MANA3335 MindTap Assignment: Chapter 12: Communication in Organizations

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During a meeting proposing staff restructuring in the accounting department, the junior accountant frowns and pushes his chair away from the conference table. He slouches and crosses his arms over his chest. What message is the junior accountant expressing nonverbally?

*He is resistant to the discussed changes {By choosing to slouch, frown, and fold his arms across his chest, the junior accountant appears to be cutting off interaction with his colleagues, expressing resistance to the proposed staff restructuring. An upright posture and neutral expression suggest active participation in a discussion}

You are a new manager, and you want to communicate as effectively as possible with your team. Which of the following actions are signs that you are becoming a master communicator?

*When you meet with your team, you ask for and listen to their opinions before talking about your opinions {Effective managers know that communication isn't just about making your point—you want to develop an understanding with others, which means listening to what they have to say, as well as talking to them. Simply thinking about what you will present won't foster an environment for open communication, but actively listening to the ideas of others and then sharing your ideas helps everyone to reach an understanding, which is the chief purpose of communication}

ANN (THINKS TO HERSELF): I don't think this fruit is fresh. ANN (SAYS TO NANCI, THE STORE CLERK): Excuse me, these peaches all seem to have brown spots on them. This speech segment in this first part of the conversation represents _____________ .

*a message

As a new manager, you are responsible for interacting effectively with your team of employees and with all the other employees in your organization. Which of the following actions will help you be more effective, even though many managers are afraid of doing it?

*Asking customers and employees for feedback {Most managers are afraid to ask their customers and employees for feedback, because they fear that they will get bad news. This is unfortunate, as you want to get information about what needs to be fixed in the organization as quickly as possible. Typically, managers have fewer difficulties with the other types of communication listed in this problem}

Which of the following situations are likely to cause poor interpersonal relations? Check all that apply.

*Billie worked her way through state college and continues to struggle to pay off student loans, while most of her coworkers attended private colleges and now vacation at their parents' second homes *Brad believes that when Jason makes a mistake, he often tells their boss that Brad is responsible for what went wrong {Negative interpersonal relations tend to exist when people do not respect each other or simply don't like one another. These conditions are most likely when people have few experiences and interests in common or if they have a history of conflict. Even if Brad is outwardly polite to Jason, he probably feels unfriendly toward Jason. Even if Billie does not begrudge her coworkers' good fortune, she probably feels she doesn't have much in common with them. These coworkers will need to work harder to communicate effectively. Coworkers who share lifestyles or beliefs and who have developed trust through a history of positive interactions tend to communicate well without special effort}

MORGAN (THINKS TO HIMSELF): Sally must have a crush on me! Here, Morgan is the _________ .


Mentally summarizes; weighs the evidence

*Good Listener {Effective listeners capitalize on the fact that they can think quicker than the speaker can talk. They use the thought-speech gap to mentally summarize the speaker's key points and consider the evidence the speaker is presenting}

Has preconceptions

*Poor Listener {Effective listeners avoid premature judgment; they don't stop listening just because they feel a speaker is right or wrong. Ineffective listeners, on the other hand, come into a conversation with preconceptions that get in the way of listening fully. For example, if you start a conversation thinking that your speaker doesn't have expertise in an area, you will be unable to listen to what the speaker actually knows}

FRANK (THINKS TO HIMSELF): I've got to get Ed to do his work faster. FRANK (SAYS TO ED): Ed, let's meet in my office and go over your last project report. In this first part of the communication, Frank's transition from thought to speech represents _________ .


Listens to central themes

*Good Listener {Effective listeners listen for ideas. One way to do this is to listen for the central themes of the speaker's communication}

As a project manager, you have to follow the flow of the project from start to finish, communicating with the team as needed and ensuring each person completes their work on schedule when needed. Some team members will interact with the project multiple times before the project is complete. Which network type should you choose for the structure of the team?

*Wheel {Given the scenario described, you should choose to use the wheel structure. The project manager is the center of the wheel and a spoke exists for each team member. As project manager you can communicate with any of the spokes as needed}

ED (THINKS TO HIMSELF): I'll bet Frank really liked my work! After hearing what Frank said, Ed's thought represents _________ .


NANCI (THINKS TO HERSELF): The customer doesn't like our fruit. After hearing what Ann had to say, Nanci's thought about it represents __________ .


MORGAN (SAYS TO SALLY): Sure, Sally. What are we going to see? Morgan incorrectly decoded Sally's message due to __________.

*noise {In this conversation, Sally is the sender of the message, and Morgan receives Sally's message. Morgan decodes Sally's message incorrectly as a result of noise created by Morgan's attitudes and background. Morgan hears what Sally says, but his attitudes and background cause him to interpret her message in a way that she did not intend or expect}

You work with a group of employees who are all in their early 20s. Which of the following methods of communication should you use to effectively stimulate conversation with and between your workers?

*Social media {Many managers are finding that social media is an effective way to communicate with their employees, especially younger employees. Social media not only allows you to communicate directly with people, but also allows them to communicate with each other and actively exchange ideas and feedback}

NANCI (SAYS TO ANN, THE CUSTOMER): I'm sorry, ma'am. Would you like me to check in the back to see if we have some other peaches? In this conversation, Nanci's response to Ann is ___________.

*an oral communication {In this conversation, Ann sends a message to Nanci, indicating that the peaches in Nanci's store have spots. Nanci has to decode what Ann's message means, and she correctly interprets that Ann doesn't like the fruit that is currently on display in the store. Nanci sends Ann feedback, indicating that she has received Ann's message and is willing to take action to resolve Ann's concerns. She uses oral communication as her channel of communication}

You want to keep your manager updated on your activities every week. What is the best way to do this? This is a __________ message, so you should:

*routine *Send your manager an e-mail {Although managers differ in their preferences for how they receive information, in this case, the message you will be sending is routine. It will be more effective to use a less-rich form of communication, such as an e-mail. If you schedule a meeting every week with your manager, he or she may feel like every update is a crisis or a problem to be solved, and that is not your intention}

SALLY (THINKS TO HERSELF): I can't wait to see the new Ron Howard movie tonight! SALLY (SAYS TO MORGAN): Hey, Morgan, do you want to go with me to the movies tonight? In first part of the conversation, Sally is the _________ .


Jim says that the process should be done one way on Monday, but on Wednesday he describes a different procedure. Martin always says, "My door is always open." The trouble is, it is just closed. Jason's team has tried to explain the patterns of failure they've experienced lately, but Jason is a poor listener. Our company relies heavily on acronyms like TQM, ROI, and RPPs, which vendors have trouble understanding.

From top to bottom *Individual *Individual *Individual *Organizational {Barriers to communication can be categorized as individual or organizational. Individual barriers are those that arise from individual characteristics, while organizational barriers are those that arise from the organizational context in which communication takes place. In the table, the individual barriers are inconsistent signals such as saying "My door is always open" when it is not and describing different processes on different days and difficulty communicating caused by the team leader's difficulty in listening. The organizational barrier is jargon in the form of acronyms}

Tunes out dry subjects

*Poor Listener {Effective listeners find areas of interest in whatever they are listening to. If you disengage when the material gets dry or boring, you are likely to miss important content}

You are a member of a project team revising the Nvidia Corporation's ethics policy. The team has representatives from five divisions: Software Engineering, Graphic Design, Business Systems, Demand Planning, and Corporate Communications. You are the Corporate Communications representative and the team's leader. Audra, a member of the project team, suggests that the team review a new draft of the ethics policy. She says the policy will have positive effects on the team's performance and on the organization as a whole. What is the most important message your colleague is trying to convey?

*She wants to present a new draft of the ethics policy {Audra's main message is to inform you that a new policy draft is ready for team review. Her comments about improving team performance are extraneous. Don't let them distract you from the task at hand}

The management by wandering around strategy exposes a manager to information that _________ .

*comes from many sources {By using the management by wandering around strategy, the manager communicates with people at all levels within the organization as well as with people outside the organization, such as vendors and customers. A manager can learn from the perspectives of all these people and gain important insights}

ED (SAYS TO FRANK): Sure, Frank, what time is good for you? This response by Ed represents _________.

*feedback {In this dialogue, Frank must encode his thoughts into speech—he translates what he is thinking into what he is going to say. Ed decodes, or interprets, Frank's speech, and in his verbal message sends Frank feedback that he understands Frank's request to meet}

What can you do to listen more effectively to your colleague?

*Remain objective {Remaining objective will allow you to properly manage the situation. Prejudging Audra's remarks about team productivity or agreeing with her assessment immediately will interfere with your objectivity}

Because of your education in management, you know that informal communication is important for organizations. Which of the following statements is true about organizations?

*Grapevines occur in all organizations {The true statement is that grapevines occur in all organizations. It is natural for informal communication to occur. No matter how wonderful the organization's leadership is, informal communications will take place. The information transferred by the grapevine is actually quite accurate. Walking around enables managers to communicate informally with employees at many levels. It is not a tactic for identifying those spreading gossip}

Communication among employees at social gatherings tends to ______________ , whether the gatherings are sponsored by the employer or not.

*promote a strong organizational culture {Interaction among employees at social gatherings promotes social cohesion and a strong organizational culture. The grapevine exists at all organizations; employees will communicate informally with or without social gatherings. The terms vertical communication and horizontal communication refer directly to communication through the organizational structure, not to informal communication}

All of the department leaders were on an executive retreat over the weekend with the chief operations officer, Stacey. Stacey presented the company's new operations plan at the retreat. During her presentation, she mentioned that the efficiencies gained through equipment acquisition meant the company is currently overstaffed. Some departments will experience lay-offs sometime in the coming months. The plans for staff reduction aren't yet finalized and an official announcement won't be made until a plan is in place. The department leaders don't discuss this with each other, but each informally spreads the word with his or her department on Tuesday. Which type of communication network is this?

*Cluster grapevine chain {Grapevines are a type of information communication chain. There are two types: gossip and cluster. The cluster grapevine occurs when many people tell many other people. The gossip grapevine occurs when one person tells many others. In the scenario, several department managers shared the news with many others. Therefore, the best answer is the cluster grapevine chain. The wheel and all channel structures for formal network structures, not informal}

As a new manager, you want the people in your work group to communicate well. Which of the following are likely benefits of improving interpersonal relations among the people in your department? Check all that apply.

*Employees will be more productive *Managers will be better at motivating their employees *Employees will be happier {Healthy interpersonal dynamics will make employees happier and therefore likelier to stay. It also makes employees more productive because they will work better together. In addition, their managers will understand them better and thus be able choose more effective motivation strategies. Employees with good relationships will be more likely to share their frustrations with each other, and they can provide mutual support in a way that people who don't understand the situation at work as well (such as friends and family) cannot}

You are a management consultant, and Nova Corporation has hired you to help improve communication throughout the organization. One manager expresses skepticism that interpersonal relations are important to organizational performance. Which of the following information will you use to convince the manager that interpersonal relations are worth addressing? Check all that apply.

*Employees with a high need for social affiliation are more likely to get that need met at work if interpersonal relations are healthy *Employees will be able to count on each other for support if they have positive relationships, so the workforce will be more resilient in stressful situations *Employees who communicate well and willingly support each other are more productive than employees who do not {The benefits of positive interpersonal relations include meeting social affiliation needs, supporting employees through stressful periods, and enhancing productivity. Healthy interpersonal relations also help managers better understand and therefore motivate their employees. It is true that positive group dynamics can be a substitute for leadership, if leadership is lacking. If it results in outright insubordination, however, that is a problem, not a benefit}

Jan, a department leader, is at an executive retreat. She notices that Stacey, the chief operations officer, doesn't seem to feel well. Later while on a coffee break, she happens to overhear Stacey on a private call. Stacey is pregnant! She plans to take maternity leave before the new operations plan is executed. Jan knows this is juicy information. She doesn't waste anytime texting her friends back at the office with the news. Which type of communication network does this exemplify?

*Gossip grapevine chain {Grapevines are a type of information communication chain. There are two types: gossip and cluster. The cluster grapevine occurs when many people tell many other people. The gossip grapevine occurs when one person tells many others. In the scenario, one person shares the news with many others. Thus, the best answer is the gossip grapevine chain. The wheel and all channel structures for formal network structures, not informal}

Which of the following situations are likely to bring about good interpersonal relations? Check all that apply.

*Two accountants, Arden and Chloe, both enjoy playing cards and are members of a bridge foursome that plays after work every Thursday *Managers have been bringing their problems to Liam, the human resource business partner, for years, and they believe he is always sympathetic and fair {Positive interpersonal relations exist when people are familiar with each other, feel mutual respect and affection, and enjoy interacting. These conditions are most likely when people have experiences or interests in common and when they have a history of supporting each other. Liam likely has good interpersonal relations with the managers he interacts with, and Arden and Chloe probably feel friendly with each other. Such relations form the basis for good communication. Coworkers who have frequent or severe disagreements or who have very different lifestyles or beliefs need to work harder to develop a positive working relationship}

You will often have multiple ways to communicate a message to another person. Your choice of a communication channel should consider the amount of detail and context the message requires. The richness of a communication channel is determined, in part, by the ability to facilitate rapid, two-way feedback. This means that an instant message will be richer than __________ , because:

*an e-mail *You can respond immediately to what the person is saying {The ability to facilitate rapid, two-way feedback refers to the idea that some forms of communication allow for a faster exchange of information. For example, all forms of face-to-face communication, whether individual or in groups, allow for instantaneous feedback. Instant messages allow for quicker responses than e-mails, because they allow you to chat back and forth in real time rather than sending one message at a time}

Wayne's notes include details that pertain to the characteristics of useful information. His notes about making sure the software is running at all hours of operation are in reference to the ___________ of information.

*completeness {Wayne's notes about making sure the software is running at all hours of operation are in reference to the completeness of information. Complete information is information that is not missing any pieces of data. Making sure the software is running during all hours of operation ensures that no sales go unrecorded, creating a more comprehensive statistical analysis that will better serve the company. Information also needs to be accurate (correct), relevant (applicable to all contexts involved), and timely (available when needed) to be useful. Wayne's notes on making sure the software is running at all hours of operation are not in reference to any of these other characteristics of useful information}

Wayne's notes include details that pertain to the characteristics of useful information. His notes about there being a different customer base at the Main Street and Lincoln Avenue locations are in reference to the ___________ of information.

*relevance {Wayne's notes about there being a different customer base at the Main Street and Lincoln Avenue locations are in reference to the relevance of information. Relevant information is information that pertains to the issue at hand. Breadloaf Bakery is hoping to better identify which items to bake at which times of day, but they also have to take into consideration the fact that they have five different locations that might have different customer demands. As a result, providing reports specific to each location will provide more relevant information for each location's manager. Information also needs to be accurate (correct), complete (not missing any data), and timely (available when needed) to be useful. Wayne's notes on the differences in customer base at each location are not in reference to any of these other characteristics of useful information}

Wayne's notes include details that pertain to the characteristics of useful information. His notes about receiving the purchase reports around the time he puts in supply orders are in reference to the __________ of information.

*timeliness {Wayne's notes about receiving the purchase reports around the time he puts in supply orders are in reference to the timeliness of information. Timely information is information that is available when it is necessary to define a problem or identify potential solutions. Breadloaf Bakery has already defined its problem, and the solutions are to inform the managers what foods to bake at what times. This then informs the details of the supply orders the managers put through; obtaining software reports on sales trends before compiling the supply orders would be ideal. Information also needs to be accurate (correct), complete (not missing any data), and relevant (applicable to all contexts involved) to be useful. Wayne's notes on obtaining reports before he puts in supply requests are not in reference to any of these other characteristics of useful information}

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