Literature Semester 2 Unit 2 Vocabulary Words

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(adj.) cautiously, with great care


(adj.) easily bent, flexible; easily influenced

What are some synonyms for the word VERBATIM?

(adj.) exact (adv.) precisely


(adj.) experimental in nature; uncertain, hesitant


(adj.) intended to deceive or entrap; sly, treacherous


(adj.) not combed; untidy; not properly maintained; unpolished, rude


(adj.) not easily moved mentally or emotionally; dull, unresponsive

What are some antonyms for the word VERBATIM?

(adj.) paraphrased (adv.) N / A


(adj.) wealthy, luxurious; ample; grandiose


(adj., adv.) word for word; exactly as written or spoken


(n.) a hint, indirect suggestions


(v.) to say again, repeat

Which sentence uses UNKEMPT correctly?

According to my parents, the latest fashion trend makes me and my friends look _______

What are some synonyms for the word WARILY?

Carefully, prudently, gingerly

What are some synonyms for the word INTIMATION?

Clue, indication, inkling

What are some synonyms for the word INSIDIOUS?

Cunning, underhanded, perfidious

What are some antonyms for the word TENTATIVE?

Definite, conclusive, confirmed

Which sentence uses REITERATE correctly?

Effective speakers often _______ An important statement for emphasis

What are some antonyms for the word STOLID?

Emotional, oversensitive, high strung

What are some antonyms for the word INSIDIOUS?

Frank, ingenuous, above board

What are some synonyms for the word STOLID?

Impassive, phlegmatic

Which sentence uses INSIDIOUS correctly?

Investigators uncovered an _______ scheme to rob people of their life savings

What are some antonyms for the word INTIMATION?

N / A

What are some antonyms for the word REITERATE?

N / A

Which sentence uses VERBATIM correctly?

Newspapers can publish the _______ text of a speech He repeated _______ the words of the oath

What are some antonyms for the word OPULENT?

Poverty-stricken; wretched, destitute

What are some synonyms for the word TENTATIVE?

Provisional, inconclusive

What are some antonyms for the word WARILY?

Recklessly, heedlessly

What are some synonyms for the word REITERATE?

Restate, rehash, recapitulate

What are some synonyms for the word OPULENT?

Rich, lavish, plentiful, abundant

What are some antonyms for the word PLIABLE?

Rigid, inflexible, recalcitrant

What are some synonyms for the word UNKEMPT?

Sloppy ,disheveled, disordered, rough

Which sentence uses PLIABLE correctly?

Spools of _______ copper wire are standard equipment for electricians

What are some synonyms for the word PLIABLE?

Supple, adaptable, resilient

Which sentence uses WARILY correctly?

The hikers made their way _______ up the steep incline

Which sentence uses OPULENT correctly?

The tour guide showed us the _______ living quarters of the royal family

Which sentence uses INTIMATION correctly?

They were too proud to give any _______ of their financial issues

Which sentence uses TENTATIVE correctly?

We have _______ plans, but I am afraid I may have to break them

What are some antonyms for the word UNKEMPT?

Well-groomed, tidy, neat, natty

Which sentence uses STOLID correctly?

_______ people can generally be expected to take most things in stride

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