lifespan (psych 141) exam ch. 7-11

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Like most parents and teenagers, Sal, who is 15, and his parents are likely to argue over all of the following issues, EXCEPT?

How much he owes them for rent this month

What is one way that postformal thought differs from formal thought?

It is more individualistic

As adolescents mature, their choices in friends shift from primarily those with shared interests to more relational-based friendships. What is the term for this adolescent preference for those who share similar behaviors and attitudes?


Over the past 25 years, the divorce rate for people over 50 has doubled, and tripled for those over 60, yet Cohen (2018) predicts a fall in divorce rates due to ________ .

increases in educational attainment and the fact that "baby boomers" are simply a divorce prone cohort.

Carol and Greg both retired at 65 by choice. They remain productive in many ways. Which of the following has not been reported to be one of the ways people in late adulthood continue to be productive?

sleeping until midday every day and then watching television.

Harvey, who is suffering from poor health in a nursing home, is told by the doctor that he will probably not live another six months. Harvey tries to remain positive, but visits from his family and friends become more infrequent and the doctors and nurses seem to avoid him. Which aspect of death is characterized by this behavior?


Which of the following best describes Kubler-Ross' five stages of loss?

A framework for understanding the experiences of an individual who is dying

What is the main idea of Arnett's theory of emerging adulthood?

A new life stage has emerged between adolescence and adulthood

What does "emerging adulthood" describe?

A prolonged transitional period into early adulthood

Priya, an 8-year old, is experiencing a major growth spurt. This past year, she has grown 3 inches in height. Which phase of puberty is Priya most likely experiencing?


Which of the following describes the emphasis of most postformal thought theories?

Adults' ability to tolerate ambiguity, accept contradictions, and find new problems.

What is the difference between complicated grief and disenfranchised grief?

Complicated grief involves a distinct set of maladaptive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, while disenfranchised grief refers to grief that must be hidden

Essie is an 86-year-old woman who tries to function independently but has suffered for several years with forgetfulness, especially with recent memories. She has trouble finding her car in the parking lot after grocery shopping. The store managers have called her children to come and help her. She has been known to forget her way home at times. Her children worry that she may have a form of dementia called ________.

Alzheimer's disease

A midlife adult who is struggling with generativity would be described as someone experiencing stagnation. How might this be described?

An absence of involvement, inclusivity, and concern for others.

Which of the following describes a key feature of Strobe and Shut's (1999) model of grief?

An ongoing set of processes that relate to both loss and restoration.

________ describes the experience of men during the climacteric.


Which of the following correctly describes anticipatory grief?

Anticipatory grief occurs when the loss is expected.

Xavier tends to be uncomfortable being close to others and finds it difficult to depend on anyone. When he feels like anyone is getting too close, he gets nervous, and his romantic partners often want him to be more intimate than he is comfortable with. What type of attachment style does this reflect?


Which of the following statements describes the relationship between race/ethnicity, and hospice care?

Beliefs about hospice care and its practices vary between races and ethnicities

Which of the following describes a difference between bereavement and grief?

Bereavement is external, while grief is internal.

Which of the following describes an example of passive euthanasia?

Ceasing to provide the individual with food or other necessities to live.

Which of the following describes a key finding in regards to relationship differences between couples that have children and couples that do not?

Couples with children tend to report lower levels of marital quality.

Which of the following describes a key theme in Levinson's theory?

Creating and recreating plans.

Which of the following describes a change that has occurred in recent times in regard to dating and going on dates?

Dates have become less formal.

Which of the following accurately describes intellectual pain?

Declining memory and the loss of ability to recognize others

Nancy is in her early 60s and nervous about growing old because she doesn't want to be limited in her daily functioning or lose her memory or judgement. How might you reassure Nancy about her fears?

Dementia is not inevitable; while 10% will develop dementia in their lifetime, less than half of people above age 84 will have it.

The use of metaphor and analogy is an indication of which stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

Formal operational

Ralph wants to drop out of high school so he can start making money in the real world. What is the main problem with this ambition?

He may have fewer job opportunities without a diploma

Which of the following is usually included in hospice care?

Help for family members coping with grief and bereavement

Lee has always enjoyed swimming. He is currently going through puberty. What kind of changes in his swimming abilities is he likely experiencing?

Increased lung capacity and endurance

Which of the following describes a global trend in marriage?

Individuals are marrying later in life or not at all.

According to Sternberg's theory of love, a relationship that includes strong displays of caring, closeness, and emotional support would be said to have a high level of which component of love?


Which of the following statements is true about physical development throughout early adulthood?

It begins at its peak, then tends to begin declining due to inevitable effects of aging.

How does the fading affect bias work to influence the way in which surviving individuals perceive death?

It causes negative events to lose intensity faster than positive events.

Which of the following distinguishes palliative care from regular medical treatment?

It has a more holistic focus than regular medical treatment

One reason for hearing loss at this time of life is otosclerosis, which affects women more than men, for reasons unknown. How does it affect hearing?

It impedes the movement of sound from middle to inner ear due to abnormal bone growth in the middle ear causing rigidity and thus an obstruction.

Which of the following describes a key feature of Worden's (1991) model of grief?

It involves four different tasks that must be successfully completed to resolve the grief, including (a) accepting that the loss has occurred, (b) working through and experiencing the pain associated with grief, (c) adjusting the the changes that the loss created in the environment, and (d) moving past the loss on an emotional level

Which of the following statements about Arnett's "emerging adulthood" concept is true?

It is meant to describe the lives of many 18-25 year olds in our society today.

James is 14 and most of his peers have already started puberty, and he's feeling left behind, labeled as a "late bloomer." James may have an increased risk for what?

James has a higher risk of being bullied

According to Patterson's aggression theory, if Kara is termed a "late starter," and she started acting out as a form of rebellion in high school, what is the most likely outcome for Kara as an adult?

Kara will likely grow out of aggressive behaviors as an adult when she finds another outlet for her energies

Significantly more men repartner after "gray divorce"—22% of women and 37% of men. Women live longer than men, but this would not account for this difference in ratio. What two reasons are given to describe this large numerical difference?

Men prefer to repartner with younger women, older women often prefer to retain their autonomy at this age and are unwilling to to adopt another caring role.

Teen movies often contain the trope of the nagging parent trying to wake up their sleepy teenager. Why is this so common?

Most teens get too little sleep

Marcus lifts weights every day. He takes nutritional supplements and steroids, but he never seems satisfied with his muscular progress. Marcus is displaying signs of what disorder?

Muscle dysmorphia

What is the most common female factor in infertility cases?

Ovulation disorder

Richard has developed a set of ethics based on personal beliefs and universal values. What stage of Kohlberg's moral development is Richard displaying?


Jane, a senior in high school, finds a diary she kept her freshman year. Reading through it, she laughs at an event she'd chronicled as "the most embarrassing moment in her life," an event she hardly remembers now. What part of her brain has developed more fully in the intervening time to change her perspective?

Prefrontal cortex

Parent-child relationships shift during adolescence as teens become more independent. If parents strongly resist any change in roles and tighten control over teens, attempting to manipulate their child's thoughts and actions, what is this an example of?

Psychological control

Sam and Andy, both 18, have been dating for a year, and they have decided to have sex for the first time. In terms of physical health, what should their primary concern be, and how should they protect against this concern?

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs); condoms

What is the difference between social death and psychological death?

Social death occurs when individuals withdraw from the dying individual, while psychological death occurs when the individual withdraws from others.

According to attachment theory, what has been found to influence attachment in adult relationships?

Styles of caregiving

Which of the following is the description used by developmental psychologists to categorize the "oldest old"?

They are frail and in need of care

There is now increasing evidence about the harmful effects of chronic inflammation in general. It is implicated in a whole series of degenerative illnesses. What diet is recommended in helping to avoid this?

The Mediterranaean Diet

The decline in relationship satisfaction over time has been explained as "a return to a hedonic set-point". How is the latter understood?

The idea that people have a baseline of personal happiness that is largely set by personality traits, and that they will return to this baseline regardless of positive and negative events in their life.

What are personal control beliefs?

The idea that the individual can dictate outcomes in a specific situation.

If socioemotional selectivity theory is based on the perception of time left, then Baltes SOC theory of "successful aging" is based on

The inner resources and drive of the individual choosing options and confronting circumstances.

Which of the following describes the difference between the authority stage and the interpretative stage of parenthood?

The parental role changes from creating rules and guiding behavior, to helping their children interpret their social experiences.

Which of the following accurately describes Dame Cicely Saunders' view on the pain experienced by dying individuals and their families?

These individuals experience multiple types of pain that go beyond physical pain

Which of the following is the description used by developmental psychologists to describe the functional age of the "young old"?

They live independently and are healthy and active

What is a major function of ceremonies such as funerals and memorial services?

They provide the surviving individuals with a sense of closure.

Amanda is a "jock" and Sophie is a "nerd." Robert plays the tuba, so of course, he's a "band kid." What function do these categories serve?

They serve as reputations or "images"

Contrary to popular culture that often depicts teenagers as individuals who only think of themselves, during the formal operational stage, thinking patterns change in what ways?

Thinking patterns become more abstract and less egocentric

Socioemotional selectivity theory is connected to the idea of "mortality salience." What does this mean?

This is the idea that humans are aware of the inevitability of their own death and adopt thoughts and behaviors which seek to deny or suppress such knowledge.

What is a major goal of hospice care?

To help dying patients be as free from pain as possible

________ is a form of diabetes characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and relative lack of insulin.

Type 2 diabetes

Isabel was in good health until she noticed an increase in osteosarcopenia in her mid-60s. What is osteosarcopenia?

a disease that includes the loss of muscle mass and bone mass density

Which of the following are the two current top causes of death that are not related to physical illness?

accidents and suicides

Which of the following describes an example of active euthanasia?

administering a lethal dose of medication to someone who wishes to die

Bonnie is a 65-year-old woman who has difficulty managing simple, everyday tasks because of painful swelling of the joints in her hands. Bonnie has most likely been diagnosed with ________.


Jill is 10 years old, but she's already a few inches taller than most of her classmates, she's had her first period, and she is beginning to develop breasts and hips. This early development places Jill at risk for all of the following psychosocial problems, EXCEPT?

bipolar disorder

According to Erikson, middle adulthood should be associated with which of the following qualities or virtues?

care for others

Which of the following is a major risk associated with weight gain during early to middle adulthood?

chronic disease

Mark and Eric have a relationship in which the individuals have made a decision to stay together and work to keep their love going. According to Sternberg's theory of love, their relationship would be said to exhibit which component of love?


Denise has been retired for 12 years and is 72 years old. She is having a conversation with her daughter, discussing plans to do different things with each of her grandchildren during the summer vacation. She loves spending time with them and values her friendship with them. What style of grandparenting characterizes the type of grandparent Denise must be?

companionate grandparent

A person's subjective age can change on a

daily basis

An 85-year-old man, George, is demonstrating serious memory loss, lessened intellectual ability, and impaired judgment. What diagnosis is George likely to receive from a doctor?


Mila's friends all seem to know what they want to do after they graduate high school, but she feels alone in not knowing. She doesn't know what she wants to do, and she's not ready to start thinking about it yet. According to Marcia, what is Mila's identity status?


Mary at age 80 loves her independence, but lately she has been involved in more car accidents, although minor and mostly due the constant switching of attention when there is a lot of traffic. To explain Mary's challenges, new research may point to problems in ________ among older adults, when it comes to activities such as driving.

divided attention

Arnett proposed the following concept/stage to describe recent increases in ages when some individuals in our society take on adult roles such as establishing their own households, finishing their education, and having children:

emerging adulthood

When Cece graduates from high school, she's determined to take all of the required classes to become an occupational therapist. Which developmental task is Cece fulfilling?

establishing a career

Paula's children have moved out of the house and she now has two young grandchildren. She finds herself often thinking about how she can pass on her legacy to them and decides to be more involved in their lives, as well as in the community. Paula's behavior coincides with how John Kotre (1984) defined generativity as a ________.

form of investment.

Socio-emotional selectivity theory (SST) states that our goals and priorities usually change in midlife. Rather than long term goals, we become more concerned with life-satisfaction in the present. This in linked to a belief that

future time is limited.

Ria was born a biological female, but he has always felt and identified as masculine, and male. What construct does Ria's identification as male address?

gender identity

The ancient Greek city state of Sparta was ruled by a Gerousia. A Gerousia was a council made up of members who were at least 60 years old and served for life. The political power within the ruling class accumulates with age, making the oldest the holders of the most power. In many preindustrial societies, the elderly still have influence and power and their vast knowledge is respected. This type of political and social structure is known as a ________.


According to research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, chronic disease is especially a concern in the elderly population in America. It is estimated that at least 80% of older Americans are currently living with some form of a chronic condition, with 50% of this population having two or more chronic conditions. ________is the leading cause of death from chronic disease for adults older than 65.

heart disease

The University of California in its report on the "sandwich generation" (2014) reckoned that federal and state services, hospitals and social workers, and primary physicians provided less than 20% of total care for the long-term sick and disabled. What makes up the remaining 80%?

informal care

Jay is 72-years old and is someone who sees himself as having lived a satisfying and successful life. He is grateful to have had a good career at the division of motor vehicles for over 40 years, and even more grateful for the loving family he has. He coached his children and grandchildren in football. Even now, he babysits his great grandchildren and does activities with them as well. His life has been filled with productivity, or according to Erik Erikson, ________.


Family members, primarily women, often perform a valuable function in keeping other family members informed about the well-being of other family members. This creating, maintaining and monitoring function informs other family members when others need emotional and physical support. This has come to be known in the academic literature as ________.


Joe is 70 years old and recalls names of teachers or classmates from when he was an adolescent, but has difficulty remembering information presented quickly and orally, such as complicated instructions. His ________ memory seems to be intact, but his ________ memory is showing decline.

long-term; working

If Sandra is 82 years old, which terminology would demographers use to describe her?

old old

Ezekiel is 88. According to demographers, which age category is he in?

oldest old

Maria is 65 years old. She is retired but worked as weaver—work which is quite physically demanding. Although Maria doesn't practice any sports or go to the gym, she is constantly on the move. She does all household chores alone, mainly because she has no one to help her. She admits, "Two years ago I moved a double mattress on my own and I broke a vertebra, and from then on I had to start taking calcium. Her doctor told her that her bones had become brittle, fragile and thin. The doctor most likely diagnosed Maria with what condition?


Janae and Elliot have a relationship in which physical attraction and sexual arousal are prevalent. According to Sternberg's theory of love, their relationship would be said to have a high level of which component of love?


Saaeda notices that her eyesight is not quite as sharp as it used to be. This is caused by a slight weakening of the muscle around her eyes as she is gets into her fifties. This is known as


Anna Mae is 72 years old. She recently became a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity when a project was introduced to her group of friends at the Senior Community Center where she was already involved in tutoring school children in reading and math. This is just an example of how people in late adulthood continue to be ________ in many ways.


Friendships tend to be an important influence in life satisfaction during late adulthood. Friends may be more influential than family members for many older adults. Which of the following theories supports the idea that as people age, friendships are not formed in order to enhance status or careers, but may be based purely on a sense of connection or the enjoyment of being together ?

socioemotional selectivity theory

Lane has felt lately like nothing in life can go right, and he expresses to a friend that he thinks maybe he should just end it all. What is Lane expressing?

suicide ideation

Ghislieri and Gatti (2012) identify "generative leadership" and "intergenerational transfer" as key to the future economic success of countries like Italy. What is generative leadership?

the passing of entrepreneurial and organizational skills to a future generation

Ramscar et al, (2014) did research to find that a decline in information processing speed is not necessarily indicative of a decline in cognitive capability. They do not deny that older adults take longer to process information in the manner indicated by the tests, only that this is the result because

the same cognitive mechanism processing different quantities of information.

Which race is currently the most prevalent among the individuals using hospice care services?


Mary worked in customer service for 40 years. She was known to be insightful and able to overcome obstacles that she encountered on a daily basis. She retired from her management position at the age of 65. Now, as a volunteer at a polling bureau, she puts her ability to use common sense and good judgment in making decisions to good use. Which ability, common to many older people but not all, is Mary displaying ?


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