JAVA Programming
iteration statements
Iteration statements repeat a function until a certain value or condition is satisfied. For Statement While Statement Do-While Statement
Java is object-oriented, thus each program is built from objects and classes.
Java works on internet and intranet applications alike.
Platform Independence
Java's power comes from the ability to compile code that can be read on any computer that has the Java Virtual Machine installed.
Memory Management
Memory management is automatically handled by Java Virtual Machine, which means the programmer does not need to write code to manage memory.
Properly written Java programs execute quickly and use little memory.
access modifiers
Public Private Protected These access modifiers are used with classes, methods, and variables.
conditional operators
[Condition]? [true statement] : [false statement];
a 4-byte value that represents values from 1.40129846432481707 x 10-45 to 3.4028234
a one-bit value (one digit) represented true or false, 1 or 0
a period of time marked by a condition, i.e. Stay here while I go see the doctor.
simple if condition
if (Condition) { //true block }
if else statement
if (Condition) { //return true } else { //return false }
the same class name can have many different functions
to shift from one to the other, i.e. Please switch places with me.
transferring the properties of one class to another
! operator
! represents the logical operation NOT. In this type of operator the result is the opposite of the first operand. X Y X! 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Note: 1 represents true, 0 represents false In this operation, if X is true then the resulting value will be false. This logical operator is used primarily to construct multiple conditional statements.
conditional statements
data types
Comment Opener
/*** [line for comment] ***/
multi line comment
single line comment
compound operators
A Compound operator is a combination of arithmetical and assignment operators. + = Increments the value of the variable - = Decrements the value of the variable
A placeholder—it's the value of which can be modified according to the needs of the program or the results of a calculation.
Do-While Statement
Do-while statements are different from the other iteration statements. Instead of checking the condition, they will first perform the operation and then and then check for the condition. initialization; do { Statement; increment/Decrement; }While(Condition);
logical operators
These operators are used to evaluate two expressions. The evaluation stops as soon as the result is known. && AND || OR ! NOT
in the event that, i.e. If this occurs, that might happen.
not moving, i.e. The static content on the screen did not move.
wrapping data in a single unit
protected access modifiers
A protected access modifier has the similar features to that of private access modifiers, except the method or variable in the class can be inherited. Syntax for Method: [Access_Modifier] [Returntype] [Method_Name](args0, args1...argsn) { ................... } Syntax for Variable: [Access_Modifier] [datatype] [variable] = [value];
arithmetic operators
Addition + Subtraction - Multiplication * Division / Modulo Division %
bitwise operators
Anything and everything in the computer's memory is stored as a bit represented by 1s and 0s. So, the machine language of a computer is 1 and 0. It's that simple. Programmers use bitwise operators to manipulate these bits. & Exclusive AND ^ Exclusive OR | Inclusive OR
assignment operator
As its name, an assignment operator assigns a value to a variable. An assignment operator is represented by an equal sign. (X=5) With an assignment operator, Java runs the program from the right side to the left side. All other operators are evaluated from left to right.
Before executing a program, JVM conducts an overall checking of the program and gives reports of any malfunction.Thus, JVM is a robust programming language.
relational operators
Greater Than > Less Than < Greater Than or Equal To >= Less Than or Equal To <= Equal To == Not Equal To !=
public access modifiers
Public access modifiers give complete visibility of a variable or a method across all classes. In simple words you can tell that data will be available everywhere in the Java application. While programming, you need to specify this access modifier in the program. Public access modifier will be declared using the keyword public before a method or a class. Syntax for Method: [Access_Modifier] [Returntype] [Method_Name](args0, args1...argsn) { ................... } Syntax for Variable: [Access_Modifier] [datatype] [variable] = [value];
The Java compiler translates the original code into bytecode so that any computer with JVM installed can run the compiled code, regardless of platform or operating system.
While Statement
The While loop evaluates the condition first, and the execution starts only if the condition is found to be true. initialization; while (Condition) { Statement; increment/Decrement; }
&& operator
This logical operator represents the logical operation AND in Java. This expression shows the result true if both its operands have the same value and false if not. X Y X&&Y 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Note: 1 represents true, 0 represents false
|| operator
This operator represents the logical operation OR in Java. This expression shows the result false only if both its operands have the same value, and true even if one value is satisfied. X Y X||Y 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 Note: 1 represents true, 0 represents false
To avoid mistakes and problems later as the program becomes longer and complex, you need to include comment statements in your program to identify the program or section of code's purpose/this documentation of comments
Private Access Modifiers
When a method or a variable is declared private, they are not accessible outside their class (by default all methods are private). A private class or method cannot be inherited and it cannot be used in an interface. To take full advantage of the object-oriented programming pillar of encapsulation, you should limit access as much as possible within the program. Syntax For method: [Access_Modifier] [Returntype] [Method_Name](args0, args1...argsn) { ................... } Syntax for variable: [Access_Modifier] [datatype] [variable] = [value];
For Statement
When you want to control the number of times the condition has to be done, you want to create a loop. You use a for statement to create a loop. The for statement consists of the keyword for, followed by the three expressions in parenthesis separated by semicolons. These expressions are the initialization expression, test expression and the increment/decrement (re-initialization) expression. for (initialization; condition; increment/decrement) { //statement }
a blueprint which describes methods, functions, and constructors
a statement which gives the output of the specific task. This will be used when you implement the conditional statement.
accessible or shared by all members, i.e. I went into the public restroom.
at that time, i.e. I walked into the office and then went to sit down.
capable of receiving messages, processing information or data, and sending messages to another/a class created at runtime
Data Abstraction
hiding data; Hiding the irrelevant features and exposing only the needed features of a particular object
switch statement
in Java you use Switch statements to control the flow of the program. Switch statements access a particular case when needed. Switch statement works with most of the data types such as byte, short, char, and int. switch (expression) { case cond1: code_block_1 ; break; case cond2: code_block_2; break; ... case condn: code_block_n; break; default: code_block_default; break; }
must start with a letter. It can be followed by a combination of numbers and two allowed special characters: underscore '_' and dollar sign '$'. When naming identifiers you need to be careful not to use any Java keywords.
otherwise, i.e. You must do this or else go to bed.
selection statements
return true or false values. This means that until the condition is satisfied, the program will return true or false