Inter. Comm. What is Communication?

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"suppose to do" expectations

Generic ways of improving competency

-empathy -tolerance for ambiguity -interaction posture ("dont judge") -orientation to knowledge(express you opinions not sounding like a fact)

Cultural Identity

-essential to who we are -dynamic and everchanging -multifaceted with many components

Dividers in intercultural communication

-history -economics -resources -ecology -technology -religion -interpersonal relationship

culture specific ways of improving competency

-interaction management -display of respect -task role behavior -relational role behavior


An idea that a people believe to be true about the world

symbols are ______ and ______

Arbitrary (randomly assigned) and Ambiguous

Competent Communication is both ________ and ________

Effective & appropriate

Nonverbal Symbols

Gestures, use of eye contact, facial expression, tone of voice

Hall's theory

High vs Low context cultures


In terms of transactional, this refers to one person sending out a message. and the receiver receives it and interprets it. The receiver then becomes to the sender. In this model though, ONLY ONE TRANSACTION IS HAPPENING AT A TIME (which is unlikely in our day to day communication


In terms of transactional, this refers to the person actually sending out the message, and not referring to whether the message is received

Intercultural theory from perspective of oppressed



This refers to all participants are simultaneously sending out messages and receiving incoming ones as well. (what day to day communication looks like)

Verbal Symbols


In a high context culture, they leave much of conversation to a.implication b. emphasis on words c. be understood immediately


In a high context culture, tradition governs life a. true b. false


In a low context culture, time is a. structured b. unstructured


In a low context culture, using arguments to convince is a. effective b. inneffective


In a low context culture, there is a desire to a.recieve critical feedback b. give critical feedback c. eliminate critical feedback all together


in a low context culture, bonds between ingroup are a. constant b. fragile c. strong


inidivualism vs _______



communication does not need to be intentional for messages to come across

Social Practices

consist of typical behavior patterns that a culture follows


created value orientation

social identity

develops as a result of being a member of certain groups within the culture "Micro-cultures" -> family and "co-cultures"-> political party

Informal social practices

eating habits, greetings, ways of dressing

Masiculinity vs. _________


cultural identity

formed as a result of being apart of a specific culture, is central to who we are, dynamic and ever-changing, multifaceted with many components


having more than one possible meaning

Historical traditions increase _____ context cultures


uncertainty avoidance

high vs low


how you see yourself

Shared Meaning

in order for communication to occur, individuals must have a common understanding of the symbols being used, if not then misunderstanding will occur

Social Identity

is groups we belong to -microcultures -co-cultures

Is culture static?

just like communication, culture is always changing and growing with its people

Power distance

large vs. small


learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, norms and social practices that affect the behaviors of a large group

In group

like me


not like me

social comparison

one way to develop self concept through how you compare yourself to others

reflected appraisal

one way to develop self concept through what other people tell you

5 value orientation sets:

power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individual vs collectivism, masculinity vs. feminism, long term vs short term orientation


priorities, importances

Physical Context

refers to the actual location of the individuals (inside/outside, noisy/quiet, public/private)

ways to develop self-concept?

reflected appraisal & social comparison

personal identity

related to an individuals unique characteristics. (likes vs dislikes) aka personality

Interpersonal context

relates to the anticipated behaviors people have about others due to the type of relationship that exists between them. (e.i. the communication that takes place between two lovers differs between two strangers)

Social Context

relates to what is considered to be appropriate behavior and communication styles at various social events (e.i. american students are encouraged to ask questions in class while asian students are discouraged because it "challenges" the teacher

Formal social practices

rituals involved with getting married, holiday traditions, funeral gatherings

long term orientation vs. ________

short term orientation


symbolic, interpretive, transactional, contextual process in which people create shared meanings that does not have to be intentional

Personal identity

you are a unique person with different personality

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