LAT Exam Prep

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How many Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) members are required by the Animal Welfare Regulations (enforced by the United States Agricultural Department)?


How often must the institution update its registration with the USDA if using AWA-covered species?

3 years

How frequently does the Guide specify that the IACUC review the entire animal care and use program, including an inspection?

At least once a year

The ____________ is responsible for the health and wellbeing of the animals in the program.

Attending veterinarian

Animals may be used for research after an animal use protocol is submitted to the IACUC.

False. IACUC must approve first

The IACUC must have the approval of the institutional official to suspend a study involving the use of animals.

False The IACUC can approve and suspended as needed

The USDA requires that nonhuman primates be shipped with a health certificate.


A facility has an average daily census of 168 gerbils. The cost of feed, bedding, caging, and salaries for the year is $141,675. What would be the per diem rate per gerbils?

$2.31 141,675/365 = 388.150685 388.150685/168 = $2.31

If a 10-lb bag of feed costs $35 and a group of animals eats 2 lb a day, what is the cost for the number of bags needed in a month?


If a 10lb bag of feed costs $35 and a group of animals eats 2lb a day, what is the cost for the number of bags needed in a month?


If a bag of feed weighs 15 kg and costs $50, what is the cost per kg?

$3.33 per kg

What are the 4 steps for an aseptic prep to cleanse and disinfect the skin?

-Apply a surgical antiseptic detergent to the incision are and scrub with a gauze sponge, starting from the center of the surgical site and working in a circular motion outwards. -Repeat this scrub 3 times -Following the scrub with an application of 70% ethyl alcohol or another antiseptic -Paint or spray the skin with a povidone iodine solution. Alternatively, apply adhesive drapes impregnated with povidone iodine.

To draw into a syringe 100 mg of a preparation at a concentration of 25 mg/ml, what would be the volume needed?

. 4 mL

How many vaccines are routinely used for rodents?


In a mouse, the maximum IM injection volume is

0.05 ml

A prescribed medication has a concentration of 50 mg/mL. How many milliliters (mL) of medication should a 500 g guinea pig receive if the dosage is 10 mg/kg?

0.1 mL 500 g x 0.001 kg/g = 0.5 kg 10 mg/kg x 0.5 kg = 5.0 mg of ketamine 5.0 mg ÷ 50 mg/mL = 0.1 mL to administer

What is the smallest sized particle that HEPA filters are able to remove?

0.3 microns

What is the smallest sized particle that HEPA filters can remove from air?

0.3 microns

A veterinarian writes an order for a 35 g mouse to have a 2 mg/kg dose of an injectable medication. This medicine comes in a strength of 0.1 mg/mL. How many mL will you administer?

0.7 mL

For gastric gavage of fish, the volume administered should not exceed ____% of body weight.


For gastric gavage of fish, the volume administered should not exceed ______% of body weight.


2.2 lb

1 Kg

1000 g

1 Liter

1 mL = ___ cc

1 cc

One millimeter is equivalent to

1 cubic centimeter

0.454 kg

1 lb


1 lb

What is the minimum height above the floor for the location of electrical outlets?

1 m

1 g

1 mL

Subacute study

1 month

What is the common guideline for the safe percentage of blood volume, expressed as a percent of the body weight, that can be taken every 2 weeks?


List The following steps of job planning in order that they should be performed

1. Establish/organize goals 2. Prioritize/schedule tasks 3. Identify resources needed to complete the tasks 4. Begin work on the task 5.Reasses to-do list for remaining tasks.

How many strokes does each surface of the arm receive when scrubbing for surgery?


10 mL

10 cc

10 cc

10 mL

It is recommended that neonatal mice receive retroorbital injections no greater than what volume?

10 microliters

Which air change rate is considered a generally acceptable general standard?

10-15 air changes per hour

An animal facility feeds 22 sheep 1.5 kg of feed each per day. How many 50-lb bags of feed would you need each week? (Conversion factor: 2.2 lb/kg)

10.2 22 sheep x 1.5 kg feed = 33 kg feed per day 33 kg x 7 days = 231 kg per week 231 kg per week x 2.2 lb/kg = 208.2 lb feed per week 508.2/50 lb per bag = 10.2 bags per week

An animal facility with 22 sheep feeds 1.5 kg of feed per sheep each day. How many 50 lb bags of feed would you need each week? (Conversion factor: 2.2 lb/kg)

10.2 Number of animals x feed per day = daily feed required Daily feed required x 7 days = weekly feed required Weekly feed required ÷ amount of feed in bag = # of bags per week 22 sheep x 1.5 kg feed = 33 kg feed per day 33 kg x 7 days = 231 kg per week 231 per week x 2.2 lb/kg = 508.2 lb feed per week 508.2 lb ÷ 50 lb per bag = 10.2 bags per week

0.1 g

100 mg

A 5% alcohol solution by volume would be a solution made from 5mL of alcohol and enough solvent to bring the total volume up to ________ mL.


What light level do most fish require?

100-150 lux

The weights of five female hamsters were recorded: 101g, 103g, 108g, 105g, and 106g. What was the average weights of these aniamals?


A cage that is 30 cm in length is how long in inches? (Conversion factor: 2.54 cm/in)

11.8 inches

Which amount of calcium chloride (CaCl2) would be needed to make a 1 molar solution? (Atomic Mass: Ca 40.08 g/mole; Cl 35.44 g/mole)

110.96 g calcium chloride plus water to make 1 L

What is the typical exposure time for formaldehyde decontamination?

12 hours

What is the typical light schedule in housing rooms for most lab animal species?

12 hr light: 12 hr dark

How long does a subchronic test last?

13 weeks (3 months)

How much does a 30-lb dog weigh in kg?

13.6 kg

How much does a 30 lb dog weigh in kg? (Conversion factor: 2.2 lb/kg)

13.64kg 30lb ÷ 2.2 lb/kg = 13.64kg

What is the appropriate light intensity for albino mice and rats?

130 - 325 lux

It is recommended that adult mice receive retroorbital injections no greater than what volume?

150 microliters

What is the maximum volume that can be injected into an adult mouse retroobitally?

150 microliters

If a room measures 480 square feet in area and has a width of 30 feet, what is the length of the room?

16 ft

At what temperature range should these species be maintained Amphibians from temperate regions:

18C to 22C (64F to 72F)

After how many consecutive litters that failed to thrive should rodent breeders be retired?


Archives are kept for ______ years after study completion if the study is not submitted for a marketing permit or is discontinued.


Which suture size indicates the thickest suture?


the fish has how many heart chambers


How many mL are in 2 cc of a solution?

2 mL

How many milliliters of 15% solution pre-anesthetic should be drawn up in a syringe for a 40 lb dog if the dosage is 20 mg/kg? (Conversion factor: 2.2 lb/kg)

2.4 mL

1 Inch

2.54 cm

At which fill level is it recommended to seal and dispose of a sharps container?


What is the germicidal spectrum of ultraviolet light for killing microorganisms?

200-280 nanometers

What is the spectrum of UV light used for killing microorganisms?

200-280 nanometers

Most Laboratory animals can tolerate a temperature of ______ to _______

21.1 C to 24.5C (70F to 76F)

At what temperature range should these species be maintained Tropical amphibians:

21C to 29C (70F to 84F)

Using the following information, what would give a 2-molar solution of calcium chloride (CaCI2) Atomic Mass Ca = 40.1, Atomic Mass Cl =35.5, Atomic Number Ca = 20, Atomic Number Cl = 17

222.2 g CaCl2, plus sufficient water to bring the volume to 1L

How much does a 10kg dog weigh in pounds?


According to the PHS policy, any are used for animal confinement is considered is considered a satellite facility if the animals are maintained there for more than _____ hours.


Which is the smallest needle in this list? 20 gauge 22 gauge 25 gauge 18 gauge

25 gauge

Which is the smallest needle? 20 gauge 22 gauge 25 gauge 18 gauge

25 gauge

To reconstitute a 1 g vial of a freeze-dried drug to yield a 4% solution, what volume of diluent do you need to add?

25 mL

An animal weighs 10kg. You are told to give 2.5mg/kg of a medication to the animal SID. What is the total amount of medication you would give the animal in one day?


Calculate the area of a cage that is 10 in wide x 28 in long.

280 sq in area = length x width; area = 28 in x 10 in = 280 sq in (280 inch square ) area

Calculate the area of a cage that is 10 inch wide x 28 inch

280 square inch

The most common scalpel handle size is


amphibians and most reptiles have how many heart chambers


How long does the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) require that protocol records be retained?

3 Years

What are the most common sizes of scalpel handle?

3 and 4

Subchronic study

3 months

How long does the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) require that protocol record be retained?

3 years

Several type of records must be maintained by research institutions (i.e., minutes of IACUC meetings, etc.). How long must these records be retained by the institution for possible review after the completion of the project?

3 years

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Public Health Service (PHS) require that both minutes of IACUC meetings and semi-annual inspection reports be kept for how long?

3 years

9 cm = ______________ in

3.54 Inches

Standard needle length is

3/8 inch to 2 inches

A vein should be punctured at an angle of approximately _____ degrees, with the bevel facing away from the skin.


A vein should be punctured at an angle of approximately ________ degrees, with the bevel facing away from the skin.


What is the maximum amount of blood that should be taken from a 3 kg rabbit every 2 weeks?

30 mL

The relative humidity should be in the range of _________ to _________ for most mammalian species

30 to 70%

What relative humidity range does the Guide recommend for most mammalian species?

30% - 70%

A male rat has the following weights recorded over a 5-month period. Calculate the average weight for that period.

304.6 g average weight over the five-month period (305 g + 309 g + 307 g + 303 g + 299 g) / 5 = 304.6 g

A 9-kg bag of feed costs $34. What is the cost of this feed per kg?

34 / 9 = $3.78 per kg of feed

The Guide requires a female rat and her litter of 5 to have 800 cm squared of floor area. If the width of the cage is 22.25 cm, what is the minimum length needed to comply with the Guide?

36 cm

If an anemometer gives a reading of 600 cubic feet per minute (CFM), what is the cubic feet per hour (CFH)?

36,000 CFH

How many categories are there in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) pain descriptions?


What volume do you need to draw into a syringe for 100mg of a preparation at a concentration of 25mg/ml?

4 mL

How many times a day would you administer a drug prescribed QID?

4 times

How many times a day would you administer a drug prescribed to be given QID?

4 times

Of the following suture sizes, which is the smallest in diameter? 1 0 2-0 4-0


The surface of each arm should receive how many strokes while scrubbing prior to surgery?


What is the height of a cage in centimeters (CM) that is 18 inches?

45.7 CM

What is the height of a cage in centimeters (cm) that is 18 inches? (Conversion factor: 2.54 cm/in)

45.7 cm 18 in x 2.54 cm/in = 45.7 cm height

Converter a 4.6% (w/v) solution into mg/mL

46 mg/mL

You are responsible for monitoring the ventilation of an animal room that is 30 ft x 20 ft x 15 ft and has an airflow of 800 cubic feet per minute (CFM). What is the airflow, expressed in cubic feet per hour (CFH)?

48,000 CFM CFM x 60 min/hr = CFH 800 x 60 min/hr = 48,000 CFH

What is the average amount of food eaten by a nonhuman primate over a 3-day period if the amount of food consumed over those days was 494 g, 497 g, and 500 g?

497 g

What is the average amount of feed eaten by a nonhuman primate over a 3-day period if the amount of feed consumed over those days was 492 g, 499 g, and 500 g?

497g (492g + 499g + 500g) ÷ 3 = 497g

Any animals obtained from animal shelters or pounds must be held at the shelter for a minimum of _____ days before being sold to a research facility


Archives are kept for ________ years after a study completion if they support a research or marketing permit that was not approved.


How many classified types of bones are there based on shaped and length


You are responsible for monitoring the ventilation of an animal room that is 30 ft x 20 ft x 15 ft and has an airflow of 800 cubic feet per minute (CFM). What is the number of room air changes per hour?

5.3 air changes/hour CFH/room volume = air changes per hour 48,000/9,000 = 5.3 changes/hour

To reconstitute a 1-gram vial of a freeze-dried drug to yield a 2% solution, what volume of diluent would you add?

50 mL

A 5% solution is equivalent to:

50 mg/ml

LD 50 measures the median lethal dose of a substance required to kill _______ of the test population.


GLP data archives are kept for ___________ after study completion if they support research or marketing permit that was not approved, but they are kept for ___ years after study completion if the study is not submitted for a marketing permit or is discontinued.

5; 2

What is the maximum number of surgeries for oocyte collection recommended over the life of a Xenopus?


What is the maximum number of surgeries for oocyte recommended over the life of a Xenopus?


What is the maximum number surgeries for oocyte collection recommended over the life of an Xenopus?


What is the substrain of C67BL/6J?


If 80 pounds of feed are needed each month and each bag of feed weights 15 pounds, how many bags must be delivered each month?

6 bags

Chronic study

6 months to 1 year

After how many litters is it recommended that female mice be retired as breeders?

6 to 7

An animal's total blood volume is approximately what percentage of its body weight?


What is the approximate blood volume of an animal?

6% of body weight

How many milligrams of ketamine should be given to a 15-lb cynomolgus monkey if the dosage is 10 mg/kg?


If a cage is 7 inches wide and 25.4 cm long, what is the area of the cage?

70 square inches

While appropriate room temperature varies with species, what is the temperature range that many facilities use? a. 59 to 64 ˚F b. 64 to 69 ˚F c. 70 to 76 ˚F d. 77 to 84 ˚F

70F to 76F

While appropriate room temperature varies with species, what is the temperature range typically used by many facilities?

70F to 76F

If 10 animals are each feed 500g of food every day, how many pounds of this food is used in a week?


How many US Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research, and Training are there?


You are responsible for monitoring the ventilation of an animal room that is 30 ft x 20 ft x 15 ft and has an airflow of 800 cubic feet per minute (CFM). What is the volume of the room in cubit feet?

9,000 cubic feet Room Volume = length x width x height 30 x 20 x 15 = 9,000 cubic feet

If a cage is 10 inches wide and 15 inches long, what is its area in square centimeters?

967.74 cm squared

What is the duration of a typical acute toxicity study?

<24 hours

What oral device may be necessary to safely and effectively gavage a large animal?

A bite bar

What indicates a correct intradermal injection?

A bleb at the site

What is a ganglion?

A cluster of nerve cells

What is homeostasis?

A constant internal environment

Which of the following is TRUE about the ethical decision=making process?

A decision could be made to remove an animal from a study.


A dosage is an expression of how much drug to administer per unit of body weight

Dosage Regimen

A dosage regimen is a prescription for the amount (dose) of a drug to administer, the route of administration, the frequency ( as in how many times a day) of administration, and the duration of treatment.

Which of the following is an example of an inducible phenotype?

A gene that is turned on by doxycycline

What is a tissue?

A group of cells that performs a specialized function

What is tissue?

A group of cells that performs a specialized function

What helps to prevent cell lysis during blood collection?

A large size needle

What is the Whitten Effect?

A male is added to a cage of females, resulting in the initiation of their estrus cycles.

Which breeder mouse would be least likely to be retired?

A male that has been bred for 4 months

Which breeder mouse would be lest likely to be retired?

A male that has been bred for 4 months

How many generations of brother-to-sister matings are needed to establish an inbred strain?

A minimum of 20

What is a transgenic mouse?

A mouse that had DNA from a different source in its genes


A pivoting movement, such as turning the head from side to side

What document must an institution which houses USDA-covered animals submit to the USDA each year?

A report that states the location of all animal facilities and species

What information is NOT typically provided in a grant application?

A search for alternatives to potentially painful procedures.

What is muscle tone?

A slight state of contraction

What is sterility?

A state in which no living microorganisms are present

What is a teratogen?

A substance that damages a developing fetus

What is an adjuvant?

A substance that enhances the immune response

What is a pyrogen?

A substances that produces a fever

What is the general guideline for selecting the size syringe to be used for collecting or injecting a volume of fluid?

A syringe should be about twice the size as the fluid volume

What guideline assists in the selection of the size syringe to be used?

A syringe should be about twice the size as the fluid volume to be collected or injected.

What is research?

A systemic investigation to establish facts


A white fibrous membrane that covers a bone, except at the joint surface

What document can help ensure technical accuracy in delegated tasks?

A written SOP

The animals are heterozygous for the gene AB

AB hets

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the USDA administers the AWR to enforce the _______


Enforced by USDA, APHIS


Which change should be monitored in ascites-producing mice?

Abdominal distention

What movement occurs when a bone is moved away from the midline of the body?


. What is the true stomach called in the ruminant?


Identify the chambers D of the ruminant stomach in the diagram below.


What are one of the components of the ruminant stomach?


What is the true stomach called in the ruminant?


Which factor in the water is essential for aquatic species?

Absence of chlorine

Amphibians and fish permeable skin which can allow which of the following to happen?

Absorb toxins

How does the AVMA guidelines categorize methods of euthanasia?

Acceptable, acceptable with conditions, and unacceptable.

Which are the three categories of euthanasia methods according to the AVMA Guidelines?

Acceptable, acceptable with conditions, and unaceptable

List 3 husbandry procedures that are required to care for immunocompromised animals.

Acidified or chlorinated water Sterilized feed and bedding Individually ventilated/microisolation type caging

Which of the following is a factor of the decontamination or sterilization agent that will NOT determine success?

Acidity of agent

Which of the following is a record-keeping requirement of the Animal Welfare Regulations?

Acquisition records must be maintained for dogs and cats that are received by the facility

According to the Guide, what does "humane care" mean?

Actions taken to assure that laboratory animals are treated according to high ethical & scientific standard.

Which of the following is NOT toxic to amphibians?

Activated Carbon

What acts as a sponge during chemical filtration and allows chemicals to bind to its surface?

Activated carbon

What is an example of a chemical filter?

Activated carbon

Which of the following is NOT toxic to amphibians?

Activated carbon

Which substance is an example of a chemical fitler?

Activated carbon

To collect sperm from a male zebrafish, what is avoided by ensuring that the urogenital pore is dry?

Activation of the sperm

What is the main consideration in the design of cage wash areas, surgery suites, and procedure rooms?

Activities to be performed in these areas

Which type of disease has a rapid onset and a short duration?


What are the 4 ways in which toxicology tests can be categorized by the timeframe of the exposure to the toxic substances?

Acute Subacute Sub-chronic Chronic

What process is a standard way to dechlorinate water?

Add sodium thiosulfate

How is the molecular weight determined for a molecule?

Add the atomic weights of each atom in the molecule

What is the term for a method that cannot be used as the sole method of euthanasia but is acceptable when used after an animal has been made unconscious?


Complete Freund's, Incomplete Freund's, Titer-Max and RIBI are all examples of:


Match type and name of the Instrument Thumb tissue forceps


Non-penetrating captive bolt is acceptable with conditions for the euthanasia of all of the following animals EXCEPT?

Adult dogs

Xenopus is the genus of which species?

African clawed frogs

When should husbandry for quarantined animals be scheduled?

After completing work with the other animals in the facility

Which would NOT be a cause of a congenital disease?

Age-related changes in adults

Which of the following is UNACCEPTABLE for euthanasia in any animal?

Air embolism

What is the term for a passageway with two locking doors that cannot be opened simultaneously?


What term describes a passageway with two locking doors that cannot be opened at the same time?


What term describes a passageway with two locking doors which cannot be opened simultaneously?


Which of the following is a disinfectant?


What is another name for the gastrointestinal (GI) tract?

Alimentary canal

Which statement below is NOT true?

All equipment used in a GLP study must be not shared with other studies to avoid contamination

List 5 generally accepted guidelines for the sterilization of surgical instruments and cloth materials.

All gowns, drapes and other washable fabrics must be laundered. The use of disposable gowns and drapes eliminates the need for laundering.

How does the Guide define biosecurity?

All measures to control known or unknown infections in laboratory animals

The Animal Welfare Regulations specify that personnel should receive what type of training with animals with which they work? a. Appropriate handling and procedures b. Ways to apply the 3R's c. Methods for reporting deficiencies in animal care and treatment d. All of the above

All of the above

What does the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) have the authority to do? a). Approve animal care and use protocols b). Deny an investigator permission to begin a research project c). Stop a previously approved protocol d). All of the above

All of the above

What is the purpose of the expansion colony? a) The breeding of this colony generates the colony that is used for research. b) It helps ensure genetic traits will not be lost if anything happens to the founders. c) This colony is the closest to the original set of genetic traits d) All of the above

All of the above

Where are catheters placed? Blood vessels Bladder Spine All of the above

All of the above

Which animals below are covered under the Public Health service (PHS) Policy?

All vertebrate animals

What animals are covered under the PHS Policy?

All vertebrates

What are different versions of the same genes called?


Different versions of the same gene


Match type and name of the Instrument Tissue forceps


What does a tether system do?

Allows for repeated vascular access without the need to restrain or anesthetize the animal each time

What does a tether system allow for?

Allows for repeated vascular access without the need to restrain or anesthetize the animal each time.

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged between the blood and the air in which anatomical structure of the lung?


What lungs structures are made of a single layer of epithelia cells enveloped in a network of finely divided capillaries?


What is a biological filter?

Am inert substrate that binds nitrifying bacteria

If animals are to be euthanized at the end of a study, the method of euthanasia must be in accordance with he guidelines set up by the __________

American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

If animals are to be euthanized at the end of a study, the method of euthanasia must be in accordance with the guidelines set up by which organization or agency?

American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

Which factor can become increasingly toxic under alkaline conditions?


If bleach is mixed with a cleanser containing _______ , irritating, volatile compounds are produced.

Ammonia or acids

Fill in the gaps to show the steps involved in processing nitrogenous wastes in the biological filter. _______________ ---Niltrosomonas bacteria----> _____________ --- Nitrospira bacteria-----> _________________

Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate

Which substance is used to neutralize formaldehyde gas?

Ammonium bicarbonate

Which class of animals have small structures called lymph hearts that contract to move lymph from sacs into the circulatory system?


The process by which a gene of interest is replicated is known as


What document can be used to meet the requirements for an OLAW semiannual program evaluation and report?

An AAALAC site visit report

What is bloat?

An abnormal amount of air, food, or liquid in the stomach

Which of the following describes a coisogenic animal?

An animal that has a single mutation that differs from other animals of that strain

What step must occur before a research study using animals begins?

An animal use protocol must be approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Which statement is FALSE?

An antibody reacts to multiple diverse antigens

According to the Animal Welfare Act Regulations, a study area refers to what type of area?

An area outside of the animal facility in which animals are housed for more then 12 hours

What is not required by Animal Welfare Regulations for transport cages?

An elevated screened bottom to keep animals off the floor of the cage

What would NOT be recorded on an animal's health records?

An exercise program

What is a chimera?

An individual who has some cells containing the new gene and some cells without, the new gene

What is a biologic filter?

An inert substance that is a substrate which binds nitrifying bacteria

What side effect may result if blood is taken too frequently from a research animal?


The rate of air flow from a vent is measured using which device?


The long period between breeding seasons in some animal species such as dogs and cats is referred to as ___________


What are three components that must be described in the Animal Welfare Assurance?

Animal Care and Use Program description, Institutional Status, and IACUC membership.

What regulation specifically protects employees who report significant deficits in a research program?

Animal Welfare Act

What is the agreement from research institution outlining how it complies with the Public Health Service (PHS) Policy?

Animal Welfare Assurance

Which of the following describes what a facility must do to comply with the Animal Welfare Act (AWA)?

Animal Welfare Regulations

What federal agency is responsible for enforcing and administering the Animal Welfare Regulations?

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

What record is needed to calculate per diems?

Animal census records

In a GLP animal study, test system refers to what?

Animal model

all WT

Animals are wild type


Animals be replaced by non-animals alternatives

Which statement is false about the studies conducted in compliance with GLP Regulations?

Animals on different GLP studies must be housed in separate rooms.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about inhalant agents used for euthanasia?

Animals should be protected from contact with the liquid form of the anesthetic agent.

One of the 4 core values for the ethical treatment of laboratory animals.

Animals used in research should be maintained in a way that provides.

One of the 4 core values for the ethical treatment of laboratory animals.

Animals used in research should not be subjected to any unnecessary pain & distress

Gnotobiotic animals are:

Animals with carefully defined microbial flora, none of which are pathogenic.

What do plasma cells produce when they are exposed to antigens?


What chemical blocks the clotting of blood?


What induces the production of antibodies?


Which type of chemical can be used on live aniamls?


Which type of chemical can be used on live animals?


Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below S is__________________________________


What is the largest artery in the body?


The largest artery in the body is called the _______________________; the largest vein is called the _______________________

Aorta; vena cava

Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below c is__________________________________

Aortic Arch

What division of the skeletal system do the following bones belong: Clavicle Axial or Appendicular?


What division of the skeletal system do the following bones belong: Femur Axial or Appendicular?


What division of the skeletal system do the following bones belong: Humerus Axial or Appendicular?


What division of the skeletal system do the following bones belong: Patella Axial or Appendicular?


What division of the skeletal system do the following bones belong: Scapula Axial or Appendicular?


What is the 9th step, in proper the proper sequence, that are necessary to clean surgical instruments and prepare them for re-use?

Apply a surgical instrument lubricant to hinges and other moving parts

Which procedure is NOT used to induce cancer in an animal model?

Apply full body irradiation

What is NOT a requirement of the AWA/AWR a researcher must comply with, if they house covered species?

Appoint an unaffiliated member to the IACUC.

What is the formula for the area of a room or cage?

Area = length x width

A GLP a testing facility for animal studies must have the following EXCEPT?

Areas for computing data analysis for a study

Common name for the following: Humeros

Arm bone

List 3 differences between venous and arterial catherization

Arterial catherization is used more often measure blood pressure. Arteries are harder to puncture Arterial catheterization is a more painful procedure

What does ALARA stand for?

As Low As Reasonably Achievable

How does the pancreas function as both an exocrine and endocrine gland?

As an exocrine gland: secrets digestive enzymes through ducts

How do you verify the needle is in the vein for an intravenous injection?

Aspirate blood into the syringe or needle hub

Inhalation of a foreign matter is known as:


What term describes slight withdrawal of a syringe plunger after placement of the needle?


Which organization uses the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (the Guide) as one of its standard for the accreditation of laboratory animal programs?

Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC)

Which entity developed the laboratory procedures used to verify claims made on the labels of chemical agents used for cleaning and disinfection?

Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC)

How often do the Animal Welfare Regulations require the IACUC to monitor the animal care and use program through reviews of the program and routine inspections of the animal facilities?

At least every 6 months

How often does the Animal Welfare Regulations require the IACUC to monitor the animal care and use program through reviews of the program and routine inspections of the animal facilities?

At least every 6 months.

Which of the following is NOT required by Public Health Service (PHS) Policy?

At least three Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) members.

What condition is characterized by a lack of voluntary muscle coordination?


The guide holds which individual responsible for the veterinary oversight of the research prgoram?

Attending veterinarian

Animals administered hazardous materials should be kept under the joint supervision of the __________________ and the ________________________

Attending veterinarian; institution's environmental health and safety or biosafety office.

What vessel is used to commonly collect arterial blood from these species Rabbits and pigs:

Auricular artery

Math the term with definition. Equipment that sterilizes by pressurized steam?


List 5 methods to sterilize surgical materials

Autoclave Ethylene oxide gas Hydrogen peroxide plasma Dry Heat Liquid sterilants

Which sterilization method is suitable for loose bedding?


Which sterilization methods is suitable for soiled rodent cages?


What is the name of the subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that regulates involuntary functions of internal organs?

Autonomic nervous system

Which of the following is NOT a biosecurity strategy?

Avoiding unnecessary duplication of research

What division of the skeletal system do the following bones belong: Ribs Axial or Appendicular?


What division of the skeletal system do the following bones belong: Skull Axial or Appendicular?


What division of the skeletal system do the following bones belong: Sternum Axial or Appendicular?


What division of the skeletal system do the following bones belong: Vertebrae Axial or Appendicular?


What is the name of lymph nodes that are found in the armpit area?


Which lymph nodes are found in the armpit area?


What the first two cervical vertebrae called?

Axis and atlast

Which of the following zoonotic diseases are passively transmitted?

B Virus

Plasma cells are derived from which cell type?

B cells

What disease may be present when a macaque has ulcers of the mouth?

B virus

What zoonotic disease may be transmitted by the body fluids of infected nonhuman primates?

B virus

Which part of the strain name is the maternal strain for the B6C3F1/Crl mouse?


What is the lowest biosafety level at which personnel must receive training on how to safely work with the hazardous agent?


What is the most commonly used biological indicator?

Bacillus Stearothermophilius

Which element is NOT included in an institution's Animal Welfare Assurance to OLAW?

Background checks of key personnel in the program

Match type and name of the Instrument Towel forceps


What is occurring when lymph nodes become swollen and painful?

Bacteria, viruses, or tumor cells are multiplying in the lymph node.

What does the Limulus amebocyte lysate test assess?

Bacterial pyrogens

Pyrogen tests are applied to medical products that are injected in order to detect the presence of __________________

Bacterial toxins

What does the Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) test assess?

Bacterial toxins

Match type and name of the Instrument Scalpel blade or handle


Which type of housing is used to protect immunodeficient animals against infectious microorganisms?

Barrier cages

Where is the pituitary gland located?

Base of the brain

Numbers increase with inflammatory reactions


Which filters have the dual function of mechanical and biological filtration?

Bead filters

Fourth step of job planning?

Begin work on the task

Which method assesses pain in animals?

Behavior changes

Excessive fear is an example of which phenotype?

Behavioral phenotype

Where should the vessel be punctured when collecting blood from the facial or maxillary vein?

Behind the mandible and in front of the ear canal. In mice, there is a small indentation in the skin. In white rats, there is a small gray spot.

Which type of mouse lacks natural killer (NK) cells?


Which of the following strains of mice lack natural killer (NK) cells?

Beige mice

Into what part of the body is a subcutaneous injection given?

Between the skin and muscle

Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below H is__________________________________

Bile duct

Which term is defined as the prevention of escape by microorganisms?


Which method of monitoring the effectiveness of sanitation or sterilization uses spores in a vial?

Biological indicators

What is an example of primary barrier?

Biological safety cabinet

Which of the following is an example of a primary barrier?

Biological safety cabinet

The NIH is the primary funding agency for what type of research?


Which document should guide the operation of a biocontainment facility?

Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories

Which animals have an additional lymphoid organ not present in mammals called the bursa of Fabricius?


The surgical instrument used to clamp towels around the wound margin is:

Blackhaus clamp

Which condition in frogs results from an infection or a metabolic disorder and can impair their equilibrium in water?


Which condition is associated with attempted vomiting, kicking or pressing on the abdomen, and restlessness?


In which of the following processes do platelets play a primary role?

Blood Clotting

What does the parathyroid gland regulate?

Blood calcium concentration

Common name for the following: Metatarsal bones

Bones of the foot (various species); cannon and splint bones (hooved species)

Common name for the following: Metacarpal bones

Bones of the hand (primates) or paw; cannon and splint bones (hooved specoes)

How often should teat cannulas be disinfected?

Both before and after use

What does blunt-blunt mean in scissors?

Both blade tips are blunt

What is it referring to if scissors are classified as blunt-blunt?

Both blade tips are blunt

What does hemolysis mean?

Breaking down blood cells

What procedures are typical for handling animals received for breeding purposes, as compared with experimental animals?

Breeding animals require more health screenings

What is hybrid breeding?

Breeding parents of different inbred strains

Animal Pain Category "B"

Breeding, conditioning, or being held for later use

Which of the following diseases are zoonotic?


What can be added to chemical agents to prevent significant pH changes when the product is diluted?


Which drug is an example of an analgesic administered posoperatively?


How is needle length determined when performing a gastric gavage?

By measuring from the corner of the mouth to the sternum (at the xiphoid process)

How are curved needles classified?

By the portion of a circle that their length represents

List 3 ways that a suture needle can be classified:

By the shaft being straight or curved; if curved, by the portion of a circle that its length represents; by the shape of the shaft; by the shape of the tip

How are scissors classified?

By the shape of the blade tips

If an animal was used in teaching, research, experiments, or tests conducted that cause no pain or distress and thus did not require that use of pain-relieving drugs, what United States Agricultural Department (USDA) pain category would this describe


What is included in Animal Welfare regulations for housing guinea pigs and/or hamsters?

Cages for guinea pigs are required to be at least 7 inches high

Animal Welfare Regulations for rabbits require

Cages to be sanitized once every 30 days

What is calculus?

Calcified debris on teeth

Calcitonin and parahormone control what chemistry level in the blood?


Calcitonin and parathormone control what chemistry level in the blood?


Which state has passed legislation, starting in 2020, that prohibits the sale of cosmetic products and ingredients that have been tested on animals?


Which state passed legislation starting in 2020 that prohibits the sale of cosmetic products and ingredients that have been tested on animals?



Can fewer be used without altering the validity of the study date

Which factor lowers the pH in an aquatic system?

Carbon dioxide

Give 3 examples of how toxicology test can be categorized by the functions or organs targeted within the body where the toxic substances exerts its effect?

Carcinogenesis (cause of cancer); developmental (damage of a growing fetus); mutagenesis (induction of mutations in the DNA)

What is the easiest method for sampling blood from Xenopus?

Cardiocentesis (cardia puncture)

Type digestive system: Cat


Type digestive system: Dog


Short bones

Carpals, tarsals

If an animal was used in teaching, research, experiments, or tests that cause no pain or distress, and did not require the use of pain-relieving drugs, under what USDA pain category would it be classified?

Category C

In test conducted with animals that cause no pain or distress and thus did not receive any pain-relieving drugs, what USDA pain category would this describe?

Category C

What is the term for a hollow tube through which blood or other body fluids may be withdrawn or substances administered?


For larger fish, from which location could repeated blood collections be efficiently taken?

Caudal vein

What does the etiology of a disease refer to?


Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below Q is__________________________________


When giving an intraperitoneal injection, what 2 anatomical structures do you attempt to avoid by injecting in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen?

Cecum bladder

When giving an intraperitoneal injection, what two anatomical structures do you attempt to avoid by injecting in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen?

Cecum and urinary bladder

What are the 4 basic components of animal cells?

Cell membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Organellas

Location of chromosomes

Cell nucleus

Immunodeficient animals lack one or more _________________ of a normal immune system, giving them a deficiency in immune function.

Cell types

What is a predominant material found in roughage?


Which part of the nervous system contains the brain and spinal cord?

Central Nervous System

Which system contains the brain and spinal cord?

Central nervous system

What type of management program usually has the animal care program in a separate department that serves all the institution's animal care needs and requests?

Centralized management program

Along with the brain stem, what are the other 2 parts of the brain?

Cerebrum and cerebellum

Which lymph nodes are found in the neck?


What is the correct order of vertebral regions from the head to the tail?

Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal

What does the layer of muscle cells do for an artery?

Changes its diameter

What procedure is recommended for maintaining an emergency cart?

Check for expired drugs and supplies on a regular basis.

Which of the following is NOT a member of the IACUC?

Chief Executive Officer

Who is responsible for appointing members to the IACUC?

Chief Executive Officer

Which person has the responsibility of ensuring the institution complies with the Animal Welfare Act?

Chief executive officer

Animal that contains some cells with the new gene and some without the new game


What is an animal called that has some cell containing the new gene and some cells without the new gene?


What is NOT a characteristic of chloramines in comparison to chlorine?

Chloramines evaporate quickly from standing water

Which is NOT a characteristic of chloramines in comparison to chlorine?

Chloramines evaporate quickly from standing water

Which sterilization method is suitable for electronic equiment?

Chlorine dioxide; Vapor hydrogen peroxide

Structures that contain genes


What does the mixing of stomach contents with acidic gastric secretions form?


Which organ system is made up of the heart, arteries, and veins?


To maintain a sterile field during surgery, what should you do with your hands if you need to wait for something?

Clasp your hands together in front of your body above the waist

Which type of cabinet provides maximum protect for the worker and the environment outside the cabinet?

Class III

List 4 procedures that a technician on a surgical team needs to know to maintain aseptic conditions and prevent contaminations

Clean and disinfect the operating room Sterilize surgical instruments and materials Prepare the incision site Prepare the surgical team for aseptic surgery

What term refers to the complete removal of all visible debris from a surface?


Which type of disease is defined as one in which the host has visible abnormalities associated with the disease?


What is another term for a static system?

Closed System

What is another term for a static tank system?

Closed System


Closer to the animal's back


Closer to the belly


Closer to the head


Closer to the median


Closer to the tail


Closer to the tip of the nose (used in reference to the head)

What is the point of completion for Segment II studies?

Closure of the fetuses' palate

In amphibians, what is the internal body cavity that houses the abdominal and thoracic organs called?


What is the term that refers to an animal differs from other animals of that strain by one mutant gene?


The animal in which the mutation occurs differs from other animals of that strain, usually by a single mutant gene

Coisogenic Animal

What are two methods of identifying research dogs and cats.

Collar & tag Microchip Tattoo

What does the left atrium do?

Collects blood entering the heart from the lungs

In which section of the GI tract is water absorption completed?


Where is water absorption completed?


What is checked when monitoring blood perfusion during anesthesia in a mouse?

Color of the food pad

Which term means a mother's milk that contains antibodies for newborns?


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Compliance and ethics are both necessary for the conduct of responsible research.

Which of the following statements is true?

Compliance and ethics are both necessary for the conduct of responsible research.

What is the difference between compliance and ethics

Compliance is based off of rules Ethics requires ability to reason & willingness to discuss

What parameter is a measure of the amount dissolved salts and minerals, present as ions, within an aqueous solution?


Which of the following is NOT needed when interacting with people in the animal facility?

Confronting coworkers

Strain that is constructed by selectively mating an animal carrying the mutation of interest to an inbred animal from a strain of choice.

Congenic strain

Which type of tissue physically binds and supports other tissues?


Name a disadvantage of a Flow -though tank systems

Constant flow of water can be disruptive to species that prefer static water.

The first step in reporting noncompliance is to:

Consult your institutional policy for mechanisms for reporting noncompliance

What is a disadvantage of a flow-through system?

Consumes a lot of water in daily operation

Match the term with the definition How long a disinfectant remains on a surface

Contact time

What is the period of time called that a chemical is left on a surface before it is rinsed?

Contact time

Which is the most important factor of surgical preparation in reducing bacterial load?

Contact time

What is the term used for the drugs administered in some imaging technologies for better visualization of anatomical structures?

Contrast agents

Which metal, often found in municipal water, can be toxic to aquatic animals?




Which of the following can help determine what services are cost effective?

Cost Analysis

What are activities or entities that have expenses but do not directly produce revenue?

Cost Centers

What substance is NOT reabsorbed in the kidney tubules?


Which type of animal has an exoskeleton?


What process can be used to preserve a genetic line by freezing embryos?


List 4 parameters assessed by the Draize test.

Cytotoxicity Skin and corneal irritation Corrosivity Inflammation

If an animal was used in experiments, teaching, research, experiments, or tests causing pain or distress to the animals, for which appropriate anesthetic, analgesic, or tranquilizing drugs were used, what United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) pain category would this describe?


What must an animal facility have to legally keep controlled substances?

DEA License

How often should tanks be inspected to ensure adequate water flow and drainage?


How often should water parameters like pH and temperature be monitored?


What information is lest likely to be included in breeding records

Daily census

GLPs put a heavy emphasis on:

Data recording and reporting

Which of the following information need not be present on an official tag?

Date of birth

List 5 items that training documentation should include.

Date of the training Subject matter Names of the individuals attending the training Length or duration of the training session Names of the individuals conducting the training

Which of the following statements is TRUE about the use of carbon monoxide for euthanasia?

Death occurs rapidly at concentrations of 4 to 6%

Which side effect is associated with chemicals used to induce immunodeficiency?


If pups must be euthanized to limit the number of pups per breeding cage, which method is usually performed after they are briefly exposed to CO2?


List the six step of ethical decision-making regarding the treatment of laboratory animals?

Decide on a course of action

Which is NOT a typical sign of the stress caused by high noise levels within the vivarium?

Decreased blood pressure

Which statement is FALSE about blood samples?

Deficiency in red blood cells is called ataxia

What is the first step in scientific research?

Define the question to be investigated?

AWA is divided in 4 parts which are?

Definition of terms Regulations Standards Rules of practice

The reopening of a surgical incision is known as _______.


What term refers to assigning less complicated tasks to others in order to allow supervisors more time to get other work completed?


Which term refers to assigning less complicated tasks to others in order to allow supervisors more time to get other work completed?


What are the short, multi-branched extensions on neurons called?


Match type and name of the Instrument Elevator


Strands that form chromosomes

Deoxyribonucleic acid

How are needles and syringes properly discarded?

Deposited in a sharps container

What is the mode of euthanasia action for an overdose of barbiturates?

Depressing the central nervous system which leads to cardiac arrest

Which layer of skin contains nerves and blood vessels?


Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below P is__________________________________

Descending colon

Which of the following is NOT a method for the technician to support the ethical treatment of animals?

Determining if an animal has reached the humane endpoint

How are suture materials sized?


Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below F is__________________________________


Which of the following is the main shaft of the long bone?


What is the relaxation phase of the heart called?


List a 4 factor that my have a negative effect on rodent breeding

Diet, age, if the female has successfully bred before, cage handling, environmental conditions.

How does oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange occur between the blood and air in the alveoli?


Through what process does oxygen and carbon-dioxide exchange occur between the blood and the air?


During respiration, how is gas exchange accomplished?

Diffusion across membranes


Digits, toe; pasterns (long, short) and coffin bone (hooved species)

Common name for the following: Phalanges (phalanx, singular)

Digits, toes; fingers and thumbs (primates); pasterns and coffin bone (hooved species)

For the following costs associated with an animal facility, identify them as either Direct or Indirect. Bedding


For the following costs associated with an animal facility, identify them as either Direct or Indirect. Feed


What type of costs are associated with a specific research project?

Direct Cost

What must be done if yellow fluid is aspirated prior to an intraperitoneal injection?

Discard the syringe and needle and start again

Which chemical agent destroys or inactivates infectious fungi and bacteria but not necessarily spores?


Which of the following destroys or inactivates infectious fungi and bacteria but not necessarily spores?


Which of the following is an agent that destroys or irreversibly inactivates infectious fungi and bacteria?


Destroys or inactivates infectious fungi and bacteria, but not necessarily their spores.


How is wastewater handled in a flow-through system?

Disposed of in the sewer system

Disruption of power supply may significantly deplete the ________ in the system water.

Dissolved oxygen

What type of identification is not acceptable for dogs or cats at aquisition?

Distinctive color markings

When decontaminating or sterilizing, what are the 3 factors that determine if the methods will be successful?

Distribution Penetration Contact Time

The USDA requires the tags of what animal be retained for a year?


Which species is required by the Animal Welfare Act and Animal Welfare Regulations to be provided regular exercise when housed in small cages?


From which location can serial blood samples be obtained from zebrafish?

Dorsal aorta

From which location can serial blood samples be obtained from zebrasifh?

Dorsal aorta

Where should female Xenopus be injected with hormones to prime them for egg harvest?

Dorsal lymph sacs

What is the prescription for drug dose, frequency and duration called?

Dosage regimen

What is the prescription for drug dose, frequency, and duration called?

Dosage regimen

What does the Greek work amphibios mean?

Double Life

What is cystocentesis?

Drawing of a sterile urine sample by inserting a hypodermic needle into the bladder

The use of controlled substances in an animal facility is controlled by which organization?

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

Which condition is necessary for HEPA filters to prevent bacteria and viruses from passing through them?


What is the 7th step, in proper the proper sequence, that are necessary to clean surgical instruments and prepare them for re-use?

Dry instruments thoroughly

Which statement is TRUE about hermometers?

Dry-bulb thermometers protect the bulb from moisture

Which statement is true about thermometers?

Dry-bulb thermometers protect the bulb from moisture.

Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below L is__________________________________


Some of the problems that were identified and that led to the development of GLPs included all the following except

Duplication of regulations

(difficult birth) is occasionally observed in laboratory animal species.


Difficult Birth


Difficulty in labor is known as:


Which term means "difficult birth"?


Which agency forces the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) relating to industrial chemicals?


What are the two U.S agencies requiring GLPs?


Which statement about pre-surgical scrubbing is TRUE for the surgeon?

Each arm should receive a total of 40 strokes of a sterile scrubbing brush

Which is NOT true of a decentralized management program?

Each department that uses animals is managed by one supervising department

Which statement is FALSE about chromosomes?

Each diploid cell contains three copies of each chromosome.

Which method is NOT an approved means of identification for cats and dogs?

Ear tag

Which type of tissue lines the heart and blood vessels?


What process occurs during electroporation?

Electricity passes through a DNA + stem cell solution causing the DNA to enter the cells.

What instrument measures electrical activity in the heart?


Which process allows researchers to know whether an animal possesses a specific gene?


What is the process by which DNA is inserted into a cell in homologous recombination?


List 4 functions of the urinary stems.

Eliminate waste from he body Regulate blood volume and blood pressure Control the levels of electrolytes and metabolites Regulate blood pH

When extended anesthesia is required, what device is inserted into the trachea?

Endotracheal tube

Which agency of the United States requires that disinfectant label claims be truthful?

Environmental Protection Agency

What are the two federal agencies that require compliance with the Good Laboratory Practice (GLPs) Regulations?

Environmental Protection Agency & Food and Drug Administration.

The two federal agencies that require compliance with the GLPs are the ________ and the________

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Food & Drug Administration (FDA)

Which term describes a disease that similar to an endemic in humans?


Numbers increase with parasitic infections


What is the outer layer of skin called?


What is the outer layer of the skin?


What are the 4 basic structures of vertebrate skin?

Epidermis Dermis Glans Hypodermis

What is the structure in which sperm mature and are stored?


The _____________ is specialized growth area at the ends of long bones?


List 4 types of tissue

Epithelial and endothelial Connective Muscle Nerve

Which type of disease is defined as one with a sudden outbreak that affects a large number of animals?


The most abundant type of blood cells are:


What is the most abundant type of blood cells?


Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below A is__________________________________


What is the first step in planning a job?

Establish goals

First step of Job planning?

Establish/organize goals

In which stage of the estrous cycle is the female most receptive to copulation?


State of heat


What is the concept that refers to the way people behave, based on commonly held core values?


What is the concept that states that people behave based on commonly held core values?


Which chemical agent is primarily used in stainless steel vacuum chambers in an automated sterilization process?

Ethylene oxide gas

Which sterilant is explosive in the presence of oxygen or air?

Ethylene oxide gas

Which practice is most commonly adopted to address rodents infected by a disease agent?


How are spontaneous cancer models used?

Evaluation of diagnostic and preventive treatments

For what studies are spontaneous cancer models used?

Evaluations of preventive treatments

The temperature of a diluted liquid sanitizer should not be increased due to:


The temperature of diluted liquid sanitizer should not be increased due to:


How often must the controlled substance inventory list be updated?

Every 2 years

Match type and name of the Instrument Thumb dressing forceps


What is the result of taking to much tissue for sampling in Senopus?

Excessive bleeding

What is the result of taking too much tissue for sampling in Senopus?

Excessive bleeding

What is the result of taking too much tissue for sampling in Xenopus?

Excessive bleeding

Which of the following is NOT a cause of bloat?

Excessive loss of body fluid

Breeding of this colony generates the production colony

Expansion colony

Which is one is not a standard method to dechlorinate water?

Expose water to sunlight

What is lymph derived from?

Extracellular fluid of body tissues

Which item is NOT required to be worn by all personnel in the operating room?

Eye protection

Which adjuvant has the reputation for the most consistent antibody production?


In the United States, what agency is charged with enforcing the Federal Food, Drug, and cosmetic Act?


Requires compliance with the GLP's


List 3 disruptions to the breeding colony that may be observed if variations occur in the macroenvironment.

Failure to engage in normal mating behavior, disruption of the estrous cycle, abandonment of young, cannibalism

Animal welfare is one of the most important topics addressed in the GLPs.


Any significant deviation from SOPs during a study must be approved writing by the management.


Data should be transcribed to a data form within a day of the time it was recoded by hand.


Federal agencies are the only source of grant money.


First step in scientific research is to establish a hypothesis.


In course of a GLP study, all data forms must be incorporated in either a protocol or an SOP.


QAU personnel should have the scientific expertise to be able to interpret the experimental data and verify the validity of the results.


Raw data should NOT be archived in areas to conduct GLP studies.


A needle's length is known as its gauge

False A needle's diameter is known as its gauge

Aldehyde sterilants are nontoxic and non-irritating to tissues

False Aldehydes are toxic, so items sterilized in this manner must be rinsed in sterile saline before use.

As water temperature decreases, oxygen diffuses out of the water and into the room air.

False As water temperature rises, oxygen diffuses out of the water and into the room air.

Antiseptic technique refers to the act of preventing the contamination of the sterile surgical field and other sterile areas.

False Aseptic technique refers to the act of preventing the contamination of the sterile surgical field and other sterile areas

Bones are attached to other bones with tendons

False Bones are attached to other bones with ligaments. Tendons connect to muscles to bones

Dose is a term meaning how much of a drug is given per unit of body weight.

False Dose is the amount of drug given at one time.

Leukocytes are the most abundant type of blood cell.

False Erythrocytes are the most abundant type of blood cell

Hands do NOT have to be scrubbed when surgical gloves are worn

False Hands must be scrubbed thoroughly even when surgical gloves are worn, since small holes and tears can occur in the gloves.

Irradiation of research animals is done only to eliminate certain types of cancer.

False Irradiation of research animals provides a method of inducing immunosuppression.

If a department within an institution maintains its own animal facility and operating budget, it is considered a centralized management system.

False It is considered a decentralized system

Th use of controlled substances in laboratory animal facilities is regulated by the FDA.

False It is regulated by the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

Smaller diameter needles reduce resistance to fluid flow and minimize red blood cell trauma.

False Larger diameter needles will reduce resistance to fluid flow and minimize red blood cell trauma

Most digestion takes place in the section of the small intestine called the jejunum.

False Most digestion takes place in the duodenum

Needles should be recapped before they are discarded

False Needles should not be recapped

Nude mice are more susceptible to infections because they are hairless

False Nude mice are more susceptible to infections because they lack T cells.

The principle of refinement asks if fewer animals could be used in a study

False Refinement is to lessen pain & distress

SCID mice must mount a cell-medicated response to an infection

False SCID mice are unable to mount cell-mediated and antibody responses to infection.

Sharps should always be disposed of in biohazard trash.

False Sharps should only be discarded in sharps containers

Skin is a type of connective tissue

False Skin is a type of epithelial tissue

Static tanks cannot be aerated and so accumulate dissolved oxygen.

False Static tanks may be aerated to prevent depletion of dissolved oxygen.

Striated muscle appears smooth and glassy

False Striated muscle appears striped

The abbreviation SID means to give an animal three times a day.

False The abbreviation SID stands for once per day.

The number of air changes in a room per hour should never exceed five changes per hour.

False The guideline of 10-15 fresh air room changes per hour in animal rooms is considered an acceptable standard.

The respiratory system of mammals is a more efficient mechanism for rapid gas exchange than that of birds?

False The respiratory system of birds is a more efficient mechanism for rapid gas exchange.

A simple way to convert from % to mg/mL is to move the decimal point two places to the right

False The simple way to convert from % to mg/mL is to move the decimal point one place to the right.

Only one recordkeeping system is currently approved for all research institutions

False There are many recordkeeping variations among institutions

Examples of direct cost include the costs for facility operation and maintenance, security, administrative salaries, and facility equipment depreciation.

False These items are examples of indirect costs. Direct costs are those that can be directly attributed to a specific project: the cost of animals, the cost to maintain the animals on the project, salaries for program staff, and the costs of food, bedding and other supplies.

Gowns or towels should be shaken until they unfold to avoid increasing possible contamination from repeated handling.

False When opening gowns or towels, let these items fall open by gravity to avoid the possibility of contamination.

Sterilization is best accomplished by using only hot water from the faucet.

False. Hot water alone is only a sanitizer; it does not provide sterilization even when combined with detergents.

Scissors are classified by the shape of their handle

False. Scissors are classified by the shape of the blade tips.

The optimum water pH for aquatic species is between 4.0 and 7.0.

False. They prefer a narrow pH range of 6.8 to 7.1

Water hardness is a general indicator of the total ion content in the water

False. Water hardness is a measure of the number of specific calcium and magnesium ions in the water.

Ultrasonic cleaning can sterilize instruments

False. Ultrasonic cleaning does NOT sterilize instruments, it removes debris from instruments.

What test can be used to test for internal parasites?

Fecal smear

Which test can be used to detect internal parasites?

Fecal smear

IACUC's are mandated by?

Federal Mandate

IACUC's are required by which of the following?

Federal law

What vessel is used to commonly collect arterial blood from these species Dogs and nonhuman primates

Femoral artery

Name 2 anatomical structures that should be avoided when giving an intramuscular injection into the quadriceps muscle.

Femoral nerve; Femoral artery; femoral vein; sciatic nerve

Long bones

Femur, tibia, fibula, humerus, radius, ulna, phalanges

What source of dogs and cats is not permitted for procurement by Class B dealers?

Feral dogs and cats

What is the process in which bacteria breaks down roughage called?


Which animal has the scientific name, Mustela Putorious?


What occurs in pseudopregnancy?

Fertilization does not occur but the female shows signs of being pregnant.

Which area of interest is investigated using Segment II studies?

Fetal toxicity

A person supplying dogs to research is exempted from licensing with the USDA under which of the following conditions?

Fewer than 25 dogs born on their premises are sold within a one-year period.

For physical plant or facility emergencies, what is NOT a factor that should be included in an institution-specific disaster preparedness plan?

Fire drill protocols

Care and housing standards are NOT provided in the Ag Guide for which category of animal?


In which species is the kidney part of the immune system?


Which of these species is excluded from the Animal Welfare Act when used for biomedical research?


Which species is often used for determining the chemical safety of pesticides and industrial chemicals?


Which statement regarding lighting in rooms housing aquatic animals is TRUE?

Fish prefer light levels of 100-150 lux

Utility costs would be an example of which type of cost


Which costs are consistent throughout the budget period?

Fixed Costs

Which system runs a constant stream of water into and out of each tank without water recirculation?

Flow-through system

A _______ is any inanimate object or substance capable of being contaminated with infectious organisms which can then infect any individual contacting it.


In the US, who grants approval to market a new drug after several rounds of clinical trials?

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Which 2 government agencies oversee the regulatory requirements of toxicity studies?

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Which is NOT a component of the major surgery as defined by the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals?

Food is withheld for a designated period before the procedure

Which is NOT a component of major surgery as defined by the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals?

Food is withheld for designated period before the procedure

Common name for the following: Radius and ulna

Forearm bones (primates)

Smooth muscles

Found in organs and ducts, lack of these bands; they have a smooth, glassy look.

Original animals with the desired DNA


How many heart chambers do mammals have?


The mammalian heart has ______ chambers


How many bio safety levels are described in the BMBL?

Four: BSL-1, BSL-2, BSL-3, BSL-4

Name a disadvantage of a Closed tank systems

Frequent cleaning and water changes are necessary since nitrogenous waste products are not removed by the filtration.

What will prevent blood from pooling in an unconscious postoperative animal?

Frequently turning the body form side to side

What will prevent blood from pooling in an unconscious, postoperative animal?

Frequently turning the body from side to side

In a two-corridor floor plan, what direction should air flow between an animal room and the corridors?

From the clean corridor to the animal room, then out to the dirty corridor.

Which are of the surgical gown is considered the sterile field?

From the shoulders to the waist

Which information is NOT required by USDA for IACUC records?

Funded grants

What is NOT a likely cause of neoplastic growth?

Fungal infection

Which characteristic is an example of a visible phenotype/

Fur color

Which statement is TRUE about fur around an incision site?

Fur must be clipped or shaved from the incision site

Where is bile stored in most species?


Personnel exposed to _______ should be monitored with film badges.

Gamma-emmitting radiosotopes

What occurs when a fish has gas bubble disease?

Gases go into the body and create bubbles in the blood and tissue.

The administration of a solution directly into the stomach through a tube inserted in the esophagus is known by what term?

Gastric gavage

What is the term for placement of a liquid into the stomach by using a tube attached to a syringe?

Gastric gavage

List 5 methods used to administer substances to aquatic laboratory animals

Gastric gavage Intramuscular Subcutaneous Intracoelomic Immersion

List the second step of ethical decision-making regarding the treatment of laboratory animals?

Gather and assess all facts involved

Which of the following is NOT a core value regarding the ethical decision making?

Gather and evaluate the facts involved in the situation

Which of the following transmits hereditary diseases from parent to offspring?


What is the term that refers to genes that are located adjacent to one another on the same chromosome that tend to be inherited together?

Gene linkage

What term refers to genes that are located adjacent to one another on the same chromosome and tend to be inherited together?

Gene linkage

What is meant by gene amplification in PCR?

Genes are copied hundreds of times in the reaction

Which statement is TRUE about pronuclear injection?

Genes are injected with a pipette directly into the cell.

What results from gene linkage/

Genes tend to be inherited together

What results from gene linkage?

Genes tend to be inherited together

What are outbred stocks bred to maintain?

Genetic Variation

Which is NOT a factor on which a diagnosis is usually based?

Genetic makeup

What characteristic results from breeding outbred stocks?

Genetic variation

What are all the genes in an organism called?


Actual genetic makeup


The specific genetic makeup of an individual organism


What is the term used to describe the genetic makeup of an organism with reference to a single trait, set of traits, or an entire complex of traits?


Genetic testing that can tell which genes an animal possesses


What is the process called by which you can determine the specific genetic makeup of an animal?


What is NOT a component of an animal care and use program described in the Guide?

Genotyping procedures

What is it called when a new gene is incorporated into the germ cells (egg and sperm)?

Germline transmission



The period of time from fertilization of an egg to birth is called?


What method can sterilize instruments in 10 seconds?

Glass bead sterilizer

Which sterilant may cause allergic sensitization with repeated inhalation and skin contact?


What is NOT a major type of lymphocyte?

Goblet cell

What may be given to amphibians to stimulate egg production?


Which of the following is responsible for production of gametes and secretion of sex hormones?


What is a quality assurance unit responsible for ensuring compliance with?

Good Laboratory Practice Regulations (GLPs)

In mammals, phagocytosis is a process performed by which cells?


What are neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils classified as?


Which blood cells are also called polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs)?


What do the hormones produced in the anterior pituitary gland directly regulate?

Growth, metabolism, and other endocrine glands

Which document is used by AAALAC International and the USDA when inspecting agricultural animals used in biomedical research?

Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching

Which document recommends that all social species be housed in pairs or groups in a laboratory setting?

Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals

What document is a resource on the transportation of common laboratory animals?

Guidelines for the Humane Transportation of Research Animals.

What are 2 effects of the nude mouse mutation on body organs?

Hairlessness Lack of a thymus

Match type and name of the Instrument Mosquito hemostatic forceps


Which animal is NOT routinely bled from the jugular vein?


A nesting box must be added to make which type of cage suitable for breeding species such as rabbits, guinea pigs, and rodents?

Hanging wire

Match the term with the definition Measure of the dissolved minerals in water


Demands largest cage size

Harem Mating

Two or more females are bred with one male.

Harem and polygamous mating

May be difficult to identify which pups belong to which dam if multiple litters present

Harem mating

What is a characteristic typical of a recirculating tank system?

Has automated components to control water quality

What must accompany a dog, cat, or nonhuman primate that is transported by a research facility?

Health Certificate

Which of the following is NOT an example of raw data for a GLP study?

Health Certificate

What documentation must accompany all dogs, cats, or nonhuman primates that are shipped to a research institution?

Health Certificate stating the animals have been inspected by a veterinarian and found to be healthy.

Which federal law mandates the PHS Policy?

Health research extension act (1985)

Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below D is__________________________________


Identify all parameters known as vital signs

Heart rate Pulse Rate Blood pressure Respiration rate and character Body temperature

List 5 parameters that must be monitored in an anesthetized animal until it regains consciousness

Heart rate; respiratory rate; capillary refill time; color of mucous membranes; blood pressure; heart function; blood gases; body temperature; anesthesia level, pain sensation

Which of the following is an example of an involuntary muscle contraction?


Which of the following is an example of of an involuntary muscle contraction?


What does positive air pressure within a room do?

Helps prevent outside contaminants from entering the room

Which substance is collected from Limulus crabs for pyrogen testing?


Which is NOT an appropriate use of thumb forceps?

Hemostasis (stopping bleeding)

Which forceps are designed to clamp onto bleeding tissue containing a severed vessel?

Hemostatic forceps

What can be used to close an implantable injection port between uses?

Heparin lock

Type digestive system: Cow


Type digestive system: Guinea Pig


Type digestive system: Horse


Type digestive system: Rabbit


Type digestive system: Sheep


Infection with what human disease is potentially fatal to marmosets?

Herpes simplex

What is the gene makeup of an individual when both alleles at the same locus on a chromosome pair are different?


What is the individual when both genes at the same locus on a chromosome pair are different?


What do white chalky deposits on the sides of the tank indicate?

High hardness level

Name an disadvantage for a Recirculating tank systems

High population densities and large amounts of waste can overload filters if system is not properly maintained.

The ankle joint is known as the _______ in quadrupeds.


Common name for the following: Tarsal bones

Hock or ankle (primates) bones

Technique where the embryonic stem cells that line the inside of a developing blastocyst (a preimplantation stage of early embryos) and used to produce embryonic stem (ES) cell lines.

Homologous recombination

Which technique collects the embryonic stem cells that line the inside of a developing blastocyst to produce embryonic stem cell lines?

Homologous recombination

If both alleles of a gene pair are the same, an individual is considered _____________________ for that gene.


If both alleles of a gene pair are the same, an individual is considered to have which genetic makeup?


What is the term for when a disease occurs within the same generation of animals, spreading from cage to cage and room to room.

Horizontal transmission

List 3 ways in which oocytes can be collected from Xenopus

Hormone injection Manual expression Surgical laparotomy

What is secreted by the glands of the endocrine system?


What is the route of infection?

How a microorganism enters the body of a host

According to the Guide, ________ means those actions taken to assure that laboratory animals are treated according to high ethical and scientific standards?

Humane Care

The point at which pain or distress in an experimental animal prevented, terminated, or relieved is the ___________.

Humane endpoint

What is the term used for the time when a laboratory animal has reached a specified severity of clinical signs or tumors have reached a predetermined size?

Humane endpoint

In which breeding system are the parents of different inbred strains?


Which of the following is a breeding system in which the parents are of different inbred strains?


The combination of a cancer producing cell and an antibody producing cell is called a (an):


Which statement about water pH is FALSE?

Hydrochloric acid should be added to the water slowly to raise the pH

What does pH measure in a tank system?

Hydrogen ions

What does pH measure in the aquatic system?

Hydrogen ions

Which of the following is a liquid chemical ("cold") sterilizing agent?

Hydrogen peroxide

Which method of sterilization has fewest safety requirements and is particularly effective for items that are sensitive to high temperature of humidity?

Hydrogen peroxide plasma

What instrument measures humidity?


Match the term with the definition Common household bleach


Subcutaneous injections are made in which structure?


The __________________ that reviews and approves proposed animal use protocols and amendments.


Who should you inform of your concern for how an animal is being treated if you have not received satisfactory response from your supervisor, the researcher, or veterinary personnel?


If an incident of animal misuse is not resolved after contacting your supervisor, you can submit your concerns to whom?


Which of the following is an accurate list of routes of injection from fastest absorption (left) to slowest (right)?


Absorption into the body system is dependent on the route of injection. Place them in the correct order, from the most rapidly absorbed to the least rapidly absorbed


Third step of job planning?

Identify resources needed to complete the tasks.

List the third step of ethical decision-making regarding the treatment of laboratory animals?

Identify the individuals & groups affected by the issue

List the first step of ethical decision-making regarding the treatment of laboratory animals?

Identify the issue of concern

List the five step of ethical decision-making regarding the treatment of laboratory animals?

Identify values and evaluate possible solutions

List the forth step of ethical decision-making regarding the treatment of laboratory animals?

Identify values that play a role in the decision

What is the 6th step, in proper the proper sequence, that are necessary to clean surgical instruments and prepare them for re-use?

If rinse water is hard, rinse again in deionized water to remove minerals.

One of the 4 core values for the ethical treatment of laboratory animals.

If severe pain in animals cannot be relieved, they should be euthanized.

How can bioimaging reduce the number of animals used in a study?

Imaging can show changes inside the body without a necropsy

Which step must be taken to produce a chimera with hopes of achieving germline transmission?

Implantation of injected blastocysts

Task should be scheduled in order of ________________ and ___________________

Importance; deadline demands

What is an example of reduction, as described by Russell and Burch?

Improved statistical methods

Describe a decentralized management system

In a decentralized animal care and use management system, each department within the institution that houses and uses laboratory animals for either research or teaching maintains its own animal facility and operating budget.

What is the most desirable site for an intramuscular injection

In a large muscle mass

What statement is TRUE about Intracoelomic injections?

In an intracelomic injection, aspirate the syringe to ensure the spleen has not been punctured.

When organizing a to-do list, how should you prioritize tasks?

In order of importance and deadline deamnds

Where does food begin its chemical digestion and by what means?

In the mouth, from enzymes in saliva

Where does food begin its chemical digestion?

In the mouth, from enzymes in saliva

involves the union of eggs and sperm outside the body

In vitro fertilization

When developing a new drug, what is the correct order of testing?

In vitro, preclinical, clinical

uses sibling to produce animals with minimal genetic variation and, often, unique characteristics that meet specific research needs.


What do retractors do?

Increase the exposure of a surgical site

For the following costs associated with an animal facility, identify them as either Direct or Indirect. Cleaning Supplies


For the following costs associated with an animal facility, identify them as either Direct or Indirect. Equipment depreciation


For the following costs associated with an animal facility, identify them as either Direct or Indirect. Physical plant maintenance


For the following costs associated with an animal facility, identify them as either Direct or Indirect. Telephones


Identify which cancer models are induced (I) or spontaneous (S): Administration of a carcinogen


Identify which cancer models are induced (I) or spontaneous (S): Human tumors injected into mice


List 5 causes of maternal neglect or cannibalism

Inexperience females overcrowding Poor or varying environmental conditions Disturbance by staff Stress caused by other laboratory animals in the area

What documentation must a commercial animal source provide for a facility to pre-qualify their animals and eliminate a quarantine period?

Infectious agent testing

Which term is used for the protective response by which blood circulation delivers nutrients, chemical factors, and leukocytes to the site of a tissue injury?


Gaseous anesthetics are also called ______________ anesthetics.


What is a common reason for injecting a substance subcutaneously?

Injecting large volumes of nonirritating fluids

Which is NOT a method of obtaining sperm from Xenopus species?

Injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone

What is the 8th step, in proper the proper sequence, that are necessary to clean surgical instruments and prepare them for re-use?

Inspect instruments for cleanliness and proper function

On behalf of an institution, which individual is ultimately responsible for compliance with PHS Policy?

Institutional Official

To whom does the IACUC report its findings from a semi-annual inspection of the animal facility and study areas?

Institutional official

To whom does the IACUC reports its findings from a semi-annual inspection of the animal facility and study areas?

Institutional official

Which statement is TRUE about a personnel training program in animal care and use?

Institutional training requirements include both initial training and periodic refresher training.

Which statement is NOT true about using a glass bead sterilizer for a succession of surgeries on multiple animals?

Instruments are placed in the sterilizer while each successive animal is prepared for surgery.

Which hormone lowers the blood glucose level?


What are the 11 major organ systems of the vertebrate body?

Integumentary skeletal muscular circulatory lymphatic respiratory digestive urinary reproductive nervous endocrine


Integumentary glands open to the surface of the skin.

What are the two most critical characteristics for light in an animal room?

Intensity and cycle

It takes advantage of postpartum estrus

Intensive breeding

It usually requires more males in the colony

Intensive breeding

Recordkeeping is simplified

Intensive breeding

To collect blood by cardiac puncture, entry into the heart can be made through the ___________________ space (between the ribs).


Which administration technique is commonly used in aquatic species?

Intracoelomic injection



What is the route of administration for a drug prescribed to be given ID?




Injection into the cavity of a long bone is known as an _______ injection.


Injection into the cavity of a long bone is known as an _________ injection.




Which type of injection has a risk of puncturing the bladder?


Which type of injection has a risk puncturing the bladder?




Route of administration IV


Which lists routes of injection from fastest absorption to slowest?


__________________ of the trachea with an _____________ tube provides a protected airway during gaseous anesthesia.

Intubation; endotracheal

Match the term with the definition Iodine-containing compoound


Why must feed sterilized with ionizing radiation be supplemented?

Irradiation removes certain nutrients

Where should an animal be housed if the animal is suspected to have a disease?

Isolation room

Which of the following is NOT true about endotracheal tubes?

It allows nutrients to enter the body.

What is a complicating factor in urinary catheterization?

It can allow bacteria to enter the bladder

Why should pup NOT be in direct contact with the hanging wire cage bottoms?

It can cause chills, and they could fall through the wire mesh.

What is a drawback to using absorbable catgut sutures?

It can cause inflammation.

What problem is caused by wetting more of the animal than the incision site when applying a scrub prior to surgery?

It can chill the animal

How does the Whitten effect assist in timed mating?

It can produce a group of females for mating at one time.

What advantage does a timed mating system provide?

It can provide embryos or mice at a precise gestational age needed for experiments

What advantage does using a timed mating system provide?

It can provide embryos or mice at a precise gestational age needed for experiments.

Why is the rat often chosen for general dietary studies?

It has a rapid weight gain after weaning and a long growth period.

While used in some settings, why is this technique generally discourage?

It has the possibility of an eye injury

Which statement is FALSE regarding a prognosis?

It identifies the cause of the disease.

What is a negative result of using multifilament suture material?

It increases the chance for wound infection

What is a vaginal plug?

It is a waxy plug formed from copulation fluids in female mice and rats.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the use of carbon dioxide as euthanasia agent?

It is readily available

How does pleural fluid aid respiration?

It lubricates the chest wall and lungs to prevent friction

What is an advantage of using outbred stocks in a breeding program?

It maintains genetic diversity

What is the function of an airlock?

It minimizes air pressure changes due to traffic

which statement is true about the bursa of Fabricius?

It produces B cells

Which statement is true about the bursa of Fabricius?

It produces B cells.

What is the benefit of using the dry process of VHP instead of the wet process?

It reduces the corrosiveness of the compound

What is TRUE about temperature-sensitive tape?

It should be placed directly on the item being sanitized or sterilized

How does irradiation attack the immune system?

It suppresses cell division

Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below N is__________________________________


What is NOT a precaution for maintaining sterile field?

Keep your hands at your side

Match type and name of the Instrument Hemostatic Forceps


What injectable anesthetic is commonly used to immobilize primates?


What ingredient does Freund's Complete Adjuvant contain that is responsible for undesirable side effects?

Killed Mycobacteria organisms

What ingredient does the FCA contain that is responsible for undesirable side effects?

Killed Mycobacteria organisms

Common name for the following: Patella

Knee cap (primates);

What is the term used to describe a situation where new genes are inserted by a targeted mutation?


If an animal is homozygous null for a pair of genes, which term describes the animal's genetic modification?


If the expression of a pair go genes is blocked, what is the term that describes the genetic modification of the animal?


What is the definition of compliance?

Knowing the rules and following them

List 9 factors to consider when choosing a chemical for cleaning in the facility.

Label, Spectrum of activity, Effectiveness in hard water, pH stability, Dilution, Contact time, Temperature, Toxicity, Safety.

Which statement is NOT true about intensive breeding?

Labor requirements are higher because animals are not removed from the cage.

Which animals are NOT required by the law to be accompanied by a health certificate when being shipped?

Laboratory mice

What does a B cell defect result in?

Lack of an antibody response

A common piece equipment that facilitates the placement of an endotracheal tube is:


What device is used to expose the larynx for endotracheal intubation


A disease that continues in a subclinical state is said to be ______ __


Which vein is most commonly used for intravenous injections in the rat?

Lateral tail vein

What causes a hematoma?

Leakage of blood from the vein into surrounding tissue

What causes hematoma?

Leakage of blood from the vein into surrounding tissue

What is an example of negative reinforcement in behavior research?

Learning to avoid a shock

Which responsibility is carried out by the institutional Official?

Legally commit the institution to comply with Animal Welfare Act Regulations.

Needle sizes are designated according to which 2 characteristics?

Length Diameter

Which term refers to a local area of tissue damage produced by disease, injury, or surgery?


How much dissolved oxygen is normally contained in water (by volume)

Less 1%

To keep controlled substances on site, an animal facility must have what from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)?


What is produced by the action of luciferin on the luciferase gene?


Located adjacent to one another on the same chromosomes and tend to be inherited together

Linked genes

List 3 methods to verify the correct placement of an endotracheal tube.

Listen to the end of the tube for breath sounds, hold a very light fiber or animal hair to the tube opening and observe its movements as the animal breathes. Hold a stainless-steel surface up to the end of the tube and look for condensation indicating expiration. If the tube is clear, watch for alternating condensation and clearing within the tube itself.

Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below G is__________________________________


What organ produces bile, breaks down chemicals, and stores glycogen?


Bloat is not commonly seen in:


What is the difference between local and general anesthesia?

Local anesthesia is the loss of sensation in a specific part of the body, and the animal remains conscious and in control of body movement. General anesthesia is a state of unconsciousness in which the central nervous system does not perceive pain, has no conscious awareness, and has no conscious control of body movement.

Before you start on a task, it is important to:

Locate all the resources needed for the task

What is the term for the position a female in estrus (in some species) stands when near a male?


Of the following, which would not be considered an acute emergency situation?

Loss of appetite

Common name for the following: Tibia and fibula

Lower leg bones

Into what quadrant is an intraperitoneal injection given?

Lower right

What is the purpose of sebaceous glands?


Which enzyme is used in bioluminescence imaging?


Which type of syringe tip twists tightly onto the needle hub?

Luer lock tip

Which statement regarding syringes is TRUE?

Luer lock tip syringes are designed to ensure the needle locks into place

Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below E is__________________________________


Which flow sequence is correct for the path of oxygenated blood?

Lungs ---> left atrium---> right ventricle---> lungs

What is the unit of measurement for light intensity?


Three major types: T cells, B cells, and NK cells


Which macaque species are the most commonly investigated Old World monkeys in behavioral research?


An exposure kit is especially important for staff working around which species?


When monocytes leave the circulation to move into tissue, they change into what cell type?


Which type of cells break down pathogens that have been trapped in the lymph nodes?


According to the Guide, what is defined as a procedure that "penetrates and exposes a body cavity, produces substantial impairment of physical or physiologic functions, or involves extensive tissue dissection or transection?

Major surgery

Which statement is NOT a recommended step for introducing pups to a foster mother?

Make sure the scent of the birth mother is on the pups

Which statement is NOT a recommended step for introducing pups to a faster mother?

Make sure the scent of the birth mother is on the pups.

Centralized management programs may have satellite locations that are:

Managed by vivarium staff

Which activity minimizes breeding time when mating is in the male's home cage?

Marking Territory

The guide uses the word _______________ to indicates a suggestion to be considered.


______ indicates a suggestion to be considered.


Match type and name of the Instrument Needle holder without scissors


List 2 types of needle holders and their distinguishing feature.

Mayo-Hegar Olsen-Hegar; only the Olsen-Hegar has scissor blades below the jaws for cutting suture strands.

For which disease must personnel with access to NHPs be immunized or provided documentation of immunity?


What is the type of filter that removes large, solid waste?


Which type of filter removes large, solid waste?


The imaginary line dividing the body in half symmetrically is called the _______ plane.


Which statement is TRUE about medical records for surgery?

Medical records are required by the Animal Welfare Regulations and the PHS Policy for the humane care and Use of Laboratory Animals.

Why is it important to alert your supervisor or veterinarian when an animal has part of the body caught in its cage?

Medical treatment may be required.

What does the thyroid gland regulate?

Metabolic rate and calcium utilization

What is the term for the spread of cancer throughout the body?


Which state of the estrous cycle does the female ignore the male?


Which species is NOT commonly used for antibody production?


Which species are most often used for acute toxicity tests?

Mice and rabbits

Which device can be used to collect blood?

Microhematocrit tube

What is a biofilm?

Microorganism build-up on the tank wall

Seminal fluid harvested from fish is known as _____


Seminal fluid harvested from fish is known as _______________


What is the name of the valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle of the heart?

Mitral Valve

What is the valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle of the heart?

Mitral valve

Which is NOT a factor that determines the severity of a disease?

Mode of transmission

Having one estrus cycle per year


The purpose of a grant application is to request?

Money to conduct research

Perform phagocytosis


A mated pair left together through pregnancy

Monogamous mating

One female is bred with one male

Monogamous mating

One female is bred with one male.

Monogamous mating

Pedigree recordkeeping is simpler

Monogamous mating

What type of mating occurs when only 1 female and 1 male are put together in a cage?

Monogamous mating

What is a quorum of a committee?

More than half of the members

Which statement is FALSE?

Most people do not act ethically and must be guided and encouraged to do so.

Which normal, mature animal has erythrocytes with no nucleus?


Where does digestion begin?


Which material is more likely to increase the chance of wound infection?


What requirement does the Animal Welfare Act place on multiple survival surgery?

Multiple survival surgeries are permitted when scientifically justified.

What do polyclonal antibodies react against?

Multiple unique areas on a particular antigen

Given the cost to feed one dog and the number of dogs at your facility each day, how is the annual cost of feeding the dogs calculated?

Multiply the daily cost to feed one dog by the number of dogs, and then multiply by 365

The Word _________ is used in the Guide to describe aspects of a program that are strong recommendations to achieve a goal.


_______ is used to describe aspects of an animal care program that are considered essential or imperative to the proper humane care and use of lab animals.


Physical changes in a gene


Which pathogen is not necessarily destroyed by EPA-approved hospital disinfectants or sanitizers?

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

What acts like an insulator and makes the nerve appear white in color?


What is the fatty substance which surrounds most axons throughout the body?


List the 3 layers of tissue that comprise the walls of the heart

Myocardium Epicardium Endocardium

What factor typically determines animal facility design?

Nature of the research and testing activities

What usually helps determine animal facility design?

Nature of the research and testing activities

Which of the following is an example of a safety injector?

Needle-free injector

If the air pressure inside the animal room is lower than the air pressure in the surrounding rooms, the rooms is said to be under:

Negative pressure

What is the basic functional unit of the kidney?


Which structure filters blood, forming urine with water and wastes removed from the blood?


Dermis contains

Nerves, blood vessel, hair follicles, smooth muscle fibers, pigment.

What is another name for a nerve cell?


Perform phagocytosis and are a type of granulocyte


Which statement about GLP animal studies is FALSE?

New animals must be used immediately as received from the vendor.

What is the term for the transient stressful microenvironment for aquatic species that occurs while the biologic filter is being established?

New tank syndrome

During the time when the biologic filter is being established, what levels can increase and remain high?

Nitrite and ammonia

Failure to remove solid waste from an aquatic tank results in the increase of which chemical?


What is the process of breaking down the waste product ammonia to its less toxic byproducts, nitrites and nitrates called?

Nitrogen cycle

Which cycle involves the breaking down of waste product ammonia into its less toxic byproducts?

Nitrogen cycle

There is greater control in timing litters

Non intensive breeding

Labor costs may be higher

Non-intensive breeding

Which animal is required by the Animal Welfare Act to have psychological enrichment?

Nonhuman Primates

In which species is self-mutilation most commonly seen?

Nonhuman primates

Which animals are required by the Animal Welfare Act to have psychological enrichment?

Nonhuman primates

What is the matrix in a mature bone?

Nonliving material containing minerals

Which type of solutions are used to represent the concentration of electrolytes in sterile fluids used for injection?


How do cells absorb nutrients from the blood?

Nutrients in blood diffuse out of capillaries into the extracellular fluid that surrounds the cell

How do the nutrients enter the tissues from the blood?

Nutrients in the blood diffuse out of capillaries into the extracellular fluid of the tissues.

How do cells absorb nutrients from the blood?

Nutrients in the blood diffuse out of capillaries into the extracellular fluid that surrounds the cell.

Both too much and too little of a specific vitamins and minerals can result in which type of disease?


Publishes the Policy on the Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals


What agency enforces the PHS Policy?


____ can restrict or withdraw approval of the Assurance if the institution fails at its responsibility?


______ Inspects a handful of institutions randomly each year?


What is a first step for animal technician to physically examine an animal?

Observe the animal before restraining it

What is a first step for an animal technician to physically examine an animal?

Observe the animal before restraining it.

Guidance for controlling laboratory animal allergy can be found which document?

Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Research Animals

What document is published by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Research and gives guidance on creating and implementing an institutional occupation health and safety programs?

Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Research Animals

Who can restrict or withdraw approval of the Animal Welfare Assurance if an institution fails at its responsibilities?

Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare

What organization is responsible for monitoring compliance with Public Health Service (PHS) Policy?

Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW)

Which organization is responsible for monitoring compliance with PHS Policy?

Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW)

Match type and name of the Instrument Needle holder with scissors


Identify the chambers C of the ruminant stomach in the diagram below.


What are one of the components of the ruminant stomach?


Type digestive system: Mouse


Type digestive system: Rat


Type digestive system: Rhesus Monkey


Type digestive system: Swine


Second step of bird respiration

On first exhalation, air moves from the posterior air sacs and into the lungs.

First step of bird respiration

On first inhalation, air flows through the trachea and primarily into the posterior (rear) air sacs.

How long after a cat or dog is euthanized must the identification tag be retained for USDA review?

One year

Which is TRUE about glass bead sterilization?

Only the tips of the instruments that are in the glass beads are sterilized.

What is the 2nd step, in proper the proper sequence, that are necessary to clean surgical instruments and prepare them for re-use?

Open all locks and disassemble instruments if possible

What is the usual treatment of an abscess?

Opening the abscess to drain the pus followed by rinsing with an disinfecting solution


Opening the joint (increases the angle; opposite flexion).

What is an example of a topical anesthetic used for anesthetizing the eye?


A positive test for ATP indicates the presence of what?

Organic Material

What can be implanted for long-term, continuous infusion of a solution to unrestrained laboratory animals?

Osmotic pump

What device can be implanted for long-term, continuous infusion of a solution to unrestrained?

Osmotic pump

Which device can provide long-term, continuous infusion of solution to unrestrained laboratory animals?

Osmotic pump

Which of the following is not a common condition that can be seen in aquatic animals?


Which condition is NOT a common cause of maternal neglect and cannibalism in lab animals?


Which condition may result in gas bubble disease?

Oversaturation of the tank water with gases

The primary function of the circulatory system is to deliver _______________________ and _____________________ and to remove ______________________ and ___________________________ from the cells.

Oxygen; nutrients; CO; other waste products

Covers all live vertebrate animals including laboratory strains of birds, rats and mice, and larvae of fish and amphibians

PHS policy

What procedure is used for proper sterilization of instruments in an autoclave?

Pack to allow opening without contaminating the contents

Which method is used to ensure that the control group and the experimental group receive the same amount of feed?


When intubating guinea pig or chinchilla, care must be taken in order to avoid damaging what structure

Palatal ostium

What is NOT a factor that should be monitored in an anesthetized animal?

Palpebral reflex

Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below M is__________________________________


What is a grant application?

Paperwork used to request research money

A vaccine is composed of:

Part of all disease organism

Giving Birth


Which term refers to giving birth?


Sesamoid bones


What does bioexclusion aim to prevent?

Pathogens entering a room

The _________ rates refer to the cost charged to maintain one unit, typically either one animal or cage of animals, for one day. Rates include both direct cost, such as husbandry supplies, veterinary supplies and staff salaries. Plus, they may include a percentage, of the indirect cost, as specified by the institution.

Per diem

What is the term that refers to the cost charged to maintain one unit, either one animal or one cage of animals, for one day?

Per diem rate

Which sterilant is often used to sterilize holding chambers for gnotobiotic animals?

Peracetic Acid

What method is used to distribute shared costs, such as PPE or cage wash labor, across each species?

Percentage of effort, census, or use for that species

What is the sac of connective tissue surrounding the heart called?


The three periods of surgery consists of prior, during, and following the operation. These periods together are known as:


What membrane attaches tendons to the long bone?


What are the wave-like contractions of the esophagus that help move food down the esophagus called?


What 2 substances commonly found in the laboratory can be highly toxic to amphibians

Phenolics; latex

Physical traits that are a result of the underlying genetic makeup


Which term is defined as the observable or discernible characteristics of aniamls?


Differences in an animal's ability to mount an immune response is an example of which phenotype?


Only one of the following species can vomit; which is it?


The cellophane tape test is a method for detecting which parasites?


Which of the following statements is TRUE about physical methods of euthanasia?

Pithing should only be used as adjunctive method of euthanasia.

Which of the following is not a method of preventing vermin in an animal facility?

Place bedding supplies on the floor

What should you do when setting up a rodent weaning cage?

Place food and water where the pups can reach it.

What can be done to prevent hypothermia of an animal during surgery?

Place the animal on a warm surface

Which term refers to the side of the hind foot that contacts the ground when the animal is standing?


Antibodies are produced by what type of lymphocyte?

Plasma cells (differentiated B cells)

Which sterilant is an alternative to ethylene oxide sterilization?

Plasma hydrogen peroxide

In mammals, thrombocytes are:


Which statement is FALSE about institutional policies?

Policies override regulatory requirements

Females removed from breeding cage when pregnant

Polygamous mating

What type of mating system occurs when 2 or more females are bred with 1 male and the females are removed from the mating cage once they are determined to be pregnant?

Polygamous mating

Two or more females are bred with one male

Polygamous mating or Harem mating

Used for mouse strains less able to produce litters

Polygamous mating or Harem mating

What does PCR stand for?

Polymerase chain reaction

Which is the most common test to determine genotype?

Polymerase chain reation

Reports prepared by the IACUC during semiannual facilities inspections must distinguish between minor and significant deficiencies. Which of the following best describes a significant deficiency?

Poses a threat to the health and safety of the animals

What is the process called in which a reward is used to get an animal to repeat a behavior?

Positive reinforcement

What is the name of the program that helps to ensure that IACUC-approved procedures are being followed?

Post-approval monitoring program

Heat period that occurs soon after birth

Postpartum estrus

What occurs after birth in rat, mice, and guinea pig females?

Postpartum estrus

Before a new drug is tested on human subjects, the drug is tested on animals in a phase that is called_________ testing.


Which is a key difference in technique between intravenous injection and intravenous blood collection?

Pressure applied proximal to the injection site is released prior to injecting, and pressure is maintained when drawing blood.

What is the mechanism for gas exchange in the body?

Pressure gradient

What is aseptic technique?

Preventing contamination of a disinfected or sterile field

What is biocontainment?

Preventing pathogens from leaving the room to protect people and animals elsewhere in the facility.

What is the best means of disease control?


What agent of infectious disease is described as a misfolded protein?


Second step of Job planning?

Prioritize/schedule tasks

In PET and SPECT technologies, what is another term for the radio-pharmaceuticals administered?


in PET and SPECT technologies, what is another term for the radio-pharmaceuticals administered?


Animals used for research

Production colony

What is the stage of estrus in which ova develop in the ovary?


When applying for AAALAC accreditation, the institution submits a detailed document outlining the animal care program called a ______

Program description

Why must albino rats and mice be housed in low light intesity?

Prolonged exposure to high light intensity may cause retinal degeneration in these animals.

Technique performed on a fertilized egg in a single cell stage

Pronuclear injection

What is the name of the technique for injecting DNA directly into the fertilized egg with a tiny glass pipette?

Pronuclear injection

For most animals, which nutrient is the only one that undergoes any noteworthy chemical digestion in the stomach?


Which mandate requires five Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) members?

Public Health Service (PHS) Policy

Which sequence is correct for oxygenated blood in mammals?

Pulmonary veins, left atrium, left ventricle, to body

Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below J is__________________________________

Pyloric Sphincter

What is the opening of the stomach that leads to the small intestines called?

Pyloric sphincter

A substance that produces a fever in an animal is called a(n)


What is a substance that produces a fever called?


Where are Xenopus typically given an IM injection?

Quadriceps muscles

Who is responsible for maintaining copies of study protocols at a facility that conforms to GLP standards?

Quality assurance Unit

In an institution following GLP standards, who has the responsibility to monitor compliance of a study in accordance with the GLP stndards?

Quality assurance unit

Which is NOT a method by which surgical materials can be sterilized?

Quaternary ammonium

Phenolic compounds will lose their activity if combined with which other cleaning compounds?

Quaternary ammonium compounds

In which species is the Draize test commonly used?


List 4 types of Bioimaging

Radiopharmaceuticals used with nuclear medicine cameras; ultrasound; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); positron emission tomography (PET); single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT); computed tomography (CT); fluorescent and bioluminescent systems.

. Which animal may have blood drawn from the orbital plexus?


What species is the most frequently studied lab animal for behavioral research?


According to the Good Laboratory Practices (GPLs) Regulations, what are the observations, measurements, and specimens related to a study called?

Raw Data

Fifth step of job planning?

Reassess to-do list for remaining tasks.

The animal biosafety levels (ABSLs) include what information not found in the biosafety levels (BSLs)?

Recommendations specific for animal facilities

Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below R is__________________________________


What is the process called when fertilized eggs or embryos are taken from a female and implanted into a female who has been tested and found free of pathogens?


What problem is caused by diluting a chemical agent too much?

Reduce efficacy of the product

What is the purpose of ground-fault circuit interrupted (GFCI) electrical outlets?

Reduce the severity of an electric shock

How can an environment acceptable for terrestrial animals be adjusted so that the humidity will be in a suitably moist range for amphibians?

Reduce ventilation

Advantages with intensive breeding are:

Reduced aggressive behavior

Name an advantage for a Recirculating tank systems

Reduces water consumptions. Filtration reduces waste products in the circulating water.

If a researcher minimizes the number of potentially painful procedures that animals must undergo in a study, which of the 3Rs principles is being applied?


What does the lymphatic system do?

Regulates fluid balance between tissue and blood plasma

Which statement is FALSE regarding ethics and animal research?

Regulatory mandates, institutional policies, and animal use protocols provide all the guidance needed to make ethical decisions about animal wellbeing.

Which of the following statement is FALSE in regards to ethics and animal research?

Regulatory mandates, institutional policies, and animal use protocols will provide all the guidance needed to make ethical decisions about animal wellbeing.

Which step is done by the scrubbed surgeon and not by the assistant?

Remove the folded gown

What is the 10th step, in proper the proper sequence, that are necessary to clean surgical instruments and prepare them for re-use?

Repack for sterilization

What should be done when cleansing and disinfecting the incision are prior to surgery?

Repeat the scrubbing process three times, with a new piece of gauze each time

If a researcher uses fruit flies instead of mice for a study, which of 3Rs principles being applied?


If a researcher uses fruit flies instead of mice for a study, which of the 3R's is being applied?


List 2 ways training requirements may be identifies for research staff.

Requests for animal facility access; animal protocol submission

What type of information is usually included in a grant application?

Research goals, scientific study, preliminary data.

What determines how long GLP archives of data must be stored?

Research or marketing permit

Which statement regarding private funding sources is FALSE?

Researchers working for private companies do not need to compete for funding.

What statement is TRUE about compliance and ethics?

Resolving ethical questions often requires a team approach.

Which of the following is a form of structural enrichment?

Resting Board

Which of the following is a form structural enrichment?

Resting board

For GLP, which of the following should be included in a training file for each staff person?

Resume that shows education and experience relevant to tasks performed

Identify the chambers B of the ruminant stomach in the diagram below.


What are one of the components of the ruminant stoamch?


A cost recovery analysis for technical services offered by the vivarium is based on what?

Revenue for the service compared to expenses for related supplies and labor

A cost recovery percentage is a ratio of __________ to _________

Revenue; expenses

Which needles are typically used for ophthalmic or cosmetic surgery?

Reverse cutting

Which of the following is NOT function of the IACUC?

Review and approve the vendor list for laboratory animal feed and bedding

Which of the following is a primary duty of the IACUC?

Review animal welfare concerns

Flat bones

Ribs, scapula, parts of the cranium

A condition in rodents associated with low relative humidity is _______________


What condition is associated with low relative humidity in mice and rats?


What is the 1st step, in proper the proper sequence, that are necessary to clean surgical instruments and prepare them for re-use?

Rinse Instruments in water as soon as surgery is completed.

What is the 5th step, in proper the proper sequence, that are necessary to clean surgical instruments and prepare them for re-use?

Rinse instruments with hot water to ensure complete removal of detergent.

What should be done if an animal shows signs of poisoning shortly after being treated for external parasites with insecticide powder?

Rinse the animal in water.

What should be done if there are unavoidable delays and instruments cannot be properly cleaned immediately after surgery?

Rinse the instruments in water and place in a plastic bag.

Identify the chambers A of the ruminant stomach in the diagram below.


What are one of the components of the ruminant stomach?


Which device is often used when working with highly pathogenic infectious agents?

Safety needle

When administering an intracranial injection, what 3 anatomical landmarks should be identified?

Sagittal suture Lambda Bregma

Which is NOT a source of a pathogen transmitted vertically?


In which structure is an egg transported from an ovary to the uterus?


Conductivity in a tank system must balance with the amount of ______ in the water so that osmosis into or out of the animals does not occur.


Conductivity in a tank system must balance with the amount of _______________ in the water so that osmosis into or out of the animals does not occur.


Reduces but does not necessarily eliminate microoganisms


Which type of chemical reduces the number, but does not eliminate microorganisms?


What type of dental instrument removes calculus from teeth?


What surgical instrument is a rigid cutting device used for incising or puncturing tissue?


What does the Guide knowledge as determining the necessity for various functional areas in the physical plan of a research program?

Scope and type of research conducted

Which of the following is a desirable quality of aquatic facility surface finishes?


At which of the 4 steps in bird respiration does air move from the lungs and into the anterior air sacs?

Second inhalation

A study examining the reproductive toxicity in male and female aniamls:

Segment I

Gamete abnormality

Segment I

Mating performance

Segment I

Ova Implantation

Segment I

Which type of study investigates reproductive toxicity in male and female animals?

Segment I

Which statement is TRUE about toxicity studies?

Segment I, II, and III studies are often conducted in rodents.

A study examining fetal toxicity

Segment II

Fetal development before palate closure

Segment II

A study examining toxicity in newborn pups:

Segment III

Fetal development after palate closure

Segment III


Segment III


Segment III

In fish, the Weberian apparatus is a part of which body system?


What should be the first priority when a pair of socially incompatible animals are observed fighting?


What type of test is done to verify the health status of recipient females for embryo rederivation?


Which type of test is done to verify the health status of recipient females for embryo rederivation?


Match type and name of the Instrument Scissors


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Sheep used in a study different ways to improve the quality of wool for use in clothing would NOT be covered by the Animal Welfare Act.

What 5 articles of PPE should be worn by all personnel who enter a dedicated operating room?

Shoe covers Surgical Cap Mask Sterile gown Gloves

In the Guide, what word is used to describe aspects of an animal care program that are strong recommendations?


The word _______ is used in the Guide to describe aspects of a program that are strong recommendations to achieve a goal?


________ is used to describe aspects of an animal care program that are strong recommendations for achieving a goal.


Which is NOT an advantage of non-intensive breeding?

Simpler recordkeeping

List 3 types of radiation exposure used to induce immunodeficiencies

Single exposure radiation Low-dose semi-continuous radiation Partial-body radiation

Gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments based on their _____________________


What factor determines the right time to wean pups?

Size of the pups

Which factor determines the right time to wean pups?

Size of the pups

Which muscle type has voluntary movement?


Which system provides body shape and protection?


Which system provides shape and protection?


What is the integumentary system comprised of?


What is an animal's primary means of keeping out most invading organisms?

Skin and mucous membranes

Which type of muscle is found in the digestive and respiratory tracts?


What substance can be added to an aquatic system to raise the pH?

Sodium bicarbonate

Why can per diem rates differ between institutions?

Some institutions include costs that others do not include

Animal Pain Category "E"

Some pain and/or distress without administration of pain relieving or tranquilizing drugs

The ______________ test is used to determine the kidneys' ability to concentrate the urine.

Specific gravity

What is the spectrum of activity?

Specific organisms against which the product was tested

What 3 factors will ensure a delegated task is completed successfully?

Specifying the procedures to be followed. Providing a timeframe for completion. Having

Match the term with the definition Organisms against which a product was tested

Spectrum Activity

Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below K is__________________________________


Identify which cancer models are induced (I) or spontaneous (S): Leukemia in AKR mice


To be considered a sterilant, chemical agent must be tested and approved to kill which type of organism?


A health certificate is NOT required for which animal species shipped interstate in the US?

Sprague Dawley rat

Which statement regarding chemical safety is FALSE?

Spraying and fogging require less stringent PPE

What is stereotaxic equipment used for?

Stabilizing the head for precise measurement

Which of the following areas is not covered under GLPs?

Staff brearooms

A document that outlines the steps required to clean an animal room is called a:

Standard Operating procedure.

Which statement comparing cage-level ventilation in individually ventilated cages (IVCs) to that in static microisolation-type cages, is FALSE?

Static microisolation-type cages require less frequent bedding changes.

Which statement is FALSE for maintaining sterility?

Sterile instruments should be placed below the edge of the surgical table

Kills all forms of microbial life and their spores


_______ refers to the complete killing of all living organisms, including spores.


Which type of chemical kills all microbial life and spores?


Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below I is__________________________________


What does the IACUC have the authority to do?

Stop a previously approved animal use protocol

What should be done if resistance is felt while inserting a gastric gavage tube?

Stop, remove the tube, and start over.

The term _________________ and _____________________ are commonly used to refer to collecting sperm or ova from fish and amphibians.

Stripping; milking

_____________ and ________________ between supervisors and staff are crucial to organizing and completing projects on time.

Strong rapport; clear communication

Who must sign the final report of the study?

Study director

Which type of test involves repeated administration of a substance over 28 days (1 month)?


Route of administration SQ or SC





Substances that destroy or inhibit growth of microorganisms or inhibit growth of microorganisms, but do not sterilize

What is the term for induction of an increased number of eggs that mature and are released from the ovaries simultaneously?


What is the term for induction of an increased number of eggs that mature and re released from the ovaries simultaneously?


Which statement regarding appropriate garb in the operating room is FLASE?

Support staff do not need to wear surgical masks

Besides genetic manipulation, list 3 ways by which immunodeficiencies can be introduced into animal models

Surgery; exposure to chemicals; irradiation; induced tolerance

Select which items may be used to close a skin incision.

Suture Would Clip Cyanoacrylate polymer

A needle that comes with suture material attached is known as a _____________ suture


Which species is routinely fasted before surgery?


What type if lymphocyte do nude mice genetically lack?

T cells

Three major types of lymphocytes

T cells B cells Natural killer (NK) cells

What is the correct nomenclature for a Swiss Webster mouse bred by Taconic Bioscience?


Which of these mice is an outbred stock?


A catheter may be secured to a rat using which item?

Tail cuff tether

A catheter may be secured to a rat using which items?

Tail cuff tether

List 3 methods of identifying adult animals at a research institution.

Tattoos Tag & Collar Microchip

List 6 parameters that must be monitored and measured to maintain water quality in an aquatic system.

Temperature, pH, chlorine and chloramines, conductivity, hardness, dissolved oxygen, nitrogenous wastes.

Muscles are attached to bones by:


A substance that damages a developing fetus is called a _______ .


A__________ includes the animals or other entity that is administered a substance.

Test system

Which of the following is a gonad?


Which statement about enrichment is FALSE?

The AWR mandates a written plan for the psychological enrichment of dogs

Who appoints the IACUC members?

The CEO of the institution

Which document provides recommendations for the temperature and humidity of animal rooms?

The Guide

Which of the following best describes the role of the Institutional Official (IO)?

The IO is responsible for institutional compliance with the PHS Policy

Who has the legal authority to sign the USDA registration form of a research institution?

The Institutional Official

Which statement is TRUE about the Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) for GLP studies?

The QAU may be a department, an employee, or a contractor

What does it mean if an animal is wild type?

The animal does not contain a mutant allele for that gene

What does it mean if an animal is considered to be a wild type animal?

The animal does not contain the allele of interest

What behavior would indicate that an animal recovering from anesthesia needs veterinary attention?

The animal is gasping for breath

How is an animal's antibody titer raised further after the initial injection of antigen?

The animal is given a booster injection

In antibody production procedures, how is an animal's antibody titer raised further after the initial injection of antigen?

The animal is given a boosters injection

Which statement is TRUE about general anesthesia?

The animal is in a state of unconciousness


The animals are a knockout. The gene of research interest has been removed or inactivated from genome of these animals.

+/- , +/- , +/-

The animals are heterozygous for all three genes

-/-, +/-

The animals are negative and homozygous for the first gene and are heterozygous for the second gene. The order in which the genes are written is important.

Rb homozygous Null

The animals do not have the Rb gene; the gene is not on either of the chromosomes in the pair.

What is a mammalian equivalent of the cloaca?

The anus and urethra

Which of the following is NOT a requirement for non-survival surgery

The area where surgery is performed must be sterile

List a complication that may make performing urinary catherization more difficult:

The bacteria flora of the distal urethra may contaminate the bladder and cause infeection.

Why do arteries have thicker walls than veins?

The blood in the arteries is under higher pressure

Why is blood collection using tail snip in adult rodents controversial?

The cartilage in the tail is replaced with bone, and the procedure is painful.

How are monoclonal antibodies produced in vitro?

The cells are grown in a medium where they secrete antibodies.

The administrative requirements for the procurement, storage, use, and disposal of scheduled drugs are largely specified by which federal law?

The controlled substances act

Which of the following is the definition for per diem rate?

The cost charged to maintain one animal or one cage of animals per day.


The dermal layer lies directly under the epidermis

In addition to IACUC review investigators who intend to use hazardous materials in animals must have prior approval of

The environmental health and safety or biosafety office

If a research facility considers acquiring a cat from a person exempt from USDA licensing, what requirement applies to this transaction?

The facility does not need to observe the 5-day requirement for holding the cat

What can happen if fish are placed into a tank without an established biologic filter?

The fish might develop "new tank syndrome"

What is the cytoplasm?

The fluid environment of the cell that includes all cellular matter

What is the difference between genotype and phenotype?

The genotype is what the genes are, the phenotype is how genes are expresed.

Medications or test substances are absorbed by what structure in aquatic animals when they are dosed by immersion?

The gills

Match the word to its definition: Surgical field

The incision site plus adjacent areas on the animal. sterile drapes lying over the animal and the table, and portions of the surgeon's sterile gown

Who should resolve minor issues within the research team?

The individuals involved

Every 6 months the IACUC must create a report summarizing the findings of the semiannual program review and submit it to _______

The institutional Official

What are the clusters of cells that secrete insulin and glucagon

The islets of Langerhans

What are the clusters of cells that secrete insulin and glucagon?

The islets of Langerhans

Where is the saphenous vein located?

The lateral aspects of the lower rear leg

Which 2 structures should be avoided when administering IM injections to fish?

The lateral line The swim bladder

In mammals, which heart chamber pumps blood to all organ systems of the body?

The left ventricle

What heart chamber has the thickest wall?

The left ventricle


The main shaft of the bone

What is the difference between an monoclonal antibody and a polyclonal antibody?

The monoclonal antibody reacts with only one site on an antigen

What is the difference between a monoclonal antibody and a polyclonal antibody?

The monoclonal antibody reacts with only one site on an antigen.

List 3 factors that may influence levels of carbon dioxide, ammonia, and humidity within the cage microenvironment?

The number of animals present, the animal strain, the bedding material, bedding volume, and frequency of cage changes.

What is relative humidity?

The percentage of water that air can hold

What occurs when an animal goes into circulatory shock?

The peripheral circulation fails.

What is a humane endpoint?

The point at which pain or distress in an experimental animal is prevented.


The procedures used in the study be refined to lessen the pain

In the laboratory animal field biosecurity refers to what?

The protection of an animal colony from microbial contamination

In the context of biosafety, biosecurity means the what?

The protection of microbial agents from loss, theft, diversion, or intentional misuse.

In mammals, which heart chamber pumps blood to the lungs?

The right ventricle

Which statement is TRUE about a biological risk assessment?

The risk assessment aims to identify the best equipment and methods for protection

Which of the following is NOT a requirement for non-survival surgery?

The room or area where the surgery is performed must be sterile.

Where is roughage broken down in a goat?

The rumen

What is the aim of determining circulation patterns with facility design and operational procedures?

The separation of clean and dirty items to minimize contamination.

After surgery, in what receptacle do you dispose of needles, scalpel blades, and other disposable sharp objects?

The sharps container


The side of the forefoot the contact the ground when standing (also called volar)


The side of the hind foot that contacts the ground when standing (also called volar)

Medullary cavity

The space inside long bones that contains red or yellow marrow


The specialized area at the ends of the long bones where growth occurs in young animals.

What is a cleaning agent's spectrum of activity?

The specific organism against which it was tested.

What is the characteristic that animals used for this technique must have?

The technique is limited to animals with a large venous sinus or plexus

One of the 4 core values for the ethical treatment of laboratory animals.

The use of animals in research should be scientifically

Who decides the course of action if an animal exhibits pain and distress before reaching a humane endpoint?

The veterinarian and the principal investigator

What immediate problem can be caused by an anesthetized animal vomiting during surgery?

The vomited material can be inhaled into the lungs

Which statement about static systems is FALSE?

There is a high risk of tank-to-tank contamination

What occurs in anestrus?

There is a long period between breeding seasons

For most species how do you tell if an animal is adequately anesthetized?

There is no withdrawal reflex

For most species, how do tell if an animal is adequately anesthetized?

There is no withdrawal reflex

Which of the following statements is TRUE of barbituarates?

These drugs usually induce euthanasia smootly

Which statement is FALSE about osmotic pumps?

They are capable of providing dose administration for up to 10 weeks.

What do thrombocytes do?

They are involved in blood clotting

Why is it important to avoid rust and salt encrustations near tanks?

They can contaminant the tank water with minerals and salts

What is an advantage of vaporized hydrogen peroxide and chloride dioxide over formaldehyde when used for room decontamination?

They do not leave chemical residues

Why is food not withheld from rodents and rabbits before surgery?

They do not vomit

How do the drugs used in chemically induced immunodeficiency work?

They interrupt DNA or RNA synthesis

Why must unique animal identifiers, such as ID tags, be retained?

They may be reviewed by a USDA inspector

What must be done to instruments that have been sterilized with aldehydes before using them?

They must be rinsed with sterile saline

Name an advantage for a Flow-through tank systems

They require little daily maintenance; waste products are carried out with the flow of water.

Common name for the following: Femur

Thigh bone

What is the 3rd step, in proper the proper sequence, that are necessary to clean surgical instruments and prepare them for re-use?

Thoroughly scrub each instrument with a soft brush and instrument detergent under warm water.

How frequently is a drug administered that is marked TID?

Three times daily

PHS Policy requires that all assurance records related directly to gran applications, research proposals, and change in research activities be maintained for how long?

Three year

What type of floor plan is designed so that each room has exit doors to a dirty corridor that wraps around the periphery of the floor plan?


How do rodents respire?

Through the lungs

Which gland can be surgically removed to cause a deficiency in T cells?


Which organ can be removed surgically from newborn mice and rats to induce immunodecficiency?


What can be surgically removed from newborn pups to cause a deficiency in T cells?

Thymus gland

How does the assistant help with gowning?

Ties the neck and waist of the gown

Which method would be most likely to help you become more productive and efficient on the job?

Time management

What may happen if a surgery takes longer than expected due to repeated breaches of sterile technique?

Tissue may dry out, which would impair healing

What is the purpose of an endotracheal tube?

To administer oxygen

What is the goal of ethical decision making in an animal research prgram?

To balance the consideration of all important factors in the decision.

What is the goal of ethical decision-making in an animal research program?

To balance the consideration of all important factors in the decision.

Why is core body temperature monitored during surgery?

To check for a decrease in temperature

Why are substances injected intracranially?

To circumvent the blood brain barrier

What are the hemostatic forceps used for?

To clamp onto bleeding tissue containing a served vessel

List 2 conditions under which it might be desirable to use rederivation.

To clear a colony of an infectious disease. To obtain an animal line from a facility where animals cannot be verified as specific pathogen-free

What is the purpose of leukocytes?

To help the body with infection and injury

Why are scientific studies published in a peer-reviewed journal?

To inform other scientists about the study results

Why is a treatment for external parasites applied in multiple administrations several days apart?

To kill newly hatched larvae

Why does the germicidal spectrum of ultraviolet light have to be in a certain wavelength range?

To limit microorganism replication

Why is it important not to rush when scrubbing fingers, hands, and arms?

To make sure that the contact time of the scrub on the skin is long enough

What is the purpose of a wet-bulb thermometer?

To measure humidity

Why would rederivation be used?

To obtain an animal with no infectious disease

Why is it important to provide an external heat source during and after surgery?

To prevent hypothermia

What is the purpose of the "whistleblower' policy required by the Guide and the AWR?

To protect personnel from discrimination or reprisal from reporting animal welfare concerns.

Why is a study of ethics important for reaching an ethical deicision?

To provide a systematic process of ethical decision-making

Why do some species require preoperative fasting?

To reduce the chance that the animal may vomit while anesthetized and aspirate the vomited material into its lungs

What is the role of the nerve tissue?

To respond to stimuli, send signals to the brain, and relay messages from the brain to the muscles.

Why are multi-dose toxicity tests performed?

To study the effects of repeated administrations of a substance

Why are induced cancer models used in studies?

To track progression of the disease

What is the role of hemoglobin molecules?

To transport respiratory gases

Why would a "cut down" be performed to access a vessel?

To visualize a blood vessel for catheterization

Why would a "cut-down" procedure be performed?

To visualize a blood vessel for catheterization

Why would be "cut-down" procedure be performed?

To visualize a blood vessel for catheterization

During anesthesia, how is pain measured?

Toe pinch

Which term is used for a severe case of bloat in which the stomach or intestines become twisted?


Which parameter is a measure of both calcium magnesium ions in water?

Total Hardness

What does the term medial mean?

Toward the middle of the body


Toward the periphery. When referring to limbs, in the direction away from the trunk

______________ in the science of poisons and the harmful or noxious effects these substances have on living organisms.


Aquatic amphibians have permeable skin that can allow absorption of what?


Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below B is__________________________________


Which statement is TRUE regarding a personnel training program and animal care and use?

Training may be offered to personnel with no contract with animals to demonstrate animals are being appropriately handled.

Which of the following is NOT a component of the veterinary care program?

Training of husbandry personnel on changing cages

What is NOT a duty of the IACUC?

Training research staff

Which of the following is NOT a mode of horizontal transmission?


The epithelium functions as a protective barrier against _________________________________, and __________________________________

Trauma; fluid loss; penetration by infectious agents or noxious chemicals

Which is least likely to be the cause of pruritus?

Traumatic injury

What is the name of the valve that is located between the right atrium and right ventricle?

Tricuspid valve

A 1 molar solution of a compound contains the molecular weight (MW) in grams of that compound per liter of solution.


A preimmunization blood sample should be collected to identify whether polyclonal antibodies are present before an antigen is injected.


A solution is a homogenous mixture of two or more constituents


A towel should be used for drying the fingers and hands before it is used to dry the arms


A whistleblower policy is an institutional policy that is put in place to protect anyone who voices a concern about the way an animal is being treated.


All immunosuppressive drugs are relatively toxic


Blood is classified as connective tissue


Blunt-blunt scissors are preferred for dissection of living tissue.


Cold sterilization is useful for instruments and devices that are heat sensitive but can be immersed in liquid.


Dirt, blood, and other gross contaminants reduce the effectiveness of sterilization


Disinfectants are usually toxic to living tissue


During the gloving gowning procedure, the bare fingers should never tough the outside of the gloves or gown


Effective delegation requires defined expectations and feedback from the supervisor.


Ethylene oxide gas is effective at sterilizing most surgical items


For adjuvants, small multiple-site injections are more favorable for producing an adequate antibody response and may be better tolerated than a single larger injection.


For successful decontamination, a surface must remain wet with the chemical agent for the entire contact time specified on the label.


Hormones are chemical substances that elicit specific responses in other body cells.


Hypochlorite does not leave a toxic residue but may form toxic compounds when mixed with ammonia or acids.


In most bird species, only the left ovary is functional.


Most amphibians live in cool, dark environments in the wild; therefore, direct exposure to bright light should be avoided.


Pain has both a physical and an emotional component


Phenolics are extremely hazardous to several animal species, such as cats and amphibians.


Rooms for aquatic species should have lower airflow than that typically used in rooms for terrestrial species/


Safety needles are commonly used when working with infectious agents or infected animals.


Sharps containers should be discarded when approximately 2/3 full.


Some experimental animals have been genetically manipulated to induce specific immune system deficiencies.


Surgical instrument lubricants do not interfere with sterilization by autoclave or gas sterilants


The African clawed frog (Xenos laevis) remains fully aquatic through all life stages.


The Ag Guide requires that institutions establish an occupational health program to protect personnel from the hazards associated with a program's research activities?


The Guide provides recommended values for temperature, humidity, floor, and vertical cage height for common laboratory animal species?


The actions taken to assure that laboratory animals are treated according to high ethical and scientific standards are referred to as animal welfare.


The autonomic nervous system controls or regulates involuntary bodily functions.


The epiphysis is a specialized are at the end of the long bones where growth occurs in young animals.


The function of the lymph nodes is to filter and clean lymph prior to its return to the heart?


The humane treatment of animals in an animal facility is the responsibility of all personnel at the institution.


Tonus helps an animal maintain its posture and its organs to function properly.


When determining the route of administration, the abbreviation PO means to give by mouth or orally


Xenopus rely on cutaneous respiration during their larval stage but later breathe primarily through lungs.


Municipal city water used in animal tanks must be tested at regular intervals for toxic chemical additives and heavy metals, such as chlorines, chloramines, and cooper.


The lack of both cellular and antibody immune response makes SCID mice good models for __________ .


If an animal with a health condition such as diabetes is needed for a study, who can grant an exception to the requirement for a health certificate?


Registers institutions using species covered by the AWA


Who developed the Animal Welfare Regulations?


Which of the following is the least potent sterilizer?

Ultraviolet radiation


Unclean or nonsterile

Which government entity regulates disinfectants and sterilizers used on hard surfaces?

United States Environmental Protection Agency

Which of the following regulates disinfectants and sterilizers used on hard surfaces?

United States Environmental Protection Agency

Urine flows from the kidneys to the urinary bladder through which structure?


The fan-like projection of fused bones at the end of the caudal vertebrae in fish is called the ______________.


What is the fan-like projection of bones where the caudal vertebrae meet the caudal fin?


What is the 4th step, in proper the proper sequence, that are necessary to clean surgical instruments and prepare them for re-use?

Use an ultrasonic cleaner to cleanse inaccessible areas and tightly bound debris

In a mixed floor plan, how might clean caging equipment be transported down a corridor alongside soiled equipment?

Use cloth or plastic shrouding to cover the clean equipment during transport

What is an example of the 3Rs principle of reduction?

Using fewer animals in a study

What is an example of refinement?

Using less painful procedures

To avoid inflammation induced by vaginal swabbing for cytology, _____________________ may be used instead, which allows the cells of the vaginal canal to be sampled and then visualized with _______________________________.

Vaginal lavage; crystal violet stain

What is the name of a device used to cannulate a blood vessel?

Vascular access port

Which device allows blood collection via a cannulated blood vessels?

Vascular access port

Which bone is part of the axial skeleton?


Irregular bones

Vertebrae, mandible, pelvic bones (ilium, ischium, and pubis).

Inspectors from the USDA who inspect animal facilities are known as what?

Veterinary Medical Officers

Why should vibration be minimized in areas housing laboratory animals?

Vibration is a source of physiological stress

List the 5 categories

Visible Behavioral Demonstrable Inducible Physiological

List 4 ways in which pregnancy can be confirmed

Visual inspection of the abdominal area Palpation of the abdominal area ultrasound radiographs

For which nutrient study would the rat NOT be an appropriate model?

Vitamin C

What problem/s can be cause by diluting a chemical agent too little?

Wastes the product (a financial loss) and may increase toxic effects.

Which of the following statements from the Animal Welfare Regulations is TRUE?

Water and food receptacles must be cleaned and sanitized every 2 weeks.

What will happen to an aquatic species if the water in the system has too many ions?

Water will flow from the animal's bodies into the tank water

What type of water is essential for aquatic species?

Water without chlorine

How often should water hardness be monitored?


How often should water hardness be monitores


How long does it take to establish a healthy biologic filter with the appropriate bacteria?

Weeks or months

What determines cage space requirements for nonhuman primates as outlined in the Animal Welfare Regulations?

Weight group of the nonhuman primates

Match type and name of the Instrument Retractor


List 5 or more concerns that should be addressed in an SOP on sample of collection for PCR.

What tissue sample to collect, how much tissue to collect, anesthesia or analgesia for the animal, preventing contamination of sample DNA, sample labeling procedure, sample store conditions

When is the pathogenic microorganism, Mycoplasma pulmonis, more likely to cause disease?

When air levels of ammonia are high

When is it safe to remove the endotracheal tube?

When the pilot balloon has collapsed

What is the name of the policy that an institution has in place to protect individuals who report animal welfare concerns?

Whistleblower policy

When invading pathogens spread throughout the body, which type of cells mount an inflammatory response to destroy them?

White blood cells

Which animal is covered under the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and Animal Welfare Regulations (AWR)?

Wild Mice

Which of the animals are covered under the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and Animal Welfare Regulations?

Wild mice

How should a scalpel blade be removed from a handle?

With a Kelly hemostat

Fourth step of bird respiration

With the second exhalation, air moves from the anterior air sacs back into the trachea and is expelled.

Third step of bird respiration

With the second inhalation, air moves from the lungs and into the anterior (front) air sacs.

Which item can be used in place of sutures to close a wound?

Wound clips

What statement is TRUE about wound clips?

Wound clips are removed from a healed incision with a clip remover

Common name for the following: Carpal bones

Wrist bones (primates); knee (hooved species)

Female chromosomes pair is

X & X

Male chromosomes pair is

X & Y

Which agent is an injectable local anesthetic?


Which species is the most common aquatic vertebrate in biomedical research?



a dose is the amount of drug administered at one time

is a lactating female that rears the young in place of the biological mother

a foster mother

Hypodermis is

a layer of connective tissue and fat that loosely binds the skin to underlying tissue


a state in which there are no living microorganisms present

What is a standard way to dechlorinate water?

add sodium thiosulfate

FCA, FIA, Titer-Max*, and Alhydrogel are examples of


AWA covers?

all Warm-blooded animals, including animals sold as pets or used in exhibitions.

How can suture material be classified? By material By absorbability By filament type All of the above

all of the above

How does arterial catheterization differ from venous catheterization? It is used more often as a means to directly measure blood pressure. Arteries are more difficult to puncture than veins. It is a more painful procedure. All of the above

all of the above

What do pheromones do? Pheromones attract the opposite sex. Pheromones play a role in animal mating behavior. Pheromones from an unfamiliar male may block pregnancy in a newly mated female. All of the above

all of the above

What do the hormones produced in the adrenal gland regulate? Protein and carbohydrate metabolism Electrolyte balance and stress adaptation Fight or flight responses All of the above

all of the above

What do the hormones produced in the adrenal gland regulate? a. Protein and carbohydrate metabolism b. Electrolyte balance and stress adaptation c. Fight or flight responses d. All of the above

all of the above

What is a metabolism cage used for? Measure food and water intake Measure feces and urine output Measure oxygen and carbon dioxide All of the above

all of the above

What is the function of the endocrine system? Produce hormones Regulate body functions Regulate metabolic functions All of the above

all of the above

What is the function of the endocrine system? a. Produce hormones b. Regulate body functions c. Regulate metabolic functions d. All of the above

all of the above

What procedure will make the vessel more visible for an IV injection? Shaving the site Applying an antiseptic Apply light pressure proximal to the injection site All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following should be used to help protect immunocompromised animals? Positive pressure rooms Personal protective equipment (PPE) Cage change cabinets All of the above

all of the above

Different versions of the same gene are called


If the gene of interest is present in the tissue sample, multiple copies of the gene will be generated hundreds of thousands of times in a process known as


When an animal has an allergy, its immune system recognizes the allergen as a(n):


Which substance will destroy or inhibit growth of microorganisms and can be used on living tissue?


Animal facility technician should use _____________________ and _________________________ when handling animal wastes contain hazardous materials.

appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE); engineering controls such (such as BSCs)


are compounds containing iodine

entails manually placing semen into the reproductive tract of a female in heat.

artificial insemination

What change occurs in mice when hybridomas injected into the abdominal cavity secrete antibodies and fluid accumulates?


Slightly withdrawing the plunger of a syringe after placement of the needle is called


How often does the Guide specify that the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) review the entire animal care and use program including an inspection?

at least once per year


away from the median plane

What are the first two cervical vertebrae called?

axis and atlas

Pyrogen tests are applied to medical products that are injected in order to detect the presence of _______ .

bacterial toxins

Which blood cells are rarely found in the blood of healthy animals but are numerous in association with inflammatory reactions?


Examples of _________ phenotypes include aggressive or timid behavior and excessive fear responses.


The Morris water maze is a test for

behavioral phenotype

What is checked by the color of a mouse's footpad during anesthesia?

blood perfusion

Ligaments attach:

bone to bone.

a ________ scheme refers to the plan for producing a colony with a desired genetic makeup.


Route of administration PO

by mount, orally

An animal that transmits an infectious disease without ever showing signs of the disease is a


Graduations on a syringe are usually marked with which unit of measurement?


This method uses a combination of timed pregnancies, sterile surgical cesarean section delivery of the pups, and fostering methods.

cesarean rederivation

An animal that has some cells containing the new gene and some without the new gene


Occasionally a spontaneous mutation occurs in an inbred strain. The animal with the mutation differs from other animals of that strain, usually by a single mutant gene, and is called a?

coisogenic animal

are ideal for studying the effects of one gene when all the other genes remain identical?

coisogenic animals

What provides strength to the connective tissue found in tendons and ligaments?


Nerve tissue

conducts nerve impulses throughout the body

Can be constructed by selectively mating an animal carrying the mutation of interest to an inbred animal from a strain choice.

congenic strains

hypodermic needle

consists of a hub or connector for attachment to the syringe, a hollow shaft of various lengths and diameters, and a beveled point for penetrating skin.

If a surgical instrument has been touched by something nonsterile, what is considered?


What supplies O2 and other nutrients to the heart itself?

coronary arteries

A 9-kg bag of feed costs $34. What is the formula for calculating the feed cost per unit of weight?

cost / weight

Which is an example of a record that animal facilities are required to keep up-to-date? a. Animal census records b. Records of proper housekeeping c. Employee training records d. All of the above

d. All of the above

Which of the following facts is true about recordkeeping? a. Proper documentation of animal care and use programs should be the responsibility of all animal facility employees. b. Good recordkeeping is necessary for good research results. c. Environmental enrichment logs are one example of facility records. d. All of the above

d. All of the above

Which of the following is a Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) requirement? a. New animals must be quarantined and their health status evaluated prior to use. b. Animals must be identified accurately. c. The contaminant levels of food and water should be analyzed periodically and documented. d. All of the above

d. All of the above

What is the gauge of the needle?


What is the product homologous recombination?

embryonic stem cells

What is the product of homologous recombination?

embryonic stem cells

B virus is _______ in macaques.


Parasite infection will cause an increase in the numbers of what cell type?


During _______, the female is at maximum receptivity to copulation, and ovulation occurs.


Which movement is described by bending or folding (decreasing the angle)?


Striated muscle

found in skeletal muscles and the heart, have dark bands that give them a striped look.

Fibrous connective tissue

found in tendons and ligaments

Frequency QID

four times a day


free of pathogenic microorganisms

What is the structure in which neurons extending from the brain and neurons extending to the tissue are connected?


The administration of a solution directly into the stomach by intubation is called

gastric gavage

The albino mouse (white) coat color and pink eyes on mouse chromosome. When mice inherit this allele for white fur, they will always have pink eyes.

gene linkage

embryo rederivation

generally involves taking fertilized eggs or embryos from the animals that have pathogens and then surgically implantation them for gestation into

What are all the genes in an organism collectively called?


The genetic makeup of an organism with reference to a single trait, set of traits, or an entire complex of traits is called its


________ form a monogamous pair for life, and neither member of the pair will accept another mate.


The most desirable chimera is one which the new gene has been incorporated in the germ cells (egg and sperm).

germline transmission

is the time from when an egg is fertilized to birth also called parturition.

gestation period

Which hormone raises the blood glucose level?


In general, __________ exposure to an inhalant agent is the most humane method of euthanizing animals.


when picking up a pregnant ______________, provide extra support to the hindquarters

guinea pig

demands the largest cage size, since cage size requirements are based on the number of animals, including pups.

harem mating

If the alleles differ, the animal is


What does HEPA mean?

high-efficiency particulate air

Loose connective tissue

holds organs in place in relation to other body structures

If both alleles are the same, the animal is


selective system in which the parents come from different inbreed strains


are designated with shorthand combination of the the two parental strains, noting the female parent first.

hybrid status

A combination of a cancer cell and an antibody-producing cell is called a(n) __________________. When injected into an animal's peritoneal cavity, these cells will generate antibody-containing fluid called _______________________.

hybridoma; ascites

Which instrument measures humidity?


Label the diagram of the major organs of the rat below O is__________________________________


Specialized connective tissue

includes bone, cartilage, adipose tissue, and blood

List 3 things that a well-maintained recordkeeping system can track?

individual animals ancestors siblings descendants

Name an advantage for a Closed tank systems

inexpensive & easy maintenance

keeping the male continuously with the females, is referred to as what?

intensive breeding

Route of administration ID


Route of administration IM


If an animal is homozygous null for a pair of genes, which term describes the animal's genetic modification?


Bone and cartilage are?

living tissues that are capable of growth

Which is NOT a section of the vertebral column of a fish?

lumbar vertebrae

Which system is the filter mechanism of the body?


in the final two stages, _______ & ________, the female ignores the male

metestrus, diestrus

animals that have only one cycle per year are



moving a bone away from the midline of the body


moving toward the midline of the body

Gauge is referred to as

needle diameter

Opening a door in a __________________ room causes the air in the hallway to flow into the room, which helps keep contaminants from leaving the room.

negative pressure

Animal Pain Category "C"

no pain, distress, or requirement for the use of pain-relieving drugs

The benefit of postpartum estrus is lost

non-intensive breeding

_____________ breeding is when the stud male and females are housed separately while the females are rearing their young.

non-intensive breeding

For which animals is a dedicated operating room required for major survival surgery?

non-rodent mammals

What is a gene referred to that is absent or turned off due to a mutation that blocks the gene's expression?


Frequency SID or QD

once daily

breeding animals that are unrelated or only distantly related is called


Match the term with the definition Measure of acidity or akalinity


What organ is both exocrine and endocrine?


is the birth of the young at the natural end of gestation.


A newborn's temporary immunity is known as __________ immunity


Serological testing

performed on recipient females to verify their health status when the pups are weaned and before being used in a study.

An entire surgical period including preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative, is called the _______________ period.


How are genes express traits is called?


The ___________ is the observable results of the genes and how they interact with the environment.


Examples of ____________ phenotypes include the capability to mount an immune response or to secrete varying levels of enzymes in tissue.


The outer boundary of the cell is called the ?

plasma membrane

The outer boundary of the cell is called the _______.

plasma membrane

Birds have two types of bones: medullary and ______


those with repeated cycles throughout the year are

polyestrous or seasonally polyestrous

females are removed from the matting cage once they are determined to be pregnant

polygamous mating

The most common molecular biology technique used to determine the genotype is called

polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

When a door is opened, air flows from the room to adjoining areas, which help keep contaminants from entering the room.

positive pressure

Before a new drug is tested on human subjects, the drug is tested on animals in a phase that is called __________ testing.



preventing pathogens from leaving the room to protect people and animals elsewhere in the facility


preventing the entry of microorganisms and thus protecting the animals

In a GLP study, what kinds of procedures should be described in an SOP?

procedures that are performed routinely

during ______ , eggs (ova) develop in the follicles of the ovary, but a female cannot become pregnant during this stage.


left ventricle

pumps blood to all organ systems of the body

Class B dealers

purchase and resell animals including random-source dogs and cats

In which species is the Draize test most commonly used?


Class A dealers

raise and sell animals themselves also known as purpose bred

The observation, measurements and specimens related to a study are called the _______________________

raw data

A surgical procedure to remove embryos from potentially infected dams and implant them in uninfected surrogate mothers is known as


A cost recovery percentage is a ratio of _____ to _______

revenue; expenses

What are the components of the ruminant stomach?

rumen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum

Enforced of the PHS Policy is based on the concenpt of:


Proper handling of a tube of blood does NOT include:


The larger the gauge number of the needle, the __________ the diameter


Animal Pain Category "D"

some pain and/or distress and the use of pain-relieving or tranquilizing drugs

Gauze pads, referred to as _________________________, are used to soak up blood and other fluids from the surgical site.


The _________ is the person responsible for all aspects of a study

study director

The production of an increased number of eggs that mature and are released from the ovaries simultaneously.


Animals that are expected to recover from anesthesia are undergoing ______________ surgery.


What is the contraction phase of the heart called?


What are 4 common types of needle type:

tapered; blunt tapered; conventional cutting; reverse cutting; taper cutting

A substance that damages a developing fetus is called a


Which statement is FALSE about federal protection of animals used for research, testing, or teaching?

the AWR/R covers cattle used in agricultural studies

Every 6 months the IACUC must create a report summarizing the findings of the semiannual program review and submit it to ______.

the Institutional Official

Frequency TID

three times a day

A _____________ mating system is used to provide embryos or new born rodents at a precise date needed for studies.




Frequency BID

twice a day

a ideal foster mother

will have had two or three successfully weaned litters

What is the name of a cell produced at fertilization by the union of sperm and egg?


The Animal Welfare Regulations require that protocols for United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Covered species may only be approved for how long?

1 year

According to the USDA, satellite facilities are areas of containment outside of a core facility, or other centrally designated or managed area in which animals are housed for more than______


How many years does a typical grant provide money for funding of a research project?

3-5 years

Provides peer evaluation of animal care and use programs

AAAALAC International

Which organization uses the Guide as one of its standards for the accreditation of laboratory animals programs?

AAALAC International

What 3 entities require that the IACUC ensure the institution and its personnel comply with all relevant mandates for animal welfare, thus enforcing self regulations?

AAALAC International USDA OLAW

Inspections are annual


Minimum of 3 members on the IACUC


Describes what a facility must do to comply with the AWA


Which feature is required to be provided for dogs by the Animal Welfare Act (AWA)?

An exercise program

What document is signed by the Institutional Official and is filed with OLAW to commit the institution to compliance with the PHS Policy?

Animal Welfare Assurance

What is the agreement made by a research institution that outlines how it complies with the PHS Policy?

Animal Welfare Assurance

Which mandate states that protocols for USDA-covered species may only be approved for 1 year?

Animal Welfare Regulations (AWR)

Which of the following is NOT required by the PHS Policy?

Annual Inspection of animal facilities

What information does an institution provide to AAALAC International to describe its animal research programs and facilities?

Annual report describing change in the care and use program.

Suspending an animal care and use protocol requires the notification of the following agencies EXCEPT:


According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals, what step must be taken before the disposal of an animals carcas?

Death must be confirmed

Who makes the decision of how to handle any serious deficiencies found during post-approval monitoring?


Which of the entity reviews animal use protocols to ensure compliance with all relevant laws, regulations, and institutional policies on animal welfare?

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Which of the following reviews the animal use protocols of research projects to ensure compliance with all relevant federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and institutional policies on Animal welfare?

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Who can restrict or withdraw approval of the Animal Welfare Assurance f an institution does not fulfill its responsibilities?

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Who must approve an animal use protocol before a study that involves animals can begin?

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

In the animal research facility, the primary program management and oversight responsibility falls to the _____________ who provides leadership to program personnel.

Institutional Official (IO)

Which animals are NOT required by law to be accompanied by a health certificate when being shipped domestically?

Laboratory mice

Per the Animal Welfare Regulations, how long is a protocol using USDA-covered species approved for?

One year

Covers all vertebrate animals

PHS Policy

Enforced by OLAW

PHS Policy

Inspections are for cause

PHS Policy

Minimum of 5 members on the IACUC

PHS Policy

When Applying for AAALAC accreditation, the institution submits a detailed document outlining the animal care program called a ________________.

Program description.

The _________ audits studies to ensure compliance GLPs.

Quality assurance unit

What specific state regulations must be met regarding the sale and shipment of dogs?

Rabies and vaccination requirements

List 3 activities that are performed during post-approval monitoring.

Review Animal health records Inspect Animal use areas Observer Animals on a study

What procedures may be recorded on herd health records for agricultural laboratory animals?

Routine husbandry and preventative medical procedures such as vaccinations

The institutional official is the person designated by an institution to do which of the following?

Takes responsibility for making sure the organization complies with the AWA

Car Linnaeus developed a system to classify organisms based on their anatomical traits called?


Who may conduct an unannounced inspection of registered institutions?

Veterinary medical Officers

The ________________ is a detailed description of a procedure to be performed. These help to ensure standardization of procedures

standard operating procedure (or SOP)

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