Lab pratical microbiology

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Black color in >50% of test tube

+ bile reaction

How many phases are involved in the bacterial transformation process?



45-80 degrees


In order to be classified as an insect, the organism should have_________ legs?

A hemoflagellate, such as Trypanosoma, is an organism that would be most likely be found?

In the bloodstream, but move outside of red blood cells by means of flagella

What is the clinical significance of using urea agar as a biochemical test?

It can be used to determine a urinary tract infection caused by many enteric bacteria.

total magnification

Magnification of objective lens x magnification of the ocular lens

Mold cultures grow?

Much slower than bacterial cultures

During the denaturation process, the DNA template seperates due to?

The disruption of the hydrogen bonds in the DNA caused by heat.

The purpose of a deep agar stab inoculation tube is_______________?

To produce layers that vary in oxygen concentration

gram stain crystal violet

bacteria are first stained with this, both gram positive and gram negative bacteria become directly stained and appear purple after this step. This is the primary stain

Presence of hydrogen sulfide

indicates the bacteria is not a strict aerobe

What does the yellow color of a sugar test tube indicate?

it indicates that fermentation of that particular sugar has occurred

Selective media

prevents growth of unwanted bacteria without inhibiting the growth of the desired organism


A bacteria that will grow well in the environment of a refrigerator at a temperature of ~4oC could be best classified as? (near freezing)

Aseptic Technique

A fundemental technique important in the laboratory and used by Microbiologists for a variety of procedures such as, transferring cultures, inoculating media and isolation of pure cultures is known as?

Serial dilution

A method used to dilute a substance in a stepwise manner into a solution with a constant dilution factor is known as?


Contain specific dyes that cause a color change as different bacteria grow and produce waste products.

Enriched Media

Contains factors which enhance the growth of desired organism For fastidious ("fussy") organisms-have complex growth requirements not present in common mediums

What is the overall electrical charge of DNA and why?

DNA has an overall negative charge because of the many phosphate groups it contains

The 3 stages of PCR, in order, are?

Denaturation, Annealing, Extension

carbon dioxide gas

Displayed in carbohydrate fermentation


During what form of horizontal gene transfer can plasmid DNA be replicated and passed to another bacterial cell?

This is an image of a Lactose test (yellow). What type of general test is this and what is the result?

The lactose test is used for identification of carbohydrate fermentation and this test is positive.

Alcohol, CO2, acid

The process of fermentation includes the production of any or all of these waste products during bacterial metabolism.


The same organism was inoculated into both Tube A and Tube B. Tube B contains nutrient broth with a pH of 9 and Tube A contains a nutrient broth with a pH of 7. What type of organism is this?


These are projections on mold that function for nutrient uptake, adherence to substrate, and hold up reproductive structures.


This disease is caused by a parasitic protozoan, which is transmitted through the bite of a vector and delivered into the bloodstream of a definitive host.

Beta hemolysis

This is due to the lysis of red blood cells, in Blood Agar, and the complete absorbance of the nutrients from the red blood cells, leaving behind a clear zone on the agar.

Gram stain safarin

This is the counterstain, since the gram positive bacteria are already stained purple,they are not affected by the counterstain. Gram negative bacteria, that are now colorless, become directly stained by the safranin, they now appear pink or red

Arthropods, Helminths, Protozoans

Typical "normal" flora of the human body does not include which of the following?

Thymine dimer

Ultraviolet light causes a specific mutation in nucleic acid, known as a?

concentration media

What determines how far into the Mueller Hinton media the drug will diffuse?


What do bacteria form that may help them during unfavorable conditions such as heat, chemicals or radiation that allows them to remain metabolically inactive for many years and return to a vegetative form?


What genus of tick is responsible for Lyme disease in the United States?

Peptidoglycan layer

What is the component of the bacterial cell wall that is actually being stained?

endospore stain

What is the stain which can help visualize the structure formed by bacteria during unfavorable conditions that contains DNA and a small amount of cytoplasm encased by a protective outer covering which can then germinate during favorable conditions.

Acid fast stain

What type of staining needs to be done on sputum cultures to identify the presence of Mycobacterium?

moist heat

Which method is more effective for destroying bacterial cells; dry heat or moist heat?

Macroscopic organisms are sometimes vectors which deliver the causative agents of infections and it is important for clinical microbiologists to identify these pathways of agent transmission.

Why should we be concerned with studying macroscopic parasites in a microbiology class and why would this be important to a clinical microbiologist?

grams decolorizer

a mixture of ethyl alcohol and acetone, is then added. This is the differential step. Gram positive will remain purple while gram negative are decolorized

3 basic types of media

differential, selective, and enrichment


midrange 20-40

The porous electrophoresis gel allows the DNA to be______________so it can be compared to known DNA base pair sizes and distances traveled.

separated by size

methyl red test

test for acid production

ferric chloride

test for phenylaline

gram stain indole

this is the 2nd step, this is the mordant. This allows the stain to be retained better by forming an insoluble crystal violet-indole complex. Both gram positive and negative remain purple after this step

indole test

waste product generated in + peptone test

What color is positive test reaction in the sugar tube?


A zygospore would be considered a?

Sexual spore

Choose all the possible waste products produced by bacteria during the fermentation process.

Alcohol, acid, and carbon dioxide


All through the tube

Selective and Differential

An agar that contains a dye and/or indicator and a growth inhibitor as part of its ingredients can best be described as.


An organism that can only utilize glucose when exposed to atmospheric oxygen can be best described as which of the following?

aerobic acidophile

An organism that grows best at a pH of 4 and also only grows in the top of the nutrient broth tube could best be described as?


An organism that grows best at a pH of 9 would be classified as a?


An organism which is unsegmented, found in all natural environments, covered by a thick cuticle which is molted as it grows, has a complete digestive system and is bilaterally symmetrical and reproduces sexually and conducts movement by whipping its body from side to side.

1,000 (oil immersion)

At what "total magnification" should you view your gram stained slide, as well as all bacterial slides?

Gram stain order

CIDS Crystal, Indole, decolorizer, safranin


Growth which displays only on the top of a deep agar tube could best be described as?

6 legs

In order to be classified as an insect, the organism should have_________ legs?

antigen; serum

In this ELISA procedure ___________ is placed in a microtiter plate then a patients __________is added to each well.

negative stain

In which type of specialty stain is the background stained and the bacteria left unstained?

Does the Disc Diffusion method test the MIC or the MBC?

It uses the MIC, the minimum inhibitory concentration, which is the lowest dose possible that will inhibit bacterial growth.

Sugars, carbohydrate

Lactose, maltose, mannitol, sucrose, and trehalose are all different types of___________ and they are all used under the general heading of____________ testing.

This is an image of a MacConkey agar plate. Which statement is correct concerning this agar plate?

MacConkey agar is a selective and differential media which can be used to identify Gram negative bacteria.

Why would there be a need to add nucleotides to the PCR reaction components and what would they be?

Nucleotides need to be added so the Taq polymerase will have the necessary adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine components to copy more strands of DNA.

Spread plate vs streak plate isolation

One difference between the two techniques is that the "Spread Plate Method " is used to evenly distribute the bacteria across the entire plate and a similarity is the end result should produce pure colonies in both methods.

If the denaturation process causes the DNA to separate due to extreme heating, how can DNA polymerase function to put it back together when, as a protein, it will also denature?

Taq polymerase is used which comes from a thermophilic bacteria known as Thermus aquaticus.


The "OF" in the OF Glucose test stands for oxidation/ fermentation.

Correctly define the term "definitive host".

The host in which the parasite spends its final development stage and reaches its mature form capable of reproduction.

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