hth 150 final

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Enumerate at least three barriers to mindfulness at work.

-personal technology -bringing personal baggage to work -holding onto previous biases

cohort study

A type of epidemiologic study where a group of exposed individuals (individuals who have been exposed to the potential risk factor) and a group of non-exposed individuals are followed over time to determine the incidence of disease

Discuss disparities associated with low health literacy in the U.S.

Low health literacy is more prevalent among the elderly, men, racial/ethnic minorities, and low socioeconomic status (SES) groups. The overall decline in physical and mental ability associated with aging may account for lower levels of health literacy among the elderly.

Enumerate at least three things that a student can do now with regard to their future career.

Take your studies seriously Manage your time wisely Develop your communication skills Make thoughtful decisions that move you forward Encourage and support your classmates

Define quackery

The selling of useless medical treatments or products

personal statement vs a statement of purpose.

The short answer is that a statement of purpose is about what you want to do, while a personal statement is about who you are. Each essay has its own goals in what it's supposed to do for you and the program you're applying to.

Define what a resume is

a resume shows of one's best accomplishments and qualities/ experience

cross sectional survey

a survey design that describes the characteristics of a sample representing a population at one point in time

differentiate between a citation and a reference list

citation is in text mention, reference list is at end of paper with all sources listed in a specific format

Define literacy, numeracy, and health literacy.

literacy: ability to read numeracy: read and interpret numbers health literacy: understand what the doctor is telling you

example of a same old story

making change from one pre track to another

List and explain the two categories of interviews, along with providing specific examples and strategies for completing each type.

onsite: @ organization site so you can see the physical surroundings, can last all day, more in depth than screening interview bc they are considering you as a serious candidate, can be one or several people interviewing you or a panel but it is important to reply to all individuals by name and talk with each person interviewing you on campus interview: employers from different companies come and you have to apply to meet with them, they can have preselects which are candidates that they choose then there are alternates which people sign up for if there are empty slots, also open interviews, bring an extra copy of your resume and show up 10 mins early, if you do not show up JMU can block your handshake account to prevent you from making further interview slots

relationship between low health literacy and quackery

people with low health literacy are more likely to fall for quackery products and doctors

Identify at least two ways to verify the legitimacy of health information found on the Internet.

use craap test using the 5 W's of evaluation: -who is the author? are they experts? -what is the purpose of information? -when did it originate and has it been updated? -where can I verify the information? -why would you use this info instead of another source?

seven pitfalls in revising stage

vague generalizations unsupported claims cliches audience unawareness egocentricity lifestory/ resume traps not having someone else revise it

5 things that stand out best

when someone knows who they are what you learned from a challenge (self reflection) personal story evolution step further into perspectives observations from experience

Define the four elements of a personal statement.

• What do you want to study in graduate school? • Why do you want to study it? • What experience do you have in your field? • What do you plan to do with your degree once you have it?

describe the basic formatting of an APA style reference list

- References is the heading for this page - Double-spaced throughout - Use hanging indent after first line - tab ½ inch from the regular 1-inch margin - Information to include for each listing: - author - year of publication - title - publishing data- DOI if available (if not, web address)

Define validity and reliability.

-Validity: "accuracy" of assessing instrument -Reliability: repeatability or precision

Provide at least three examples of how DEI concepts relate to healthcare.

-having patients unlike you -preventing biases and stereotypes from getting in your way of treatment -having coworkers unlike you

Identify at least three work behaviors that interfere with interdependence.

-lack of respect for those with differing opinions -not a good listener -does not show up on time

Enumerate at least three benefits of having high health literacy.

-take medicines correctly -understand treatment plans -aftercare

List at least three ways that SES impacts the healthcare experience.

-treatments affordable -specialists affordability -time they came in

List at least three ways that race, culture, or ethnicity impact the delivery of healthcare.

-treatments chosen -treatment of physician

systematic review

A document often written by a panel that provides a comprehensive review of all relevant studies on a particular clinical or health-related topic/question. The systematic review is created after reviewing and combining all the information from both published and unpublished studies (focusing on clinical trials of similar treatments) and then summarizing the findings.

Differentiate between a professional, credential, license, and certification.

A professional describes a person with experience and skills, engaged in a specific occupation for pay. A credential is a letter or certificate that gives the owner a right to exercise certain authority. A certification is issued by a state agency or professional association, giving permission to use a standard professional title. (CHES) A license is a credential from a state agency, awarding legal permission to practice with established credentials. (medical license ) A degree is an award or title conferred upon an individual for the completion of a program or course of study at a post-secondary institution. (M. Ed.)

practice guidelines

A statement produced by a panel of experts that outlines current best practice to inform health care professionals and patients in making clinical decisions. The statement is produced after an extensive review of the literature and is typically created by professional associations, government agencies, and/or public or private organizations.

meta analysis

A subset of systematic reviews; a method for systematically combining pertinent qualitative and quantitative study data from several selected studies to develop a single conclusion that has greater statistical power. This conclusion is statistically stronger than the analysis of any single study, due to increased numbers of subjects, greater diversity among subjects, or accumulated effects and results.Meta-analysis would be used for the following purposes: -To establish statistical significance with studies that have conflicting results -To develop a more correct estimate of effect magnitude -To provide a more complex analysis of harms, safety data, and benefits -To examine subgroups with individual numbers that are not statistically significant If the individual studies utilized randomized controlled trials (RCT), combining several selected RCT results would be the highest-level of evidence on the evidence hierarchy, followed by systematic reviews, which analyze all available studies on a topic.

Case-control study

A type of epidemiologic study where a group of individuals with the diseases, referred to as cases, are compared to individuals without the disease, referred to as controls

List at least three behaviors to avoid in an interview.

AVOID: Poor personal hygiene Inappropriate attire Facial piercings other than ears Inappropriate footwear Visible tattoos Unnatural hair color Lack of preparedness for the interview Tardiness for the interview Poor verbal skills and grammar Acting disinterested Being over confident Presenting yourself poorly, whether visually or verbally Using a phone for any reason during the interview

Define ability/disability

Ability is the resources to perform well at something, while disability is the limits or challenges a person faces. Having a variety of talents and limits in a workforce is called ability and disability diversity

Recall the sections of published research and enumerate what each entails.

Abstract Synopsis of the article Introduction (also called Background) Present the problem Review of previous research Rationale for study Methods Population/sample Method of sampling Study design Measures Statistical methods Protocol Results (also called Findings) Discussion/Conclusions Interpretation of results Limitations Suggestions for further research References


An experiment in which investigators make use of control and experimental groups that already exist in the world at large. Also called a mixed design.

randomized controlled trial

An experimental study in which researchers randomly assign individuals to either an experimental or a control group and expose the experimental group to the manipulated variable of interest.

List the various components of applying to graduate school.

Application form Transcripts-every college where you take a course Required test scores Resumé Personal statements Hours verification Letters of recommendation Campus visit Interview

assemble a short APA style reference list using a given list of sources

Article Title: Uses of Mobile Device Digital Photography of Dermatologic Conditions in Primary CareAuthors: Pecina JL, Wyatt KD, Comfere NI, Bernard ME, North FDOI: 10.2196/mhealth.8257Year: 2017Issue 5Volume: 11Pages 59-68Publication Name: American Journal of DermatologyArticle Title: Attitudes, Beliefs, Practices, and Concerns Among Clinicians Prescribing Opioids in a Large Academic InstitutionAuthors: Jon O. Ebbert, Lindsey M. Philpot, Casey M. Clements, Jenna K. Lovely, Wayne T. Nicholson, Sarah M. Jenkins, Tim J. Lamer, Halena M. GazelkaDOI: 2017Volume: 19Issue: 9Pages 110-120Publication Name: Pain MedicineArticle Title: Improving access to school health services as perceived by school professionalsAuthors: Bezem, J., Heinen, D., Reis, R., Buitendijk, SE., Numans, ME., Kocken, PL. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-017-2711-4Year: 2017Volume: 17Issue:1Pages 6-18Publication Name: BMC Health Services Research

List best practices and provide rationale for why each is used in the "experience" section of a resume.

Be brief Quantify if possible Use strong action verbs when describing your experiences Incorporate examples of your experiences that demonstrate the 8 career competencies employers are seeking. If you have several experiences that relate to the type of job you are seeking, you may list them under a separate categories rather than using one "Related Experience" heading. Be creative, and don't feel like you have to limit the content of your resume to headings you have seen in the past. If you have special information that supports your application, create a place for it. The format of your resume can also influence the types of headings you use to organize your experiences.

List at least four reasons that people choose to go into healthcare, while also providing examples.

Booming field Demand-jobs available Develop soft skills and hard skills Good pay Varied employment opportunities Room for advancement Easy to find work anywhere Flexible schedule Benefits Work with all kinds of people Improve others' quality of life Professional development opportunities

List at least three characteristics of professionalism.

Building a reputation Making your work a source of pride Reflecting your role in society Treating others with dignity (worth) and respect (feeling of esteem) Having the appropriate skills and attitudes in place.

List and describe the five elements of the CRAAP test.

Currency Relevance Authority Accuracy Purpose

Provide at least three elements from a timeline for applying to graduate school.

May: Begin researching grad schools. Take a GRE practice test. Your GRE score will help you determine how much preparation you'll need for the real deal. June: Sign up for a GRE test prep course (we recommend the in-person or online options). Register for the GRE general test if necessary. July: Request information from schools that interest you. Consider paying a visit to your alma mater to meet up with a few former professors. They can recommend good programs and may even help you make some connections. August: Take the GRE general test. If you're not happy with your scores, sign up to take it again. Begin drafting your statement of purpose. September: Register for the November GRE subject test (if necessary). Finalize your list of prospective schools, and familiarize yourself with the professors who share your research interests at each school. Contact your recommenders. Keep polishing your statement of purpose. October: Request official transcripts from your undergraduate institution. Send your recommenders supplemental materials (like your resume, personal statement, etc.) that they can use as a reference. Make contact with students and professors at your prospective schools. Arrange a campus visit if you can. November: Have someone in the field and a few smart (and honest) friends read over your personal statement. Take the GRE subject test; make sure that your scores will be sent directly to schools. December: Complete and submit all grad applications, keeping copies of every section for your records. Verify that your recommendations have been sent.

Create an in-text citation after paraphrasing the work of another writer.

Parenthetical example- Beliefs and expectations about hookup culture do not differ by sex (Aubrey & Smith, 2013). Narrative example- Aubrey and Smith (2013) found that beliefs and expectations about hookup culture do not differ by sex.

Explain the difference between the medical model and the public health model.

Populations versus individuals Prevention focus versus treatment focus

Differentiate between religion, spirituality, and belief systems.

Religion is an organized, community-based system of beliefs, while spirituality resides within the individual and what they personally believe. "The idea of religion and spirituality is like a rectangle versus a square.

Define the STAR strategy and when it is used.

STAR: how to respond to behavioral questions, don't ramble, take a minute to collect thoughts, don't say we, SITUATION, TASK, ACTION, RESULTS

Offer a personal definition of 'professionalism.'

The ACGME defines competency in professionalism as demonstrating: (1) compassion, empathy, integrity, and respect for others; (2) responsiveness to patient needs that supersedes self-interest; (3) respect for patient privacy and autonomy; (4) accountability to patients, society, and the profession; (5) sensitivity and responsiveness to a diverse patient population."

Provide answers to common interview questions.

Tough interview question strategies: see how someone responds and how effectiveness in answering is important, open ended questions, body language in tell me about yourself- answer with key strengths for jobs, greatest weakness- not be negative about yourself say weakness and what you learned from it, greatest accomplishment- how it brings them something, 5 years- goals and if it fits with org or not, why this org- to see if interest is there

Identify at least three resources that are available regarding interviewing.

UCC website interview stream UCC advisors

case report

a detailed description of the management of a patient/client that may serve as a basis for future research

three things selection committee members look for

authentically/ genuineness in story personality and communication skills why this program

Describe the four aspects of evaluating information.

authority: author, scholarly or popular accuracy: current; objective scope: coverage, purpose, audience primary information: direct; interpretation

5 common problems in personal statements

bad grammar surface level stories/ no deep interest focusing on one specialty in a field no though put into it bad writing (dissertation)

Draw at least three connections between professionalism and patient care and the patient experience.

bedside manner respect for patients disregard for own matters & technology

Discuss bias in research, including the various ways that it occurs.

bias: the distortion of results by a variable ex- sampling, subject, experimenter

Enumerate the required elements of a resume

contact info objective education coursework, projects, skills experience and activities references activities

Compose an in-text citation after directly quoting the work of another writer.

dsbiugbsjlnf[o (Aubrey and Smith, 2013).

Define and discuss socioeconomic status

economic and sociological combined total measure of a person's work experience and of an individual's or family's economic access to resources and social position in relation to others

List the five things each interviewer wants to know.

education work experience activities self assessment goals

explain the relationship between citations and a reference list

every citation will be found in the reference list

Define various types of studies, classify them into experimental or observational, and explain the relative strength of findings for each.

experimental: quasi experiment, randomized control trial observational: cohort study, case control study, cross sectional survey, case reports

Name at least two sources for information on careers in healthcare.

relationship between internships and personal statements

internships give you experience and details to use in personal statement

Describe the role that networking plays in applying to graduate school

networking is vital in making connections with those in grad schools and faculty in bettering your chance on getting in

Identify the four types of information, their audience, and their author.

news sources: inform on current topics with basic facts and details. appeal to anyone, written by journalists, freelancers or editing staff magazines: entertain and inform audience on certain topics. appeals to anyone, written by journalists, freelancers or editing staff scholarly journals: inform and report on research done by scholars and experts in a field & cover specialized academic topics. appeals to researchers, scholars, and other experts. peer reviewed and written by experts in the field academic books: provide a thorough examination on academic topics. appeals to researchers, scholars and other experts. written by experts in the field and subject specialists

Explain the two types of research and provide examples of each.

observational: Observe what happens to people under certain conditions. Researcher chooses variable to study. Researcher does not influence the variables in question. Descriptive Do not test a hypothesis Analytical Tests a hypothesis experimental: Participants receive some kind of treatment or procedure. A hypothesis is stated. Participants are selected. Participants are divided in two or more groups. Group(s) that get treatment Group that does not get treatment If possible, randomly assigned Pre-measurements Treatment Post-measurements Statistical analysis

List at least three types of primary and three types of secondary articles found in journals.

primary: Empirical - Original research report Case studies Reporting on a program Conference presentations Editorials/Perspectives Correspondence/Letters to the editor secondary: Literature reviews Theoretical articles Methodological articles Systematic reviews Meta-analysis Book reviews Commentary on published work

Distinguish between three levels of sources, while also providing examples.

primary: research and development, invisible college email & colleagues, conference (proceedings/preprint) & research/ technical report, journal article secondary: indexing, journal article when reviewing articles tertiary: summarization- encyclopedia, almanacs and bibliographies

Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research.

quantitative: tests Hypotheses qualitative: generates hypotheses

Explain the research information timeline.

research to encyclopedia

Define research and explain its relationship to the scientific method.

research: Research includes the systematic gathering of data, information, and facts for the advancement of knowledge, and to reach new conclusions. The scientific method of research has a fairly rigorous structure that should be followed.

5 steps to creating a personal statement

researching, brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing

Describe the process for acquiring letters of recommendation.

see the person you want with this prepared: Where are you applying (centralized system or separate letters) Unofficial transcript What classes or contact you have with the professor What grade you received in the class Sample of graded work from the professor - a writing skills example. Personal statement Resumé Any forms needed for the reference If not online: Provide addressed and stamped envelopes for mailing

Discuss why doing research before an interview is necessary, as well as providing specific strategies to carry out this step.

shows interest, Your ?s: no questions that could be answered from website, no salary at early stages, follow up after and say thank you, have questions prepped

Define intersectionality

the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.

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