Lord Arthur Savile's Crime c.1
(of a face) wrinkled or furrowed, as by experience or the endurance of hardship. "...held out a thick _____ hand...."
1. to take hold of suddenly or forcibly; grasp: to ___ a weapon. "and ____ hold of his left (hand)" 2. to grasp mentally; understand clearly and completely: to ___ an idea. 3. to take possession of by force or at will: to ___ enemy ships.
1. to walk with short steps, swaying or rocking from side to side, as a duck. 2. to move in any similar, slow, rocking manner; wobble: The ship ___ into port.
Members of various tribes, chiefly Mongolian and Turkish, who, originally under the leadership of Genghis Khan, overran Asia and much of eastern Europe in the Middle Ages.
Palmistry or chiromancy
Those who practice chiromancy are generally called palmists, palm readers, hand readers, hand analysts,or chirologists.
a hat, usually tying under the chin and often framing the face, formerly much worn by women but now worn mostly by children.
a hollow or concave utensil, as a cup, bowl, pitcher, or vase, used for holding liquids or other contents.
a mixture, esp. of heterogeneous elements; hodgepodge; jumble. "a wonderful ______ of people
a pouting grimace. (Grimace - a facial expression, often ugly or contorted, that indicates disapproval, pain, etc. Also a verb)
a short, swordlike weapon with a pointed blade and a handle, used for stabbing. (Port. punhal)
a temperamental person; a person who takes adulation and privileged treatment as a right and reacts with petulance to criticism or inconvenience.
beadlike; small, globular, and glittering: _____ eyes.
bulky in figure; heavily built; corpulent; thickset; fat: She is getting too stout for her dresses.
either of two small Old World plants, Myosotis sylvatica or M. scorpioides, of the borage family, having a light-blue flower commonly regarded as an emblem of constancy and friendship.
fabric woven with an elaborate design, esp. one having a raised overall pattern.
grave, sober, or mirthless, as a person, the face, speech, tone, or mood: _______ remarks.
high in station, rank, or repute; prominent; distinguished: an ______ statesmen.
moisture condensed from the atmosphere, esp. at night, and deposited in the form of small drops upon any cool surface.
not within reasonable limits
perplexed, bewildered, confused, baffled, mystified, nonplussed, at a loss, clueless, discombobulated, thrown
ragged or worn. "...a very tattered lace shawl."
terror or apprehension as to something in the future; great fear
the action of a person who finds fault with angrily; chides; reprimands; a rebuke; reproof: I got a ___ for being late again.
the quality of being carefree; lack of care or concern; indifference.
to fill (something) by force with more than it can easily hold. 2. to force or stuff (usually fol. by into, down, etc.). 3. to fill with or as with an excessive amount of food; overfeed.
to move spasmodically or convulsively; jerk; jump.
to seize and hold (a position, office, power, etc.) by force or without legal right: The pretender tried to usurp the throne. 2. to use without authority or right; employ wrongfully: The magazine ___ copyrighted material. "...that nowadays ___ the gracious name of gold."
to tremble with a sudden convulsive movement, as from horror, fear, or cold.
1. (often initial capital letter ) the foreseeing care and guidance of god or nature over the creatures of the earth. 2. ( initial capital letter ) God, esp. when conceived as omnisciently directing the universe and the affairs of humankind with wise benevolence.
1. a collection of wild or unusual animals, esp. for exhibition. 2. a place where they're kept or exhibited."...turn her house into a ______" 3. an unusual and varied group of people.
1. a reckless adventure or wild prank. "...a series of reckless _______ 2. an escape from confinement or restraint.
1. covered with a cold, sticky moisture; cold and damp: ____ hands. 2. sickly; morbid: She had a ____ feeling that something was wrong at home.
1. fate or destiny, esp. adverse fate; unavoidable ill fortune: In exile and poverty, he met his ___. 2. ruin; death: to fall to one's ____.
1. not within proper or reasonable limits;immoderate; excessive: "...with that inordinate passion for pleasure..." 2. unrestrained in conduct, feelings, etc.: an ___ admirer of beauty. 3. disorderly; uncontrolled.4. not regulated; irregular: ____ hours.
1. physically weak, as from age or sickness; frail. 2. weak intellectually or morally: a ____ mind. 3. lacking in volume, loudness, brightness, distinctness, etc.: a ____ voice; ___ light. 4. lacking in force, strength, or effectiveness: ____ resistance; ____ arguments. "...____ly unbuttoning..."
1. pleasantly easy to approach and to talk to; friendly; cordial; warmly polite: an affable and courteous gentleman. 2. showing warmth and friendliness; benign; pleasant: an affable smile.
1. the wife or widow of a peer. 2. a woman having in her own right the rank of a peer.
1. to make unclean, dirty, or filthy, esp. on the surface: "...a rather ____ed kid glove." 2. to smirch, smudge, or stain: The ink _____ed his hands. 3. to sully or tarnish, as with disgrace; defile morally: to ___ one's good name.