Human Sexuality Chapter #7, 9. 10, 11 & 12

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What are the fertility awareness methods?

Fertility awareness methods are birth control methods that use the signs of cyclic fertility to prevent or plan contraception.

What is menarche?

First menstrual flow average age 12-13

What are friends with benefits? Page 194

Friends with benefits are sexual interactions between friends who do not define their relationship as romantic.

What is gender nonconformity?

Gender nonconformity is a lack of nonconformity to stereotypical masculine and feminine behaviors.

What are hook-ups?

Hook ups are short-term loveless sexual liasons that occur during a brief interval.

What is invitro fertilization (IVF)?

IVF are ovaries are stimulated by hormonal fertility drugs to produce multiple ova.

What is sexual heteroflexibility?

Individuals who are primarily heterosexual and have some degree of sexual interest in and/or experience with the same sex.

What is homoflexibility?

Individuals who are primarily homosexual and have some degree of sexual interest in and/or experience with the same sex.

What is Sternberg's Triangular theory of love?

3 types of love, passion, intimacy, and commitment, combinations result in infatuation , affectionate love, fatuous love and consummate love, his theory the strongest is consummate love has all 3.

What is the mucus method?

A birth control method based on determining the time of ovulation by means of cyclical changes of the cervical mucus.

What is the condom?

A condom is a sheath that fits over the erect penis. It is used fro protection against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

What is a diaphragm?

A dome-shaped latex cup with a flexible rim, barrier method is effective only when spermicide is used, it provides a physical barrier that kills sperm.

What is a fetus?

A fetus is what the name of the pregnancy after 8 weeks.

What is a gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)?

A gift is a procedure in which sperm and ovum are placed directly into a fallopian tube.

What is asexuality?

A lack of sexual attraction to either sex

What is a miscarriage?

A miscarriage occurs in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.

What is the mere exposure effect?

A phenomenon in which repeated exposure to novel stimuli tends to increase an individual's liking for such stimuli.

What is a stillbirth?

A stillbirth is a pregnancy that is lost after 25 weeks.

What are the health risks associated with teen pregnancies for the mother?

A teenage mother is more likely to have physical complications that a woman in her 20's, examples of health risks are: anemia, toxemia, hypertension, hermorrhage and even death.

What is a zygote?

A zygote is a single cell resulting from the union of sperm & egg cells. PP (united sperm cell and ovum)

What is depo-provera?

Also known as Depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA); it is a long-acting progestin that acts primarily by suppressing ovulation, provides effective birth control for 3 months when given as a single injection of 150 mg

What is an embryo?

An embryo is under 8 weeks in development in a pregnancy.

What is artificial insemination?

Artificial insemination is a medical procedure in which the semen is placed in a woman's vagina, cervix, or uterus.

What is companionate love?

Companionate love is less intense emotion than passionate love characterized by friendly attraction and deep attachment.

What is consummate love?

Consummate love is the fullest kind of love, which people often strive for but find difficult to achieve and sustain.

What is empty love?

Empty love is the presence of commitment without passion and intimacy it might exist in a long term static relationship.

What is a medical abortion?

Medical abortions are done before 7 to 8 weeks of pregnancy by blocking the hormone progesterone which cause the cervix to soften the lining of the uterus to break down and bleeding to begin.

What do medical abortions use?

Medical abortions use a pill instead of surgery to end a pregnancy. The pill is called RU486 or mifepristone.

What is a blastocyte?

Multicellular descendant of the united sperm and ovuum that implants on the wall of the uterus. PP Multiple cells that implant

What is non-coitus book?

Non-coitus according to the book is physical contact, including kissing, touching, and manual or oral-genital stimulation-but excluding coitus.

What is bisexuality?

Page 249 Chapter #9 sexual attraction to both men and women

What is passionate love?

Passionate love is also known as romantic love or infatuation, is a state of extreme absorption with and desire for one another.

Why do people fall in love?

People fall in love because of proximity, similarity, reciprocity and physical attractiveness.

What factors will cause early coitus?

Poverty, family conflict, parental lack of education and supervision, parental early substance abuse.

What is intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)?

Procedure in which a single sperm is injected in an egg.

What is non-coitus?

Sexology Any form of safe sexual activity that does not include vaginal penetration-eg, masturbation, frottage

What is sexual orientation?

Sexual orientation is sexual attraction to one's own sex (homosexual) to the other sex (heterosexual) or lack of sexual interest in both sexes (asexual).

What is the seduction myth?

Some people believe that young women and men become homosexual because they have been seduced by older homosexual people or because they have been "turned" on by someone else. Ex. a teacher well-liked and respected

What are the standard days method?

Standard days method is the newest approach to natural family planning. A birth control method that requires couples to avoid unprotected intercourse for a 12-day period in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Late coitus?

Strong religious beliefs, good grades, higher socioeconomic status, high quality parent child relationship and communication.

Risks associated for the babies of teen mothers?

Teen mothers often provide parenting at a lower quality than adult mothers do, dependent on social services, physical, cognitive and emotional problems, deficits in intellectual ability and school performance.

What is teratogenic?

Teratogenics cause birth defects for example alcohol and drugs these are examples of teratrogenics.

What is the Kinsey scale? and what does it show?

The Kinsey scale is a continuum of sexual orientation, based on both feelings of attraction and sexual behavior. Scale is from 0-6. Chapter 9 page 250

What is the by "default " myth?

The by "default" myth some people believe that unhappy heterosexual experiences cause a person to become homosexual.

What is the calendar method?

The calendar method also referred to as the "rhythm method," a woman estimates the calendar time during her cycle when she is ovulating and fertile.

Jealousy in relationships?

The jealousy prone person has low self esteem puts a high value on wealth and popularity, stifles relationship development, women more likely to acknowledge feelings of jealousy, men tend to focus more on sexual involvement with another.

What is the pill?

The pill there are four basic types they contain hormones of progestin and estrogen.

What are the primary causes of male and female infertility?

The primary causes of infertility in males and females are females: failure to ovulate regularly and males abnormal sperm count or too few sperm shape or motility. variocele.

What are types of abortions?

Types of abortions are: medical abortions done before 7-8 weeks in pregnancy, suction curettage done during 7-13 weeks, and D & E dilation and evacuation does during 13-21 weeks. The last type of abortion is 21-24 weeks and this is termed as a late term abortion and after 24 weeks it is considered illegal. At 25 weeks it is considered a viable human being.

Review sexual fluidity?

Variability in same-sex and other-sex attraction and involvement at different times and in different situations throughout the lifetime.

What is coitus?

another word for vaginal intercourse

What are secondary sex characteristics girls?

bodily differences, apart from the genitals, that distinguish biologically mature females and males.


breast buds, voice changes, genitals have pubic hair and underarms.


facial hair, voice deepens, genitals have pubic hair and underarms.

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