Luke 7

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Complete, in essence, the following: "Yes, I tell you, and . . ."

". . . more than a prophet"

What did the other guests begin to say among themselves?

"Who is this who even forgives sins?"

Who was sick and about to die?

A centurion's servant (whom his master valued highly)

To whom did two people owe money?

A certain moneylender

Who was being carried out as Jesus approached the town gate of Nain?

A dead person - the only son of his mother

According to Luke, chapter 7, verse 26, what did you go out to see?

A prophet, and more than a prophet

Who brought an alabaster jar of perfume?

A woman in that town who lived a sinful life

Who acknowledged that God's way was right when they heard Jesus' words?

All the people, even the tax collectors

According to Luke, chapter 7, verse 23, who is blessed?

Anyone who does not stumble on account of me (Jesus)

When was a dead person being carried out?

As Jesus approached the town gate (of Nain)

Why did the moneylender forgive the debts of both?

Because neither of them had the money to pay him back

Why do you say, "Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners"?

Because the Son of Man came eating and drinking

Where did a woman in that town who lived a sinful life stand weeping?

Behind Jesus at his feet

What is anyone who does not stumble on account of Jesus?


Who sang a dirge?

Children sitting in the marketplace

Where has Jesus not found such great faith?

Even in Israel

Who has come to help his people?


What did the Pharisees and the experts in the law reject?

God's purpose for themselves

What did Jesus do when he had finishing saying all this to the people who were listening?

He entered Capernaum

According to Luke, chapter 7, verse 33, what do you say?

He has a demon

With what did this woman wet Jesus' feet?

Her tears

In Luke, chapter 7, how much did a centurion value his servant?


According to Luke, chapter 7, verse 11, who went along with Jesus?

His disciples and a large crowd

According to Luke, chapter 7, verse 39, what did the Pharisee who had invited him say to himself?

If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner

Who began to speak to the crowd about John?


Who cured many who had diseases, sicknesses and evil spirits?


Who gave the dead man back to his mother?


Who said, "I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel"?


Situation question: who said it, to whom, and about whom: "I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel"?

Jesus said it to the crowd following him, about the centurion

On whose feet has this woman poured perfume?


Whose feet did the woman wipe with her hair?


Whose feet has this woman not stopped kissing from the time Jesus entered?


What did a woman in that town who lived a sinful life kiss?

Jesus' feet

Than whom is no one born of women greater?


Who came neither eating bread nor drinking wine?

John the Baptist

How does whoever has been forgiven little love?


According to Luke, chapter 7, verse 6, what did the centurion send friends to say to Jesus?

Lord, don't trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof

To whom did Jesus give sight?

Many who were blind

Where did Jesus raise a widow's son from the dead?


What has the centurion built?

Our synagogue

What has this woman poured on Jesus' feet?


What do the blind receive?


Who did not give Jesus a kiss?

Simon (the Pharisee)

Whom did the centurion send to Jesus, asking him to come and heal his servant?

Some elders of the Jews

What did even the tax collectors acknowledge?

That God's way was right

At whose house was Jesus eating?

The Pharisee's

According to Luke, chapter 7, verse 36, where did Jesus go?

The Pharisee's house

Who rejected God's purpose for themselves?

The Pharisees and the experts in the law

Who is a friend of tax collectors and sinners?

The Son of Man

According to Luke, chapter 7, verse 14, who stood still?

The bearers

According to Luke, chapter 7, verse 14, what did he touch?

The bier they were carrying him (the dead person) on

According to Luke, chapter 7, verse 3, who heard of Jesus?

The centurion

Who did not even consider himself worthy to come to Jesus?

The centurion

Who tells that soldier, "Come," and he comes?

The centurion

Who is a man under authority, with soldiers under him?

The centurion himself

What if Jesus says the word?

The centurion's servant will be healed

Who sat up and began to talk?

The dead man

According to Luke, chapter 7, verse 42, what did he forgive?

The debts of both

What is preached to the poor?

The good news

Who found the servant well?

The men who had been sent

Who is greater than John?

The one who is least in the kingdom of God

According to Luke, chapter 7, verse 1, to whom had Jesus finished saying all this?

The people who were listening

According to Luke, chapter 7, verse 4, what did they plead earnestly with Jesus?

This man deserves to have you do this

Who are in palaces?

Those who wear expensive clothes and indulge in luxury

According to Luke, chapter 7, verse 17, where did this news about Jesus spread?

Throughout Judea and the surrounding country

Why did John send two of his disciples to the Lord?

To ask, "Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?"

According to Luke, chapter 7, verse 18, whom did John call?

Two of his disciples

Who owed money to a certain moneylender?

Two people

Who loves little?

Whoever has been forgiven little

What is proved right by all her children?


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