IS 300: Midterm 1

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goal seek

A what-if analysis tool that finds the input needed in one cell to arrive at the desired result in another cell.

Web design boxes

All webpages have a box-based layout. Whole page is a box including many boxes


An add-in application that manipulates variables based on constraints to find the optimal solution to a problem.


BSales of goods and services to other businesses (ex: Alibaba)

Web design: Styles

Boxes and elements can be stylized/configured for different appearances. A parent's styles cascade down to the children until overridden (ie size, spacing, background, font, effects)


Central Processing Unit = small computer chip = brain of the computer dictates power and speed of your computer

Benefits of outsourcing

Cost saving, faster, better quality, increasing ability to focus on core business (opp cost)

Relational Databases

Database technology involving tables (relations) representing entities and primary/foreign keys representing relationships. Makes lists easier to manage and scale

referential inegrity

Every value of a foreign key must match a value of an existing primary key Ex: if ID 007 matched with 123, 123 should be a department in the department relation


Future Value of an investment. =FV(rate, nper, pmt, [pv], [type]

Transection based service

Has best price, speed, etc


Helps firms manage relationship with customers. The demand side. benefits: increases customer satisfaction, reduced direct-marketing costs, more effective marketing.

HTML Paragraph Center alignment Headers insert an image

Hypertext Markup Language <center><h2><p> Paragraph </p></h2></center> <img src="http://bebcbc.jpg"> </img>

Variation in ROI of IT

IT itself does not guarantee good returns; must be accompanied by complementary assets

Digital market

Low entry barriers Clear definition of business model w/ target market


Manages supply/inputs. Plan, source, make, deliver, and return. Manage logistics, track status of order, etc.


Near field communication: a type of mobile payment system (ie Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc)


Peer to Peer Payment system (ex: Venmo)

Relative/Absolute references

Relative references change when a formula is copied to another cell Absolute references remain constant no matter where they are copied A$2


Retailing of products and services directly to customers (ex: amazon)


Returns a random integer number (no decimals) between the user-specified numbers


Software development life cycle: describes the process of software creation Application development life cycle: explains how professional IT companies make apps


System that charges the customer for the sale (register, scanner, etc) - transitioned from cash to card to mobile payment systems

Hard drive

The primary storage component of a computer which holds all software and data. (memory of computer)

Business Processes

The unique ways in which organizations coordinate and organize work activities, information, and knowledge to produce a product or service.

How is e-Commerce different than in person commerce?

Ubiquity: can take place anywhere Global reach Low entry barriers personalization/customization

properties of information goods

Varied marketing/inventory/delivery costs Information-based Big fixed cost Easy versioning and pricing Small/negligible variable cost

primary key

a candidate key that us chosen as the key the DBMS will use to uniquely identify each record in a relation


a collection of webpages

Web design classes

a layout of unique combinations of styles that can be quickly applied to different boxes


a programming language for storing and processing information in a relational database


a software for creating and managing databases.

Web design tree - Div block

ad hoc boxes to group elements/other boxes together

Scenario Summary

an excel table that compiles data from various scenarios so that you can view the scenario results next to each other for easy comparison.


an online retail store for goods (Amazon)


analyzes data to compile information that can be used to solve problems - helps with decision making and focuses on how things should be. heavier on data, works with MIS Ex: Voyage-Estimating system


any device that helps you compute/analyze data


any system that stores and retrieves knowledge to improve collaboration and understanding (ex: ERP)

Web design tree: Grid and column

arrange boxes by rows/columns

Web design tree

boxes and elements form a tree/hierarchy - a box is the parent of the boxes in it


buying/selling goods through phones. M-Commerce gives a lot more user data: location, heading, speed, transportation, events in the area, etc Examples: mobile advertising market (google, facebook, etc), games and entertainment


capitalizes the first letter in a text string =PROPER(text) ex: bello =PROPER(A4) Bello

Web design tree - section

chapters of a book. Take the full width of page and stack on top of each other


collects and stores data (typically in a database) regarding an organization's daily transactions. (ex: payroll, online ordering menu)

Foreign Key

combination of two keys/columns

output devices

communication of the computer - monitor, printer, speaker


computer system that performs and records the daily routine transactions necessary to conduct business (payroll, gives the dashboard view)

Main outsourcing industries

consumer and industrial products, financial technologies and insurance, and technology media


converts text to upper/lower case =UPPER(A2)

ERP Benefits

creates a database that is one language, quality and efficiency, cost saving and agility(breaks down many former departmental walls - ex: Zara)

Advantages of regular shopping

customer reaction/attitude, invisible transaction costs, low delayed gratification


describes how trade and technology has made the world into a more connected and interdependent place ("the earth is flat")

ERP challenges

difficult to build, complex technology, not the best structure for every firm


extracts a specific number of characters from a text string's left or right side

transaction broker

facilitates online transactions, business to consumer (Expedia)

Machine Learning

feeding data into a computer, asking computer to come up with an algorithm in which the data will generate the output (ex: spam emails, hacking, and face recognition are results of machine learning)


finds one text string within a text string, and return the number of the starting position of the first character FIND(find_text, within_text,[start_number) example: mckenna =FIND("m", A2) result: 1


finds the highest/lowest number in a range


horizontal. rows contain data about an entity row = record = tuple rrt rightttt


individuals using the web for private sales or exchange (ex: eBay)

digital/information goods

information based goods (movies, music, books, etc). Goods that can be delivered over a digital network. Cost of producing first unit is almost entire cost of product. Marketing costs stay the same


inviting broad communities of people - customers, employees, independent scientists and researchers, and even the public at large - into the new product innovation process. Asking the crowd to solve a problem for you. examples: reviews: Yelp Information: Wikipedia Entertainment: Youtube


lets you join two text strings of text = A1 & B1


makes sure the information between each system in the company gets connected and organized together - cross-function system


obtain (goods or a service) from an outside or foreign supplier, especially in place of an internal source.


one document in html

Complementary Assets

organizational, managerial, social. the combination of numerous resources and assets that enable a firm to gain a competitive advantage. Different assets have different effects when combined with other assets.

3 dimension of IS

organizations, technology, management


oversees all uses of IT and ensures the strategic alignment of IT with business goals and objectives

market creator

provides a trading platform for individuals and firms (eBay)

community provider

provides an online community to focused groups (Facebook)

content provider

provides digital content (ESPN)

service provider

provides online services, including search service (flickr, PayPal)

Effect of the internet on the marketplace

reduces information asymmetry, flexible, delays gratification, increases market segmentation, strong network effect, more disintermedition


reducing the use of intermediaries (butting out the middle man)

the leavitt diamond

relates a firm's IT use to its business processes, organizational form, and requisite people skills


returns a random decimal number between 0 and 1 RAND()

Web design tree - Body

root level of the hierarchy

unsupervised learning:

same procedures as used with supervised learning, but humans do not provide examples

Web design tree - Container

sets margins for better readability


studies technology and the management & process of information


summarizes TPS information and reorganizes it in a more meaningful way. provide middle managers with reports on the organizations current performance (ex: balance sheets)


system that collects and processes data/info & provides it to managers at all levels for decision making, planning, program implementation, and control

supervised learning

system trained by providing examples of desired inputs and outputs by humans in advance (ie used to develop autonomous vehicles

input devices

the "senses" of the computer - mouse, keyboard, microphone, etc

Web design tree: Element

the "substance" of the webpage (paragraphs, headings, pictures, videos, etc)


the intelligence of machines or software


the main circuit board of the computer - the backbone


the process of breaking a table/relation with more than one theme into a set of tables such that each only has one theme

Pivot Table

tool used to create summary tables.


type of e-business; buying and selling goods and services over the internet

relationship based service

unique, personal service, selling the experience. May be firms that cannot compete with bigger competitor prices like Amazon, so sells personality instead (ie Starbucks)


use when you need to find things in a table or a range by row Ex: find an employee name based on their employee ID =VLOOKUP(What you want to look up, where you want to look for it, the column number in the range containing the value to return, 0)


using technology to execute major business processes in the enterprise


vertical columns contain data about attributes of an entity column = field = attribute cfa CHICKFILA


when a business delegates its supply chain management to an external firm in Asia on a contractual basis

Characteristics of a relation

1. Rows contain data about an entity 2. Columns contain data about attributes of the entity 3. Cells of the table hold a single value 4. All entries in a column are of the same kind 5. Each column has a unique name 6. The order of the columns is unimportant 7. The order of the rows is unimportant 8. No two rows may be identical


=today() gives you today's date


A 2-D table that has specific characteristics Relation = table = file


A relationship in which one program, the client, requests a service or resource from another program, the server (ie email)

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