Map of the Modern World Study Guide

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What territory is in dispute between India and Pakistan

Kashmir Valley

Name two cities on the Volga River that were captured under the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

Kazan Astrakhan

The President of Sudan is:

Omar Al-Bashir--> He gave Dan--> Oman --> Amen???

Who revived the Polynesian methods of navigation and canoe building?

. Mau Piailug

The type of igneous rock most common on land is . The type of igneous rock most common under the sea is

1. granite 2. basalt

Columbus sailed to the New World by following the to the west and returning with the .

1.Trade Winds 2. Westerlies

Easter Island is so named because the first recorded visit to the island by the Dutch explorer, Jacob Roggeveen, occurred on Easter Sunday. In what year did that landing occur?


In what year did did the Tibetan Rebellion occur, prompting the Dalai Lama to relocate to India?


In 1979, Soviet forces invaded Afghanistan. In what year did they withdraw?


Which of the following statements is/are TRUE about Australian Aborigines? A) They arrived in Australia between 40,000-50,000 years ago. B) They practiced swidden (slash-and-burn) agriculture. C) They migrated to New Zealand by outrigger canoe. D) Throughout history, they have maintained trade and other relations with native peoples of New Guinea. E) Today, they dominate the politics and economics of Australia.

A only

Which of the following factors help(s) explain the rise of the European state system and the overseas expansion of Europe in the Age of Exploration. A) Europe was beyond the reach of the Mongol invasions that triggered the rise of centralized power in Russia and China. B) Europe was never attacked by Muslim armies or Viking raiders, who otherwise would have undermined the security of European society. C) Europe was remote from and periodically cut off via overalnd routes to the sources of luxury goods, such as silks and spices in the Far East. D) Europe is located on the Atlantic Ocean and therefore had easy access to the New World. E) Europe is exceptionally rich in gold, silver and other valuable natural resources that were in great demand in the rest of the world. A, B and C D and E A, C and D B and E C only All of the above None of the above

A, C, D Europe was beyond the reach of the Mongol invasions that triggered the rise of centralized power in Russia and China (A), thus enabling Europe to develop a competitive state system. Europe was remote from and periodically cut off via overland routes to the sources of luxury goods, such as silks and spices in the Far East (C), thus inducing them to take to the seas in search of these luxuries. And Europe is located on the Atlantic Ocean and therefore had easy access to the New World (D), which enabled them to take advantage of the riches of the Americas.

Which of the following features is/are characteristic of the Russian Empire after 1300? A. Strong central government B. Strong commercial class C. Strong military D. Mobile labor E. Limited access to the sea A, C and E B and D A, B and E E only All of the above None of the above

A, C, E

In 2008, Russia and Georgia went to war over what two territories?

Abkhazia South Ossetia

Warsaw Pact countries 1955-91

Albania (withdrew in 1968) Bulgaria Czechoslovakia East Germany Hungary Poland Romania Soviet Union

Who was the author of "The Origin of Contnents and Oceans" and scientist credited with establishing the theory of "continental drift?" And posed idea of Pangea?

Alfred Wegener

What are the countries not in the EU?

Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia Russia Albania, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro; Andorra, San Marino; Switzerland; Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway

Which of the following is associated with the theory of "Development?" A. Comparative advantage B. Free trade C. The International Monetary Fund D. The World Trade Organization E. The Washington Consensus A, C and E B and D A and D C only All of the above. None of the above.

All of the Above

A Hadley cell is: A) A system of air circulation caused by the uneven heating of the surface of the earth by the sun. B) A system that moves air in a north-south direction. C) A factor contributing to the formation of the Trade Winds. D) A factor contributing to the formation of the Westerlies. E) Named after an 18th century British scientist credited with explaining this phenomenon.

All of the above

The collision of tectonic plates can cause or form: Earthquakes Mountains Tsunamis Volcanoes All of the above. None of the above.

All of the above

Which of the following features are characteristic of Africa? A. High plateau B. Steep coastal escarpments C. Volcanic mountains D. Wide sedimentary basins E. Long rift valley A, B and C D and E B, C and E A, C and D All of the above None of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is/are true of Mexican immigrants in the United States: A) The number of immigrants increased sharply after 1970. B) The greatest number are concentrated along the border with Mexico. C) A majority are undocumented. D) Compared to other immigrant groups, they have been less assimilated into American society. E) Their numbers have been declining, because in recent years, the net migration from Mexico to the United States has been negative. A, B and C D and E A, C and E All except E All of the above.

All of the above

Eurozone members

Austria Belgium Cyprus Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Portugal Slovakia Slovenia Spain

The earth's atmosphere is warmed chiefly by: A) Short-wave radiation from the sun B) Long-wave radiation from the earth. C) Thermal energy emitted by volcanoes. D) The collision of gas molecules caused by wind. E) Lightning. A, B and C D and E B, C and D B only All five causes

B only

The Coriolis force: A) Is caused by the revolution of the earth. B) Contributes to the formation of the Trade Winds. C) Contributes to the formation of the Westerlies. D) Contributes to the formation of the Hadley cell. E) Contributes to the formation of the Subtropical High.

B) Contributes to the formation of the Trade Winds. C) Contributes to the formation of the Westerlies.

What is the capital of Myanmar? A. Kuala Lumpur B. Naypyidaw C. Phnom Penh D. Rangoon E. Vientiane

B. Naypyidaw

Which country revolted against Pakistani control in 1971? a. Nepal b. Kashmir c. Bhutan d. Bangladesh


Why is Java so populated?

Because of volcanic soil

______was the president of Argentina, until the inauguration of Mauricio Macri in 2015.

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

What countries of the EU are not a part of NATO?

Finland; Ireland

Who is president of Iran?

Hassan Rowhani

What was the main access route of invaders of South Asia from the west?

Khyber Pass

During the period 1200-1600, the city of Timbuktu was a major center of trade, many of its inhabitants were Muslims, and their mosques were renowned as centers of learning. Today, Timkuktu is located in what Africa country? And what is the capital of that country? Country: Capital:

Mali; Bamako

Which of the following does NOT belong in this list: Fidel Castro Hugo Chavez Mauricio Macri Evo Morales Daniel Ortega

Mauricio Macri Luiz Lula da Silva, who is the only Latin American head of state NOT associated with the leftist policies of the other four.

Who is the prime minister of India

Narendra Modi

Which African country supplies the greatest amount of petroleum to the United States?


Which country is most affected by Boko Haram? a. Niger b. Nigeria c. Zimbabwe d. Kenya


Which of the following regions of China suffers the greatest imbalance between (too many) people and (too little) water Tibetan Plateau Xinjiang North China Plain South China Manchuria

North China Plain

What group, translated as "Students of Islam" in English, seized power in Kabul in 1996 and dominated the government of Afghanistan until 2001?


In 1967, Nigerian Igbo separatists announced the formation of what country?

The Republic of Biafra Biafra. In 1967, Igbo separatists in Nigeria announced the formation of an independent country, the Republic of Biafra. After a civil war that lasted three years and cost hundreds of thousands of lives, Biafra was reunited with Nigeria.

What is the largest hydroelectric dam in China? [1] And on what river is the dam located? [2]

Three Gorges Yangzi River

The first European navigator to complete an all-sea route to the Indian Ocean and back was [name]. He landed on the coast of what is now India in the year [year

Vasco Da Gama; 1498

What is the name of the political movement that opposes Thaksin and Yingluck Shinawatra?

Yellow shirts

The Trade Winds are located in or at the (A), and the Westerlies are located in or at the (B).

equation and 30 degrees; 30 and 60 degrees

Most of the earth's atmosphere is composed of:

nitrogen and oxygen

The build-up of cold air in the region 30 degrees N and S in both hemispheres is called the

sub tropical high

The build-up of cold air in the region 30 degrees N and S in both hemispheres is called the [ ].

sub-tropical high

The Trade Winds are located in or at the (A), and the Westerlies are located in or at the (B). A. Northern Hemisphere B. Southern Hemisphere A. Southern Hemisphere B. Northern Hemisphere A. Subtropical High B. Equator A. Equator B. Subtropical High A. Zone between the equator and 30 degrees N or S B. Zone between 30 and 60 degrees N or S A. Zone between 30 and 60 degrees N or S b. Zone between the equator and 30 degrees N or S A. Arctic Circle B. Antarctic Circle A. Antarctic Circle B. Arctic Circle

A. Zone between the equator and 30 degrees N or S B. Zone between 30 and 60 degrees N or S

The Chancellor of Germany is:

Angela Merkel

What two countries -- and -- went to war over a disputed border in South Asia in 1962?

China and India

What is the organization, established by the United Nations in 1988, to evaluate the risk of climate change caused by human activity?


Where are biggest volcanoes?

In Southeast Asia due to collision of plate tectonics

Factories set up in Mexico to export goods to the United States are called:


The Ring of Fire surrounds what body of water?

Pacific Ocean

Name three rivers that flow from the Himalaya Mountains, across Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, to the sea. Pakistan: India: Bangladesh:

Pakistan: Indus India: Ganges Bangladesh: Brahmaputra

What ethnic group is divided between two different countries by the Durand Line?


The current president of Nigeria is [name].

Muhammadu Buhari--> I could think that Barafra was in Nigeria...Buhari...Barafra

Where is Mt. Kilimanjaro?


The English term "monsoon" is derived from a word in another language which has a meaning that is indicative of the "monsoon" system. What is the language?

Arabic; season

What is the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan and in the area on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border?


During the period, 1500-1800, most of the world's silver was mined in ____ , which is located in what is now ____ .

Potosi; Bolivia

Name two (2) countries that ARE in NATO but are NOT in the European Union.

US and Canada Canada, United States, Iceland, Norway, Turkey, Albania, Croatia.

What South Asian country was established in 1971?


Tibetan dissidents have demonstrated their opposition to Chinese rule by: A. Armed uprisings by mountain tribes. B. Blocking government websites. C. Mass marches in major Chinese cities. D. Self-immolation. E. Suicide bombing of Beijing subways. A and B C and D A, B C and D Correct D only All of the above None of the above

D only

The spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism is called:

Dalai Lama

Who was the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, who is credited with designing the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

Henry Clay

Name two (2) countries that ARE in the European Union but are NOT in NATO:

Ireland Austria Finland Sweden Cyprus Malta

The population of Russia is concentrated in which part of the country? Northeast Northwest Southeast Southwest Center None of the above


During the 16th century, the most important exports from the New World colonies of Spain and Portugal were: 1) 2) .

Spain= silver Portugal= sugar

The body(ies) that has/have contributed funds to bail out Greece and Ireland is/are: A. European Union B. International Monetary Fund C. North Atlantic Treaty Organization D. United States E. World Bank A and B C, D and E B and E C and D A only All of the above

A and B

Which of the following statements correctly describe(s) the Northern and Southern states that fought one another in the American Civil War? A. The climate of the North favored self-sufficient family farming, whereas the climate of the South favored plantations producing cash crops for overseas markets. B. The political balance between North and South that enabled both sides to compromise and remain within the Union was upset when the United States expanded from the relatively wet eastern half of North America to the relatively dry western half. C. There were no geographic limits on the westward expansion of both Northern and Southern economies; both could have expanded all the way to the Pacific coast and were stopped only by the Civil War. D. The North won the Civil War because the electricity produced by Niagara Falls powered northern factories, whereas the South had to rely on water power from the slow-moving Mississippi River. E. The American Civil War began when the North declared war on the South in order to end the practice of slavery. A and B C, D and E A and D B only All of the above None of the above

A and B

Because of the effect of the prevailing high and low pressure systems, we can expect to see higher precipitation near the (A) and lower precipiation near the (B). A. Tropic of Cancer B. Tropic of Capricorn A. North Pole B. Equator A. Northern hemisphere B. Southern hemisphere A. Hadley cell B. Coriolis effect A. Equator B. Subtropical High A. Arctic Circle B. Doldrums A. Trade Winds B. Westerlies

A. Equator B. Subtropical high

A Hadley cell is: A) A system of air circulation caused by the uneven heating of the surface of the earth by the sun. B) A system that moves air in a north-south direction. C) A factor contributing to the formation of the Trade Winds. D) A factor contributing to the formation of the Westerlies. E) Named after an 18th century British scientist credited with explaining this phenomenon. A and B C and D A and E B only All five

All five

Which of the following statements is/are TRUE about the monsoon system? A. The monsoon is a global climate pattern driven by the Subtropical High and the Coriolis Force. B. The monsoon occurs, because in winter, the continents cool off faster and more than the neighboring oceans, while in summer, the continents heat up faster and more than the neighboring oceans. C. The strength of the monsoon is closely related to the rotation of the earth. D. Since the monsoon can occur equally in both winter and summer, it is more accurate to refer to the resultant precipitation as "monsoon rain and snow." E. Monsoons occur in a seven-year cycle, which may be associated with the appearance of locusts in South and East Asia. B only A, B and C D and E C and E A only All five (5) statements. None of the five (5) statements.

B only The monsoon occurs, because in winter, the continents cool off faster and more than the neighboring oceans, while in summer, the continents heat up faster and more than the neighboring oceans. This uneven heating of land and water produces high pressure (cold) and low pressure (warm) centers that drive the monsoon winds offshore in winter and onshore in summer.

Which of the following is NOT part of the Greater Antilles? 1. Bermuda 2. Cuba 3. Haiti 4. Jamaica 5. Puerto Rico

Bermuda The Greater Antilles is a grouping of the larger islands in the Caribbean Sea; Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and the Cayman Islands.

Name the territory that Russia annexed in 2014.

Crimean peninsula

Who is the current President of Mexico?

Enrique Peña Nieto

What three (3) former Soviet Social Republics are now members of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?

Estonia Latvia Lithuania

Republics of the former Soviet union

Former Republics of the USSR that are now independent countries: Russia Estonia Latvia Lithuania Belarus Ukraine Moldova Georgia Armenia Azerbaijan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Ubekistan

In _____ Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of _____, dividing the New World along a meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands.

1494; Tordesillas

Which of the following cities has among the highest per capita GDP in China? A. Beijing B Guangzhou C. Lhasa D. Shanghai E. Urumqi A, B and C D and E Correct A, B and D C and E A only All five cities have equally high per capital GNP. None of these cities has a particularly high GNP.

A B and D Three of these cities, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, are commercial and industrial centers on the coast that have higher levels of economic development than Lhasa and Urumqi, which are both deep in the hinterland.

Which of the following factors explain(s) the early arrival of Spanish and Portuguese explorers in Central and South America? A. The location of the Iberian Peninsula in Europe. B. The fact that North America was already occupied by the British and French. C. Global wind patterns. D. The attraction of tropical products, like sugar, spices and medicinal drugs. E. The search for sea routes to the East. A, B and C D and E A, C and E B only All of the above. None of the above.

A C and E

Which of the following features of European geography support(s) the thesis that this region has been marked by competition among small states that are influenced by their commercial classes, rather than by large landed empires dominated by bureaucrats and military leaders? A. Many high mountains and narrow valleys. B. Broad lowland basins watered by long meandering rivers C. Long, sandy beaches that slope gently into the sea D. Complex coastline marked by peninsulas and inlets E. Numerous active volcanoes A and D B, C and E C and D B only All of the above None of the above

A and D The mountains and valleys fragment Europe internally, favoring the formation of separate states, while the shape of the continent as a "Peninsula of Peninsulas" support the development of commerce and trade.

Which of the following statements is/are true about the tectonic history of South America. A) South America broke off from the super-continent of Pangea around 160 million years ago. B) Owing to tectonic forces, South America is on a collision course with Africa. Fortunately, however, geologists estimate that this will not occur for another 120 million years. C) Tectonic forces are principally responsible for the formation of South America's three most prominent geographical features: the Andes Mountains, the Amazon River basin and the Pampas. D) The formation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is part of a process that has helped to propel South America westward. E) Unlike North America, whose mountains have been formed by the collision of tectonic plates, the Andes have been formed by volcanoes in a process similar to that which accounts for Mount Kilimanjaro in East Africa. A and B C and E A and D B, C and E All of the above None of the above.

A and D A) South America broke off from the super-continent of Pangea around 160 million years ago. YES! D) The formation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is part of a process that has helped to propel South America westward. YES INDEED!

Which of the following attempted and failed to unite Europe under a central authority? A) Charlemagne B) Louis IX C) Napoleon D) Hitler. E) Alexander the Great A and B C, D and E A, C and D C only All None

A, C, and D

Who is the king of Thailand? A. Bhumibol B. Marcos C. Shinawatra D. Sihanouk E. Suharto

A. Bhumibol

n the early 16th century, the Spanish Conquistadors conquered two Native American empires, one in what is now Middle America, and one in South America. Name each of these Native American empires and identify the present-day country in which the capital city of that empire was located. In Middle America, Hernan Cortes conquered the _____ , whose capital city was located in what is now In South America, Francisco Pizarro conquered the _____, whose capital city was located in what is now _____.

Aztecs; Mexico Incas; Peru

The Coriolis force: A) Is caused by the revolution of the earth. B) Contributes to the formation of the Trade Winds. C) Contributes to the formation of the Westerlies. D) Contributes to the formation of the Hadley cell. E) Contributes to the formation of the Subtropical High. A, C and E B and D B and C E only All of the above None of the above

B and C

Which of the following statements about the atmospheric system of North America is/are true? A) The climate of North America is dominated by the Trade Winds, which explains why Christopher Columbus discovered this continent in 1492. B) The center of North America receives less precipitation than either coast, which explains why this region of the "Great Plains" has sparse natural vegetation and less potential for crop agriculture. C) The "rain shadow" east of the Rocky Mountains is caused by the setting sun, whose rays are blocked by these mountains casting a "shadow" across the Great Plains. D) The southeastern United States has a warm, wet climate, which made it suitable for the intense cultivation of cash crops under harsh conditions and thus for the introduction of slavery. E) The Westerlies are strong winds produced by the intense heating of the thick layers of granite that make up the Rocky Mountains of western North America. A and C B and D B and E D only All of the above None of the above

B and D

A civil war occurred in what European country during the period 1992-95: [ ]

Bosnia and Herzegovina

The international conference of 1944 that laid the foundations for the post-World War II international financial system was held in what location:

Bretton Woods, New Hampshire

Which of the following statements best describe(s) the rainfall pattern in Africa? A. Wet in the east, tending toward dry in the west B. Dry in the north, tending toward wet in the south C. Wet in the center, tending toward dry in both north and south D. Wet in winter and dry in summer E. Wet throughout the year, except when the Trade Winds shift direction A and D B and E C and D A only C only E only

C only Excellent. It is very wet in central Africa, and tapers toward dry in both the north (the Sahara Desert) and south (the Kalahari Desert).

The Russian empire expanded to reach the Black Sea under which of the following rulers? Ivan the Terrible Peter the Great Catherine the Great Nicholas II Joseph Stalin

Catherine the Great

Earth Tectonics

Crust: Thin outer shell of the earth composed primarily of igneous rock. Mantle: Layer beneath the crust, composed of partially molten magma. Core: Extremely hot center of the earth. Continent: Portion of earth's crust composed of thick (40 km) layer of light granite ("sial" or silicon and aluminum) that floats on top of heavier "sima." Ocean floor: Portion of earth's crust composed of thin (7 km) layer of heavy basalt ("sima" or silicon and magnesium) that sinks below "sial." Tectonic plate: One of approximately 20 large sections of the earth's crust that diverge, collide with and move relative to one another. Mid-oceanic ridge: Ridge of igneous rock formed by hot magma (lava or basalt) that penetrates thru cracks in the suboceanic crust of the Atlantic, Pacific and other oceans. Seafloor Spreading: Process by which lava and newly formed basaltic rock press outward from the mid-oceanic ridge, causing the separation of adjacent tectonic plates. Continental Drift: Movement of continents that are located on separate tectonic plates. Pangea: Ancient land mass that broke apart, beginning 160 million years ago, to form continents as we find them today. Subduction: Process by which a light continental plate overrides a heavier oceanic plate, pushing the latter down and causing earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building. Example: West coast of North and South America. Continental collision Process by which two continents collide, creating buildup of light (sialic) material to form mountains. Example: Collision of Asia and India to form the Himalaya Mountains. Lateral contact: Process by which two tectonic plates slide past one another, causing earthquakes. Example: San Andreas Fault, California Ring of Fire: Boundary of the Pacific Plate, which is the site of numerous and severe earthquakes and volcanoes.

BONUS QUESTION: On the eve of the American Civil War in 1861, how many "free" states and how many "slave" states were there in the Union? Free states: Slave states:

Free states: 19 Slave states: 15


Geography of Africa Land Mount Kenya= is the highest mountain in Kenya and the second-highest in Africa, after Kilimanjaro. In central Kenya Mount Kilimanjaro= Along border of Kenya and Tanzania Kalahari Desert= is a large semi-arid sandy savanna in southern Africa extending 900,000 square kilometres, covering much of Botswana, parts of Namibia, and regions of South Africa. Cape of Good Hope Cape Verde Horn of Africa Atlas Mountains= extend some 2,500km across northwestern Africa, spanning Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, separating the Atlantic and Mediterranean coastline from the Sahara Desert. Great Rift Valley= the continuous geographic trench, approximately 6,000 kilometres in length, that runs from Lebanon's Beqaa Valley in Asia to Mozambique in South Eastern Africa. Canary Islands Sahara Desert= largest desert; The desert comprises much of the land found within North Africa, excluding the fertile coastal region situated against the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlas Mountains of the Maghreb, and the Nile Valley of Egypt and Sudan. The Sahara stretches from the Red Sea in the east and the Mediterranean in the north, to the Atlantic Ocean in the west Water Congo river= goes all throughout the democratic republic of congo and part of republic of the congo Niger River= WESTERN Africa. Its source is in the Guinea Highlands in southeastern Guinea. It runs in a crescent through Mali, Niger, on the border with Benin and then through Nigeria, discharging through a massive delta, known as the Niger Delta or the Oil Rivers, into the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean. Senegal River= long river in West Africa that forms the border between Senegal and Mauritania. Lake Malawi= an African Great Lake and the southernmost lake in the East African Rift system, located between Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania. Lake Tanganyika= The lake is divided among four countries - Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Burundi, and Zambia--flows into the Atlantic Lake Victoria Gulf of Aden= is a gulf located in the Arabian Sea between Yemen, on the south coast of the Arabian Peninsula, and Somalia in the Horn of Africa. In the northwest, it connects with the Red Sea through the Bab-el-Mandeb strait. Above Somalia Nile River Human Alexandria= in Africa along the water Casablanca= to the left of Rabat-->along water--> Water Suez Canal--> between Egypt and Israel Cape Town= at the very coast--> point of South Africa

Geography of East Asia

Geography of East Asia Land Kunlun Mountains= it forms the northern edge of the Tibetan Plateau south of the Tarim Basin and the Gansu Corridor and continues east south of the Wei River to end at the North China Plain. From center to southern China Tianshan Mountains= lies to the north and west of the Taklamakan Desert and directly north of the Tarim Basin in the border region of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and northwest China. In the south it links up with the Pamir Mountains and to north and east it meets the Altai Mountains of Mongolia. Mount Fuji= south-west of Tokyo; southern Japan Gobi Desert= Mongolia southern Manchuria (Dongbei)= Northeastern China Inner Mongolia= an autonomous region of the People's Republic of China, located in the north of the country, containing most of China's border with Mongolia Taiwan Tibet (Xizang) Xinjiang= is an autonomous region of China in the northwest of the country; where Ugyur's are located Hokkaido= largest and farthest north island of Japan Honshu= central and main island of Japan Kyushu= most southern Japanese island Shikoku= located south of Honshu and east of the island of Kyushu; least populated Japanese island Ryukyu Islands= are a chain of Japanese islands that stretch southwest from Kyushu to Taiwan; not main islands; "southwest islands" Water Heilongjiang (Amur) River= forming the border between the Russian Far East and Northeastern China (Inner Manchuria) Liao River= is the principal river in southern Northeast China, West (Pearl) River= cuts through Vietnam and China; and empties into the South China Sea; is an extensive river system in southern China. Yangtze River= Eastern side of China Yellow River= northeastern China; East China Sea= is a part of the Pacific Ocean and covers an area of roughly 1,249,000 square kilometres (482,000 sq mi). To the east lies the Japanese islands of Kyushu and the Ryukyu Islands, to the south lies the South China Sea, and to the west by the Asian continent; North of Taiwan Sea of Japan South China Sea Yellow Sea= northern part of the East China Sea, which is a marginal sea of the Pacific Ocean; carries sediment from the Gobi desert in Mongolia which causes the water to be yellow Human Chongqing= a major city in Southwest China; more south central china Guangzhou= in far southeastern china; along the pearl river Hiroshima= Hong Kong Lhasa= capital of Tibet region; Nanjing= is a city situated in the heartland of the lower Yangtze River region in China, located in south central eastern China Osaka= Southwestern city of the middle island of Japan of Kansai Shanghai Taipei Wuhan= is the capital of Hubei province,[3] China, and is the most populous city in Central China Urumqi= the capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China[2] in Northwest China Grand Canal=

Geography of Europe

Geography of Europe Land Alps Mountains Appennine Mountains= all throughout Italy Balkan Mountains Carpathian Mountains= long across Central Europe; the Western Carpathians (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia), the Eastern Carpathians (southeastern Poland, eastern Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania), and the Southern Carpathians (Romania, Serbia). Pyrenees Mountains Crete Sicily Water Danube River Dnieper River= rising near Smolensk, Russia and flowing through Russia, Belarus and Ukraine to the Black Sea. Dniester River= is a river in Eastern Europe. It runs first through Ukraine and then through Moldova (from which it separates the breakaway territory of Transnistria), finally discharging into the Black Sea on Ukrainian territory again. Po River= Italy south of florence empties out Rhine River Rhone River= passes through southern france; all throughout france; empties into mediteranean Thames River= through London Seine River= right through Paris Adriatic Sea Aegean Sea Baltic Sea Black Sea Mediterranean Sea North Sea English Channel Bosporus Strait= separates Istanbul and Europe Strait of Gibraltar= separates Spain from Morocco Human Barcelona Frankfort Genoa Milan Munich Venice

North America

Geography of North America Land Appalachian Mountains Rocky Mountains Sierra Nevada Mountains Great Plain Greenland Water Colorado River= Colorado; runs west all the way through the grand canyon and eventually to California Columbia River= Washington State Mississippi River= Mississippi but starts through Minessota and splits country in half Missouri River= joins into the Mississippi River later; begins in Montana and runs all the way down; Rising in the Rocky Mountains of western Montana, the Missouri flows east and south for 2,341 miles (3,767 km)[9] before entering the Mississippi River north of St. Louis, Missouri. Ohio River= streams westward from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Cairo, Illinois, is the largest tributary, by volume, of the Mississippi River in the United States. St. Laurence River= is a large river in the middle latitudes of North America. The Saint Lawrence River flows in a roughly north-easterly direction, connecting the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean and forming the primary drainage outflow of the Great Lakes Basin. Past Lake Ontario forms river into Atlantic Great Lakes Human Boston Chicago Detroit Los Angeles Montreal New York Philadelphia San Francisco Toronto

Geography of Russia

Geography of Russia Land Caucasus Mountains Ural Mountains= are a mountain range that runs approximately from north to south through western Russia, from the coast of the Arctic Ocean to the Ural River and northwestern Kazakhstan Siberia Sakhalin Island= in the North Pacific Ocean. It is Russia's largest island, and is administered as part of Sakhalin Oblast. Sakhalin, which is about one fifth the size of Japan, is just off the east coast of Russia, and just north of Japan. Kurile Islands= northeast from Hokkaido, Japan, to Kamchatka, Russia, separating the Sea of Okhotsk from the North Pacific Ocean. Water Don River= the river first flows southeast to Voronezh, then southwest to its mouth. Volga River= It flows through central Russia and into the Caspian Sea, and is widely viewed as the national river of Russia. Caspian Sea Sea of Okhotsk= marginal sea of the western Pacific Ocean,[1] lying between the Kamchatka Peninsula on the east, the Kuril Islands on the southeast, the island of Hokkaido to the south, the island of Sakhalin along the west, and a long stretch of eastern Siberian coast (including the Shantar Islands) along the west and north. Lake Baikal= is a rift lake in Russia, located in southern Siberia Human Novgorod St. Petersburg Vladivostok

In which of the following cities are you in the GREATEST danger and in which the LEAST danger of suffering an earthquake: Atlanta N'Djamena Dili Paris La Paz Sri Jayawadenapura Kotte Montreal Seoul Melbourne Urumqi

Greatest: La Paz and Dili Least: N'Djamena and Sri Jayawadenapura Kotte Look at the illustration that shows the global distribution of earthquakes (red dots) and volcanoes (black triangles). You will lots of red dots around La Paz, Bolivia and Dili, East Timor, but none near N'Djamena, Chad or Sri Jayawadenapura Kotte, capital of Sri Lanka.

Due to its stable agriculture from Mekong and etc. how does mainland SE Asia differ from Insular or Island Southeast asia?

Has been able to have united long stable rule--> no alluvial plains--> however, can use volcanic soils for agriculture

We would expect the climate of Arizona to be dry, because: It lies within the "rain shadow" of the Rocky Mountains. It is located astride the Subtropical High. It is crossed by the Trade Winds that come off the Caribbean Sea. It opted not to secede from the Union along with the other Confederate States. All of the above. None of the above

It is located astride the Subtropical High.

Middle and South America

Land Sierra Madre Mountains (Eastern and Western Mexico) Baja California (Far western Peninsula of Mexico) Greater Antilles (larger islands in the Caribbean Sea; Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and the Cayman Islands) Lesser Antilles: (between the Greater Antilles to the north-west and the continent of South America---Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago) West Indies- Antilles and Lukayan Archipelago Andes Mountains--throughout Chile Falkland Islands (off the coast of Argentina--UK colony) Galapagos Islands--off coast of Ecuador Cape Horn- off the southern tip of Argentina Pampas= are fertile South American lowlands, covering more than 750,000 km², that include the Argentine provinces of Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Santa Fe, Entre Ríos and Córdoba; most of Uruguay Water Rio Grande River= The Rio Grande is one of the principal rivers in the southwest United States and northern Mexico. The Rio Grande rises from south-central Colorado in the United States and flows to the Gulf of Mexico. Carribean Sea= is a sea of the Atlantic Ocean located in the tropics of the Western Hemisphere. It is bounded by the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico and Central America to the west and southwest, to the north by the Greater Antilles starting with Cuba, to the east by the Lesser Antilles, and to the south by the north coast of South America. Gulf of California= The Gulf of California is a body of water that separates the Baja California Peninsula from the Mexican mainland. It is bordered by the states of Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, and Sinaloa with a coastline of approximately 4,000 km. Gulf of Mexico Amazon River= The Amazon River in South America is the largest river by discharge of water in the world, and the second in length. Brazil, Colombia, Peru Rio de la Plata River= is the river and estuary formed by the confluence of the Uruguay and the Paraná rivers. Straits of Magellan= is a navigable sea route separating mainland South America to the north and Tierra del Fuego to the south Human Guadalajara= is a city in South western Mexico Monterrey= capital of the northeastern Mexican state of Nuevo León, is a sprawling business and industrial center fringed by mountains. San Juan= Puerto Rico's capital and largest city, sits on the island's Atlantic coast. Panama Canal Rio de Janeiro Sao Paolo

Southeast Asia

Lecture 11 Southeast Asia Land Borneo (Kalimantan)= it is located north of Java, west of Sulawesi, and east of Sumatra. Sulawesi (Celebes)= is an island in Indonesia. One of the four Greater Sunda Islands, and the world's eleventh-largest island, it is situated between Borneo and the Maluku Islands. Java= South of Sumatra and the Strait of Malacca Luzon= is the largest and most populous island in the Philippines; Northernmost island of Philippines Mindanao= is the second largest and southernmost major island in the Philippines. New Guinea Sumatra= is an island in western Indonesia and part of the Sunda Islands. It is the largest island that is entirely in Indonesia Paracel Islands= is a group of islands, reefs, banks and other maritime features in the South China Sea Spratly Islands= is a group of islands, reefs, banks and other maritime features in the South China Sea; The archipelago lies off the coasts of the Philippines, Malaysia, and southern Vietnam. Water Chao Phraya River= is a major river in Thailand, with its low alluvial plain forming the centre of the country. It flows through Bangkok and then into the Gulf of Thailand Irrawaddy River= is a river that flows from north to south through Myanmar. It is the country's largest river and most important commercial waterway. Originating from the confluence of the N'mai and Mali rivers, it flows relatively straight North-South Mekong River= From the Tibetan Plateau the river runs through China's Yunnan province, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. Red River= is a river that flows from Yunnan in southwest China through northern Vietnam to the Gulf of Tonki Strait of Malacca= is a narrow, 805 km (500 mi) stretch of water between the Malay Peninsula (Peninsular Malaysia) and the Indonesian island of Sumatra.; South of Malaysia and north of Singapore Human Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)= Southern Vietnam

Check all correct answers: Warm air, as compared with cold air, is: Lighter Heavier More able to absorb water. Less able to absorb water. Associated with low pressure. Associated with high pressure. More important in causing the Trade Winds. Less important in causing the Trade Winds. More likely to cause global warming. Less likely to cause global warming.

Lighter Associated with low pressure. Absorbs more water

In 1324, a West African Muslim king, at that time one of the richest men in the world, made the pilgirmage to Mecca to undertake the hajj. The name of that king was:

Mansa Musa


Members of the European Union Original members of the European Economic Community (EEC), established in 1957: Belgium France Germany Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Joined the European Community (EC), after its establishment in 1967: United Kingdom Denmark Ireland Greece Spain Portugal Joined the European Union (EU), after its establishment in 1993: Austria Finland Sweden Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia Romania Bulgaria

Monsoon system

Monsoon System Siberian High: Large semi-permanent high pressure cell formed over Siberia during Northern Hemisphere winter (January). Monsoon: Seasonal windflows onto and off of certain landmasses."Monsoon" is derived from Arabic word, mawsim, for "season." Dry Monsoon: Dry offshore winds of winter, produced by pressure gradient between high pressure zone of cold dry air over landmass and low pressure zone of warm air over ocean. Wet Monsoon: Moist onshore winds of summer, produced by pressure gradient between high pressure zone of cold moist air over ocean and low pressure zone of warm air over landmass.

Most of the earth's atmosphere is composed of: Oxygen and carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide and methane Nitrogen and oxygen Nitrogen and argon None of the above

Nitrogen and Oxygen

The energy that moves tectonic plates comes from: Coriolis force Emission of magma from beneath earth's crust Ocean currents Solar radiation All of the above None of the above

None of the above

Which of the following statements about the atmospheric system of South America is/are true? A) Moist air carried by the Trade Winds from the Pacific Ocean is forced up by the Andes Mountains, causing the moisture to condense and fall as rain and snow, which provides the water for the Amazon River. B) The heating of the land mass of Middle and South America, which lie within the tropics, accounts for the mass of warm air that causes hurricanes in Florida and the southern United States. C) Air flows in the region of the Amazon River are random and changing, which is why navigation on the River is difficult and population density in this region low. D) European exploration of the Brazilian coast occurred later than that of Middle America and the Caribbean, because Portuguese explorers had to sail against the Trade Winds in their attempts to reach the New World. E) The Pampas are dry, because they lie at the southern end of South America, closest to Antarctica, where so much potential rain water is tied up in ice. A, C and E B and D A and D C only All of the above. None of the above.

None of the above


Original members of NATO established in 1949 Belgium Canada Denmark France Iceland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Portugal United Kingdom United States Joined NATO during the Cold War, 1949-1991 Greece Turkey West Germany Spain Joined as part of "NATO enlargement," after the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 Albania Croatia Czech Republic Hungary Poland Bulgaria Estonia Latvia Lithuania Romania Slovakia Slovenia

The super-continent that included all land forms 160 million years ago is called


Name the three major mountain chains that extend across southern Europe from west to east: West, on the border between France and Spain: Center, in northern Italy, Switzerland, and Austria: East, on the borders of Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine:

Pyrenees Alps Carpathian Mountains

What flower did Georgian protesters carry, when they entered the parliament building in 2004?


Which of the following countries is LEAST dependent on the export of raw materials? A. Nigeria B. Sudan C. Rwanda D. Angola E. Zambia A. Nigeria B. Sudan C. Rwanda D. Angola E. Zambia


What Crimean port is home to the Russian Black Sea Fleet?


The atmosphere

Solar radiation: Transmission of energy from the sun in the form of electromagnetic waves. Atmospheric pressure: The weight of a column of air at a given location. High pressure: The effect produced by relatively colder, heavier air. Low pressure: The effect produced by relatively warmer, lighter air. Pressure gradient: The difference in pressure between two locations, causing air to move as wind from areas of high pressure to low pressure. Subtropical high: A belt of high pressure located at approximately 30o N and 30o S, which pushes heavy subsiding air outward toward both north and south. Coriolis force: The force that, owing to the rotation (spin) of the earth, deflects objects to the right (clockwise) in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left (counter-clockwise) in Southern Hemisphere. Trade winds: Easterly winds, located between the equator and 30o N (Northeast Trades) or S (Southeast Trades), that are produced when air moving from the Subtropical Highs in both hemispheres toward the equator is deflected by the Coriolis Force toward the west. Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ): A low-pressure belt of rising air along the equator fed by the convergence of Northeast and Southeast trade winds. Westerlies: Belts of prevailing westerly winds, located between 30o and 60o N and S of equator, that are produced when air moving the Subtropical Highs in both hemispheres toward the the poles, is deflected by the Coriolis force toward the east. Note: Westerlies and Trade Winds occur in both hemispheres; they are produced by the same forces; and they mirror one another.

Which of the following best describes the topographical profile of China Low altitude in the north, along the Great Wall, ascending to high mountains in the south. Low mountains along the coast, surrounding a broad interior basin, which is the breadbasket -- or more correctly, ricebasket -- of China. Step-like rise from low alluvial plains in the east, through mid-level plateau and mountains in the center, to high plateau in the west. Series of steep hills, which have been terraced to form rice paddies. A high plateau throughout China proper, which has facilitated inland communication and hence the unification of the empire for over two thousand years.

Step-like rise from low alluvial plains in the east, through mid-level plateau and mountains in the center, to high plateau in the west.

What are the capitals of Sudan and South Sudan? Sudan: South Sudan:

Sudan: Khartoum South Sudan: Juba

Columbus sailed to the New World by following the [1] to the west and returning with the [2].

Tradewinds; Westerlies

Xinjiang is the home of what native ethnic group?


The first European navigator to complete an all-sea route to the Indian Ocean and back was . He landed on the coast of what is now India in the year .

Vasco da Gama 1498

What is the capital of Laos? A. Jakarta B. Kuala Lumpur C. Luang Prabang D. Phnom Penh E. Vientiane


What term describes the process by which one tectonic plate slides beneath a neighboring plate to produce earthquakes, volcanoes, and the formation of mountains?


What people founded the city of Kiev in the 9th century C.E.?

the Rus

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