Latin Grammar

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1st declension takes what gender?

Hello, Tita

Salve Tita


2nd declension takes what gender?

We love, we are jealous.

Amamus invedemus!

number, gender, and part of speech

An adjective changes its ending to agree with the....

Hail and farewell.

Avē atque vale!


Can an infinitive be used as the subject of a sentence?

Care for yourself.

Diligentiam abhibe.

adding ē to the base

How do you form adverbs for first and second declensions words?

singular: drop the 're'; plural: drop the 're', add 'te'

How do you form imperatives in the singular and in the plural?

add 're'

How do you form the infinitive?

add 're' examples: portāre and pōnere

How do you form the present infinitive?

Nothing comes from nothing

In nihil a nihilo.

Marcus loves Spendua.

Marcus Spenduam amat

Healthy in body and mind.

Mens sana in corpora sano.

I don't love you.

Non amo te.

We are dust and shadow

Pulvis et umbra sumus.

father family

What is a pater familias?

prepositions with verbs of motion

What is the accusative of place of which?


What is the key vowel that distinguishes 1st and 2nd conjugation verbs?


What is the tense sign for 1st and 2nd conjugation verbs?

ad (to) in (into)

What prepositions go with the Place of Which?

2nd principle part

What principle part is the infinitive?


a word describing a verb or another adverb

with, by, in, and from

ablative case can take the English prepositions

amabo amabis amabit amabimus amabitis amabunt

amo, amāre in the future tense

word or words having an ablative case ending

can be used to express a number of different relationships to the verb in a sentence



signum signī signō signum signō signa signōrum signīs signa signīs

endings of second declension neuter nouns?




example given

object of preposition

function of ablative

direct object

function of accusative

indirect object

function of dative


function of genitive


function of nominative case


how do you know there's a vocative?



pōnēbam pōnēbās pōnēbat pōnēbāmus pōnēbātis pōnēbant

imperfect of pono, ponere

eram erās erat erāmus erātis erant

imperfect of sum

in media res

in the middle of things

in loco parentis

in the place

i isti it imus istis erunt

perfect tense endings

sum es est sumus estis sunt

present form of sum





has to agree in gender, number, and case

rules for using adjectives

id est

that is

yes/no question

what does '-ne' indicate?


what does 'place of which' express?


what is the tense sign of the imperfect?

direct address

what is the vocative case used for?

3rd principle part

what principle part is the perfect?

ablative of means

when the ablative word expresses the instrument or means by which a person does something

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