Language Arts 9 - ELA3009 - T4L Improving Vocabulary with Word Parts and Context Clues Assignment

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Read the passage and use the explanation to infer the meaning of the word cumbersome. The young boy with the broken leg found it cumbersome to get into and out of the car. The door frame just never seemed big enough to accommodate his cast, so he was forced to move in very strange ways. What is the most likely definition of the word cumbersome? a) awkward b) unfriendly c) unusual d) disturbing


Use the drop-down menus and your knowledge of suffixes to choose the correct word for each sentence. a) The_________searched for artifacts in a field. b) During the civil war, the country found itself in a state of near_________. c) He was________when he learned that the director had given the role to another actor.

a) archaeologist b) anarchy c) furious

Use the drop-down menus and your knowledge of prefixes to choose the correct word for each sentence. a) I love being outdoors, so a day at the movies is ________ for me. b) Plants that________desirable traits tend to live longer than those that do not. c) The situation was unpleasant, and I did not know how to________myself from it.

a) atypical b) exhibit c) extricate

Vase paintings show boys sitting on stools holding wood-backed wax writing tablets. They wrote on the wax with a stylus, a sort of bone or metal pencil pointed at one end and flattened out in a leaf shape at the other. -The Ancient City,Peter Connolly and Hazel Dodge Read the passage, then use the drop-down menus to complete the sentences. a)A stylus is a b) A(n)_________ clue shows the meaning of the word stylus.

a) bone or metal pencil b) definition

Twelve main deities (the pantheon) were familiar to all Greeks, but each of these was recognised in a wide variety of different aspects, often associated with a particular place, community or activity. There were also many minor deities, as well as semi-divine heroes. The gods combined supernatural and human characteristics, and no god was either wholly good or wholly bad. -The Ancient City,Peter Connolly and Hazel Dodge Read the passage, then use the drop-down menus to complete the sentences. a) Context clues in the passage show that deities means b) The synonym that shows the meaning of deities is

a) divine beings. b) gods

Use the drop-down menus to identify the type of context clue that helped you determine the italicized word's meaning. a) Various protuberances, such as rocks, bushes, and ledges, made it easier for the climber to get up the wall. b) I made a New Year's resolution to be generous, but I gave in to avarice instead. c) The worst result of the hurricane was the inundation of water that flooded streets and basements.

a) example b) antonym c) synonym

Use the drop-down menus to identify the word root in each word. a) Regenerate:_______ b) Credible:_______ c) Dormancy:________

a) gen b) cred c) dorm

Use your knowledge of context clues, word roots, and affixes to determine the meaning of the italicized words in this passage. At first, Greece was ruled by an oligarchy. The problem with this type of government is that a few individuals can issue edicts, which are not agreed upon by everyone, but which everyone must follow. After a while, the oligarchy was extirpated and replaced by a democracy. a) Oligarchy most likely means "___________." b) Edicts most likely means "________." c) Extirpated most likely means "___________."

a) government of a few people b) laws c) destroyed

Use the drop-down menus and your knowledge of roots to define each word. a) Corpulent:_______ b) Dormancy:_________ c) Regenerate:________

a) having a large body b) state of rest c) to grow again

Read the passage to determine the meaning of the word humanities. Studying the humanities, such as art, literature, and philosophy, can help you understand an ancient society. Use the drop-down menus to answer the questions. a) What is the most likely meaning of the word humanities?subjects related to science b) Which type of context clue helps define humanities?

a) subjects related to culture b) example

Use the drop-down menus to define the italicized word in each sentence. a) Various protuberances, such as rocks, bushes, and ledges, made it easier for the climber to get up the wall. b) I made a New Year's resolution to be generous, but I gave in to avarice instead. c) The worst result of the hurricane was the inundation of water that flooded streets and basements.

a) things that stick out b) greed c) flood

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