience acute yearning and longing to be reunited with your loved one.


__________ is associated with emotion and mood. Low levels of serotonin have been shown to be related to depression, problems with anger control and concentration, and a variety of other disorders.


Dietary sources of vitamin B12 include:

Shellfish, especially clams and oysters: A 3-ounce (85 g) portion of cooked clams provides 1400% of the RDI. Organ meat: One 2-ounce slice (60 grams) of liver provides more than 1000% of the RDI. Meat: A small, 6-ounce beef steak (170 grams) provides 150% the RDI. Eggs: Each whole egg provides about 6% of the RDI. Milk products: One cup of whole milk provides about 18% of the RDI.


Should parents be required to have their children vaccinated against infectious diseases?


Should people be allowed to smoke wherever and whenever they want?

Effects of smoking

Skin: nicotine causes constriction of blood vessels and decreases blood flow to skin; smoke contains chemicals that damage collagen and elastin, causing excess wrinkling Nose: tar and toxins irritate membranes in nose, dull sense of smell Liver: liver converts glycogen to glucose, causing an increase in blood sugar Kidneys: nicotine inhibits production of urine Brain: nicotine reaches the brain with 7 to 10 seconds. Triggering release of chemicals that affect mood; effects are both sedating and stimulating. Effects peak in about 10 minutes and are reduced by half within about 20 minutes. Mouth and throat: Tar and toxins irritate membranes in mouth, dull taste buds, stain teeth, cause raspy voice Lungs: Smoke increases mucus production and damages cilia in airway, preveneting them from filtering out particles. Tar collects in lungs, creating conditions conducive to cancer. Tobacco smoke is absorbed into blood stream and travels throughout the body. Heart and Blood: nicotine causes heart rate to increase, blood pressure to rise, blood vessels to constrict. The heart must work harder to deliver oxygen to cells. tobacco smoke makes blood stickier and adversely affects cholesterol levels. Adrenal glands. adrenal glands increase production of adrenaline, causing stimulating affects throughout body. Digestive system: nicotine is secreted from the bloodstream into saliva, swallowed, and reabsorbed in the stomach, increasing risk of cancers of the digestive tract Reproductive system: toxins in tobacco smoke are secreted into cervical mucus and increases risk of cervical cancer. In pregnant women, nicotine and tobacco chemicals are passed to fetus

Inadequate sleep reduces the effectiveness of the immune system

Sleep deprivation suppressed the production of cells that help fight infections, so if you are sleep deprived, you are more likely to catch an infection such as a cold or the flu, and it will take your body longer to recover. Inflammation is a healthy response to an acute infection or injury, but over the long term, chronic, low-level inflammation can damage tissues and organs and increase risk for a variety of chronic diseases.

Night eating syndrome?

Sleep experts estimate that the syndrome's frequency is about 1.5 percent in the general population and up to 10 percent among obese people seeking treatment for their weight.

What is sleep?

Sleep is commonly understood as a period of rest and recover It can also be described as a state of unconsciousness or partial consciousness from which a person can be roused by stimulation We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping, a fact that in itself indicates how important sleep is.y from the demands of wakefulness.

Chapter 4: Summary

Sleep is extremely important to your health and wellness Sleep is extremely important to your health and wellness

What happens to the brain during sleep?

Sleep scientists believe sleep is the time when the hippocampus and neocortex (two brain memory systems) communicate with each other. Initial memories are formed in the hippocampus. To be retained, the formed memory must be transmitted from the hippocampus to the neocortex, where it is stored as a long-term memory.

What percentage of the population is affected by sleepwalking?

Sleepwalking affects between 1 and 15 percent of the general population.

What is methylation?

Small methyl particles attach to the DNA. The environment modifies the structure of DNA without changing the sequencing of nucleotides.

What are the dimensions of wellness?

Social Physical Environmental Emotional Spiritual Intellectual Occupational

What are environmental factors?

Social Services Community Services Public Policies Energy Economy Habitat and green space Housing Transportation Education Employment Criminal Justice Air quality Soil quality Climate Water quality

What percentage of the population suffers from sleep apnea

Some health experts estimate that almost 40 percent of the U.S. population has some form of sleep apnea and that half of those afflicted may have a severe condition.

Cosmetic Surgery

Some people with body dysmorphic disorder turn to cosmetic surgery to correct the supposed flaw in their appearance. Not everyone who turns to cosmetic surgery has this disorder. Cosmetic surgery and makeovers of every kind have become commonplace in the past few decades. The increase is most likely related to the ever-growing emphasis on appearance. By definition, cosmetic surgery is elective; it is not done to treat a medical condition.

What percentage of calories are consumed by people with night eating syndrome?

Some people with night eating syndrome consume more than 50 percent of their daily calories at night.

The strengthening of neuron links between the two areas is called "sleep-dependent memory processing." Sleep provides the optimal time for this transmission

Some sleep experts believe that for every 2 hours a person stays awake, his or her brain will need an hour of sleep to support communication between the hippocampus and neocortex.

Both in and out of college, people prefer a flexible approach to finding a life parter rather than traditional dating

Some women take the lead and ask men out, other people take an indirect approach (online relationships)

Which levels of government are typically involved in incorporating public health actions?

State, county, and city levels. State, county, and city health departments are involved at the state and local levels. Public actions take place at the local or community level.


Strengths that forge connections to the larger universe and provide meaning

What does stress do to the immune system?

Stress decreases immune function


Stretching exercise for all major joints, at least 2 to 3 days per week. Stretch to the point of tension, hold for 10 to 30 seconds, repeating 2 to 4 times, to accumulate 60 seconds per stretch.

Why binge drink?

Students may drink to ease social inhibitions, fit in with peers, imitate role models, reduce stress, soothe negative emotions, or cope with academic pressure— or for a variety of other reasons. The belief that alcohol increases sexual arousal and performance (heavy drinking actually suppresses sexual arousal) may also account for some binge drinking.

The Structure of Sleep Stages of Sleep

Studies have revealed that sleep consists of distinct stages in which muscle relaxation and nervous system arousal vary, as do types of brain waves and levels of neural activity. The brain cycles into two main states of sleep: non- rapid eye movement sleep, which has four stages, and rapid eye movement sleep.

Morphine, codeine, and heroin

Subtle differences in chemical structure Extreme addiction potential and physiological effects Can easily cause death, especially when mixed with other controlled substances Many opiates have invaluable medicinal uses (EXCEPT HEROIN: Schedule I)

Approaches to the drug problem

Supply reduction strategies 1. Incarceration for drug-related crimes 2. Prevention strategies 3. Drug treatment programs Harm reduction strategies (sterile needles, drug programs, decriminalization)

What makes you sleep?

Suprachiasmic nuclei (SCN) controls the release of certain hormones. They signal the pineal gland to release melatonin, a hormone that increases relaxation and sleepiness, and they signal the pituitary gland to release growth hormone during sleep, to help repair damaged body tissues

Dietary sources of beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A) include:

Sweet potatoes: One medium, 6-ounce boiled sweet potato (170 g) contains 150% of the RDI. Carrots: One large carrot provides 75% of the RDI. Dark green leafy vegetables: One ounce (28 g) of fresh spinach provides 18% of the RDI.

Calcium Deficiency

Symptoms of more severe dietary calcium deficiency include soft bones (rickets) in children and osteoporosis, especially in the elderly.

The most common consequence of iron deficiency is anemia. The quantity of red blood cells is decreased, and the blood becomes less able to carry oxygen throughout the body.

Symptoms usually include tiredness, weakness, weakened immune system and impaired brain function.

Main symptoms of Acute HIV Infection

Systemic -fever -weight loss Pharyngitis Mouth -sores -thrush Esophagus -sores Muscles -Myalgia Liver and spleen -enlargement Central -Malaise -headache -neuropathy Lymph nodes -lymphadenopathy Skin -Rash Gastric -Nausea -Vomiting

The alcohol culture permeates many college campuses with activities such as:

Tailgate parties Bar crawls 21-shot birthday celebrations, and An endless variety of rituals marking the end of classes, the first snowfall, or spring break.

What does disease prevention focus on?

Taking defensive actions to ward of specific diseases and their consequences (such as food and water safety standards or flu shot campaigns)


Tar is a thick, sticky residue that contains many of the carcinogenic substances in tobacco smoke. Tar coats the smoker's lungs and creates an environment conducive to the growth of cancerous cells. Tar is responsible for many of the changes in the respiratory system that cause the hacking "smoker's cough."

Elements of getting a good night's sleep

Temperature: The ideal temperature for a bedroom is usually 62° F to 65° F, but you will sleep best when the temperature is within your specific comfort zone. Body Position: Don't expect to get a good night's sleep if you cannot lie down. Pain and sleep: About 15 percent of the American population suffers from chronic pain. This percentage increases to 50 percent for older adults. Two-thirds of people with chronic pain report poor sleep quality.

What is the on the premature death side of the continuum?

Terminal illness, chronic disease, minor illness

What is important about the protein that is produced by the defective gene on chromosome 7?

That protein helps salt (sodium chloride) move in and out of the cells.

What genome is used by all scientists as the standard for comparison?

The Cambridge Reference Sequence - the scientists' ruler for comparing an individual's DNA sequence to a standard.

Daily Values

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) developed the Daily Values used on food labels to indicate how a particular food contributes to the recommended daily intake of major nutrients in a 2,000-calorie diet.

How many Americans suffer from long-term sleep disorders each year?

The National Sleep Foundation estimates that at least 40 million Americans suffer from long-term sleep disorders each year Another 20 million experience occasional sleep problems

Who leads the nationwide government-sponsored public health initiatives in the US?

The Public Health Service is led by the surgeon general and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

What is resilience?

The ability to bounce back from adversity -resilient people are more flexible -involves patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that contribute to a balanced life based on self-esteem, satisfying relationships, and a belief that life is meaningful

What is health literacy?

The ability to read, understand, and act on health information Read: critically evaluate health information Understand: understand medical instructions and directions. Act: Navigate the health care system

What are health-related behavior choices?

The actions you take and decisions you make that affect your individual health (and the health of your immediate family members)

Mercury and bioaccumulation/biomagnification

The bioaccumulation of methylmercury Biomagnification of methylmercury in the ecosystem Methylmercury bioaccumulation in organisms

What structures make up the central nervous system?

The brain and spinal cord

Pleasure reward circuit

The brain has neurons with receptors for its own "natural opiates," endorphins—brain chemicals that block pain when the body undergoes stress, such as during extreme exercise or childbirth. The structure of drugs in the opium family is similar to the structure of endorphins, so opioids readily bind to endorphin receptors, reducing pain and increasing pleasure.

Calcium Deficiency

The calcium concentration in the blood is tightly regulated, and any excess is stored in bones. If there is lack of calcium in the diet, calcium is released from the bones. That is why the most common symptom of calcium deficiency is osteoporosis, characterized by softer and more fragile bones.

Chief complaint of those with sleep apnea

The chief complaint of those with obstructive sleep apnea is daytime sleepiness, not nighttime awakening.

Bacterial STIs: Gonorrhea

The clap -IN men: thick pus oozes from penis, urination causes burning -In women: 8 of 10 have no symptoms -Leading cause of sterility in women -Can develop into fatal infection

What are values?

The criteria for judging what is good and bad, they underlie moral principles and behavior

What is commitment?

The decision aspect of a relationship, the pledge that you will stay with your partner through good times and bad, despite the possibility of disappointment and disillusionment

Which is dominant? The allele for detached earlobes or attached earlobes?

The detached earlobe is the dominant allele. The attached earlobe is the recessive allele

What is a drug

The drugs discussed here are psychoactive drugs— substances that cause changes in brain chemistry and alter consciousness, perception, mood, and thought. This state is known as intoxication.

What is cohesion?

The dynamic balance between separateness and togetherness in both couple and family relationshios

Factors influencing the effects of drugs

The effect a drug has on a person depends on a number of variables, including the characteristics of the drug, the characteristics of the person, and the characteristics of the situation. The drug's chemical composition may speed up body processes or slow them down, produce a mild high or acute anxiety, or cause disorientation or hallucinations.

Calcium Supplements

The effectiveness and safety of calcium supplements have been somewhat debated in the last few years. Some studies have found an increased risk of heart disease in people taking calcium supplements, although other studies have found no effects. Although it is best to get calcium from food rather than supplements, calcium supplements seem to benefit people who are not getting enough in their diet.

Factors influencing the effects of drugs

The effects of drugs are also influenced by the characteristics of the situation or the environment. Taking a drug at home while relaxing with friends may produce a different experience than will taking the same drug at a crowded, noisy bar or club, surrounded by strangers.

Psilocybin may be on the ballot

The effects of psilocybin are highly variable and depend on the mindset and environment in which the user has the experience, factors commonly referred to as set and setting. Set and setting describes the context for psychoactive and particularly psychedelic drug experiences: one's mindset (shortened to 'set') and the physical and social environment (the setting) in which the user has the experience. This is especially relevant for psychedelic experiences in either a therapeutic or recreational context. The term was coined by Norman Zinberg, and became widely accepted by researchers in psychedelic therapy. After ingesting psilocybin, a wide range of subjective effects may be experienced: feelings of disorientation, lethargy, giddiness, euphoria, joy, and depression. About a third of users report feelings of anxiety or paranoia. Some individuals report experiencing synesthesia, such as tactile sensations when viewing colors. At higher doses, psilocybin can lead to "Intensification of affective responses, enhanced ability for introspection, regression to primitive and childlike thinking, and activation of vivid memory traces with pronounced emotional undertones". Open-eye visual hallucinations are common, and may be very detailed although rarely confused with reality.

What is intimacy?

The emotional component of love and includes feelings of closeness, warmth, openness, and affection

Factors of alcohol absorption

The faster absorption of alcohol into the blood results in a quicker increase in blood alcohol concentration than when alcohol is absorbed more slowly. Many factors affect the rate of alcohol absorption.

Body composition

The final component of health-related fitness we consider here is body composition—the relative amounts of fat and fat-free mass in the body. Fat-free mass includes muscle, bone, water, body organs, and other body tissues. Body fat includes both fat that is essential for normal functioning, such as fat in the nerves, heart, and liver, and fat stored in fat cells, usually located under the skin and around organs.

Liver Disease

The first phase, called fatty liver, occurs when the liver is flooded with more alcohol than it can metabolize, causing it to swell with fat globules. This condition can literally develop overnight as a result of binge drinking.

Nutrients in wine

The following nutrients have been reported in wine via popular press. A literature search revealed many of these have been scientifically demonstrated to exist in wine: Fluoride Manganese Potassium Iron Vitamin B6 Vitamin B2 Phosphorus Choline

Acute Alcohol Intoxication

The gag reflex is also slower or nonexistent when a person experiences alcohol poisoning. At very high alcohol concentrations, 0.35 or greater, a person can become comatose, sustain irreversible brain damage, or die.

A key characteristic of mentally healthy people is optimism. What is optimism?

The general expectation that things will turn out well

Is person with sleep apnea aware of their breathing pattern?

The individual is usually not aware of this pattern of snoring and gasping, although bed partners and other members of the household often are.


The inhalation route is used for smoking tobacco, marijuana, and crack cocaine and for "huffing" gasoline, paints, and other inhalants. An inhaled drug enters the bloodstream quickly because capillary walls are very accessible in the lungs.


The injection route uses a hypodermic syringe to deliver the drug directly into the bloodstream (intravenous injection), to deposit it in a muscle mass (intramuscular injection), or to deposit it under the upper layer of skin (subcutaneous injection). With an intravenous (IV) injection ("mainlining"), the drug enters the bloodstream directly; onset of action is more rapid than with oral administration or other means of injection.


The job of the retina at the back of the eye is to sense changes in light levels during day and night. Once nerves in the retina are stimulated, the signal is sent through the optic nerve to the hypothalamus.

What is emotional intelligence?

The kind of intelligence that includes an understanding of emotional experience, self-awareness, and sensitivity to others

Liver Disease

The liver enables the body to digest food, absorb nutrients, control infections, and rid itself of toxins. Excessive alcohol consumption interferes with these functions. Alcohol-related liver disease occurs in three phases.

What determines the effect of the mutation?

The location of the mutation

Even small increases in sleep deprivation can cause driving drowsiness.

The loss of 1 hour of sleep caused by the shift to daylight saving time in the spring coincides with about a 20 percent increase in motor vehicle accidents the day or two after implementation.

People who chronically sleep less than 6 hours a night are at higher risk for heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure than people who sleep more than 6 hours a night.

The metabolic causes associated with heart disease include increased fat in the blood and pro- inflammatory processes


The most concerning findings came with Quaker Old Fashioned Oats, which had levels higher than 1,000ppb. Three Cheerios samples had levels ranging from 470ppb to 530ppb. Lucky Charms were tested in two samples and found to have 400ppb and 230ppb levels, respectively.

most frequently prescribed longer-acting sleep medications

The most frequently prescribed longer-acting sleep medications are the benzodiazepines Restoril, Dalmon, and Doral. These drugs induce sleep but suppress both deep sleep and REM sleep. Their effects can last from 3 to 24 hours, and daytime side effects include decreased memory and intellectual functioning. They are addictive and stop working as well

What is the termination stage?

The new behavior has become such a part of your life that you have no temptation to return to the old behavior, and you have 100% confidence in your ability to maintain the behavior.

Why might someone who was contemplating suicide show a sudden improvement in mood accompanied by such behaviors as giving away possessions?

The person may have made the decision to commit suicide

Breathing pattern for people with sleep apnea

The person's breathing pattern is usually characterized by periods of loud snoring (when the airway is partially blocked), alternating with periods of silence (when the airway is completely blocked), punctuated by sudden loud snores or jerking body movements as the person awakens for a few seconds and gasps for air.

What is differentiation?

The process by which a cell changes to become specialised for its job

What is the preparation stage?

The pros have won and you are making a plan for change.

What is service learning?

The purpose of integrating community service with academic study to enrich learning, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.

The recommended proportion of body fat to fat-free mass, expressed as percent body fat, is 21 to 35 percent for women and 8 to 24 percent for men.

The relative amount of body fat has an effect on overall health and fitness.

Liver Disease

The second phase of liver disease is called alcoholic hepatitis, which includes liver inflammation and liver function impairment. This condition can occur in the absence of fatty liver, which suggests that direct toxic effects of alcohol may be the cause Inflammation causes fibrous tissue, called collagen, to develop, which interferes with blood flow to liver cells.

One pair of chromosomes is different - which one is that?

The sex chromosomes! It's labeled with an X or a Y rather than a number

What is passion?

The sexual component of love; it includes attraction, romance, excitement, and physical intensity

In Maslow's work, what is self-actualizaton?

The state attained when a person has reached his or her full potential


The stomach lining may be irritated by increased production of hydrochloric acid, resulting in nausea. Alcohol also reduces the water content of brain cells. When the brain cells rehydrate and swell the next day, nerve pain occurs. The only known remedy for a hangover is pain medication, rest, and time.

What is the optimistic explanatory style?

The tendency to see problems as temporary and specific rather than permanent and general (these people have better physical and mental health than pessimistic people)

Drug misuse and abuse

The term drug misuse generally refers to the use of prescription drugs for purposes other than those for which they were prescribed or in greater amounts than prescribed. The term drug abuse generally means the use of a substance in an amount, a situation, or a manner that causes problems, or greatly increases the risk of problems, for the user or for others.

What are the possibilities for these two alleles?

The two alleles may be the same version of the gene They may be different versions. One version is likely to be dominant over the other

What is the metamessage?

The unspoken message you send or get when you are communicating The metamessage encompasses all the conscious and unconscious aspects of a message, including the way something is said, who says it, when and where it is said, or even that it is said at all. Nonverbal behavior is part of the metamessage

Bulimia Nervosa

The word bulimia is of Latin origin and means "hunger of an ox." People with bulimia nervosa consume a huge amount of food at one sitting and then use an inappropriate method to get rid of the calories they have consumed, either by purging or through excessive exercise.

What are some diseases linked to sex?

There are diseases linked to the Y or X chromosome. Breast Cancer, Prostate cancer,

Public health involves areas in which individual health is connected to the health of others

There is conflict over individual freedom and the common good - many public health issues affect us all


These changes may be temporary or permanent. Either way, a blackout is a warning sign that fundamental changes have occurred in the structure of the brain. Alcohol-induced blackouts are a common experience among nonalcoholics who binge drink. Some people may be genetically predisposed to experience blackouts.

What are stimulants?

These chemicals increase blood pressure and heart rate, constrict blood vessels, increase respiration rate, and increase blood glucose. Their effects are increased alertness, attention, and energy and a sense of euphoria. Side effects include cardiovascular failure and deadly seizures.

Gender differences in alcohol absorption and metabolism

These differences make women more vulnerable to the health consequences of alcohol, including alcohol-related liver disease, heart disease, and brain damage. The risk for cirrhosis starts at two and a half drinks to four drinks a day for men, but for women this risk starts to increase at less than two drinks a day. Women are more susceptible to every cause of death associated with alcohol and die at higher rates than men do from them.

Factors influencing the effects of drugs

These effects also depend on how much of the drug is taken, how often it is taken, and how recently it was taken. In addition, if a person has taken other drugs, the interactions of the chemicals can influence outcomes, such as when one CNS depressant intensifies the effect of another.

Pleasure reward circuit

These effects occur in addition to the dopamine- related changes in the pleasure and reward circuit. Individuals trying to recover from addiction are disadvantaged by their altered brain chemistry, drug- related memories, and impaired impulse control. Many believe drug addiction is a disease Non-addictive drugs do not cause these changes

Questions of purpose -Why am I here? -What gives my life meaning?

These questions have been asked by people all over the world, in all eras, and at all stages of life

Genetic and hormonal influences You may find that in high-stress situations, such as the transition to college or final exams week, you eat either more or less than usual. Fat cells release fatty acids and triglycerides in response to these hormones and increase the amount of circulating glucose.

These responses are vital in enabling the body to handle acute stress, especially physical stress. But when stress is chronic, the constant presence of these hormones can influence fat deposits, increasing the amount of fat deposited in the abdomen.

Love causes arousal of the sympathetic nervous system - as evidenced by physiological signs as increased heart rate, respiration, and perspiration

These responses gradually decrease as the relationship develops and progresses intense passion may subside as lovers become habituated to each other

Suprachiasmic Nuclei (SCN)

These two tiny neural structures are located in the hypothalamus and function as a master biological clock. By monitoring levels of light entering the eyes and managing body temperature, hormone release, and metabolic rate, the SCN control falling asleep and awakening

Where are stem cells found?

They are present in an embryo (embryonic stem cells) and are retained within tissues (adult stem cells)

Sleep complaints are also symptoms of various mental disorders

They are regularly reported by people with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, and substance abuse Abnormal sleep is also associated with such neurodegenerative diseases as dementia, Alzheimer's, Huntington's, Parkinson's, and multiple sclerosis.

Alcohol fads

They bypass the stomach so the alcohol is absorbed directly into the intestines. Risks include rectal damage and alcohol poisoning This has been used with hand sanitize when it was using ethanol formulations Feminine hygiene products have also been reported to be used in adolescents and adults.

Prescription stimulants—which are used to treat a variety of ailments including asthma and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)—are not a healthy solution to sleep deprivation.

They work by increasing the amount of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain.

While it is very important to consume enough vitamin A, it is generally not recommended to consume very large amounts of preformed vitamin A, as it may cause toxicity.

This does not apply to pro-vitamin A, such as beta- carotene. High intake may cause the skin to become slightly orange, but it is not dangerous.

Exercise also affects blood glucose. Your liver, pancreas, and skeletal muscles work in concert so that each part of your body receives glucose as needed while you are at rest or active.

This helps your body keep blood glucose levels between 70 to 140 milligrams/deciliter (mg/dL). Blood glucose needs to be above 70 mg/dL in order to provide your brain with sufficient energy.

What is "junk" DNA?

This is known as non coding DNA because it's not involved in coding for proteins BUT IT IS NOW KNOWN that many genes are transcribed into noncoding types of RNA which play a vital role in cell function and regulation

Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world, affecting more than 25% of people worldwide.

This number rises to 47% in preschool children. Unless they're given iron-rich, or iron-fortified foods, they are very likely to lack iron.

Sciences changes over _______.


Cardiorespiratory fitness is the ability of the heart and lungs to efficiently deliver oxygen and nutrients to the body's muscles and cells via the bloodstream.

Time Generally, exercise sessions should last from 15 to 60 minutes; 30 minutes is a good average to aim for

What is the main use of the health tree?

To highlight personal health risks and strengths so you can make informed lifestyle choices.

How to measure your waist circumference

To measure your waist circumference, use a tape measure. Measure your waist right above your hip bones, with the tape crossing your navel. Keep the tape level. It should be snug, but not tight. A high waist circumference is Greater than 40 inches (102 cm) for men Greater than 35 inches (88 cm) for women

Weight management

To prevent unhealthy weight gain, 150 to 300 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity per week.For substantial weight loss or to sustain weight loss, 300 minutes or more of moderate- to vigorous-intensity exercise a week.

Why does a person typically use a substance initially?

To reduce pain or anxiety or to produce feelings of pleasure, excitement, confidence, or connection with others.

Why was the health belief model developed (in the 1950s)?

To understand why people make the health choices that they do. Health behaviors are influenced by four perceptions.

Tobacco Products

Tobacco is a broad-leafed plant that grows in tropical and temperate climates. Tobacco leaves are harvested, dried, and processed in different ways for the variety of tobacco products— rolled into cigars, shredded for cigarettes, ground into a fine powder for inhalation as snuff, or ground into a chewable form and used as smokeless tobacco.

Things you can do

Today (or tomorrow) -eat a healthy breakfast -go for a walk -eat 1 more serving of fruit/veggies -drink 1 more glass of water -get 7-8 hrs of sleep -don't smoke

Factors of alcohol absorption

Tolerance. The body adapts to a given alcohol level. Each time a person drinks to the point of impairment, the body attempts to minimize impairment by adapting to that level. More alcohol is needed to overcome the body's adaptation and achieve the desired effect. This means an experienced drinker has a slower absorption of alcohol into the blood than a less experienced drinker.

Carbon Monoxide

Toxic gas emitted from the exhaust pipe of a car. Carbon monoxide interferes with the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen, so that vital body organs, such as the heart, are deprived of oxygen. Many of the other gases produced when tobacco burns are carcinogens, irritants, and toxic chemicals that damage the lungs.

Transdermal absorption

Transdermal absorption occurs when a longer-lasting application produces a systemic effect, such as when a patch delivers estrogen or nicotine. The advantage of the transdermal route is that it affords slow, steady absorption over many hours, producing stable levels of the drug in the blood.

Stage 1

Transitional, light sleep—a relaxed or half-awake state. Your heart rate slows and your breathing becomes shallow and rhythmic. This stage may last from 10 seconds to 10 minutes and is sometimes accompanied by visual imagery People awakened in stage 1 often deny that they were asleep

True or False? The position of each gene is in a corresponding location on the same chromosome of every human.


True or false? Stress and poor nutrition can be passed from generation to generation independent of actual DNA sequence changes.


true or false? Gene-environment interactions can be passed on from generation to generation.


In 1990, 10 states reported a prevalence rate of obesity less than 10 percent, and no states reported prevalence greater than 15 percent.

Twenty-two years later, in 2012, no state had a prevalence rate less than 20 percent, and 13 states had a prevalence rate greater than 30 percent

Preventing heat-related injuries

Two strategies for preventing excessive increases in body temperature are skin wetting and hyperhydration. Skin wetting involves sponging or spraying the head or body with cold water. This strategy cools the skin but has not been shown to effectively decrease core body temperature. Resting in a cool environment and hyperhydration are more effective strategies for reducing core body heat. Hyperhydration is taking in extra fluids shortly before participating in physical activity in a hot environment.

Does type A personalities increase risk for other diseases?

Type A personality can mean increased risk for a number of other diseases, including peptic ulcers, asthma, headaches, and thyroid problems.

What are Type C personalities at risk for?

Type C individuals might be at greater risk for autoimmune disorders and demonstrate a tendency to please others.

Describe the Type D personality

Type D individuals appear to hold in negative emotions and are not very expressive. They experience negative emotions like anger, anxiety, and sadness while fearing negative judgments from others.

What are the risks of a Type D personality?

Type Ds are also at risk for negative health outcomes, including arterial disease, heart failure, and poor health ratings

How many sleep cycles do people usually experience each night?

Typically, you experience four or five sleep cycles each night. After the second cycle, however, you spend little or no time in NREM stages 3 and 4 and most of your time in NREM stage 2 and REM sleep

The U.S. Surgeon General's Family History Initiative

U.S. Surgeon General encourages families to use opportunities when they are gathered together to discuss and record health problems that seem to run in the family.

Where are pthalates found?

USed to soften plastics, in stabilizers/gel -single use water bottles -pill coatings -rubber duckies -modeling clay -shampoo bottles -lotion bottles -shower curtains -vinyl upholstery -food containers and wrappers -liquid soap -hairspray -eyeshadow -catheters -nail polish -wood finish -new car smell (Dashboards) -plastic wrapy -mascara -antiprespirant -ssunscreen -pvc water pipes -carpet -wall paper -electrical cables -household cleaning products


Unconsciousness ComaDeath possible Loss of bladder control Impaired temperature regulationSlowed breathingSlowed heart rate

Pleasure reward circuit

Under normal circumstances, this network of neurons is responsible for the feelings of satisfaction and pleasure when a physical, emotional, or survival need is met (e.g., hunger, thirst, bonding, and sexual desire). When it is activated, the circuit powerfully reinforces the behavior that satisfied the need (e.g., eating), sending the message to "do it again."

With repeated use of a drug, what happens to the user?

User can come to depend on being in this altered state and without the drug, they may feel worse than they did before they took it.

LSD-25 LSD causes an animated sensory experience of senses, emotions, memories, time, and awareness for 6 to 14 hours, depending on dosage and tolerance; (40 - 250 micrograms per dose) beginning within 30 to 90 minutes after ingestion changes in perception to overwhelming cognitive shifts. Changes in auditory and visual perception are typical. the illusion of movement of static surfaces ("walls breathing"), after image-like trails of moving objects ("tracers"), the appearance of moving colored geometric patterns (especially with closed eyes), an intensification of colors and brightness ("sparkling"), new textures on objects, blurred vision, and shape suggestibility.

Users commonly report that the inanimate world appears to animate in an inexplicable way; for instance, objects that are static in three dimensions can seem to be moving relative to one or more additional spatial dimensions. The auditory effects of LSD may include echo-like distortions of sounds, changes in ability to discern concurrent auditory stimuli, and a general intensification of the experience of music. Higher doses often cause intense and fundamental distortions of sensory perception such as synaesthesia, the experience of additional spatial or temporal dimensions, and temporary dissociation.[medical citation needed]

How do people create their own distress?

Using habitual thinking patterns - illogical thinking, unrealistic expectations, and negative beliefs

Do wealth, education, IQ, or youth have impact on happiness?

Very little impact on happiness

Vitamin A deficiency can cause both temporary and permanent eye damage, and may even lead to blindness. In fact, vitamin A deficiency is the world's leading cause of blindness.

Vitamin A deficiency can also suppress immune function and increase mortality, especially among children and pregnant or lactating women.

Vitamin A Deficiency

Vitamin A is an essential fat-soluble vitamin. It helps form and maintain healthy skin, teeth, bones and cell membranes. Furthermore, it produces our eye pigments - which are necessary for vision.

Vitamin V12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 is only found in animal foods (with the exception of nori seaweed and tempeh) Therefore, people who do not eat animal products are at an increased risk of deficiency. Studies have shown that vegetarians and vegans are highly likely to be deficient in vitamin B12. Some numbers go as high as 80-90%. More than 20% of elderly people may also be deficient in vitamin B12, since absorption decreases with age.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water- soluble vitamin. It is essential for blood formation, as well as for brain and nerve function. Every cell in your body needs B12 to function normally, but the body is unable to produce it. Therefore, we must get it from food or supplements.

Acute Alcohol Intoxication

Vomit can also be inhaled leading to death by asphyxiation. Dehydration caused by vomiting can cause seizures, which can permanently damage the brain. Slow, steady drinking suppresses the vomiting reflex, and BAC can increase to dangerously high levels.

What are some social services?

WIC CALFRESH Social Security Service

Walking for fitness

Walking is the most popular physical activity in North America,29 and it has many health benefits. As with other activities, increasing the pace and/or duration of walking results in greater health benefits. Walk faster = live longer? Taking the Stairs Exergaming: Replacing Sedentary Technology

Like alcohol, drugs have a pervasive presence in American life.

We use them for headaches, insomnia, anxiety, stress—and many use them for fun

What percent of the population in the US takes drug?

West (including AK and HI)? - 11.7% Midwest - 8.6% Northeast - 9.6% South - 7.7%

Effects of drugs on the brain

What accounts for the phenomenon of drug dependence? Scientists have found that addictive drugs, including cocaine, marijuana, opioids, alcohol, and nicotine, act on neurons in three brain structures the ventral tegmental area (VTA) in the midbrain the nucleus accumbens prefrontal cortex


What is diabetes? What is the difference between type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes What is gestational diabetes How is each of the above treated

What question does the study of happiness and positive psychology focus on?

What makes YOUR life worth living??

Cocaine, another CNS stimulant, is used recreationally to cause a burst of pleasurable sensations and to increase energy and endurance—a nonmedical use.

When a medical drug is used for nonmedical (recreational) purposes, or when a drug has no medical uses, it is referred to as a drug of abuse.

Hot and Cold

When it is very hot or very cold, you will need to adjust your physical activity and exercise workload. Heat disorders can be caused by impaired regulation of internal core temperature, loss of body fluids, and loss of electrolytes

When can depression be diagnosed?

When it lasts over two weeks

Medical Problems Associated with Alcohol Use

When pregnant people drink, alcohol can cause a set of fetal birth defects known as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) Children born with FAS have permanent physical and mental impairments.

Substances in Tobacco

When tobacco leaves are burned, thousands of substances are produced, and nearly 70 of them have been identified as carcinogenic (cancer causing). The most harmful substances are tar, carbon monoxide, and nicotine.

REM Sleep Paralysis

When you dream, there are periods when you have no muscle tone and your body cannot move, except for your eyes, diaphragm, nasal membranes, and erectile tissue (such as penis or clitoris) This state is referred to as REM sleep paralysis. If you were not immobilized, there is a danger that you would act on—or act out—your dreams.

Dietary sources of magnesium include:

Whole grains: One cup of oats (6 ounces or 170 g) contains 74% the RDI. Nuts: 20 almonds provide 17% of the RDI. Dark chocolate: 1 ounce (30 g) of dark chocolate (70- 85%) provides 15% of the RDI. Leafy, green vegetables: 1 ounce (30 g) of raw spinach provides 6% of the RDI.


With continued smoking, neurons first become more sensitive and responsive to nicotine, causing addiction, or dependence on a steady supply of the drug; over time, they become less responsive to nicotine, developing tolerance. Smokers experience withdrawal symptoms if nicotine is not present

Effects of alcohol on the body

Within minutes of ingestion, alcohol is distributed to all the cells of the body In the brain, alcohol alters brain chemistry and changes neurotransmitter functions It particularly affects the cerebellum (center for balance and motor functions) and the prefrontal cortex (the center for executive functions, rational thinking, problem solving)

Where in the cell is genetic information stored?

Within the nucleus, genetic instructions are stored in the form of tightly coiled threadlike molecules called DNA

Gender differences in alcohol absorption and metabolism

Women also absorb more of the alcohol they drink because they metabolize alcohol less efficiently than men do. Women generally have less alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) than men. ADH is an enzyme that breaks down alcohol metabolites in the liver.


Works closely with insulin to regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels Unrefined foods, especially liver, brewer's yeast, whole grains, nuts, cheeses

What does the female sex chromosome look like?


What are the two types of sex chromosomes?

XX - male XY. - female

What does the male sex chromosome look like?


Sex chromosomes options

XY or XX chromosomes Depending on what they inherit, this determines their biological sex.

Can legal drugs kill?

Yes! The use of medications for mental disorders has increased dramatically in recent years, including the use of drugs for children and adolescents

What is the action stage?

You are implementing behavior change. You are committing time and energy to make it work.

Water - The unappreciated Nutrient

You can live without the other nutrients for weeks, but you can survive without water for only a few days. We need water to digest, absorb, and transport nutrients. Water helps regulate body temperature, carries waste products out of the body, and lubricates our moving parts.

You inherited one set of chromosomes from each parent and therefore, have ______ copies of each gene (Exluding genes on the sex chromosome)

You have 2 copies of each gene

What is the maintenance stage?

You have been maintaining the new behavior for at least 6 months.

What is the precontemplation stage?

You have no motivation to change a behavior

What is the contemplation stage?

You realize you may have a problem behavior (pros and cons)

Drinking in college

Young college students are also more likely to be injured or encounter trouble with law enforcement than are older students who binge drink. Although college students binge drink, 70 percent of binge drinking episodes involve adults age 26 years or older.

What's an acute disease?

a disease that you catch adn then it's gone.

What is a single gene disorder?

a disorder due to one or a pair of mutant alleles at a single locus.


a form of concentrated cannabis

What is community?

a group of people connected in a way that transcends a casual attachment an association of like-minded people or people with a common goal

Central Sleep Apnea

a rare condition, the brain fails to regulate the diaphragm and other breathing mechanisms correctly.

What is a gene?

a series of paired nucleotides at a certain location on a chromosome that codes for a certain protein

What is passionate love?

a state of intense longing for union with another

What is the leading cause of death in young people?

accidents followed by homicide, suicide, cancer, and heart disease

What are a list of values?

achievement autonomy care for the environment compassion connectedness creativity determination education fairness family financial well-being freedom hardwork health home honesty integrity learning love personal growth prestige relationships respect service social justice spirituality status


active during the stress response

What is physical activity?

activity that requires any type of movement—is necessary for good health.

Environmental Health

addresses health effects of external physical, chemical, and biological factors

During ______________, these new brain cells are pruned and consolidated, resulting in a more mature, adult brain by the early to mid-20s.


Describe sensory neurons

afferent nerves - send impulse to the brain and spinal cord

Health outcomes also vary by other factors besides race and ethnicity. What are they?

age, sexual orientation, educational attainment, and geographical location

What are components of skill-related fitness?

agility, speed, power, balance, coordination, and reaction time.

What are common addictions?

alcohol drugs tobacco caffeine food gambling shopping sex internet

What is a genome?

all of the chromosomes of an individual (Every person has a different genome)

What is a specific phobia?

an intense fear of an activity, situation, or object, exposure to which evokes immediate anxiety

What is a social phobia?

an intense fear of certain kinds of social or performance situations, again leading the individual to try to avoid such situation

What is hostility?

an ongoing accumulation of irritation and anger. Hostile individuals are generally cynical about others, frequently express anger, and display aggressive behaviors.

What is a chronic disease?

an ongoing disease with symptoms that continue through time. Cancer, cardiovascular disease, chrones disease, multiple sclerosis, hepatitis

What is a karyotype?

an ordered display of one individual's 23 pairs of chromosomes


anterior lobe of the pituitary gland located in the FRONT lobe of the brain.

Symptoms of anxiety disorders can be reduced with _____________ drugs (or anxiolytics)


Symptoms of mood disorders are relieved with several different types of ________________. Most of which act on the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine.


What medication treats the symptoms of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders - especially delusions and hallucinations?


WHO Definition of Pollution

any harmful substance of energy put into the environment by humans that results in: -harm to living organisms -hazard to human health -hindrance to activities (fishing, surfing) -reduction in quality of water or air


approaching life with excitement and energy

Super Bugs

bacterial resistance to antibiotics

A simple sequence of ______ pairs can affect health.



being able to provide wise counsel to others


being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen

social intelligence

being aware of the motives and feelings of self and others


being careful about one's choices; not saying or doing things that might be later regretted

What is the most widely used antianxiety drug?


Enzymes are also known as

biologiacl catalysts Substrates arrive to the active site of enzymes. They either break apart or combine subtrates.

The FDA directed all manufacturers of all antidepressants to include _______ warnings to physicians and parents on their labels.

black box

Coronary Artery disease

blocked flow of blood in coronary arteries due to atherosclerosis

In the 19th and 18th centuries, the _________ was determined to be the source of mental illness in certain cases.


mental illnesses are diseases that affect the __________.


Effects of high blood pressure

brain arteries eyes heart Kidneys

Obstructive sleep apnea

by far the more common type, the upper airway is obstructed during sleep.

How are the two strands of DNA held together?

by hydrogen bonds between the building blocks.

what are some methyl particles?

carbon and hydrogen

What are components of health-related fitness?

cardiorespiratory fitness, musculoskeletal fitness, and body composition. Musculoskeletal fitness, in turn, includes muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility.

Two main types of sleep apnea

central sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea.

What are the three main parts of the brain?

cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem

What are neurotransmitters?

chemical messengers in the brain that are responsible for the transmission of signals from one brain cell to the next


civiv strengths that underlie healthy community lie

__________ _________: Involves human participants, typically individuals who have received screenings, diagnostic tests, treatments, or other interventions.

clinical studies

What is another word for incomplete dominance?


what is wisdom and knowledge?

cognitive strengths that entail the acquisition and use of knowledge

Examples of minor illness

cold, parasite

Empty love


______ _________: issues, events, and activities related to the health of a whole community, as well as activities directed toward bettering the health of the public and/or activities.

community health

What are the top sources of happiness?

connection with family and friends

_______ ________ is purposeful , self-regulatory judgment which results in interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference, as well as explanation of the evidential, conceptual, methodological, criteriological, or contextual considerations upon which that judgment is based"

critical thinking

What are some physical symptoms of grief?

crying sighing aches and pains sleep disturbances headaches lethargy reduced appetite stomach upset

__________ is the shared pattern of value, beliefs, language, and customs within a group.


What are the three important dimensions of diversity that impact groups of people?

culture, ethnicity, and race

What are specific behaviors of self injury?

cutting, burning, scratching, branding, and head banging

What is an example of a single gene disorder?

cystic fibrosis

What's an example of a disease that's autosomal recessive?

cystic fibrosis

What does CFTR stand for?

cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator

People with cystic fibrosis inherit a....

defective gene on chromosome #7 called CFTR.

What are characteristics of psychotic disorders (e.g. Schizophrenia)?

delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech or behavior, and other signs that the individual has lost touch with reality

What does DNA stand for?

deoxyribonucleic acid

What is addiction?

dependence on a substance or a behavior - it's classified as a mental disorder

What is another name for mood disorders?

depressive disorders or affective disorders

Vaginal Spermicide

designed to kill sperm and potential pathogens foams, creams, jellies, suppositories some meant to be used with other methods, some used alone

Describe a mutant CFTR channel

does not move chloride ions out. This causes a sticky mucus to build up on the outside of the cell


doing favors and good deeds or others

All addictive drugs appear to trigger a _________ release.


_________ gives us the positive feelings we experience when eating and participating in sexual activity, among other behaviors.



dried female flowering stalks bud weed pot tree chronic ganja

Napping statistics

e Smart About Napping The typical North American adult takes one or two naps a week, and about a third of adults nap more than four times a week. About a fourth never take a nap.

Describe motor neurons

efferent nerves - send impulses from the brain and spinal cord

Mental health encompasses several aspects of overall health and wellness. What are these aspects?

emotional psychological cognitive interpersonal spiritual

What is bisexuality?

emotional and sexual attraction to both sexes

What is homosexuality?

emotional and sexual attraction to member's of one's own sex

What is heterosexuality?

emotional and sexual attraction to members of the other sex


emotional strengths that involve the exercise of will to accomplish goals in the face of opposition, external, or internal

How do you help someone who is considering suicide?

encourage the person to talk and ask direct questions: 1. Are you thinking about killing yourself. 2. Do you have a plan 3. Do you have the means? 4. Have you attempted suicide in the past? Encourage the person to get help by calling a suicide hotline or seeking counseling

___________ _________: research that studies large groups of people using interviews, surveys, and measurements to identify and explore the relationships between risk factors and disease over time.

epidemiological studies

__________ is the sense of identity individuals draw from a common ancestry, as well as from a common national, religious, tribal, language, or cultural origin.

ethnicity nurtures a sense of social belonging and loyalty for people of common ethnicity

How to lower diabetes risk:

exercise 30 min/day 5 days/wk Weight management Diet rich in complex carbs, high in fiber, low in sodium and fat Eat fruit and veggies rich in antioxidants

Gender dysphoria

experiencing discomfort or a sense of inappropriateness about their sex

Many public health agencies are part of the _______ or ________ governments. (one responsibility of government is to ensure safety of society)

federal; state

High doses of stimulants can cause

feelings of hostility or paranoia, dangerously high body temperature, irregular heart beat, and addiction. Today, college students are using prescription stimulants like Adderall, Ritalin, and Provigil as study aids, party aids, and weight loss aids.


finishing what one starts

Dietary Guidelines

first published in 1980 and revised every five years by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the cornerstone of U.S. nutrition policy.

_____________ is the dynamic balance between stability and change.



forgiving those who have done wrong

Source where friend/relative obtained

free from friend/relative bought/took from friend/relative drug dealer/stranger bought on internet

Does mitochondrial DNA come from your mother or father?

from your mother

DNA holds genetic instructions. A series of millions of A-T-G-C combinations can be arranged to form a distinct message. This message is a _________.


Each chromosomes contains hundreds or thousands of ________ located at precise points.


Personal characteristics, predispositions, and behaviors can be the result of interactions among ______ and multiple ________ factors.

genes and multiple environmental factors

The complete set of DNA is called a person's _________.


Physical fitness is closely related to...

good health, which means having sufficient energy and vitality to accomplish daily living tasks and leisure-time physical activities without undue fatigue.

What is the function of the autonomic nervous system?

governs involuntary activities (e.g. digestion, circulation)

What is the function of the somatic nervous system?

governs voluntary activities

________ is a natural reaction to loss; many familiar rituals that surround death and dying are actually for the living, to help people cope with their reaction to loss.


Where do our chromosomes come from?

half from mom, half from dad

Sedentary lifestyle

has been associated with 28 percent of deaths from the leading chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.

Mature sperm

head: nucleus with DNA, covered with enzyme containing cap midpiece: mitochondria to supply energy Tail: propels sperm forward

What are the two leading causes of death for those aged 60 and over?

heart disease and cancer

What are examples of multifactorial disorders?

heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and schizophrenia

What are symptoms of a panic attack?

heart palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath, chest pain, and a sense that one is "going crazy" (common to have one in a lifetime)

hormones produced by this system are released slowly into the circulatory system and help maintain _______________ (state of equilibrium in body)


What are the stages of selye's model of the physiological response to stress?

homeostasis, alarm, resistance, recovery/exhaustion Alarm stage: the body's fight or flight response is activated, accompanied by reduced immune system functioning Resistance stage: body uses energy to cope with the continued stress and stay at peak level After prolonged exposure to stress, the body may either recover or enter the exhaustion stage and become totally depleted leading to illness and even death.

What is a negative factor that Type A personalities face?


What disease is hostility related to?

hostility is related to coronary heart disease and may contribute to premature death

What's an example of a disease that's autosomal dominant?

huntington's disease

What is another name for the pituitary gland?

hypophysis cerebri

A mentally healthy person is able to deal with life's inevitable challenges without becoming _______ or _______ by them.

impaired, overwhelmed

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

implicated in anxiety


implicated in mood disorders


implicated in schizophrenia

Where is most DNA found?

in the nucleus

What air pollution impacts health the most?

indoor air quality

Common sleep disorders affecting college students:

insomnia, sleep apnea, sleep walking, and nocturnal eating disorders.

What is self-injury?

intentional injury to one's own body

What comprises environmental factors?

interpersonal factors and where we live/work/learn/play


interpersonal strengths that involve tending and befriending others


interruption of blood supply to the brain



Companion love

intimacy + commitment

Romantic love

intimacy + passion

Consummate love

intimacy + passion + commitment

Relationships are strongest when there is a balance between ________ and _____________.

intimacy and autonomy

Describe the Type C personalities

introverted, detail oriented people who may have trouble communicating and appear to be cautious and reserved

What is trypophobia?

is a proposed phobia of irregular patterns of clusters of small holes or bumps

What is the key characteristic of addiction?

is continued, compulsive use of the substance or involvement in the behavior despite serious negative consequences.

Chronic Insomnia - treating, treatment

is difficult to treat, but individuals may be able to break the cycle and experience relief through such approaches as improving their sleep habits and sleeping environment and using relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and massage. Exercise has also been shown to significantly improve sleep quality for chronic insomnia. Sleeping pills

Tolerable Upper Intake Level

is the highest amount of a nutrient a person can take in without risking toxicity.

What are obstacles people may encounter when trying to establish their family health tree?

it might be taboo in some cultures to discuss death or disease. If people are adopted they might not have access to biological family's health history.


large metropolis areas - 8.9% small metropolis areas - 9.2%

_______ ________ ________ are. aset of priority public healthy issues that can be targeted and measured.

leading health indicators

Describe the type B personality

less driven and more relaxed More easygoing and less readily frustrated.

BMI of Underweight

less than 18.5


letting one's accomplishments speak for themselves

What are sources of stress?

life events daily hassles: college stress, job pressure money and financial worries family and interpersonal stress time pressure, overload, and technology anger trauma societal pressure

So many disease with a genetic component are multifactorial. We need to pay attention to the ________ and ________ factors that contribute to them.

lifestyle and environmental factors

What is DNA?

long strands of paired nucleotides (AGCT) arranged in a double helix


loop of bacterial DNA that may carry genes for antibiotic resistance

Air pollution. American lung association has ranked the following as the cities with the poorest air quality in the united states.

los angeles - long beach - riverside (metro area) Pittsburgh Bakersfield, CA Birmingham, AL Detroit Cleveland Visalia, CA

Describe the endocrine system

made up of ductless glands that produce hormones

Health promotion focuses on actions designed to __________ a current health state or encourage a ________ __________ state of health (such as campaigns to promote physical activity).

maintain; more desirable

Human beings have always experiences mental disturbances. What were these conditions called in ancient societies?

mania, melancholia, hysteria, and insanity

love of learning

masterning new skills, topics, and bodies of knowledge

Individuals with substance addiction...

may spend a great deal of time trying to obtain the substance, give up important parts of their lives to use it, and make repeated, unsuccessful attempts to cut down or control their use


measure of energy that can be derived from food needs depend on activity level, gender, age, body frame, weight, % body fat, and BMR

The brain and spinal cord is covered by a membrane called the _________.


Neurotransmitter imbalances are believed to be involved in a variety of _________ _________.

mental disorders

______ ______ people have a basic belief that they can guide their own lives, and they can take unexpected events in stride, adapt, and move on.

mentally healthy

What are the three parts of the brain stem?

midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata

Incomplete protein

missing at least one EAA

By looking at the patterns of SNPs in _______________ DNA, scientists can trace maternal ancestry back hundreds of thousands of years.

mitochondrial DNA

More than _________ (#) different models of psychotherapy exist for the treatment of mental disorders, and many different drugs can be prescribed

more than 250 models of psychotherapy exist

Source where user obtained

more than one free from friend/relative one doctor boughts on internet drug dealer/stranger bought/took from friend/relative

Indoor Pollutants

most hazardous = cigarette smoke no safe level of second-hand smoke

Describe benzodiazepines

most widely used antianxiety drug believed to act on the neurotransmitter GABA, which has a role in the inhibition of anxiety in the brain during stressful situations

Describe a normal CFTR Channel

moves chloride ions to the outside of the cell


mushroom drug

What organs are part of the upper respiratory tract?

nasal cavity hard palate nostril oral cavity larynx soft palate pharynx epiglottis esophagus

What are symptoms of serotonin syndrome?

nausea, vomiting, changes in blood pressure, and agitation.

The nervous system is a complex structure composed of _________ and ___________.

neurons and neuroglia

What are symptoms of GABA deficiency?

night sweats, reflux, poor verbal memory, restlessness, and a short temper

Other trace nutrients known to be essential in tiny amounts include

nikel silicon vanadium cobalt

Do biologically distinct and separate races exist within the human species?


In the chimpanzee genome project, suggests that...

no genes were lost when chromosomes 2A and 2B in the chimpanzee were fused to create the human chromosome 2. - no genes lost from the fused ends of chromosomes 2A and 2B

Is bottled water better?

not necessarily! -expensive -not well regulated -PET (plastic) can be harmful with repeated use or heat


not shrinking from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain

Appreciation of beauty and excellence

noticing and appreicating beauty, excellence, and/or skileld performance in all domains of life

What phase of bereavement? This phase occurs immediately after the loss and lasts for a brief period. The numbness protects you from acute pain.

numbness and shock

What is a blended family?

one or both partners bring children from a previous marriage and become a common form of family

How many americans have tried to gather information for a family health tree?

one third

What are positive human characteristics that point to good mental health?

optimism attachment love emotional intelligence


organizing group activities and seeing that they happen

Why are our choices constrained by certain policies - seat belt laws, speed limits, drinking age laws, drug and gun control laws?

our choices have effects on others and on society

BMI of Obese

over 30

Many anxiety disorders are characterized by what one thing?

panic attack



Fatuous love

passion + commitment

Health-related behavioral choices include choices related to your...

physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being.

_________ gland is the master gland: produces hormones that direct functions of other glands.


What can oversecretion of the human growth hormone by the pituitary gland cause?

pituitary gigantism

This gland produces human growth hormone

pituitary gland

Drugs cause addiction by operating on the ______ pathway in the brain and changing brain chemistry.


_______ _________ is the area of interest within the field of psychology that focuses on positive emotions, character strengths, and conditions that create happiness.

positive psychology -focus on conditions that make life worth living versus focusing on mental illness and problems


posterior lobe of the pituitary gland located in the back lobe of the brain

Parts of the brain involved with drugs

prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, ventral tegmental area (VTA)

Wellness is on a continuum. What's on either side.

premature death on one side and wellness/health on the other side

How do the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves work together?

prepares the body for stress and action in time of emergency by slowing digestion and increasing heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure. After the emergency, parasympathetic nerves restore the body's system to normal by lowering blood pressure, slowing breathing, decreasing heart rate, and stimulating digestion.

What attracts us to certain people - what is part of this systematic screening process?

proximity, physical attractiveness, and similarity

_______ describes an ethnic group based on physical features, such as skin color or facial features


What is a panic disorder?

recurrent, unexpected panic attacks along with concern about having another attack

What is health-related fitness?

refers to the ability to perform daily living activities (like shopping for groceries) and other activities with vigor


regulating what one feels and does

_________ are at the heart of human experience.


Communities that are helpful to people

religious and spiritual communities, social activism and the global community (peace corps, habitat for humanity, doctors without borders), volunteering

How might grief be expressed?

sadness loneliness anger guilt

What is the most common psychotic disorder?


People that reach ___________ achieve a state of transcendence, a sense of well0being that comes from finding purpose and meaning in life.


What are other words for self-injury?

self-harm, self-mutilation, or self-injurious behavior

What's on the wellness side of the continuum?

sense of vitality, physical, mental, social, and spiritual health

What are the two types of neurons?

sensory and motor neurons

The sequence of RNA is translated into a precise...

sequence of amino acids, creating a protein with a specific composition, shape, and role.

High levels of __________, which can be unintended side effect of some migraine medicines and some antidepressants, can result in serotonin syndrome.


When we talk about fitness, we are talking about two different concepts...

skill-related fitness and health-related fitness

What is sleep apnea

sleep apnea is a condition characterized by periods of nonbreathing during sleep.

It is more accurate to view race as a ________ category rather than a biological one.

social Think of similarities or differences among people as a matter of culture or ethnicity!

What are the macrominerals?

sodium, chloride, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron, zinc, iodine, selenium, copper, manganese, fluoride, chromium, molybdenum


speaking the truth and presenting oneself in a genuine way

Which dimension was recently added to WHO's definition of health?


What can help people deal with grief and pain when a loved one dies?

spiritual beliefs and rituals

Unspecialized cells are called _________.

stem cells!


strengths that protect against excess

Many mental and general health problems are triggered or worsened by _________.


Until you decided that an event is actually a threat and beyond your ability to cope, it remains merely a potential _____________.


What is exercise?

structured, planned physical activity, often carried out to improve fitness.

Individuals contemplating ___________ are most likely experiencing unbearable emotional pain, anguish, or despair.


What is the second leading cause of death among college students?

suicide - it's a major public health concern (particularly among young people)

What is neuroglia?

supporting cells for the neurons - it's the nerve glue

The autonomic nervous system is divided into what two kinds of nerves?

sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves


taking an interest in ongoing experience, openness to experience

What is stealthing?

taking off or damaging a condom during sex without telling the other person

What is physical fitness?

the ability of the body to respond to the physical demands placed upon it.

What is skill-related fitness?

the ability to perform specific skills associated with various sports and leisure activities

What is the key to mental health and happiness (hint: not freedom from adversity)

the ability to respond to adversity in adaptive, effective ways being able to deal = mentally healthy

What is gender?

the behaviors and characteristics considered appropriate for a male or a female in a particular culture

Muscular strength

the capacity of a muscle to exert force against resistance. It is primarily dependent on how much muscle mass you have. Your muscular strength is measured by how much you can lift, push, or pull in a single, all-out effort.

What is muscular endurance?

the capacity of a muscle to exert force repeatedly over a period of time, or to apply and sustain strength for a period lasting from a few seconds to a few minutes.

What is the key feature of most forms of psychotherapy (or counseling)?

the development of a positive interpersonal relationship between a person seeking help (the client or patient) and a therapist - a trained and licensed professional who can provide that help

What is obstructive sleep apnea?

the individual stops breathing many times during sleep, often for as long as 60 to 90 seconds.

Body Image

the mental representation that a person has of his or her own body, including perceptions, attitudes, thoughts, and emotions—is strongly influenced by culture. 75-90% of eating disorders are diagnosed in women

In huntington's disease: The classification of the trinucleotide repeat and resulting disease status depends on....

the number of CAG repeats

What is critical thinking?

the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement

What is health risk?

the probability of exposure to a hazard that can result in negative consequences, can be especially difficult

Production of melatonin and growth hormone

the production of melatonin and growth hormone declines with age, and the body temperature cycle may become irregular These changes decrease total nighttime sleep

What is public health?

the study and practice of health promotion and disease prevention at the population level.

What is epigenetics?

the study of how the environment affects which genes are expressed

Bacterial Conjugation

the transfer of genetic material between bacterial cells by direct cell-to-cell contact or by a bridge-like connection between two cells

Simply put, what are the different treatments for mental disorders?

therapy drugs drugs and therapy

In what ways does the cell change?

they take on characteristic shapes or functions such as skin, bone, nerve, or muscle

How are chromosomes typically labeled?

they're labeled by numbers


thinking of novel and productive ways to do things


thinking things through and examining them from all sides

Huntington's disease affects the part of the brain that controls...

thinking, emotion, and movement

Overall few experiences seem to affect us for more than ______ months.


Viral infections

to treat common cold symptoms

What are ways to manage stress?

tobacco alcohol drugs food time management social support health lifetstyle relaxation techniques deep breathing progressive relaxation visualization mindfulness-based mediation yoga tai chi biofeedback affirmations

What organs are part of the lower respiratory tract?

trachea right lung left lung

Why is family health history important?

traits and risk of certain diseases are passed from one generation to the next


treating all people the same according to notions of fairness and justice

What is cohabitation?

two people of the opposite sex libing together as unmarried partners

What is the leading cause of death for people ages 15 to 24?

unintentional injuries

RURAL (metropolitan) areas

urbanized countries - 8.3% low urbanizied countries - 5.9% completely rural countries - 4.9%

What are common antianxiety medications?

valium, xanax, and ativan


valuing close relations with others

What is incomplete dominance?

when one allele is not completely dominant over the other - a blending of traits both alleles affect appearance in varying degrees. red + white = pink

Indoor pollutants: asbestos

widely used for building insulation linked to lung diseases and cancers (especially mesothelioma)

What are the 6 broad virtues that enable human thriving?

wisdom courage humanity justice temperance transcendance

How does the sleep cycle pattern change with age and across the lifespan?

with children and young adolescents experiencing large quantities of NREM stages 3 and 4 sleep (deep sleep).


working well as a member of a group or team

A person with female genitals usually has _____ chromosomes.


A person with male genitals usually has _______ chromosomes.


What is the chemical make up of alcohol?

yeast + Ethanol + 4 CO2

Are anxiety disorders common?


Do our cells contain the same full set of genes?


Can obstructive sleep apnea be fatal?

yes! Obstructive sleep apnea is a potentially dangerous condition; occasionally, it is even fatal.

what happens after your first REM period?

you cycle back and forth between REM and NREM sleep stages. These cycles repeat themselves about every 90 to 110 minutes until you wake up.

What is autosomal dominant inheritance?

you just need to have one defective copy of the allele and you have the disease.

What is autosomal recessive inheritance?

you need two copies of these genes to inherit the disorder (e.g. cystic fibrosis)

Stage 3 and 4

your blood pressure drops, your heart rate and respiration slow, and the blood supply to your brain is minimized. If you were suddenly awakened during stage 4, referred to as deep sleep, you would feel momentarily groggy. You usually spend about 20 to 40 minutes at a time in deep sleep, and most of your deep sleep takes place in the first third of the night

Stage 2

your brain's activity slows further, and you stop moving. This lack of movement decreases muscle tension and brain stem stimulation so that sleep is induced. Stage 2 lasts about 10 to 20 minutes and represents the beginning of actual sleep. You are no longer consciously aware of your external environment. People awakened in stage 2 readily admit that they were asleep.

At conception, you received your biggest inheritance....

your genetic makeup

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