Human Geo Final

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The principal religion of Central and South America is A Eastern Orthodoxy B Roman Catholicism C Buddhism D Islam E Protestantism


The world's three major monotheistic religions originated in which of the following regions? A East Asia B Southwest Asia C Eastern Europe D Western Europe E Africa


Which of the following characteristics applies to more-developed countries? A Early stages of epidemiological transition B Long life expectancies C High total fertility rates D Rapid population growth E Early stages of the demographic transition


A set of economic and political relationships that organizes food production from the development of seed to marketing the products is known as A food processing B mechanized farming C mixed crop and livestock farming D agribusiness E commercial farming


A world map of hog production per capita would reveal the lowest values in which of the following regions? A The United States Midwest B Southeast Asia C Western Europe D The Middle East E China


In which of the following pairs do both countries exhibit zero or negative population growth rates? A Pakistan and China B India and Germany C Japan and Germany D China and India E India and Japan


All of the following arguments are cited by critics of megastores EXCEPT that megastores A destroy locally owned stores B homogenize the landscape C increase traffic and congestion D conform to the distinctiveness of a region E are outsiders with no stake in the community


Compared to North American ranchers, commercial ranchers in the Pampas of Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil are more likely to A raise mostly sheep B lease their grazing land C rely on feedlots D raise livestock primarily for export E use practices developed by indigenous people


Corn (maize) was first domesticated in A Northern Argentina B the Tibetan plateau C the Canadian prairie D Central Mexico E Central Australia


Which of the following is a distinctive aspect of population policy emphasized for the first time by the international community in the 1990's? A One-child policy B Economic development C Women's empowerment D Green revolution E Cultural homogeneity


In contrast to folk culture, popular culture is typical of A large heterogeneous groups B indigenous groups C groups that have little interaction with other groups D small homogeneous groups E groups living in isolated areas


Traditionally, the Ganges Valley and the Nile Valley have had comparatively high population densities because of their A tropical climate B heavy industrialization C in-migration from neighboring arid areas D intensive agriculture based on irrigation E designation as sacred sites


Which of the following is an example of a cultural landscape? A Coastal wetland B Cloud forest C Stand of mangrove trees D Eroded shoreline E Adobe ruins


Which of the following is the primary assumption of environmental determinism? A Human destiny is controlled by the cultural environment . B The physical environment has little influence on humans . C Humans have complete control over the physical environment . D Many human adaptations are possible within a specific physical environment . E The physical environment controls human culture .


Which of the following is a correct statement about the demographic transition model? A It is applicable only to eighteenth-century Europe. B It predicts the growth of population in Russia reasonably well. C It divides the demographic changes of a country into two stages of slow growth and high growth. D It supports the idea that technology can remove or extend the limits of food production. E It is characterized by relatively low growth rates at stage 1 and stage 4.


Which of the following map scales would be most useful for studying the details of geographic features in the landscape of a farming community? A 1:3,000,000 B 1:1,000,000 C 1:750,000 D 1:125,000 E 1:10,000


All of the following are examples of the spatial analysis tradition in geography EXCEPT the A number of space shuttles constructed B volume of telephone calls between Corey Union and Old Main C trans-Atlantic slave trade D distance associated with shopping trips to area malls E volume of air traffic between London and Hong Kong


During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which of the following types of intraregional migration was the most prominent worldwide? A Rural to urban B Urban to suburban C Inland to coastal D Highland to lowland E Urban to rural


Every map projection has some degree of distortion because A a curved surface cannot be represented on a flat surface without distortion B parallels and meridians never cross at right angles on a globe C the grid system is two-dimensional, while the real world is three-dimensional D Earth is not a perfect sphere E latitude lines are shorter than meridian lines


Green Revolution technology has resulted in which of the following in modernagriculture? A The development of high-yield grains and the expansion of cultivated areas B The construction of new irrigation systems and a reduction in the use of fertilizers C An increase in the circulation of investment capital to help the poorest farmers D The loss of prime agricultural land and smaller yields from grain crops E The end of famine in the world


In descriptions of interaction between people and the environment, the term "environmental determinism" implies that A the physical environment exclusively shapes humans and their actions B humans by their actions and technologies alter the physical environment to suit their needs C determination of environmental limitations is a primary task of geographers D capitalist economies do not contribute to global environmental degradation E there exists no interacting relationship between people and their surrounding physical environment


In the early twenty-first century, the largest number of refugees is located on which of the following continents? A Africa B Australia C Europe D North America E South America


In which of the following countries has the diffusion of Christianity met the most resistance? A China B Brazil C Italy D Mexico E South Africa


Land parcels in the American Midwest tend to be rectilinear because A the federal survey system adopted in the late eighteenth century imposed a geometric pattern on the landscape B Native American settlement patterns were rectangular C English-speaking settlers replicated the landscape patterns of England D Spanish colonists laid out settlements in a rigid geometric pattern E there were no mountains or rivers to use as boundaries


Nomadic pastoralism is an extensive agricultural system practiced A in the dry regions of Africa and Asia B in the tropical regions of Africa and Asia C in the hinterlands of Australia D by Native American buffalo hunters E by people who shift location in pursuit of rain clouds


One would expect to find a population with a relatively young age structure in A less developed countries B highly developed countries C countries with a low death rate D countries with a low fertility rate E countries with a high standard of living


Physiological population density is viewed as a superior measure of population density for which of the following reasons? A It is more reflective of population pressure on arable land. B It yields the average population density. C It is more reflective of the world's largest population concentrations. D It measures the average by dividing total land area by total number of people. E It best reflects the percentage of a country's population that is urbanized.


Sometimes a diffusion process encounters barriers that slow or stop the spread of an innovation. Which of the following is an example of such a barrier? A A lack of infrastructure to support a new technology B A change in the price of energy C A jump from contagious to hierarchical diffusion D A transition from stimulus to contagious diffusion E A new form of media to broadcast information


The Gullah language is spoken in African-American communities of the coastal southeastern United States, particularly in South Carolina, Georgia, and northeastern Florida. It is a combination of Elizabethan English and African dialects. One can describe Gullah as a A creolized language B lingua franca C Sino-Tibetan dialect D language family E linguistic branch of the Niger-Congo family


The alignment of ancient Chinese cities toward the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) best illustrates the importance of which of the following factors in the shaping of these early cities? A Belief systems B Topography C Economics D Gender E Technology


The industrialization and mechanization of agriculture in the United States during the past 70 years have resulted in A a decrease in the number of farms and an increase in the size of farms B an increase in the number of farms and a decrease in the size of farm fields C an increase in the diversity of crops and animals grown on individual farms D an increase in the economic viability of small towns in the agricultural regions E a decrease in the tonnage of pesticides and herbicides used on cropland


The spread of specialty coffee shops across the United States in the 1990s is an example of A hierarchical diffusion B contagious diffusion C stimulus diffusion D periodic movement E relocation diffusion


The term that describes the concept that population will continue to grow even after fertility rates decline is known as A demographic momentum B demographic transition C rate of natural increase D the population pyramid E the homeostatic plateau


The township and range land survey system in the United States contributed to which of the following? A A dispersed rural settlement pattern B A clustered rural settlement pattern C A rural long-lot pattern D An urban agglomeration pattern E An urban daily system pattern


Toponyms in southern California reflect which of the following? A Cultural heritage of the settlers B Importance of time-space convergence C Growing influence of globalization D Significance of locational theory E Role of popular culture in American society Answer A


Traditional labor-intensive agriculture often involves which of the following? A Field terracing B Mechanical plowing C Hybrid seeds D Use of pesticides E High levels of debt


Which factor is most responsible for the increase in Japan's dependency ratio? A An increase in life expectancy B An increase in the death rate C An increase in the rate of natural increase D A decrease in the doubling time E An increase in the total fertility rate


Which of the following best accounts for the universal appeal of blue jeans? A Diffusion of popular culture B Adoption of unique folk culture C Impact of high income on clothing habits D Lack of barriers in communist countries E Need for durable clothing


Which of the following characteristics is currently shared by Switzerland, Canada, and New Zealand? A Low population-growth rates B Primate urban systems C High infant-mortality rates D Membership in the European Union (EU) E More than ten percent of the population involved in sheep farming


Which of the following countries is the primary destination for guest workers from the Maghreb region of northern Africa? A France B Germany C Italy D Spain E United Kingdom


Which of the following developments is predicted by the von Thünen model of land use around cities? A Large-scale growing of flowers and vegetables in the Netherlands B Large-scale rubber plantations in Malaysia C Large-scale commercial fishing in Japan D Extensive cattle raising in northern France E Very large dairy farms in Utah and southern Idaho


Which of the following environmental problems is most associated with the African Sahel? A Desertification B Deforestation C Air pollution D Flooding E Water pollution


Which of the following is a subsistence crop? A Corn B Cotton C Rubber D Cocoa E Timber


Which of the following is the most often cited environmental benefit of the eat-local movement? A Less fossil fuel is used in transporting food to market. B Fewer pesticides are used by farmers. C Less topsoil is lost to wind and water erosion. D There is less demand for chemical fertilizers. E It helps local and regional economies.


Which of the following is the primary reason for the rapid population growth in megacities throughout the developing world? A Interregional migration B A decline in the death rate C The natural increase rate D The decline in the dependency ratio E A decrease in the doubling time


Why are most South American population centers located at or near the coast? A The colonial economies were export-oriented. B The wars of independence damaged many inland cities. C Few Amerindian population centers were located on the coast. D Latin American armed forces have extensive plans for the defense of coastal sites. E The climate is generally warmer on the coast and cooler in the highlands.


Why is the traditional classification of agriculture as a primary economic activity a problem when considering the geography of agriculture? A Modern farmers are engaged in production, research, marketing, and some manufacturing of their products. B Agricultural employment is such a small fraction of the labor force in the industrialized countries that agriculture can no longer be thought of as a primary economic activity. C Unlike mining, forestry, and other primary activities, agriculture has not been affected by industrialization. D Traditional patterns of farming are disappearing. E Modern farmers use machinery.


A food assemblage that includes olives, pita bread, cheese, figs, lamb, and wine is most associated with which of the following? A Spain B Greece C Mexico D France E Russia


A straight line on a navigation map using the Mercator projection represents A the shortest distance between two points B a line of constant compass bearing C the distance from the prime meridian D the distance to the international date line E travel time between an origin and a destination


According to Carl Sauer, which of the following is true about plant domestication? A It originated in marginal areas with limited food resources. B It first occurred in diversified habitats with a variety of species. C It was developed by farmers who were starving and desperate for food. D It owes its origins to the domestication of animals. E It was at first dependent on irrigation.


According to the theory of environmental deter-minism, which of the following areas would have the most productive settlements? A Tropical regions B Temperate regions C Mountainous regions D Arctic regions E Arid regions


Agriculture practiced in California differs from forms practiced in other Mediterranean agricultural regions because in California A grapes are grown for wine production B farms use more irrigation C farms are smaller D farms rely on local labor E wheat is grown in the winter as a cover crop


During the winter months in North America, the primary source of fruits and vegetables found in grocery stores is A Uruguay B Chile C Nigeria D Philippines E Italy


Labor-intensive intertillage is often practiced in A the Canadian wheat belt B Southeast Asia C the Turkish highlands D the English countryside E New Zealand


Latitude and longitude may be used to determine which of the following characteristics of a place? A Its site features B Its absolute location C Its relative location D Its situation E Its elevation


Since the 1970s changes in the social roles, lifestyles, and employment patterns of women in Europe, Canada, and the United States have affected the overall population through which of the following? A Increased total fertility rates B Decreased total fertility rates C Increased death rates D Decreased death rates E Increased infant mortality rates


Swahili in East Africa and English in global commerce are examples of A pidgin languages B lingua franca C standard language D creole language E official language


The ability of a resource base to sustain a population is known as its A support ratio B carrying capacity C subsistence limit D basic employment E population pressure


The boundaries of congressional districts of the United States are A set according to a process developed by the writers of the United States Constitution B redrawn every ten years C redrawn whenever a member of Congress feels his or her constituency has changed D redrawn after every presidential election E drawn to cross over state boundaries


The clearing of tropical rain forest for agriculture frequently results in A long-term productive farmland B a shift to animal raising C an increase in the size of the ozone hole D better-managed commercial forests E large-scale immigration


The growth potential of alternative agricultural practices such as the growing of amaranth grain and the raising of deer, elk, emus, and buffalo for meat is limited because A the dietary laws in the United States are restrictive B the growers have not established an integrated commodity chain C the animals and grain are difficult to raise D it is impossible to domesticate new plants and animals E the high protein content of these meats and grains is thought to be unhealthy


The nineteenth-century emigration of a large number of Swedes from a particular region of Sweden to Isanti County, Minnesota, as a result of communications from friends and relatives who preceded them there is an example of A brain drain B chain migration C net migration D internal migration E counterurbanization


Twenty-four specific objects transmit complex radio codes, including time signals traveling at the speed of light. You can contact at least 4 of the 24 objects at any time of day or night. The technology described above allows the determination of which of the following? A The amount of detail that can be shown on a topographic map B Absolute location on the surface of Earth C The number of layers that can be accommodated in a geographic information system D Distances from radio transmission towers and subsidiary satellite dishes E The weather forecast for any area


Von Thünen emphasized which of the following factors in his model of agricultural land use? A Labor cost B Transportation cost C Fertilizer cost D Machinery cost E Seasonal fluctuations in prices of farm products


Which of the following is most likely to be used by a marketing firm seeking to map patterns of lifestyle characteristics in the United States? A States B Zip codes C Nonmetropolitan areas D Congressional districts E Counties


Which of the following profiles characterizes the population group that is the most likely to migrate? A Married, twenty-five years old B Single, twenty-five years old C Married, fifty years old D Single, fifty years old E Married, sixty-five years old


Which of the following regions had the smallest percentage of people living in urban areas at the end of the twentieth century? A Australia B South Asia C North America D Europe E South America


Women played a crucial role in the domestication of plants because they A were interested in varying the diets of their families B were engaged in collecting plant resources C were agile climbers on the hillsides of the Fertile Crescent D knew how to achieve control over their environment E traveled long distances from their home base


f four languages have similar words for numbers and the names of fish, but different names for a certain disease, what might be concluded about the time at which the disease first diffused? A The disease spread among a population that later divided and evolved into four different languages. B The population divided and evolved into the four different languages, and then the disease spread. C The disease spread to two different populations that later divided into two different languages. D The disease and language spread to four different regions at the same time at the same rate. E There can be no conclusions drawn about the initial diffusion of the disease based on language.


A formal culture region differs from other regions in that it A has a focal point or node B is one that people believe exists C has a selected feature or internal uniformity D does not contain gradations such as core, domain, and sphere E applies only to linguistic and religion regions


A formal region defines an area in which A a core dominates its surrounding hinterland B a transportation network links different types of land use C there is uniformity in one or more physical or human characteristics D there are significant geographic variations in physical or human characteristics E a unified government system has been established


A pilgrim to Varanasi (Benares) in India is most likely to be a A Christian B Jew C Hindu D Buddhist E Muslim


A student who lives in Minneapolis chooses to spend her spring break in Florida rather than in Jamaica because Florida is closer and the plane fare is cheaper. This type of decision-making best illustrates the concept of A human capital B time space compression C intervening opportunities D the rank size rule E central place theory


An ethnic neighborhood is best described as which of the following? A An involuntary community where people with similar values reside B A rural community where people with similar backgrounds are required to live C A voluntary urban community where people of similar origin reside D An area in the inner city where certain groups are forced to live E A city neighborhood that is undergoing population change due to immigration


Assuming a world population of 5,700,000,000 and an annual growth rate of 1.6 percent, how many people will be added to the world's population in the next year? A 912,000 B 9,120,000 C 91,200,000 D 912,000,000 E 9,120,000,000


Cities in India have a competitive advantage over cities in China as locations for international consumer services, such as call centers and bill processing. This advantage has its origins in which of the following? A Low levels of primary-level education in China B The Indian government's status as a neutral state in global political affairs C The English language legacy of British colonialism in India D Large amounts of mineral resources found in China used to manufacture goods for export E Chinese emigration to Southeast Asia in the 1800s and 1900s


Cultural landscape can be defined as A the types of art, music, dance, and theater practiced in a particular region B the ways that people in differing cultures perceive the environment C the forms superimposed on the physical environment by the activities of humans D the diversity of distinctive cultures within a particular geographic area E a particular area within a geographic region dedicated to cultural activities


During the first half of the twentieth century, which of the following facilitated the transportation of beef over long distances to global markets? A Commercial canning B Irradiation of food C Refrigerated ships D Airplanes E High-speed railroads


Genetic engineering of agricultural crops has primarily increased the productivity of modern farming by A converting annual plants to perennials, which do not require replanting B increasing the size of fruits and grains C increasing plants' drought resistance and resistance to pests D cutting the cost of bulk seeds during planting seasons E changing vegetable and fruit colors to suit consumer demands


In North America, which of the following frequently consumed items is most likely to be supplied by a trans-national corporation? A Milk B Water C Coffee D Electricity E Bread


Physiological population density differs from crude population density in that physiological density A examines only the population of cities, while crude density includes the population of cities and rural areas B is a measure of how density is perceived, while crude density is a measure of specific density C explains density in terms of people per arable square land unit, while crude density explains density in terms of people per total square land unit D explains the density of a single housing unit while crude density explains the density of a group of houses E is the number of people per housing unit, while crude density is the number of people per square mile


Production of agricultural products destined primarily for direct consumption by the producer rather than for market is called A plantation farming B hunting and gathering C subsistence agriculture D sedentary cultivation E shifting-field agriculture


Subsistence agriculture is always characterized by A double-cropping of specific grains B extensive use of the land C production only for family consumption D production only for trade E irrigation and inorganic fertilization


Subsistence agriculture is most common in which of the following regions? A Great Plains of the United States B Pampas of Argentina C Amazon Basin D The Outback of Australia E The Ruhr Valley of Germany


The measure of the average number of children who are born to women of childbearing age in the population is called the A actual birth rate B crude birth rate C total fertility rate D adjusted birth rate E net reproduction ratio


The term "cultural diffusion" refers to the A modification of Earth's surface by human actions B integration of behavioral traits within a group C spread of an idea or innovation from its source D relationship between human cultures and their physical environment E assimilation of a minority culture into the host society


Twenty-four specific objects transmit complex radio codes, including time signals traveling at the speed of light. You can contact at least 4 of the 24 objects at any time of day or night. The statement above refers to which of the following? A GIS stations B NTMs for chart use C GPS satellites D GNIS entries E TIR scanning systems


Which of the following areas has the greatest linguistic fragmentation? A Korea B Scandinavia C Caucasus D Argentina E Quebec


Which of the following best defines Carl Sauer's concept of cultural landscape? A It is the way people landscape their yards in different parts of the world. B It is the way houses of worship are built. C It is the outcome of interactions between humans and their natural environment. D It is a shared set of meanings and symbolic practices. E It is the human adaptation to Earth's physical environment.


Which of the following does NOT act as a centrifugal force for a state? A Uneven development B Substate nationalism C Linguistic homogeneity D A fragmented territorial base E A strong tradition of local governance


Which of the following is most accurate with regard to food preferences and taboos? A Food preferences are stronger than taboos as seen by the high consumption of beef on the Deccan Plateau. B Food preferences and taboos have little influence on the diet in Arabia and Southeast Asia. C Some foods are avoided for religious or cultural reasons even at the expense of a balanced diet. D Food preferences and taboos show little variability between cultures. E Low hog production in China demonstrates an avoidance of pork by the Chinese.


Which of the following is the belief that one's own culture is the best or better than other cultures? A Ethos B Prejudice C Ethnocentrism D Stereotyping E Acculturation


Which of the following is true of popular culture? A It is practiced among a homogeneous group of people in the world. B It is more static than folk culture. C It incorporates traits that diffuse quickly to a wide variety of places. D It spreads primarily by relocation diffusion. E It promotes regional diversity.


Which of the following originated in South Asia and subsequently spread throughout much of Southeast and East Asia? A Hinduism B Christianity C Buddhism D Sikhism E Confucianism


Which of the following sets of maps would help explain how scale of inquiry affects truth? A Maps showing the area of France before and after surveying B Maps of Hudson Bay drawn by Native Americans and by the earliest European travelers C Maps showing Michigan's population density by counties and the United States population density by state D Maps showing the number of auto thefts per block in Seattle in the decades before and after the Depression E Maps of gang graffiti in Philadelphia


Which of the following statements best describes the impact of improvements in transportation systems on agriculture? A Local markets have become more important for dairy farmers. B Individual farms have become more diversified. C Corporate farms have gained a greater advantage over family farms. D Subsistence farmers are given great advantages. E Cuisines have become more regionalized.


Which statement best describes population growth patterns in the world today? A In the world as a whole, women have an average of five or more children, leading to Malthusian crises. B Fertility rates in low- and middle-income countries worldwide are higher now than 25 years ago. C In the world as a whole, fertility rates have fallen in the last 25 years. D In sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and the Pacific, fertility rates have doubled in the last 25 years. E Fertility rates in most high-income countries have risen in the last 25 years.


A country at the end of the demographic transition usually has which of the following? A High birth and low death rates B A high infant mortality rate C A high crude birth rate D Low birth and death rates E High population density


A country in the first stage of the demographic transition demonstrates which of the following? A An old population age structure B High birth rates, but low death rates C Low birth rates, low death rates, and low rates of population growth D High birth rates, high death rates, and low rates of population growth E High birth rates, high death rates, and high rates of population growth


Even though total fertility rates have been declining in some less-developed countries, the total population has continued to grow. This is primarily because a high percentage of the population is A female B male C over the age of 15 D under the age of 15 E receiving adequate medical care


In recent decades, all of the following have played a major role in the rapid growth of Sun Belt cities of the United States EXCEPT A immigration from Latin America B high levels of per capita federal spending in the South and West C cheap land and labor D climatic changes leading to colder northern winters E the increasing demand for retirement and resort centers


In the century after the arrival of Europeans, which of the following changes occurred to the indigenous population of the Americas? A It increased dramatically because of new trade routes and industries B It increased slowly with the introduction of new crops C It remained about the same, since very few Europeans actually moved there D It decreased dramatically with the introduction of new diseases E It decreased slowly due to increased competition for land


In which of the following countries is terracing LEAST likely to be used by farming groups to create additional space and minimize erosion on steep slopes? A Nepal B Peru C The Philippines D Niger E Greece


Indonesia is an example of which of the following types of states? A Prorupted B Perforated C Compact D Fragmented E Bifurcated


The "why of where" refers to A geography's emphasis on landscape features B spatial patterns on the landscape C a definition of geography that is simply locational D the idea that the explanation of a spatial pattern is crucial E the depiction of a region's physical features


The Malthusian view of the world argues that A the contemporary problem of famine in developing countries is a result of the colonial legacy B the problem of population growth is a result of economic underdevelopment C one way to solve population growth in developing countries is to reduce their foreign debt D famine in developing countries can be explained by examining their patterns of population growth E population growth is helpful to developing countries because it provides a larger rural workforce


Which of the following includes the world's earliest centers of plant domestication? A British Isles, Scandinavia, United States B Northeast Asia, Eastern Europe, South Africa C Australia, New Zealand, China D Southeast Asia, Mesoamerica, Middle East E Russia, China, Latin America


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Hinduism? A It uses human and animal images in its sacred spaces. B Pilgrims bathe in holy rivers. C Religious functions most likely take place at home within the family. D It is a universalizing religion. E Sacred places are established by tradition.


Which of the following is a term used in the study of place names? A Isonyms B Phenonyms C Acronyms D Toponyms E Loconyms


Which of the following is an example of an ethnic religion? A Islam B Mormonism C Buddhism D Judaism E Roman Catholicism


Which of the following is most characteristic of societies currently in the last stage of demographic transition? A Hyperinflation B Unemployment C Youth dependency D Aging population E Overpopulation


Which of the following is the best example of extensive land use in agriculture? A A cattle feedlot B A greenhouse C An egg-production facility D A sheep ranch E A backyard garden


Which of the following is the essential requirement of lowland rice production? A Cheap labor B Year-round growing season C Proximity to market D Abundant water E Alluvial soil


Which of the following pairs of agricultural types occupies the largest percentage of the world's total land area? A Plantation agriculture and specialized horticulture B Cattle ranching and Mediterranean agriculture C Wheat farming and dairying D Shifting cultivation and nomadic herding E Intensive rice cultivation and subsistence farming


Which of the following religions is appropriately matched with its region of origin? A Islam . . Egypt B Judaism . . Spain C Hinduism . . China D Buddhism . . India E Christianity . . Germany


All of the following statements about the geography of meat production in the United States and Canada are true EXCEPT A Industrial farmers are raising ever-increasing numbers of animals on their farms . B Animal slaughtering and meat-processing activities are dominated by a few large corporations . C The development of the poultry industry has made chicken the least expensive kind of meat consumed in the United States and Canada . D Fast-food restaurants have created a demand for increased standardization and homogeneity of animals raised for meat . E Consumer demand for organic foods has significantly decreased the amount of meat produced by most agribusiness firms .


All of the following twentieth-century migration streams were propelled by persecution or open conflict EXCEPT A Asians leaving Uganda B Kosovars leaving Yugoslavia C Tutsis leaving Rwanda D Hindus leaving Pakistan E Mexicans leaving Mexico


At some point in their recent history, all of the following countries became divided into two political entities as a result of cultural or ideological conflict EXCEPT A Korea B Vietnam C Germany D Ireland E Japan


Cultural landscape is closest in meaning to which of the following? A Cultural ecology B Nonmaterial culture C Environmental determinism D Physical environment E Built environment


Dramatic increases in global grain production since 1950 have been made possible by A substantial increases in the amount of land under cultivation B global warming C an increase in the urban workforce D an increase in the agricultural workforce E an increase in the use of energy and technology


In the first decade of the twenty-first century, which of the following countries had the lowest fertility rate? A Somalia B Niger C Angola D Democratic Republic of Congo E South Africa


In the nineteenth and early twentieth century, the demographic transition in Europe was best characterized by A a shift in the composition of national populations toward greater ethnic balance B a net population decline resulting from an excess of deaths over births C migration between European countries D large-scale population movements following periods of war or widespread civil unrest E urbanization and falling birth rates


In which of the following areas was wheat most probably domesticated earliest? A Southern Italy B Northern Libya C The plateau of central Mexico D Eastern China E Southeastern Turkey


In which of the following world regions has the Green Revolution had the least impact on agriculture? A East Asia B South Asia C Southeast Asia D Central America E Sub-Saharan Africa


Isolated farmsteads in the United States evolved as a result of all of the following EXCEPT A political stability B colonization by individual pioneer families C agricultural private enterprise D government land policy E physical barriers preventing communal farm practices


Sri Lanka and Australia have about the same population. What data would help you determine which country has a higher physiological population density? A The area of each country B The number of farmers in each country C The total fertility rate of each country D The amount of arid land in each country E The amount of arable land in each country


The Indo-European language family includes the major languages of Europe and those dominant in all the following regions EXCEPT A Russia B Northern India C Iran D Eastern and Southern Australia E Central Asia


The dependency ratio is most useful for indicating the A reliance of a country on imported fossil fuels B degree of gender equality within a country C relationship between the total fertility rate and the infant mortality rate D percentage of foreign ownership within the secondary sector of a country's economy E relationship between the potential labor force and the remainder of a country's population


The diffusion pattern of Walmart stores, which have spread from small towns to large cities throughout the United States, is an example of A relocation diffusion B contagious diffusion C stimulus diffusion D distance decay E reverse hierarchical diffusion


The spread of the use of chopsticks into Southeast Asian countries with the influx of Chinese immigrants is an example of which of the following concepts? A Stimulus diffusion B Hierarchical diffusion C Assimilation D Acculturation E Relocation diffusion


Transnational migrants often send money back to their home countries to support nonmigrant family members. What is the term used to describe their international financial transactions? A Reparations B Quotas C Foreign aid D Foreign direct investment E Remittances


Which of the following activities is most likely to be found in the outermost zone of von Thünen's model of agricultural land use? A Mixed farming B Subsistence farming C Specialty farming D Dairying and market gardening E Extensive grain or stock raising


Which of the following correctly lists the four major ancient culture hearths? A Central Asia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mesopotamia B Central Asia, India, Nile Valley, Southern Europe C Egypt, Mekong Valley, Middle East, Western Africa D Ethiopia, Ghana, Machu Picchu, Mongolia E Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, Nile Valley, North China


Which of the following correctly sequences the continuum from language family to dialect? A Afro-Asiatic, Semitic, Arabic, Berber B Sino-Tibetan, Sinitic, Mandarin, Chinese C Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, Hindi, Bengali D Indo-European, Baltic-Slavic, Russian, Ukranian E Indo-European, Germanic, English, Midland-Northern


Which of the following is a characteristic of shifting cultivation? A Dependency on irrigation B Sharecropping C Production of cash crops for export D Demand for wage laborers E Multicropping


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