Hunters Ed chapters 5-9

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Three factors contribute to bacteria growth

1. Meat begins to spoil over 40 degrees 2. Moisture encourages bacteria growth 3. Dirt, use a tarp don't use the ground

________ should be worn at all times while climbing and using a tree stand

A full-body harness

When approaching downed game

Approach from behind, make sure it's not breathing,if the eyes are open and unresponsive to a stick, it's dead

Game care kit includes

Black pepper (repels insects.) , cheesecloth bags, cooler and ice, disposable plastic gloves

Which is a safety guideline for using an elevated stand?

Do not climb with anything in your hands or on your back

What should you do if the game is still alive

Finish it off with a shot to the base of the ear, bow hunters only can shoot in the lung heart area.

Types of elevated stands

Hang-on stands, Climbing stands, Ladder stands, Tower stands

Where should you shoot at a turkey with a FIREARM?

Head and neck,broadside

You are shooting a muzzleloader. A hang fire happens. What should you do?

Keep the gun pointed downrange

A common error when hunting birds with a shotgun is

Lowering the head and cheek to the stock

Where should you shoot at a deer with a FIREARM?

Lungs, broadside

Of the four standard rifle-firing positions, the steadiest one is the_____


What is the preferred angle for shooting big game like elk, deer, and bear.


________ does not make meat spoil


When handling game wear

disposable gloves then wash your hands and arms thoroughly

According to Aldo Leopold, ethical behavior is __________.

doing the right thing when no one is watching even if the wrong thing is legal

Always stand _______________ from where games expected route


To help steady the rifle when you're ready to shoot, draw a deep breath and-

exhale about half of it


rear end shot

When tagging a white-tailed deer you must _______

. cut out the correct month and day markings on the tag use a pen to write the name of the property and the county where you are hunting . complete the Harvest Log for White-tailed Deer found on the back of the license

what are the three questions you should ask yourself before taking a shot

Is it safe, is it legal, is it ethical?

Before you take any shoot ask yourself-

Is it safe? Is it legal? Is it ethical?

A sure fire way to ruin your meat is-

On the roof of your vehicle

When trailing game

Wait for at least 30 minute before trailing deer unless you can see it.

Understanding where the vital organs are located inside the animal you are hunting will help you ______.

aim at the right spot to shoot at for a quick, clean and ethical kill

All handguns should be fired at ___ length.


the essential components of an F.A.S are a full-body harness, a tether, and a suspension relief strap. Which is not an essential component to attach yourself to the tree?

climbing aids

Once the quarry is dead and you have completed all tagging and logging requirements you should begin

field dressing

Mark trail with

florescent orange flagging

To get a firearm into an elevated stand, a hunter should ___________.

haul up the unloaded firearm after you have secured yourself in the stand

A true sportsman not only brings game home but _________ the quarry

inflict the game the least amount of pain

The best anchor point for drawing a bow is

is determined through practice

responsible hunters

keep firearms to themselves when not hunting

In the ______ stage, success it determined by bagging the limit, which can cause hunters to take unsafe shots

limiting out stage

_______- is the process of placing the arrow shaft on the bows arrow rest and pulling the arrow back until the string snaps into the slot.


When field dressing

remove entrails, lowers temperatures

There are 6 stages of hunter development, in the_________________ stage, success is measured by total experience

sportsman stage

The proper technique for pulling the trigger when shooting a rifle is to

squeeze the trigger slowly

To bring respect to the sport of hunting

support organizations dedicated to improving habitat and management efforts

which shotgun shooting technique is best for beginning hunter and his preferred by pointing at a moving target and then moving fast past it and firing


To avoid suspension trauma, you should

use your suspension relief strap

If there is another animal behind the one you are hunting, the ethical thing to do is _______.

wait for the animals to move apart so the one you want is alone and gives you a clear, safe and ethical shot

A responsible hunter would NOT

waste meat and usable parts of harvest

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