ITN 171 Exam 1 (Chapters 1-3)

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Insert mode, which lets you enter text, is accessed by typing the letter ____ after the vi editor is started. "e" "i" "d" "n"


You can create a ____ partition to hold files that are created temporarily, such as files used for printing documents (spool files) and files used to record monitoring and administration data, often called log files. /tmp /usr /var /aux


The ASCII character set represents ____ characters. 256 512 16,384 65,536


To append output to an existing file, you use ____. > &gt; >> &gt;&gt; < &lt; << &lt;&lt;

>> &gt;&gt;

The ____ Emacs command is used to move the cursor to the beginning of the file. Alt+< Ctrl+< Alt+b Ctrl+b


In the Linux Bash shell, the ____ key combination deletes a word or consecutive characters. Ctrl+b Alt+d Alt+l Ctrl+a


In the Linux Bash shell, the ____ key combination moves the cursor to the position just before the first character of the next word. Alt+l Alt+d Ctrl+k Ctrl+a


In the Linux Bash shell, the ____ key combination moves the cursor to the previous letter. Ctrl+b Alt+d Alt+l Ctrl+a


Linux uses the freeware ____ shell as its default command interpreter. Bash Bourne C Korn


Stephen Bourne at AT&amp;T Bell Labs developed the ____ shell as the first UNIX command processor. Bash Bourne C Korn


UNIX/Linux normally include two editors: vi and ____. Emacs Kate Pico OpenOffice


UNIX/Linux are not case sensitive. True False


Currently, the ____ project, a joint effort of experts from industry, academia, and government, is working to standardize UNIX. POSIX BSD ANSI Ubuntu


The system administrator is also called the ____________________, because the system administrator has unlimited permission to alter the system.


The two most popular hard disk interfaces are IDE and ____. ATA SCSI EIDE RAID


____ are typically not compiled into machine code prior to running, but are executed through an interpreter. Programs Executable programs Scripts Libraries


The clear command has no options or arguments. True False


The command cd source uses relative path addressing. True False


The rm -r command can be used to delete a directory that is not empty. True False


UNIX/Linux systems interpret a single dot character to mean the current working directory. True False


You can switch from one shell to another by typing the shell's name on the command line. True False


____ are programs that perform operations such as copying files, listing directories, and communicating with other users. Extents Utilities Applications Services


A(n) ____ path begins at the root level and lists all subdirectories to the destination file. root primary absolute relative


Graphics files include bit patterns—rows and columns of dots called a(n) ____________________—that must be translated by graphics software into an image.


To determine information about who is logged in, you can use the ____ command. whatis who whois whoami


When using the mount command, you use the ____ option to specify a file system to mount. -f -d -t -m


The ____ directory contains executables, which are the programs needed to start the system and perform other essential system tasks. /boot /bin /dev /etc


The ____ directory contains the kernel (operating system) images. /boot /bin /dev /etc


The ____ directory contains configuration files that the system uses when the computer starts. /boot /bin /dev /etc


If you plan to have multiple users access a system, you can create a ____ partition, which is the home directory for all users' directories. /root /etc /usr /home


Match each item with a statement below: /lib houses kernel modules, security information, and the shared library images /mnt mount points for temporary mounts by the system administrator reside in this directory /media is a relatively new recommendation of the FHS /proc this directory occupies no space on the disk /root home directory for the system administrator /sbin programs that start the system, programs needed for file system repair, and essential network programs are stored in this directory /tmp temporary place to store data during processing cycle /usr houses software offered to users /var holds subdirectories that often change in size Choose from: /lib /mnt /media /proc /root /sbin /tmp /usr /var

/lib houses kernel modules, security information, and the shared library images /mnt mount points for temporary mounts by the system administrator reside in this directory /media is a relatively new recommendation of the FHS /proc this directory occupies no space on the disk /root home directory for the system administrator /sbin programs that start the system, programs needed for file system repair, and essential network programs are stored in this directory /tmp temporary place to store data during processing cycle /usr houses software offered to users /var holds subdirectories that often change in size

Match each item with a statement below. 1. in Emacs, cancels the current command 2. used in vi to move up one line 3. used in vi to move to the end of the current line 4. used in Emacs to scroll up one screen 5. used in vi to delete the text at the cursor 6. used in vi to delete the current line 7. used in vi to copy lines 8. used in vi to search forward for a pattern of characters 9. acts as a wildcard for one character in vi Choose from: Alt+w Ctrl+g dd dot(.) k x yy / $

1. Ctrl+g in Emacs, cancels the current command 2. k used in vi to move up one line 3. $ used in vi to move to the end of the current line 4. Alt+w used in Emacs to scroll up one screen 5. x used in vi to delete the text at the cursor 6. dd used in vi to delete the current line 7. yy used in vi to copy lines 8. / used in vi to search forward for a pattern of characters 9. dot (.) acts as a wildcard for one character in vi

Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE, and Knoppix, recognize up to ____ characters in your user name. 8 16 32 64


Unicode offers up to ____ characters. 256 512 16,384 65,536


Using ____ plus a command-line command enables you to start a new shell, run the command, and then go back into the vi editor. :q :! :c :$


When editing a text file with vi, if you want to save your changes and exit right away, you can use ____ or ZZ from command mode. :wq :q! :se :sq


You can use the ____ command to turn on the word wrap feature in Emacs. Alt+w Ctrl+w Alt+q Ctrl+q


Using the octal permission format, chmod ____________________ data, assigns read,write, and execute to owner; execute to group; and execute to other.

Chmod ugo+rwx (Read, Write eXecute)

The ____ Emacs command is used to mark the cursor location. Ctrl+@ Ctrl+> Ctrl+< Ctrl+m


In the Linux Bash shell, the ____ key combination moves the cursor to the beginning of the command line. Ctrl+b Alt+d Alt+l Ctrl+a


You can view general Emacs documentation by entering ____ (press this one or two times) while you are in Emacs. Alt+? Ctrl+? Alt+h Ctrl+h


In the Linux Bash shell, the ____ key combination deletes the content of the command line from the current cursor position to the end of the command line. Ctrl+b Alt+d Ctrl+k Ctrl+a


You can use ____ to search backward in Emacs. Alt+r Ctrl+r Alt+b Ctrl+b


A disadvantage of ufs is that it does not support journaling. True False


Emacs is a modal editor. True False


For some languages, such as Chinese, the ASCII character set is preferred instead of the Unicode character set. True False


If you plan to have multiple users accessing your system, you should consider having a /var partition in which to store some or all of the nonkernel operating system programs that are accessed by users. True False


In a peer-to-peer network, the system administrator secures all the information on the network by securing the server. True False


In vi, a tilde (~) precedes all line-oriented commands. True False


The less command scrolls only down, whereas more enables you to scroll down and up. True False


The system administrator's prompt is the $ (dollar sign). True False


____ is an Internet terminal emulation program. IP Emulab Telnet Terminal


A directory is a special kind of file that can contain other files and directories. True False


As a general rule, the swap partition should be the same size as the amount of RAM in your computer. True False


Emacs is a screen editor. True False


Files that contain nonprintable characters, such as machine instructions, are called binary files. True False


Like the vi editor, Emacs lets you search for specific text. True False


Most shells keep a list of your recently used commands and allow you to recall a command without retyping it. True False


You can use the ____ command to show the system calendar. clndr syscal cal calendar


To navigate the UNIX/Linux directory structure, you use the ____ command. nav cd mv jump


You can change the pattern of permission settings by using the ____ command. chperm chmod chsec chown


You can access vi's ex mode by pressing Esc, and then typing a(n) ____ to enter extended commands at the bottom of the screen. colon (:) semicolon (;) tilde (~) exclamation sign (!)

colon (:)

Match each item with a statement below. combines the convenience and familiarity of the personal computer with the ability to share files and other computer resources provides multiuser access to network resources large computer that has historically offered extensive processing, mass storage, and client access for industrial-strength computing another name for server device that has a monitor and keyboard, but no CPU interface between the user and the operating system base operating system name that identifies a grouping of computer resources on a network account that has complete access to a UNIX/Linux system Choose from: Network Server mainframe host terminal shell kernel domain root

combines the convenience and familiarity of the personal computer with the ability to share files and other computer resources network provides multiuser access to network resources server large computer that has historically offered extensive processing, mass storage, and client access for industrial-strength computing mainframe another name for server host device that has a monitor and keyboard, but no CPU terminal interface between the user and the operating system shell base operating system kernel name that identifies a grouping of computer resources on a network domain account that has complete access to a UNIX/Linux system root

The vi editor works in three modes: insert mode, ____ mode, and extended mode. edit line screen command


The vi editor's ____ mode is started by pressing Esc. edit insert ex command


The UNIX/Linux ____ command displays the system date, which the system administrator maintains. today sysdate system date


The ____ is the prompt symbol traditionally associated with ordinary users. dollar sign ($) pound sign (#) tilde (~) percent sign (%)

dollar sign ($)

UNIX/Linux systems interpret ____ to mean the parent directory. dot (.) dot (..) backward slash (\) forward slash (/)

dot (..)

A byte consists of ____ binary digits. four eight ten twelve


You can start Emacs by entering the ____ command in the terminal window or at a command line in UNIX/Linux. e em emcs emacs


Compiled and interpreted files that can be run are called ____ program files. binary executable assembly dynamic


In Linux, the native file system is the ____, which is installed by default. ufs ext fs ReiserFS jfs

ext fs

A(n) ____ is used to reduce file fragmentation, because a block of contiguous disk storage can be reserved for a file. partition node journal extent


The root of a file system is denoted by the ____. dot (.) dot dot (..) forward slash (/) backward slash (\)

forward slash (/)

The UNIX file system (ufs) supports ____, which automatically move data on damaged portions of disks to areas that are not damaged. hot fixes backups recovery fixes extents

hot fixes

You can use the ____________________ shell command to print a file from vi.

lpr (line print)

You use the ____ command to display a directory's contents, including files and other directories. dir d pwd ls


The exclusive use of 0s and 1s as a way to communicate with the computer is known as ____ language. mathematical logical binary machine


The ____ command is used to create a new directory. cdir cd mkdir mk


UNIX and Linux are ____ systems, which allow one user to execute more than one program at a time. server-based peer-to-peer multitasking multiuser


UNIX/Linux are ____ systems, which let many people simultaneously access and share the resources of a server computer. superuser peer-to-peer multitasking multiuser


The term ____ refers to a "black hole"; any data sent to this device is gone forever. void root null console


You can change your password, if necessary, by using the ____ command, but you must know your current password to change it. pwd chpwd passwd password


If you have configured your prompt so that it does not show your working directory, you can use the ____ command to verify in what directory you are located, along with the directory path. pwd who list dir


You can type more than one command on the command line by separating commands with a ____. vertical bar (|) colon (:) semicolon (;) dash (-)

semicolon (;)

The ____ partition acts like an extension of memory, so that UNIX/Linux have more room to run large programs. backup primary virtual swap


The head and tail commands, allow you to view the first few or last few lines of a file (____ lines by default). five ten fifteen twenty


Computer files containing nothing but printable characters are called ____ files. text binary document ASCII


A ____ is used to refer to the user's home directory. dot (.) dollar sign ($) forward slash (/) tilde (~)

tilde (~)

In the vi editor, lines containing a(n) ____ are not part of the file; they indicate lines on the screen only. colon (:) semicolon (;) tilde (~) exclamation sign (!)

tilde (~)

The ____ is shorthand for the home directory, which typically has the same name as the user's account name. backward slash (\) forward slash (/) dollar sign ($) tilde (~)

tilde (~)

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