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*All of the following are true regarding Trypanosoma Brucei Rhodesiense except:* *a.* Progresses slowly *b.* In some patients a large chancre or sore is present at the site of the tsetse bite *c.* After a few weeks of infection, the parasite invades the CNS *d.* Commonly called East African Sleeping Sickness


*Giardia Lamblia is transmitted by:* *a.* Fecally contaminated food and water *b.* Sexual contact w/ person harboring the trophozoite *c.* Via the female Anopheles mosquito when sporozoites are injected into the bloodstream *d.* None of the above


*In 1987, an estimated 13,000 cases of gastroenteritis were reported in a 2-month period in Carroll County, Georgia. Follow-up studies suggested that _______ caused as many as 54% of these cases.* *a.* Cryptosporidium Parvum *b.* Cyclospora Cayetanensis *c.* Babesia Microti *d.* Toxoplasma Gondii


*Nasogastric suction may be required for individuals infected by ______ b/c migrating adults exit by the nose, mouth, and anus.* *a.* Ascaris Lumbricoides *b.* Ancyclostoma Duodenale *c.* Ancyclostoma Canium *d.* Anisakis Marina


*The 2 Pathogenic gastrointestinal flagellates are:* *a.* Giardia Lamblia and Dientoamoeba Fragilis *b.* Naegleria Fowleri and Dientoamoeba Fragilis *c.* Entoamoeba Hystolytica and Naegleria Fowleri *d.* Entoamoeba Dispar is the only GI flagellate


*The Trypanosoma Cruzi amastigote:* *a.* Is the intracellular dividing form that can be found in macrophages *b.* Non-dividing form found int he reduviid bug *c.* Has a characteristic 'C' shape *d.* Has a large posterior kinetoplast *e.* Trypanosoma cruzi does not exist in the amastigote form


*The following type of protozoans are characterized by a large kidney-shaped macronucleus and small micro nucleus:* *a.* Ciliates *b.* Flagellates *c.* Pseudopods *d.* Pseudociliates


*The most deadly form of Visceral Leishmaniasis, also known as systemic Leishmaniasis or Kala-azar (Dum Dum fever) is caused by:* *a.* Leishmania Donovani *b.* Leishmania Braziliensis *c.* Leishmania Tropicana *d.* Leishmania Mexicana


*The parasite Naegleria Fowleri can exist in 3 distinct free-living forms:* *a.* Trophozoite, cyst, bi-flagellated *b.* Trophozoite, cyst, gametocyte *c.* Trymastigote, amastigote, epimastigote *d.* None of the above


*Trypanosoma Brucei is transmitted to humans by:* *a.* The Tsetse fly *b.* The female Anopheles mosquito *c.* The lxodes dammini tick *d.* Fecally contaminated water/food


*Which subspecies of Plasmodium Falciparum will cause physiological changes (aka knobby surface) to RBCs resulting in agglutination and lysis?* *a.* P. Falciparum *b.* P. Ovale *c.* P. Vivax *d.* P. Malariae *e.* P. Malariae and P. Falciparum


*Whipworm infection is caused by:* *a.* Trichuris Trichiura *b.* Enterobius Vermicularis *c.* Ascaris Lumbricoides *d.* Strongyloides Stercoralis


*________ can live in the muscle tissue of animals, and can be transmitted when consumed.* *a.* Trichinella Spirali *b.* Trichuris Trichiura *c.* Trichonoma Vaginalis *d.* Toxoplasma Gondii


* Which one of these flagellated parasites that is the most common intestinal parasite in the U.S., and its trophozoite is bilaterally symmetric w/ 2 anterior nuclei, 8 flagella, and a sucking disk cavity for attachment to the intestinal tract?* *a.* Leishmania Mexicana *b.* Giardia Lamblia *c.* Dientamoba Fragilis *d.* Leshmania Donovani


*All of the following are examples of asexual reproduction EXCEPT:* *a.* Multiple Fission *b.* Sporogony *c.* Multiple Fission *d.* Schizogony


*All of the following are true regarding Balantidium Coli except:* *a.* It is the largest protozoan parasite *b.* Primary natural habitat is the salivary glands of the mosquito vector *c.* Requires anaerobic conditions to grow *d.* Exists int he cyst and trophozoite stage


*During protozoan conjugation:* *a.* Two parent protozoans will exchange parts of their Macronuclei *b.* Two parent protozoans will exchange parts of the Micronuclei *c.* Divid by multiple fission *d.* Divid by binary fission *e.* Create an oocyst


*Ground itch is caused by: * *a.* Hemoflagellates in the bloodstream which induce a hypersensitivity reaction *b.* The larvae of hookworms in the epidermis that may die when too large *c.* The release of Plasmodium sporozoites by the Anopheles mosquito at the bite site *d.* None of the above


*Infection by ______ species leads to pear shaped trophozoites in RBC's forming a tetrad.* *a.* Plasmodium *b.* Babesia *c.* Leishmania *d.* Ancyclostoma


*All of the following have been defined as Neglected Parasitic Infections by the CDC in the US except:* *a.* Cysticercosis *b.* Chagas Disease *c.* Trichomoniasis *d.* Toxoplasmosis *e.* All of the above are defined as Neglected Parasitic Infections by the CDC


*The following are True regarding D. Fragilis, except:* *a.* The trophozoite has 2 nuclei connected by a division of spindle filament *b.* Moves by means of pseudopodia when seen in feces *c.* No observable flagella *d.* Classified as flagellate *e.* All of the above are True


*Which of the following statements regarding erythrocyte invasion of RBCs by Plasmodium are NOT true:* *a.* Merozoites escape liver cells and invade circulating RBCs *b.* Merozoites entering RBCs become trophozoites (also known as ring forms) *c.* Merozoites mature to the schizont stage in 36-72 hrs *d.* Each cycle induces a reaction called paroxysm *e.* All of the above are true


*A flagellated protozoan parasite possessing 4 anterior flagella and a fifth flagellum incorporated w/in the undulating membrane is:* *a.* Trichonomas Vaginalis *b.* Giardia Lamblia *c.* Dientoamoeba Fragilis *d.* Trypanosoma Cruzi


*A patient in your clinic has been experiencing stomach cramping, stomach pain, and loose stools. Upon further investigation, you find flask-shaped ulcerations in the intestinal wall of this patient whom is now experiencing bloody dysentery. These symptoms are a result of an infection by:* *a.* Entoamoeba Hystolytica *b.* Naegleria Fowleri *c.* Trichomonas Vaginalis *d.* Dientoamoeba Fragilis


*A white creamy worm looking helminth, capable of exiting theist through the nose, mouth, and anus.* *a.* Ascaris Lumbricoides *b.* Ancyclostoma Duodenale *c.* Anisakis Marina *d.* Anclystoma Canium


*Many protozoa are capable of encystation, wherein they develop into a resting stage called a cyst. The following are true regarding encystation and cysts except:* *a.* Encystation provides protections against adverse environmental changes *b.* Cysts are very active w/ high metabolic activity *c.* Cysts are sites of nuclear reorganization *d.* All of the above are true *e.* None of the above are true


*Outbreaks reported from 1995 - 1997 were associated w/ imported raspberries raised on farms in Guatemala. The causative agent of the outbreak was:* *a.* Cryptosporidium Parvum *b.* Cyclospora Cayetanensis *c.* Babesia Microti *d.* Toxoplasma Gondii


*Plasmodium is an obligate intracellular sporozoan that is spread by which of the following arthropods?* *a.* Tsetse fly *b.* Female anopheles mosquito *c.* Sand fly *d.* Reduviid bug


*The amoeba that enters into the nasal mucosa of human through diving in swimming pool or pond and causes primary amoebic meningoencephalitis is:* *a.* Entamoeba Coli *b.* Naegleria Fowleri *c.* Dientamoba Fragilis *d.* Entamoeba Histolytica


*Ticks, especially Lxodes Dammini in the northeastern US are the definitive hosts for the sporozoa of the ______ species.* *a.* Balantidium *b.* Babesia *c.* Plasmodium *d.* Leishmania


*A patient is experiencing gastrointestinal discomfort approx. 4 weeks after traveling to a subtropical region. After obtaining a specimen from your patient, you observe in the lab a parasite w/ ingested RBC's in the cytoplasm. This patient is infected with:* *a.* Plasmodium Falciparum *b.* Entoamoeba Dispar *c.* Entoamoeba Hystolytica *d.* Dientoamoeba Fragilis *e.* Giardia Lamblia


*A pregnant woman with infection with one of the following parasites has a great chance of transmitting the infection to her fetus:* *a.* Entamoeba Histolytica *b.* Leishmania Tropica *c.* Toxoplasma Gondii *d.* Balandidium Coli


*A protozoan parasite transmitted primary by sexual contact is:* *a.* Naegleria Fowleri *b.* Dientoamoeba Fragilis *c.* Trichomonas Vaginalis *d.* Giardia Lamblia


*All of the following are True regarding the morphology of the Giardia Lamblia trophozoite except:* *a.* Possesses 2 anterior nuclei *b.* Bilaterally symmetric *c.* Possesses 6 posterior flagella (8) *d.* Possesses a sucking disk concavity on the ventral side to facilitate attachment to the intestinal mucosa *e.* Giardia Lamblia does NOT exist in the trophozoite form


*Balantidium coli that causes infection in human's intestine uses ____ for movement.* *a.* Flagella *b.* Undulating membrane *c.* Cilia *d.* Pseudopodia


*Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis (infection of the oral and nasal cavity) is caused by what species of Leishmania?* *a.* Leishmania Mexicana and Tropicana *b.* Only Leishmania Tropicana *c.* Leishmania Braziliensis *d.* Leishmania Donovani


*Plasmodium Falciparum (most deadly plasmodium) causes severe hemolytic anemia b/c of invasion of ____.* *a.* Aged red blood cells *b.* Aged white blood cells *c.* Aged and immature red blood cells *d.* Immature red blood cells


*Strongyloides Stercoralis can be difficult to treat due to:* *a.* The parasite laying dormant in the muscle tissue of their hosts *b.* The induction of multiple paroxysm during the extraerythrocytic cycle *c.* The adult female is parthenogenic, causing auto-reinfection in the same host *d.* The parasite is sequestered in the liver


*The following can infect most mammals, but only reproduces sexually in cats:* *a.* Balantidium Coli *b.* Cyclospora Cayetanensis *c.* Toxoplasma Gondii *d.* Cryptosporidium Parvum


*The most common intestinal round worm that is the most common intestinal worm infection in children is?* *a.* Ascaris Lumbricoids (round worm) *b.* Trichuris Trichiura (whip worm) *c.* Enterobius Vermicularis (pin worm) *d.* Necator Americanus (hook worm)


*Zoonosis refers to:* *a.* The transmission of infections by insects (ex. Tsetse fly, reduviid bug) *b.* Outbreaks of parasitic diseases the natural habitat of mammals *c.* Accidental infections in humans by parasites that usually have animals as their hosts *d.* B and C


*Adaptive immunity is:* *a.* An immediate response w/ limited and low potency *b.* Has no memory *c.* Includes physical and chemical barriers *d.* Slower response (1 - 2 weeks)


*All of the following are examples of asexual reproduction except:* *a.* Sporogony *b.* Multiple Fission *c.* Conjugation *d.* A and C


*Chagas disease is transmitted by:* *a.* Female Anopheles mosquito *b.* Hookworm *c.* Tsetse Fly (Sand fly) *d.* Reduviid bug (Triatoma bug)


*The 2nd stage of the clinical course of Trypanosoma Brucei is characterized by:* *a.* The presence of the parasite in the peripheral circulation, but not yet in the CNS *b.* Migration of the parasite along the olfactory nerves leading to infection of the brain *c.* Lung invasion as a result of erosion of liver abscesses *d.* Infection of the CNS after the parasite crosses the blood brain barrier *e.* Presence of flask-shaped ulcerations in the intestinal wall


*Transmission of which organism(s) can occur by ingestion of undercooked meat?* *a.* Trichuris trichuria *b.* Toxoplasma gondii *c.* Trichinella spiralis *d.* B and C


*Which of the following is TRUE regarding immunoglobulin structure?* *a.* Immunoglobulins (Ig) contain 6 polypeptide chains: 4 heavy chains and 2 identical light chains *b.* The hinge region is a flexible nucleic acid stretch in the central part of an immunoglobulin that links light chains together by Hydrogen bonds *c.* Each immunoglobulin monomer contains 8 antigen-binding sites and is said to be poly-valent. *d.* Each light chain consists of one variable region and one constant region. *e.* All of the above


*Which of the following is TRUE regarding the cyst stage?* *a.* Makes protozoa susceptible to adverse changes in the environment *b.* Lower levels of cell division *c.* Non-infective. Can not be transferred to hosts *d.* None of the above


*Which of the following regarding the structure/ morphology of Trichomonas vaginalis is TRUE.* *a.* Possesses a sucking disk concavity on the ventral side to assist with attachment to the mucosa. *b.* Often classified as a pseudocyst due to the fact that it possesses no observables flagella. *c.* The trophozoite has two nuclei connected by a division spindle filament. *d.* Can be identified by it's 4 anterior flagella and fifth flagellum that is incorporated within the undulating membrane.


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