Intro to Sociology Final Ch. 11-16

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What is one of the key differences between hunting and gathering societies and horticultural societies?

Horticultural societies tended to have more permanent settlements.

Which of the following best illustrates a question of sociological interest in regard to medicine, health, and illness?

How does where a person lives impact his or her risk of certain health issues?

Which of the following is true regarding intimate partner violence (IPV)?

Younger women are at greater risk of IPV than older women.

Since 1994 Albert has had a recurring illness that requires him to periodically visit his doctor for treatment. He likely has ________.

a chronic disease

Food desert

a community in which the residents have little or no access to fresh, affordable, healthy foods, usually located in a densely populated urban area

Urban sprawl

a derogatory term applied to the expansion of urban or suburban boundaries that is associated with irresponsible or poorly planned development

Which of the following statements best exemplifies the concept of conglomeration?

Google owns the largest wind farm.

Drug addiction used to be considered a moral failing, but now it is considered a disease. What term describes that change?a.medicalization b.curative or crisis medicine c.stigma d.epidemic


Obesity was once seen as a personal issue but has since come to be seen as a medical issue. This best exemplifies __________.



more concerned about the population shrinking and the possibility of a demographic free fall due to declining birthrates

Carlos is examining data showing the number of deaths per thousand people in Mexico in 2001. This data would be referred to as the __________.

mortality rate

Margo is a demographer. She studies population and issues related to population. Which of the following concepts is she most likely to explore?

mortality rate

Deprivation amplification

occurs when the risks we already have because of our background or heredity are amplified by social factors Examples: Minorities are more likely to be exposed to harmful surroundings; men are more likely to hold hazardous jobs

Service work

often involves direct contact with clients, customers, patients, or students

Leana is discussing overconsumption of nonrenewable resources with her friends. Which of the following is an example of a nonrenewable resource?


Civil society

organizations, institutions, and interactions—outside of government, family, and work—that promote social bonds and smooth the functioning of society


refers to marriage to someone within one's social group (such as race, ethnicity, class, education, religion, region, or nationality)


refers to time that can be spent relaxing, engaging in recreation, or otherwise indulging in freely chosen activities

Women in Taliban-ruled parts of Pakistan or Afghanistan are prohibited from participating in some of the most basic human activities, such as reading, going to school, and meeting together freely. The fact that it is very difficult for these women to form and sustain social movements can be best explained by which theory?

resource mobilization theory

Workers in both North Korea, which is under the rule of a repressive totalitarian dictatorship, and France, which has a tolerant and democratic government, are dissatisfied with working conditions and wages. Which theory would predict that a social movement addressing these issues would be much more likely to arise in France than in North Korea?

resource mobilization theory

Susan's friends describe her as a "Supermom." She works a full day outside the home and then comes home from work and completes household tasks, child-care tasks, and other domestic responsibilities. Sociologists Arlie Hochschild and Anne Machung would call the household work Susan does after her paid job the __________.

second shift


sense of dissatisfaction the modern worker feels as a result of producing goods that are owned and controlled by someone else

Lou was raised in an inner city that is now run-down and in need of repair. He spends his time and effort focusing on responsible redevelopment and revitalization of his city and others. He is an advocate of __________.

smart growth

An up-and-coming politician refuses to do television interviews or talk with newspaper journalists. She instead focuses on using Twitter and Facebook to cultivate a following and garner support. Her approach reflects the fact that __________.

social media has made it possible for politicians to bypass traditional media outlets to communicate with people

Publicly owned and operated schools, federally mandated health care coverage, and tax incentives for business are all examples of what?

socialist elements in the U.S. economy

"One goal of the family is socialization of a new generation." This statement would most likely come from which theoretical perspective?

structural functionalism

Of the major theoretical perspectives routinely explored throughout the text, which one suggests that social change occurs as a result of population growth and advancements in technology?

structural functionalism

Phil and his friend Veronica have a long-running argument about sports. Phil thinks sports are a waste of time and people should focus on more important things. Veronica argues that sports bring people together and create stronger relationships and communities. Veronica's perspective exemplifies which theoretical approach to recreation and leisure?

structural functionalism

Virginia has a severe head cold so instead of making dinner as usual for her family, she opts to go to bed early. Virginia's family understands and accepts that she is not fulfilling her typical responsibilities because she is ill. This is known as the "sick role." Consider the major theoretical perspectives routinely explored throughout the text. Which theoretical approach might be used to understand this example?

structural functionalism

Which of the text's major theoretical perspectives would consider urban sprawl as a benefit for society because it allows and supports population growth?

structural functionalism


study patterns of disease to understand illnesses, how they spread, and how to treat them

Which of the different theoretical perspectives considered throughout the text might explore the ways in which designating and redefining animals of a given species as endangered changes the way people interact with and treat them?

symbolic interactionism

Which of the theoretical perspectives considered throughout the text might explore how family relations are created and maintained in daily interactions?

symbolic interactionism


system of multiple-person partnerships

Demographic transition

theory suggests a possible transition over time from high birthrates and death rates to low birthrates and death rates, resulting in a stabilized population

Corporations such as Coca-Cola and General Electric, which are embedded in countries throughout the world and have a significant impact on the global economy, are referred to as

transnational corporations

Complementary medicine

treatments, practices, or products that can be used in conjunction with conventional Western medicine

Alternative medicine

treatments, practices, or products that can be used instead of conventional Western medicine

Second shift

unpaid labor inside the home that is often expected of women after they get home from working at paid labor outside the home

extended family

usually include at least three generations living either in a single household or in close proximity

The mosquito population increases as rain and heat become more prevalent, and as a result tends to spread disease more during this time. Mosquitos are an example of __________.

vector organisms

Anastasia is part of a grassroots environmental group. This is distinguished from mainstream environmentalism by its __________.

belief in citizen participation in environmental decision making

Conflict theorists

believe that society revolves around conflict over scarce resources and that conflict within the family is also about the competition for resources, which include time, energy, and the leisure to pursue recreational activities

Taylor is working on a study with a team of scientists who are trying to document and track all the different types of plants and animals that live in the Savage Gulf State Natural Area in Tennessee. They are studying that area's __________.


Diana was in a car accident and now appears to be in a permanent coma. She breathes with the aid of machines and is fed through a tube. Much debate is occurring within her family about her treatment, which doctors say will not improve her condition. A sociologist who is interested in studying this conflict would want to research __________.


The shift of large segments of population away from the urban core and toward the edge of cities is known as a.urbanization. b.urban planning. c.suburbanization. d.gentrification.


Consider the major theoretical perspectives routinely explored throughout the text. Which theoretical perspective might explore the differences in the way marijuana smoking is constructed (and the meanings attached to it) by people in different U.S. states? a.structural functionalism b.feminist theory c.symbolic interactionism d.conflict theory

c.symbolic interactionism

Consider the major theoretical perspectives routinely explored throughout the text. Which theoretical perspective might investigate meanings assigned to the natural environment and the way in which these definitions impact how society uses it? a.structural functionalism b.feminist theory c.symbolic interactionism d.conflict theory

c.symbolic interactionism

Consider the three major theoretical perspectives routinely explored throughout the text. Which theoretical perspective might explore the ways fans of a particular college football team demonstrate their team support at the games on a weekly basis? a.structural functionalism b.feminist theory c.symbolic interactionism d.conflict theory

c.symbolic interactionism

Which theoretical approach views marriage as constructed through rituals and everyday interactions? a.structural functionalism b.conflict theory c.symbolic interactionism

c.symbolic interactionism

The __________ perspective holds that the meanings assigned to the natural environment will determine how society sees and uses it. a.structural functionalist b.conflict theory c.symbolic interactionist

c.symbolic interactionist

Epidemiologists study disease patterns to a.treat patients. b.understand the social implications of health and illness. c.understand the causes of illnesses. d.propose health-care reforms.

c.understand the causes of illnesses.

Propinquity refers to the tendency to partner with someone a.with the same level of education. b.of the same religion. c.who lives close by. d.with the same job.

c.who lives close by.

Which type of economic system is the United States?

capitalist with socialist aspects

What kind of resistance strategy is a union?


Integrative medicine

combines conventional medicine with complementary practices that are proven to be safe and effective

Encoding/decoding model

combines models to recognize that media texts are created to deliver specific messages and that individuals actively interpret these messages

Agricultural Revolution

included social and economic changes, population increases, and increased efficiency of food production


includes any pleasurable activity that is refreshing and renewing for the body, mind, and spirit

The Agricultural Revolution had many benefits, such as allowing for greater food production and for groups to better sustain themselves and develop more permanent settlements. However, it also had some downsides, such as __________.

increasing the necessary amount of daily labor

While technological advancement has many benefits, it also has risks. Which is an emerging social problem linked to online technological innovation?

large-scale data breaches

In Ocala, Florida, a developer built a subdivision of homes around an airplane landing strip. Each home in the subdivision had a garage as well as a hanger for personal airplanes. The community was intended for the families of pilots. This community exemplifies __________.

lifestyle enclaves

Which of the following would a sociologist most likely say is motivated by relative deprivation theory?

low-income workers' battle to establish fair, living wages

Hypodermic needle (magic bullet) theory

media consumers are passive, uncritical recipients of content ex: Newspaper headline "Fake Radio 'War' Stirs Terror Throughout US"

The impact and effect of media are often difficult to underestimate, as Orson Welles's broadcast of The War of the Worlds demonstrated in 1938. This example is used in support of the hypodermic needle, or magic bullet, theory, which suggests that __________.

media content is effectively "injected" directly into the listening public, which responds instantaneously to the stimulus


"contracting out" or transferring to another country the labor that a company might otherwise have employed its own staff to perform


"like marries like" and is demonstrated by the fact that we tend to choose mates who are similar to us in class, race, ethnicity, age, religion, education, and even levels of attractiveness

Sociologists explore the social institution of medicine and experiences of health and illness. Select ALL of the following questions that sociologists might explore :a.How are illnesses categorized? b.What patterns of illness impact different groups of people? c.How does status impact our health? d.Who constructs definitions of health?

- How are illnesses categorized? - Who constructs definitions of health? - How does status impact our health? - What patterns of illness impact different groups of people?

Changes to modern leisure-time activities:

1.A shift from the public to the private sphere: People spend more time at home, especially with new technologies. 2.Commodities: While people used to make their own fun, they now purchase it as goods and services. 3.Formal organization: Many recreational activities that were once spontaneous and unsupervised are now formally organized.

Kendra is single and lives alone. Today, her type of household (unmarried) makes up what percentage of the households in the United States?

28 percent

Which of the following statements best describes the consequences of the Information Revolution?

Agriculture and manufacturing are shrinking parts of the American economy.

Why are antiwar protests, civil rights demonstrations, and voting-rights efforts (suffrage) all considered to be forms of "social movements"?

All of them have some form of leadership, an organized structure, and a commitment to effect change.


An economic system based on the laws of free market competition, privatization of the means of production, and production for a profit, with an emphasis on supply and demand as a means to set price Encourages efficiency, new technologies, the expansion of markets, and cost cutting

Lawrence works as an urban planner for several cities in Florida. According to the text, Lawrence is considered a(n) a.information disseminator. b.knowledge worker. c.service worker. d.geographic specialist.

B. Knowledge worker

Which of the following is true of both knowledge workers and service workers?

Both service workers and knowledge workers rely on new information technologies to a large degree.

Which of the following groups would a contemporary sociologist classify as a family?

Carl and Wendy are an unmarried couple living together along with Carl's son from an earlier relationship.

Cohabitation (unmarried partners living together) has become increasingly common over the last few decades. Which of the following does your text cite as a possible reason for the rise in cohabitation?

Changing attitudes about religion have made sexual relationships outside marriage more socially acceptable.

What is a major difference between contagion theory and emergent norm theory?

Contagion theory says people develop a mob mentality while emergent norm theory says individuals make decisions based on norms.

Which of the following is an example of propinquity?

Donald and Katherine grew up in the same neighborhood in Boston and ended up getting married.

When Corrine was in school, kids who had a hard time staying focused in the classroom were punished. Now, as a teacher with twenty-three years of experience, she witnesses this same behavior being treated, not as a disciplinary issue, but as a medical issue that can be diagnosed and treated with prescription drugs. What has changed?

Hyperactive behavior has been transformed into an illness that can be treated with medicine.

Which revolution shifted work away from the home and led to the large-scale movement of people from rural areas into cities?

Industrial Revolution

William is a young boy living in London, England, in the late 1700s. He is amazed by the new steam-powered machines he sees being introduced and used in the city to make textiles, as well as the factories popping up seemingly everywhere. William is witnessing the __________,

Industrial Revolution

Early in his career, Roland read about the development of the microchip used in computers. A few years later, he was one of the first people to purchase a computer to assist in managing his business accounts. Roland participated in the start of which revolution?


Which of the following is true about the "treadmill of production"?

It involves using natural resources to fuel production.

Lara works as a massage therapist. Why would Lara be considered one type of service worker?

Lara provides direct service to clients.

What did Barbara Ehrenreich find in her research (described in her book Nickel and Dimed) on minimum-wage service jobs?

Low wages, lack of benefits, and grueling hours often make it difficult for these workers to pay even basic bills.

Madison is a recently divorced mom who has sole custody of her son and Andre is a recently divorced dad who has sole custody of his daughter. Which of the following is most likely true?

Madison and her son are living in poverty while Andre and his daughter are not.

Malcolm is choosing not to have children because he fears that in the future, the global population will far outstrip the available land and food sources, resulting in a catastrophic situation for humanity. He can't imagine bringing a child into the world under these circumstances. As a theoretical perspective, his ideas agree with which concept?

Malthusian theorem

Which of the following statements best exemplifies the argument that transnational corporations (TNCs) hold a great deal of power and wield enormous influence in global governance?

Many transnational corporations are economically larger than some small nations.

Which of the following is a reason why people who decide to live childfree may be stigmatized in American society?

Our society is pronatalist, so choosing to be childfree does not conform to widely held norms.

According to social science research, which of the following individuals would be least likely to participate in a social movement?

Tammy, an unemployed single mother struggling to support her four children in rural Mississippi

While there have always been "gig" workers, what has recently changed about this kind of labor?

Technology facilitates connections between workers and clients and modulates pricing.

Parents are a major source of how we are socialized, and it follows that parents have a significant influence on their children. Sociologists have also found that when there are small children in the home they influence the parents, causing marital satisfaction to decrease. What else changes with the introduction of children into the home?

The division of labor becomes more traditional.

A sociologist studying monasteries, ashrams, student co-ops, and co-housing would be likely to notice what about these intentional communities?

Their members share a common purpose.


This is a situation in which there is only one individual or organization, without competitors, providing a particular good or service To avoid a monopoly in any one media market, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has established restrictions on media-outlet ownership

Gender inequalities

While women live longer than men, they also are more likely to die from heart attacks and to develop anxiety and mood disorders

Decades ago, recreation took place in public spaces far more often than it does today. What is one reason for this shift cited in the text?

With access to the Internet and personal computers, private homes have become more attractive for leisure activities.

In early 2019 it seemed to Connor that everyone at his school was suddenly obsessed with recording and posting videos on TikTok of themselves dancing to Lil Nas X's "Old Town Road" song. Connor thought this whole thing was silly and was glad when people got tired of it and turned their attention to something else. According to the textbook, this is an example of __________.

a fad

Sociologist Matthew Desmond has called attention to a national crisis in housing brought on by __________.

a lack of affordable housing in both cities and suburbs

Janine lives in New York City. It is a fairly quick trip for her to get to Boston, Philadelphia, or Washington, DC. This network of nearby and closely tied urban areas is called __________.

a megalopolis

In December 2019, an outbreak of a new coronavirus occurred in Wuhan, China, and the virus quickly spread to other countries. By late February 2020, the virus had infected small numbers of people in twenty-four countries and officials became worried that it could spread even further around the world and become __________.

a pandemic


a policy that allows insurance companies to cancel people's coverage after they get sick. The ACA banned this practice

Marcus is diagnosed with diabetes. His insurance company cancels his coverage following his diagnosis. This is an example of __________.

a practice called rescission that the Affordable Care act bans

The International Forum of Globalization seeks to reduce the impact of globalization by advocating for "living locally." This best illustrates __________.

a regressive social movement

Darwin is fourteen years old and a big fan of the celebrity YouTuber Jake Paul, who is known for pulling elaborate pranks on his brother and friends, which he films and posts to YouTube. Darwin looks up to Jake and starts trying to act like him by filming pranks on his little sister and parents for his own fledgling YouTube channel. For Darwin, Jake Paul is __________.

a role model

Luanne spends her leisure time doing lots of community service and she enjoys serving as an example for the other volunteers she leads. A sociologist would describe Luanne as __________.

a role model

In the aftermath of the 2018 school shooting at the Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, student survivors organized and led a mass demonstration in Washington, D.C., called March for Our Lives, in which they demanded legislation to prevent gun violence. This kind of group is best described as __________.

a social movement

Ngan works in a factory that offers below-standard wages, demands long hours, and has very poor working conditions that may pose health or safety hazards. This work environment is referred to as __________.

a sweatshop


a system of government that eliminates private property and is the most extreme form of socialism because all citizens work for the government and there are no class distinctions


a system of marriage that allows people to have more than one spouse at a time

On the television show Friends, a close-knit group of friends routinely met at a coffee shop to share meaningful life moments and camaraderie. In this scenario, which sociological concept is being illustrated?

a third place

A park ranger has decided to prohibit visitors to their state park from picking wildflowers because too many people were picking too many, resulting in damage to the landscape. What concept from the text is the ranger trying to prevent with this prohibition?

a tragedy of the commons


a workplace where workers are subject to below-standard wages, long hours, and poor working conditions

Consider the major theoretical perspectives that are routinely explored throughout the text. Which theoretical perspective might note that the main role of the family is to socialize children? a.structural functionalism b.labeling theory c.symbolic interactionism d.conflict theory

a. structural functionalism

Propinquity, or choosing to have relationships with people in close geographical proximity to us, is common in the United States. a.true b.false

a. true

Which of the following is true of the relationship between leisure and recreation? a.Recreation is a type of leisure activity. b.Leisure is a type of recreational activity.

a.Recreation is a type of leisure activity.

Micah lives 40 minutes from the closest grocery store. He routinely grabs fast food from a chain restaurant near his job because it is difficult for him to get to the grocery store. This best exemplifies a.a food desert. uncertainty. c.a fast food nation. insecurity.

a.a food desert.

The prohibition of interracial marriage, cohabitation, or sexual interaction is called a.antimiscegenation. b.anti-fulcrumation. c.anti-internization. d.anti-polygamation


When Fay was young, she had little time to play outside, but when she did, she typically played Kick the Can with her neighbors. Her grandson, Joey, spends his free time watching DVDs of his favorite movies. In fact, he has asked for five new movies for his birthday. This best exemplifies a.commodification. b.retail consumerism c.cultural lag up-scaling.


The fact that people tend to marry someone from a similar social class background demonstrates a.endogamy. b.polygyny. c.polyandry. d.exogamy.


Culture that is accessible to the mass population is called __________ culture. a.popular b.population c.high d.public


The __________ perspective might argue that urban sprawl helps to accommodate a growing population. a.structural functionalist b.conflict theory c.symbolic interactionist

a.structural functionalist

Which of the following is NOT a major trend in leisure over time? a.the decline of travel b.the decline of public life c.the formalization of recreation d.the commodification of leisure

a.the decline of travel

Examples of vector organisms include mosquitoes, ticks, and birds. a.true b.false


Rescission is the practice by insurance companies of canceling coverage only after a person gets sick. a.true b.false


Technological advancements have significantly modified cultural perceptions and ideas about leisure. a.true b.false


Match each term with the corresponding definition: a.polygamy b.monogamy c.exogamy d.polyamory 1.multi-person partnership 2.marriage to more than one spouse at a time 3.marriage to one person at a time 4.marriage to someone from a different social group

a: 2 b: 3 c: 4 d: 1

Match each economic system with the corresponding details. a.capitalism b.socialism c.communism 1.collective ownership and distribution, government regulated private property, no class distinctions market competition, production for profit

a: 3 b: 1 c: 2

Oneisha, a high school student, spends about two hours each day on her phone browsing Facebook and Instagram and watching Tik Tok and YouTube videos, and then spends another two hours watching Netflix on her laptop in the evening. In total, Oneisha is spending about a fourth of her waking day on her electronic devices. This is __________.

about average

Cultural competence

acknowledgment and incorporation of a person's cultural background as part of the treatment process This is important because a patient's beliefs will shape that patient's approach to health care.

Amber lives in New York, "the city that never sleeps," so she feels she has a great deal of freedom and choice. However, sociologists argue that this freedom prevents city dwellers from developing intimate personal relationships or community, a situation that is often referred to as __________.


Jonas works at a software development company and gets paid well, but he doesn't find his work fulfilling or satisfying. He feels as if he is just following orders and doing the same things over and over. He also doesn't feel a sense of connection with his co-workers and resents the power that the company owners have over him. A sociologist would most likely say that Jonas is experiencing __________.


Henry gets frequent migraine headaches. Although his doctor prescribed prescription pain medication, he decided instead to use acupuncture treatment and take herbal supplements exclusively, which are both forms of __________.

alternative medicine

Santiago has noticed that his local news station frequently features stories of Hispanic immigrants committing crimes but less frequently broadcasts stories of similar crimes committed by native-born citizens. He thinks that this pattern in news coverage is contributing to anti-immigrant sentiment in his city. Santiago's views are an example of which approach to understanding media effects?

an agenda-setting theory

Interpretive strategies

an approach that suggests that audience members have ideas and theories that they bring to bear on a particular media text to understand its meaning

Zane prefers to live in a place without many people around and with lots of space in between them. Zane would be most likely to choose to live in ________.

an area with low urban density


an association of workers who bargain collectively for increased wages and benefits and better working conditions


an attempt to manipulate the gene pool to improve humans through medical science


an economic system based on the collective ownership of the means of production, collective distribution of goods and services, and government regulation of the economy


an urban area with a large population, usually 500,000 to 1,000,000 people

Andy lives in a small, isolated town in East Texas, where he feels bored by the slow pace of life and stifled by the close-knit community in which everybody knows everybody else's business. He wishes to live somewhere else with more anonymity, diversity, and variety, at least while he's still young and single. In other words, Andy would like to be __________.

an urbanite

In the 1950s John and Ella lived in Alabama and wanted to get married, but they were not allowed to because one of them was black and the other was white. What type of law prohibited their relationship?


According to the textbook, which of the following is a recreational activity?

any activity that is enjoyable, liberating, and perhaps even transformative

Uses and gratification paradigm

approaches that focus on the psychological or social needs that various media fulfill

Racial inequalities

are partly due to socioeconomic status, some of these disparities are linked to systemic racism and discrimination, especially among African Americans, the effect of which is known as "weathering."

Women are likely to experience upward economic mobility after divorce. a.true b.false

b. false

Workers who telecommute from home tend to be less efficient and productive than those who work in the office. a.true b.false

b. false

While preparing for a garage sale, Jules notices that most of her grandmother's clothes were made in the United States while most of her own were made overseas. This exemplifies a.workplace variation. b.globalization. c.local commodity chains.

b. globalization

The rapid transformation of social life resulting from the technological and economic developments that began with the assembly line, steam power, and urbanization was called the a.Agricultural Revolution. b.Industrial Revolution. c.Information Revolution. d.American Revolution.

b.Industrial Revolution.

__________ is characterized by enhanced organization, improved promotional campaigns and political tactics, and an increased reliance on economic and scientific expertise. a.Conservation b.Mainstream environmentalism c.Modern environmentalism d.Environmental justice

b.Mainstream environmentalism

The __________ states that at some point in the future, people will far outnumber the available land and food sources. a.population theory b.Malthusian theorem c.demographic transition theory d.Darwin theorem

b.Malthusian theorem

__________ advocates often focus on redevelopment and revitalization of inner cities. a.Urban dweller b.Smart growth c.White flight d.Bedroom community

b.Smart growth

Why are sociologists interested in health and illness? a.Sociologists want to treat patients. b.Sociologists want to understand the social implications of health and illness. c.Sociologists believe that all illnesses can be treated. d.Sociologists believe that they can create a better health-care system than what is available.

b.Sociologists want to understand the social implications of health and illness.

Which of the following is NOT a current trend in the population of American families? a.There are more single people. b.There are more married couples. c.More people are cohabitating. d.Modern families include a greater variety of structures, like new partners, ex-spouses, and stepchildren.

b.There are more married couples.

How do contemporary sociologists define family? a.relatives or relations, usually those related by common descent b.a social group whose members are bound by legal, biological, or emotional ties or a combination of all three c.two or more individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption living in the same household d.a two-parent household with children

b.a social group whose members are bound by legal, biological, or emotional ties or a combination of all three

Which of the following sociological perspectives views health and the health-care system as valuable resources that are unequally shared in society? a.structural functionalism b.conflict theory c.symbolic interactionism

b.conflict theory

The study of the size, composition, distribution, and changes in human population is called a.urban sociology. b.demography. ecology. d.environmental sociology.


According to sociologists, recreation and leisure are basically the same thing. a.true b.false


Consider long-term trends in population. As the U.S. population grew over the past 200 years, so did the proportion of rural inhabitants as compared to urban dwellers. a.true b.false


Married couples currently make up the majority of American households. a.true b.false


Media conglomerates typically focus on one type of media. a.true b.false


Sociologists routinely view work and leisure as two opposing activities. a.true b.false


Which of the following is NOT a demographic variable that is crucial to understanding population dynamics? a.mortality rates expectancy c.fertility rates d.migration expectancy

"Media consumers are passive, uncritical recipients of content." This statement best represents which theory? audience theory b.magic bullet theory c.encoding/decoding theory d.the gratification paradigm

b.magic bullet theory

Panera Bread has become part of Paulie's morning routine. After retirement, he and three of his friends started meeting there every morning. Which concept is best exemplified in this scenario? a.peer group activity b.third place c.civil society d.sandwich generation

b.third place

Which of the following focuses on preventing or stalling illnesses?a.curative medicine b.crisis medicine c.preventative medicine d.palliative care

c.preventative medicine

The various ways that workers find to express discontent and cope with their working environments are called a.workplace expression. b.workspace modification. c.resistance strategies. d.collective strategizing.

c. resistance strategies

__________ are most likely to do the second shift work in the family. a.Children b.Men c.Women d.Grandparents

c. women

Which of the following is an example of a third place? a.your office b.your bedroom c.a local coffeehouse d.a bathroom

c.a local coffeehouse

A law designed to prohibit monopolies in the mass media would be an example of a.synergy. b.conglomeration laws. c.antitrust legislation. d.capitalism.

c.antitrust legislation.

A __________ is a social group whose members are bound by legal, emotional, or biological ties (or a combination of all three). a.fictive kin b.kin group d.nuclear family

As a child, Tim enjoyed fishing with a cane pole from the shoreline, but now, fishing with his grandson involves obtaining a fishing license, getting out in the water on the family boat, and bringing several choices of fishing gear so the family can be prepared for many types of fish. This best exemplifies __________.


When Warren noticed his daughter enjoyed doing handstands in the front yard of their home in the suburbs and saw her flips over the couch, he enrolled her in a weekly gymnastics class and bought her mats to practice on. This exemplifies the __________.

commodification of leisure

Last year, Sara and her husband inherited forty acres of land near Salinas, Kansas. Growing her own food has always been important to Sara, and with the new land, she and her husband decided to make organic gardening a career. They began recruiting local restaurants to buy produce directly from their farm. This system is best described as __________.

community-supported agriculture

Tanesha starts having back pain. Her doctor tells her to take aspirin, but she also practices relaxation techniques. What treatment is she using? a.alternative medicine b.complementary medicine c.rescission reform

complementary medicine

independent (or third) sector

composed of nonprofit organizations and their workers and volunteers

contingent and alternative workforce

comprised of people working in temporary and freelance positions or as independent contractors In a capitalist society, we increasingly rely on a contingent and alternative workforce

Which of the major theoretical perspectives studied throughout the text might investigate how certain members of society have greater access to natural resources than others?

conflict theory

Which of the theoretical perspectives considered throughout the text might explore how and why high-culture activities are accessible to some but not all in society?

conflict theory

Which of the theoretical perspectives considered throughout the text might explore the ways in which laws regarding drug use tend to be created by the powerful in society so that they benefit some while harming others?

conflict theory

Which theoretical perspective examines the idea of families as a competition for scarce resources such as time and energy?

conflict theory

Many people think of leisure as the opposite of work. However, a sociologist sees work and leisure as complementary activities that coexist within a capitalist economic system. In that way, work and leisure are activities together linked through __________.


Because of satellite radio stations like SiriusXM radio, U.S. radio stations can be heard throughout the world. The commercials on these radio stations convey American ideas and culture to other countries. This best exemplifies __________.

cultural diffusion

In the late 1970s, British and American punk rock music spread to the youth in East Germany, which was ruled by a communist dictatorship until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Some argue that the adoption of punk rock's ideals of freedom, nonconformity, and individuality among the youth helped to bring down the communist regime by cultivating resistance against state repression throughout the 1980s. The effects of the spread of punk rock to East Germany would be described by a sociologist as __________.

cultural imperialism

The Internet was available long before online classes were available. It took schools and universities years to adapt to the new technology. According to your textbook, this slowness to adapt to new technology is called __________.

cultural lag

Reggie has the opportunity to travel to China as part of his job. He will be there working for three weeks. His biggest concern is having food similar to that which he enjoys at home. While in China, Reggie is pleasantly surprised to see many of the same fast-food restaurants as in his hometown. This best exemplifies __________.

cultural leveling

Martha must drive twenty miles to get to the nearest grocery store. She often buys her daily items from a convenience store near her home, where healthy options are hard to come by. A sociologist might describe her neighborhood as __________.

curative medicine

Instrumental tasks

include the practical physical tasks necessary to maintain family life (such as washing dishes and cutting the grass)

Consider the three major theoretical perspectives routinely explored throughout the text. Which theoretical perspective might note that many service workers are tenuously connected to the workforce and thus hesitate to assert their rights, which makes them less powerful? a.structural functionalism b.labeling theory c.symbolic interactionism d.conflict theory

d. conflict theory

What do sociologists call the situation in which adults are called on to care for their elderly parents as well as their own children?a.second shift b.intentional community c.miscegenation d.sandwich generation

d. sandwich generation

If a disease suddenly started spreading rapidly and across many countries or continents, this would be considered epidemiology. b.a vector organism. epidemic. d.a pandemic.

d.a pandemic.

The process by which it becomes possible to buy and sell a particular good or service is known as a.conglomeration. b.consumption. c.synergy. d.commodification.


This approach to illness treats symptoms once they become evident. a.preventative medicine b.palliative care c.chronic treatment d.curative medicine

d.curative medicine

Food deserts demonstrate that individual health is affected by a.gender. b.race. c.federal dietary guidelines. d.neighborhood context.

d.neighborhood context.

Harley is a big fan of a TV show called Highrollers but dislikes how it portrays women, so she writes her own stories with characters from the show but makes the women stronger and more independent. Harley is practicing a.ecotourism. b.deregulation. c.communitarianism. d.textual poaching.

d.textual poaching.

The conservation era of the environmental movement focused on a.the environmental consequences of new technology, oil exploration, and nuclear power plants. increased reliance on economic and scientific expertise. c.recycling. d.the preservation of wilderness areas.

d.the preservation of wilderness areas.

The unpaid labor inside the home that is often expected of women after they get home from working at paid labor outside the home is called a.gendered work. b.instrumental work. c.a resistance strategy. d.the second shift.

d.the second shift.

Which of the following is an example of the use of renewable resources?

dams on the Columbia River in Oregon that generate electricity from hydropower

Dewey runs a t-shirt company in New York City. She sources cotton from farmers in India, has it processed in Vietnam, and then has it shipped to Mexico, where the cotton is cut and sewn into shirts. The plain t-shirts are then shipped to Dewey's boutique storefront in Brooklyn, where she screen prints her own designs onto them and sells them. This company's practices are an example of __________ integration.


What is a major difference between the Malthusian perspective and demographic transition theory perspective on population change?

demographic transition theory looks at recent historical patterns and countries' economic development

As a sociologist, Piper is interested in how many people live in her home state of California and where it is most densely populated. Which type of research is Piper doing?


Veronica's parents have adult-onset diabetes. Her doctor suggested that she walk daily for exercise to help prevent getting diabetes herself. Unfortunately, it's difficult for her to walk in her neighborhood because the sidewalks are in disrepair. When the risk for disease is increased by social factors as in this case, it is called __________.

deprivation amplification

sick role

describes actions and attitudes expected from someone who is ill Functionalist Talcott Parsons suggests that being sick is a form of deviance (it's different from the norm) You often get excused from your normal responsibilities, but you have new responsibilities, like seeking treatment and trying to get better

In many video games today, the world is presented as apocalyptic and riddled with social problems. What social attitude toward modern cities might this reflect?


Cecile's family is planning a trip to the Caribbean. Her parents want to stay at a large luxury chain resort, but Cecile is worried about the cultural and environmental impacts this would have and convinces them to make reservations at a rustic lodge that is locally owned and collaborates with a nature preserve to promote the conservation of local resources. On this trip, Cecile and her family will be engaging in __________.


Alma lives in a predominantly Latino working-class neighborhood in Chicago, and she and many other residents are angry that there are plans to build a highly polluting municipal trash incinerator near their homes. Alma and her neighbors protest against the plan, arguing they deserve to have a clean and healthy environment just as much as anyone else does, and by doing so, they become a part of the __________.

environmental justice movement

Ashlyn's research focuses on how the city where she lives interacts with the natural environment. This field of study is called __________.

environmental sociology

HIV/AIDS has ravaged populations around the world. Part of the challenge in treatment and prevention hinges upon a clear understanding of local culture in the population under duress. That is, different approaches will work differently in different places. The practice of studying these differences is known as __________.


Symbolic interactionists

examine the types of social dynamics and interactions that create and sustain families, emphasizing the ways in which our experiences of family bonds are socially created rather than naturally existing

Margie is from an upper-class U.S. family and Jorge is from a poor Salvadoran family. They met while she was backpacking through South America after college and they are now married. This exemplifies __________.


Jo is in her early forties and is juggling the demands of taking care of her two young children and having to assist her elderly parents with some daily tasks. She is __________.

experiencing the "sandwich generation" effect

Active audience theory

explains the effects of media through the interpretive activity of the audience members

Malthusian theorem

exponential population growth will outpace arithmetic growth in food production and other resources Thomas Malthus was concerned about population growth and overpopulation

Margarethe plans all holiday meals for her family and sends birthday emails to family members. These are examples of __________.

expressive tasks

Benny does freelance work from home. What is most likely the best benefit of this arrangement?


megalopolis (megacity)

group of densely populated metropolises that grow dependent on each other and eventually combine to form a huge urban complex

As the population of the United States continues to live longer, care of the elderly __________.

has been taken over by nonfamily institutions

grassroots environmentalism

has emerged in response to perceived blind spots in the larger mainstream groups. Grassroots organizers focus on local action and community involvement.

nuclear family

heterosexual couple with one or more children living in a single household

The Metropolitan Opera and the Cleveland Orchestra are examples of __________.

high culture

The Flint water crisis, where the city's water source was contaminated with lead, illustrates what?

how health disparities are often linked to inequality

Socioeconomic status (SES)

impacts people's ability to access better heath care, tests, and medications, and also to afford better nutrition. Higher-SES individuals often live longer and feel better than lower-SES individuals

Lilyanna recently took over as CEO of a large cosmetics company. She thinks it's important to engage in corporate social responsibility, so she __________.

implements a plan to reduce the firm's environmental impact and ceases testing products on animals

Fran is a call center customer-service worker who has a script she's supposed to strictly follow when she responds to customer complaints. One day, a customer is extremely rude to her and Fran departs from the script and asks her to be more polite and respectful. What kind of strategy is this is an example of?

individual resistance

Doing the dishes and fixing the car are examples of __________.

instrumental tasks

Lucia fell on a tumbling pass during her most recent gymnastics competition and tore the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in her knee. To deal with the pain, she got a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test, visited a physical therapist, took aspirin, and got acupuncture. This best exemplifies __________.

integrative medicine

High culture

involves cultural expression typically related to the elite or dominant classes

Popular culture

involves cultural expression typically related to the masses, consumer goods, and commercial products

Knowledge work

involves working with information

Jared runs a company in Oakland, California, that produces mobile games for Android and Apple phones. He has found that he can increase company profits by contracting freelance coders and developers in India rather than in the United States to do most of the work. This is an example of __________.


When sociologists talk about a family form that improvises in response to social-structural changes in our society and makes adaptations to best fit within it, what are they referring to?

postmodern family

Ava is interested in studying the ways in which rapid advancements in technology are shaping human interaction and culture in the twenty-first century and worries about the unintended consequences of some emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence. She is focused on understanding the societal condition of __________.


Oscar donates a portion of his employment sick time to a workplace "sick bank" to help his coworkers every month, even though he himself has never needed extended sick time off from work. He does this because he knows people must be willing to donate even if they'll never need it in order for the sick-time donation bank to work. This is an example of a __________.

public goods dilemma

Industrial Revolution

rapidly transformed social life through technological and economic developments, including the assembly line, steam power, and urbanization

Expressive tasks

refer to the emotional work necessary to support family members (such as remembering a relative's birthday or playing with the children)


refers to marriage to someone from a different social group

A local ballet company has the support of fifty major contributors, who are listed as patrons in the ballet's programs. Each year, all fifty people donate a certain amount of money and buy season tickets because they enjoy and support the ballet. This best exemplifies __________.

taste publics

When he worked in the office alongside his co-workers and supervisor, Nikola just had to show up for eight hours and everyone thought he was productive. However, now that he works remotely, he feels he has to prove he's been working by getting projects done and sending them to his boss, and he has actually become more productive as a result. Nikola's experience is an example of one of the benefits of __________.


Elizabeth enjoys creating silly GIFs and memes by mixing and mashing up clips and still images from 1990s TV shows that she finds on YouTube. This best exemplifies __________.

textual poaching

Human action, natural disasters, technological innovations, and demographic factors are all sources of social change. What does this suggest about social change as a whole?

that it is happening all the time

Making it unlawful for monopolies to occur in media outlets helps to ensure __________.

that multiple perspectives can be conveyed

Someone living in a crowded apartment building hears a woman screaming during the night but does nothing about it because she assumes another neighbor will call the police. This best illustrates __________.

the bystander effect

Many people often see high culture and popular culture as separate categories that are straightforward, fixed, and unchanging. Sociology, however, considers the distinction between high and popular culture to be based on __________.

the characteristics of their audiences


the cultural and economic changes resulting from dramatically increased international trade and exchange in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries

Tamara has worked for organizations like Greenpeace and the Nature Conservancy since the 1960s. She considers herself to be part of the modern environmental movement, which has focused on __________.

the environmental consequences of new technology, oil exploration, and nuclear power plants

Pangri wanted a new cell phone. Her parents told her she didn't need a new cell phone because her old phone still worked, even though it lacked many common smartphone features. Pangri became angry and shouted at her parents, "Technological determinism is part of this society and I need a new phone!" What was she referring to?

the idea that technology plays a defining and critical role in shaping society

The MOST DRAMATIC change that has occurred in the realm of work since the Information Revolution has been __________.

the increase of information work and the decrease of manual labor work

Palliative care

the kind of health care that focuses on symptom and pain relief—it is not intended to provide a cure. This is typically used for critically ill or dying patient


the legal combination of two companies, usually in order to maximize efficiency and profits by eliminating redundant infrastructure and personnel


the moral or ethical issues related to scientific or medical advancements


the movement of people from one geographic area to another for the purpose of resettling


the practice of marrying (or being in a relationship with) one person at a time, is still considered the only legal form of marriage in modern western culture


the process by which a single corporation acquires ownership of a variety of otherwise unrelated businesses


the process whereby an issue that used to be seen as a personal problems is redefined as a medical issues


the shift of large segments of population away from the urban core and toward the edges of cities

Pauline stays home from school because she has the flu and a high fever. Her mother expects her to stay in bed and rest but instead she goes out for a run. Pauline is not conforming to __________.

the sick role

Bystander effect

the social dynamic that shows that the more people are present in a moment of crisis, the less likely any one of them is to take action


the tendency to marry or have relationships with people who are in close geographic proximity


the transformation of poor inner-city neighborhoods into more affluent, middle-class communities

Structural functionalism

views the family as one of the basic institutions that keeps society running smoothly by providing functions such as producing and socializing children, economic production, instrumental and emotional support, and sexual control

Resistance strategies

ways in which workers express discontent with their working conditions and try to reclaim control of the conditions of their labor Individual resistance can include using work time to surf the Web, sabotaging an assembly line, and personalizing a workspace with photos Collective resistance can include membership in a union


when a higher than expected number of cases of a disease also spans a large geographic region, such as multiple countries or continents


when a significantly higher than expected number of cases of a disease occurs within a population

neo-Malthusians (New Malthusians)

worry about the rapid pace of population growth; they believe that Malthus's basic prediction may be true and that the problem has gotten worse

Third place

•After home (first) and work (second) •Any informal public place where people come together regularly for conversation and camaraderie when not at work or home

The American Medical Association (AMA), through its standards and regulations:

•transmits norms and values of medicine and medical knowledge •regulates, licenses, and legitimizes practitioners •polices itself and encroachment on its power

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