Informatics Module 9

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When must schools notify parents and eligible students of their rights under FERPA?


What does fidelity mean?

Be faithful to commitment

What is risks and benefits in relation to an RBJ?


Protection of patient and health safety in an RBJ is?


What does relationships with patients fall under in an RBJ?

Beneficience because you're trying to bring the patient back to health; it could also be considered justice

The actual means of notification of FERPA rights is left to the discretion of each school and can be done so how?

- special letter - inclusion in a PTA - bulletin - student handbook - newspaper article

What is privacy in relation to an RBJ?


What are the three elements of HIPPA?

- Strictly enforces patient privacy - Confidentiality - Pt can review EHR

What else can schools disclose without consent?

- directory information such as - name - address - telephone numer - date - place of birth - honors - awards - date of attendance

Nurses can trash other hospitals on social media? T/F


What is FERPA?

Gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students."

What is the selection of subjects in related to an RBJ?


Can a nursing student look up EHR of a patient from a different floor?


Can hospital personnel talk to others about the patient if they are not involved in their care?


Are schools required to provide copies of records?

NO unless for reasons such as great distance, schools may charge a fee for copies

According to FERPA can a teacher talk about a student in the lunch room to another faculty not associated with the course?

NO, we are held by legal law unless it is with dean or directly associated with student

What is HIPPA for?




What is randomization in relation to RBJ?


What does Human dignity fall under in an RBJ?


What does right to self-determination fall under in an RBJ?


What is autonomy related to an RBJ?


What is non-maleficence/ do no harm in relation to RBJ?


What does Beneficience mean in an RBJ?

Risks and benefits; to minimize risk

What does Respect stand for in an RBJ?

Self-determination, allow them to choose what's going to happen, informed consent and privacy

What is FERPA for?

Students (held by same standards as HIPPA)

Nuremburg code is?

The voluntary consent of the human subject

What happens if a schools records are inaccurate and they decide not to amend the record what can the parent or eligible student do?

They have a right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested info.

Who are the values of an institution?

WE are

Can a patient review their own medical record?


Can parents or eligible students inspect and review the education records maintained by the school?


Do healthcare professionals need to keep PHI private?


Do parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading?


Does FERPA allow schools to disclose records, without consent, to accrediting organizations?


Does FERPA allow schools to disclose records, without consent, to appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies?


Does FERPA allow schools to disclose records, without consent, to appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student?


Does FERPA allow schools to disclose records, without consent, to comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena?


Does FERPA allow schools to disclose records, without consent, to organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school?


Does FERPA allow schools to disclose records, without consent, to other schools to which student a student is transferring?


Does FERPA allow schools to disclose records, without consent, to school officials with legitimate educational interest?


Does FERPA allow schools to disclose records, without consent, to specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes?


Does FERPA allow schools to disclose records, without consent, to state and local authorities; within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law?


If students want to see their record, can they?


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