LM Week 1 Quiz

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Which of the following concepts means that it is ethical to give credit for using the ideas of another person?

*Academic honesty Freedom of information Copyright Fair use Right to privacy

Multiple submissions, submitting the same assignment for credit in two or more courses, can be considered a violation of academic integrity at SUU. According to the SUU Student Handbook, how could you avoid this academic dishonesty behavior?

*Ask for permission from your course instructor to use an assignment you've submitted for another class. Don't worry about it. Change a few things in the paper and go ahead and submit it.

Which of the following statements about plagiarism is FALSE?

*If I download something from the Internet and change only a few words and phrases, I can use that information as my own for class assignments. I can quote passages from papers I find on the Internet for my class assignments if I properly document where I found the information. If I use a substantial amount of information from the Internet without the author's permission for commercial purposes, I have violated copyright law and can be sued.

Information literacy is the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning (ACRL, 2015). This definition mentions the role of information in creating new knowledge. Why is it important to build on existing knowledge? Check all that apply.

*It saves time. *It prevents us from making the same mistakes over and over. We have to acknowledge those who came before. *This is how we make scientific advances.

Fair use is:

A federal statute that limits the number of times a copyrighted work may be used. *An exception in the copyright law which allows someone the right to copy or use copyrighted material without permission. The philosophy that copyrighted material should be priced fairly. A provision in state law that allows free use of state government publications.

Which of the following is NOT protected by U.S. copyright law?

Architectural works Literary works Musical works *Simple facts

What's the best way to determine the academic honesty policy for a particular class?

Email your instructor a few hours before turning in the paper *Look at the course syllabus Ask other students taking the class what the instructor said

Which of the following statements about plagiarism is FALSE?

Taking small bits of information from a website and using it as my own work or to complete an assignment is plagiarism. Giving an incorrect reference for information I use is plagiarism. *If I buy a paper from a website that sells papers, my chance of being caught is small.

True or False: Information Literacy skills will only help me up until graduation; they have no real world application.

True *False

Information literate people ....................... (fill in the blank)

read books. *use information to make decisions. have a college degree. are always right.

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