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sports genre

protagonists are athletes or otherwise engaged in games and/ or competition. Essentially dramas, sometimes with a comedic element, the sports film must highlight the virtues of hard work and honest competition (sportsmanship). PROTOTYPE: Hoosiers, Bull Durham, Chariots of Fire

gangster subgenre

centers on organized crime or professional criminals from the criminals' perspective. PROTOTYPE: The Godfather, The Sting

intra-subject reliability

performance on the part of the test subject; often a matter of motivation, the difference between a whole-hearted and a half effort

Washout period

period designed to let any lingering effects of the intervention dissipate in a crossover study


combination of a longitudinal (repeated measures over time) study and a Cross-Sectional study; In a cross-sequential study multiple overlapping cohorts are combined in order to shorten the data collection interval.

buddy film subgenre

comedy containing many of the elements of a romantic comedy - the difficult beginning, the witty dialogue, the comic situations, the happy ending - except the relationship is not a romantic one PROTOTYPE: The Odd Couple (& Road to _____ series with Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, and Dorothy Lamour)

concurrent validity

compare the results of this test to previously established tests of the same construct; a strong relationship to the other tests


neither the participant nor the researcher knows who is receiving the experimental drug (the intervention or independent variable) and who is receiving a "placebo," or fake drug, until the end of the study

conjunctive vs disjunctive events

conjunctive events are a series of independent events meaning all events in a series have to have a favorable outcome in order for a final favorable outcome to occur; disjunctive events are the risk of any one of a series of events occurring; the risk increases if any one event is enough to cause a challenge

Case-Series or Case-Study

merely reports an unusual case or a small set of cases, without performing statistical analysis


money, ideology, compromise, and ego

test-retest reliability

most basic type of reliability and refers to consistency between different trials or attempts of the same test


have order, equal intervals, and a zero point. Height and weight, for example, are given on ratio scales: A person who weighs 150 kilograms weighs twice as much as someone weighing 75 kilograms, and if no one is standing on the scale it should read 0


numbers are used as categories: "Yes" (1) or "No" (0); "Male" (1) or "Female" (2) particular type of nominal scale where there are only two possible answers, e.g., "yes" (1) or "no" (0), is called a dichotomous variable

musical genre

music and lyrics significantly advance the plot, develop characters, or are otherwise integral to the film narrative. Intimately combined with the (stage) theatre, most musicals began as stage productions and made the jump to the silver screen IMPORTANT PEOPLE: Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe; Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein II PROTOTYPE: My Fair Lady, Singin' in the Rain, Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music

anti-war subgenre

highlights the horror of war without acknowledging (or which minimizes) any redeeming elements, such as the value of ultimate victory. The genre also ignores or distains the "warrior virtues" and has particular contempt for those who make the military their career. one of the commone tropes is the futility of war IMPORTANT PEOPLE: Clark Gable, Henry Fonda, Jimmy Stewart, David Niven all left Hollywood to join the military during WW2 PROTOTYPE: Apocalypse Now

Independent Concurrent Controls (randomized)

"classic" or "gold-standard" study design, requiring the participants to be randomly separated into an experimental group and a control group in such a manner that a participant has an equal chance of being in either group

Hawthorne Effect

"observer effect" - participants modifying their behavior in response to simply knowing they are being observed; got its name from productivity studies on employees at Western Electric's Hawthorne Works (factory)

probability of rolling a one with a fair die

1/6; 17%

probability of flipping heads or tails


romantic comedy subgenre

A genre in which the romantic couple endures a series of humorous trials and obstacles before ultimately coming together. Like the mainline romantic movie, the audience is not really interested in flirtation or casual relationships - it is the pursuit of true love we're interested in. The two essential pre-requisites to the romantic comedy are 1) difficult beginnings and 2) happy endings. PROTOTYPE: Some Like It Hot

principle of regression to the mean

A statistician found that if flight instructors praised their students for a good flight, their next flight's performance would be worse. On the other hand, if they criticized students for a bad flight, the student's next flight would be better. Most of the time each student performed close to the average. So if you had a particularly good flight (an outlier), by the law of averages your next flight would probably be worse.

types of questions for which scientific analysis is most appropriate.

Things that can be directly observed and measured

Significance (statistical)

Generally, a "p value" less than 0.05 is considered "significant," meaning that the results seen are unlikely to be due to random chance

Genres that have received the most acclaim

Drama, Western, Musical


Fake drug given to the control group

Genres that have received the least acclaim

Horror (only top 100 is psycho), animation, science fiction, crime

accuracy vs. precision

If I say there is a spring (water) in the desert 3.75 miles away at a bearing of 087 degrees I am showing a great deal of precision, i.e., a specific compass azimuth and distance down to a hundredth of a mile. If the spring is actually 2.54 miles away at a bearing of 185 degrees, however, my directions are not accurate. Precision is of no value unless the information is accurate

Identify some ways in which data (input and/ or output) can be manipulated to produce misleading results.

If the researcher defines groups in different ways, there can be discrepancies in recorded data E.g., single parent households, infant mortality rates, etc.

Discuss the importance of having an adequate database in order to reach meaningful conclusions and how the Oakland As altered their player-selection process.

If you value something, but do not measure it, there will be little reinforcement of its value If something is of small importance, but you include it in your measurements, you are reinforcing the wrong things

calculate on base percentage (OBP)

OBP = (Hits + Walks + Hit By Pitch) / (At Bat + W + HBP + Sacrifice Fly)

screwball comedy subgenre

Originally a satire of the Romantic Comedy, the Screwball Comedy employed even more farcical situations and even greater conflict between the principals and between and with surrounding cast members - sometimes called "the comedy of conflict." PROTOTYPE: Bringing Up Baby

Explain the effects of sample size and randomization upon the use of a sample to make inferences for the larger population.

Random selection of study subjects Since I must, in almost every circumstance, be satisfied with measuring only a portion of the whole (a sample) my results have meaning only if this was a random sample and if the sample size (population size or n) is sufficiently large to be representative of the entire group.

calculate slugging percentage (SLG)

SLG = Total Bases / At Bats

Explain what is meant by the phrase: "You find what you're looking for."

Scientists are just as vulnerable to human frailties and human weaknesses. Life is complex and messy, and even when there is a sincere desire to "go where the science leads us" it is more than possible that human frailties can act as unseen ocean currents, pulling the scientists' ship off course.

comedy genre

The comedy genre is a set of sub-genres with the end objective almost always simply to make people laugh. The essence of comedy is two-part: Leading the audience in a particular direction and then suddenly and unexpectedly changing that direction.

explain why eric walker called 3 the most critical number in baseball

The most critical number in all of baseball is 3: the three outs that define an inning. Until the third out, anything is possible; after it, nothing is. Anything that increases the offense's chance of making an out is bad; anything that decreases it is good. And what is on-base percentage? Simply yet exactly put, it is the probability that the batter will not make an out.


Using numbers in this (e.g., 1 to 5) way; The numbers are in order (e.g., 1, 2, 3) and there is assumed to be an equal interval between them

animation genre

a genre in which the film's images are primarily hand-drawn or created by computer (CGI) and the characters are voiced by actors. Children are most often the primary audience, but good animation films are usually sophisticated enough to also interest older audiences. IMPORTANT PEOPLE: Walt Disney, Ed Catmull, John Lasseter (Pixar) PROTOTYPE: The Lion King, Toy Story

romance genre

a love story is the central narrative. In virtually all cases, casual attraction or flirtations are not acceptable to the audience - we're talking true love, the quest for which lives on from generation to generation, across all borders, and in all major cultures (although often unfulfilled). Other traditions of this genre is that the romantic couple's togetherness is almost always threatened - the primary plotline supplied by this conflict - that threat varying from family and social structure. PROTOTYPE: Casablanca, Dr. Zhivago


a test accurately measures what it is supposed to measure

false negative

a test that fails to identify something that is actually there

false positive

a test that finds something that is not actually there

heroic warrior subgenre

acknowledges the horror of war but also highlights the warrior virtues of bravery, honor, loyalty, self-sacrifice, comradeship (Australian "mateship"), etc. The images can be shocking and the loss deeply and sincerely felt, but overall there is the message that the conflict was "worth it," or that the sacrifice is made noble by what it achieves (or makes possible). PROTOTYPE: Saving Private Ryan, The Bridge on the River Kwai

calculate on base plus slugging (OPS)

add on base and slugging percentages


also looks at relationships between two or more variables over time, but a Cohort study looks forward in time


also uses ranking, but the interval between numbers does not have to be equal: Think of a footrace where the first place (1) runner might finish several seconds ahead of her nearest competitor, but the second (2), third (3), and fourth (4) runners come in only fractions of a second apart

criminal justice subgenre

centered the investigation of a serious crime, usually murder, most often with the hero being a police detective, a private detective, or an investigative journalist. As noted elsewhere, the difference between the criminal justice and the mystery genres, quite frankly, is usually the sense of mystery - strong in the latter and weaker in the former. PROTOTYPE: The Untouchables

calculate conjunctive and disjunctive events

conjunctive: Say we would need to go straight through six intersections to make it to the ferry before it sailed. Say each traffic light is independent of all other traffic lights and each intersection has a 50% probability of being a green light, meaning the overall probability is 0.50 * 0.50 * 0.50 * 0.50 * 0.50 * 0.50 = 0.02 disjunctive: Say a failure of any one of six subsystems will trigger a catastrophic event, but the probability of each failure is only 2% (0.02). Since any one failure will cause a catastrophic event, and there are six possibilities, the results are additive: 0.02 + 0.02 + 0.02 + 0.02 + 0.02 + 0.02 = 0.12

parallel forms reliability

consistency across multiple forms of the same test

interrater reliability

consistency between tester; multiple professors grading the same essay, etc.


consistency or repeatability of a score

intra-rater reliability

consistent scoring by a given tester

convention vs. invention in filmmaking

convention is a variation of an invention. genres rely on repetition and variation rather than uniqueness; recognizable conventions rather than new inventions

psychological thriller subgenre

creates anxiety or anticipation through psychologically-stressed characters and situations. PROTOTYPE: The Manchurian Candidate, The Silence of the Lambs

crime genre

criminal activity is the major source of action or the essential background (setting) in or for the narrative. Traditions include revealing the place of law and order in the life of the community, the fracture of this order by the violation of the law, and the repercussions of the crime. At the same time, the value of the law is not necessarily celebrated: Criminal society itself is most often celebrated in the gangster sub-genre, but the discerning viewer will note that these films almost always also support law and order of a different type.

horror genre

designed to produce feelings of fear, dread, revulsion, and terror in the audience, usually with a central villain or monster, and often marked with wholesale butchery and gore. Distinct from films in the Crime, Science Fiction, and Fantasy genres, which may contain some horrific content, in that producing fear/ dread/ terror/ in the audience is the preeminent goal of this genre. PROTOTYPE: The Shining

Calculate effect size. Explain the relationship between sample size, effect size, base rate, statistical significance, and practical significance.

effect size is calculated by subtracting mean A from mean B and dividing by the standard deviation A: [(mean B - mean A) / standard deviation A] Something can be statistically significant without being practically significant. We must know the base rate to know if it is practically significant

slapstick comedy subgenre

emphasizing sight gags and physical comedy - such as prat-falls and comic violence - with roots in the old vaudeville stage acts.This genre is also typically male-dominated. Contains some violent action PROTOTYPE: The Return of the Pink Panther

predictive validity

established by comparing correlating test results with a future behavior or performance measure

construct-based validity

establishes that the test is consistent with the underlying "construct," or theory

Confounding Variable

external influence that may act upon the item of interest

film noir subgenre

focused on crime dramas and marked by a low-key, monochromatic visual style (e.g., dark shadows and a lot of night shots) and the cynical-hero "hardboiled" school of detective fiction. originated with French film critics; the translation would be "black cinema" or "dark cinema," a reference to both the cinematography (visual style) and the emotional impact of the films. PROTOTYPE: The Maltese Falcon; The Big Sleep

coming-of-age subgenre

focusing on the central character or characters' journey to achieve maturity or recognition, usually associated with the movement from adolescence to adulthood, but may extend to other life stages. Traditions of the genre typically include an inciting incident, such as an identity crisis or a moral dilemma, which demands growth on the part of the protagonist, and who achieves this growth by the end of the film PROTOTYPE: The Graduate, American Graffiti

biography subgenre

focusing on the story of a compelling central character or characters, either fictional or historical (authentic). In most instances the film does not progress from birth to death, but focuses upon a particularly significant portion of the character(s) life. PROTOTYPE: Citizen Kane, Patton, Forrest Gump

action/adventure genre

genre featuring characters involved in exciting and (usually) dangerous activities, usually in pursuit of a heroic quest; Dominant hero engaged in a noble quest against a strong external challenge.The challenge is overcome through a mixture of heroic strength of character personal talents and skills faithful application of the old Marine Corps adage to "adapt, improvise, and overcome," and the advantage of strikingly implausible good fortune. PROTOTYPE: Raiders of the Lost Ark

independent vs dependent events

independent events are not related or linked in any way; dependent events can also be considered "not independent" (dependent= thunderstorm, power outage; independent= thunderstorm, broken generator)

historical epic subgenre

large-scale (striking, grand, or splendid) films set in a cinematic interpretation of the past. While artistic license may be given to fiddle with the details, one of the assumptions of this sub-genre is that actual history is being represented PROTOTYPE: Gone with the Wind, Ben-Hur, Lawrence of Arabia, Schindler's List

p Value

less than 0.05 means there are fewer than five chances in a hundred that the results seen are due to random chance

fantasy genre

live-action characters (along with possible CGI or other forms of animation) inhabit imagined settings and/or experience situations that transcend the rules of the natural world. In contrast to the Science Fiction genre, the alternate world the characters inhabit in a fantasy film is created by magic, rather than technology. PROTOTYPE: The Lord of the Rings, It's a Wonderful Life


looks at relationships between two or more variables over time. It is important to know that the Case-Control study looks backward in time

Historical Cohort

looks at relationships over time, moving in a forward direction but starting (in the past) with historical data


looks for associations only at the present time

dark comedy subgenre

making light of normally serious topics or things such as death, divorce, prejudice, criminality, etc. Very often does not have a positive ending. PROTOTYPE: Dr. Strangelove

science fiction genre

marries a scientific or technological premise with imaginative speculation. Like the Fantasy genre, Science Fiction has an imagined setting, but the imaginary transport vehicle in Science Fiction is advanced technology, not "magic" or another supernatural force. PROTOTYPE: Star Wars 2001: a Soace Odyssey

mystery subgenre

revolves around the solution of a crime or another dark secret. Distinct from the Criminal Justice sub-genre by the degree of intent, i.e., the primary goal of all Suspense/ Thriller sub-genres is the creation of anxiety or anticipation. PROTOTYPE: Rear Window

content-based validity

says that the test covers all relevant components or that it samples a full range of relevant items

western genre

set in the American West (or a similar frontier setting, such as Australia) that embodies the spirit and the struggle of the frontier. The scenery (cinematography) is a huge player within the tradition, with sweeping vistas and stunning landscapes, and there is usually a stirring soundtrack. The old "white hat"/ "black hat" stereotype is said to have arisen during the monochromatic (black-and-white) filming of a massive fight scene, when the film's producers anticipated the difficulty the audience would have keeping track of the "good guys" and the "bad guys" in the chaotic on-screen proceedings. IMPORTANT PEOPLE: John Ford directed and John Wayne acted in some of the most iconic westerns. Other important directors are Howard Hawkes, John Sturges, and John Wayne and Clint Eastwood PROTOTYPE: The Searchers, The Magnificent Seven, Dances With Wolves

drama genre

set of sub-genres featuring narrative fiction (or fiction-enhanced actual events) intended to be more serious than humorous. Dramatic movies emphasize the development and interaction of interesting characters and highly-charged themes that deliver an emotional impact/ identification to the audience. Films in this category explore deep feelings and deep issues; traditionally the protagonist faces challenges that seem to exceed his or her capacities and must "dig deep" in order to succeed. The possibility of defeat, in other words, is very real and such a loss would be of deep significance to the protagonist.

suspense/thriller genre

set of sub-genres that creates a feeling of anxiety or anticipation in the audience regarding an uncertain outcome. High stakes (e.g., death) and plot twists are hallmarks of the suspense/ thriller genre, along with often elaborate storylines that keep the hero from knowing the identity of his or her nemesis until the protagonist seemingly earns that right by overcoming the challenges placed before him (or her).

define a subgenre

simply a smaller category within a genre category

courtroom drama subgenre

system of justice plays a critical role in the narrative. Distinct from the Crime genre in that the story takes place in the courtroom (not "the street") and the conflict is between opposing sides of a legal system PROTOTYPE: To Kill a Mockingbird, 12 Angry Men

discriminant validity

the ability to distinguish between different constructs or aspects of performance or behavior

face validity

the appearance that the test measures what it is supposed to measure; can establish test credibility among those being tested


the control group and the experimental are exactly the same; studies have each participant effectively acting as their own control: The participants are randomly separated into groups and each group receives the intervention but the order of the intervention is reversed (control first or intervention first)

Explain the concept behind the phrase "the primacy of data" and explain the value of replicated results.

the idea that conclusions are based upon actual evidence, rather than some other consideration (valid) Limits "data-driven" conclusions that almost always serve the interests of those performing the research (reliable)

Dependent Variable

the item of interest

Independent Variable

those things under study that may influence the item of interest

internal consistency reliability

type of reliability that examines whether selected items on a test measure the same dimension, construct, or area of interest

criterion-based validity

umbrella term for evidence of validity that comes from an outside measure, or "criterion"

Longitudinal study

uses repeated observations of the same variable over time. the time periods separating the observations may be short or long, the key is repeated measures of the same variables

Independent Concurrent Controls (matched)

variation of the previous design in which the members of the experimental group and the control group do not have an equal chance of being in either group; individuals in the control group are matched to individuals in the experimental group on some vital characteristic to reduce the effect of a confounding variable

war genre

war is the major source of action or the essential background (setting) in or for the narrative.

define sideswipes or black swans

we have to be aware of low probability, high risk events because low probability events do happen although rarely. (ornithologists thinking they knew that all swans had white feathers, but just a low probability that they had black ones)

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