LER 458Y

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Along with lecture notes and class discussion of the Ruth Belknap and the Ann Carson primary source documents, Belknap and Carson were at least one generation apart. Their experiences as middle-class free-born women showed which three social conventions? 1. In the Revolutionary War era & early American republic decades, middle-class women were to concentrate their working lives at home, not in offices, workshops, factories, or other worksites beyond the household, homestead, or farmstead 2. In the Revolutionary War era & early American republic decades, a middle-class woman's social status was derived from & depended on the social status of her husband, father, or closest male relative 3. In the Revolutionary War era & early American republic decades, middle-class women were expected to contribute to society by first and foremost being employed, running a business, or serving in the military 4. In the Revolutionary War era & early American republic decades, middle-class women were expected to contribute to society by first and foremost being wives, homemakers, and mothers

1, 2, 4

Along with lecture notes and class discussion of the primary source document, "'Natural and Inalienable Right to Freedom': Slaves 'Petition for Freedom to the Massachusetts Legislature, 1777," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/6237 (Links to an external site.), several slaves petitioned for freedom from enslavement. The slaves based their petition on _________________. 1. Christian principles 2. English common law 3. Natural rights 4. Inalienable rights

1, 3, and 4

Along with lecture notes and class discussion of the primary source document, "'We Are All Equally Free': New York City Workingmen Demand A Voice in the Revolutionary Struggle," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5717 (Links to an external site.), "Brutus," the writer of the document, criticized the "mercantile Dons" for among other things for wanting to shut out the common people from decision-making on political and economic issues that affected the whole community. The mercantile Dons believed they have to decide the fate of the lower orders. In mid-eighteen century America, which laboring groups did not control or own productive property or the minimum value of productive property.

2, 3, and 4

Which of the following was NOT a distinctive quality of the Great Awakening?

A conclusion that one's prospects for spiritual salvation were set at birth, and nothing one did on this Earth would make any difference

Which of the following was NOT a factor behind the rise of black slavery in the American colonies?

A fear that West Africans, if left alone, might someday surpass Europeans in economic and technological achievement

Which selection best describes the views some early twenty-first century Americans had toward able-bodied persons on public welfare similar to the thought that seventeenth century English and English Americans held toward the unemployed?

Able-bodied persons without jobs are lazy and unproductive

Which notion was NOT foremost on the minds of major revolutionary leaders?

Abolition of enslaved labor

Along with lecture notes and class discussion of the primary source document, "'I Entered into Business, with Hope, Confidence, and Activity': Ann Carson Becomes an Independent Entrepreneur, ca. 1810," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/6616 (Links to an external site.). Ann Carson wrote, "Of the deceptions of that sex, I was perfectly convinced, and laughed at their efforts to again enslave me." What did Ann Carson mean in context of her life story?

Ann Carson did not want to remarry if that meant the possibility of marriage based not on equal partnership, not on equal love, and not on continuing her economic independence

Along with lecture notes and class discussion of the primary source document, "'I Entered into Business, with Hope, Confidence, and Activity': Ann Carson Becomes an Independent Entrepreneur, ca. 1810," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/6616 (Links to an external site.). Ann Carson wrote "I was an American; a land of liberty had given me birth; my father had been his [Anne's husband's] commanding officer; I felt myself his equal, and pride interdicted my submitting to his caprices. Therefore the ill treatment I received from him (but which many a simple wife might consider good) I resented. Thus we lived: can any thing on earth equal the misery of matrimonial infelicity?—to find a tyrant where we expected a soothing companion, and to know that dire suspicion is corroding the bosom on which we depend for protection, sympathy, consolation and confidence. If not to a husband, where can a woman look for happiness?" What did Ann mean?

Ann imbibed revolutionary war values and expected that when such values were applied to marriage, she would have a marriage of equal, loving partnership between husband and wife

Along with lecture notes and class discussion of the primary source document, "'I Entered into Business, with Hope, Confidence, and Activity': Ann Carson Becomes an Independent Entrepreneur, ca. 1810," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/6616 (Links to an external site.). Ann Carson had to overcome much negativity of her father and her ne'er-do-well husband. In time Ann Carson did something that numerous women in early American republic dreamed of doing and at the same time helping other women, especially those with small children, who fell on hard times. What did Ann Carson accomplish?

Carson secured economic independence—not too common for middle-class American women at that time—by establishing a business and providing jobs for women, breaking from patriarchal oversight of husband and male relatives

Why did many companies in the 1890s hire child laborers?

Children workers were able to perform simple tasks that called for nimble fingers or for no training whatsoever

Which selection best highlights the dominant views toward the unemployed in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries when the Protestant Reformation coincided with the rapid expansion of commerce and mercantilism and the early decades of capitalism and industrialism?

Christians must be critical of the unemployed because being jobless violates God's calling

Which feature was NOT true concerning the Stamp Act crisis of 1765?

Colonists of the laboring classes showed little interest in the Stamp Act controversy

What common practice in late nineteenth and early twentieth century United States, described in the excerpt from the primary source document, "A Georgia Sharecropper's Story," one can compare to the commissary store and the system of debt?

Company towns where employees owed their souls to the company store

Which reason was NOT a driving force behind European colonization in the New World?

Correct: Incorrect: Incorrect: Incorrect: An interest in the religious uplift or conversion of indigenous people

What did the author describe about the different rewards based on the temperaments of nationalities, according to the excerpt from the primary source document, "Marshall Kirkman"?

Correct: Incorrect: A form of employee relations that took into account the polyglot, multicultural nature of a largely immigrant workforce that was slowly Americanizing

Which selection or set of selections exemplifies labor republicanism?

Correct: Incorrect: A virtuous citizen is one who is productive, actually producing goods and wealth through the sweat of his (or her) labor, and all people who worked, producing goods and wealth, were practitioners of labor republicanism whether they knew it or not Incorrect: All virtuous citizens are productive workers because they followed the notion that work is a calling that pleased God, and such persons shunned profits for the sake of making profit

Which group of workers did the Knights of Labor did not recruit into its ranks?

Correct: Incorrect: African American men and women Incorrect: White American women

Which group did the Black Codes directly affect?

Correct: Incorrect: Black Northerners

What is one of the main themes in labor historiography of the Gilded Age?

Correct: Incorrect: Business unionism was the major rallying cry of members of the Knights of Labor Incorrect: Industrial unionism was the major rallying cry of members of the Knights of Labor

In 1865 and 1866, many ex-slaves desired to own farmland and were hopeful that they would get their "forty acres and a mule." Why did ex-slaves desperately hope to become landowning agriculturalists?

Correct: Incorrect: Ex-slaves demanded that the Federal government punish ex-Confederate slaveholding plantation owners by giving all plantation land to ex-slaves and poor white southerners Incorrect: Ex-slaves were knowledgeable about farming, not industrial factory work

Which one of the following was NOT a factor behind the rise of Jim Crow laws at the turn of the century?

Correct: Incorrect: Growing tolerance, and even encouragement, by the federal government for racial segregation and disfranchisement

Which group did antebellum white Americans generally regard as close to the ideal of the virtuous citizen?

Correct: Incorrect: Land speculators

Which factor allowed English colonists to incorporate Native American ideas or practices into the economies of English-speaking colonies?

Correct: Incorrect: Native American communal property rights Incorrect: Native American relatively flexible gender relations

Native American societies had cooperative or communal economies. Many of these societies encountered European and European American fur trappers and traders who came from Western societies transforming into mercantilist and later capitalist economies. With their vast knowledge and experience, Native American fur trappers proved crucial intermediaries between Native American and Western economic ways of life. Nonetheless, the higher levels of economic production of Western economies undermined different aspects of social relations within Native American economies. Which group within certain Native American societies felt the greatest change in their status?

Correct: Incorrect: Native American fur trappers whose status decreased because their effectiveness as trappers decreased with continued use of Western-made rather than native-made traps Incorrect: Native American men whose overall status decreased because their economic contributions lost equal footing with women's economic contributions as their societies became more dependent on colonial American economic activities Incorrect:

What was one of the key themes in the excerpt from the primary source document, "A Georgia Sharecropper's Story"?

Correct: Incorrect: Sharecroppers formed associations that operated like labor unions

Along with lecture notes and class discussion of the primary source document, "'Natural and Inalienable Right to Freedom': Slaves 'Petition for Freedom to the Massachusetts Legislature, 1777," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/6237 (Links to an external site.), several slaves petitioned for the immediate end to slavery. Some modern-day Americans questioned if the authors of the petition were slaves. But some slaves learned to read and write because _____________________.

Correct: Incorrect: The Anglicans and their immediate religious descendants wanted laboring people, including slaves, to at least read so that they could read the Bible Incorrect: The Quakers and their immediate religious descendants wanted laboring people, including slaves, to at least read so that they could read the Bible

In the excerpt from the primary source document, "Debs Attacks," Debs stated that the Socialist Party of America "is the one party which stands squarely and uncompromisingly for the abolition of industrial slavery." What is the most likely reason for Debs to ignore the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), which also sought to abolish industrial slavery?

Correct: Incorrect: The IWW directly competed against the Socialist Party for workingwomen's votes in the 1912 presidential election Incorrect: The IWW wanted a humane capitalism

Which development brought on by the rippling effects of industrial capitalism did Mary Elizabeth Lease and many other Great Plains Americans condemn, according to the excerpt from the primary source document, "In Defense of Home and Hearth"?

Correct: Incorrect: The federal government initiated a series of programs to prevent family farmers from falling into bankruptcy and foreclosures Incorrect: The United States government ethnic cleansing against Native Americans

What is the message in the excerpt from the primary source document, "Marshall Kirkman"?

Correct: Incorrect: The railroad will accept unions only when they regiment their members to accept managerial discipline with unquestioned obedience

Which region had a diverse social system consisting of large landowners, merchants, yeomen, artisans, apprentices, common wage laborers, landless tenant farmers, indentured servants, and slaves?

Correct: Incorrect: The southern colonies of English-speaking North America

Which colony had a system of manorial estates that limited possibilities for yeomen and former indentured servants to obtain productive farmland?

Correct: Incorrect: Vermont Incorrect: Pennsylvania

In which region did women generally have more freedom or gender parity than women in other regions?

Correct: Incorrect: Women in traditional preindustrial East Asian societies Incorrect: Incorrect:

According to the primary source document, "Is It Not Enough that We Are Torn from Our Country and Friends?" Equiano underwent ________________.

Correct: Incorrect: the process designed to harden him to the horrors of being on a slave ship Incorrect: Incorrect:

A number of scholars have advanced the notion that the Protestant Reformation contributed greatly to the ideological stimulus that aided the development of capitalism. Which selection best describes the ideological stimulus?

Correct: Incorrect: Incorrect: A hard-working person must first remember that work is a sign of devotion to God Incorrect: A hard working diligent person who makes a profit earns God's favor to experience personal enjoyment from his or her profits

Which group of workers had their rhythms of work governed by traditions rooted in pre-modern and preindustrial practices in English-speaking colonial North America?

Correct: Incorrect: Enslaved agricultural laborers Incorrect: Incorrect:

Which selection best describes the work arrangements in early colonial America?

Correct: Incorrect: The English North American colonies had economies based on slave labor producing commodities for the international markets Incorrect: Incorrect:

Why did free wage laborers receive low wages in English-speaking North America?

Correct: Incorrect: The number of free wage laborers outstripped the supply of jobs, thus driving down wages in a highly competitive labor market Incorrect: Free wage laborers lived in colonies with money-starved economies Incorrect:

Some scholars have argued that women lost social status during the early stages of the Industrial Revolution in the Western world. Which selection best describes the reason for the loss of women's social status?

Correct: Incorrect: Women increasingly abandoned their household economic production for economic production outside the household because work outside the home has offered much social interaction for women Incorrect: Women lost their social status because they avoided, as much as possible, employment that reminded them of "traditional women's work" in the household Incorrect:

With the online lesson as background and class discussion based on primary source documents and PowerPoint lecture slides as our guide, "'We Was Jus' Turned Out Like a Lot of Cattle': Fountain Hughes Recalls His Life in Slavery and Freedom, Baltimore, 1944," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/6520 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site (Links to an external site.), is an excerpt of an interview Hughes gave in the 1940s. During the course of the interview Hughes compared his enslaved childhood to his elder years of the recent Great Depression and the hardships of rationing during the Second World War. What were some of the comparisons that heightened the ironic comparisons between slavery and freedom? 1. In general slaves expected slaveholders to provide food and clothing; employees did not expect employers to provide food and clothing 2. In general slaves cannot quit their "workplaces" without the slaveholder's permission; employees can leave their employer when they see fit 3. In general slaves whom slaveholders regarded as troublemakers or truculent were often sold to slaveholders in the Deep South; employees whom employers regarded as troublemakers or truculent saw their contracts sold to other employers desperate to stop absenteeism 4. In general slaves sometimes used violence against slaveholders especially when such slaves found slaveholders impossible to deal with; employees sometimes used violence during strikes, especially when such employees found employers impossible to deal with

Correct: Incorrect: 1, 2, 3

Which one of the following was NOT a chief provision of the Black Codes of 1865-1866?

Correct: Incorrect: Any African American found to be without work may be sentenced to prison

Which factor was NOT a reason underlying the difficulties free African Americans faced in obtaining factory employment in the northern states?

Correct: Incorrect: Free African Americans were legally not American citizens Incorrect: Employers preferred to hire European immigrants

Which one of the following was NOT a central principle of the American Federation of Labor?

Correct: Incorrect: It is best for labor to avoid getting entangled in political issues

Which brilliant industrial capitalist built the American steel industry?

Correct: Incorrect: John D. Rockefeller

Which group, comprised largely of non-wage earners during the antebellum years, became wage earners in the Reconstruction West?

Correct: Incorrect: Native Americans

Which one of the following was NOT a significant part of labor's experience during 1917-1918?

Correct: Incorrect: The federal government took active measures to discipline and protect the labor movement

Which one of the following was NOT a significant difference between the artisan system of labor and the emergent factory system of labor?

Correct: Incorrect: The labor of craft workers was traditionally organized by the task; the labor of factory workers was organized by the clock

What major lesson did radical elements within the working class learned when soldiers shot strikers after enraged strikers torched railroad property during the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?

Correct: Incorrect: Workers must be ready to organize armed self-defense units to protect one another when they go on strike Incorrect: Railroad strikers were on the threshold of making a revolution

Which technologies proved most useful for Native American hunting and gathering societies during the colonial era?

Correct: Incorrect: Horses, iron pots, and various metal implements Incorrect: Firearms, iron pots, and various metal implements Incorrect:

Which of the following was NOT an element of British mercantilism?

Correct: Incorrect: The colonies performed the primary role of supplying raw materials to and buying manufactured goods from the mother country Incorrect: England brought in considerable revenue by imposing duties on colonial trade Incorrect:

Along with lecture notes and class discussion of the Ruth Belknap primary source document, what were the most likely reasons for Belknap not having a servant woman when she penned her poem in 1782? 1. War temporarily opened opportunities for women 2. Revolutionary ideology that frowned on free-born people being dependent on someone else for their livelihood 3. Home-based work in rural districts was onerous and seemingly endless 4. The industrial revolution expanded economic opportunities in the latter fourth of the eighteenth century

Correct: 1, 2, 3 Incorrect: 1, 2, 4 Incorrect: 1, 3, 4

Along with lecture notes and class discussion of the Ruth Belknap primary source document, what safe conclusions can twenty-first century Americans draw from Belknap's poem? 1. Many colonial households were units of economic production 2. Many colonial patriot women contributed to the American Revolution by maintaining the home-based economy 3. Many colonial patriot women took on tasks/jobs normally relegated to able-bodied military-age men who were called into warfare 4. Many colonial patriot women built thriving home-based businesses during the war selling home-based products & produce to the Continental Army

Correct: 1, 2, 3 Incorrect: 1, 3, 4 Incorrect: 2, 3, 4 Incorrect: 1, 2, 4

With the online lesson as background and class discussion based on primary source documents and PowerPoint lecture slides as our guide, "'No One Ever Hurried During 'Cake-time': Work and Leisure a New York Shipyard, 1835," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/6218 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site, (Links to an external site.) workers in a New York City shipyard did not work by the clock. Their experience was typical of numerous antebellum skilled wageworkers. What was their experience? 1. The shipyard workers freely partake in "cake-time" (taking breaks, including lunchtime) when the need or desire arose 2. Shipyard work and many wage work occupations were not reliable year round 3. Shipyard workers joined with other workers 4. Tired of working sunup to sundown, shipyard workers enthusiastically endorsed the eight-hour workday

Correct: 1, 2, and 3 Incorrect: 1, 3, and 4 Incorrect: 2, 3, and 4

Using Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which selection contains all the needs that a labor union can adequately address? 1. Self-esteem 2. Belongingness 3. Safety 4. Self-sufficiency

Correct: 1, 2, and 3 Incorrect: 1, 3, and 4 Incorrect: 2, 3, and 4 Incorrect: 1, 2, and 4

Along with lecture notes and class discussion of the primary source document, "'We Are All Equally Free': New York City Workingmen Demand A Voice in the Revolutionary Struggle," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5717 (Links to an external site.), "Brutus," the writer of the document, criticized the "mercantile Dons" for among other things for wanting to shut out the common people from decision-making on political and economic issues that affected the whole community. The mercantile Dons believed they have to decide the fate of the lower orders. The patriots and soon to be American revolutionaries were found in all social classes, but among the social classes those in the artisan and free-wage labor classes harbored suspicions toward the "Dons" and tended to _____________.

Correct: 1, 2, and 4

With the online lesson as background and class discussion based on primary source documents and PowerPoint lecture slides as our guide, "The Lowell Mill Girls Go on Strike, 1836," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5714 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site, (Links to an external site.) the women textile workers of Lowell, Massachusetts, accomplished the following, according to Harriet Hanson Robinson. 1. They went on strike to dramatize that they refuse to be slaves—wage slaves to be exact 2. They numbered among one of the first cotton-factory strikers—at least in Lowell 3. They were the first among cotton-factory workers—at least in Lowell—not only to turn out but also to organize a labor union 4. One of the women strikers was the first woman who delivered a public speech, albeit an incendiary speech, in Lowell

Correct: 1, 2, and 4 Incorrect: 1, 2, and 3 Incorrect: 2, 3, and 4 Incorrect: 1, 3, and 4

Study of history of work in America went through several permutations over the last eighty years. Before the rights of the individual-based social movements of the 1960s and 1970s the below-mentioned themes dominated the literature of the history of work in America except for one. features. Which selection includes only the correct themes of pre-1960s literature of history of work in America? 1. Pre-1960s literature of the history of work in America was commonly referred to as industrial history 2. Pre-1960s literature of the history of work in America focused on institutions like labor unions 3. Pre-1960s literature of the history of work in America focused on working people's neighborhoods, communities, and cultures 4. Pre-1960s literature of the history of work in America highlighted the thoughts and actions of labor union leaders and officials

Correct: 1, 2, and 4 Incorrect: 2, 3, and 4 Incorrect: 1, 3, and 4 Incorrect: 1, 2, and 3

With the online lesson as background and class discussion based on primary source documents and PowerPoint lecture slides as our guide, "'Factories are talked about as schools of vice': Elias Nason Considers Careers," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5831 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site, (Links to an external site.) Nason advanced his views of what factory work did to workers. What was Nason thinking that he considered factories as workplaces of vice?

Correct: 1, 3, and 4

Along with lecture notes and class discussion of the primary source document, "'I Entered into Business, with Hope, Confidence, and Activity': Ann Carson Becomes an Independent Entrepreneur, ca. 1810," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/6616 (Links to an external site.). Ann Carson confronted her father who did not apply revolutionary war era values to his daughters' well-being. When hard times fell on the family, Ann Carson's father eagerly had her, when she was fifteen years old, marred a forty-one-year-old man. What was Ann's father's key concern that violated a revolutionary war era value? 1. Ann's father saw women's primary duty to be wife and mother economically subservient to or dependent on the husband, violating the revolutionary era rights of an individual to have their own sources of income 2. Ann's father saw women's primary duty to be wife and mother politically subservient to or dependent on the husband, violating the revolutionary era rights of an individual with political rights to vote or to sit on juries 3. Ann's father regarded formal education unnecessary for women because he saw women's primary duty to be wife and mother, violating the revolutionary era rights of an individual to achieve an education in order to be a virtuous citizen 4. Ann's father, and so seemingly her husband, regarded loving relations within the family, particularly between husband and wife and an equal partnership between husband and wife as not important, violating the revolutionary era rights of an individual to the emotional pursuit of happiness and equality as endowed by the Creator (that is in marriage God wants husband and wife to work together as equal partners)

Correct: 1, 3, and 4 Incorrect: 1, 2, and 3

Along with lecture notes and class discussion of the primary source document, "'We Are All Equally Free': New York City Workingmen Demand A Voice in the Revolutionary Struggle," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5717 (Links to an external site.), "Brutus," the writer of the document, criticized the "mercantile Dons" for among other things for wanting to shut out the common people from decision-making on political and economic issues that affected the whole community. The mercantile Dons believed they have to decide the fate of the lower orders. In mid-eighteen century America, which laboring group was most likely to effectively challenge the Dons' political domination?

Correct: 2, 3, and 4

With the online lesson as background and class discussion based on primary source documents and PowerPoint lecture slides as our guide, "'The Natural Tie Between Master and Apprentice has been Rent Asunder': An Old Apprentice Laments Changes in the Workplace, 1826," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/6622 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site, the "old apprentice" voiced concerns about the artisan-journeymen-apprentice relationship. What was the "old apprentice" complaint? 1. Employers imposed discipline, a sense of sobriety, industriousness, and morality in their workers 2. That government protected obstinate apprentices, especially those who sought employment elsewhere, proved "subversive to the artisan system" 3. Employers willingly hired apprentices even though they cared nothing for their "moral character . . . steadiness, or constancy at their work" 4. Master artisans increasingly no longer had sufficient legal and moral authority over apprentices

Correct: 2, 3, and 4 Incorrect: 1, 3, and 4 Incorrect: 1, 2, and 4

Which one of the following was NOT a key factor behind the rise of industry in late nineteenth century America?

Correct: A boom in automobile production, creating high demands for oil, rubber, and steel Correct: (aluminum production?) Incorrect: The extension of railroads from coast to coast Incorrect: Mass immigration to the growing cities Incorrect: Technological breakthroughs in steel production Incorrect: Vast markets for industrial goods generated by urban expansion Incorrect: Large infusions of capital from Europe and the eastern United States Incorrect: Demand for manufactured goods prompted by Civil War mobilization Incorrect: Technological breakthroughs in aluminum production

Which situation does NOT help explain the rousing impact and influence of Thomas Paine's Common Sense?

Correct: A claim that one day America, not Great Britain, would have the world's largest empire Incorrect: A down-to-earth and forthright style, which hit home with ordinary colonists Incorrect: A denunciation of monarchical rule as inimical to a free people Incorrect: A vision of America as a beacon of liberty around the world

Which of the following was NOT an impetus behind Bacon's Rebellion?

Correct: A determination to rid Virginia of slavery Incorrect: Exasperation over heavy taxes and scarcity of land Incorrect: Resentment over the favored treatment enjoyed by friends of the governor Incorrect: Anger over limitations on white settlement in Indian territory

Which of the following was NOT an integral part of William Penn's vision for his Quaker colony?

Correct: A live-and-let-live approach to private behavior Incorrect: Spiritual equality between the sexes and races Incorrect: Amicable relations between Native Americans and colonists Incorrect: Freedom of religious conscience

Which attitude toward work Protestant theologian John Calvin promoted?

Correct: A person is judged by his or her daily life and deeds, and success in his or her worldly endeavors was a sign of possible inclusion as one of the Elect

Which attitude toward work Protestant theologian Martin Luther promoted?

Correct: A person's vocation, including manual labor, was his or her calling, but all callings are of equal spiritual dignity Incorrect: A person is judged by his or her daily life and deeds, and success in his or her worldly endeavors is a sign of possible inclusion as one of the Elect Incorrect: Work is the will of God Incorrect: Work must be geared to serve one's village, society, or nation

Which ideas did the Industrial Workers of the World promote from 1905 to 1914?

Correct: Abolition of capitalism and wage slavery and the establishment of socialism Correct: Incorrect: Abolition of wage slavery and establishment of a cooperative societyA shorter work week, higher wages, profit sharing, and better working conditions

Which of the following was NOT a central theme of labor republicanism during the first half of the nineteenth century?

Correct: Above all else, the health of the American republic depends upon the autonomy and vitality of the competitive market Incorrect: The right to organize is vital to the liberty of working people Incorrect: The growing imbalance of economic and political power is subverting the promise of American democracy Incorrect: Self-employment—whether, for example, as an artisan or as a landowning farmer—is essential to one's status as an independent citizen

You might have to consult an encyclopedia or surf the Internet to answer the following question. Which individual's policies did many wageworkers in the nascent industrial occupations find appealing in the first two or three decades after the constitutional founding of the United States in 1789?

Correct: Alexander Hamilton who advocated government policies for high tariffs (taxes) on imported manufactured goods Incorrect: James Madison who advocated government policies not to subsidize non-entrepreneurial employers who were not keen on creating jobs Incorrect: Thomas Jefferson who advocated government policies supportive of wageworkers becoming yeomen farmers Incorrect: John Adams who advocated government policies encouraging wageworkers to form cooperatives and trade associations

Anti-draft riots (or uprisings) broke out in New York City and other northern cities in 1863, and Catholic Irish immigrants and Irish-Americans were predominantly represented among the anti-draft protesters. What was the trigger reason for the anti-draft urban street fighting?

Correct: Anti-draft protesters hated the fact that rich men, including employers and bankers, bought substitutes to fight and die for them while wageworkers were the ones being drafted to fight and die Incorrect: Anti-draft protesters hated the fact that African-American workers who could not be citizens were their chief job competitors

Which group engaged principally in wage labor in the antebellum South?

Correct: Apprentices Incorrect: Sharecroppers Incorrect: Yeomen Incorrect: Slaves

Which form was NOT an aspect of pre-revolutionary protest over British rule between 1763 and 1774?

Correct: Armed skirmishes and battles against British soldiers and sailors Incorrect: Boycotts on the importation of British goods Incorrect: Mass demonstrations of laboring people in the seaports Incorrect: Writings and oratory questioning Great Britain's right to tax the colonies

Which group did NOT "eagerly embrace" the wage system under the new economic system of capitalism in antebellum United States?

Correct: Artisans, journeymen, and apprentices Incorrect: Free black men and women Incorrect: European immigrants Incorrect: Single and married white women

How did many white American workers regard Chinese immigrant workers who worked for very low wages and lived under conditions Americans deemed unsuitable to the ideals of republicanism?

Correct: As people innately inferior to European Americans Incorrect: As workers most keen on forming labor unions Incorrect: As hard-working, law-abiding individuals Incorrect: As sojourners not wanting to become citizens but to return home with money they earned in America

In which occupations did free African American men frequently found employment in the northeastern United States?

Correct: Barbers, day laborers, sailors, and teamsters

Which groups in the thirteen colonies definitely owned much wealth in the decade following the French and Indian War?

Correct: Big-time merchants, big-time slaveholding planters, and big-time ship owners

Which feature did antebellum factory workers share with antebellum artisans in the northeastern United States?

Correct: Both groups generally believed that their labor made them productive, virtuous citizens Incorrect: Both groups worked according to the rhythms of the clock and the machine Incorrect: Both groups performed a narrow range of unskilled and semi-skilled jobs Incorrect: Both groups were permanent wage earners

Which concept was present in North American Native American societies definitely before 1700?

Correct: Communal landownership Incorrect: Private property rights

Why did some antebellum temperance reformers oppose public (and even private) consumption of alcoholic beverages?

Correct: Consistently inebriated people did not make good, reliable, stable workers, and they often neglected their families Incorrect: Consistently inebriated people were dangerous when riding their horses or mules or operating farm equipment and tended to spend their hard-earned money on expensive alcoholic beverages

Which type of labor system did the New South heavily rely upon as the region industrialized, as shown in the excerpt from the primary source document, "A Georgia Sharecropper's Story"?

Correct: Convict labor system Incorrect: A modern form of slave labor system Incorrect: A free wage labor system Incorrect: A modern form of serf labor system

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the reform movements of the 1820s, 1830s, and 1840s?

Correct: Crusaders for women's rights seldom supported abolitionism; crusaders for abolitionism seldom supported women's rights Incorrect: Employers generally supported temperance (maintaining sobriety) for their employees Incorrect: A series of "utopian" communities arose, seeking to challenge inequalities of class and gender in American society Incorrect: Broadening access to land was a major goal of labor reformers

What was the general state of the economy in the thirteen colonies for several years after the French and Indian War?

Correct: Economic hardship for those colonists who belonged to the lower and middling orders Incorrect: Economic hardship after Great Britain expelled its enemy, France, from North America because the lack of competition brought economic stagnation

In 1806, a group of Philadelphia cordwainers (a.k.a. shoemakers) who were journeymen under the leadership of Peter Polin and Undriel Backes, organized and struck for higher wages. Their employer had them arrested for conspiracy. The court found the strikers guilty of conspiracy and said wageworkers have no right to organize a trade association for the purposes of what is now called collective bargaining. Beaten but unbowed, the cordwainers organized a cooperative boot and shoe factory instead of returning to work for their former employer. What value the judge in the Philadelphia Cordwainers Conspiracy case upheld?

Correct: Economic liberty for employers to engage with his or her employees individually rather than collectively over wages, hours, and working conditions Incorrect: Workers could organize to strike for higher wages and to engage in collective bargaining only when they can simultaneously strike against all employers in the same business or industry in the same city or county

Sharecropping was a political and economic compromise originally between which groups of southerners during Reconstruction?

Correct: Ex-slaves and ex-slaveholders Incorrect: Ex-slaves and yeomen

Along with lecture notes and class discussion of the primary source document, "'Natural and Inalienable Right to Freedom': Slaves 'Petition for Freedom to the Massachusetts Legislature, 1777," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/6237 (Links to an external site.), several slaves petitioned for freedom from enslavement. In context of the major themes of History of Work in America, freedom from slavery during the Revolutionary War era meant slaves as newly minted wageworkers could __________________________.

Correct: Exchange their labor power for wages

Which of the following was NOT a noteworthy aspect of indentured servitude in seventeenth-century Virginia?

Correct: For most of the century, indentured servants greatly outnumbered slaves Incorrect: Like slaves, indentured servants could be legally bought and sold, beaten, and prevented from marrying by their masters Incorrect: Unlike slaves, indentured servants remained in bondage for only a set number of years Incorrect: While slaves were virtually all black, indentured servants were virtually all white

Which labor system became crucial for the development and expansion of capitalism in the United States before the twentieth century?

Correct: Free wage labor Incorrect: Indentured servitude

Which of the following was NOT a feature of early New England society?

Correct: Gender equality within the church and its community

Which one of the following was NOT a characteristic of the urban explosion of late-nineteenth-century America?

Correct: Had it not been for anti-discrimination laws, many urban immigrants would have been barred from the better jobs and residential areas Incorrect: Although the cities were ethnically diverse, most people lived in ethnically homogeneous neighborhoods

Early settlers of Jamestown colony, Virginia, endured or faced ________________________________.

Correct: High rates of death and disease Incorrect: Constant outflow of settlers to get more land west of the Appalachians

Which one of the following was NOT a chief provision of the Black Codes of 1865-1866?

Correct: Illegal for white people to work for black people; illegal for black people to work for white people Incorrect: Black children can be apprenticed to white employers indefinitely without the consent of their parents Incorrect: An African American convicted of vagrancy can be hired out to any white man willing to pay the convict's fine Incorrect: Any African American found to be without work may be sentenced to prison

What happened to the employer-employee relationship during the Industrial Revolution in antebellum America?

Correct: Increasing numbers of employees began to believe they, not their employers, created economic wealth Incorrect: Increasing numbers of employees saw their employers as friends or fatherly figures

Which occupation provided people opportunities to gain their freedom and become independent persons?

Correct: Indentured servants

Which labor system is a form of traditionally temporary bonded or "unfree" labor in the history of work in America?

Correct: Indentured servitude Incorrect: Chattel slavery

Along with lecture notes and class discussion of the primary source document, "'Natural and Inalienable Right to Freedom': Slaves 'Petition for Freedom to the Massachusetts Legislature, 1777," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/6237 (Links to an external site.), several slaves petitioned for freedom from enslavement. The slaves' petition referred to a fundamental principle that became crucial not only for slaves but also for wageworkers to advance their causes over the next several decades. What was that principle?

Correct: Individualism Incorrect: Liberty Incorrect: Citizenship

Which factor fails to explain why more enslaved African Americans than free African Americans worked in factories and other industrial worksites?

Correct: Industrial employers did not want slaves whom they regarded as inefficient workers Incorrect: White employees generally thought free black people reminded them of the precarious nature of free wage labor Incorrect: Industrial employers did not have to worry about the consequences of laying-off slaves

Which factor was a significant reason for women in many preindustrial societies worldwide to specialize in work in and around the house, homestead, or village?

Correct: Infant care Incorrect: Lack of occupational opportunities beyond the home or village Incorrect: Men's sexist attitudes and behavior patterns Incorrect: Housework

Which group was NOT a major target of the New York City draft rioters?

Correct: Irish Catholic immigrants Incorrect: Conscription officials Incorrect: Employers

In which society did women have decision-making authority to declare war?

Correct: Iroquois

In the primary source document titled, "We Unfortunate English People Suffer Here," indentured servant woman Elizabeth Sprigs wrote a letter to her father in 1756 complaining about her master miserably treating her and the other indentured servants. She asked her father to send clothing because her master failed to adequately provide his indentured servants clothing, food, and other necessities. (In effect, the master was not living up to his duties and obligations of a moral economy vis-à-vis his indentured servants. In discussion the class touched upon a comment Sprigs made stating in so many words that her master treated his chattel slaves better than he treated his indentured servants. Which selection best explains why the master treated his slaves better than his indentured servants?

Correct: Like many masters, Sprigs's master reasonably paced extracting labor from his slaves for the rest of their lives, but he wanted to extract as much labor as possible from the indentured servants before their labor service to him ended within three to seven years, according to the terms of the indenture,

Which of the following does NOT apply to common white folk of the antebellum South?

Correct: Like slaves, they were denied any voice in public debate

What feature of the Industrial Revolution did NOT bother many antebellum Americans?

Correct: Many hated the fact that a number of skilled workers lost their status as artisans and became entrepreneurial employers Incorrect: Many hated the fact that one's labor power had become a commodity Incorrect: Many hated the fact that more people had become permanent wage laborers Incorrect: Many hated the fact that skilled workers lost their status as artisans and became wageworkers

Which of the following was NOT a geographical variant of slavery in colonial America?

Correct: Many more black slaves than free whites lived in the less agriculturally productive backcountry Incorrect: In Virginia and Maryland, slaveholding was widespread among both small farmers and large planters

Which occupational groups benefited from the French and Indian War (1756-1763)?

Correct: Merchants, farmers, and gunsmiths Incorrect: Merchants, fishermen, and gunsmiths Incorrect: Gunsmiths, fishermen, and merchants

What was the problem American revolutionaries experienced fighting the British government and its allies?

Correct: Most revolutionaries were laboring people, not full-time professional soldiers Incorrect: The revolutionaries did not have any Native American allies Incorrect: The revolutionaries remained bitterly divided by class Incorrect: The revolutionaries did not have any European allies

Which one of the following was NOT a widespread activity among newly emancipated African Americans?

Correct: Moving North in search of greater freedom and opportunity Correct: Rejecting Christianity as the religion of their former slaveholders Incorrect: Seeking to become landowners Incorrect: Participating in local political activities Incorrect: Learning how to read and write Incorrect: Moving about just to get the feel of freedom Incorrect: Exercising the right to vote Incorrect: Seeking out family members who had been sold away under slavery

Which item is the best example of the historical meaning of property?

Correct: My yellow taxicab Incorrect: My single-family house Incorrect: My clothes Incorrect: My Nissan Sentra

Which group was fully excluded from participating in electoral politics before 1815?

Correct: Native Americans Incorrect: Free African Americans Incorrect: White women

With the online lesson as background and class discussion based on primary source documents and PowerPoint lecture slides as our guide, "'The Happiest Laboring Class in the World': Two Virginia Slaveholders Debate Methods of Slave Management, 1837," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5801 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.) , two slaveholders talked about slave management. One slaveholder wrote, "The most important part of management of slaves , is always to keep them under proper subjection. . . . It is precisely similar to the attitude of a minor to his parent, or a soldier to his general." Another slaveholder wrote, "The master . . . is the guardian and protector of his slaves, who f well treated and used, are the happiest laboring class in the world." In the language of antebellum Americans, the slaveholders advocated a notion that was becoming increasingly popular among slaveholders. What is that notion?

Correct: Paternalism Incorrect: Parentalism Incorrect: Patriarchy Incorrect: Populism

What is meant by "unfree" working relationships?

Correct: People are bound by a series of obligations and dependent relationships not of their own choosing

Which of the following was NOT a major thrust of expanded federal activity during the war?

Correct: Protection of labor's right to organize Incorrect: Issuance of paper money

Which phenomenon was most important in seeing work as having intrinsic value In the history of the Western world, which is the core history of the United States?

Correct: Protestant Reformation Incorrect: Enlightenment Incorrect: Industrial capitalism Incorrect: Scientific Revolution

Which notion underlies the narrative in the excerpt from the primary source document, "Beyond Bed Pans"?

Correct: Rapid industrialization and massive urbanization made significant segments of the nation's population rootless, community-less, and desperate Incorrect: Nursing was an occupation where women had opportunities to exercise decision-making authority, express professionalism, and earn high wages

Which one of the following was NOT a contributing factor behind the take-off of the southern plantation economy during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries?

Correct: Rapidly rising demand for spices, tea, and coffee in the urban centers of Europe and the North Incorrect: The shift of tobacco production to newer, more fertile lands Incorrect: Rapidly rising demand for cotton from the textile industries of Europe and New England Incorrect: The invention of the cotton gin

Along with lecture notes and class discussion of the primary source document, "'We Are All Equally Free': New York City Workingmen Demand A Voice in the Revolutionary Struggle," http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5717 (Links to an external site.), "Brutus," the writer of the document, criticized the "mercantile Dons" for among other things for wanting to shut out the common people from decision-making on political and economic issues that affected the whole community. Emboldened with the desire to unilaterally make political decisions for all New Yorkers, the "mercantile Dons" soon treaded on thin ice with New York City workingmen (and workingwomen) because the history of New York saw lethal, albeit short, interclass flareups like ________________________ in the late 1760s.

Correct: Regulators Incorrect: Green Mountain Men

Which situation was NOT a point of social conflict in the colonies prior to the American Revolutionary War?

Correct: Relations between factory owners and industrial workers Incorrect: Poverty in the seaports Incorrect: Relations between large landowners and tenant farmers Incorrect: Relations between backcountry settlers and coastal elites

Which one of the following was NOT a characteristic of the New West?

Correct: Removed from the familiar customs of the East, the West was remarkably free of racial or gender prejudice Correct: The West was a remarkably homogeneous region—only in the twentieth century would it become ethnically diverse Incorrect: The extermination of the buffalo drastically undermined the livelihood of the Plains Indians Incorrect: Falling grain prices on the world market left many Plains farmers deep in debt

Along with lecture notes and class discussion of the Ruth Belknap primary source document, which iconic figure or historical person would be equivalent to Ruth Belknap?

Correct: Rosie the Riveter

Which reason or set of reasons advocates of the notion of true womanhood used to convince married white women to stay home?

Correct: Since women were primary childcare providers, the nation needed them to stay home and socialize children as the next generation of good and productive citizens Incorrect: If women stayed home, then they would have an incentive to build home businesses to provide another source of income for their families Incorrect: Since women received low wages, their income was not necessary for family maintenance Incorrect: If women stayed home and cared for their families, then their men would have increased opportunities to obtain more jobs and higher wages

Which group constituted the largest percentage of workers among the first generation (1820s-1840s) of wage-earning industrial laborers and operatives in the textile mills in Lowell, Massachusetts?

Correct: Single women Incorrect: Married men

Which reason is pivotal in explaining why American slavery was inherently an unstable system?

Correct: Slavery ultimately rested upon physical coercion Incorrect: Slavery ultimately rested upon psychological coercion Incorrect: Slavery ultimately rested upon the proper management of enslaved laborers Incorrect: Slavery ultimately rested on controlling slaves by breaking up their families

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of slave life in colonial America?

Correct: Slaves held on large plantations had more day-to-day autonomy from whites than those held on small farms or in towns Incorrect: The harshness of slavery allowed blacks little opportunity to sustain families or communities Incorrect: Slaves resisted their bondage through both individual escape and collective uprisings Incorrect: Although slaves were brought to North America from a diversity of African societies, their common experience as slaves gradually provided the basis for an African American identity

Which one of the following was NOT a common form of slave resistance in the antebellum South?

Correct: Slaves murderously attacking slaveholders Incorrect: Slaves deliberately lowering the efficiency of their work Incorrect: Slaves holding secret religious services Incorrect: Slaves running away

Which aspects of the Industrial Revolution bothered many antebellum Americans?

Correct: Some hated the fact that one's labor power had become a commodity, and some hated the fact that more people had become permanent wage laborers Incorrect: Some hated the fact that more people had become permanent wage laborers, and some hated the fact that skilled workers gave up their status to become managers Incorrect: Some hated the fact that one's labor power had become a commodity, and some hated the fact that children went to work for wages Incorrect: Some hated the fact that one's labor power had become a commodity; and some hated the fact that skilled workers gave up their status to become managers

Which contribution women revolutionaries did NOT make to the war effort?

Correct: Some women issued proclamations and other demands for political equality for women Incorrect: Many women maintained farms, workshops, and businesses while their men went to war Incorrect: Some women, disguised as men, fought on the battlefield

Enslaved African Americans did all but one of the following actions during the American Revolution. What did they NOT do?

Correct: Some, in hopes of gaining their freedom, organized their own armed units for the Revolution Incorrect: Some, in hopes of gaining their freedom, fought both the revolutionaries and the British

Which occupation was common in colonial America?

Correct: Tanners Incorrect: Lumberjacks Incorrect: Steel-making furnace workers

Which of the following was NOT a significant theme of the "Free Soil" opposition to the territorial expansion of slavery?

Correct: The American republic cannot long survive the coexistence of slavery and free labor from coast to coast Incorrect: White settlers on the western frontier do not want to have to associate or compete with African Americans Incorrect: The West offered many working people the prospect for economic independence that was becoming harder to find back East. Slavery must not be allowed to undermine that promise Incorrect: Western lands must remain "free" from economic development by Americans—northern or southern, slave or free

Which of the following was NOT a feature of the newly formed Republican Party of the mid-1850s?

Correct: The Republican Party opposed westward expansion from any section of the United States, as an infringement on the sovereignty of Native Americans Incorrect: The Republican Party contained a powerful streak of "nativism"—the suspicion that recent immigrants, particularly Roman Catholics, posed a serious threat to the virtue and stability of the American republic Incorrect: The party called for limits on slavery's expansion to the west, but not for the abolition of slavery outright Incorrect: Republicans found broad support among small farmers, shopkeepers, and skilled laborers of the North and West

Which factor was NOT a major trend in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England?

Correct: The abolition of gender inequalities

Which of the following was NOT a significant development in colonial politics during the first half of the eighteenth century?

Correct: The abolition of property qualifications for voting and office holding

Which one of the following was NOT a significant part of the wartime experience of northern workers?

Correct: The banishment of immigrants from the workplace Incorrect: Growth in labor unionism Incorrect: Increases in the cost of living Incorrect: Mechanization of industrial production

Which one of the following was NOT a feature of the expanding plantation society of the antebellum South?

Correct: The circumstances of American Indians were remarkably unaffected by the spread of the plantation economy Incorrect: The future of the continuing existence of the slave labor system—the subject of widespread doubts during the 1780s—was reaffirmed Incorrect: During this time span, prospects for the abolition of slavery gradually faded Incorrect: Although enmeshed in the world market economy, southern planters liked to think of themselves as old-style, feudal aristocrats

Which one of the following was NOT a motivating factor behind the southern impulse to expand slavery westward?

Correct: The desire to bring slaves out to a distant territory where they could be gradually prepared for the transition to freedom Incorrect: Some plantation slaveholders were constantly in search for good, fertile farmland for their cash crops Incorrect: Regional pride Incorrect: A desire to preserve the political balance of power between North and South

What was the opening salvo that anarchists Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman saw in the defiance of Homestead strikers to Henry Frick's attempt to destroy the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, according to the excerpt from the primary source document, "I Will Kill Frick"?

Correct: The destruction of the wage system and a movement to achieve a just society based on anarchism Incorrect: The destruction of the wage system and a movement to establish workers' ownership of production

Which one of the following was NOT a mounting source of concern with regard to the social impact of the Industrial Revolution?

Correct: The expanding influence of the labor movement on the national government Incorrect: Rising inequalities of wealth Incorrect: The unsettling cycles of boom and bust Incorrect: The growing dependence of workers upon wage labor

As of to date, what has been the dominant perspective in the study of the history of work in America, as considered by numerous historians of the history of work in America?

Correct: The expansion of freedom of working people at the workplace Incorrect: The expansion of dependency of working people on employers and government Incorrect: The expansion of collective bargaining among employees Incorrect: The expansion of working people's interest in developing a labor party as a viable third party in American politics

In the immediate postbellum South, in which system many sharecroppers used crops in lieu of cash to pay rents and debts?

Correct: The free wage labor system Incorrect: The slave labor system

Which feature was NOT a significant aspect of colonial resistance from 1763-1774?

Correct: The gulf between elite and ordinary protesters steadily widened; by 1775, fewer issues than ever held them together Incorrect: The Intolerable Acts of 1774 provoked a surge of indignation among colonists of all classes and regions Incorrect: Artisans generally were more receptive to the tactic of boycotting British goods than were merchants Incorrect: The laboring backgrounds of the victims of the Boston Massacre drew many poor people into the movement of colonial resistance

Which problem did social reformers like Robert Owen think communalism would solve?

Correct: The labor problem by making certain that everyone shared the benefits of cooperative labor Incorrect: The wealth gap problem by eliminating money and wages and establishing a communistic society Incorrect: The woman's problem by making certain that husbands and wives shared household tasks equally Incorrect: The race problem by making certain that white and black working people shared the task of building labor unions

Which one of the following was NOT a source of mounting disaffection among white southerners on the Confederate home front?

Correct: The recruitment of slaves to serve as Confederate army officers Incorrect: Military confiscation of farmers' goods Incorrect: Suppression of pro-Union (i.e., United States) sentiment Incorrect: The "substitution" clause of the conscription system

Regarding slavery, what was the trigger reason for the secession of some of the slave-labor states in 1860 which increased the possibility of what became the American Civil War in 1861?

Correct: The resolution of the debates about stopping the continued territorial expansion of slavery became a distinct possibility with the election of Abraham Lincoln to the Office of the President of the United States Incorrect: The existence of slave labor divided the nation into two seemingly major diametrically opposed sections: the North and the South

Which factor made its first appearance AFTER antebellum America's Industrial Revolution?

Correct: The systematic development of scientific management Incorrect: Destruction of the household as a unit of economic production

Which feature did most Catholic Irish immigrants share with most German immigrants in the late 1840s and 1850s?

Correct: The vast majority in both groups escaped socially and/or politically oppressive conditions in their homeland Incorrect: The vast majority in both groups were too poor to buy farmland

Which feature did the Industrial Revolution in antebellum America share with late colonial preindustrial America?

Correct: The vast majority of European American working people thought becoming prosperous was a realistic outlook Incorrect: The vast majority of European American working people faced regimented labor

Why did women's rights advocates and abolitionists often work together on each other's respective crusade?

Correct: They hated the legal notion that slaves and women were legal dependents, a notion that violated natural law and individualism Incorrect: They believed slavery and matriarchy violated notions of political rights in a democratic republic Incorrect: They worked together for the simple reason that women's rights advocates and abolitionists were the same, exact individuals Incorrect: They hated those antislavery Americans who opposed both abolition and women's rights

Which selection best explains the "relative" ease of journeymen and apprentices engaging in demonstrations before 1815?

Correct: They were not governed by the clock and the hourly wage system

What was married women's first duty, even though numerous married women entered paid employment in antebellum America?

Correct: To birth children and to raise them to be good citizens Incorrect: To make money in order to care for elderly parents or to supplement the family income Incorrect: To satisfy and revive their husbands so they would return the next day rejuvenated to work Incorrect: To make money to maintain their marriage dowry

Which one of the following NOT was not a chief aim of the Freedmen's Bureau?

Correct: To encourage former slaves to work without compensation, as least until they had proved their usefulness to potential employers Incorrect: To oversee the development of a fair and viable system of labor relations between former slaves and former slaveholders

Which characteristic of Native American societies English-speaking colonials utilized?

Correct: Trade in furs Incorrect: Gender parity Incorrect: Decentralized political systems Incorrect: Communal property rights

What did rapid postbellum development of capitalist labor relationships mean, according to the excerpt from the primary source document, "Home on the Range"?

Correct: Turned most cowboys into wage employees tied to economic markets in big eastern American cities Incorrect: Tied most cowboys to railroading and steel manufacturing interests in the eastern United States and western Europe

What did Reconstruction in the South mean?

Correct: Victorious northerners destroyed slaveholders as a class and eagerly forced black and white southerners to learn how to live in a free wage labor market economy Incorrect: Victorious northerners embarked on wholesale land distribution, rewarding ex-Confederate slaveholders' farmland to ex-slaves, poor white southerners, and poor white northerners

Which one of the following was NOT a significant pattern within the slave-labor system?

Correct: While slaves had to perform long hours of labor every day for the master, their own domestic upkeep (cooking, cleaning, etc.) was provided for by the master Incorrect: Incorrect: Incorrect: Slaves on rice plantations generally experienced harsher work conditions but greater autonomy than those on cotton plantations experienced

Which of the following was NOT a significant feature of life in the trans-Mississippi West during the Gold Rush years?

Correct: White workers often banded together to expel non-white workers from mining areas Incorrect: Large-scale mining companies quickly displaced individual prospectors Incorrect: Living conditions for women tended to be particularly onerous Incorrect: In the rough-and-tumble world of the frontier American women substantially expanded their citizenship rights

Which one of the following was NOT a feature of late-nineteenth-century labor experience?

Correct: With the mechanization of production, skilled workers virtually disappeared from industrial America Correct: Federal minimum-wage laws kept millions of workers from starving Incorrect: Some industries employed children as young as eight years old Incorrect: The number of women working outside the home rose dramatically Incorrect: Immigrants from Europe far outnumbered African Americans among the ranks of industrial labor Incorrect: Regular tensions arose between employers and workers over the length of the workday Incorrect: The types of jobs available were closely related to one's sex, race, and ethnic background Incorrect: Wage reductions were commonplace during economic downturns Incorrect: Some industries employed children as young as eight years old

Why did some women strikers reject the comparison between wage earners and slaves, according to the excerpt from the primary source document, "We Are Not Slaves"?

Correct: Women strikers believed the comparison to be false because they were citizens entitled to freedom of speech and assembly Incorrect: Women workers, by striking, which was another way to avoid work like northerners believed slaves did, failed to show the decorum that republicanism called upon women to uphold, for example, stay at home and care for children and household

In which occupations did women find employment in the Reconstruction West?

Correct: Women who became prostitutes to take advantage of limited employment opportunities in the West where the ratio of men to women favored the women Incorrect: Women who became lawyers and judges because the need for such professionals was crucial in the lawless West

What did women workers prove in the excerpt from the primary source document, "Working Her Fingers"?

Correct: Women workers wanted a union when unionized men workers thought women were incapable of being unionized Incorrect: Women workers were skilled negotiators without resorting to strikes or attempts at collective bargaining

Which selection best describes mainstream attitudes toward work in the Western world after 1700?

Correct: Work has intrinsic value for its own sake

People in preindustrial colonial America lacked concepts such as the workweek and fixed daily or weekly working hours. Which group of people had to work, not forced to work?

Correct: Yeoman farmers Incorrect: Indentured servants

According to the primary source document, "Is It Not Enough that We Are Torn from Our Country and Friends?" Equiano described ____________.

Correct: his ordeal during the Middle Passage of the Atlantic slave trade

Which American civic value did judges invoke in the 1830s when they ruled that trade societies conspired to prevent individuals from freely selling their labor on the market?

Economic liberty

Which labor system in colonial English-speaking America became most "efficient" in the cultivation of cash crops, especially tobacco, rice, and indigo?

Enslaved labor

Which group of white southerners dominated the leadership of the Ku Klux Klan in 1866 and 1867?

Ex-Confederate plantation owners

Which one of the following was NOT true of late-nineteenth-century industrialization?

Excessive regulation by the federal government made it impossible for small companies to remain profitable

Which tasks did many antebellum plantation slaves normally perform?

Field hands, drivers, chefs, and cooks

Which historian is best known for arguing that slavery in the United States was pre-capitalistic?


You might have to consult an encyclopedia or surf the Internet to answer the following question. Which individual was a slaveholding planter, large landowner, and land speculator?

George Washington

A brilliant railroad industrial capitalist allegedly said in so many words, "I can hire one half of the working class to kill off the other half." Who was this interesting person?

Jay Gould

What occurred in the few decades immediately after the majority decision of the United States Supreme Court in Bradwell v. Illinois (1873)?

Labor organizers had a "good" excuse not to unionize women workers, especially married women workers

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the revived labor movement of the late 1840s and 1850s?

Most northern trade unionists expressed spirited solidarity with slaves in the south

Which of the following was NOT a feature of the emerging industrial working class in early- to mid-nineteenth century America?

Most white workers of the North rejected discrimination against black workers, regarding it as an employer's tool to divide and weaken the American workforce

In which sections of the United States Reconstruction unleashed industrial capitalism?

North, South, and West

The introductory blurb in the excerpt from the primary source document, "Home Sweet Home," regards homeownership as an "antidote against anarchism" versus "building and loan associations as vehicles for working people to attain independence and security." One can make the case that these two thoughts are not mutually exclusive by arguing that:

People who own homes have personal investment and capital and are inclined to be against anarchism

Which societies expected women to spend more time in household economic production rather than in agricultural production?

Preindustrial agricultural European societies

According to the primary source document, "The Moment That the Snows Are Melted . . .," men were primarily responsible for ____________.

Providing meat and fish

Which feature did textile mills in Lowell, Massachusetts, share with factories in the northeastern United States in the 1820s, 1830s, and 1840s?

Regulating employees by the clock

What was a common nickname for a strikebreaker in the 1910s?


Sexual harassment or exploitation of women of all colors at the workplace became commonplace as America rapidly industrialized and urbanized. What was unusual about the sexual exploitation of women workers in the excerpt from the primary source document, "A Georgia Sharecropper's Story"?

Sexually harassed black women had no legal protection in what became the Jim Crow South

Which point was NOT significant in the debates concerning the rightful character of the American government after independence?

Should government officials obtain office via elections or royal appointment?

How did the narrator in the excerpt from the primary source document, "A Georgia Sharecropper's Story," describe his labor contract relationship to his boss?

Slave labor

Which workers had their rhythms of work measured by the clock or labor discipline in English-speaking colonial North America?


Which one of the following was NOT a characteristic of the New South?

Textile workers were mainly black people; sharecroppers were mainly white people

Which factor was NOT a major trend in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England?

The abolition of gender inequalities

Which industry rapidly expanded during Reconstruction in the postbellum western United States?

The cattle industry

Which one of the following was NOT a feature of "Fordism"?

The celebration of cultural diversity among the company's heterogeneous workforce

In 1806, a group of Philadelphia cordwainers (a.k.a. shoemakers) who were journeymen under the leadership of Peter Polin and Undriel Backes, organized and struck for higher wages. Their employer had them arrested for conspiracy. The court found the strikers guilty of conspiracy and said wageworkers have no right to organize a trade association for the purposes of what is now called collective bargaining. Beaten but unbowed, the cordwainers organized a workers' cooperative boot and shoe factory instead of returning to work for their former employer. What was the significance or value of the cordwainers establishing a workers' cooperative?

The cordwainers gained economic independence from owning and controlling their workplace and their livelihood

Which one of the following was NOT a significant belief of the Knights of Labor?

The employment of women and blacks undercut the dignity and security of white men, and should therefore cease

Which one of the following was NOT a significant wartime development?

The harder things went for the Confederacy, the more unified its citizens became

Currently, which theme dominates the mainstream narrative of the history of work in the United States?

The history of work in America is really about the expansion of freedom at the workplace

What was one of the key themes in the excerpt from the primary source document, "A Mormon Woman"?

The household economy was still a unit of economic production for some Mormons

Which historical development occurred between the 1750s and 1780s when the imperial British government pursued policies to turn its North American colonies into producers of raw materials and consumers of English manufactured goods?

The industrial revolution

Which one of the following was NOT a broad trend in the South under Radical Reconstruction?

The lynching of former slaveholders by vengeful former slaves

What did women war workers want, according to the excerpt from the primary source document, "Are We Nothing but Living Machines?"

The need for collective bargaining

Which trend was NOT significant revolutionary America?

The poor supported independence; the rich opposed it

What was Gottlieb Mittelberger's warning in the primary source document, "Packed Densely, Like Herrings"?

The warning was about the disease, death, and horrors that German indentured servants encountered during sea voyages from Europe to the English North American colonies

What did Emma Goldman mean when she wrote that the Homestead, Pennsylvania, steel mill workers were Americans, according to the excerpt from the primary source document, "I Will Kill Frick"?

The workers were Americans because they were native-born of old immigrant or old ethnic stock

What were the panics of 1819 and 1837?

They were economic depressions when many people lost their savings and/or their jobs

The enslaved labor force allowed the Confederate States of America to militarily do what?

To proportionally field more able-bodied white men into the military than what the United States of America could do

Which one of the following was NOT a feature of the mass leisure revolution?

Urban workers resisted the lure of commercialized recreation, regarding it as a plot to distract them from their oppressive conditions

What did advocates of republicanism find disturbing in the first three or four decades after the War for Independence?

Wage labor

Which reason best explains why advocates of republicanism between the 1780s and the 1830s find wage labor disturbing?

Wageworkers were economically dependent on their employers who in turn often influenced their political views

Which selection best compares a situation in 2018 to that depicted in the primary source document, "The Moment That the Snows Are Melted"?

Women & men finding most effective way to "balance" childcare & work for family survival

What occurred in the few decades immediately after the majority decision of the United States Supreme Court in Minor v. Happersett that the right to vote was not one of the privileges or immunities of citizenship?

Women workers, without the right to vote, could not vote for pro-labor politicians who would represent their interests in all levels of government

What was the majority decision of the United States Supreme Court in Bradwell v. Illinois (1873) regarding women's employment opportunities?

Women's number one duty is to be wife and mother, and citizenship does not automatically imply equality

Which selection best describes the views of the Protestant Reformation toward work, especially the ideas articulated by Protestant theologians Martin Luther and John Calvin?

Work was a calling by God and a service to God

What was one course of action by the unemployed and other members of the lower orders during economic downturns in mid-eighteenth century colonial America?

correct: Incorrect: They often held impromptu elections to vote representatives to advocate economic growth policies in their colonial assemblies

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