INSY3800 Final Exam Terms

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Prepregs 472-4

Involves the formation of a woven fabric that has been infiltrated with a matrix material.

Submerged arc welding (SAW)

No shielding is used in the _______ process. Instead, a thick layer of granular flux is deposited just ahead of a solid bare-wire consumable electrode, and an arc is maintained beneath the blanket of flux with only a few small flames being visible.

Ion beam machining(IBM)

Nano-scale machining used to cleave wafers. Often used on defective wafers for characterization and failure analysis.

3-2-1 principle -

Workpiece location is based on this principle. Three points will define a base surface, two points in a vertical plane will establish an end reference, and one point in a third plane will positively locate a part.

Yarns 471 -

Twisted assemblies of filaments.

Spray molding 476 -

When continuous or woven fibers are not required to produce the desired properties, sheet-type parts can be produced by mixing chopped fibers and catalyzed resin and spraying the combination into or onto a mold form, as shone in Figure 20-25. Rollers or squeegees can be used to remove entrapped air and work the resin into the reinforcement. Room-temperature curing is usually preferred, but elevated temperatures are sometimes used to accelerate the cure. As with the hand layup process, an initial gel coat can be used to produce a smooth, pigmented surface.

Compression Molding 475

When production quantities are large and quality needs to be high, matched metal dies can be substituted for the mold and bag, the process then becomes a modification of this. In this, a sheet-molding compound, bulk-molding compound, or a preformed mat is placed on the press, and heat and pressure are applied.

Insert-tooth Milling Cutter

When the body is made of steel, with the teeth cutter made of high-speed steel, carbides, or TiN carbides, fastened to the body by various methods.


When the tool is fed all the way to the axis of the workpiece, it will be cut in two. Also known as parting.

Open-mold processing 475

Where the layers of liable resin-coated cloth are simply placed in an open mold or draped over a form.

Spray transfer (GMAW-ST)

With higher currents and voltages, argon gas shielding, and DCEP conditions, _______ occurs.


is the general name for the technique of coating metal on the surface of non-metallic objects.

Aluminum oxide

is the most widely used artificial abrasive. Also produced in an arc furnace from bauxite, iron filings, and small amounts of coke, it contains aluminum hydroxide, ferric oxide, silica, and other impurities.

Resistance Spot Welding (RSW)

is the simplest and most widely used form of this type of welding, providing a fast, economical means of joining overlapped materials that will not require subsequent disassembly. Even with all of the advances in technology, ____________ is still the dominant method for joining sheet material, and the average steel-bodied automobile still contains between 2000 and 5000 spot welds

Machine Tool

powered mechanical device used to fabricate metal components of by selective removal of metal.


process of enlarging a hole that has already been drilled.

electrical discharge machining-

process removes metal by discharging electric current from a pulsating DC power supply across a thin interelectrode gap between the tool and the workpiece.


state where the gas is heated to the point where it begins to release electrons

Mats 473

stacked to produce a desired thickness and cured under pressure and heat in the lamination process.

Residual stress -

stress remains in a solid body once external forces have been removed.

(HSS) Hot hardness steel

the ability of a steel to withstand high temperatures with out loosing its hardens. This is very attractive in tools that cut extremely hard materials

Plasma arc welding -

the arc is maintained between a nonconsumable electrode and either the welding gun or the workpieces.

Pressure-bag molding

A flexible membrane is positioned over the female mold cavity and pressurized to force the individual plies together and drive out entrapped air and excess resin.


A continuing periodic change in a displacement with respect to a fixed reference. This is the mechanism by which a process dissipates energy. Also called chatter.

Pultrusion 472, 476 -

A continuous process that is used to produce relatively simple shapes of uniform cross section, such as round, rectangular, tubular, plate, sheet, and structural products.


A crust formed on top of molten steel which primarily acts as an insulator. (Web Definition)

Pitting (689)

A defect due to unequal etch rates

workholding device

A device used to locate and hold a workpiece. The workholding device references the tool performing the operation on the part being held.

Autogenous Weld

A fusion welding process using heat without the addition of filler metal to join two pieces of the same metal.

Oxidizing Flame - P934

A higher ratio, such as 1.5:1, produces a(n) ______, which is hotter than the neutral flame (about 3600 C or 6000 F) but similar in appearance. Such flames are used when welding copper and copper alloys but are generally considered harmful when welding steel because the excess oxygen reacts with the carbon in the steel, lowering the carbon in the region around the weld.


A lathe ______ is a device on the driven spindle on the head (headstock) of the machine that holds the workpiece. It grips and spins it.

Elastomer 455

A material that behaves like rubber but is made from synthetic polymers and is superior to rubber in several mechanical or chemical properties.

End Milling (614-15)

A very common operation performed on both vertical and horizontal spindle milling machines or machining centers.

Electroslag Welding

A welding process in which consumable electrodes are fed into a joint containing flux; the current melts the flux, and the flux in turn melts the faces of the joint and the electrodes, allowing the weld metal to form a continuously cast ingot between the joint faces.

Inertia Welding

A welding process used to join similar and dissimilar materials at very rapid speed. It is, therefore, a very attractive welding process in mass production of good-quality welds. The ability to join dissimilar materials provides further flexibility in the design of mechanical components.

Roll Bonding

AKA Roll Welding or ROW. Two or more sheets or plates of metal can be joined by passing them simultaneously through a rolling mill. As the materials are reduced in thickness, the length or width must increase to compensate. the newly created uncontaminated interfaces ar epressed together and coalescence is produced. The process can be performed either hot or cold and can be used to join either similar or dissimilar metals. The resulting bond can be quite strong, as evidinced by the roll bonded "sandwich" material used in the production of US coinage.


Cutting and shaping materials into products with milling machines

Friction Force

Force resisting the relative movement. Gets stronger with increased surface area, and/or pressure.

Thermal Cutting - P936

From internet...______ of hot rolled steel sheets and plates is a typical engineering workshop procedure to cut plates into shape and prepare welding grooves. Processes include flame, plasma and laser cutting. Regardless of the strength or hardness of the steel, successful ______ requires that the plate is allowed to warm up throughout to room temperature +20°C before cutting. The most common form of this is oxyfuel gas cutting and another form us oxygen lance cutting.

Assist Gas

Gas used to assist something?

Dip brazing

Assemblies are immersed in a bath of molten brazing metal. The bath provides heat and metal for the joint. It is a somewhat wasteful process and is usually used only for small products.

Filler Metal - P935

Because a slight gap often exists between the pieces being joined (in fusion welding), __________ can be added in the form of a solid metal wire or rod.

heat-affected zone (In thermal cutting)

Because of the low rate of heat input, oxyacetylene cutting will produce a rather large ___________.


(523) also called cast cobalt alloys are cobalt rich, chromium-tungsten-carbon cast alloys and retain their hardness at high temperatures, so they can be used at higher cutting speeds.

Precision PAC (715)

(Also called high definition plasma and fine plasma cutting) uses a special nozzle where either a high flow vortex or a magnetic field causes the plasma to spin rapidly and stabilizes the plasma pressure. The fast spinning plasma results in a finely defined beam that cuts a narrow kerf with a perpendicular edge. Precision pac also reduces the problems of HAZ and dross on the bottom parts.


(Natural ) and diamonds are other nauturally occurring abrasive materials.


(also sometimes referred to as etch factor) is used to describe the directionality of the cut. The _____________, A, of a material/etchant interaction in photochemical machining is defined as: A = d/U


(couldn't find in the book - from dictionary) a slightly twisted roll or strand of usually textile fibers

G ratio

(grinding ratio) the cubic inches of stock removed divided by the cubic inches of wheel lost (from lost of grains). It is a measure of grinding production and reflects the amount of work a wheel can do during its useful life.

Laser sintering 469

(laser molting) Prototypes or small production quantities of ceramic products have also been made by the laser sintering of ceramic powders. Parts are made by building up successive layers of material by laser sintering of thin layers of heat-fusible powder. For ceramic parts, the polymer coating on the powder is bonded by the laser.

Projection Welding

(see page 968 example)- Solves two major problems with spot welding 1) small electrodes in SW provide both the high currents and the required pressure, so the electrodes generally require frequent attention to maintain their geometry and 2) SW is designed to produce only one weld at a time. _________ solves these by embossing a dimple into one of the workpieces at the location desired for weld and then the workpieces are placed between two large area electrodes in a press machine. Pressure and current are applied as in spot welding. Since the current must flow through the point of contact, the heating is concentrated where the weld is desired. As the metal heats and becomes plastic, the pressure causes the dimple to flatten and form a weld.

Bulk-Molding Compound (475

- A modification of compression molding that is used when quantities are large and quality needs to be high, a ____, or a preformed mat, is placed on the press, and heat and pressure are applied. With heated dies, the thermoset curing occurs during the compression operation, and cycles range from 1 to 5 minutes at temperatures ranging from 110 to 160 Fahrenheit and 1 to 7 MPa.

Sandwich structures 470

- In ____ such as corrugated cardboard or the honeycomb shown in Figure 20-19, thin layers of facing material are bonded, usually by adhesive to a lightweight filler material.

Wire Cutting -


Roll bonding 477 -

A means of producing fiber-reinforce metal products. Clad metals are joined by a roll bonding and thermal treatment process that produces a metallurgical bond as the lattice structures of the metals are forced into conformance with each other. High pressure, producing massive deformation of the metals, causes a sharing of electrons at the interface, which produces a bond on the atomic level. No intermediate layers such as adhesives or braze metal are involved.


A measure of the flow characteristics of the molten braze metal and is a function of the metal, its temperature, surface cleanliness and clearance.


A mechanical mixture of about one part finely divided aluminum and three parts iron oxide, plus possible alloy additions.

Screen Printing (688)

A method of applying maskants is _____. It involved the use of traditional silk screening technology. The method applies the maskant through the a mask made from a fine silk mesh or stainless steel screen. Masks are typically formed by application, exposure and development of a light sensitive emulsion on top of the screen. The screen is placed on top of the workpiece and the maskant is rolled on. Good for high volume, low precision applications.

Machining Center

A milling machine whose motions are electronically controlled which has tool and pallet exchange capability.

Peripheral Milling

A milling operation in which the cutting edge of the mill is parallel to the axis of spindle rotation.

slab milling-

A milling process that rotates on an axis parallel to the workpiece. __________ produces flat surfaces.

Cermets (528)

A new class of tool materials best suited for finishing. Cermets have superior wear resistance, longer tool life, and can operate at higher cutting speeds. They have higher hot hardness and oxidation resistance than cemented carbides. The better finish imparted by a cermet is due to its low level of chemical reaction with iron(less cratering and BUE). Cermets are usually cold pressed and proper processing techniques are required to prevent insert cracking.

Laser-beam Cutting

A process by which a laser beam impinges on the workpiece in order to heat and sever the piece. Also known as ______________.

Parison 456

A round, solid-bottom, hollow-tube preform. It is made from heated plastic by either extrusion or injection molding.


A self-excited vibration that is caused by the closed-loop force-displacement response of the machining process.

Ultrasonic Welding

A solid state process in which coalescence is produced by the localized application of high-frequency shear vibrations to surfaces that are held together under rather light normal pressure.

Diffusion Bonding

A solid-state process for joining metals by using only heat and pressure to achieve atomic bonding

Explosive Welding

A solid-state process wherein bonding is produced by a controlled detonation, resulting in rapid movement together of the members to be joined. Also known as __________.

stability lobe diagram

A stability lobe diagram is a plot that separates unstable combinations of chip width, or axial depth of cut in peripheral end milling, and spindle speed (i.e., those that produce chatter) from stable combinations.

Electron-Beam Welding

A technique for joining materials in which highly collimated electron beams are used at a pressure below 10-3mmHg (0.1333 pascal) to produce a highly concentrated heat source.

Electron beam machining

A thermal process that uses a beam of high energy that vaporises the metal tat is to be removed

Laser-beam Welding

A type of Welding. The primary apparatus is the continuous-wave, convectively cooled CO2laser with either oscillator/amplifier (gaussian output beam) or unstable resonator (hollows output beam) optics. These lasers, available in output powers ranging from approximately 1000 to 15,000 W, have been used to demonstrate specific welding accomplishments in a variety of metals and alloys

BUE (built up edge) (512, 528)

A variation of the continuous chip, often encountered in machining ductile materials, and is associated with a built up edge formation on the cutting tool. The local high temp. and extreme pressure in the cutting zone caused the work material to adhere or pressure weld to the cutting edge of the tool forming the built up edge rather like a dead metal zone in the the extrusion process. Although this material protects the cutting edge from wear it modifies the geometry of the tool. BUE's are not stable and will break off periodically adhering to the chip or passing under the tool and remaining on the machine surface. BUE formation can be eliminated or minimized by reducing the depth of cut, altering the cutting speed, using positive rake tools, applying a coolant, or changing cutting tool materials.

Milling Machines

A variety of machines that perform different processes to generate progressive chip removal from a surface.

Wire EDM (706)

AKA electrical discharge wire cutting; the electrode is a wire used for cutting through-cut features driving the workpiece on a CNC table; capable of producing complex 2-D patterns(Fig. 28-22) in hard to machine materials

Toggle clamp -

Accommodates only small thickness variation from part to part, yet provides an excellent, consistent clamping force. Look at figure 29-18 Page 734.

Fusion Welding - P935

Almost all oxygen gas welding is __________. In this, the metals to be joined are simply melted where a weld is desired and no pressure is required.

Shear Strain

Also known as shear. A deformation of a solid body in which a plane in the body is displaced parallel to itself relative to parallel planes in the body; quantitatively, it is the displacement of any plane relative to a second plane, divided by the perpendicular distance between planes. The force causing such deformation.

MAPP - P935

Alternative fuel gases include propane, propylene, and stabilized methyl acetylene propadiene, best known by the trade name of _____________ gas.


Always involve the enlarging of an existing hole, which may have been made by a drill or may be the result of a core in a casting. Essentially, ______ is internal turning. _____ can use single-point cutting tools to produce internal cylindrical or conical surfaces.

Orifice gas

An inert gas is forced through this constricted arc, where it is heated to a high temperature and forms a hot, fast moving plasma. The emerging gas then transfers its heat to the workpiece and melts the metal. This flow is called _____.


An object being worked on with a tool or machine.


An operation called _________ is when the tool is fed at 90 degrees to the axis of rotation, using a tool that is wider than the width of the cut producing a flat surface

Sheet-molding compound 457 475 -

Bulk compound molding compound, or preformed mat is placed on the press, and heat and pressure are applied. Temps usually range from 110-160 F and pressures from 1-7 MPa. With heated dies, the thermoset curing occurs during the compression operation, and cycles range from 1 to 5 minutes.

Gel Milling

CHM where the etchant is applied in a gel form.

Electrostatic workholder -

Can be used with any electrically conductive material. They provide a holding force up to 20 PSI and have the added advantage of not inducing residual magnetism in the work. Nonmetal parts usually can be held if they are flashed (coated) with a thin layer of metal.

Thermoplastic Polymer

Can be welded since these materials can be melted or softened by heat without degradation.

Carbides (524, 526)

Carbides, which are non-ferrous alloys, are also called sintered (or cemented) carbides because they are manufactured by powder metallurgy techniques.

Aluminum Oxide (528)

Ceramics are made of pure aluminum oxide. Used as a metallic binder.

Coated Tools (522)

Coated tools only cost 15-20% more than uncoated tools, so a modest improvement in performance can justify the added cost. 15-20% of all tool steels are coated, mostly by the PVD process.

Strap clamp -

Comes in many forms and sizes and is simple, low cost, and flexible. The force can be applies by a hand knob, a cam, or a wrench turning down a nut. Look at figure 29-18 Page 734.

Leaf jig -

Derive their name from the hinged leaf or cover that can be swung open to permit the workpiece to be inserted and then closed to clamp the work in position.

Thermosetting Polymer

Do no soften with heat, tending only to char or burn, and must be joined with fasteners or adhesives.

Butt joint

Do not require additional thickness in the vicinity of the joint and are most often used where the strength requirements are not that critical.

Spinning 461 -

Filaments, fibers, and yarns can be produced by spinning, a modified form of extrusion. Molten thermoplastic polymer is forced through a die containing many small holes. Where multi-strand yarns or cables are desired, the dies can rotate or spin to produce the twists and wraps.

Interrupted Cutting

Equally spaced peripheral teeth will intermittently engage and machine the workpiece.

Carburizing Flame - P934

Excess fuel, on the other hand, produces a ____________. The excess fuel decomposes to carbon and hydrogen, and the flame temperature is not as great (about 3050 C or 5500 F)

Shear force (flow stress)

External force that acts parallel to a plane, unlike compressive force and tensile force which act perpendicularly.

Tempered glass 467 -

Glass created through special heat treatments. Applying forced cooling to the exposed surfaces, a residual stress pattern of surface compression can be induced creating tempered glass. This glass is stronger and more fracture resistant, since cracks tend to initiate on free surfaces.

Autoclave (474)

Higher heats and pressures can be used when the part is cured in this, which limits the size of the product. The supporting molds and vacuum-bagged layups are placed inside a heated pressure vessel where curing occurs under elevated temperatures and pressures in the range 0.4 to 0.7 MPa (50 to 100 psi).

Workholder -

Hold and locate the work in the machine tool with respect to the cutting tool.

Chisel End

If a plain conical point is ground on the drill, the intersection of the web and the cone produces a straight-line _______, which can be seen in the end view of figure 24-2. page 588

Oxygen Lance Cutting - P 937

If a workpiece is already hot from other processing, such as solidification or hot working no supplemental heating is required, and a supply of oxygen through a small pipe is all that is needed to initiate and continue a cut. This is known as ____. A workpiece termperature of about 1200 C or 2200 F is required to sustain continuous cutting.

Straight polarity (SPDC)

If direct current is used and the electrode is made negative, the condition is known as ________ or direct-current electrode-negative.

gas metal arc welding (GMAW)

If the supplemental shielding gas flowing through the torch becomes the primary protection for the arc and molten metal, there is no longer a need for the volatilizing flux, and the electrode can now become a continuous solid, uncoated metal wire. The resulting process is known as ________.

globular transfer

If the voltage and amps are increased, the mode becomes ________.

Alternating current

In AC the the movement of the electric charge periodically reverses direction.


In Electric arc cutting methods, the material is melted by the intense heat of the arc and then permitted, or forced, to flow away from the region of the slit or notch (_____).

Heat-affected zone(HAZ)

In PAC(plasma arc cutting), the ____________ is a negative side-effect. (Not from book, this is just an inference) This makes it unusable where the workpiece is thermally delicate/sensitive.

Resin-Transfer molding

In RTM the resin is injected or drawn into a mold, which contains the fibres, from a homogeniser under low pressure.

Climb Down Milling (617)

In ___ the cutter rotation is in the same direction as the feed rate.

Oblique Machining

In _______ machining, the cutting edge and cutting motion are not perpendicular to each other.

Transferred arc

In plasma arc welding (PAW) the arc is maintained between a nonconsumable electrode and either the welding gun (nontransferred arc) or the work piece (________).

Kerf - P936

In some cases the metal is merely melted by the flame of the oxyfuel gas torch and blown away to form a gap, or ___________.

Calendering (461)

In the ____ process, a mass of dough-like thermoplastic is forced between and over two or more counterrotating rolls to produce thin sheets or films of polymer, which are then cooled to induce hardening

Tapes 473

In the lamination process, prepregs, mats or _____ are stacked to produce a desired thickness and cured under pressure and heat

Thermoforming 460

In the thermoforming process, thermoplastic sheet material is heated to a working temperature and then formed into a finished shape by heat, pressure, or vacuum.

Arc cutting

In these processes the material is melted by the intense heat of the arc and then permitted, or forced, to flow away from the region of the slit or notch (kerf). Virtually all metals can be cut by electric arc methods.

Vacuum-bag molding 474 - I

In this process, air pressure holds the laminate against the mold while the resin cures (curing generally occurs at room temperature).

Slip Casting 468 -

In this process, ceramic powder is mixed with a liquid to form a slurry, which is then cast into a mold containing very fine pores. Capillary action pulls the liquid from the slurry, allowing the ceramic particles to arrange into a "green" body with sufficient strength for subsequent handling. Hollow shapes can be produced by pouring out the remaining slurry once a desired thickness of solid has formed on the mold walls.


In this the cutting tool moves into the work while the work remains stationary.

Planing (Pg 632-635)

In this, the action is opposite to that of shaping. Among the oldest single-point machining processes, work is moved past one or more stationary single-point cutting tools and can be used to produced horizontal, vertical, or inclined flat surfaces on large workpieces (too large for shapers), as well as for producing long flat cuts like those in the way of machine tools

Fluxless soldering

Includes techniques using controlled atmosphere (hydrogen plasma), thermomechanical surface activation (plasma gas impingment) and protective coatings that prevent oxide formation and enhance wetting.

Fluxless brazing

Includes techniques using controlled furnace atmospheres which reduce existing oxides and prevent the formation of new ones. Examples are vacuum furnaces and special brazing metals such as phosphorus.

Injection Molding 466 - I

Injection molding of fiber-reinforced plastics is a process that competes with metal die castings and offers comparable properties at considerably reduced weight. In the simplest variation, chopped or continuous fibers are placed in a mold cavity that is then closed and injected with resin.

Fixture -

Is a special workholding device that holds work during machining or assembly operations and establishes size dimensions. The key characteristic is that it is a special workholding device, designed and constructed for a particular part or shape.

Jig -

Is a special workholding device that, through built-in features, determines location dimensions that are produced by machining or fastening operations. The key requirement of a _________ is that it determines a location dimension.

Solid-State Welding

Is called ____________ because these processes create joints without any melting of the workpiece or filler material. Made up of Forge Welding, Forge Seam Welding, Cold Welding, Roll Welding/Bending, Friction Welding, Inertia Welding, Friction Stir Welding, UltraSonic Welding, Diffusion Welding, and Explosive Welding.

Filler metal

Is of different composition from the materials being joined

Plastics 454

Is shown to be substantially different from metals in both structure and properties. Tends to be used closer to their design limits, and many fabrication processes convert the raw plastic into a finished product on a single operation.

Transfer Molding 457 -

Is sometimes used to reduce the turbulence and uneven flow that can result from the high pressures of hot-compression molding. Transfer molding combines elements of both compression molding and injection molding and enables some of the advantages of injection molding to be utilized with thermosetting polymers.

Broaching- 637-640

It is widely used and particularly well suited for mass production because the volume can easily justify the cost of the ________ tool. It is also used for certain simple and standardized shapes, such as keyways, where inexpensive standard broaches can be used. _________ usually produces better accuracy and finish than can be obtained by drilling, boring, or reaming.

Shaped-tube electrolytic machining

Like the electrostream process, this is also capable of gang drilling small holes in difficult- to-machine materials. Generally, this processes can't drill holes smaller than about .02in. This is capable of make shaped holes with aspect ratios as high as 300:1. The major differences between the this process and the electrostream process are the reduced voltage levels (5 to 10 V dc) and the special electrodes which are long, straight, metallic tubes coated with an insulator.


Made of pure aluminum oxide, ceramics are usually in the form of disposable tips. Can be operated at 2 to 3 times the cutting speed of tungsten carbide. Almost completely resist cratering. Run with no coolant, and have about the same tool life at their higher speeds as tungsten carbide does at lower speeds. Ceramics are usually as hard as carbides but are more brittle and therefore require more rigid tool holders and machine tools in order to take advantage of their capabilities. Ceramics are a good material for high speed finishing and/or high removal rate machining applications of super alloys, hard chill cast iron and high strength steels. Edge chipping usually the dominate mode of tool failure.

Filing (Pg 651)

Metal-removing action is the same as in sawing in that chips are removed by cutting teeth that are arranged in succession along same plane on the surface of a tool called a ___ ; however, there are 2 differences (1): chips are very small and therefore the cutting action is slow and easily controlled & (2) the cutting teeth are much wider so fine and accurate work can be done

Photochemical milling (689)

Milling using the photoresist method of applying maskants. Named photochemical because its earliest usage was for replacing mechanical miling on large componets. It is often used to remove weight on on aircraft componets (see fig 28-4)

Braze welding

Molten filler is deposited by gravity and is very effective for the repair of steel products and ferrous castings. Capillary action is not required to distribute the filler metal.

Column-and-Knee Milling Machine (623)

Most milling machines are constructed using this method. The column, mounted on the base, is the main supporting frame for all the other parts and contains the spindle with its driving mechanism. This construction provides controlled motion of the worktable in three mutually perpendicular directions. 1) through the knee moving vertically on ways on the front of the column 2) through the saddle moving transversely on ways on the knee and 3) through the table moving longitudinally on ways on the saddle.

Burnishing teeth- 642

On some round broaches, ___________ are provided for finishing. These have no cutting edges but are rounded disks that are from 0.001 to 0.003 inches larger than the size of the hole. The resulting rubbing action smooths and sizes the hole.

Reciprocating Saw- p648

One of the 3 classifications of metal-sawing maching. There are two types, a manual hacksaw and a power hacksaw. These machines consist of a bed, a workholding frame and a power or manual mechanism for reciprocating.

Chemical Vapor Deposition(CVD)(520)

One of the most effective coating processes for improving the life and performance of tools. Used to deposit a protective coating onto carbide inserts and has been benefiting the metal removal industry for many years, and is now being applied with equal success to steel. CVD is an atmosphere controlled process carried out at temperatures in the range of 950 to 1050 degrees Celsius. 85% of carbide tools are coated almost exclusively by CVD. This allows for quicker cutting speed.

Plate jig -

One of the simplest types, consisting only of a plate that contains the drill bushings and a simple means of clamping the work in the jig or the jig to the work.

Ram EDM (706, 709)

One of the two dfferent types of EDM based on the shape of the tool electrode used. In ____ the electrode is a die in the shape of the negative of the cavity to be produced in bulk material. By feeding the die into the workpiece, the shape of the die is machined into the workpiece

Intermediate jig concept -

One way to achieve rapid fixture exchange. The workholding devices are designed so that they all appear the same to the machine tool but different to the parts. The jigs or fixtures are all different but the plates are all identical. (Think of a VCR tape, all the tapes look the same on the outside and are easily read by a VCR, however each tape plays a different movie.)

Oxyfuel Gas Cutting - P936

P936 the most common thermal cutting process, this is also called flame cutting. In some cases the metal is merely melted by the flame of the oxyfuel gas torch and blown away to form a gap, or kerf. When ferrous metal is cut however, the process becomes one where the iron actually burns (or oxidizes) at high temperatures according to one or more different reactions

Photochemical Machining

PCM - the use of photoresists in chemical machining. Limited to thin material. Tooling cost low. Used in microelectronics.

Molding Plates

Plates that confine molten metal. Usually made of copper, that are allowed to slide. As the weld metal solidifies at the bottom of the pool, the molding plates move upward at a rate that is typically between 12 and 40 mm/ min.

Cast Cobalt Alloy(515, 523)

Popularly known as steelite tools. Are cobalt rich, chromium tungsten carbon cast alloys having properties and applications in the intermediate range between high-speed steel and cemented carbides. Retain their hardness to a much higher temperature than high-speed steel tools. Are hard as cast, and can not be softened or heat treated. The casting provides a tough core and elongated grains normal to the surface. The structure is not however homogeneous. The tools made of cast cobalt alloys are generally cast to shape and finished size by grinding. They are only available in simple shapes such as single point tools, and saw blades because of limitations in the casting process and expense involved in the final shaping (grinding). Materials machinable with this tool material include plain carbon steels, alloy steels, non-ferrous alloys, and cast iron.

Spot-Welding Gun

Portable ___________ have been instrumental in extending the application of the spot welding process. They are connected to a stationary power supply and control unit by flexible air hoses, electrical cables, and water cooling lines. by bringing the process to the work spot welding can be performed on products that are too large to be positioned on a welding machine.

Intergranular Attack

Preferential etching due to ______________ can also be an issue in Chemical Machining.

Viscous Flow 467 -

Process of shaping material at a molten state (glass in this case).

Infrared Radiation

Process to weld thermoplastics. Invisible radiation in the part of the electromagnetic spectrum characterized by wavelengths just longer than those ofordinary visible red light and shorter than those of microwaves orradio waves.

Reaction injection molding 455 459 - P

Process, in which two or more liquid monomers are metered into a unit where they are intimately mixed by the impingement of liquid streams that have been pressurized to a value between 13 and 20 MPa (2000 and 3000 psi).

Extrusion 466

Products such as inner tubes, graden hoses, tubing and strip moldings (long plastic products with uniform cross sections) can be produced by this, where a compounded material is forced through a die by a screw device similar to that described for plastics.

Filler metal

Provided b a metallic wire or rod that was independently fed into the arc.

Clamping -

Refers to holding or maintaining the part in that location during the cutting operations (resisting the cutting forces).

Vibration Welding

Relative movement between two parts is is used to generate heat, but the direction of movement is now parallel to the interface and aligned with the longest dimension of the joint.

Electrochemical micromachining

Removes material by anodic dissolution with a rapid flowing electrolyte uses electrical current to bring about chemical change


Removing a cylindrical sample from a metal section or structure to determine soundness of the section


Shaping a member on a lathe.

Upset Welding

Similar to flash welding, but there is no period of arcing. In this process, the heating is achieved through electrical resistance.

Channel jigs -

Simple and derive their name from the cross-sectional shape of the main member. They can be used only with parts having fairly simple shapes.

Etch Factor/Etch Radius

Something to consider in chemical machining. Etch Factor (E) describes the relationship between undercut (U) and depth of cut (d). See picture.

Specific horsepower(493)

Specific horsepower is also known as the unit horese power (hp/lb/hr)

Thermit Welding

Superheated molten metal and slag are produced from an exothermic chemical reaction between a metal oxide and a metallic reducing agent.

Acetylene (C2H2) - P933

The Combustion of Oxygen and ________ by means of a welding torch produces a temperature of about 3250 C (5850 F) in a two stage reaction

Back Rake Angle

The angle that the tool makes with respect to a vertical from the workpiece.

Kerf (Pg 646)

The chip cannot drop from this space until it emergers from the slot cut in the workpiece, called _____. The _____ gullet space must be such that there is no crowding of the chip & no tendency for chips to become wedged between the teeth & not drop out when the saw emerges from the cut

Convential (Up) Milling (616)

The conventional way to mill, often called conventional milling. In ___ the cutter rotates against the direction of feed of the workpece.

Milling Cutters

The cutting tool used in milling.

Torch - p 933

The development of this is used to burn acetylene and oxygen for means of welding. The combustion of oxygen and acetylene by means of a ____ produces a temperature of about 3250 C or 5850 F in a two stage reaction. The first stage occurs near the tip and the second stage of the reaction involves combustion just beyond the first combustion zone.

Ceramics (467)

The fabrication processes applied to ____ materials generally fall into 2 distinct classes, based on the properties of the material: glasses if the material can be shaped by means of viscous flow, or crystalline ____ if the material is hard and brittle, with high melting points

Chemical milling-

The gross removal of material from a body by the corrosive action of an acid or an alkali that results in a substantial change of shape of the body.


The hard material known. Man made diamonds are used as tools in machining very hard metals

Vacuum chuck -

The holes in the work plate are connected to a vacuum pump and can be opened or closed by means of valve screws. Have an advantage in that they can be used on both nonmetals and metals and can provide easily variable force.

Short-circuit transfer (GMAW-S)

The lowest currents and voltages and the use of CO2 shield gas promote _______.


The mill _____ slides in and out (Y-axis) on the mill base. The mill table moves left and right (X-axis) on top of the ______

Photoresists (688)

The most common and precise method for creating maskants involves using UV light sensitive emulsions called _____

Variable polarity

The new _____ power supplies also alternate between DCEP and DCEN conditions, but use rectangular waveforms to vary the fraction of time in each mode, as well as the frequency of switching.

shear angles

The onset of the shear process takes place along the lower boundary of the shear zone defined by this?


The process of depositing a layer of weld metal on the surface or edge of a base material or different composition. The usual objectives are to obtain improved resistance to wear, abraison, heat, or chemical attack without having to make the entire piece from an expensive material, one that is difficult to fabricate, or one that would not posses the desired bulk properties.

Sintering 468 -

The processes described previously can all be used to produce useful shapes from ceremic materials, but useful strength generally requires a subsequent hearing operation known as firing or ____.

nonconsumable electrode process

The second arc welding process that employs a tungsten electrode, which is not consumed by the arc, except by relatively slow vaporization.

Faying Surfaces

The surfaces of materials in contact with each other and joined or about to be joined together

Vitrification (internet) -

The transition of a substance into glass.

Cold Welding

The welding of two materials under high pressure or vacuum without the use of heat.

Clay Products (468)

These are based on special types of ceramics blended with water and various additives to produce a material that can be shaped by most of the traditional forming methods

Bandsaw- 648,650

These blades are available in straight, raker, wave, or combination sets. Blade width is very important when using this because it determines the minimum radius that can be cut.

Thermoplastic polymer 455 -

These can be heated to produce either a soft, formable solid or a liquid. The polymerized material can then be cast, injected into a mold, or forced into or through dies to produce a desired shape.

Circular saw- 645, 647

These saws necessarily differ somewhat from straight blade forms. Because they must be relatively larger in comparison with the work, only the sizes up to about 19 inches in diameter have teeth that are cut into the disk.


This can be done on a lathe but requires special attachments; it is the basic machining process by which a surface is generated by progressive chip removal. The act or process of grinding, cutting, pressing, or crushing

Metal Removal Plate

This controls the trimmings and shavings that are created in turning and boring processes


This is a hollow steel cylinder, usually about 2 to 3 inches in diameter that can be moved longitudinally in and out of the upper casting by means of a handwheel and screw.

Cutting Stiffness

This is a material property related to shear flow stress, hardness and work hardening and is often described in a relative sense of the machinability of materials.

Cementation (469

This is an alternative method of producing strength that does not require elevated temperature. A liquid binder material is used to coat the ceramic particles, and a subsequent chemical reaction converts the liquid to a solid, forming strong, rigid bonds

Cold saw- 645, 647

This is another name for a circular saw that is used for cutting metal. These saws rapidly cut and produce chips like a milling cutter while producing surfaces that are comparable in smoothness and accuracy with surfaces made by slitting saws in a milling machine or by a cutoff tool in a lathe.

Casting (455)

This is the simplest of the shape forming processes because no fillers are used and no pressure is required. While not all plastics can be ____, there are a number of capable thermoplastics, including acrylics, urethanes, and PVC plastisols. The thermoplastic polymer is simply melted and the liquid is poured into a container having the shape of the desired part

Pull broach (Pg 637-639)

This is used in a vertical pull-down broaching machine. The pull end of the broach is passed through the part and a key mates to the slot. The broach is pulled though the part. The broach is retracted (pulled up) out of the part. The part is transferred from the left fixture to the right fixture. One finished part is completed in every time cycle. This must be strong enough so that it will not be pulled apart. The strength of this is determined by its minimum cross section, which occurs either at the root of the first tooth or at the pull end

Band-filling Machine- 652

This machine provides continuous cutting action. Most ___________ is done on contour bandsawing machines by means of a special band file that is substituted for the usual bandsaw blade.


This produces a regularly shaped, roughened surface on a workpiece. In most cases this is done on external cylindrical surfaces using lathes; it is a chipless, cold forming process

Center Core Drill

This, aka slot point drill, is relatively new to the marketplace. This drill has twin carbide tips brazed on a steel shank and a hole (or slot) in the center. It has a self-centering action and greatly relieves the thrust force produced by the chisel edge of conventional twist drills. This drill operate at about 30 to 50% less thrust than that of conventional drills.

Chemical blanking

Through-etching of the workpiece. Typically performed using double-sided etching to increase production rates and minimize taper on the etched walls of the feature.

Cutting Time (541)

Time in minutes it takes to produce a piece.


To mold or carve in relief.

Braiding (476)

To overcome failures in laminar-type composites such as interlaminar cracking and delamination upon impact, high strength reinforcing fibers can also be interwoven into 3D performs by processes that include weaving, stitching and ____ though the thickness of stacked 2D performs

Flux - P935

To promote the formation of a better bond, _________ may be used to clean the surfaces and remove contaminating oxide.

Ceramic-matrix Composites (477)

Unlike polymeric or metal-matrix composites, where failures originate in or along the reinforcement fibers, _____ often fail due to flaws in the matrix. If the reinforcement is bonded strongly to the matrix, a matrix crack will propagate right through to the fibers.

Tows 471 -

Untwisted assemblies of fibers.

Magnetic chuck -

Used for ferromagnetic materials. They provide an excellent means of holding workpieces provided that the cutting or inertial forces are not too great. (Think of a magnet underneath the part, holding it while the part is being grinded by a machine)

Rocker Arm Maching

Used for light production work where complex current pressure cycles are not required.

Broach- 637

Used in production to finish holes, splines, and flat surfaces. Typical workpieces include small to medium sized castings, forgings, screw machine parts, and stampings. It is composed of a series of teeth, each tooth standing slightly higher then the last.

Ring jig -

Used only for drilling round parts, such as pipe flanges. The clamping force must be sufficient to prevent the part from rotating in the jig.


Uses a molten filler metal to crate joints. Capillary action is required to distribute the filler metal.

Fine Plasma Cutting/High-definition Plasma/Precision PAC

Uses a special nozzle to stabilize the plasma pressure for a more finely defined PAC beam. Reduces problems of HAZ and dross on the bottom of parts.

Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC) (714)

Uses a superheated stream of electrically ionized gas to melt and remove material. 20,000 to 50,000 deg F.plasma is created inside a water cooled nozzle by electrially ionzing a suitable gas such as nitrogen, hydrogen, argon, or mixtures of these gases. The process can be used on almost any conductive metal.

Grinding (Abrasive Machining)

Using a rough(abrasive) grinding wheel to cut away at metal. Usually only useful for shallow cuts and finishing.

Assembly jig -

Usually must provide for the introduction of several component parts and the use of some type of fastening equipment, such as welding or riveting, they commonly are of the open-frame type. Such jigs are widely used in the automobile and aircraft industries.

Fixtures (or Vises)

Various workholding devices.

Box jig -

Very common, deriving their name from their boxlike construction. They have five sides and a hinged cover or leaf, which opens to permit loading the workpiece, and a cam that locks the workpiece in place.

Metal Removal Rate (MRR)

Volume / Cutting Time. Rate of metal being removed. THE CUTTING SPEED.

Lathe center

Workpieces that are relatively long with respect to their diameters are usually machined between __________. Two of these are used, one in the spindle hole and one in the hole in the tailstock quill. Two types are used, called dead and live


Workpieces that must be machined on both ends or are disk-shaped are often mounted on ______________ for turning between centers. There are three common types: Gang, Solid, and Cone.

Face Milling (619)

____ have a center hole so that they can be arbor mounted. _____ cutters are widely used in both horizontal and vertical spindle machine tools and come in a wide variety of sizes and geometries.

Depth of Cut (DOC)

_________ is the distance the tool has plunged into the surface. ______=(D1-D2)/2 D1:initial diameter, D2:final diameter

Push broach (Pg 639)

_________ machines are similar to an arbor press with a guided ram; typical capacities are 5 to 50 tons. This must be strong enough so that it will not buckle. If the length-to-diameter ratio L/Dr is greater than 25, the broach must be considered a long column which can buckle if overloaded.


_________ moves the workpiece radially against the rotating cutter, which cuts on its sides as well as its tip.

Location -

_____________ is a dimension which determines the position or __________ of geometrical shapes with respect to each other.

Percussion Welding (PEW)

_____________ is similar to flash welding, wherein a rapid discharge of stored energy produces a brief period of arcing, which is then followed by the rapid application of force to expel the molten metal and produce the joint. In __________, the arc duration is only 1 to 10 ms. The heat is intense but highly concentrated. Only a small amount of molten metal is produced, little or no upsetting occurs at the joint, and the heat-affected zone is quite small. Application is generally restricted to the butt welding of bar or tubing where heat damage is a major concern.


a brazing type of operation where the filler metal has melting temperatures below 450 degrees celcius. typically used for connecting the metals, connecting electronic components, joining metals while avoiding exposure to high elevated temperature., and filling surface flaws and defects.


a chemical entity consisting of two structurally similar subunits called monomers joined by bonds that can be either strong or weak.

torch brazing

a common source of heat for brazing is a gas flame torch. in this procedure, oxyacetylene, oxyhydrogen, and other gas-flame combinations can be used. most repair brazing is used in this manner b/c of its flexibility and simplicity, but the process is also wide production applications


a conductor through which a current of electricity enters or leaves a battery etc. (not from book)

electrochemical deburring-

a deburring process which works on the principal that electrolysis is accelerated in areas with small interelectrode gaps and prevented in areas with insulation between electrodes.


a diamond that is a natural, off-color stone that is not suitabe for gems

Built-up Edge

a formation on the cutting tool, is associated with a variation of the continuous chip, often encountered in machining ductile materials.


a long and slender projecting strip, tongue, or prong forming part of an object, as a chisel, file, or knife, and serving as a means of attachment for another part, as a handle or stock

Turret Lathe

a longitudinally feedable, hexagon turret replaces the tailstock and the turret on which six tools can be mounted can be rotated about a vertical axis to bring each tool into operating position, and the entire unit can be translated parallel to ways.


a luminous discharge that occurs when an electric current flows between two electrodes or any other two surfaces separated by a small gap and a high potential difference. (not from book)


a mixture of alumina and magnetite is another natural abrasive still in use today and is used on coated paper and cloth.

Laser Spot Welding

a noncontact process and produces no indentations. No electrodes are involved, so electrode wear is no longer a production problem. Weld quality is independent of material resistance, surface resistance, and electrode condition, and no water cooling is required. Can be performed with access to only one side of the joint with a laser.


a plate, box, or open frame for holding work and for guiding a machine tool to the work


a relatively flat H-shaped casting, rides on the outer set of ways on the bed. It is on the carriage assembly which provides the mean for mounting and moving cutting tools.

Devitrification -

a special heat treatment that controls the nucleation and growth of the crystalline component, used to fabricate glass ceramics.


a strong function of the surface tensions b/t the braze metal and the base alloy. generally, the wettability is good when the surfaces are clean and the two metals can form intermediate diffused alloys.


a tool used for turning and fed by hand and to remove only a few thousandths of an inch of metal.


a type of rough manual grinding that is done to remove fins, gates, risers, and rough spots from castings or flash from forgings, preparatory to further machining.

Spot weld

a variation of gas tungsten arc welding can be used to produce _______ between two pieces of metal were access is limited to one side of the joint or where thin sheets is being attached to heavier material.

Blow molding (467)

a variety of ____ processes have been developed, the most common being used to convert thermoplastic polythene chloride (PVC), polypropylene, and PEEK resins into bottles and other hollow-shape containers. Variations of ____ have been designed to provide both axial and radial expansion of the plastic (for enhanced strength) as well as to produce multilayered products


also called cemented are carbides because they are manufactured by powder metallurgy techniques.

resinoid bond

also called phenolic resins and cover a variety of work conditions; has replaced shellac and rubber wheels

High definition plasma

also called precision PAC or fine plasma cutting. Uses a special nozzle, where either a high flow vortex or a magnetic field causes the plasma to spin rapidly and stabilizes the plasma pressure.

Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)

also called stick welding, is the most common of the arc welding processes because of its wide versatility and because it requires only low-cost equipment.

sinker EDM -

also known as ram EDM, or simply EDM, uses an electrode that is a die in the shape of the negative of the cavity to be produced in a bulk material. By feeding the die into the workpiece, the shape of the die is machined into the workpiece


amount of material removed per revolution or per pass of the tool over the workpiece


an abrasive surface-finishing process where fine abrasive particles are charged (or embedded) into a soft material (called a ___). The material can range from cloth to cat iron or copper.

Nontransferred arc

an arc made between the electrode and constricting nozzle, excluding the workpiece. See figure 37-15 and figure 37-16


an area of coalesced metal formed between faying surfaces in a satisfactory weld.

Physical vapor deposition (PVD)(520)

an effective coating process for improving the life and performance of tools, used on about 15-20% of all tool steels. The three methods (preformed under a hard vacuum) in use are reactive sputtering, reactive ion plating, and arc evaporation.

Reverse polarity

arc-welding circuit is connected to the positive terminal.

coated abrasive

are being used increasingly in finishing both metal and nonmetal products. These are made by gluing onto a cloth or paperbacking.

Screw Machine

are lathes designed for completely automatic operations

Multiple spindle drilling machine-

are mass production machines with as many as 50 spindles driven by a single power head and fed simultaneously into the work.

Cutting Tool

are mounted in machine tools, which provide the required movement of the tool with respect to the work (or vice versa) to accomplish the process desired.

Turret Drilling Machine

are used when a series of holes of different sizes, or a series of operations (such as center drilling, drilling, reaming, and spot facing), must be done repeatedly in succession.

Spade Drill

are widely used for making holes 1 in. or larger in diameter at low speeds or with high feeds.


as grinding wheels lose their geometry during use, __________ restores the original shape. A single-point diamond tool can be used to true the wheel while fracturing abrasive grains to expose new grains and new cutting edges on worn, glazed grains.


assembly containing three parts, a lower casting fits on the inner ways of the bed, an upper casting fits on the lower one, and the third major component of the assembly is the tailstock quill; support consisting of the movable part of a lathe that slides along the bed in alignment with the headstock and is locked into position to support the free end of the workpiece

Adhesive bonding (470)

attractive means of joining the various layers and can be applied to both metallic and nonmetallic materials. The lamination of polymer matrix composites often utilizes films of unpolymerized resin that are introduced between the layers. Pressing at elevated temperature then cures the resin and completes the load


between the flutes, forms a metal column or backbone.

Chip Ratio

can be determined dynamically if a reliable means to measure Vc can be found.

Power supply -

can be either ac or dc.

shear velocity

can be found by using sophisticated electronics and slow-motion playback.

Resistance Seam Welding (RSW)

can be made by two distinctly different processes. In 1) the sheet metal segments are joined to produce gas or liquid tight vessels such as gas tanks, mufflers, and simple heat exchangers. the weld is made between overlapping sheets of metal and the seam is simply a series of overlapping spot welds. In 2) the welding is used to produce butt welds between thicker metal plates. The electrical resistance of the abutting metals is still used to generate heat but high frequency current is now employed to restrict the flow of current to the surfaces to be joined and their immediate surroundings.

Rotational molding 455 460 -

can be used to produce hollow, seamless products of a wise variety of sizes and shapes, including storage tanks, bins and refuse containers, doll parts, footballs, helmets, and even boat hulls. The process begins with a closed mold or cavity that has been filled with a premeasured amount of thermoplastic powder or liquid. The molds are either preheated or placed in a heated oven and are then rotated simultaneously about two perpendicular axes.

Indexable insert drill

can produce a hole four times faster than a spade drill because they run at high speeds/low feeds and are really more of a boring operation than a drilling process.

lap joint

can provide bonding areas that are considerably larger than the butt configuration, and are often preferred when maximum strength is desired


can result if the etchant is not properly agitated, particularly on deep cuts.


cleaning and sharpening the wheel. I f you do not ______, the wheel will not cut as well and will tend to plow and rub more.

Drill Press

common name for the machine tool used for drilling. Consists of a base, a column, that supports a powerhead, a spindle,and a worktable.

Hot-isostatic Pressing 467

common technique in fabricating crystalline ceramics because crystalline ceramics cannot be formed by techniques requiring either plasticity or melting. Exhibit features and limitations similar to those discussed in ch 16.

vitrified bond

composed of clays and other ceramic substances. ____________ are proous, strong, rigid, and unaffected by oils, water, or temperature over the ranges usually encountered in metal cutting.

DCEP (direct-current electrode-positive)

condition known as reverse polarity where the work is made negative and the electrode positive.

DCEN (direct-current electrode-negative)

condition known as straight polarity when direct current is used and the electrode is made negative, and electrons are attracted to the positive workpiece.__________ processes are characterized by fast melting of the electrode and a shallow molten pool on the workpiece

Polycrystalline diamond tools(530)

consists of a thin layer of diamond particles sintered together and metallurgically bonded to a cemented carbide substrate.

Crush dressing

consists of forcing a hard roll having the same contour as the part to be ground against the grinding wheel while it is revolving; a water based coolant is used to flood the dressing zone at 5 to 10 gal/min. The crushing action fractures and dislodges some of the abrasive grains. Used to employ a produce and maintain a special contour to the abrasive wheel, also called wheel profiling.


constitutes the majority of the lathe work and is the process of machining external cylindrical and conical surfaces.

Wear land

couldn't find this term


cutting edge of a drill

Thermal deburring or thermal energy method

developed for the removal of burrs and fins by exposing the workpiece to hot corrosive gases for a short period of time typically on the order of a few milliseconds p.715


devices for lathes that are commonly used for supporting work pieces.

cutting tools materials

directly influence the productive of the machining operation ie. the hardness of the material to be cut, the speed of the cut......

Orthogonal machining

done to test machining mechanics and theory. Is the measurement of two forces and can be obtained in laboratory practice by: machining a plate, end cutting a tube wall in a turning setup, and end cutting a plate feeding in a facing direction. Regenerative chatter - sudden onset of vibration that rapidly increases in amplitude until a maximum threshold is reached.

Composites 470

engineered materials made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different physical or chemical properties which remain separate and distinct on a macroscopic level within the finished structure

Maskant -

etch resistant. Covers selected areas of the work piece in CHM.

Glass Ceramic 467

form a unique class of materials that are part crystalline and part glass. They are fabricated into shape as a glass, and are then subjected to a special heat treatment (devitrification) that controls the nucleation and growth of the crystalline component. Final properties include good strength and toughness, along with low thermal expansion. Typical products include cookware, and materials used in electrical and computer components.

gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW)

formerly known as tungsten inert-gas (TIG) welding, or Heliac weldin when helium was shield gas. A nonconsumable tungsten electrode provides the arc but not the filler metal. With skilled operators, GTAW can produce high-quality welds that are very clean and scarcely visible. Since no flux is employed, no special cleaning or slag removal is required. Can be used in all positions, has a medium rate of heat input, and produces welds where the depth equals the with.

Consumable electrode process

group of arc welding processes where the electrode is consumed and thus supplies the metal needed to fill the joint. Small droplets are melted from the end of the electrode and pass to the workpiece.

Laser beam machining, LBM -

has heat affected zone and recast layers that may require removal

Shaping- p632

has largely been replaced by milling and broching as a production process. In this the workpiece is fed at right angles to the cutting motion between successive strokes of the tool.

Pulsed-Current ECM (696)

has recently shown the potential to improve accuracies and surface finish in tradicinal ECM. In PECM, high current densities (> 100 A/cmsq) are pulsed on for durations on the order of 1ms and pulsed off for intervals on the order of 10ms. The relaxation interval permits reaction byproducts to be removed from the interelectrode gap at low electrolyte flow rates without electrolytic desposition on the ECM tool.

Crystalline Ceramics 467

have a characteristically brittle behavior and are normally manufactured into useful components; hard, brittle materials with high melting points, that cannot be formed by techniques requiring either plasticity or melting. Instead, these materials are generally processed in the solid state by techniques that utilize particles or aggregates and resemble those used in powder metallurgy.

Subland Drill

have a separate set of flutes on a single body for each diameter or operation; they provide better chip flow, and the cutting edges can be ground to give proper cutting conditions for each operation.

Microwave Heating

he heating of electrically nonconducting materials by a rapidly varying electromagnetic field.

Firing 468

his is a subsequent heating process; slurry -type materials must first be dried in a controlled manner that is designed to control dimensional changes and minimize stresses. The material is then heated to temperatures between .5 to .8 times the absolute melting point. AKA sintering

Explosive Bonding 470 -

his is another practical means of bonding layers of metals. In this a piece of explosive material progressively detonates above layers to be be joined, causing a pressure wave to sweep across the interface


hold straight-shank drills. __________ are adjustable over a considerable size range and have radial steel fingers. When the _______ is tightened by means of a _______ key, these fingers are forced inward against the drill.


how majority of holes are made in manufacturing. Makes up about 25% of all manufacturing processes performed.

Annealing (467)

in dealing with tempered glass, this can be used to reduce unfavorable residual stresses that might lead to cracking

Upsetting - P939

in flame straightening, a straight piece of metal is heated in a localized area and the metal on side b will be _____ or plastically deformed as it softens and tries to expand against the cooler restraining metal

Lamination 473 -

in the lamination process, prepregs(a fibrous material preimpregnated with a synthetic resin), mats, or tapes are stacked to produce a desired thickness and cured under pressure and heat. Resulting products possess unusually high strength properties as a result of the integral fiber reinforcement.

Foam Molding 461 -

in this, a foaming agent is mixed with the plastic resin and releases gas or volatilizes when the material is heated during molding

electrical discharge wire cutting-

in this, the electrode is a wire used for cutting through-cut features driving the workpiece with a CNC table.

Surface Broach- p641,43

in this, the the rise per tooth is typically .003in to .006in. Smaller ones are made of solid construction but larger ones are made of modular construction

Thrust Force

increases with feed for all drill geometries, is influenced greatly by the web or chisel end design.

Abrasive flow machining

involves the use of a semisolid liquid or gel laden with abrasives to flow over or through a workpiece to perform edge finishing, deburring, radiusing, polishing, or minor surface machining.

Wire EDM (WEDM) (710)

involves the use of continuously moving conductive wire as the tool electrode. the tensioned wire of copper, brass, tungsten, or molybendum is used only once traveling from the takeoff spool to the take-up spool while being guided to produce a straigt narrow kerf in plates up to 3in thick

Sawing- p645

is a basic machining proccess in which chips are produced by a succession of small cutting edges, or teeth, arranged in a narrow line on a "blade"


is a cutting process that uses a bit to cut or enlarge a hole in solid materials. It cuts by applying pressure and rotation to the workpiece, which forms chips at the cutting edge.


is a holding device, specifically, a subtype of a chuck that forms a collar around the object to be held and exerts a strong clamping force on the object when it is tightened via a tapered outer collar. It may be used to hold a workpiece or a tool.

Abrasive machining

is a material-removal process that involves the interaction of abrasive grits with the work piece at high cutting speeds and shallow penetration depth.

Butt Welding

is a metal welding process in which round or profile stock is welded end to end. _________ can be used to run a processing machine continuously, as opposed to having to restart such machine with a new supply of metals.

Cylindrical grinding

is a type of grinding machine used for producing external cylindrical surfaces.

Stud welding (SW)

is an arc-welding process used to attach studs, screws, pins, o5r other fasteners to a metal surface.

Metal-matrix Composites

is composite material with at least two constituent parts, one being a metal. The other material may be a different metal or another material, such as a ceramic or organic compound. When at least three materials are present, it is called a hybrid composite. An MMC is complementary to a cermet.

Spot Facing

is done to provide a smooth bearing area on an otherwise rough surface at the opening of a hole and normal to its axis.

straddle milling-

is face milling of two parallel vertical surfaces of a workpiece simultaneously by using two side-milling cutters.

CBN (cubic boron nitride)

is not found in nature. It is produced by a combination of intensive heat and pressure in the presence of a catalyst. ______ is extremely hard, registering at 4700 on the Knoop scaled. It is the second hardest substance created by nature or manufactured and is often referred to, along with diamonds, as a superabrasive.


is the base and backbone of a lathe. Is usually made of well normalized or aged gray or nodular cast iron and provides a heavy, rigid frame on which all the other basic components are mounted.

(DLC) Depth of cut line

is the depth the tool must travel trough the material this will effect the life of the tool and the time it takes to complete the task

Hot-gas Welding

is using hot compressed gas to heat the plastic and a filler rod made of plastic is melted in the gap between the two pieces to join the pieces together

Taper Turning

is when the tool is fed at an angle to axis of rotation and an external conical surface results.

Abrasive waterjet cutting

is where abrasives are added to the waterjet in a mixing chamber on the dowstream side of the waterjet orifice.

Islands -

isolated high spots that can be the result of improper agitation on large parts. They can also be formed due to inadequate cleaning or inhomogeneity with the work material.

Forge Welding

joining of two lapped pieces of metal by placing flux between the pieces and heating both until joined.

Hard Facing

joining two different types of metal by welding a bead on the top of the surface of the joint to add strength this should not be used alone if possible

Lap Joint

joint made by overlapping two ends and joining them together


low current density the charged particles are forced into wok piece with out a part specified had tool to remove unwanted material at a slow rate gives a fine finish

Electrochemical polishing

low current density the charged particles are forced through a glass tube used to remove unwanted material at a slow rate fine finish

silicon carbide

made by charging an electric furnace with silica sand, petroleum coke, salt, and sawdust. By passing large amounts of current through the charge, a temperature of over 4000 F is maintained for several hours, and a solid mass of silicon carbide crystals results.

Centerless grinding

makes it possible to grind both external and internal cylindrical surfaces without requiring the workpiece to be mounted between centers or in a chuck. This eliminates the requirement of center holes in some workpieces and the necessity for mounting the workpiece, thereby reducing the cycle time.

Inserts 464

metal, often incorporated into plastic products to provide enhanced performance or unique features. Can be used to provide threaded cavities, holes, and alignment pins in plastic parts.

staggered-tooth milling cutter-

milling cutter with successive teeth having alternating helix angles


milling machines that can duplicate external or internal geometries in two dimensions are called profilers or tracer-controlled machines.

Woodruff keyseater-

mills the semi-cylindrical seats required in shafts for Woodruff Keys

Bulk welding

modification of the submerged arc process where iron powder is first deposited into the joint (ahead of the flux) as a means of increasing deposition rate. A single weld pass can then produce enough filler metal to be equivalent to seven or eight conventional submerged arc passes.

Twist Drill

most common type of drills; A rotating cutting tool, used for cutting holes in metal, wood, or other materials, that consists of an essentially conical point, relieved and fluted to form cutting lips, and spiral flutes which direct the chips away from the lips and toward ejection from the hole

silver solder

not clearly defined but listed some more in table 39.4 on tin-silver offer possibility when a somewhat higher melting point is desired(typically above 250 degrees celcius). lead-silver and cadmium-silver alloys are limited by the high cost of their components. the three component tin-silver-copper system has received considerable attention for elecrtonic applications

Shell Reamer

often are used for hole sizes over 3/4 in. in order to save cutting-tool material. The shell, is made of tool steel for smaller sizes and with carbide edges for larger sizes or for mass-production work, is held on an arbor that is made of ordinary steel.

jigs and fixtures

often used to hold components during heating, when used, however, it is necessar to provide springs that will compensate for thermal expansion, particularly when two or more dissimilar metals are being joined

Hacksaw (Pg 645)

one of 3 basic configurations of saw blades, this blade is straight, relatively rigid, & of limited length with teeth on one side. The gage of blade thickness of nearly all hand ____ blades is 0.025 in. Saw blades for power ___ vary in thickness from .05 to .1 in


one of the seven basic chip formation processes.

Glass 467

one of two distinct classes of ceramic materials when applied to the fabrication process of ceramic materials. Glass can be manufactured into useful articles by first heating the material to produce a molten or viscous state, shaping the material by means of viscous flow, and then cooling the material to produce a solid product. Typically brittle, and optically transparent.

Friction Welding

one piece is held still wile the other is rubbed against it at a rapid pace to create the heat necessary to join the two pieces

flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) -

overcomes some of the shielded metal arc limitations by moving the powdered flux to the interior of a continuous tubular electrode. The vaporizing flux again produces a protective atmosphere and also forms a slag layer over the weld pool that will require subsequent removal.

Cutting Tools

p 572 Most lathe operations are done using single point ____, such as those illustrated in Figure 23-25. On right-hand (and left-hand turning) and facing tools, the ____ usually takes place on the side of the tool; therefore, the side rake angle is of primary importance, particularly when deep cuts are made.

Follow Rest

p 580 This is bolted to the lathe carriage. It has two contact fingers that are adjusted to bear against the workpiece, opposite the cutting tool, in order to prevent the work from being deflected away from the cutting tool by the cutting forces.


p 585 The ___, fr, is given in inches per revolution. The depth of cut in drilling is equal to half the ____ rate, or t = fr/2. The ___ rate in inches per minute fm, is frN. In dealing with drilling, because the ___ may be manually controlled, care must be exercised, particularly in drilling small holes.

Depth of cut

p550 Roughing cuts may be as heavy as proper chip thickness, cutting dynamics, tool life, lathe horsepower, and the workpiece permit. Large _______ and smaller feeds are preferred to the reverse procedure, because fewer cuts are required and less time is lost in reversing the carriage and resetting the tool for the following cut.


p553 This can be done on lathes with the ____ mounted in the tailstock quill of engine lathes or the turret on turret lathes and fed against a rotating workpiece.

Engine Lathe

p556 The essential components of an _____ are the bed, headstock assembly, tailstock assembly, carriage assembly, quick-change gearbox, and the leadscrew feed rod.

Face Plates

p579 These are used to support irregularly shaped work that cannot be gripped easily in chuck or collets. The work can be bolted or clamped directly on the ____ or can be supported on an auxiliary fixture that is attached to the _____.

Implant Welding

placing a piece of metal between two pieces of plastic to be joined the metal uses induction to melt the plastic around the metal forming a week joint

Spark erosion

process used in EDM by which a spark is generated in a thin interelectrode gap between a tool and a workpiece where a pulsating DC current is fed across the gap using a dielectric fluid. The dielectric fluid is ionized and a spark is created which vaporizes a tiny portion of the workpiece, leaving a void.

Dipping 465 -

process used to produce relatively thin parts with uniform wall thickness, such as boots, gloves, and fairings. The simplest fabrication process for rubbers and elastomers.


process where the abrasives are bonded together into a wheel. It is the most common abrasive machining process. The performance of __________ wheels is greatly affected by the bonding material and the spatial arrangement of the particles grits.

furnace brazing

process where the flux and filler metal can be preloaded into the joints, a number of assemblies can be heated simultaneously in a controlled atmosphere or vaccum chamber

Steady Rest

provide means for supporting such work between the headstock and the tailstock. Can also be used in place of the tailstock as a means of supporting the end of long pieces, pieces having too large an internal hole to permit using a regular dead center, or work where the end must be open for boring.

Pulsed arc -

recent development that can reduce heat input to the workpiece while producing kerfs that are 50% narrower and cleaner edges on the cuts.

Oxyfuel Gas Welding - p 933

refers to a group of welding processes that use as their heat source the flame produced by the combustion of a fuel gas and oxygen. It was the development of a practical torch to burn acetylene and oxygen, shortly after 1900, that brought welding out of the blacksmith's shop, demonstrated its' potential, and started its development as a manufacturing process


refers to the abrasive wear action of the grits resulting in dulled edges, grit flattening, and wheel glazing.


refers to the ease with which a metal can be machined to an acceptable surface finish. The principal definitions are based on material properties, tool life, and cutting speed.


refers to the fracture of the grits and is the opposite of toughness.

Tooth-set- p646

refers to the manner in which teeth are offset from the centerline in order to make the kerf wider than the gage(thickness of the back) of the blade

Helix angle

relation formed by the principal rake angles behind the cutting edges, most drills angles are 24 degrees

Abrasive jet machining

removes material by a focused jet of abrasives and is similar in many respects to AWC with the exception that momentum is transferred to the abrasive particles by a jet of inert gas.

Filament winding 476 -

s a fabrication technique for creating composite material structures. The process involves winding filaments under varying amounts of tension over a male mould or mandrel. The mandrel rotates while a carriage moves horizontally, laying down fibers in the desired pattern.

honing stones

similar to grinding but materials such as sulfur, resin or wax are added to the bonding agent to modify the cutting action.

Chemical machining (CHM)

simplest and oldest of the chipless machining processes. Process of removing material from a workpiece by selectively exposing it to a chemical reagent or etchant. The mechanism for metal removal is the chemical reaction between the etchant and the workpiece resulting in dissolution of the workpiece.


simplest method of applying a maskant, usually neoprene, polyvinyl chloride, or polyethylee, is appplied to the entire surface of the workpiece by dipping or spraying. Once the coating dries, it is then selectively removed in those areas where etching is desired by scribing he maskant with a knife and peeling away the unwanted portions.

leadfree solder

since 1988, the use of lead-containing solders in drinking water lines has been prohibited in the U.S. and this ban may well be extended to include other applications and industries. if substitute solders are to be acceptable, however, they should not only be harmless to the environment, but should also exhibit desireable characteristics in areas of melting temperature, wettability, electrical and thermal conductivity, thermal expansion coefficient, mechanical strength, ductility, creep resistance, thermal fatigue resistance, manufacturability, and cost


spiral or helical grooves in the body of a twist drill.


the bond strength which controls the fracturing of the grits. __________ is a measure of how strongly the grains are held in the wheel. It depends on the strength of the bonding materials and the amount of the bonding agent connecting the grains.

Titanium nitride(518)

the coating used in PVD and is formed by reacting free titanium ions with nitrogen away from the surface of the tool and using physical means to transport the coating


the depth of melting in the workplace.


the distance between the surface of the electrode and the surface of the workpiece. Is constrained by the minimum interelectrode distance necessary for a spark. It depends on the gap voltage plus the chip size.


the excess material from pressing two pieces of hot metal together the excess collects on the sides of the joint

Rise per tooth- p638

the feed per tooth in broaching id the change in hieght of successive teeth. This is called______________. The sum of this gives the depth of cut. It also determines the chip load and varies depending on the type of broaching


the gap that is formed after a metal is melted by the flame of the oxyfuel gas torch. It is equal to the width of a groove made by a cutting tool.


the hardest of all materials.

Friction Stir Welding -

the heat to join the metal comes from the friction of a rapidly spinning tool in the joint

joint clearance

the most important of all factors contributing to joint strength; if the joint is too tight, it may be difficult for the braze metal to flow into the gap, and the flux may be unable to escape. there must be sufficient clearance so that the braze metal will wet the joint and flow into it under the force of capillary action. As the gap is increased beyond the optimum value the joint strenght decreases rapidly, dropping off to that of the braze metal itself.


the oldest deep-hole technique, are used when deep holes are to be drilled.

duty cycle-

the on-time as a percentage of the total cycle time (inverse of the frequency)

Self-excited vibration

the periodic response of the system to a constant input. The vibrations may grow in amplitude (become unstable) and occurs near the natural frequency of the system regardless of the input.


the speed of an object is the magnitude of its velocity (the rate of change of its position); it is thus a scalar quantity.

Forge-seam Welding-

the steal is heated then pressed together

Chip Velocity

the velocity of the chip being sheared. Cutting Force - A part of the Resultant force.

Creep feed grinding

the work is fed very slowly past the wheel and the total downfeed or depth is accomplished in a single pass.

Nontraditional machining - NTM

these methods have been developed since WWII to address the growing list of machining requirements which cannot be handled by conventional machining alone. Can be divided into 4 groups: chemical, electrochemical, mechanical, thermal. Usually have lower feed rates and require more power consumption when compared to machining.


thinning in center due to improper agitation or stacking of parts in tank

silicate bond

this bond is formed with _________ of soda (waterglass) as the bond material. Because they are more brittle and not so strong as vitrified wheels, the abrasive grains are released more readily.

Flame Straightening - P939

this is basically the use of controlled, localized upsetting as a means of straightening warped or buckled plates.


this is mounted in a fixed position on the inner ways of a lathe and provides powered means to rotate the work at various rpm values.

Capillary action

this is required to bond. _________ distributes the filler metal between the closely fitting surfaces of the joint. The flow is dependent on the viscosity of the liquid, the geometry of the joint, and surface wetting characteristics.


this is the operation by which one section of a workpiece is severed from the remainder by means of a cutoff tool; If the tool is fed all the way to the axis of the workpiece, it will be cut in two. This is called ____________ or cuttoff and a simple, thin tool is used


this on a lathe involves no special precaution; machining to make existing holes dimensionally more accurate by enlarging to desired size by means of a reamer.

Cold Molding 458

this, the uncured thermosetting material is pressed to shape while cold and is then removed from the mold and cured in a separate oven.

Neutral Flame - P934

three different types of flames can be obtained by varying the oxygen/acetylene (or oxygen/fuel gas) ratio. If the ratio is about 1:1 to 1.15:1, all reactions are carried to completion and a(n) _____ is produced. Most welding is done with a _____ since it will have the least chemical effect on the heated metal

photochemical blanking -

through etching of the workpiece also called chemical blanking


to remove chemically


together with the ____, provides the means for mounting and moving cutting tools. Is a part of the carriage assembly.

Flash Welding

two pieces of metal are placed so they touch on the ends that are to be joined a current is passed through the metal to heat the metal the metal pieces are then separated the electrical charge then jumps from one piece to the other causing the ends to melt the two pieces are then pressed together to form a solid joint

Arc welding

type of welding that uses a power supply to create an electric arc between an electrode and the workpiece. With DCEN, the heat of the arc is more concentrated at the electrode. With DCEP, the positive ions impinge on the workpiece giving deeper penetration.

Single-crystal diamonds(530)

used for precision machining of large mirrors. Also used to machine brass watch faces, and slice biological materials to view under microscopes.


used in brazing to dissolve oxides that may have formed on the surface prior to heating, prevent the formation of new oxides during heating and lowering the surface tension between the molten brazing metal and the surfaces to be joined. It promotes the flow of the molten material into the joint.

Isostatic Pressing 467

used in fabricating crystalline ceramics. Exhibits features and limitations similar to those discussed in ch 16.

Gang-Drilling Machine

used in mass production when several related operations must be done on a single part. Consist essentially of several independent column, heads, and spindles mounted on a common base and having a single table. Work can be slid into position for the operation at each spindle.

Hot-plate Welding

used in plastics two pieces are heated until soft then pressed together using a hot plate to heat both joining ends

Dry Pressing 467

used in the fabrication of crystalline ceramics, this is a common technique that enables dry powders to be pressed into useful shapes

Radial drilling machine

used on large workpieces that cannot easily be handled manually. The column supports a radial arm that can be raised and lowered by power and rotated over the base.


used primarily in coated abrasives and air blasting. It is a natural abrasive that has commercial importance

surface grinding

used primarily to grind flat surfaces. The most common type of ____________ machine has a reciprocating table and horizontal spindle.


used to clean the surfaces and remove contaminating oxide.

rubber bond

used to produce wheels that can operate at high speeds but must have a considerable degree of flexibility so as to resist side thrust. A _________ is composed of ________, sulfur, and other vulcanizing agents that are mixed with the abrasive grains.


used to reinforce composites; these are embedded in a selected matrix with the proper alignment and spacing to produce the desired properties. Can be continuous or discontinuous.

Deep Hole Drilling

used when deep holes are to be drilled. Most hole makers consider a depth-to-drill diameter ratio of 3 to 1 to be __________. AKA gun drills.

Waterjet Machining (701)

uses a high- velocity fluid jet impinging on the workpiece to perform a slitting operation (Fig. 28-16), at high pressure (up to 60,000 psi) and has a jet typically 0.003in - 0.020in in diameter; AKA Waterjet cuttng or hydrodynamic machining

Water jet Cutting (WJC) (701)

uses a high- velocity fluid jet impinging on the workpiece to perform a slitting operation (Fig. 28-16), at high pressure (up to 60,000 psi) and has a jet typically 0.003in - 0.020in in diameter; AKA Waterjet machining or hydrodynamic machining

Hydrodynamic(Waterjet) Machining

uses a high-velocity fluid jet to perform a slitting operation. Water is ejected from a nozzle at very high pressure (up to 60,000 psi).

Chemical-mechanical polishing

uses the synergy of chemistry and mechanical grinding to obtain flatness on the order of 50 nm.

Stepped machining

uses two iterations of the cut and peel method of applying a maskant to etch a stepped formation into a surface


uses various machine tools at slow speeds to remove a small amount of material from the surface of holes.

Electrostream drilling

using high velocity stream of charged particles through a glass tube used to drill holes usually multiple small holes at one time

Electrochemical machining (EM)

using high velocity stream of charged particles through a glass tube used to remove unwanted material


usually follow drilling; makes a beveled section at the end of the drilled hole to provide a proper seat for flat-head screw or rivet.


usually follow drilling; provides an enlarged cylindrical hole with a flat bottom so that a bolt head or not will have a smooth bearing surface that is normal to the axis of the hole.

Crater wear

wear on the rake face of the tool Think of wearing on the threads of a screw. (CBN) Cubic boron nitride - has low chemical and low thermal reactivity at tool / chip interface it remains hard at 1000 Celsius degrees temps mainly used in automotive industry Cutting fluids - acts primarily as a coolant and secondary as a lubricant reducing friction

shellac bond

wheels can be made this way by mixing the abrasive grains with ________ in a heated mixture, pressing or rolling into the desired shapes, and baking for several hours. This type of bond is used primarily for strong, thin wheels having some elasticity.

Stimulated emission-

when a second photon strikes the energized atom, the atom gives off 2 photons of identical wavelength moving in the same direction and with the same phase. p.712

Hand Layup 475

when the quality demands are not as great and the reinforcement-to-resin ratio is not exceptionally high, pressing operations can often be eliminated. The layers of pliable resin-coated cloth are simple placed in an open mold or draped over a form in a process known as hand layup or open mold processing. Squeegees or rollers are used to manually ensure good contact and remove any entrapped air, and the assembly is then allowed to cure, generally at room temperature. The hand layup process is slow and labor intensive and has part to part and operator to operator variability.


where the cutting edge and the cutting motion are not perpendicular to each other.

Electrochemical grinding (ECG)

while the product is rotated low voltage high current used to remove some of the material the rest of the affected material is oxidized the oxidized material is then ground away

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