Lab Safety Quiz

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Practice Quiz: What should you do if the contents of a small beaker catch fire?

- Alert (send your lab partner to get help) your TA ask for help. - Cover the flames with a large empty beaker or a watch glass; - Remove all solvents from the area. - Get the fire extinguisher if you are Trained/ comfortable in using it

Practice Quiz: What should you do, if an acid/ base/ chemical comes in contact with your eyes?

- Call for help, then go to eye wash station and flush eye with water for 15 minutes. - After step I, inform a TA, contact a health care provider for a check-up*

Practice Quiz: What should you do if your neighbor's clothes catch fire?

- Guide him/her to stand under the safety shower by the door, pull the plunger. - Inform your TA*

RACE (fire thing)

- Rescue yourself first, help others needing assistance away from the Fire - Alert everyone in the area of the Fire, Activate the closest Fire Alarm Pull Station - Contain the Fire by closing doors behind you as you exit the area and leave the Building. Do not lock the doors. Use stairs, never the elevators. - Escape to the nearest Exit by following the Exit Signs. Leave the Building and wait for further instructions

Practice Quiz: True Statements

- Wear safety goggles at all times while in lab. - Wear a lab coat or a chemically resistant apron in lab. - Wear long pants. - Wear closed shoes-no open toes, heels or ankles. - Wear chemically resistant gloves when using chemicals. - Wear shirts that do not expose your backs, midriff and any other area. - Tie back long hair. - Never use your cell phone inside lab. - Work in a fume hood as much as possible. - Never eat or drink anything when in lab. - Be alert for all possible emergencies. - Wear shirts that cover arms from shoulders to wrists. - Pay attention to detail, read labels carefully. - Wear garments covering all areas from neck to ankles.

How to avoid ingestion

- don't eat or drink in lab - don't chew on pencils

What do you do when there's broken glassware?

- don't pick up with your hands - use a broom and dust pan to collect the glass - dispose of the glass in a specially marked container

Practice Quiz: Why is it not advisable to wear contact lenses in the lab?

- lenses could fall out of eye - chemical vapor could become trapped between the lenses and the eye - chemical vapor could literally react with the lenses

What do fume hoods do

- protect against harmful volatile substances - regulate room gases - minimzie odors

Fire Emergency

- pull fire alarm - call UBPD - give room number and fire info - use extinguisher if trained - alert everyone and evacuate - remain calm - use stairs, not elevators - close doors without locking as you leave

Know location of...

- safety showers - eye wash stations - fire extinguishers - all exits - evacuation routes and assembly areas

How to limit inhalation

- use hoods - keep your time in lab at a minimum; read experiments and come prepared - ask questions during recitation

How to limit absorption through skin

- wear gloves - wear goggles at all times - avoid touching your face and eyes while working - wash hands before leaving lab

Practice Quiz: How can you prevent exposure to dangerous chemicals and avoid the problems (irritation of eyes, nose, throat & other skin well as intoxication, drowsiness, and/ or nausea.)

- work in fume hood - cover containers with chemicals - wear goggles, apron, and gloves - avoid direct contact with chemicals

Wear shoes that cover and protect your feet completely...

.. No sandals, flip-flops, open-toed shoes, or shoes with open sides or heels. Soles should be intact. No ballet- style slippers - the top of your foot must be covered!

Don't wear valuable jewelry...

... Chemicals which are harmless to your body may be capable of damaging jewelry. Take your jewelry off and store in a secure location before beginning any experiment

Students should always wear...

... Mono-goggle type safety glasses* while they are present in lab. ... chemically resistant apron while they are present in lab. ... chemically resistant gloves when they are handling chemicals.

Wear shirts and blouses..

..that cover all the areas from your neck to your waist, sleeves should cover arms from shoulders to wrists. Shirts with short sleeves and those which expose shoulder and/or chest area are not allowed

Wear pants and skirts...

..which covers and protects your body from the waist all the way down to and including your ankles. Shorts or Mini Skirts with stockings are not allowed.

Directions for Fire Extinguisher

1. pull pin 2. aim to the side at first 3. depress handle 4. sweep spray from side to side across base of fire, not at flames 5. clean up area 6. notify staff and chemistry safety officer

Practice Quiz: How should you dispose of used glass pipettes and broken glassware?

All broken/disposable glassware should be placed in a Broken Glass Container (Clearly marked cardboard Box). This prevents you and others people from getting dangerous injuries including injection of chemicals from contaminated glassware.

Which is the correct procedure to dilute a more concentrated acid, and why? Do you add acid to water, or water to acid?

Always add acid to water. Adding water to concentrated acid can produce a large amount of heat and splattering of hot, conic acid. Adding acid to water helps dissipate the heat and any splattering will be of diluted acid.

What should be worn at all times in the lab to decrease the likelihood of an eye injury?

Approved safety glasses

Accident: Chemicals in Eyes

Call out for help. If you cannot see, someone will guide you to the eye wash station, where you should wash out your eyes thoroughly. You should blink continuously and rapidly while washing your eyes to aid the flushing action of the water

Accident: Partner's Clothing is on Fire

Call the instructor for help. Note: If you want to help a person who is in this sort of trouble, don't use a fire extinguisher! You must never use a fire extinguisher on a human being. The chemicals in the extinguisher can be harmful!

Practice Quiz: What should you do if fire alarm sounds?

Calmly walk to nearest exit and leave the building.

Why can only authorized advanced students work alone? What supervisory precautions are necessary for them?

Close supervision is necessary for students having less supervision. Some supervision is needed for even advanced students having permission to work alone and someone responsible must frequently check them. There must be someone readily available for even the advanced graduate student in case of an accident.

Describe how to extinguish a large, open fire in the lab. Locate any needed devices.

Discharge small CO2 fire extinguisher at the base of the fire. Fire extinguishers available on posts near doors and windows.

Accident: Broken Glass

Do not pick up broken glass with your fingers! Get a broom and dust pan. Sweep the broken glass into the dust pan and dump it into the specially marked containers provided in each lab.

Injury: Breathing Difficulties

Do not wait to ask for help. We will Call UB POLICE @645-2222

Give the names of 3 common, extremely flammable solvents and precautions in their use.

Ethyl ether, petroleum ether, hexane. Use only in a hood, in small amounts, far away from open flame or sources of sparks.

What should you do if something gets in your eye? What device can you use for help? Where is it located in the lab?

Hold the lids open while flushing the eye with water from the eye wash fountain near the door for about 15 minutes, then go at once to Student Health and tell them what you got in your eye.

Accident: Fire Alarm

If a fire alarm sounds you must evacuate the building immediately! To evacuate properly, you should quickly and calmly do the following: 1. Turn off all flames and unplug any hot plates or other electric equipment you are using. 2. IF INSTRUCTED -Get your belongings. We never know whether the evacuation will last for 5 minutes or 5 hours. You don't want to become stranded on campus! 3. Walk calmly out the door, down the hall, down the stairs (elevators should not be used during an emergency unless you are physically unable to use the stairs), out the door and away from the building. 4. Your instructor should escort the class out of the building. Try to stay together as a class, and stay near to your instructor. If your class is allowed back into the building, you should finish your experiment, or at least clean up what you have left on the work bench. If the evacuation lasts beyond the end of the class period, then you are free to go.

Accident: Small, Contained Fire

If you have a small fire in a container, (for instance, a small beaker full of alcohol has caught fire) find something you can use as a lid for the container. When the container is covered, the fire will quickly burn itself out. Call the instructor for help.

Accident: Small, Open Fire

If you have a small fire which is not in a container, move away from the fire and SHOUT FOR HELP!

Injury: Large Burn

In all cases, a large burn must be attended to by medical professionals! Tell your instructor, and let your instructor look at the injury. In all cases, large burns must be attended to by medical professionals! You may be escorted to the Student Health Services office or another Emergency Center. Or you may wait while UB Police and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) team arrives.

Injury: Fainting

In all cases, an Emergency Medical Services team will be called! If you feel like you might faint, please ask for an escort to the Student Health Services office or have someone call for UB Police

Why must reagents be added cautiously?

In order to keep the reaction under control. A large amount might be added before a reaction begins and a violent one might then occur.

No cutout clothing

Including cutoffs, tank tops, tube tops, muscle shirts, etc. The skin of your torso must not be exposed at any time in the lab.

Practice Quiz: What should you do, if an acid/ base/ chemical comes in contact with your lab bench or personal belongings?

Inform your TA; don't touch anything

Accident: Chemicals on Face

Leave your goggles on while you go to the eye-wash station. There you should wash your face with the goggles still on until you are reasonably sure most of the chemical is gone from your face. Then you should remove your goggles and wash again.

Tie back long hair

Long hair can accidentally fall into flames or chemicals. Many hair sprays, gels, mousses, etc. are flammable! Think about this! Loose, long hair can also block your vision, which can lead to accidents.

What kind of footwear is needed in the lab? Why?

Low heel, leather or equivalent, shoes with no open spaces. Bare feet or sandals allow skin or absorb any spilled chemicals.

What should you consult to know the toxicity and flammability of chemicals?

MSDS online

Give the names of 5 other common, highly flammable solvents and precautions in their use.

Methanol, ethanol, acetone, cyclohexane, ethyl acetate. Do not use near open flame or sources of sparks.

Why must chemicals not be taken from the lab?

Most chemicals are dangerous, particularly under non-lab conditions. Furthermore, unauthorized removal is illegal.

Accident: Large Chemical Spill on Floor

Move away from the area of the spill. Warn people around you. Call your TA! Let an expert handle the clean-up! Be prepared to give information to EH&S (name of chemical, location, etc)

Can you spray someone with a fire extinguisher?


Why are unauthorized experiments not permissible?

No student knows for certain that an unauthorized experiment is safe to carry out. Discovered infractions will bring severe academic penalties.

Only what type of clothing is safe in a lab? Why?

Non-synthetics which are not frilly or flared and i not have loose sleeves or scarves. Synthetics, in general, burn readily and stick to skin upon melting, causing much worse burns. Avoid bare legs by wearing full length slacks. Ravelled or torn clothing gives little protection and is apt to catch on fire more easily.

Under what conditions only are contact lenses permitted in the lab?

Only if one wears approved goggles or face shield and a waiver form is filled out. Glasses give good protection from splash only at the front. Anything getting under a contact lens will not wash out until the lens is removed. y then the eye will be damaged.

Practice Quiz: What does PPE stand for?

Personal Protective Equipment

Accident: Chemicals on Body

Quickly remove any contaminated clothing and rinse yourself off in a safety shower. Use the safety shower. (The treatment for chemical exposure is 15 minutes under cold running water, or as long as you can stand it.)

Practice Quiz: What should you do, if an acid/ base/ chemical comes in contact with your clothes or shoe?

Remove these ASAP Rinse exposed skin area with cold running water (Safety Shower may be required)

Accident: Chemical on Body

Rinse effected area for 15 minutes with cold running water

Accident: Large Fire

SHOUT FOR HELP and leave the area immediately! The fire alarm will probably sound. When it does, evacuate the building and TELL EVERYONE YOU CAN, where the fire is.

Why are smoking, eating, and drinking not allowed in the lab?

Smoking because of the fire hazard; all others because of the possibility of getting chemicals in the mouth.

How can a small, contained fire (eg. in a beaker) be put out easily?

Smother with sufficiently large watch glass or inverted beaker

Injury: Small Burn

Tell your instructor, and let your instructor look at the injury. Chemical burns and heat burns should both be treated with lots of cold running water. Never put anything but cold water on a burn! Doctors often have to remove ointments because they retard healing! After this treatment, if the burn still hurts badly enough that you cannot complete the experiment then you will be escorted to the Student Health Services office so the burn can be treated.

Injury: Large Cut

Tell your instructor, and let your instructor look at the injury. In all cases, a large cut must be attended to by medical professionals! If you can walk, you may be escorted to the Student Health Services office or another Emergency Center. Or you may wait while UB Police and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) team arrives.

Injury: Small Cut

Tell your instructor, and let your instructor look at the injury. Wash the injury thoroughly with water. If the injury is minor you may use a band and continue to work on experiment. If your injury hurts or you feel you should have someone look at it. Then you may be excused and directed to the Student Health Services or another Emergency Center so the cut can be treated

Who should be immediately called for assistance in case of an accident, fire, or injury in the lab?

The TA or staff member at the lab stockroom.

Practice Quiz: What should you do, if an acid/ base/ chemical comes in contact with your hands or face?

The best treatment for any type of chemical spill on the skin is immediate flushing with lots and lots of cool water. Do not wait for it to cause a burning sensation on the skin. Do not try to figure out a way to neutralize the chemical spill; Have a lab mate inform the Lab TA or another staff member.*

What should immediately be used if clothing catches on fire, or for a large chemical spill on your clothing?

The safety shower by the door. Clothing should be promptly removed in case of a large chemical spill.

What precautions are needed with long hair, beards, and neckties in the lab?

Tie long hair back and remove necktie. These may catch fire, get into chemicals, or get caught in an apparatus.

Accident: Small Chemical Spill on Floor

Wipe up liquid spills with spill pads (from stockroom) and dispose of them as solid waste. Solids should be swept up with a broom and a dust pan and dispose as chemical waste. Don't use paper towels, and wear a dust mask. In all cases, after the chemical spill has been wiped up, rinse the area with water to make sure that all residual chemicals have been removed. Inform TA if spill is larger than ten grams.

Practice Quiz: Eating and drinking is not permitted in the lab because:

You could be poisoned

Contact lenses can cause...

additional dangers in the lab

Never put excess chemicals...

back in the reagent bottles

Students with health issues should...

consult a physician before continuing lab

Failure to clean up lab space will result in...

deductions to final grade

Practice Quiz: Identify...


Practice Quiz: Identify...

fire extinguisher

Physical Hazards

flammable, combustible, explosive

Dispose of broken glass...

in the broken glass waste container

All organic and aqueous waste should be disposed...

into waste jars in the dispensing hoods

Required PPE

lab coat/apron full sleeved shirt safety glasses gloves

Don't wear baggy clothes

loose enough to knock over containers on the work bench or drag or dip into flames or chemicals

If you get chemicals onto your hands or forearms...

move quickly to the sink and rinse off for fifteen minutes with cool running water

Keep flammables away from..

open flame

Serious violations may result in...

permanent eviction of all parties from the chemistry lab

Prevent contamination by...

pouring stock liquids into your own container

Practice Quiz: Identify...

safety goggles

Practice Quiz: Identify...

safety shower

Inadvertently mixed chemicals can cause...

serious explosions

Broken glassware can cause...

skin injuries

Use a clean, dry spatula to get...

solids out of a reagent bottle

Flammable substances should be kept away from...

sources of heat

Practice Quiz: List 3 PPE items

splash-proof monogoggles, chemically resistant lab apron, gloves

Avoid wasting chemicals and supplies by...

taking only what you need

Know the locations of...

the fire extinguisher, eye wash station, and emergency shower

Health Hazards

toxic, corrosive, carcinogen, sensitizer

People that can use fire extinguishers

trained personel

Organic chemicals can be in all or one of the following:

volatiles, flammables, toxic, carcinogenic, respiratory irritants

You cannot enter the lab and start working until

your TA is present and in the lab

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