Inquizitive 13

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Texas annexation was not at the forefront of American politics until President John Tyler used it as a rallying cry for his bid for reelection in 1844. Identify the statements that describe the reactions of the nation to the annexation of Texas.

Correct Answer(s) Henry Clay and Martin Van Buren, the prospective presidential candidates from both the Whig and Democratic parties, met and agreed to reject the immediate annexation of Texas on the grounds it might lead to war with Mexico -A letter by Secretary of State John C. Calhoun to President Tyler was leaked to the press and linked the idea of absorbing Texas directly to the goal of strengthening slavery in the United States

By 1856, the Republican Party was a coalition of antislavery Democrats, northern Whigs, Free Soilers, and Know-Nothings. The Republicans were a mixed group, but they all opposed the further expansion of slavery and quickly rose as the major alternative to the Democratic Party throughout the North. What was the Republican Party's platform and beliefs regarding slavery?

Correct Answer(s) Republicans believed that "the Slave Power," the proslavery political leadership of the South, posed a greater danger to American liberty and aspirations than immigrants and Catholicism. "Free labor" northern society offered opportunity to move up in life by allowing the laborer to move up to the status of landowner or craftsman. Slavery spawned a social order only consisting of degraded slaves, poor whites with no hope of advancement, and idle aristocrats. Incorrect Answer(s) Republicans believed slavery should be allowed to expand westward.

In 1846, Congressman David Wilmot of Pennsylvania proposed a resolution that came to be known as the Wilmot Proviso. Identify the statements that describe the Wilmot Proviso.

Correct Answer(s) The failure of the Wilmot Proviso led to the creation of the Free Soil Party, which opposed the expansion of slavery. It proposed that slavery be prohibited in the territories acquired from Mexico. Incorrect Answer(s) The success of the Wilmot Proviso in both houses of Congress showed that the antislavery movement was gaining ground among the Southern elite. The Wilmot Proviso destroyed the credibility of the Free Soil Party.

What does the map reveal about continual expansion through 1853?

Correct answers: -Florida was purchased in 1819. It became a territory of the United States in 1822 and a state by 1845. Northern Maine was acquired from Great Britain in 1842 -The territory of Texas extended beyond the contemporary state boundaries into present-day New Mexico and Colorado when it was annexed in 1845 -Northern Maine was acquired from Great Britain in 1842.

Senator Stephen Douglas hoped to apply the principle of popular sovereignty to the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Identify what "popular sovereignty" means and how it was used in Douglas's reasoning.

Correct answers: -Popular sovereignty is the principle that people should rule, and as such the status of slavery should be determined by the votes of local settlers and not Congress -Popular sovereignty was seen as a political middle ground on the issue of slavery.

The Republican Party of the 1850s stood for "free labor" and "free soil." Which of the following statements describe the Republican stance on slavery and labor?

Correct answers: -Republicans acknowledged that it was difficult for some white northern laborers to improve their lives and promised to help create more opportunities for them -Republicans were not abolitionists; they focused on preventing the spread of slavery, not attacking it where it already existed

Slavery had a disruptive impact on the traditional political parties and immediately caused political transformation in the mid-1850s. Identify the economic and social changes that led to the rise of the Republican Party.

Correct answers: -industrial economy -completion of the market revolution and industrialization -mass immigration from Europe

As the Union unraveled, most political leaders sought for possible solutions to resolve the crisis. Among them, Senator John J. Crittenden of Kentucky offered a widely supported compromise plan. Identify the elements of Crittenden's plan to save the Union.

It guaranteed slavery in states where it already existed. It would extend the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific, dividing territory "now held, or hereafter acquired" between slavery and free soil states.

How were the outcomes of the gold rushes in California and Australia similar

Not outcome of the gold rush: -Immigrant populations were able to improve their social standing because of the wealth acquired quickly during these gold rushes Outcomes of the gold rush: -The diverse populations of gold rush towns resulted in racial tensions. -They led to the massive influx of people from all over the world to Australia and California Outcome of the gold rush

The Republican Party of the 1850s stood for "free labor" and "free soil." Which of the following statements describe the Republican stance on slavery and labor?

Republicans were not abolitionists; they focused on preventing the spread of slavery, not attacking it where it already existed. Republicans acknowledged that it was difficult for some white northern laborers to improve their lives and promised to help create more opportunities for them.

By 1856, the Republican Party was a coalition of antislavery Democrats, northern Whigs, Free Soilers, and Know-Nothings. The Republicans were a mixed group, but they all opposed the further expansion of slavery and quickly rose as the major alternative to the Democratic Party throughout the North. What was the Republican Party's platform and beliefs regarding slavery?

Slavery spawned a social order only consisting of degraded slaves, poor whites with no hope of advancement, and idle aristocrats. "Free labor" northern society offered opportunity to move up in life by allowing the laborer to move up to the status of landowner or craftsman. Republicans believed that "the Slave Power," the proslavery political leadership of the South, posed a greater danger to American liberty and aspirations than immigrants and Catholicism.

How did the Confederate States of America's constitution differ from the Constitution of the United States of America?

The Confederate constitution explicitly guaranteed slave property in both the states and in any newly acquired territory.

In 1836, Texas won its independence from Mexico. Texas joined the United States as a slave state in 1845.


The Know-Nothing Party believed that only native-born Americans should hold office and the "aggression" of the Catholic Church needed to be halted


When John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry failed and he was tried for treason, his last words before he was executed on December 2, 1859, were, "I . . . am quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood." What did his quotation foreshadow?

civil war

Slavery had a disruptive impact on the traditional political parties and immediately caused political transformation in the mid-1850s. Identify the economic and social changes that led to the rise of the Republican Party.

completion of the market revolution and industrialization mass immigration from Europe industrial economy

Identify the arguments made by these American political figures during the Great Debate that led to the Compromise of 1850

wanted to abandon the Wilmot Proviso if it meant sectional peace - Daniel Webster rejected any idea of compromise on slavery -John C. Calhoun argued that a "higher law" than the Constitution—the law of morality—condemned slavery, and so southerners had no right to claim that abolition was a violation of their constitutional rights -William H. Seward

Identify the arguments made by these American political figures during the Great Debate that led to the Compromise of 1850.

wanted to abandon the Wilmot Proviso if it meant sectional peace Correct label: Daniel Webster argued that a "higher law" than the Constitution—the law of morality—condemned slavery, and so southerners had no right to claim that abolition was a violation of their constitutional rights Correct label: William H. Seward rejected any idea of compromise on slavery Correct label: John C. Calhoun

Ralph Waldo Emerson predicted what the future of the United States would look like if the country tried to take over part of Mexico. Which of the following quotes resonates with his ideas?

It will be as the man who swallows arsenic . . . Mexico will poison us.

Read this excerpt from the Lincoln-Douglas debates.

Lincoln believed that the United States needed to serve as a model for the world to ensure that all men could find homes and improve their lives.

Before Lincoln assumed office on March 4, 1861, seven northern states had formed the Confederate States of America, adopted a constitution, and chosen a new president.


The first part of Mexico to be settled by large numbers of Americans was Tijuana.


In 1850, California applied to join the Union as a free state. This resulted in a crisis that led to the Compromise of 1850.


Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing the Dred Scott decision.

1. illegal 2. free soil 3. only whites 4.unconstitutional 5.restricting

The Know-Nothing Party swept the 1854 state elections. Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing the Know-Nothing Party's political stance on immigration

1.antislavery 2. Catholics 3.temperance 4.white

What does this map reveal about the U.S. railroad network in the 1850s?

The North had the highest concentration of railroad mileage in the United States -Four trunk lines linked eastern industrial centers with western farming and commercial centers.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was so controversial that in the North the Democratic Party split into two camps during the election of 1858 (pro-Douglas and pro-Buchanan) and ran two candidates against the Republican contender.


Identify the statements that describe the impacts of the Gold Rush and the Civil War on the Native American population of California.

-By the end of the Civil War, the Indian population had been reduced from 150,000 to only 30,000 -Some 20,000 Indians in California worked in Catholic missions in virtual slavery, and after these missions were dismantled they gained little freedom.

The Compromise of 1850 removed the slavery question from congressional debate. Yet, the new Fugitive Slave Act made further controversy inevitable. Which of the following provisions of the Fugitive Slave Act proved controversial?

-Fugitive slaves who were apprehended in the North were now subject to federal commissions that decided their fate outside the control of local and state laws. -The Fugitive Slave Act now prohibited state and local governments from intervening on behalf of fugitive slaves within their jurisdictions.

Why does Lincoln believe the nation cannot exist forever half slave and half free?

-Lincoln believed that the United States needed to serve as a model for the world to ensure that all men could find homes and improve their lives

identify the statements that describe the results of the election of 1860.

-The Constitutional Union Party, which was quickly organized prior to the election, managed to come in third in both popular votes and electoral college votes -Stephen Douglas, running as a northern Democrat, won the second-largest share of the popular vote -Southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge carried most of the South with 18 percent of the popular vote.

In what ways do the painting and engraving provide different viewpoints of the nation on the verge of civil war?

-The painting of the three women represents a harmonious balance between two very different regions—the North and the South -The engraving of the rally in Savannah shows an uncompromising southern crowd demanding rights for their slave state.

What arguments did southerners advocating secession from the Union put forth?

-They were concerned that Republicans would extend their party into the South by appealing to non-slaveholders -They were concerned about a Republican-dominated government and what it would mean for the South.

John Brown raided the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, in the hopes of starting a slave revolt. Brown became a public figure and conducted himself with great courage and dignity, winning admiration even from those who opposed his violent deeds. Which of the following statements about John Brown are true?

Brown was executed by the state of Virginia. During the Kansas civil war, Brown murdered five proslavery settlers at Pottawatomie Creek in revenge for the attack on free soil. Brown's force that attacked Harper's Ferry on October 16, 1859, numbered only twenty-one men, five of whom were black.

The Free Soil Party wanted to stop the expansion of slavery into the West. Identify the reasons people supported the Free Soil Party platform.

Correct Answer(s) -Northerners saw moving West as a form of economic betterment, so if the Free Soil Party blocked slavery's expansion, ordinary Americans wouldn't have to compete with plantations to have access to the land. -The Free Soil platform appealed to racist thinking in the North as it did not include emancipation or equal rights -the Free Soil Party would create more free states, which would break southern domination of the federal government.

Which of the following events that took place between 1855 and 1856 helped fuel the rise of the Republican Party?

Correct Answer(s) -Stephen Douglas's policy of "popular sovereignty" was discredited by "Bleeding Kansas." the brutal caning of Charles Sumner

John Brown raided the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, in the hopes of starting a slave revolt. Brown became a public figure and conducted himself with great courage and dignity, winning admiration even from those who opposed his violent deeds. Which of the following statements about John Brown are true?

Correct Answer(s) Brown's force that attacked Harper's Ferry on October 16, 1859, numbered only twenty-one men, five of whom were black. Brown was executed by the state of Virginia. During the Kansas civil war, Brown murdered five proslavery settlers at Pottawatomie Creek in revenge for the attack on free soil. Incorrect Answer(s) Brown apologized for the violent nature of his raid.

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