Lecture Study Guide 1 A&P2

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Organs AL- Mouth, Pharnyx, Esophagus, Stomach, Small & Large Intestine. Organs ACC-Pancreas, Liver, Gall bladder, Teeth, Tongue, Salivary glands

1. What organs are part of the digestive tract and which organs are accessory organs?

12. What are the 2 pharyngeal arches?


2. What is catabolism vs. anabolism?

Catabolism-Larger molecules broken down into smaller(Cats brake shit) Anabolism-Smaller molecules used for building larger molecules

17. What events happen during deglutition? Voluntary, pharyngeal, and esophageal stages? What happens to the soft palate, larynx, epiglottis, upper esophageal sphincter?

Food is swallowed Voluntary Phase- tongue lifts up & forces bolus into oropharynx Pharyngeal Phase- receptors send impulse to Medulla returning impulse cause soft palate to move superiorly & posteriorly to close off nasopharynx. Epiglottis moves inferiorly to close glottis, allowing bolus to enter esophagus. Esophageal Phase- Upper esophageal sphincter relaxes to allow bolus into esophagus, Peristalsis pushes the bolus onward towards stomach, once it reaches the opening of the stomach lower esophageal sphincter relaxes allowing the bolus to enter

18. What are the functions of the stomach, including chyme, HCl, pepsin, gastric lipase, gastrin?

Functions- Mix food, saliva, gastric juice to from chyme. Serves as food reservoir for small intestines. Secretes HCl which kills bacteria and denatures proteins, Pepsin begins the digestion of proteins. Gastric Lipase aids digestion of triglycerides. Gastrin gets secreted into blood,and is also released in pyloric antrum, duodenum & pancreas which stimulate secretion of HCL.

15. What is lingual lipase? When is it activated?

Lingual Lipase is an enzyme that hydrolyzes triglycerides, it is released in the mouth by the salivary glands. It is activated when the lipase meets the HCl in the stomach.

3. What is mechanical digestion? Chemical digestion?

Mechanical Digestion- Food is mechanically broken down, catabolic processes include mastication, swallowing, mixing & peristalsis Chemical Digestion-Molecules are chemically broken down further through breaking water bonds.

20. Function of mucos neck cells, parietal cells, chief cells, G cells.

Mucos neck cells- secrete mucus Parietal cells- secrete HCl & intrinsic factor(enables Vitamin B absorption) Chief cells- secrete pepsinogen & gastric lipase G cells- secrete hormone gastrin

11. What is the lingual frenulum?

small fold of mucous membrane that connects the floor of the mouth to the midline of the underside of the tongue.

9. Mouth and tongue anatomy.

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4. What are the 4 layered arrangement of tissue found in the GI tract (histology)? What substances can be found in each level? Do they differ from the esophagus to the large intestine (e.g., epithelial tissue changes)?

Mucosa- Innermost, 3 layers, epithelium 1st (Mouth, Pharynx, Esophagus)- Non-Keratinized Stratified Squamos Epithelium 1st(Stomach & Intestine)- Simple Columnar Cells Lamina Propria 2nd- Areolar CT, MALT Muscularis Mucosae 3rd- Thin Layer of smooth muscle fibers. Submucosa- Contains areolar CT tissue that binds layers together, blood and lymphtic tissue as well as large veins, and Plexus of Meissner. Muscularis-2 sheets of smooth muscle, circular & longitudinal fiberas well as the Myenetric plexus. Skeletal muscle (only in mouth, pharynx, sup. Esophagous) Serosa- Areolar CT & simple squamos epithelium EXCEPT for esophagus which has adventitia.

5. What is the myenteric plexus and where is it found? What is its function?

Myenteric Plexus is a major nerve supply for GI that provides Motor Innervation to the muscularis layers of AL.

8. What are the names of the salivary glands? Where are they found and what does each secrete? What cranial nerves innervate each?

Parotid glands-Secrete saliva into oral cavity via parotid duct, located inferior and anterior to ear. Submandibular glands-Submandibular ducts run under mucosa and enter oral cavity, found on floor of mouth medial and interior to mandible. Sublingual glands-Sublingual ducts open into floor of mouth found under tongue superior to submandiubluar glands. Parotid gland receives innervation from glossopharyngeal nerve Sublingual and submandibular receives innervation from facial nerve

14. Anatomy of teeth.What are the periodontal ligament, gingivae, dentin, enamel, hydroxyapatite, cementum, and pulp cavity?

Periodontal ligament- attachs tooth to the alveolar bone Gingivae- cover the alveolar bone and surround the teeth Dentin- consists of calcified CT Enamel- covers dentin of crown and consists of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate Hydroxyapatite- primary mineral in dentin and enamel (calcium phosphate) Cementum- is attached to dentin which is then attached to periodontal ligament Pulp cavity- the space within a tooth

7. What is peritoneum? What are the 5 major peritoneal folds? Functions?

Peritoneum line body cavities and organs. 1.Greater Omentum 2.Falciform ligament 3.Messentary 4.Lesser Omentum 5.Mesocolon Function- supports organs and serves as a conduit for blood and lymphatic vessels, and nerves.

10. Where are lingual glands located and what do they secrete? Is the secretion active or inactive when first secreted?

Sit beneath tongue and superior to submandibular glands, they secrete a thick fluid that contributes to Salivary Amylase. Yes it begins to breakdown starch in mouth.

6. What is the plexus of Meissner? Where is it found? What is its function?

Submucosal Plexus is an extensive network of neurons, found in the submucosa in the intestines it works with the Myenteric plexus to produce peristalic waves & increase secretions.

13. What are the types of tongue papillae?

Vallate papillae (back of tongue), Fungiform papillae (scattered over the tongue), Foliate papillae (located in lateral trenches of the tongue) Filiform - act as an abrasive scraping teeth and mouth to clean away bacteria (no taste buds)

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