Age of Reformation Exam 1

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The belief that the world will soon come to an end; this belief usually includes the notion of a great battle, final judgment, and reward of the good.


The buying/selling of Church offices

Papal monarchy

The enormous power of the Pope, both religious (papal) and political (monarchy). - "hard" power: a lot of money and land - "soft" power: ability to excommunicate

Marburg Colloquy

The meeting of Luther and Zwingli to unite their two movements. - Failed over the issue of communion: -- Zwingli: substantiation: Bread and Wine = merely symbolic (substantiation) -- Luther could not go that far. (consubstantiation) agree to kill anabaptists (who do not believe in infant baptism)

Great Schism

The official split between the Roman Catholic and Byzantine churches, result of multiple popes


The trend in Protestant Christianity that stresses salvation through conversion, repentance of sin, and adherence to scripture; it also stresses the importance of preaching over ritual.

Sixty Seven Articles

Thesis of Ulrich Zwingli against indulgences, celibacy, fasting, monasticism, etc. - Clearer and stronger than 95 - overly political

Charles V

This was the Holy Roman Emperor that called for the Diet of Worms. He was a supporter of Catholicism. Had other problems besides luther such as the ottomans


Top university in Europe

Treasury of Merit

Treasury of "extra" good works of the saints/Mary/Apostles/Christ who did not need all of accumulated grace. - The pope could draw from this treasury and dispense excess merits to a repentant sinner in the form of an indulgence

Peace of Augsburg

Treaty between Charles V and the German Protestant princes that granted legal recognition of Lutheranism in Germany. - first permanent legal basis for coexistence of Luth and Cath in Germany 1. Every prince/king of state chooses Cath/Luth as official religion of land 2. If bishop turns Catholic → Lutheran, must give up possessions 3. Individuals may travel to another place if their religion diff from official religion RESULT--> Weakens Holy Roman Emperor and Germany's ability to unite


Wealthy ppl holding multiple church positions/bishop ranks bc gives power & wealth; not fulfilling all responsibilities.


a period of 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday. Cant eat meat, drink in excess, have sex. Was dangerously close to being a work.


aristocratic Italian family of powerful merchants and bankers who ruled Florence in the 15th century. Pope Leo X is a medici

St Dominic

established an order which combined the rule of poverty and the practice of mendicancy with careful study and informed preaching

Priesthood of believers

everyone is a "priest," no need for a mediator between believer and God - everyone should have easy access

Swiss guard

personal guards of the Pope


soldiers hired to serve in another country's army - Swiss = the preeminent mercenaries of the Middle Ages (Zwingli heavily against this) - Pikemen w a reputation of ferocity and tenacity - Patriotism in this... problem: --Not a great export --What happens when hired by diff sides? - Eventually became less popular, Switzerland began having position of armed neutrality


state in Germany, led by Prince Frederick.


succeeded the Tudor dynasty


the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.

Thomas a Kempis

wrote the Imitation of Christ - bestseller, most popular devo of this period - rejection of formal learning, wealth. - renounces free will

Exsurge Domine

"Arise, O lord". The papal bull issued by Leo X condemning Luther but also inviting him to the church. Recant or get excommunicated. Gets excommunicated


"bad air", belief of how black death spread

Beggers/Luther's thoughts

"blessed be the poor" (excuse to be a begger) - Luther vehemently against this since Catholics use charity as a work - also against usury - wants to provide dowries (political and social implications of Lutheranism)


- At some pt, 25% of books sold in Europe are written by him - Translated the new testament and finds diff between the true version and Church version "Praise of the Folly" - Argues for moral change within Church - Believes in free will

Church: an institution in crisis

- Cult of Saints - Hell - Witchcraft - Astrology

Jan Hus

- Early reformer from Bohemia - Scripture > Church power Invited by council to speak, promised safe passage Burned at stake

John Wycliffe

- English theologian from Oxford - Scripture alone - Translated the bible to English - Attacked transubstantiation, Christ cannot be bread since bread ROTS - Suggests existence of Predestination - Long after death... put on trial for heresy, bones dug up and burned

Johann Tetzel

- German clergyman: idea to eliminate middle man - Instead of earning, just buy indulgences and relics - Preached abt hell and drew from fear - only indulgences can get someone out

Martin Luther

- German monk - able to go to college, wants to be Humanist, attacks Scholasticism - thunderstorm, becomes a priest

Frederick the Wise

- Martin Luther's prince who gave him a place to hide after he was declared an outlaw - Banned selling of indulgences on his land

Tenets of Christianity

- Nicene Creed - Scripture & tradition - Mass (transubstantiation) - Sacraments (7) - Apostolic succession - Judgment and the afterlife


- Pilgrimage - Praying to saints - Relics

Peasant Wars

- Revolt in Germany where the peasants rebelled alongside the new Protestant thought - Luther sympathized but condemned - Viciously quashed and the public appeal to the Reformation substantially decreased


- Swiss religious and social reformer who led the Swiss reformation, rejected papal authority. Believed in consubstantiation, died in battle. 1. Believes in Clerical Marriage 2. Adult baptism is punishable by death 3. Eucharist is only symbolic, christ aint there

Zwingli vs. Luther

- more political vs safer - against Cantons vs. Catholic Church - support of Zurich town council vs. Frederick of Saxony


- not v pious - sola fide - rejection of works/indulgences - sola scriptura - rejection of purgatory - vernacular - personal relationship w God - clerical marriage - only 2 sacraments - priesthood of believers

Johann Eck

- og friend of Luther - went against 95 Theses - Leipzig debate against Luther - prepared papal bull that led to Luther's excommunication

Affair of the Sausages

- sparked the Swiss Reformation - Zwingli and his other staff workers trying to print pages of his sermon went to eat sausages during lent - Zwingli defended sausage-eaters: --- It doesn't say in the NT that it's sinful --- Food is not a work and should not defile you

What are the seven Sacraments?

1) Baptism: removes original sin in order to get to Heaven (dealbreaker here) 2) Eucharist: bread and wine => body and blood 3) Confirmation 4) Reconciliation 5) Anointing of the sick 6) Marriage 7) Holy orders

Black Death

1348, A deadly plague that swept through Europe, killed 1/3 population. Ppl's responses: - God's punishment - Jewish ppl at fault - Book of Rev coming true Church's response: - abuse, neglect, no direction/communication - Pope kept safe in France

95 Theses

95 statements about confession, indulgences, and money in the Church - started as a whistle blower letter to archbishop - discussion board of scholars ('nailed') - pamphlet, dispersed for cheap in German


A Renaissance intellectual movement in which thinkers studied classical texts and focused on human potential and achievements. Call out church for their sloppy latin - ppl wanna go back to og manuscripts


A city in northern Germany, where Luther drew up his 95 theses.

Common Chest

A common chest in the city of Wittenberg was an early form of social welfare. It was used to curb begging, help poor, and take away the work of charity

Protestant Reformation

A religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church - 1517 (95 Theses) to 1555 (Peace of Augsburg)

Omnia sunt communia

All goods are communal (and you should take from it what you need) - Muntzer's belief

Apostolic succession

An unbroken line of priestly power and authority originating from Christ and handed down from the apostles to the present through their successors, the bishops. - Present Pope traces backwards to Christ this way - Gives bishops authority


Argues 1. Go back to og Latin (classical) 2. Vernacular languages are legitimate

Memento Mori

Art/an object serving as a warning or reminder of death, reflected the ppl's fascination w death

Diet of Worms

Assembly of the estates of the empire, called by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1521. - Luther was ordered to recant but he refused - Charles V declared Luther an outlaw.


Belief that a general council of the Church should have greater authority than the pope, and may, if necessary, depose him

Imitation of Christ

Book by Thomas a Kempis, Christians urged to take Christ as their model and seek perfection in a simple way of life.

Harrowing of Hell

Christ's descent into hell to free the just souls and take them to heaven during the 3 days he was dead. Took out ppl like moses (good ppl alive before jesus birth)


City in switzerland strongly influenced by Zwingli

Council of Constance

Council in 1414-1418 that succeeded in ending the Great Schism


Day before lent, eat meat, get drunk, have sex.

Hundred Years War

England vs. France; France won; Joan of Arc unified France

Wars of the Roses

English civil war for the crown between the York (white rose) and Lancaster (red rose) families


English royal family, dynasty founded by Henry VII; includes some of England's most influential monarchs; Elizabeth

Donation of Constantine

Forged document supposedly written by Constantine the Great. - was written so Papacy could claim wealth, power, land, civil authority

Geert de Groote

Founded/writes book abt living a life of Devotio Moderna. - Focused on Christian character: humility, tolerance, reverence - Personal and direct connection to God, less institutional - Against medicine


Founder of Humanism, believes that vernacular should be the new thing to follow - wrote letter to dead guy

Wurtberg Castle

Fredrick the Wise's castle. Luther is "kidnapped" from the diet of worms and taken here for protection. He then translates the bible to the German vernacular


German princely family who ruled in alliance with the Holy Roman Empire and controlled most of Central Europe (Charles V)


Humanist monk, wrote "Gargantua" - satire abt how ppl should focus less on education

Thomas Aquinas

Introduces scholasticism, reconciles faith and reason. "Reason can be used to demonstrate matters of the faith. When faith and reason collide then faith wins".

St. Francis of Assisi

Italian saint - most popular saint of Middle Ages - willingly gave up comfort/riches to travel and preach - provided popular view of Christianity: no money and no power, opposite of Church - but never threatens Pope or Church, so Church ELEVATES him

Lorenzo Valla

Linguist, figures out the famous forgery: "Donation of Constantine" -- used words that didn't exist in the 4th Century

Holy Roman Empire

Loose federation of mostly German states and principalities, headed by an emperor elected by the princes. It lasted from 962 to 1806.

Luther at Augsburg

Luther goes on trial, disagrees with bishop, on the verge of becoming a wanted man. Luther escapes, was supposed to be arrested and sent to Rome.


Luther's belief that the bread and wine is not changed but that Christ is present in spirit only

Augsburg Confession

Lutherans come together and make a definitive statement and beliefs about their faith

Leipzig Disputation

Martin Luther vs. Johann Eck (representative for the Catholic Church). - Debated papal authority. Luther doesn't believe in purgatory, indulgences, penance. SOLA SCIPTURA

Devotio Moderna

Movement, brethren of the common life - Founded by Groote - Emphasized education, copying manuscripts, material simplicity, and individual faith - Sidesteps Church


Philosophical/theological system that tried to reconcile faith and reason -- but when they collide, faith wins. "Reason is helpful to faith, but faith wins when reason cannot explain"


Physical objects connected to saints or the Christian story - validate ppl's beliefs, esp in illiterate communities - provide feeling of protection and physical connection


Place of temporary punishment in between heaven and hell, people who do not deserve hell, but do not qualify for heaven. Can be brought out by family still on earth


Plenary: eliminates all until another sin is committed Partial: reduces purgatorial time

Avignon Papacy

Pope forcibly moved from Rome to Avignon. - Puppet pope, false prophet, antichrist - command of King, Pope did not have absolute power - Rome made their own Pope

Leo X

Pope who excommunicated Martin Luther


Ppl w/ power or influence giving favor relatives or friends - Bishop roles: a lot of Uncle to Nephew passing down

Cult of Saints

Pray to saints who then relay the message to god, borderline paganistic

Thomas Muntzer

Radical German Anabaptist theologian - Rebel leader during Peasants War - Takes Luther's ideas and brings them much farther left - Protomarxist - takes sola scriptura to a violent level


Reject materialism, poverty is good, lifestyle based on poverty and begging.

Twelve Articles (of the Swabian Peasants)

Representatives of peasants met and made these articles expressing their anger - blamed religious lords - complained abt poor treatment from nobles and heavy taxes - solution, like Democratic Socialism: means of production are socially and collectively owned or controlled, alongside a liberal democratic political system of government

Lay Piety

Shift towards individualism in faith- a way for a layperson to exhibit piety by following Jesus, - rejection of Church as the only way to reach God

Archbishop Albercht

Super Corrupt bishop who received the first incarnation of the 95 Theses. Blew it off cuz he thought the pope didnt need to see this "minor problem"

Swiss Cantons

Swiss provinces that assert universal manhood voting, legal equality, civil liberties, first country to do so

Little Ice Age

Temp drop - made everything harder for peasants, low crops, high diseases, led way for black death

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