John Adams: Independence

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In his rebuttal to Dickinson, John Adams argues that the time for Independence is now on the basis of what word?

1. A constitution of free government is at no cost of lives 2. Hope 3. The republic of laws ready to take on the world 4. The people are able to choose their own government 5. The end result justifies the means 6. Free country

Pennsylvania and New York are the two colonies that are reluctant to join in with the Declaration at first. John Dickinson of Pennsylvania does not believe independence at this time is wise...what are at least 3 of his reasons why he is against independence?

1. Sacrificing the blood and happiness of the country 2. Independence won't do much 3. Soldiers will be vulnerable 4. Britain will go crazy 5. Apocalypse 6. Indians will kill them 7. Slaves will kill them 8. New York will be no more 9. Unprepared

What are his 3 reasons he believes TJ should write it?

1. Virginian - Most powerful state 2. Popular - John is not 3. Writes well - Respects his writing ability

What are the arguments against declaring independence that are brought up during debate at the Second Continental Congress?

Adams wanted independence to negotiate with France. They'd be partners. Rutledge will never give a vote for independence. If they don't figure things out, there will be no unity. Making it very difficult to defeat the King.

What would happen to the men that wrote this document if the English won the Revolutionary War or they were captured?

Death by hanging.

Why does Adams bring Dickinson's religion into the discussion? What religion was Dickinson, and how might it impact his opinion?

Dickerson doesn't want to have a war, so even if leaving Britain is best for everyone, he would rather beg for forgiveness than turn to violence. This corrupts his judgement. He is a Quaker.

Even after Bunker Hill, John Dickinson wants the colonists to hold off from building an army. John Adams does not. What is each man's argument?

Dickinson wants peace. He wants to give an Olive Branch petition to the King and have him reconsider the problems going on. Whereas Adams is done with the King, he's made his intentions clear. Might as well leave because there's no point to make amends.

What is each man's argument? (Hint: Remember the "Olive Branch" petition.)

Dickinson wants the nonsense to stop by reaching out to the King and set things back on track. He wants everyone to respect Great Britain and keep the peace. Sam Adams thinks nothing good can come from staying with the King. He's already killed their people, blood has already been shed. John Adams states that time for negotiation has passed.

Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposes what?

Fighting that each colonial should be free and independent states from the British crown. Emotion for Independence. Get rid of all allegiance to Great Britain.

John Adams believes who would be willing to help the Colonies in their fight against the King of England?


Listen closely to Franklin and Adams' conversation. Why did Ben Franklin, Adams' good friend, vote against Adams and for the Olive Branch petition?

Franklin doesn't want enemies. The motion was still going to occur, at least this way he's still safe. Speaking in public shows people you're more serious.

Do you think politicians in Congress make these types of political deals today in order to get their ideas passed?

Happens all the time. Especially in the state senate.

George Washington. What characteristics might make him a good leader?

Honorable. Has a spirit of unity. Good leader. Humble. Respectful.

Why is unity on ratifying a Declaration so important?

If you separate, you're gonna die. Sticking together increases your chances of survival. It easier to defeat them separately.

Responsibilities does it look like Abigail Adams while her husband is away in Philadelphia at the 2nd Continental Congress?

In addition to managing the home, cleaning, cooking, and taking care of the children, Abigail has to make bullets for the soldiers to use in battle. She also has to be the main protector of her family when John isn't around.

Who is missing when Pennsylvania votes yes for adopting the Declaration of Independence?

Mr. Dickerson isn't going to be there.

John Adams notices Thomas Jefferson up to this point had been silent at the Second Continental Congress, why does TJ say he doesn't speak up during the intense debates?

No gift for oratory. Isn't able to speak well. Doesn't like public speaking.

Consider the stress on Abigail and her children at home—especially her lecture to her husband about women not understanding "politics" and her smallpox decision (which will come up later). How does she demonstrate that war does affect women and children at home?

She's very political and wants to be apart of politics, but can't because she's a woman. There were less supplies and that affected people at home. Less food and materials. People have to adapt. They can't buy from the British because their boycotting them.

To the bitter end, John Dickinson does not believe in independence (nor does the New York faction). What are some of his arguments?

Should never compromise his beliefs. It's not the time for dangerous action. He can't do it. (They didn't get in there way. He abstains).

When Ben Franklin and John Adams proofread TJ's first draft of the Declaration of Independence, what issue that TJ originally brings up doesn't make it into the final draft?

Slavery is awful, shouldn't have it. By putting a stop to slavery, the South might have pulled out. Stopping the unification.

Who does Thomas Jefferson include in his original DOI? In other words, who, besides the colonists, does he say deserves freedom? From what you already know about Jefferson, what is strange about this fact?

Slavery. Jefferson owns slaves. Interesting that he thinks its bad.

Listen closely to "the proclamation by King George III" - i.e. Britain's response to the Olive Branch Petition. Summarize that response.

The King is allowing the troops to act on the traitors as they please. Those who get in their way will be killed by hanging. Everyone is really annoyed and surprised. Throughout the letter, the King calls out those who went against him, saying they've made too many poor choices. However, if they come around and behavior correctly again, he'll show mercy. For those who continue, they'll be killed.

Where did people go to find, read, or hear "The Declaration of Independence" after it was written and published?

They read this aloud. Copies are printed. It's basically an assembly.

Why do you think these men think that risk was one worth taking?

They were done living under British rule. It was better to die trying than not do anything at all. In either scenario, the men could die. However, by fighting, they were giving themselves a chance.

What does the King say will happen to those in rebellion that do not change their minds?

They'll be punished by death of hanging.

Who does John Adams recruit to write the Declaration?

Thomas Jefferson

What does Benjamin Franklin mean when he says that the Colonies "should all hang together or we will most assuredly hang separately"?

Unity is so important. Without it, they will all suffer. Even if they all disagree, everyone was threatened. They're all in the same boat now.

Which colony does Franklin insist Adams must win over to declare independence? Why?

Virginia. They have a love of money and size.

Thomas Jefferson says what about every word he chose to put in the Declaration of Independence?

Was precisely chosen.

How does George Washington feel about the Lexington and Concord incident? Where would he stand on the Olive Branch issue? HINT: Remember what colony he was from. How would this factor into his opinion?

Washington is mourning for the deaths in Massachusetts. He's saddened. It shows his morals. He's respecting the soldiers who died, even those they weren't his own. This factor could mean he's secretly with John Adams. He's used to war, and thinks that the Olive Branch will do nothing.

Does New York ever vote for adopting the Declaration of Independence?

Yes, only if Pennsylvania accepts as well.

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