interogative pronouns

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What are the two uses

Pronoun or adjective

What is an interrogative pronoun

Pronouns that are question words

What is the biggest city?

Quae est maximus urbis?

What is the feminine, singular, accusative form


What is the feminine, plural, ablative form


What is the neuter, plural, dative form


What is the neuter, singular, nominative form


What is the masculine, singular, nominative form


Who made the city?

Quis faciebat urbem?

Who held the weapon?

Quis habebat telum?

In which class did I learn?

In qua deceriā disco?

In which city is the person killing?

In qua urbs homines interfecit?

Across which forest did I see the river?

Trans quem silvam specto flumem?

Quid currat trans viam?

What ran across the street?

Quid dies est longior?

Which day is longer?

Qui canis est ambulans?

Which dog is running?

Quae puellae sunt dicaces?

Which girls are the wittiest?

Quae fabula erat optimum?

Which story was the best

Quis est celerrimus?

Who is the fastest?

Quis est fortissimus vir?

Who is the strongest man?

To whom did the dog walk?

Ad quem canem ambulat?

What is the masculine, singular, genitive form


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