Lesson 1 - Skull
Degree difference between OML and IOML
7 degrees
Degree difference between GML and OML
8 degrees
A single bony prominence of the frontal bone located between the superciliary arches in the inferior part of the frontal bone above the root of the nose.
Routine protocol for the skull
AP Axial - Towne PA Axial - Caldwell R and L Lateral
Acanthiomeatal line, line between acanthion and EAM
Top of ear attachment (TEA) landmark
Corresponds with the level of the petrous ridge
Reid's baseline
IOML (infraorbital meatal line)
Junction of the nose and upper lip
Canthomeatal line
Line between outer canthus and eam. Aka OML
Mentomeatal line, line between chin and EAM
Midpoint between the eyes just below the eyebrows
Supraorbital margin
The superior rim of the eye socket located on the frontal bone.
interpupillary line
a line used in positioning to ensure that the skull is in a true lateral position
angle of mandible
glabellomeatal line, line between glabella and EAM
infraorbitomeatal line, line between infraorbital margin and EAM
Infraorbital margin
lower rim of orbit
movement of head as if looking at the sky
movement of the head by turning on an axis to say no
movement of the head forward to touch chin to the chest
head tilt
movement of the head to the side to place vertex on the opposite side of the chin
orbitomeatal line, line between outer canthus and EAM
Mental Point
tip of chin
Outer canthus
where the eyelids meet farthest from the nose
inner canthus
where the eyelids meet nearest the nose